Update 4/9/22. Moringa oleifera is a tree people at it in various parts of the world. The tree is said to boost energy, help weight loss and reduce pain and help thyroid function. Even Dr. Oz has jumped on the bandwagon calling it an “energy blaster.” In this review, you'll learn the results of clinical studies on moringa including potential side effects to watch out for. This review will help you put the moringa oleifera claims and reputed benefits in a better perspective.
What Is Moringa Oleifera?
Moringa oleifera (pronounced “more-ring-ga oh-la-fair-a”) is the scientific name for a tree that grows in several places around the world. It has many names including:
- horseradish tree
- drumstick tree
- benzolive tree
Some even call it “miracle tree.”
Because it's rich in vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins, moringa has actually been used to battle malnourishment in developing countries. This is likely why some might call it a “super food.” While some websites may tout that the plant grows in exotic locations like the Himalayan mountains or dead sea, Moringa can also be grown in more familiar areas, such as Florida.
Now, let's cover the evidence for some of the major health benefits of moringa with an emphasis on what the research conducted so far says.
Does It Boost Your Energy?
Can moringa boost your physical energy levels? There's no caffeine in in the leaves, roots or seeds so if it works it doesn't work the same as coffee or other caffeinated energy drinks.
For example, as Dr. Oz noted in this video, the plant has three times as much iron as spinach. Iron is a mineral that is needed to make red blood cells. Deficiency in iron can lead to anemia and one of the symptoms of this condition is lack of energy.
So, by reversing anemia, morninga might help some people. But it would really depend on whether or not you had anemia and what the cause of the anemia is.
So is there any evidence for this?
In one investigation when rats were put on an iron-deficient diet, giving them Moringa oleifera, reduced cholesterol levels ― but did not prevent anemia from occurring. What about people? Human studies could not be located.
Does Moringa raise thyroid hormone levels? There are two main thyroid hormones. They are called:
- T4 (Thyroxine)
- T3
The T4 hormone is converted to T3, which is the active thyroid hormone.
In one study that looked at this, rats were given an extract of Moringa for 10 days. In the female rats, the T3 hormone (active hormone) decreased while T4 levels increased. Oddly, no changes in thyroid hormones were seen in male rats. Human studies of this effect on thyroid function cannot be located.
What About Weight Loss?
Does moringa promote help weight loss? In one human study, researchers tested the effects of supplement extract called LI85008F” (also called Adipromin in 25 overweight people. The LI85008F compound was composed of
- Moringa oleifera
- Murraya koenigi
- Curcuma longa (black pepper)
It was reported the combination promoted more weight loss a placebo. But, because the supplement tested contained 3 different ingredients, we can't say the same effect would be seen if people took only moringa.
Another study also noted weight loss but here also it was combined with green coffee bean and vitamin D. Like before, it's unknown how much moringa contributed to the weight loss since researchers combined it with 2 different ingredients. This study was a review of an Advocare supplement called CraveCheck SR.
See the green coffee review for more information.
Video Review of Moringa Research
Watch on my Youtube channel if you prefer.
Moringa And Pain
Do moringa leaves have anti-inflammatory activity? If yes, they may be a natural pain reliever and help those with arthritis. While there is evidence the seeds may reduce pain and inflammation in mice, human proof could not be located.
Another study noted both the seeds and root extracts, when injected, alleviated pain in rats with arthritis. But again, human proof to to corroborate this could not be located.
Moringa And Cholesterol
What about moringa for high cholesterol? Does it work as well as other supplements like citrus bergamot or berberine? There are both lab animal and cell studies suggesting it works. But, the human proof is lacking.
Moringa And Diabetes
Can moringa lower blood sugar and A1c level and improve diabetes? Is it as good as metformin? While there is evidence this medicinal plant may help diabetes, most of the evidence involves mice and rats. There's not enough human evidence yet to say if it would improve diabetes.
Moringa And Asthma
At least one study has found moringa may help asthma.
In 2008, a study was published titled In this investigation, 20 people with mild to moderate asthma were given 3 grams of dried seed kernels of Moringa, twice per day (6 grams total) with water for 3 weeks. The seed kernels appeared to improve asthma symptoms.
This study had no placebo group so this is a weakness of the investigation. Various lab animal research studies also indicate a possible beneficial effect on asthma as well.
Moringa And Cancer
Preliminary evidence suggests extracts from Moringa oleifera may kill cancer cells. The types of cancer that might be most affected include ovarian cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and skin cancer. While the leaves seem to be most popular, this study noted moringa root extract was effective at killing about 80% of liver cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer cells.
Most of the research involves lab animals and test tubes. Human clinical studies involving cancer cannot be located.
Can Moringa Lower Blood Pressure?
If you have high blood pressure, can moringa help? One study says it might. Here, 41 people were given either 120 g (4 oz) of cooked moringa oleifera leaves each day and compared to people who did not eat the leaves. Before and after blood pressure measurements were taken.
Those eating cooked leaves had lowered systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. This was not seen on those who did not eat the leaves. This is good news because some animal research has noted moringa might raise blood pressure. While encouraging, keep in mind none of the people in the study had high blood pressure so more research is needed.
Moringa And AIDS
Can Moringa be a supporting treatment for HIV/AIDS? There's no doubt it's popular for this. According to a survey of HIV positive patients in Zimbabwe, at least 80% of people with HIV have used Moringa to boost their immune systems. But, does it work? Can it improve CD4 cells, immune cells affected by HIV? What about someone who is showing symptoms of AIDS?
One investigation showed moringa improved body mass index (BMI) in people with HIV/ AIDS. This was a small study of only 30 people who were given either a placebo or moringa for 6 months. Still, the ability to improve body weight in people with HIV/AIDS is significant and worthy of more research. Those with HIV/AIDS may want to discuss using with their doctor first.
Some test-tube and lab animal studies suggesting that extracts of the tree might have an immune inhibiting effect. Since HIV also inhibits the immune system, does this mean it would be bad for HIV/AIDS? It's too soon to know.
See the Black Seed HIV Review for more information.
How Much Works?
So if you were to take moringa supplements how much should you take? It's difficult to say. There's not enough human research yet. It's possible the dosage used may be different depending on the health condition. On the Dr. Oz segment I saw, he recommended taking 400 mg per day in a supplement drinking the tea twice a day. What's not known is where Dr. Oz came up with his dosage suggestion.
The good news is that supplements are not expensive.
Moringa Side Effects
Moringia is likely safe in most healthy people. It's been used for many years in developing countries who don't get enough to eat, so I think it is safe for most people. Given the lack of research on health conditions, here are some general things to consider before taking this supplement. This list is not complete so always check with your doctor.
- If taking supplements, start with less than recommended for the first week
- If you take any medications talk to your doctor
- Talk to your doctor first if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Some lab animal evidence that it might cause an abortion. Human evidence of this has not been confirmed but avoid while pregnant, just to be safe.
- Stop taking supplements at least 2 weeks before surgery. Moringa may have a blood-thinning effect.
Does Moringa Work?
There's no doubt the moringa tree is nutrient-rich. If you want to add a scoop to your smoothies, great. As for it helping people with health problems, I think its too soon to tell.
I read that moringa aids in lactation and increases milk flow. I just started taking it, as I am back to work and even pumping my supply is not keeping up with my 4 month old’s demands. Any thoughts?
Jess, good question. I’m not sure how moringa effects lactation. Have you asked your doctor about this?
I have read on different sites that moringa has anticoagulant properties and then many other sites that say it maybe unsafe for people on blood thinners because it promotes blood clotting from the high amounts of vitamin k. Does any know which one is correct?
Avi, when I looked, I didn’t see anything definitive that moringa oleifera would interact with blood thinner medications. That said, one of my rules of thumb is to assume the supplement is a blood thinner until I know more. I did locate this study that seemed to show it might have both a blood thinning and blood clotting effects depending on how long it was used. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3250039/ This was a test tube study, not a human study. As such Im not sure what effect it has in people.
Have you asked your pharmacist about this?
I have taken 2000mg of Moringa Olifera in EXTRACT form daily for the past two years. Is this the most recommended form (capsules) in relation to powder? I would like to read your views on dosage and what particular form of the supplement is best. My doctor says my health is excellent. I don’t know if it has any anti-aging qualities BUT nearly everyone comments “You don’t look it” when they hear my age at 93 years old.
Yes, the oldest that I have been taken for in the past years is 75. Honest ! Regretfully, I have tried to tell many persons about Moringa Olifera but most just scoff at the suggestion (this old guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about ) Thanks for your reply.
Hi Ray, I dont know if there is a significant difference between capsules and powdered moringa. My guess is the capsules probably contain the powdered supplement. As for the dosage, I’d just say whatever you are doing, just keep doing it. At 93, it sounds like you are doing wonderful.
I’m a 69-year-old insulin dependent Type II diabetic who has been taking Moringa leaf powder for about two months. Prior to the Moringa, I experienced low blood sugar episodes almost every day, sometimes three or four times in one day if I was very active. I had to eat something approximately every two hours and also just before going to bed. Since I started taking Moringa, low blood sugar episodes are non-existent. I am eating less, feeling full longer, and going for hours between meals. My life no longer revolves around food.
Before the Moringa, I would wake up feeling ill almost every day and would stay that way for hours or most of the day. I had very little energy and felt weak and off-balance. I spent many days “holding down the couch”. Now, I’m functional again, have energy and feel “normal”.
The third difference that I’ve noticed is that I no longer have to get up three to five times a night to use the bathroom. I may get up one time per night or sleep through the night entirely.
My doctor takes Moringa, and she was thrilled to find out that I had started taking it. She told me that diabetics’ bodies have a hard time absorbing the nutrients in food. Moringa is so rich in nutrients that I’m sure that I’m getting more of them into my cells. I took vitamin supplements before I discovered Moringa. They helped somewhat but not enough.
Moringa has truly has changed my life!
As a side note, I had told a friend (also diabetic) about Moringa. After taking it, she told me that she has lost six pounds in eight days and discontinued her blood pressure medicine because her blood pressure has dropped significantly. She is exercising 30 minutes a day.
Sally, thanks for sharing and I am happy that it is helping you and your friend. I like your website also 🙂
Hello, I am a 40 year female that suffers from IBSD, fibromyalgia, and chronic pancreatis. I”m the type of person that is very careful about what products I consume and use because I live in constant fear of a flare up.
My friend started selling Zija and gave me the whole sales pitch to get me to buy it. I bought it and skeptically used it. After 1 week of using the moringa product I started to notice a change. I had more energy, my inflammation seemed to improve, and I actually started back at the gym. NO SIDE EFFECTS EITHER!
I only used Zija for two months because it was very expensive. I looked on line and found that moringa was very inexpensive in other forms. Zija is a rip off because you can basically make it yourself.
So, I started buying moringa in the powder and made my own drink mix even putting it in my favorite receipts with the same results. Two years later my flare ups have significantly decreased, I have energy most of the time, my IBS is so much better and I personally feel like I got my life back.
In addition, I’ve changed my lifestyle as well. I omitted most dairy, carbs, processed foods, sugars ( including sweeteners) and candy. I love Moringa. Everyone should use it.
Which brand you are using?
That’s a 4000 year hype then…Ancient Egyptians already used it for its properties! Doesn’t anybody wonder, why after a century of laboratory tests of all kinds of synthetic medications, nobody tries to test things like: ginger, galanga, hibiscus and bitter melon -just to name a few- on humans, so they can give conclusive results and not label natural remedies as “non- conclusive- more tested needed”?
Of course it is being done, but when conclusive, pharma synthesizes things that we could also buy on the market or grow in our back yard to subsequently make lots of money selling it to gullible people like us!
Eric, instead of thinking big pharma blocks or hides the research, since they are in the business of making money, wouldn’t it just be easier for them to buy companies that make the natural products and sell it themselves? That’s what happened when Abbott Labs bought EAS supplements.
Thank you for your progressive approach to health – and life. I will definitely bookmark this site as you seem to have a very open, balanced purview. Your information has helped me. Kudos to you!
Wonkysnark, thanks so much! I’m glad you found my little area of the web helpful 🙂
btw if moringa was a bandwagon i wish everyone can join the ride 😉 i wouldn’t say its a Hype either because not too many people know about it besides word of mouth … their may not be tons of studies on humans but thousands have wrote good things about it even family friends claim they love it just like medical marijuana
just because their is not tons of test or proof does not mean it does not work medicinal plants have been used for centuries before man made medicine and even if the gov or fda or docs did millions of test what makes u think they would want people to know the great results i’m sure they would patent it and lock it away like “medical marijuana”
they could careless if u are healthy or not they just want $$$ most of the crap they approve is bad for ex. marijuana oil aka “rso” cures thousands maybe even millions of people with cancer but they would never tell u that the media doesn’t cover it or they claim theirs not enough test or proof like really come open up and stop with the b/s and stop relying on pity test
did u know big companies test on animals but most of the time dead ones which is useless dead animals dont have brain cells anymore and when people are given the phrama meds and have bad experiences fda and others claim the product is good for u when its truly not but the thing with moringa and other medicinal plants is tons of people millions for generations use it and live for many many years shouldn’t that be enough… well have a good one
hello i bought these in pill form and recently started to use them and to be honest u do feel very energetic and happier i lost a few pounds and my muscle is showing more.
i didnt really change anything i always drink water and i work for ups so a hard labor job tons of lifting and walking but its funny because people would tell me hey you are looking good you seem more muscular and less fatigued plus at night it took forever to fall asleep
now i feel more relaxed and fall asleep easily so i can say i have experienced something i didnt get off eating healthy or other supplements and im a health freak
i dont drink or smoke and stay away from sugars i use tons of natural products i can say moringa has been great and it does not hurt to try…
My age is 23.i was suffering from ankilo spondiletis,a type of arthritis. I got HLA B27+ve.what type of treatment would u recommend. Allopathy, homeopathy, Ayurveda, naturecure?.
Can I use moringoleifera?
Hi Sasank, Unfortunately I’m not aware of any evidence moringa helps your form of arthritis. Since Im not a doctor, Im going to recommend you speak to your rheumatologist about whether moringa can help you.
I am interested in the positive effects that I have heard and read about Moringa. While trying to find if it had an interaction with birth control (seeing as there are little to no human studies I might not know this for awhile) I came across an article which might not be accredited.
The article mentioned that Moringa is used as a natural form of birth control. What alarmed me is that this article mentioned that it was used in certain countries as a form of permanent birth control by prostitutes. This leads me to believe that it would make a woman infertile forever. I have provided that link to the article below. From the articles that you or any posters on here have read, do you see this to be true?
Stephanie, I mentioned this possibility in my review although I don’t know if it would cause permanent infertility. Parts of the plant might cause contractions of the uterus. this might cause a miscarriage.
The article you cited did link to did review articles on this possibility:
One professional who may be able to help you shed light on this – besides your doctor – is your local pharmacist. I’ve found that they are usually pretty good with supplement educations.
Hi Joe,
I enjoyed reading your take on moringa. I knew that there were studies being conducted at John Hopkins University regarding it and I don’t recall seeing it in your review. I wanted to share it with you as well as my personal results.
The study at John Hopkins can be found at this link. http://www.tfljournal.org/article.php/20051201124931586. It was completed by Jed W. Fahey, Sc.D. and there are references to other works that he has studied.
I was taking it from 2010-2012, and recently started again. I am using Zija, and I am quite happy with the results. When I began taking it I weighed 260, I lost down to 200 and became pregnant with twin girls, while taking it. I continued taking it during my pregnancy, with my doctors support. I carried my girls 37 weeks and gave birth to a 5lb 10 oz, and 6lb 12 oz healthy babies. There is part of the moringa tree that can be used as birth control, and is contra-indicated in pregnancy, though I cannot remember which part, but I believe it is the root.
I have also been able to come off of my blood pressure meds, I was on 3 due to heart failure caused by a previous pregnancy. During my twin pregnancy I was closely monitored for any further heart issues, but was given a clean bill of health. I am not a doctor, so I can’t say that Moringa healed me, but I can say that my heart is no longer showing signs of damage, my blood pressure has been reduced, and I feel great. I would love if the human trials were completed and this wonderful tree was given the credit I feel it would receive.
Hi Jennifer, thanks for showing me that reference. I did not see it when I wrote my Moringa review. It appears to be a review article of previous research. Nothing wrong with that. I’m going to read it and if brings up anything I missed, Ill update my review. I am very glad to hear that you health is doing better.
Hi Joe & fellow poster’s,
As someone investigating zija, I find it alarming that there is no scientific proof, or peer reviewed studies backing the efficacy of this company & line of products. In a world whereby many are searching for health answers, I find it amazing that most will not conduct their own due diligence in fully researching a product & the company bringing it to market. My delving thus far into zija is nothing short of massively alarming. As for the Moringa plant itself it obviously offers benefit but alas without solid scientific evidence.
Sadly most mlm companies bypass the facts via the opportunity of financial gain. I do not have a problem at all with products brought to market via mlm, as long as they are the real deal & have the above mentioned criteria. For me the basic mantra for any company, or person, promoting a health product in particular should be – It will do no harm – It is proven by science with peer reviewed studies – It will offer true benefit – It does not have hype or the promise of cure – It allows the individual the opportunity to do their due diligence without pressure before making any decision.
Charlatans galore out there so please be diligent & that is why I have enjoyed this blog. It offers solid advise based upon diligence & the opportunity for others to make comment.
Thanks Joe, and I look forward to viewing further blogs as this has helped me in my evaluation of zija (on behalf of another)
If I may, I would like to invite you to take a look at a glutathione breakthrough that meets all the criteria I have mentioned. If you care to take a look with your due diligence I would look forward to your feedback. Not sure if it is ethical for me to post a link here, but if interested you have my email & I can forward you a basic link offering an overview.
Mike Spadaccini
Mike, thanks, if you email let me know the product I will add it to my list. BTW, your website link didn’t work when I clicked on it so I took it out but if you email it to me, I’ll insert it for you.
Hi Joe – I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your writing style in covering topics. this article is the first I have read but truly like your approach. I am not saying that I agree with everything or the way you research but you have certainly motivated me to research more for myself based on interest in the way you kindly rebuke or question the “here say”. So well done, and I look forward to reading more or your posts.
you must have great delta in dealing with some of the comments from certain readers who passionately express themselves in comments. nothing wrong with that either, but it takes a person of great patience and a kind spirit to deal with that correctly. I don’t think I could be that person but, reading your posts and answers is also a great little life lesson, so thanks for being that person. Sincerely, your friends are fortunate to know you.
Shannon, that is SO kind of you to say. I believe everyone has a voice and that the answer is out there if we can all come together in rational conversation. You truly have made my day 🙂
I just want to second what Shannon wrote. You know, in life what matters most is the extent to which we’re able to choose loving and wise ways in which to respond to the things that come our way and the extent to which we put love out into the world (and I don’t mean the mushy sentimental kind of love, but just respect and concern for others’ feelings and humanness). The “how” of our responses and actions reflects hugely on who we are as people, and, Joe, you’ve shown yourself to be an exceptional person in how you’ve responded to certain commenters. A life lesson indeed, as stated by Shannon, but a big one, not a little one. Thank you for that reminder of how to be a better person and thank you for being who you are. The world is lucky to have you in it, and we are fortunate to witness your “how”.
K, you are SO KIND to say that. I am deeply flattered and humbled by your words. I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to reach out to me.
Research study on moringa and HUMAN pancreatic cancer cells:
Ellie thanks. Ive added the study to my files. I think this is a test tube study but it does add to our knowledge of Moringa. Id be interested to see a follow up study to see if it prolongs the lives of people with cancer. Keep me posted if you find anything else.
Thank you for your research and information. I am finishing my MPH and am interested in doing my thesis on nutritional benefits of Moringa and if there is evidence showing that Moringa can combat malnutrition in developing countries. I have also had a very hard time finding any evidence-based data and clinical studies that I can use. There are many claims and perceived benefits out there but hardly any concrete human research, which is surprising and frustrating. I am really wondering why that is???
Just in case you haven’t seen these, here are the only two human studies I found surrounding nutritional benefits of Moringa:
Nutritional and Clinical Rehabilitation of Severely Malnourished Children with Moringa oleifera Lam. Leaf Powder in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
Thanks again.
Anne, thanks so much for the references! I’d be interested reading your thesis when its completed.
I appreciate that you sift through all of this research and translate it for we lay people. I have recently learned about Zija – I take Juice Plus currently and it took me about five years of research to make that decision.
In your opinion, given the lack of human studies on Moringa oleifera, is Juice Plus a comparable means of supplementation?
Currently, I take krill oil in addition to the JP – I’m told that Zija contains a combination of omega 3 and 6 oils that would make fish or krill oil supplementation unnecessary. Is there any published research to bear this out?
PanDmom, between the two, I go with the one that has research. I know Juice Plus has research. Im not aware of any research on Zija. I wouldn’t worry about omega 6 fatty acids. Odds are you already get enough of them.
As for Omega 3s, I believe the type in Zija comes from alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which is not the same thing as fish oil omega 3 fats (EPA and DHA). For one thing, we turn ALA into EPA and DHA – but we have a very limited ability to do it. I don’t believe the effects of ALA are the same as EPA and DHA either.
Here is a review on Krill Oil I wrote for more info on that.
any other questions, just ask 🙂
Just came across your site, thanks for the helpful info. My sister starting taking moringa (Zija brand) only to help out her son who had become a distributor.
Within one month her high blood pressure normalized and she was able to stop taking her blood pressure drugs. I’m considering taking it after reading your review as it may be beneficial for my hypoththyroidism.
The main reason human studies aren’t funded is because big pharma is making too much money from patented drugs.
Lisa, universities can do studies so it’s not just up to pharma. I know big pharma has been know to buy supplement companies so I’m not sure they want to suppress anything. If they can make money with supplements, they will. Let me know if it helps your thyroid problem or if not. I’m curious.
This is ignorant lol, do you work for the government or something???? Universities are controlled anyways.
You also don’t need to be Rosetta Stone to use studies from the world over, many are in English anyways, and we have translation methods good enough for the Tower of Babil so it seems like you don’t want deserving supplements or foods to get their glory, or you just don’t care, or are too compromised yourself to think properly.
If a supplement works big pharma either rapes and mutates and attaches it to poison to sell for a thousand times more, or it suppresses it and talks bad about it, either directly or with any of their illions dollar connections, which includes the government and food industry.
They are pure evil and if you don’t know that you’ve got way more research to do.. but don’t just stick to your mainstream sources for that mind you.
Moringa is more amazing than you can imagine, and if you want to just use US human studies then ask yourself why the hell if they keep testing on animals anyway.. though animals getting moringa could thankfully be healed from previous damage and torture done to them by toxic compounds in the name of government corporate sponsored bullshyt
Dr. Kazina, Would you care to share some of those studies here on how Amazing moringa is? How about 3 of the best. Please keep to only human studies that are in English and let’s discuss them.
It did not take long to find this discussing multiple human studies in addition to other kinds (in English) so I am sure it would not be difficult to find more studies but I’m on my phone and not proficient with it for researching and posting online so I’ll just paste this one here since it hopefully meets your specifications
Dr. Kazina, thanks for sharing that review article and linking to the full study so everyone can read it also. I did update my review with a link to that article so people can read it for themselves if they like. I did notice that the authors of the study noted that “data collected from human subjects are limited” which is basically the point I was getting at when I looked at the evidence.
What is a good form of moringa to take? One that keeps its potency. What is a good brand? Thanks, T
Do you think GOD let moringa plant grow and loaded it with vitamins and minerals just for nothing… Why humans take supplements because they want to be healthy and moringa has it all..
Once you heat up any natural plant it loses all its good qualities, how do they get it to a pill without doing that, the only thing I can see is that you take the leaves and eat it or make tea then you might have something, otherwise its just another gimmick for someone to make money. Eat healthy and natural, you will be better off.
I dry mine in a dehydrator at low temperature, grind it in a grinder and store it in a glass jar. This power could be packaged in plastic caps and sold. So that’s one way of doing it.
Zija’s Moringa is not in a pill form. It is a raw, enzymattically alive powder that is added to water to drink. We’ve had wonderful improvements with our health being on this product!
Thanks for the efforts. We should know that the dose for the animal is different from the dose of the human., for example when we want to calculate the 200 mg/kg dose of moringa for the rat we should divide it to 6.2, so 200/6.2 x 91=2.94 gm
Basem, thanks for the feedback and the conversion factor.
I appreciate your efforts. However, limiting your searches the National Library of Medicine is vastly inferior to doing the many hours of boots-on-the-E-ground global internet searches. You may want to consider checking with GreenMedinfo’s research database, just for one example. With a truly global search, though, you may have to translate some of the resultant links. Research published in English is not the only arena for finding gold-standard published research. Short: don’t limit to NLM. Downside: expect to spend manyfold hours to find the larger picture. I do. I’m tempted to just give you some of the research links on Moringa, but let’s see if you can find them on your own.
Nevertheless, I have found your diggings helpful in several cases, and appreciate your efforts.
George, thanks for your feedback. Truth be told, I consult other resources when I review supplements (I also consult many of the books I personally own too) but you are correct, NML does make up a good part of what I link to because its freely accessible to anyone. Since I only speak English I’m limited to English studies. I’ve book marked the green med info website so I thank you for that.
Thanks for the prompt reply. I honor your work. A few other published works found on greenmedinfo’s research section, regarding Moringa, for any interested:
Moringa oleifera leaves have high antioxidant properties, probably due to direct free radical trapping and metal chelation.
Pubmed Data : Food Chem Toxicol. 2009 Jun 9. PMID: 19520138
Article Published Date : Jun 09, 2009
Study Type : Human Study
Moringa oleifera are a valuable source of vitamin A.
Pubmed Data : Plant Foods Hum Nutr. 2001;56(1):83-95. PMID: 11213172
Article Published Date : Jan 01, 2001
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera exhibits antioxidant, hypolipidaemic and antiatherosclerotic activities.
Pubmed Data : J Ethnopharmacol. 2008 Mar 28;116(3):439-46. Epub 2007 Dec 23. PMID: 18249514
Article Published Date : Mar 28, 2008
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera exhibits liver protective properties in rats receiving antitubercular drugs.
Pubmed Data : J Med Food. 2002 Fall;5(3):171-7. PMID: 12495589
Article Published Date : Sep 01, 2002
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera has a cholesterol lowering effect in an animal model.
Pubmed Data : J Ethnopharmacol. 2003 Jun;86(2-3):191-5. PMID: 12738086
Article Published Date : Jun 01, 2003
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera has a preventive and curative effect on calcium oxalate stone formation (urolithiasis) in rats.
Pubmed Data : J Ethnopharmacol. 2006 Apr 21;105(1-2):306-11. Epub 2006 Jan 4. PMID: 16386862
Article Published Date : Apr 21, 2006
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera has an ameliorating effect for glucose tolerance in rats.
Pubmed Data : J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2007 May;40(3):229-33. PMID: 18398501
Article Published Date : May 01, 2007
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera has significant wound healing property.
Pubmed Data : Indian J Exp Biol. 2006 Nov;44(11):898-901. PMID: 17205710
Article Published Date : Nov 01, 2006
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera inhibits arsenic-induced oxidative stress and may act as an arsenic chelator.
Pubmed Data : Cell Biol Int. 2007 Jan;31(1):44-56. Epub 2006 Sep 15. PMID: 17055307
Article Published Date : Jan 01, 2007
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera inhibits skin lesions associated with herpes simplex virus type 1 in mice.
Pubmed Data : Antiviral Res. 2003 Nov;60(3):175-80. PMID: 14638393
Article Published Date : Nov 01, 2003
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera leaf possesses significant cardioprotective properties.
Pubmed Data : J Med Food. 2009 Feb;12(1):47-55. PMID: 19298195
Article Published Date : Feb 01, 2009
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera leaves have significant anti-diabetic activity in a rat model.
Pubmed Data : J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Jun 25;123(3):392-6. Epub 2009 Apr 5. PMID: 19501271
Article Published Date : Jun 25, 2009
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera may have therapeutic value in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
Pubmed Data : Pharmacol Res. 2000 Mar;41(3):319-23. PMID: 10675284
Article Published Date : Mar 01, 2000
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera may prevent hyperlipidemia and tissue changes in liver cells due to iron-deficiency.
Pubmed Data : Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2007 Aug;71(8):1826-33. Epub 2007 Aug 7. PMID: 17690476
Article Published Date : Aug 01, 2007
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera may provide protection against Alzheimer’s disease in a rat model.
Pubmed Data : Indian J Med Res. 2008 Dec;128(6):744-51. PMID: 19246799
Article Published Date : Dec 01, 2008
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera prevents acetaminophen induced liver injury through restoration of glutathione level.
Pubmed Data : Food Chem Toxicol. 2008 Aug;46(8):2611-5. Epub 2008 Apr 25. PMID: 18514995
Article Published Date : Aug 01, 2008
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera protects against antitubercular drug induced damage in rats.
Pubmed Data : J Med Food. 2003 Fall;6(3):255-9. PMID: 14585192
Article Published Date : Sep 01, 2003
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera protects against ulcer formation by modulating serotonin.
Pubmed Data : Drug Alcohol Depend. 1994 Feb;34(3):225-9. PMID: 20637582
Article Published Date : Feb 01, 1994
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera seed extract has anti-arthitic activity in rats.
Pubmed Data : J Immunotoxicol. 2007 Jan;4(1):39-47. PMID: 18958711
Article Published Date : Jan 01, 2007
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera seed extract have therapeutic activity in systemic and local anaphyalaxis.
Pubmed Data : J Immunotoxicol. 2007 Oct;4(4):287-94. PMID: 18958739
Article Published Date : Oct 01, 2007
Study Type : Animal Study
Moringa oleifera seed extract may have value in the treatment of chemically stimulated immune-mediated asthma.
Pubmed Data : Drugs. 2003;63(1):71-100. PMID: 18958717
Article Published Date : Jan 01, 2003
Study Type : Animal Study
This traditional dietary supplement is justified in hypertensive patients according to its composition and its ability to reduce blood pressure has been demonstrated experimentally.
Pubmed Data : J Ethnopharmacol. 2012 Mar 24. Epub 2012 Mar 24. PMID: 22480886
Article Published Date : Mar 23, 2012
Study Type : Animal Study
Extracts of Moringa oleifera inhibit DNA damage and free radical activity.
Pubmed Data : Food Chem Toxicol. 2009 Jun;47(6):1109-16. PMID: 19425184
Article Published Date : Jun 01, 2009
Study Type : In Vitro Study
Moringa oleifera contains compounds which show promise as anti-cancer agents.
Pubmed Data : Mutat Res. 1999 Apr 6;440(2):181-8. PMID: 10209341
Article Published Date : Apr 06, 1999
Study Type : In Vitro Study
Moringa oleifera contains compounds with hypotensive activity.
Pubmed Data : Planta Med. 1998 Apr;64(3):225-8. PMID: 9581519
Article Published Date : Apr 01, 1998
Study Type : In Vitro Study
Moringa oleifera has antifungal activity against various deromatophytes.
Pubmed Data : PLoS One. 2011;6(1):e14575. Epub 2011 Jan 24. PMID: 16406607
Article Published Date : Jan 01, 2011
Study Type : In Vitro Study
Moringa oleifera inhibits Epstein-Barr virus activity.
Pubmed Data : Planta Med. 1998 May;64(4):319-23. PMID: 9619112
Article Published Date : May 01, 1998
Study Type : In Vitro Study
Moringa oleifera prevents ulcer formation in gastric tissue.
Pubmed Data : Indian J Exp Biol. 2007 Aug;45(8):726-31. PMID: 17877150
Article Published Date : Aug 01, 2007
Study Type : In Vitro Study
Review: Moringa oleifera has a variety of medicinal uses.
Pubmed Data : Phytother Res. 2007 Jan;21(1):17-25. PMID: 17089328
Article Published Date : Jan 01, 2007
Study Type : Review
George, I truly appreciate you listing all of those studies especially since they come from a source other than the national library of medicine, as that was a concern you had expressed previously with my research methods. I looked at all of the studies you provided and they are all either lab animal (rats, mice) or test tube studies or review articles. I didn’t see any human studies of moringa listed. I believe you corroborated my conclusions about moringa and I do thank you for that.
Thank you for extrapolating and nitpicking George. You may not feel the same as me, but it seems like this guy probably works for the government, or is just not that good of a researcher or thinker..
for the record for anyone reading and really wanting to know, pretty much all diseases and disorders can be reversed with real living, abstaining from mainstream poisoned crap, detoxifying that already taken, making sure the diet had pure nutrition providing all necessary nutrients, and also renourishing the mind, heart and soul
very true!
I’m tempted too……but I’ll just be vague……tempted,vague…..that’s what I am before I read sup geek. Thanks for the work and effort you put into providing this information Joe.
Michel, you are very welcome.