Update 3/20/20. Are Reishi mushrooms healthy? Maybe you know it by its other name, Ganoderma lucidum? Mushrooms are one of the most popular superfoods on Earth. So whats the research on reishi mushroom health benefits? In this reishi mushroom review, I'll break down the research to help figure out if its right for you. Does reishi mushroom work? In some cases, yes. Do they have any side effects you should know about? Yes. Let's go to the science and see if it's right for you. See the Black Seed Oil Review too.
1 What Is Reishi Mushroom?
Reishi mushroom – Ganoderma lucidum is a type of mushroom. There are over 5000 types of mushrooms, Another name for reishi is Lingzhi mushroom. Reishi mushroom has a variety of compounds that might seem to work in many different ways.
Let's now summarize the reishi research and focus on human research. Human research is most important for us because we are humans.
2 Reishi And Blood Pressure
Can Reishi mushroom help lower blood pressure? Researchers in Hong Kong gave 1.44 g of reishi to 26 people with hypertension for 12 weeks. They saw no change in blood pressure or body mass index (BMI) in either placebo or Ganoderma groups. They did notice a small decrease in insulin resistance and triglyceride levels. An increase in good (HDL) cholesterol was also noted.
3 Reishi And Dementia
Research hints reishi mushrooms may reduce the development of beta-amyloid plaques which form in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. Sounds promising. So can reishi help people preserve memory? Researchers in China tested reishi mushroom powder in 42 people with Alzheimer's disease for 6 weeks. These researchers saw no improvement in peoples memory. This is contrary to lab animal evidence which suggests the mushroom can bolster memory.
Also, see these memory supplement reviews too:
4 Reishi And Arthritis
Researchers in Hong Kong, gave the mushroom or a placebo to 65 people with rheumatoid arthritis. for 24 weeks. The amount of used was 2.4 grams per day. Those taking the supplement were also given 2.4 grams of an herb called San Miao San (SMS).
After 24 weeks, those taking the reishi/ San Miao San combination reported a significant reduction in arthritis pain. However, there was no decrease in any immune system cells – which is odd since an over-aggressive immune system often can contribute to arthritis. This study did not prove reishi helped arthritis pain because the mushroom was used in combination with another herb.
5 Reishi And Viruses
There is evidence reishi, plus another mushroom called Trametes versicolor may help clear the HPV virus from the body after 2 months of use. These French investigators noted an 88% clearance of the virus. Other research also suggests a combination of reishi and other mushrooms might be effective against herpes virus too.
What about HIV/AIDS? See the black seed oil review.
6 Reishi And Diabetes
Test tube and lab mice evidence suggest reishi mushroom can reduce blood sugar. But what about people?
Researchers in Hong Kong noted reishi might have “mild anti-diabetic effects.” These researchers used 1.44 grams of Ganoderma per day for 12 weeks.
Researchers in Australia gave 3 grams of reishi to 84 people with type II diabetes for 16 weeks. Their study showed the mushroom had no effect on blood sugar or hemoglobin A1C levels.
Based on this, more research is needed.
7 Reishi And Cancer
Can Reishi mushrooms help people with cancer? To check, researchers in China, have noted reishi extracts can stimulate natural killer cells (NK cells) and other parts of the immune system in mice. The extract seemed to slow the growth of lung cancer cells but did not kill off the lung cancer cells. Other studies involving lab animals also suggest immune-stimulating effects.
But what about people?
When researchers in China gave the mushroom to 48 women with breast cancer, Ganoderma reduced their fatigue. Researchers in New Zealand gave 30 patients with advanced lung cancer an extract of reishi called Ganopoly for 12 weeks. They noted the immune systems of some of the people improved. Test tube evidence suggests reishi may help reduce the spread of colon cancer cells.
In a review of previous research, it was concluded while the Ganoderma could be used alongside conventional cancer therapies, it should not be used in place of them. Most importantly, they say, “It remains uncertain whether Ganoderma lucidum helps prolong long-term cancer survival”.
8 Reishi And The Prostate
Can this mushroom help the prostate? One study involved 88 men with lower urinary tract infections. They were given reishi mushroom (6 mg/ day) or a placebo for 12 weeks. The men taking reishi mushrooms reported better improvement in urinary symptoms. No changes in testosterone, PSA, or prostate size were noted.
9 Reishi And Weight Loss
No studies have looked at whether the mushroom helps people lose weight. Researchers looking at the heart health effects of Ganoderma saw no changes in body mass index when people took it for 12 weeks.
Here are weight loss supplements with proof
10 Reishi Supplements
There are many mushroom supplements. Which one is the best? While various websites tout reishi benefits, very few supplements have been clinically tested. So, I don't think the price has to matter when it comes to picking a supplement. Less expensive brands may be just as good as more expensive. As long as it's quality-made, all brands should all work about the same.
How do you know if you are getting a quality mushroom supplement? That answer may be hard to figure out. When researchers tested 19 different brands of reishi mushroom supplements, only 5 contained any reishi. Unfortunately, this study did not disclose which supplements failed. Regardless, it appears to show very poor quality when it comes to reishi supplements.
When evaluating supplements here are a couple of tricks:
- Google the address of the company. What do you see? If you see a building with the company name, that's good. If you see a strip mall or a PO Box then this might not be so good.
- Search google results for the company name and see if anything else shares that address. Is it the Fed Ex Store? If yes, that might not be so good.
When considering a supplement, consider whether it provides an extractor is derived from the whole mushroom. Personally, I think whole mushroom supplements would better because it would provide a wide spectrum of nutrients rather than an isolated extract.
11 Reishi Mushroom Side Effects
What is the toxicity of mushrooms? Are they safe? While people have been eating mushrooms for thousands of years, there are still some things you should consider when it comes to supplements. This list is not complete:
- Start with less than the recommended amount for the first week to see how you respond
- Some have reported diarrhea and GI problems
- Don't take if you are allergic to mushrooms
- Reishi might have a blood pressure-lowering effect.
- The mushrooms may be a natural blood thinner. Talk to your doctor if you use blood thinner medicine.
- Stop taking reishi supplements at least 2 weeks before having surgery
- Speak to your doctor first if you have cancer
- Speak to your doctor first if you have liver problems
- Speak to your doctor/pharmacist/dietitian if you are pregnant or breastfeeding
- When in doubt, if you take any medicine, speak to your doctor/pharmacist first
Researchers in Thailand have reported a case of liver failure from reishi supplements. Here, a 47-year-old woman with a history of schizophrenia had used reishi mushrooms for years without issues. Two months after switching to a powdered supplement (400 mg/day) she was admitted to the hospital with liver failure, where she died. The name of the supplement was not mentioned.
See the supplements and liver failure review.
Researchers in Canada, noted at higher levels, extracts of the mushroom might have a toxic effect on human cells. On the last page of the study researches make the following statements I feel are worth reading —especially for those who currently have cancer:
1. ” We believe that it cannot be concluded with certainty that G. lucidum causes immunostimulation. Given that there were consistent significant decreases in cell viability demonstrated, this suggests that G. lucidum does cause toxicity in cells of the immune system.”
2. “Therefore, if patients are willing to use G. lucidum as an adjunctive to chemotherapy at lower concentrations, caution should be used, as the potential for toxicity does appear to exist.”
3. “Additionally, further research is required to verify plasma concentrations after oral use of G. lucidum to determine whether high toxic levels are reached.”
4. “As well, caution needs to be exercised when planning studies of the use of G. lucidum or its extracts in the therapy of patients with cancer.”
Reishi Mushroom Questions
12 Can You Get High From Reishi?
There is no evidence reishi mushrooms cause intoxication or a legal high. See the kratom review.
13 Can It Rid The Body Of Candida?
No studies have looked at ganoderma and candida yeast overgrowth.
14 Can Reishi Mushrooms Grow Hair?
Preliminary evidence suggests ganoderma can inhibit an enzyme involved in hair loss. That enzyme is called 5α-reductase. This is also how some hair growth drugs work too. While this is interesting, research on reishi growing hair is lacking. So, whether it reverse hair loss or not is open to speculation. For more on hair loss and hair color see these reviews
- Viviscal review
- Pseudocatalase review
- Amla fruit review
- Creatine and hair loss review
- Caffeine shampoo review
15 Can It Help PCOS?
Ganoderma seems to inhibit the enzyme 5α-reductase which is involved in turning testosterone in the DHT. This enzyme also plays a role in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). That said, is no conclusive proof taking reishi mushroom supplements can reverse PCOS.
16 What About Reishi And Asthma?
Ganoderma seems to have anti-inflammatory properties. In theory, this may help the airways of people with asthma. But, no studies have looked at reishi and asthma to see if it works or not.
17 Is Organic Better?
It might be especially if you are concerned with pesticides. Studies, however, don't compare organic vs. non-organic mushrooms. None of the human studies specifically said they used organic reishi. So, I think this is an individual decision.
18 Can Reishi Help The Thyroid?
There is a lack of evidence for Ganoderma lucidum reversing thyroid disease. No investigations seem to have looked at its effect on thyroid function or TSH levels or thyroid auto-antibodies. So I can't say either way. See the black seed oil review.
19 Do They Help Epilepsy?
Researchers in China gave 18 people with epilepsy Ganoderma Lucidum Powder. After 8 weeks, people reported – via answering questionnaires -that the number of seizures they had per week, decreased. Reishi mushroom powder did not seem to reduce the severity of seizures, however. Still, fewer seizures are a big deal. A drawback to this study was it was small (only 18 people) and there was not a placebo group.
20 What About Autoimmune Diseases?
There are many autoimmune diseases. Hypothyroidism, diabetes, and arthritis are just a few of them. While there is some evidence for rheumatoid arthritis, for other issues, the answer is less clear.
21 Does It Raise Hormone Levels?
This mushroom does not seem to raise either estrogen or testosterone levels. It might reduce some other hormones but it's really hard to know for sure because of the lack of human research.
22 Does It Increase Energy?
in some online testimonials, people say this mushroom helps them power through the day but the research is less clear. One study did find reishi improved fatigue in women with breast cancer. That's interesting but there is still room for more research.
23 Does Reishi Interfere With Birth Control Pills?
There is no research or reports of women getting pregnant while taking reishi and birth control pills.
See the Saw Palmetto and Birth Control Pill Review.
24 Do Reishi Mushrooms Work?
Mushrooms are healthy and have been eaten for thousands of years. This review summarized that in some cases reishi supplements may have benefits. Before trying reishi supplements I think it's a good idea to get a full blood test first —and do it again after about a month – to see if anything has changed. I think that's the smartest thing to do to know if reishi is right for you.
My doctor recently said my blood pressure was a little high. Do you think Reishi mushrooms might help me?
Hi Mr. C, To be honest, I think we need more research on reishi mushrooms helping blood pressure. Some research shows reishi does not help blood pressure while other studies show it might.
I think finding a quality reishi mushroom -supplement which contains reishi mushrooms may be one of the reason for the confusion on blood pressure. One study noted many reishi supplements did not have any! At this point I could not say for sure which one would be best but if you are going to try Reishi, look to a company which you have heard of (vitamin shoppe brand for example). Companies with a reputation are less likely to cut corners in my opinion.
If Reishi works, I think it may take a few months before you notice a difference. Do let me know what happens if you try it.
Here are many other ways to reduce blood pressure which have more proof than Reishi.
Old article but thank you so much for the comprehensive breakdown! Someone gave these to my dad and I wanted to check if they were okay for him to take. They suggested ten pills a day (TEN!) but after reading about Ganoderma’s connection with liver toxicity I think I’m going to suggest he stick to one or two.
Hi Hira, glad the review helped you. I do update the review as more information comes to light. In fact, I just added a few new studies to the review too.
I began to take ganoderma some months ago due to my high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
The product seems to have lowered the triglycerides, but apparently has had no effect on the cholesterol that even went up. Nevertheless, I am still giving it the benefit of the doubt and I am taking it on a daily basis and spending a big and proper wad along the way.
I will have another blood test in December in order to find out if the product does work or not. If not I will stop wasting my money and move on to find something else.
Hi Alberto, take a look at my review on Bergamot. You might find it helpful.
I have been taking half a teaspoon of reichi powder for 3 months. 2 weeks ago I got very sick with chills,nausea,abdominal pain,and no hunger for about a week. Dr said is probably a stomach virus but I wonder if it was a detox symptom. A week later I’m back to the doctor for a physical and my blood work shows liver enzyme ALT at 40 when normal is 6-29.
Do u think this is because of the detox action of reichi and is going to get better or should I stop taking it. My liver enzymes always stay under 20. Also there were no effects on cholesterol or sugar levels but it did keep my blood pressure under control as I stopped taking nattokinase when started the reichi.
Hi Mara, sometimes the easy answer is the correct answer. It could just be you just caught the flu as your doctor suggested. I’m not aware of any detoxing effect causing an increase in liver enzymes. Did you tell your dr you were taking ganoderma? how about your pharmacist? Did they have any thoughts on this issue?
I did tell the doctor but she didn’t seem concerned about the supplement,she said is not hepatitis because since I was previously there with stomach problems she checked me for hepatitis A,B,and C and it was negative . She told me to comeback in 6 months to retest. But i will test myself in about a month, I’m not going to wait 6 months. I forgot to mention that I did notice improvement in my immune system with the ganoderma. It didn’t help me with sleep.
Hi Mara, it sounds like you are doing all you can do at this point. I’m glad you don’t have hepatitis.
Thank you, I see your point. Ganoderma is not a new thing, it has been practiced in Asia for thousand of years as natural medicine. It’s just new to the western world which in many cases don’t believe in natural medicine before it have been through labs to test on rats. I believe in human experience, of course, in science, in some case. Ganoderma is one of the most tested herbs in recent times. You will find many results at PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed
(US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health) Search for Ganoderma.
Gourmetkaffe, yes I’m sure since its a mushroom, it has a lot of benefits. I linked to a lot of pubmed studies in my review.
Dear reader, I have read all comments and one thing need to be mentioned.
When you take ganoderma, and by the way there is over 200 species, you will in some case, very ill people, see an increase in the problem.
For example: one person have diabetes and when he start taking Ganoderma the sugar level will increase for a few days, why because the body starts cleaning out all the accumulated sugar from the body. If this is too severe you need to cut to half dose and increase when it is over.
You should also know that many Gano products are full of Toxic Heavy Metal due to how they produce it. There is only one company who have the highest certificate, ISO/IEC 14001:2004 and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and more. That means 100% pure Ganoderma certified for medicine use.
Gourmetkaffe, can you provide any evidence that ganoderma causes a rise in blood sugar due to it causing the body to clean out accumulated sugar? I’ve never heard that before.
It is used as an example and taken from Ganotherapy developed by Dr. Lim.
Excerpt from Ganotherapy booklet: “The opposition effect reaction”: A concept in Chinese medicine: the symptoms will become worse before they become better, because the causes of the diseases are being eliminated.
After taking Ganoderma for three days, slight opposition effect reaction may result. It is not a side effect. Please continue to use. It is just a result of its efficacy, and the reaction will be different for each individual. Not everyone will experience this reaction, as it depends on the amounts of toxins in the body that are being eliminated.
In general, one who has hypertensive constitutions, or who takes large amounts of chemical drugs, will easily have such a reaction.
Sometimes, urticaria may appear, on the face or the body, or even in the mouth. Also, one may have edema, diarrhea, stomachache, fever tinnitus, blood pressure variation and increased excretion. These are not side effects. Do not worry. Continue use. The symptoms will lessen or disappear very soon.
Some phenomena resulting from herbal medicine or alimentary therapeutics are considered as side effect of the drug. Actually, when these symptoms occur, the disease will be cured gradually.
Someone even emphasized, “No opposition effect reaction, no cure.”
User experience: http://ganotherapist.blogspot.dk/p/the-human-body-best-doctor-in-world_74.html
Scientific dokuments: http://ganotherapist.blogspot.com/p/httpwww.html
I had taken Ganoderma the last 2 years 4 g each day and I feel my body is in the same shape as in my twenties.
gourmetkaffe, it may be so but generally I prefer to see something peer reviewed as opposed to a booklet which doesnt have to go through the peer review process. I noticed the scientific documents link goes to a page that references a life extension magazine article, a video and what looks like a magazine add, neither of which peer reviewed clinical studies. That said, I’m happy that it is helping you and hope it continues to do so for many years to come.
INTERESTING! Garnoderma consumption helped cure my ulcer troubles. it sure works, but may not be on all issues
Chris, was there a specific ganoderma product you used to help with your ulcer issues? how long did it take before you noticed a difference?
My vision got better after I started drinking Ganoderma coffee. Whats your take? Typing this without glasses and I didnt increase the font size of my system.
Funmi, are you a diabetic or have you lost any weight? I ask because vision can get bad as A1C levels go up and sometimes vision gets better as A1C returns to more normal levels. If you have not lost weight and are not a diabetic, I’m not sure why your vision got better. I’ll just be glad it did 🙂
A great effort ‘pro bono’. From 2012 to date there may be more current information.
Chucks, There may very well be. I’m not aware of anything though. Was there a specific area of research you were most interested in knowing more about?
The thing that gets me about the claims being made by ganoderma users is the broad range of ailments they are claiming it to “cure”. So broad that it seems anyone who has a problem can take this extract abs their problems are solved. I’m not buying it. When doctors make us aware of a health condition the natural reaction is preservation of life. That’s how we’re programmed.
Of course we change our diet and sometimes our lifestyle if it means surviving. We start taking the latest miracle drug and see results, never giving a second thought to the changes we made and give credit to the latest and greatest health phenomenon. It may have its uses, but lets face it so does living a healthy lifestyle to begin with. So many of our conditions are brought on by not taking care of ourselves to begin with.
Hi Joe,got a hot one for you & its called “PEO”,(parent essential oils),coined by Brian Peskin because “most fish oils are derivatives & damaging to health”. Fish oil users are up in arms over this one as well as Weston Price who takes umbrage to the Peskin claim about cod liver oil causing cancer. This is a fun one Joe.
Regards & keep up the good work.
Bear, thanks Ive never heard of PEO or Brian Peskin. When claims run counter to what you feel is true, then thats a tip off to me to do more research.
Hi Joe,there is a product called LifeOne which has some fungi in it.The seller has frequent radio campaigns.They make many anti-cancer claims with horrible non ‘research’ on their site. Also the ‘inventor’ claims to be a naturopath however I found him to be unlicensed with no data concerning where he was schooled.They also sell ‘Carnivora’ which has no real research. Are you interested in covering these items on you blog? Please excuse me if you have already & I realize you are a busy fellow. Thank you.
Grumpy bear, thanks for the heads up on LifeOne. I never heard of them. Carnivora is on my list and I hope to take a look at it soon.
Thanks Joe. I am sorry you lost your Mom. Everyday we have with our parents is a gift. I lost my Dad to cancer around the same time you lost your Mom, so I do know the pain of that ordeal. This public service you are providing by giving people clear and honest information about possible health scams is a great way to honor your Mom’s memory.
Many people who are fighting cancer are looking more and more to alternative therapies, and sadly, too many dishonest and unscrupulous people are exploiting them with false claims. I find your information very balanced and fair. Thanks again for all that you do!
Judy, thanks I appreciate that.
Hi Joe, thanks for such well written and intelligent reviews on the latest health based money making schemes. My Mom got cancer and I took her to the Cleveland Clinic for treatment. Thank goodness I did! They cured her, despite her being 80 and stage II (in a few months she will hit 5 year survivor milestone).
When she finished her chemo her sister, a medical researcher no less, was desperate to keep her well and researched supplements and came up with the ganoderma and sent her some. I made sure to tell her oncologist and it’s a good thing I did since her liver started suddenly showing elevated enzymes, months after the chemo.
The doctor suspected the ganoderma and pleaded with my Mom to stop it to see if her liver got better. It DID! My Mom was very reluctant to stop the ganoderma, those marketing claims are so convincing they have people convinced they will die without the product.
The oncologist showed my Mom the lab results, numbers don’t lie. I had thrown out the ganoderma coffee when the oncologist told me to, and my aunt thought I was signing my Mom’s death warrant. She was so fooled by the marketing she wasn’t convinced the lab results were correct.
Despite throwing out the ganoderma 4 years ago my Mom is still cancer free…the result of high quality medical care, a very healthy natural diet, and a positive attitude. Thanks again for the work that you do!
Judy, I am SO glad you still have your mom with you! wow 5 years cancer free is fantastic!! March 12th marks 14 years since I lost my mom to cancer. That’s not a road I would want anyone to travel. I’m really happy for you both 🙂
Hi to all
I am a skeptic of all advertisements especially products that have a monetary gain for someone.
I do suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. I was introduced to the ganaderma fungus several months ago. I decided to try ganaderma, I went to a Chinese herbal practitioner and requested the sliced fungus. I made my own tea every night (a pot approximately 1 to 1 1 1/2 liter 10 slices each pot).
I did this for approximately for 2.5 months. I went to my rheumatoid specialist regular 3 month blood work check up and review. No ra markers I was instructed to reduce the dosage of ra medicine. I did not inform my doctor and the doctor does not know anything of the ganaderma all that she sees is the monthly blood work results. I don’t know what else to say, sciences and results is what I believe in.
I had given some of the ganaderma to my father who had been diagnosed with blood sugar last year and asked my mother to follow my regime. She was hesitant but did. Using 3 regular cups of tea per day. The blood sugar meter reading with doctor prescribed medicine reduced his sugar reading from 20 very dangerous (he was hospitalized, we found out that he had sugar issues otherwise healthy 78 years old) to 13-14 this number has been steady for approx. 5-6 months. Upon drinking of the tea for 3 to 4 weeks the blood sugar dropped to 7. We thought this might be a bad reading. It fluctuated for the next week from 7 to 9. We are not sure what happened but these are results that we cannot deny.
Remember drugs come from nature.
Good luck to all.
Dave, I think you meant that your dads HB A1C dropped from 13-14 to 5 to 6. Normal blood sugar levels are not as low as what you mentioned (normal is less than 100). Normal A1C levels are usually 6% or less. Either way, glad your dad and you are doing well
His number make sense in mmol/L, which is what the rest of the world outside of the US uses. I have been trying ganoderma supplements for a couple of months. It seems to provide a calming effect. I sleep longer through the night, but not necessarily more hours. Just better, more continuous sleep rather than waking up in the middle of the night. Waiting to see if my A1C improves in another month.
I read the whole page content and comments / reply.
I will not talk about other much benefits that u can find on net here n there but i can firmly say ” YESS” ganoderma works for my ‘Psoriasis’ where all modern medicines ‘FAILED’..
Jaeel, really glad gamoderma helped you 🙂
I Have been using Ganoderma for about 2 months I have done a blood test before and I will be doing another here in the next few week to see the after but I can tell you what benefits I am having now…
I will second Jameel claims on Psoriasis have been dealing with it for the last 7 or 8 years and it all but gone I didn’t even know that it would help with Psoriasis.. I have tried almost everything to help deal it.. to know avail.. till using ganoderma lucidum
My main purpose of trying it was hoping it would help with anxiety and that lead to a few other things I was dealing were concentraiting depression, anxiety on critical level and it has improved immensely.. I have seen a big improvement in the firmness in my skin… I dont know if has had any impact on my weight loss because I have been working on that for the last year… and the benefit of the coffee is coffee is drank hot or warm for the most part which helps your body absorb the ganoderma in return getting the maximum benefits out of the ganoderma
I know this doesn’t help you on research level.. but on a personal level I would highly recommend it to anyone dealing with these issue..
I’ve used Reishi off and on for years, I have 4-5 books on Medicinal mushrooms, all based on studies. The more they study the more health benefits they find….I can vouch for Reishi for lowering blood pressure, helping sleep, fatigue and clearer thinking!.
I never follow 1 line of thinking on supplements and and only follow study backed research. Reshi is an excellent product, as with anything including food, the product is only as good as how it is grown and cultivated.
Many forms of Reishi, many brands much money to be made. your view of anti-cancer and other health benefits are Woefully inadequate…my judgement from your comments seem to be that you might be a pharma shrill. Reishi has been used for at least 4000 yrs by millions of people. on liver enzymes, mine are better than most, and Ive tested positive for Hep C 20 yrs ago, I’ve smoked for 43 yrs…BP is always reduced after taking reishi different brands differences time reduced, 1 cheaper brand reduced in 3-4 days t0 116/66, this was not a high quality product..
Using Reishi with coffee doesn’t make any sense to me. Probably just a money maker with cheap reishi. Anyone who knows medicinal mushrooms knows that reishi isn’t the best for cancer (after the fact), the best about medicinal mushrooms including reshi is preventative. Reshi helps the P53 Gene..Antitumor, anticancer.
Either you are again woefully uninformed or you just cherry pick bad info. the most current book I have has 60+ pages of references and resources on medicinal mushroom
Hi Don, as you say there are many species of mushrooms. I focused this review on only on Ganoderma lucidum. I did not cherry pick information but rather tried to find the most relevant research to address the claims being made by people. I went where the research took me. Might other species have different research; sure. My review is only specific to Ganoderma lucidum and I stand by my conclusions.
Hi Don,
I’m pretty sure Joe is not a pharmacy shill.
I also do some research on medicinal mushrooms and have found that “books”on medicinal mushrooms, like websites, do not always have accurate or well documented information. Anybody can write a book I have found, and just because they have an MD or PhD behind their name, doesn’t mean the information is accurate or well researched. I would be interested to know what books you have been most impressed with and which mushrooms you think have better anti-cancer activity.
My friend has been drinking Gannoderma coffee for several years,says she’s addicted. However she has developed a high liver enzyme called lipase. She has also developed small red dots all over her body, I believe called petechiae. Over the last year we see muscle loss. She has stopped drinking it and now her liver enzymes are back to normal.
Could this have been a cause after all it is a fungus. She has not recovered from the weight loss.
Ellie, I’m honestly not sure if the two things are related or not. I think this might be a good question to ask a pharmacist or liver specialist. Ill keep my eyes peeled any other information that might link ganoderma to elevated liver enzymes and small red dots on the body.