update 8/29/19. NeuroShake, by Quincy Bioscience -the maker of the jellyfish memory supplement, Prevagen – is a brain-boosting shake designed to help you get “the nutritional elements you need for a healthy mind.” In this review, let's look at the ingredients and research on the Prevagen NeuroShake and address other questions too like how it compares to the jellyfish memory supplement, Prevagen?
1 NeuroShake Benefits
The supplement website doesn't mention specific results you'd have with the shake. The company does mention it will kick-start your mind, but that's vague. The website discusses the benefits of protein such that it:
- helps build muscle
- contributes to metabolism
- is a source of energy
But, there isn't much protein in the Shake. I'd also point out protein is not the main energy source for humans.
I called the company about this and was told some people take it as a booster to Prevagen during days when they think they will be going through more mental stress than normal. Each NeuroShake has 5mg of apoaequorin, the active ingredient in Prevagen.
2 Who Makes NeuroShake?
NeuroShake is made by Quincy Biosciences LLC. This is the same company that makes the popular Prevagen memory supplement. Quincy Biosciences is located at 726 Heartland Trail Suite 300 Madison, WI 53717-1901. Their website is QuincyBiosciences.com. NeuroShake has its own website: NeuroShake.com.
Prevagen TV Commercial
3 Quincy Biosciences BBB Rating
The Better Business Bureau gave Quincy Biosciences a rating of A+ when this review was updated. The company has been BBB Accredited since 2012. See the BBB file for updates and more information.
4 Contact Quincy Biosciences
The company can be contacted at (608) 827-8000.
5 NeuroShake Nutrition Facts
Each packet (6.45 g) contains the following nutrition information:

- 25 calories
- total fat: 0.5 g (<1% DV)
- cholesterol : 15 mg (5% DV)
- Sodium 15 mg (<1% DV)
- Total carbs < 1g (<1% DV)
- Calcium 5 grams
- Phosphorous (2% of DV)
From the Nutrition Facts label, we can see the Neuro Shake is pretty low in calories, providing only 25 calories per packet.
The Nutrition Facts label also tells us the NeuroShake only has 5 grams of protein per packet. That's not much. The protein would be increased if mixed it with milk or other protein-containing beverage.
6 NeuroShake Ingredients
Each packet of Prevagen NeuroShake contains the following 8 ingredients:
- Whey protein concentrate
- Soy lecithin
- Apoaequorin (5 mg)
- Salt
- Dextrose
- Corn starch
- Natural flavors
- Silicon dioxide
As can be seen from the ingredients list, the protein comes from whey, one of the main proteins in milk. I called Quincy Biosciences who told me each shake has 5 mg of apoaequorin.
7 Prevagen NeuroShake Research
Clinical studies showing NeuroShake is effective cannot be located. The shake does contain some protein but it's not much (5 grams). While protein plays some role in brain function, researchers in Australia have noted weak evidence for dietary protein (and/or thiamine) and brain health.
Likewise, researchers in the Netherlands said more research was needed on the role of dietary protein as it relates to brain health.
The NeuroShake does contain 5 mg apoaequorin (pronounced apo-a-kwar-in). Remember, this is the key ingredient in Prevagen.
Apoaequorin is said to work by removing calcium from the brain. This is supposed to unclog brain cells, letting them work better again.
See the Prevagen review for more on the apoaequorin research.
8 Does NeuroShake Improve Memory?
There seems to be no proof the NeruoShake improves memory or brain function in humans. Quincy Biosciences has sponsored research which appears to show apoaequorin may work in some people. The main proof for this is often called the Madison Memory study. It involved 218 people, given either 10 mg of apoaequorin or placebo for 90 days.
Study results seemed to show those taking apoaequorin performed better on some memory and learning tests. But, the research involved taking 10 mg of apoaequorin. The Neuro Shake only has 5 mg.
9 Buy NeuroShake
The NeuroShake can be purchased directly from NeuroShake.com. It may also be found where Prevagen is sold too such as Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Kmart, Rite Aid, Target, GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Bed Bath & Beyond, Giant, Harris Teeter, Kroger, The Medicine Shoppe and Wegmans.
10 How Much Does It Cost?
The cost of a 15 packet box of NeuroShakes was $19.95 on the supplement's website. If you use one packet each day, a box would last you half a month. This puts the monthly cost at about $40.
When I called the company, I was told people take the Shake during times when they think they may be undergoing more mental stress than usual. If this is true, then it means, the NeuroShake is not to be used every day.
Here Is the Shake on Amazon too.
11 NeuroShake vs. Prevagen
Each capsule of Prevagen contains 10 mg of the jellyfish extract, apoaequorin. This is said to be the active ingredient. This amount was chosen based on the results of the original Prevagen research. The NeuroShake contains 5 mg of apoaequorin.
Clinical studies showing 5 mg of apoaequorin is effective cannot be located.
Likewise, clinical proof which compares the NeuroShake to Prevagen cannot be located either. When I called the company I was told Neuro Shake was not to be used by itself. Rather, I was informed to think of it as a booster to Prevagen, taken on days when you were experiencing more mental stress than normal.
Taking Prevagen plus the Neuro Shake would provide 15 mg of apoaequorin.
While, in theory, taking Prevagen along withe the Shake might be better, Clinical evidence proving they work better together cannot be located.
Because the Shake is a powder that can be mixed into a smoothie, this would be an advantage for those who do not like taking pills.
12 NeuroShake FAQ
Below are several questions about Prevagen NeuroShake. If you have a question you don't see listed here, leave a comment below and I'll address you personally.
NeuroShake Flavors
Currently, only Natural Vanilla flavor is available.
How Does It Taste?
From testimonials, some have said it tasted very good.
How Much Protein?
Each packet (6.45 oz) contains 5 grams of protein. That's not much. I don't consider NeuroShake a protein supplement. To me, it's more like a powdered Prevagen supplement. If you mix the shake with milk, the protein content would be higher.
How Much Sugar?
They say “trivial amounts of sugar” and the label tells us 0 grams.
Does It Have Caffeine?
No. There is no caffeine in NeuroShake.
NeuroShake Allergy Information
This supplement contains ingredients from milk and soy. The facility where NeuroShake is produced also processes eggs, tree nuts, wheat, fish and shellfish. Consider this if you are allergic to any of these items.
Can It Help Weight Loss?
While shake only has 25 calories, it's not a weight-loss shake. The company does not mention weight loss results either. If you are trying to lose weight, there are better things.
Here's a list of weight loss supplements with evidence.
13 Mixing Instructions
Mix each packet in 6-8 oz of cold water or other fluid and shake/blend until you reach your desired texture and consistency. You can also add the Neuro Shake to your smoothie or just mix it with frozen fruit too. You could also mix it with yogurt.
14 NeuroShake Active Ingredient
The shake contains the jellyfish extract, apoaequorin. This is the active ingredient in Prevagen.
Some company-sponsored research has hinted apoaequorin might help memory. This is controversal however. See the Prevagen review for more on this research.
15 Does NeuroShake Contain Prevagen
Neuro Shake contains the active ingredient in Prevagen – apoaequorin. Each packet contains 5 mg of apoaequorin. This is half the dosage contained in regular strength Prevagen.
Apoaequorin is the jellyfish extract you've seen mentioned in Prevagen TV commercials like this one:
16 NeuroShake Side Effects
To me, this supplement looks like apoaequorin mixed with some whey protein. While long term studies of apoaequorin safety have not been conducted, side effects that have been reported include dizziness, headaches, and nauseous feelings. Others have reported increased anxiety levels and problems sleeping. How likely any of these side effects are to occur is not known.
Talk to your doctor and pharmacist if:
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding
- Take any dementia /Alzheimer's medicine
- Take any prescription medications such as blood thinners
- Have any medical disorder
- Stop taking at least 2 weeks before having surgery
- Start with less than suggested for the first week to see how you respond
My Suggestions
For those trying to improve memory and want to try a brain health supplement, great. Just remember (pun intended) memory is complex. Each of us has over 100 billion brain cells. To do the best good for your brain, also consider these other things which have been shown to help
With respect to exercise, research shows as little as 5 minutes a day can improve brain health. Several interesting studies also suggest the herb, Bacopa monnieri can help memory too.
17 Does Prevagen NeuroShake Work?
I have no idea if the Neuro Shake works or not. The active ingredient in Prevagen – apoaequorin – does have some research, but I'm not yet convinced. From the comments left at my Prevagen review, some have said they felt it helped, while others said it didn't. I think results with NeruoShake will vary. I think brain health is best addressed holistically such as the suggestions mentioned above.
Hi Joe,
I wonder why they just didn’t make a 5 mg Prevagen pill? I agree that a holistic approach is the best. Sometimes I wonder whether targeting just ONE function/element/compound will cause further problems down the road. I mean, if only calcium is removed from the brain, will something more detrimental replace it later? I’m just hypothesizing.
So many supplements seem to be too focused and NOT HOLISTIC. Again, I’m only wondering. Prevagen has been around for a while without terrible effects, so I’m not pinpointing it in particular.
I HAVE tried Bacopa monnieri, which is an Ayurvedic product around for a long time, and I have not had any problems with it. I guess I trust something that’s been used for thousands of years, or so they say. Thank you for the reference on Amazon.
Rosanne, that’s a good question about the 5 mg Prevagen pill. I’m not sure. I agree Prevagen has been around for a long time and I don’t hear anything about side effects. The company has been subject to several lawsuits over whether it works or not but as for side effects, I think it’s pretty safe. Regardless of whether it works, I also think a holistic approach is best. The emphasis on memory loss is to prevent it before it happens. Here’s the original Prevagen review
Bacopa monnieri is an interesting compound. have you noticed any benefits from it?
Hi Joe, I really just started taking the Bacopa again, and it’s an older bottle I had for a while, so I can’t say I’ve noticed any difference. But I did buy a new bottle from your link and will start taking it more regularly. It’s not that my memory is all that bad, at least that I can remember (big haha), but Bacopa has other benefits, too. And as you said, it’s better to prevent memory loss than to try to treat it. With the assault on my body recently of rheumatoid arthritis, I need extra support!
I’ve had to be on steroid pills (Prednisone) for almost 2 months (in total by the time I finish this second course).
I’m also working on eating better with more vegetables, avoiding processed foods (although I just had pizza and a restaurant meal ????). I can’t exercise. The steroids do havoc on my sleep. It’s been a very bad and painful 3 months.
Roseann, you are doing everything you can do at this time and that’s best for now. Pizza is fine once in a while. To make myself feel better when I eat pizza, I add spinach, and broccoli to balance it out. I also love pineapple too on pizza 🙂