Update 3/17/22. Massularia acuminate is an herb that’s reputed to raise testosterone levels and is one of the principal ingredients in a testosterone supplement called Pink Magic as well as other products. Here is my original review of Pink Magic if you care to read it. I am writing this review specifically about Massularia acuminate and supplements that contain Massularia because of all the emails I have gotten recently. Does Massularia acuminate work – raise testosterone or improve sex drive? Let's see what the clinical research says.
Does Massularia acuminate Raise Testosterone Levels?
The fervor over Massularia supplements and testosterone can likely be traced to a study that was published in 2008 in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
In this study 60 male rats were divided into 4 groups. Each group received a different amount of Massularia acuminate for 21 days.
Group A –control group. No Massularia supplement
Groups B, C and D received Massularia in the following amounts:
- Group B. 1 ml 250 milligrams per kilogram of body weight
- Group C. 1 ml 500 milligrams per kilogram of body weight
- Group D. 1000 milligrams per kilogram of body weight
On days 1, 7 and 21 of the study, the rats were analyzed to see if Massularia acuminate had any effects. The study seemed to show that there was some effects such as an increase in testes to body weight ratio, testosterone and luteinizing hormone to name a few.
But does this mean that supplements like Pink Magic will raise YOUR testosterone levels? Well, let’s consider this:
- You are not a rat.
- This is just one study (I couldn’t find any human studies).
- How much Massularia acuminate did they use?
This study used 250 – 1000 milligrams PER KILOGRAM OF BODY WEIGHT in rats. Since we are not a rat, we need to convert this to people's dosages.
The human dosage was between 40 – 160 mg/kg body weight.
Since everybody weighs differently, convert your body weight to kilograms and multiply by these amounts to find a dosage that might be right for you.
Remember, this is just an extrapolation based on a lab rat study. Whether or not these dosages are correct for people can't really be known until clinical studies on people are published.
See the Tribulus review for the research on that testosterone booster.
How Much Massularia Acuminate Is in Pink Magic?
They don’t say. Instead, you get a “proprietary blend” of 1600 milligrams that’s made up of
- Massularia acuminate
- Neiumbo Nucifera
- Rhamnus Nakaharai
Massularia acuminate is the first ingredient in the blend so it likely makes up most of the 1600 mg. That is good.

That plus the lack of human studies makes me skeptical as to whether Massularia acuminate supplements like Pink Magic that contain Massularia acuminate would raise testosterone levels or make people bigger or stronger.
Update. It appears Pink Magic has been discontinued. I'm not surprised.
Does Massularia Acuminate Help Sex?
Is Massularia acuminate an aphrodisiac? The same lead researchers who did the rat study summarized above published another rat study in 2011. This study, titled, Effect of Aqueous Extract of Massularia acuminata Stem on Sexual Behaviour of Male Wistar Rats, noted that dosages of between 500 mg/ kg body weight and 1000 mg/kg body weight improved testosterone and amorous behavior in the male rats.
Again, in human dosages, this would be: 80 – 160 mg/ kg body weight.
It is noteworthy that the researchers stated that a massularia dosage of 250 mg/kg body weight (human dose, 40 mg/kg body weight) did not raise testosterone. Yet, in the 2008 rat study summarized above, it did. Why did that dosage work in one study but not in another study?
While I do view this as a possible weakness of one or both of these rat investigations, it might also mean that men looking to raise testosterone or improve bedroom performance may need more than 40 mg/ kilogram of body weight. That is of course, assuming that these rat studies are replicated in humans. When human studies are published, I'll update this review.
Massularia Side Effects
Until human research is published, it is difficult to know what the Massularia acuminate are. That said, here are some general thoughts to consider. This list is not complete
- Speak to your doctor if you take ANY medications.
- Don't take if you are pregnant/breastfeeding.
- Stop taking Massularia acuminate at least 2 weeks before having surgery.
- One rat study noted liver problems might be related to this herb.
For more personalized advice, speak go your pharmacist and doctor especially if you have any health issues or take any medications.
Does Massularia Acuminate Work?
Whether or not Massularia Acuminate raises testosterone or improves sexual dysfunction needs more research. The research to date is limited to lab animal research. I'd like to see some human research on Massularia Acuminate and supplements that contain it as their main ingredient. For the moment, I remain skeptical, but if it worked for you, let me know.
Here is Massularia acuminate on Amazon.
What do you think?
When rat studies are used, a formula for HED (Human Equivalent Dose) needs to be considered because larger animals have a slower metabolic rate and requires less to obtain the same effect. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4804402)
Hope that helps some. 🙂
Paul, you are correct and I should have done this before. I’ve updated the review to include potential human dosages. For what it’s worth, I remain skeptical about Massularia until human research is published. Again, thanks so much 🙂
I have had a working relationship with All American Pharmaceutical for many years. Just an observation. AAP had to stop selling one of its products a number of years ago because all of the Tribulus that was being offered had been contaminated – it had had some pro hormones and sometimes steroids in with it. We could not get a clean source.AAP quality controls everything coming into the facility with its in-house lab.
So, not implying that any one product had it in there, but just sharing from experience and insight on the side of the raw materials and contamination, it might explain some instances of something being “felt”. The comment that came back from the channels was that some companies were asking for it to be in there… spiking. This was prominent especially when the pro hormones like andorstendione became banned.
John, thanks for the feedback. Really glad to know about All American Pharm’s quality controls too.
Although it isn’t a supplement, I have had testosterone pellets implanted every 5 months or so for years. I wonder now, if all I did was mess up my natural testosterone. Without the pellets I dropped to a test level of 139, very low of course and I do feel better after I get the pellets, but now I feel that I am a slave to getting them.
I am 68 and in decent shape and do work out 4 days a week for 30 minutes.
Ron, I have no idea. Id say talk to your doctor who implanted the pellets and see what he/she thinks.
You must account for body surface area for allometric dose conversions. The 250mg rat example you cite in your article if applied to a human would be: 250 mg/kg * 6/27 = 55.6 mg / Kg or for the 91 Kg person in your example about 5g a day.
You can read more about allometric dose conversions here: http://www.fasebj.org/content/22/3/659.full
Mark thanks for that. Surface area of not we can both agree that Massularia acuminata could use some people studies 🙂
I’d like to point out that exogenous testosterone (steroids, prohormones, etc.) can indeed decrease your body’s own T production. However, it is my understanding that herbs generally increase your body’s endogenous production. So after discontinuing usage, T levels generally return to normal. In fact, many people use T boosting herbs to help normalize test production after using prohormones.
Also, I personally believe Pink Magic works, but I doubt it is completely testosterone dependent. I used it when I was 20 years old and got great results strength-wise. That was even after using several other test boosters and various performance enhancing supplements that were all generally disappointing so I’m certain it wasn’t a placebo effect. So far, Pink Magic is one of the few supplements besides creatine that really gave me a strength boost.
Jeremy, its possible pink magic, if it works, does so through multiple pathways. It would be very easy to test to see if it raises T levels in humans. Any grad student at a university could determine this in a month if they had a few college students.
No they couldn’t because it isn’t going to show a significant increase in a college aged individual. When you’re in your teens and 20’s your testosterone levels are already through the roof assuming you’re otherwise a healthy normal young adult male. If you’re not healthy they’re not going to help either, they don’t cure disease.
What they will do is bring back normal test levels to an otherwise healthy man in his mid to late 40s, 50s and probably even 60’s or further (although I can’t speak for that since I’m still in my 50s). They’re not steroids, and too many young people are evaluating them when what they’re looking for is a steroid alternative. These aren’t them.
These are something that will help older men as they’re aging to return and maintain healthy test levels, hence lean muscle mass and fat loss. I know, I’ve been using Pink for about 4 years now but my supply is almost out and as you know they’ve stopped making it.
I’m hoping to pin down all the ingredients in it to try to see what’s available separately or possibly in another product because I will hate to lose this stuff. I didn’t buy up every bottle in existence when they stopped making it a year ago because it doesn’t work, or I’m easily fooled by placebos. If that were the case I’d just use something else.
RR, I’d think that if Pink Magic really worked (raised testosterone levels), they would not have stopped making it. Question, did you ever get your testosterone levels measured before and after using pink magic?
Hi Joe, not sure how I feel about you basically implying I’m lying or don’t know what I’m talking about. You’re about what, ..30? 35? I’m 53. When you get here, you’ll find out that men in their 50’s obsess about test levels.
At least when their “junks slowing down”. Yes I had my test levels checked. That’s what started it. I was 49, had only recently started back lifting for a few years but was seeing less and less healing, getting injured, low drive, etc. My levels turned out to be in the 300 range. I was looking at Testosterone injections (which is why I went to the doctor) and we talked about what they are and how they’ll impact my body and I asked about alternatives.The doctor suggested I might see some improvement from Boron supplementation. I tried that but didn’t see much.
Then I tried Pink Magic which then was always on the shelf at GNC. First bottle I wasn’t “sure” what I felt, and continued using it for about 3 to 4 weeks, stopped feeling it hadn’t done a whole lot. After being off it for a bit I noticed a difference. When I’d been on I seemed to be tighter and losing body fat but again “wasn’t sure”. Then I ran another bottle of it and by the second week the changes were undeniable.
I had not only more energy and saw healing both in training returns and an injury I’d been nursing. My junk (sorry not sure what the proper polite term would be) actually grew in size (more blood in the main tool) and nads actually grew heavy and full. Like twice their size prior to that second trial. My skin took on a healthy olive tone, my stomach fat seemed to disappear and my vascularity was just ridiculous.
I did not see huge increases in strength but I did see noticeable increases in strength and more noticeable, recovery. So after taking it for about 4 months I saw the same doctor for a follow up and my levels had jumped to nearly 700. I told him what I was taking and he said “never heard of it but keep taking it”. I haven’t been tested since, no need. I’m not a bodybuilder, not a pro athlete just an older weightlifter who wants to try to stay as young as I can (getting old’s not for sissies).
I’ve sampled lots of test boosters since, with various results as far as those that would be discernible, but nothing worked like Pink. I bought up pretty much all I could find when it went off the shelves, and occasionally pay 100 bucks on eBay for one, but my supply’s low and I’m looking to figure out the ingredients because I’d like to see if I can buy them separately.
Joe, I come from a “can do” self reliant smart generation of thinkers and doers. We didn’t grow up with the internet, or news shows that tell you how to wipe your own rear end properly. I’ve run two successful businesses, was 4.0 in college in the 1980’s and have an IQ or 137. I’m not some mindless simpleton walking around who doesn’t know what it is he’s talking about or what is happening to his body at any given time.
I know you and several guys out there are out dismissing natural test boosters, but the fact is they do work, and the millions of men my age who use them successfully aren’t fools and placebo junkies squandering our hard earned money on snake oils. They do work. But they’re NOT STEROIDS.
I cannot tell you how tired I am of 25 and 30 year old men reviewing natural boosters and poo pooing them because they didn’t see the gains they want. If you’re 35 years old and otherwise healthy and not taking anything to suppress it, then your test levels should already be strong and healthy. And if so then you’re NOT going to see much of a difference and any difference you do see will be negligible.
You need to be of more advanced years, where you had high levels as a kid, then when you approached 50, those levels NATURALLY receded to the point of seeking ways to increase them. If that is your situation, then it will work. You’re not going to take a bottle though and have your levels jump the first time. It has to build up and it doesn’t just instantly release huge amounts of testosterone. But use it right, the way they say (2x2x2 each day, one day off) , train normal (not more or less) and over the next 90 days, your levels will rise. How high? Don’t know. Each guys different.
When I saw mine at nearly 700, I didn’t need to read any more blogs, listen to any more “experts”. I knew from the best knowledge there is on the planet. First hand knowledge. Beat that with a stick.
RR, I’m 49 myself and I’m not implying that you are lying or anything of the sort but you didn’t mention testosterone levels in your original comment and that is why I asked.
Were you lifting weights before taking pink magic or after you started taking it? I ask because I know weight lifting will increase testosterone levels. I also know weight loss can cause an elevation of testosterone levels too. I’m sure as an intelligent person you can appreciate my wanting to look at this from a scientific method perspective.
I’m just trying to get to a reason to explain why you saw the results you say you experienced. If you were lifting and had testosterone levels tested before measured pink magic, then this is better evidence for pink magic than, “I started taking pink magic and lifting and my testosterone levels went up.’
I’m skeptical of all testosterone boosters because I see no scientific proof in humans for any of them. That doesn’t mean they dont necessarily work however I must see the proof for myself.
I agree with you on boron supplements. They dont raise testosterone levels.
Why did they stop making it if it worked so well?
Hi Joe, thanks, I appreciate that and I’m glad to hear you are 49, so you are at least qualified to be talking about test levels and advancing age because you’re going through what I went through 4 years ago I imagine. Or maybe not yet, but soon. Its a little different for each guy I’m sure.
In answer to your question on weights, yes as I said I’d been back lifting for about 2 years. I’d lifted up until my mid to late 30’s where I’d slacked off and eventually stopped completely until I was about 47, then started back up. By the time I was 49, I was not pleased with the results and a friend of mine is a pediatrician and he suggested I might talk to my physician about test injections, which is how I got started on the supplement road.
Back in the 80s when I used to lift seriously I never took them, other than protein powders occasionally or Amino Acid’s so it was a new thing for me. As for the weight loss I didn’t actually lose weight on Pink, it was more like a “redistribution”. The key thing I noticed was around the waist. You start getting flatter, tighter abs, that “v” shape you had as a kid however you haven’t done anything different in your routine. That and the vascularity (no NO2 in it that I know of and NO2’s don’t work on me for more than a short period of time if at all).
Now I’m panicking as my supply is down to 3 bottles. I cycle on and off it and don’t take it steady. Your body gets used to it like anything so I usually go 4 to 5 weeks on then a month off. Without it the difference is undeniable. Its not placebo.
Were it placebo, I would be able to take any test booster and “feel” like its working, particularly Boron since my doctor recommended it (which would reinforce the placebo effect since a medical doctor recommended it) . So notwithstanding that I’m not dumb enough to be fooled into spending thousands of dollars buying up all the Pink Magic in existence because of placebo effects, the fact that I don’t get those effects off the one my doctor suggested (or lots of other ones too) pretty much rules out the placebo effect.
However, there may be other variables. For example alcohol or other things someone may be taking might interfere with the results. I don’t consume ANY alcohol. Ever. So that might be a factor if you drink or take prescrips of some kind. Also other lifestyle habits, even foods, not sure.
So I wholly agree with you study’s would be helpful. But to shelve the product until then is just cheating yourself out of the benefits. Of course its not available so you can’t really get it right now. But I do suggest you try to find two bottles of if you can (try eBay, Amazon, etc) and give it a try. But first get your levels checked of course as you indicate because as I indicated, its not going to work if you’re already at a high level of serum testosterone.
If your levels are up there now, which they may well be, then it just won’t be a significant enough change to gauge it. What its not going to do is take you “past normal” (maybe a little, not sure, never had them checked as a kid). But it does get you “back” to where you were in your late 20’s and 30’s. That’s how I feel on it to a point. It doesn’t however “wipe out aging” for me and I still don’t heal as fast as I did as a kid, but I do heal “closer” to that than I do off it.
In answer to your question as to why they stopped making it, I don’t know, I’m not USP labs. But I did email Joe and a girl named Diana responded and said they stopped making it because a substance in it is very expensive to “harvest” and that it takes a long time to grow. They also said they have NOT stopped making it, just temporarily a key ingredient is unavailable.
So that leads me to believe that there must be something other than the Massularia acuminate in it that’s contributing to the results I’m seeing. (hopefully not a steroid of some sort, as the owner has been apparently in trouble for that before). But I honestly don’t know. There’s a smell to Pink Magic that is quite unique, I’ve never smelled a supplement like it. Almost a sweet smell, its habit forming to sniff the bottle before taking your daily dose. It smells good. Not sure what it is.
Anyway I’m on a mission in case you can’t tell, to find someone to decipher the ingredients so I can try to find them either in another product or individually. I’m going to start by buying some Massularia acuminate and try that. Hopefully I can figure it out and find the ingredients, and I hope for your sake that you at least give it a second try (and can find some) because I think you’ll be impressed. Take a bottle for a month. Stop a month. Then see if that second bottle, doesn’t suddenly start to look irresistible to you.
RR thanks for the feedback and that’s intersting that USP labs said they have only temporarily stopped making it. Ill keep my eyes open for more info on pink magic. Id agree starting with mussularia acuminate is a good place to start at. hopefully that will give you the same results as pink magic. do keep me posted on what happens. I’m always curious about this stuff.
And yes, I did have them tested prior to taking it as I spelled out in my comment. That was the whole reason I started taking them. In the 300 range prior to taking them. A few bottles afterwards nearly 700. I found it fairly compelling.
No expert analysis here and no anecdotal stories, just my own experience but for me it works great. I’m 52 though, and I think its probably not as effective at already healthy testosterone producing younger men. They’re not going to notice it as much as an older man will. It took me one bottle before I really noticed the affect. But it was profound. Makes your skin tighter and look younger, better than viagra (because its real) and the drive, mental clarity, its like a fountain of youth pill.
But I think younger men won’t notice it as much and some men of course just won’t react for a variety of reasons, but I know for me after the first bottle ran out is when I noticed how I missed it. I went back to a month later and the results were almost instant. Now after a long dry spell since it ran out I ran into two bottles today so I’m back on. A deltoid injury I couldn’t shake for a month is now, ….”magically” healing. No s$$t. I knew it would. I’m stacking with Prime for healing, but 2 months on Versa and no heal. 1 day on Prime stacked with 8 PINK Magic tablets and suddenly my shoulder is healing.
As I knew it would. The prime heals and the Pink renews. So yea, I think the stuff works. Not sure if its the Massularia acuminata or something else, though I think I’ll try a bottle of that Massularia acuminata straight and see what it does, but whatever’s in Pink Magic I wish they’d not stop making it.
Using the recognized BSA conversion equation, by species, an oral dose of 250mg/kg for a rat would actually equate to an adult human oral dose of 40.54mg/kg. For a 175-lb human, the equivalent dose would then be just 3.225 grams/d. Though, like you very accurately noted, studies in rats don’t particularly mean that the same will occur in humans (e.g., L-Arginine is a potent blood flow enhancing agent in rats b/c of a slightly modified NO pathway; the species adjusted doses that are effective in rats are generally worthless in humans). Good blog post. – chris
Chris thanks I appreciate that feedback.