Updated Nov 1, 2024. Tribulus terrestris has been around for years and continues to be one of the most popular natural testosterone boosters out there. It's in MANY dietary supplements. So, does it build muscle or boost testosterone levels – or is it a scam? Does it have any side effects? In this review, you will learn the results of the clinical studies on this herbal ingredient. Is it safe? Let's see what the research says.
What Is Tribulus Terrestris?
Tribulus (also called puncture vine), is a plant that is found throughout the world. The term puncture vine stems from rumors that the plant’s thorns are able to puncture bicycle tires. The word Tribulus is Latin for “to tear”, another reference to the plant's ability to do damage.
Trivia: the name refers to a medieval weapon called a caltrop that was thrown on the grown during warfare to stop enemy horses from advancing. The caltrop was the forerunner of tire spikes, used by law enforcement agencies around the world to puncture car tires.
Tribulus Testosterone Clinical Studies
The theory behind this herb is it's supposed to elevate luteinizing hormone (LH), which in turn sends instructions to the testes causing them to make testosterone. More LH means more testosterone is made. And, as most know, higher testosterone levels might mean more muscle growth, energy, better erections etc.
Tribulus Research Video
Here's a quick video I made to summarize some of the studies below
In theory, it all sounds plausible but is it true? Let's look at some of the clinical studies.
Study 1
In one study, researchers tested the herb in 24 elite rugby players. The players were split into 2 groups. One group got a placebo, while the other received 450 mg of Tribulus Terrestris. All subjects performed the same weight-lifting exercise program, and the study lasted five weeks.
- No change in muscle mass or strength
- No decrease in body fat
- No change in testosterone levels
- No change in the testosterone to estrogen ratio (TE Ratio)
Study 2
Prior to this, other researchers gave either Tribulus -or a placebo – to 15 healthy weight lifters (18 – 35 years of age). The amount used in this study was 3.21 mg per kilogram of body weight.
How much is that?: A kilogram is 2.2 pounds. So, if you weighted 180 pounds, this equals 82 kilograms. For an 82 kg person, the amount would be 82 x 3.21 mg = 263 mg of the herb.
All subjects performed the same weightlifting program 3 days per week
- Tribulus did not promote any significant changes in body weight, and it did not reduce body fat.
- Both groups – the placebo group and the Tribulus group – improved strength and endurance.
- Those getting the placebo showed MORE muscle endurance (that's weird!)
Those taking the placebo could do more repetitions on the bench press and leg press than did those who received the supplement. Those taking Tribulus did improve their muscle endurance -but only on the leg press- and the improvement was less than those who got the placebo. This study did not measure testosterone levels.
Study 3
This investigation involved a supplement called Andro 6. This supplement contains many ingredients in addition to the 750 mg of Tribulus. The men took either a placebo or Andro 6 for 8 weeks. All worked out three days per week.
- The Andro 6 supplement did not raise testosterone levels or make people stronger.
- Androstenedione, however, was elevated after Andro 6 supplementation.
This study did not specifically say that Tribulus didn't work. Rather, it found that the supplement Andro 6 didn't work.
Andro 6 contained several ingredients (Saw palmetto, DHEA, androsteinedione etc.) in addition to tribulus. In theory it could be possible that the other ingredients in Andro 6 suppressed tribulus, but that is pure speculation.
Study 4
In this interesting investigation, researchers looked not only at testosterone levels but also at sperm quality. This may help couples trying to get pregnant. Researchers involved 30 men with unknown fertility problems who were randomly given either a placebo or 750 mg a day of Tribulus Terrestris for 3 months.
- No change in total testosterone, free testosterone, or luteinizing hormone.
- Tribulus did not produce any benefits to sperm concentration or sperm mobility.
Tribulus /Testosterone Research Summary
Here's a quick rundown of human studies.
Study | Subjects | Amount of Tribulus Used | Results |
The effect of five weeks of Tribulus terrestris supplementation on muscle strength and body composition during preseason training in elite rugby league players | 24 rugby players | 450 mg/day for 5 wks | no change in strength or testosterone or body fat |
The effects of Tribulus terrestris on body composition and exercise performance in resistance-trained males | 15 weight lifters | 3.21 mg/kg of body weight for 8 weeks | no change in body weight or fat loss. no better strength improvements over placebo. |
Effects of anabolic precursors on serum testosterone concentrations and adaptations to resistance training in young men | 20 young men | 750 mg (contained in Andro 6 supplement) | No change in testosterone or strength vs placebo |
Prospective Analysis on the Effect of Botanical Medicine (Tribulus terrestris) on Serum Testosterone Level and Semen Parameters in Males with Unexplained Infertility | 30 men with unknown fertility issues. | 750 mg for 3 months | No change in total testosterone, free testosterone, luteinizing hormone or sperm motility |
Can Tribulus Help Women?
Study 1
What about women who take this herb? Can it help them? In a small study, researchers gave the herb to 2 women (yes, just two women) for two days to see what would happen. The women took 1500 mg per day.
- Tribulus did not alter testosterone, luteinizing hormone, DHEA or testosterone.
Study 2
Researchers gave 7.5 mg of Tribulus -or a placebo – to 60 women with low sex drive for a month. The amount used was 7.5 mg per day.
Women filled out before and after questions and said the herbal ingredient helped them. The researchers, unfortunately, did not measure any hormones.
Study 3
This 3-month investigation involved 40 premenopausal women who were given either a placebo or 750 mg of Tribulus Terrestris. Women filled out questionnaires of sexual functioning and they also measured testosterone levels too.
- Both the Tribulus and placebo groups scored similarly to each other on sexual functioning questionnaires.
- Tribulus did not raise total testosterone
- Tribulus did raise free testosterone and serum testosterone
An issue with this study was that 24 of the 40 women were excluded from the study results. That's over a 50% dropout rate. This may have played a role in the outcomes.
Tribulus And Libido
Does Tribulus improve erections or help men have better sex? Given the reputation this herb has for raising testosterone, it's natural it would be used in male enhancement supplements, too. So, does it work?
Study 1
Researchers gave 750 mg of Tribulus per day to 30 men complaining of having issues associated with low T and ED. The study lasted 3 months.
- Tribulus significantly raised total and free testosterone but not the Luteinizing hormone.
- Men also reported -that they had better erections.
This study had no placebo group. Since Tribulus is rumored to raise Luteinizing hormone, it's odd the study did not show this, in spite of seeing a boost in testosterone levels.
Non-Human Research
- Researchers gave the herb to 8 rabbits. The herb was noted to improve erections in rabbits.
- In another investigation, the herbal extract was noted to improve sexual activity in “sexually sluggish” lab rats.
Lab animal is interesting but it's not as important as human clinical research.
Tribulus vs. Testofen
Testofen is a patented extract from the fenugreek herb. Some research suggests fenugreek/testofen extract may raise anabolic hormone levels in men. Research comparing tribulsus vs testofen cannot be located. See this video for the testofen-testosterone proof.
Tribulus Side Effects
I'm not sure about long-term safety. Most studies do not last very long. While it may be safe in healthy people, I noticed a strange side effect when I took this supplement for a few weeks. See my experiment with Tribulus for more info.
Here are some basic considerations when taking this supplement. This list is not complete:
- Start with less than recommended for the first week.
- Don't take this supplement if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Stop taking the supplement at least 2 weeks before having surgery, including dental surgery.
- Speak to your doctor/pharmacist if you take any medications, including blood thinners.
One report details a male bodybuilder who was treated for gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) after taking an herbal supplement containing this herbal ingredient. Since the supplement contained many ingredients, it's not known which was responsible for this effect.
There is some speculation Tribulus might lower blood sugar levels. This may be an issue for diabetics who use Tribulus supplements.
Preliminary evidence (lab animals) hints that it may increase the size of the prostate. This may be a problem for men who have prostate issues like BPH. This effect has not been proven in humans as far as I know.
I experienced heart palpitations and sipped heartbeats when I experimented with Tribulus for 30 days. This began after I stopped taking the herb and lasted for about a month.
Does Tribulus Raise Testosterone?
I see no good proof for Tribulus Terrestris as an effective testosterone booster in men. Based on the evidence, I believe it's a dud. That said, most of the research on this herb is less than spectacular. I might change my opinion if I see some better proof. Did it work for you?
Related Reviews
Hi Joe
Just purchased some Tribulus (900mg) and setting out on testing it myself. I am 63 and have always had a strong libido but over the last two years it has dropped significantly. I am still active athletically competing on the national level in Taekwondo and work out (aerobic and weight training) 5xwk plus my TKD sessions. I am a psychologist and have studied my body for quite some time and do not take meds (only using herbs and tonics). I will monitor my sex drive and report in from the field.
Kris, sounds good I will look forward to seeing your results.
Hey, Joe! Can you please give a feed back on Core cutter also know Maximizes LX mixing it with Muscle Factor X ?
It suppose increased your strength, boots energy build muscle and give u a few inches in your penis , I guess. Overall is a dietary supplement. Please email me after you look at this stuff. If you Google search the names you will see them. I only took the factor x so far I started yesterday before work out only one pill. Im nit to sure about the core cutter one .
Danny considering all you said it would do, thats usually a sign that its not worth your money. I tried look for its website but mostly just found bogus sites for it. I did finally manage to find a review that told me its ingredients which are :
zinc, Chrysin and tribulus , nettle Muira Puama, maca root and ginger
I still believe tribulus is a total bunch of baloney. Some of these other ingredients Ive also covered in other products (put them in the search box to see). My thoughts based on what Ive seen are save your money.
Joe after this being up almost a year i am wondering what you have to say about tribulus. Im a 22 years old 6’1 and 159 pounds sorry my measurements are in American I have recently gone through a period of wasting going from 175 to my current in one month. i am looking for a way to get back my muscle. I don’t have much time to work out and have started taking tribulus.
Sean, I think tribulus is a waste of money. Im totally unimpressed with the study results. people say it works for them but it didnt in me (aside from making my heart race). Get your testosterone levels checked now. try it for a month and recheck. Ill bet your testosterone levels don’t change. if they do, please let me know though as I do try to keep an open mind. But since you asked me, I say save your money on tribulus.
Joe, I know you are waiting for before-and-after lab results to verify whether tribulus increases testosterone levels, and I’m going to give them to you. My testosterone levels were 345 and I had all the symptoms – muscle loss, slow workout recovery, fatigue, low libido. I am starting tribulus today and getting a follow-up blood test in 8 weeks. I’ll be sure to let you know what kind and how much tribulus I use, and what the new levels are when I get them.
Greg, thanks I’ll look forward to seeing what happens!
Hello, Joe. Thanks for a great website! Here is some interesting info for you regarding blood test reference ranges that I learned from my endocrinologist today. The reference ranges printed on blood lab reports do not represent “normal” or “healthy” values, but are only an average of the last so many readings obtained by that blood lab.
That explains why the reference ranges printed on lab reports differ from one lab company to another (ie – Quest vs Lab Corp).
My doctor explained that routine blood tests (ie – CBC’s) are reasonably accurate because they are drawn on a wide variety of people, healthy and unhealthy alike.
But testosterone tests are almost always only done on men with symptoms of low testosterone. So the reference ranges for testosterone printed on lab reports are calculated almost entirely from individuals with low testosterone!
That’s why a “normal” testosterone reading of 350ng/dl can still produce symptoms of low testosterone. My doctor said most doctors don’t know this and she only learned it herself just recently at a conference.
Doc says healthy test levels are 600-1000ng/dl, in spite of what the reference range on your lab report may say. Listen to your body and don’t get too caught up in the number.
Greg, thats VERY interesting. I was not aware of that either. I will keep that in mind for the future.
Greg’s numbers are backed by a study that was republished by LEF a few months ago on healthy testosterone levels.
I do not consider bodybuilders normal people, but the equivalent of human lab rats who lead the charge and help regular Joe’s determine usage, their inputs have helped me in big ways. The LEF study reprint summarized how somewhere near a 1000 people over years determined a 530ng testosterone trough to reduce stroke and heart attack by 30%, a significant value. Most peak with just shy of a 2x trough factor, so the 1000ng is accurate if peak. A 1000ng trough would equal about a 1800-2000ng peak, which seems a bit much to me. I target the numbers Greg posted with the 600ng a target trough and 1000-1200ng a target peak, putting me in the upper 1/3 of 25 year old males total T (TT) levels.
Also, the T peaks are not so much my concern, but controlling E2 (estradiol), which is the bitch hormone and is bad to both men and women if not leveled. When pushing total testosterone (TT) levels you increase Aromatase and then E2 increases and problems happen. E2 needs to be in the 20-30ng range and close to your SHBG. E2 is by far the single most challenging hormone to level in the male body, for me.
MY EXPERIENCE WITH TRIBULUS: I was using Tribuplex 750. Keep in mind I am hypogonadal from hemochromatosis an iron overload condition that bounced my balls and messed my pituitary function, etc., and is problematic. Without any T supplement my TT will bottom out at around 150-180ng/dl. I ramped off injecting T cypionate to experiment with trib. I was able to raise TT minimally from 150-180 to about 250ng, no where near enough to get in the safe zone of 530-600 minimum to avoid stroke (which I have already had one that caused 50% paralysis for 1.5 hours, fully restored by the grace of God, praise Jesus) and potential heart attack.
When I ramped up and I was hammering I think 3-4 capsules a day of Tribuplex 750, can’t specifically recall, I set off a tachycardia bout and my heart rate climbed to 180+. I have afib and it caused a trip to the ER. A bag of magnesium later and the rate normalized. I suspect the more than advised dosing of trib set off an epinephrine spike and my heart responded. I have no doubt trib affects vascular flow.
What I will confirm is that my balls were juiced. I am a multi-cummer (not uncommon to bust 3 nuts an hour) and can bust nuts with rocky the squirrel any day, and I am over 40 years old. Arousal response from visual before she got to my goods was like a teenager when on trib. More aggressive sex, caveman style. Semen output seemed to be 1-1.5 ounces, which always seems to be cool when they cant take it all! What I also noticed is that the second nut, which usually has a substantial drop off in semen output volume, while still less than the first orgasm semen output, had produced noticeably more semen output on the second nut.
I suspect at the end of the day is that tribulus is good for LH and FSH stimulation, but has minor impact on total T (TT) and bio available T (BAT) values as PREDICATED ON THE AMOUNT OF TESTOSTERONE PRECURSOR you have in your body.
Joe – while you encourage TT and BAT level testing I think you should also look at LH, FSH and E2 values as associated with tribulus usage. Most supps like trib have a use of some sort, sometimes not what we are looking for as in the case those who seek TT and BAT increase.
..but don’t throw the baby batter out with the TT. < comic relief for those who care!
If what I suspect is true with regards to trib and its effect on LH and FSH, then having the legid cells on your balls flush and juicy and not atrophying away due to external T cypionate supplementation, which shuts off LH and FSH, may be a good thing.
I also suspect that this conversation of TT and BAT increase needs to migrate to pine pollen cistanche, nettle root, etc's. I am tired of chasing E2 levels I check E2 weekly and keeping 20-30 is impossible. I am hypersensitive to adex and quality zinc has not leveled it and I guess I can try DIM again in a different form, but I am just tired of being disappointed from lab results.
My thoughts are to find the TT BAT that levels up and holds in more of a square wave than peak and trough spikes. Theoretically it should stifle E2 from being an issue. I am currently engaged in proving my method to arrest gout and CPPD, which after 3 weeks of weekly testing remains positive and optimistic. However, addressing this issue of naturally increasing TT without injections and keep good healthy levels of E2 and SHBG is on my 2014 radar.
If the square wave theory holds true, then I suspect that taking a mean between trough 600 and peak 1000-1200 or a flat lined, square wave average of 800-900ng/dl sustained with no peaks or troughs, contingent on E2 and SHBG levels normalizes and locked, would be a good initial target with adjusts and tweaks as labs return.
I want off all drugs that require a script as should everyone reading this post. If I can go shake a tree and get pine pollen that gets me there or part of the way then happy trails here I come.
Tom, Id be interested seeing human research on tribulus and LH, estrogen etc levels also. As Ive always said I have an open mind on this. 🙂
I will feed back with labs and summation when I go down this path again if tribullus is engaged. Bottom line: It appears that tribulus as a testosterone booster is NOT valid. Thank you for hosting these blogs.
Thanks Tom and its my pleasure 🙂
Tribulus is effective for people who don’t produce the optimal amount of testerone, if you levels are normal its a waste of money. There is no question it works and works well though.
Dream, I still have not met anybody who had their testosterone levels measured before tribulus and after tribulus to prove to me that it actually changed them. I’m still awaiting to see the blood tests.
Joe – I came across this today in among some notes I had taken maybe six or seven years ago, a reference to tribulus terrestris. It’s from an abstract, I’m not sure how to get the full article, maybe you can figure that out.
The abstract is at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10849504. It suggests two interesting things 1) that the action of tribulus is due to eventual production of DHEA via an intermediary active substance, “Protodioscin”, and 2) that it seems likely that presence of Protodioscin varies considerably depending on where the tribulus is grown. That second point might help explain the widely varying results that are reported by people using tribulus.
The study is old (published in 2000), but perhaps the full article may yield some useful information, if you can get it.
Robert thanks for the abstract. The wording of the abstract caught my attention especially where the author said traditional herbs were a “revolutionary breakthrough.” I would not call them that. The abstract you mentioned appears to be a review of research rather than original research. I looked but couldn’t find the full text of the article either.
I’ve written a post about erection supplements where a good amount of them were found to contain viagra etc.
I am 24 and have been experiencing major fatique. I have a lot of belly fat and low muscle mass. I have problems sleeping and experience depression. My internist tested my Testosterone and it came back 81! He sent me to an endocrinologist and at that test it came back 250. She said to come back in 3 months and get retested. Her normal range was 175-781 so she didn’t seem concerned but I am only 24 and I don’t think it should at the low end of the normal range!!!! Do you think tribulus could help me?
Gaj, I still dont believe that tribulus raises testosterone. Nobody has shown me proof it does this. That said Id go to another endocrinologist and get it tested again.
having a high percent of fat can reduce testosterone but id still get it tested by another doctor just to be sure.
I didn’t have anything measured before I took tribulus but I stacked it with a post cycle therapy product and I gained 30 pounds in 3 months of taking it. During that time I was having lots of sex and exercising. I feel that it works for some, but not for others. I did have a testosterone test done about a year after taking it. The doctor said I had very healthy levels of usable testosterone, but my overall (free + usable) was a bit low. Then she put me on androgel 🙂 and we KNOW that works :DD.
Jake, thanks for sharing.
I am 39 and I have taken the vitamin shoppe brand. Each capsule is 625mg. I took it twice a day. My experience was awesome. I felt like I could pick up a car and toss it. About an hour after taking, and in the gym, I would feel a surge of strength. In the bedroom I felt like a gladiator. My wife commented on the strength and stamina. Like others, testicle size and girth (mostly due to veins and blood flow) increased. I have been off it for six months and have had my testosterone check, and it was normal, but low. So that may be why I saw the surge. My doc gave me a test injection, and it helped, but nowhere near the trib.
So I’m guessing those studies did not test high enough doses? Also I have read that the amount of saponins matters?
Just thought I’d share my experience.
After trials between clients at a gym i worked at i found that testosterone levels were best affected/increased when the tribulus dose was split up to be taken every 8 hours or as close to this split as possible.
The reason I think this is that the tribulus sends the hormone to the testes to produce testosterone only for a a short amount of time so maintain this hormone is secreted you need to maintain optimum levels of tribulus in the body.
Taking 300mg tribulus every 8 hours I found a significant strength increase and lifted ome of my personal best, increased stamina, libido and even sperm production. My testicles were increased in size and my girlfriend commented on their size increase, weight and the amount of what they produced after climax.
Anyone wanting to use this supplement to gain weight needs to do the 3 doses a day split as evenly as possible, also to increase stress hormone in the body they need to do at least 1 or 2 ‘all over’ workouts a week. The point of this is that your body grows on after training according to stress caused during training and the bodies need to build to cope with that same stress in the future.
If you do a simple chest and triceps workout you may do 3 sets of 10 at 100kg (we’ll keep figures simple) this would be done flat, inc, dec. Then 3 x 10 50kg inc dumbell press, 3 x 10 x 50kg skull crushers followed by 3 x 10 x 50kg close grip chest press. total exertion…… you have moved 6.5 tonnes of weight during the workout which is good by anyone’s measure but by including shoulders, legs, stomach, back and biceps even if only doing half the amount per area would still be 19.5 tonnes of weight moved throughout the workout, increasing the stress hormone massively thus increasing muscle production.
Hope this helps any gentleman out there struggling to gain that extra stone naturally.
colin, thanks for writing. quick question. did you actually get your testosterone levels (and sperm count) tested before starting tribulus and after a month or so of use? You said it increased these things. Im just looking for some corroboration on a blood test. Most men wont get a sperm count I’m sure but testosterone is what I’m really interested in. Did you?
I had taken an increased amount of Tribulus….I usually take 2500mgs in the morning and 2500 in the middle of the day…..I would have to say that I certainly felt like I had been on an anabolic, but the great part about it was that I felt like I was 18 again…Great sex drive and killed it in the gym…what I mean by that is that I had a great amount of endurance….and not even feel tired at the end of my workouts….I would workout for an hour non-stop….
I didn’t think this stuff would do anything so I took the HUGE dosage and it worked!!! Bottom line…I did lower my dosage so I wouldn’t kill my liver and plan on taking it as if I were taking a cycle….I got the TRIB 750 by SNS solutions…it worked so I’m stickn to this brand…I’m not sure how safe it is so I would suggest you research before taking it….and this stuff is not for younger crowds so dont think of taking it til your at least 27 or 28…..I’m just sharing my experience with it. I’m 30 yrs old and I feel great when taking it…..Thank You…Oh and a bottle of 180 caps is around $15…cant beat that!!!!
I’m no scientist or doctor but I can give u my personal experience. After body building for about 4 years I’m now trying tribulus I’m taking 2500 mg a day and in just for days I already feel more power at the gym and my wife can’t get enough of me my sex drive is through the roof I love tribulis and highly reccomend it
Hi, I , like Mack have the GNC Pro performance Strength vitapak. I have only been taking the multivitamin and the tribulus that are included in the packs, because i heard that fenugreek is useless, and i dont really need the creatine right now.
I have been lifting weights on the supp for about a month and a half. I have seen some strength increases. but a noticed a side effect similar to steroids, my testicles seem to be some what shriveled up. i know this can happen when taking steroids, because you have too much testosterone.
can the tribulus really have caused this? i know it says that trib doesn’t increase testosterone, but i dont know man.
Honestly, I didn’t notice a huge difference but the owner of the company replied to my email and agreed that it could affect pre-existing hair loss conditions.
Joe: I tried Tribustal Plus for 3 months and it helped me build lean muscle. The interesting thing was, no matter how poorly I ate, I wouldn’t put on fat. Here’s the alarming part, I learned that Tribulus can speed up hair loss if you have a pre-existing condition.
Sam, interesting, never heard of that before. did the hair loss get better when you stopped tribulus?
try some honest research results before you banter about with your anecdotal crap.
Jeremy, if your referring to my personal experiences with tribulus, your right it is anecdotal but that is what i experienced, however if you are referring to THIS post i reject your assertion. I included ONLY HUMAN studies here which show tribulus does not raise testosterone or make people stronger. the study you quote is a mouse study – and a diabetic mouse study at that.
24 year old healthy male. Taking vitamin shoppe brand trib. I don’t really know if it’s doing anything for my t after a week and a half or so of use. What I can tell you is it makes me sort of tired and extremely increases my appetite.
Hi, my name is Eddie I’m 37 years old and recently i had problem with my join pain . When to bone doctor and did a lots of test, and they just found out i have low T 203 out of 348, so depress, sleepless, have to to bathroom every 10 minus, tired but my libido not too bad, i google for t therapy and it really scare me because the side effect of those chemical included prostate cancer ,
so, anyone have tried this please let me know, i just orders some of TT out of swansonvitamins.com and think about give it a try , i just one gain t naturally and the last think i want to do are use drug
Please, help me with this, my family depending on me
p.s: sorry for my English, because I’m not born i US
Eddie since you know your testosterone level know that’s good. try the tribulus for a month and test your testosterone level again and see if it changes. thats the only way you will know if it works. If you do this, will you write back and tell me what happened. ‘d apprecaite that.
Hey, I’m 19 just bought the GNC Pro Performance AMP Strength VitaPak. It contains 300Mg of Tribulus along with Mega men sport multi, Amplified creatine 189, And an Anabolic Primer(which is Fenugreek seed extract) Im taking that with just whey protein. Ill keep ya’ll posted on how she is treating me.
Joe, thank you for the interesting forum. I am a gym owner and we sell a lot of tribulus and a new T-booster called A-HD. I’m not yet sold on the herbal products boosting t-levels just yet. I am 30 years old, workout everyday and have been experiencing mild-moderate fatigue in the late afternoons (which is something new to me). I know t-levels start to decrease around 30 so I am going to cycle 1,000mg tribulus and see if there are any effects. I am a chiropractor also and have some M.D. buddies that I may try to get a before and after blood androgen level screening.
Aaron thanks for writing and keep me posted on anything you discover about pre/post testosterone screening.