Updated Nov 1, 2024. Tribulus terrestris has been around for years and continues to be one of the most popular natural testosterone boosters out there. It's in MANY dietary supplements. So, does it build muscle or boost testosterone levels – or is it a scam? Does it have any side effects? In this review, you will learn the results of the clinical studies on this herbal ingredient. Is it safe? Let's see what the research says.
What Is Tribulus Terrestris?
Tribulus (also called puncture vine), is a plant that is found throughout the world. The term puncture vine stems from rumors that the plant’s thorns are able to puncture bicycle tires. The word Tribulus is Latin for “to tear”, another reference to the plant's ability to do damage.
Trivia: the name refers to a medieval weapon called a caltrop that was thrown on the grown during warfare to stop enemy horses from advancing. The caltrop was the forerunner of tire spikes, used by law enforcement agencies around the world to puncture car tires.
Tribulus Testosterone Clinical Studies
The theory behind this herb is it's supposed to elevate luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn sends instructions to the testes causing them to make testosterone. More LH means more testosterone is made. And, as most know, higher testosterone levels might mean more muscle growth, energy, better erections etc.
Tribulus Research Video
Here's a quick video I made to summarize some of the studies below
In theory, it all sounds plausible but is it true? Let's look at some of the clinical studies.
Study 1
In one study, researchers tested the herb in 24 elite rugby players. The players were split into 2 groups. One group got a placebo, while the other received 450 mg of Tribulus Terrestris. All subjects performed the same weight-lifting exercise program, and the study lasted five weeks.
- No change in muscle mass or strength
- No decrease in body fat
- No change in testosterone levels
- No change in the testosterone to estrogen ratio (TE Ratio)
Study 2
Prior to this, other researchers gave either Tribulus -or a placebo – to 15 healthy weight lifters (18 – 35 years of age). The amount used in this study was 3.21 mg per kilogram of body weight.
How much is that?: A kilogram is 2.2 pounds. So, if you weighted 180 pounds, this equals 82 kilograms. For an 82 kg person, the amount would be 82 x 3.21 mg = 263 mg of the herb.
All subjects performed the same weightlifting program 3 days per week
- Tribulus did not promote any significant changes in body weight, and it did not reduce body fat.
- Both groups – the placebo group and the Tribulus group – improved strength and endurance.
- Those getting the placebo showed MORE muscle endurance (that's weird!)
Those taking the placebo could do more repetitions on the bench press and leg press than did those who received the supplement. Those taking Tribulus did improve their muscle endurance -but only on the leg press- and the improvement was less than those who got the placebo. This study did not measure testosterone levels.
Study 3
This investigation involved a supplement called Andro 6. This supplement contains many ingredients in addition to the 750 mg of Tribulus. The men took either a placebo or Andro 6 for 8 weeks. All worked out three days per week.
- The Andro 6 supplement did not raise testosterone levels or make people stronger.
- Androstenedione, however, was elevated after Andro 6 supplementation.
This study did not specifically say that Tribulus didn't work. Rather, it found that the supplement Andro 6 didn't work.
Andro 6 contained several ingredients (Saw palmetto, DHEA, androsteinedione etc.) in addition to tribulus. In theory it could be possible that the other ingredients in Andro 6 suppressed tribulus, but that is pure speculation.
Study 4
In this interesting investigation, researchers looked not only at testosterone levels but also at sperm quality. This may help couples trying to get pregnant. Researchers involved 30 men with unknown fertility problems who were randomly given either a placebo or 750 mg a day of Tribulus Terrestris for 3 months.
- No change in total testosterone, free testosterone, or luteinizing hormone.
- Tribulus did not produce any benefits to sperm concentration or sperm mobility.
Tribulus /Testosterone Research Summary
Here's a quick rundown of human studies.
Study | Subjects | Amount of Tribulus Used | Results |
The effect of five weeks of Tribulus terrestris supplementation on muscle strength and body composition during preseason training in elite rugby league players | 24 rugby players | 450 mg/day for 5 wks | no change in strength or testosterone or body fat |
The effects of Tribulus terrestris on body composition and exercise performance in resistance-trained males | 15 weight lifters | 3.21 mg/kg of body weight for 8 weeks | no change in body weight or fat loss. no better strength improvements over placebo. |
Effects of anabolic precursors on serum testosterone concentrations and adaptations to resistance training in young men | 20 young men | 750 mg (contained in Andro 6 supplement) | No change in testosterone or strength vs placebo |
Prospective Analysis on the Effect of Botanical Medicine (Tribulus terrestris) on Serum Testosterone Level and Semen Parameters in Males with Unexplained Infertility | 30 men with unknown fertility issues. | 750 mg for 3 months | No change in total testosterone, free testosterone, luteinizing hormone or sperm motility |
Can Tribulus Help Women?
Study 1
What about women who take this herb? Can it help them? In a small study, researchers gave the herb to 2 women (yes, just two women) for two days to see what would happen. The women took 1500 mg per day.
- Tribulus did not alter testosterone, luteinizing hormone, DHEA or testosterone.
Study 2
Researchers gave 7.5 mg of Tribulus -or a placebo – to 60 women with low sex drive for a month. The amount used was 7.5 mg per day.
Women filled out before and after questions and said the herbal ingredient helped them. The researchers, unfortunately, did not measure any hormones.
Study 3
This 3-month investigation involved 40 premenopausal women who were given either a placebo or 750 mg of Tribulus Terrestris. Women filled out questionnaires of sexual functioning and they also measured testosterone levels too.
- Both the Tribulus and placebo groups scored similarly to each other on sexual functioning questionnaires.
- Tribulus did not raise total testosterone
- Tribulus did raise free testosterone and serum testosterone
An issue with this study was that 24 of the 40 women were excluded from the study results. That's over a 50% dropout rate. This may have played a role in the outcomes.
Tribulus And Libido
Does Tribulus improve erections or help men have better sex? Given the reputation this herb has for raising testosterone, it's natural it would be used in male enhancement supplements, too. So, does it work?
Study 1
Researchers gave 750 mg of Tribulus per day to 30 men complaining of having issues associated with low T and ED. The study lasted 3 months.
- Tribulus significantly raised total and free testosterone but not the Luteinizing hormone.
- Men also reported -that they had better erections.
This study had no placebo group. Since Tribulus is rumored to raise Luteinizing hormone, it's odd the study did not show this, in spite of seeing a boost in testosterone levels.
Non-Human Research
- Researchers gave the herb to 8 rabbits. The herb was noted to improve erections in rabbits.
- In another investigation, the herbal extract was noted to improve sexual activity in “sexually sluggish” lab rats.
Lab animal is interesting but it's not as important as human clinical research.
Tribulus vs. Testofen
Testofen is a patented extract from the fenugreek herb. Some research suggests fenugreek/testofen extract may raise anabolic hormone levels in men. Research comparing tribulsus vs testofen cannot be located. See this video for the testofen-testosterone proof.
Tribulus Side Effects
I'm not sure about long-term safety. Most studies do not last very long. While it may be safe in healthy people, I noticed a strange side effect when I took this supplement for a few weeks. See my experiment with Tribulus for more info.
Here are some basic considerations when taking this supplement. This list is not complete:
- Start with less than recommended for the first week.
- Don't take this supplement if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Stop taking the supplement at least 2 weeks before having surgery, including dental surgery.
- Speak to your doctor/pharmacist if you take any medications, including blood thinners.
One report details a male bodybuilder who was treated for gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) after taking an herbal supplement containing this herbal ingredient. Since the supplement contained many ingredients, it's not known which was responsible for this effect.
There is some speculation Tribulus might lower blood sugar levels. This may be an issue for diabetics who use Tribulus supplements.
Preliminary evidence (lab animals) hints that it may increase the size of the prostate. This may be a problem for men who have prostate issues like BPH. This effect has not been proven in humans as far as I know.
I experienced heart palpitations and sipped heartbeats when I experimented with Tribulus for 30 days. This began after I stopped taking the herb and lasted for about a month.
Does Tribulus Raise Testosterone?
I see no good proof for Tribulus Terrestris as an effective testosterone booster in men. Based on the evidence, I believe it's a dud. That said, most of the research on this herb is less than spectacular. I might change my opinion if I see some better proof. Did it work for you?
Related Reviews
Just wanted to say, I have read and thoroughly enjoyed this thread!
I’m a 39 year male. I have come to the conclusion that I have had low test. A few years ago, I got it tested and the doctor said it was normal, but from my end I feel as though I am experiencing many of the symptoms of a lower than desired testosterone level.
I started training at the VERY beginning of 2013 after 15 years or so with NO exercise and a very sedentary lifestyle. I was obese, being 6’1″. At the time I was (I’m from England – we use kg) 266. I started working out with EVERYTHING, cardio, weights you name it.
In the end I actually settled for a consistent routine. I’ve lost a lot of fat. Now down to 224lb and below, it varies.
But had put on a lot of muscle, but I was frustrated by the slowwweneeess of the gains. The weight felt bad heavy, when I was younger it felt good heavy.
I was looking for a natural testosterone booster, I tried USM Tribulus. The results shocked me. I grew muscle mass. I was also using ZMA from a company called ON as well on training nights.
The thing that hit me also was my mood changed, I felt like I had a little more fire in my belly, not quite as fed up and I got hornier also, at times, this was quite a strain.
I decided to stop taking them for a week. I noticed that my mood went back to the normal that it had been before. I found that strange, it took about a week.
I decided to start taking them again, about two days ago, I’ve upped my dose from 2 pills per day to 3 pills per day. Each pill contains 1000mg. The effect has kicked in already. I’m keeping an eye on fat loss/accumulation as well as muscle growth.
I completely understand the frustration over the studies, as an older man, I kept reading down to see if there was better information done with people of a closer age group who are not rats…..
But at the moment, the effect on me is great. No idea why, which is scary.
Once again, thanks for the thread – really useful, really enjoyed it.
Super, thanks and I’m happy that things are working for you.
Cheers, but the question really is why does it appear to be working for some and not for others?
It is for this reason that I made a point of stating which companies I’m using, just in case this is a factor.
Super, this is hard to say. My first thought was that as you lost weight, that this may have raised your testosterone levels. Weight loss will do this. But if I understood you correct, you said that things didn’t get better until you took the supplements. Placebo effect would be the easy answer but without any research on the combination of supplements -and brands -you are using, I dont know if that’s correct either.
I wish I had a good answer for you. I’ll just be glad you are doing well with that combination and if anyone else tries it, I hope they will share their experiences so we can compare things.
I sell and use Tribulus, 500mg X 2 daily. I also suffer from post multiple spinal fusions and have 7 levels ( cervical and lumbar ) involved. I started using Tribulus over 2 years ago and to be honest, I believe that most folks miss the benefits of herbal supplementation due to not understanding if the “molecule” you wish to capture and maximize, is water or fat soluble.
I regularly use flaxseed oil and take ALL my herbals with some fat in the stomach. I can attest that at 58 yrs. old, with a re-engineered spine, that I took up cycling over 2 years ago and ride 23 miles and 42 miles per ride. I can’t speak to elevated testosterone but I can speak to recovery issues as I have NO down time after my rides as my metabolism remain elevated well beyond 8 hrs, post ride.
The increased “nut size” may simply be a related vascular issue being misinterpreted as ” mo tee “, yes ? The variations in outcomes are normal as with any over the counter supplement because there are few, if any, “controls” in a “public perception” interview.
However, I would suspect that guys under 32 yr should not be needing extra Tee and if there is little or no appreciable reaction to tribulus therapy, it should NOT be read as a “fail”, but rather, “if the wheel ain’t broke, don’t fix it” result.
The biggest problem I have with selling this supplement are two issues that are EXTREMELY subjective, 1) the power of placebo ( strong positive outcomes reported more often by those who BELIEVE it wholistic lifestyles ) and 2) big nuts and increased sex drive can have multiple causation.
Finally, I continue to take it as I cannot deny it’s impact on my post ride recovery. My assessment is that there is a good vascular component being misread as ” mo tee”. Regardless, I notice enough performance increase to continue taking this supplement.
Hay Joe:
I have been watching this feed. I found that I have something to add.
Blood test: In 2004 I was 51 Years old. My tests came back low in Testosterone. My Doctor prescribed [AndroGel] topical Testosterone. I found myself looking at Women more than usual.
My sexual performance wasn’t bad, but I remember Better. I weighed about 280LBS @ 6ft tall and am a (self-diagnosed) Diabetic, confirmed by Doctors. I began Taking Resveritrol and began suffering from Hyper-Thyroidism, manifested by a large number of skipped Heart beats. I am not linking the two, this is history.
From my research on the Liver enzyme [CYP3A4] I found it gets depleted for 72 Hours after eating Grapefruit. Lipitor, Resveritrol and Levitra all seem to use the same enzyme [CYP3A4]. So, If I wanted the Levitra to be effective, I had to Lay-Off it for 72 Hours. This is to show that I am conscious of these interactions.
I heard stories of AndroGel’s side effects, of shrinking male Testes to Raisins and stopped using it in 2006. With Hyper Thyroid my then Doctor told me GYM activity had to be stopped. Dr. wanted my thyroid tested but I knew this involved Radio-Active injections scans and a lot of money.
Started taking meds for Thyroid and went back to the GYM. Began “ProArgi9-Plus” for Cardiac health in 2011 and was working out in a GYM. I took the ProArgi9+ for a year and am still taking it to date. ProArgi9+ enhances Nitric Oxide for 24 Hours but has an amount of Resveritrol in it, remember [CYP3A4].
All of this to say my sexual performance between 2011 and 2012 was at an all time low. Self manipulation yielded me a single Orgasmic contraction & my Testes were like Raisins. I was getting very little Benefit from Levitra which could be Resveritrol interference [CYP3A4].
Year end of 2012, I began taking Sopharma Tribestin, two tablets in the morning & two tablets in the evening for all of 2013. Result was over the year my Testes grew in size after 6 months at the above dosage which was below Sopharma’s recommendations [I’m not RICH]. Self manipulation yielded 5 to 6 intense contractions with a slightly increased Semen Volume. The longer I went without self manipulation [5 Days] the stronger the Orgasmic experience.
Now on Testosterone: I could dig up those 2004 Blood Tests and maybe I will, because I am curious myself. My Last Testosterone Blood test yielded 271 in standard measurements. My Doctor said because I’m a Big Guy now, More Muscle and 233Lbs, the Test could be skewed Low. Next Blood test will be for FREE Testosterone. Be mindful that I chose Tribestin because of the LACK of THYROXIN or Thyroxin stimulants in its ingredient. I don’t need more Thyroxin.
I also cut Tribestin down before latest blood test to 2 tablets per day. I’m also looking for INFO on the Metabolic pathways of Tribesten especially if it uses [CYP3A4]. I’m not getting the best result from Levitra, where I’m up to 10mg. Next I’m stopping the ProArgi9+ for 72hrs and trying the Levitra again. Trying to build to some high Performance Female action soon. I’ll keep you posted.
yes keep me posted on the ProArgi9+ /levitra issue. A pharmacist might also be able to give you insights on this as well. The CYAP3A4 pathway is a common enzyme pathway used by a lot of different things. Grapefruit can alter it. They call it the “grapefruit effect” something I’m sure you came across in your research.
Hi Joe,
Love the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of your info. here!
Recently came across aenutrition’s APE product which promises, “22% greater increase in free testosterone in only 12 hours”. It lists tribulus as well as several other ingredients. See ingredients here: http://www.aenutrition.com/images/ape-supplement.jpg
Their website has no information to back up the claim of increased testosterone. I contacted the company and it asked if there are any clinical trials or double blind studies.
After several days a representative replied, “The 12 hour claim is taken from an unpublished double blind placebo controlled acute study on the ingredient testosurge, that can not be shared. It should be noted that another company using this ingredient claims 370+% increase in 12 hours which we did not think was accurately representative of the effects. We took extra steps to ensure that no absurdly gaudy claims were made and have never made unfounded claims.
The other testosterone claims for APE are taken from a published, peer reviewed double blind study on testosurge. http://www.jissn.com/content/6/S1/P12“.
That response certainly made me suspicious. Making claims in an ad that can’t be substantiated is a red flag. Still the product seems to get pretty good reviews. I’m curious if you have investigated this product or think any of the other listed ingredients could have a positive effect.
Cal, Id be a little skeptical based on that reply also. I looked at that testosurge study you referenced. I think this might be an abstract because the citation only lists 1 page for the study (citations usually list all the pages). It’s interesting that the young men in the study appeared to experience an increase in total testosterone but not free testosterone – its the free testosterone that is thought to do stuff.
Its an interesting study and I’d like to read the entire study to get a better idea, but if it is an abstract, that decreases the power of the study in my view (abstracts do not have to go through the peer review process).
I also noticed that the testosurge supplement is based on Fenugreek (not tribulus). Fenugreek has been in a lot of supplements Ive looked at.Just search for “Fenugreek” and they will all pop up.
Joe, man, why are you so against Tribulus product. If athletes want to use it, why are you preventing them.
Hyde, I’m not preventing anybody from trying tribulus. I’m just showing people the facts that nobody talks about – the current lack of proof that tribulus works – so they can make a more informed decision about where they spend their money. Testimonials from people we dont know is one thing, but I just need better evidence. I’m hoping that people see my words and it spurs better research that is currently out there.
hai…can i use tribulus capsules foe facial hair growth..
Nikhil, Ive never heard of anyone who said tribulus helped grow beards. I doubt it would do this but I just dont know.
Good morning, I wonder if anyone noticed any waist reduction, reduction of the hip bones after consumption of Tribulus terrestris.
Thiago, do you mean weight loss or a deregulation of hip bone mass?
Deregulation of hip bone mass. I read on other forums this reduction was reported, have very wide hip bones.
Ive never seen any research on tribulus reducing bone mass.
Doctor diagnosed low T when I was 47 tried the creams with some results.
Found Tribulus (Bulgarian) at 50, complete turn around.
I did not just depend on taking a pill, but used it as part of a exercise program of lifting heavy and cardio.
I’m 53 now, lost 40 lbs had my T checked, levels are high, sex drive and performance is all my girl can do to keep up. I take 4,000 mg with no Dairy product in my stomach.
I agree that 18 to a mid 30’s athlete is not who I what to hear about taking Tribulus.
Kilo, I appreciate you writing and am glad things have improved but it sounds like you had your testosterone levels checked after you lost 40 pounds. Since weight loss – as well as exercise – is known to raise testosterone levels, we really don’t know if it was tribulus gave you the improvements you are seeing. I’m inclined to think it was the weight loss and exercise program but regardless, I’m glad you are better than you were.
Hi there, I am 25 yrs old, 6ft 2 and am generally pretty active. I am looking to increase muscle mass and lean up. I have taken US Metabolics’ Tribulus a couple of times and have had some positive results. I came across the product as it was being sold with my pre-workout energy booster Gaspari Superpump on amazon. Gave it a go, took 1-4 tablets a day with a fairly clean diet. Each tablet contained 1000 mg / min. 45% Saponins. I trained in the gym 3-4 times a week and played football (Soccer) 2/3 times a week.
I noticed an increase in muscle mass generally and my weight increased from 13st to 14st in the space of around 1 month. I found my focus increased, strength and size. My libido also increased and was not aware of this affect before taking the supplement. I did however notice an increase in fat around my lower abdomen
Thanks Jason for the feedback and your experiences. when you can, do get your testosterone measured (free and bound testosterone) as this will help your doctor 30 years from now, know what it was like today. this can help future doctors help you when your T is lower.
Hi Joe,
Im 53 and started taking 2103mg of Tribulus Terrestris and Citrullins Malate for 2 weeks (Nugenix), I have noticed a diff. in libito for sure… it caught me off guard,I wasn’t anticipating it So I know its not a sugar pill effect. Ill let you know about the effect in the gym, If there is any. I think that older users will get the benefits more than younger men.
Barry, that’s interesting and I dont have an explanation for that. While I never did try Nugenix I do have a review on that product. Here is my review of Nugenix. Regardless, yes do keep me posted on how its working for you.
My problem with your data is it all involves young men, most who are athletes. The issue is testosterone is supposed to decline with age. Therefore I will be 66 in two days and the studies should have been done with older males, both with and without training. Thus to me there is a serious flaw in the research.
I can get it very inexpensive ($3.29 a bottle) for about 750 mg a day. I tried fenugreek and longjack but did not do them very long and did not notice a difference.
However might try this because its so reasonable. Some formulas are more complete for about $15.
I like the reply that results are highly individual. With supplements you have to see what works for you.
ken, that is a problem with the research. I also would like to see better studies done.
my T levels is 1.54 ml/ng and im 33 years old my libido is getting down with my wife ? im taking the local Tribulus Terrestris .
i would like to ask for the suitable dosage for better improvement?
Hatem, I have no idea what an effective dosage would be. my best guess is try it for a month and get your T levels tested again. you will know in a month if it raises your T levels.
I would like to see a study done on tired middle-aged men who are overweight and undersexed, and suffer from a general lack of motivation. Why does everyone think that rugby players and weight lifters are the ones who need it the most ??
Hello Joe,
I am 24 years old,
From last three years i am experiencing low libido and not very good erections.I got my T level tested….it was just on a border line of the lower limit…..From some where i got to know about Tribulus terrestris and this is the product offered by himalya pharmaceutical company..Is it Safe???
Syed, Ive never heard of that brand but I honestly dont believe tribulus raises testosterone levels. Because I could say is try it for a month and get your T levels tested again. if it changes let me know. Are you overweight? if yes, even a little, losing a few lbs can raise testosterone levels.
Blood tests people, blood tests!!! Joe is right, unless and until someone does a controlled study using no less than 350 participants (more would be better – and screw muscle growth size etc.. since too many factors play into muscle growth), and instead check testosterone (free-testosterone vs. total-testosterone vs. Estradiol), then we will never know whether this stuff effects testosterone hormone levels.
And let’s not forget about Aromatase and SHBG – no use upping the “T” if it all turns to estrogen…
I personally have been taking raw tribulus (available from Nutra-Bio in powdered form – MUCH CHEAPER than buying a lot of pills) for about six months now. I just had my levels checked. Total as well as free “T” levels are in the “low-normal” range, but still lower than ideal, and my doctor and I agree that for optimum health I need to raise both.
My biggest problem however is that my estrogen levels are through the roof (42.0 pg/mL)– I’m damned near a woman! So I am going to begin an herbal anti-aromatase / SHBG program to see if I can correct this. If I can’t get it turned around with herbal supplementation in 90 days, I’ll begin an artificial hormone replacement therapy regimen.
I only wish that
#1 I had tested my levels before taking the supplemental tribulus so that I could see a rise or fall in “T” levels,
#2 I take other supplements such as 50-100 mg of zinc, 2,000 mg Acetyl-L-carnitine, and DHEA, and so there would be no way to know what the tribulus is and is not actually doing.
Again, the raw powder from Nutra-Bio of the above was cheap, so I figured “what the hell, not like it’s gonna hurt”, but now I wish I had done a controlled test on myself… My doctor actually wants me to keep taking the tribulus as part of the overall herbal cocktail. His thoughts are the same “it’s cheap, and it can’t hurt, and if it can help avoid artificial treatments, it’s worth a try.”
Anyway, every time I see someone talk about the “results” that they are getting in the gym it makes me cringe since you have no way of knowing if those results are coming from increased “T” levels, or from something else. It takes a lot of different factors to grow muscle, and you can have low-“T” and still grow muscle – I know, I did it.
I went up 15 lbs of body mass, and dropped body fat from 15% to 9% in a year, and as mentioned, my “T” levels have been low. This is not bad for a 50 year old man who looks like he’s in his 30’s and has the blood of a 20 year old (aside from hormone levels that is).
So STOP guessing, and get yourselves to your doctor, have your blood drawn and find out what your hormone levels actually are! You should have blood work done every year to track all of your nutrient levels anyway…
joe4liberty, thanks for getting your T levels tested!
hi,i took tribulus rau powder,cheap as a superfood,and tooked 2 grams/day,the recommended maximum dose…in tea..and noticed in one month at gym my arms growth 1 cm at least,my opinion is that if you take it…no matter the brand,you must eat more than before,to have results with tribulus,sorry for my english,eat like crazy with this and you will notice something
I’m 43, haven’t worked out In yrs. been married 15 of them. Although my girl says she content with my size, says I’m the (biggest) she’s ever had, there’s always been that question in the back of my mind. How can I naturally go bigger without surgery or BS pills? Is there really something out there that really works or is it all BS?
Heath, Im naturally skeptical about most testosterone boosters. I dont see any clinical proof their ingredients raise T levels in people. Im always willing to keep an open mind on this and so I will keep reviewing those that make claims that they work.
Did Greg ever get back with you on his results?
Heath, no if its not in the comments then no he didnt.
I would think a guy my age at 54, someone who has not worked out regularly in yrs., and started taking trib., would notice a difference very quickly, like in days if he started taking it. So after one capsule of 500mg as recommended did nothing for 2 weeks, I upped it to 2 then to 3 and still nothing.
An old fart like me whose body is worn down just a little bit more(smile) than a 25 yr olds, should be a prime candidate to benefit. Nada! I personally think its a scam. Yep, I think tribulus is a scam and those who claim they are affected are paid endorsers or have placebo affect. I also admit I then added in Testosterone and dianabol and still tribulus did nothing which meant I was producing more testosterone than a 19 yr old kid.
Its ok, after they bilk us out of a few hundred million with ridiculous cases studies and questionable doctors testimonials they will pull the old bait and switch. They will bring it back with another “do nothing” supplement saying these 2 have to be combined to get the full effect. Sound familiar?
martialartfailures, I wouldn’t classify you as an “old fart” at 54 🙂
Joe: Tribulus works I have proof enough.. because I always do blood test after using it.
Roger, and you have proof that tribulus raised your testosterone levels? would love to see the test results