Longer, stronger, more frequent erections. These are the claims made for Cyvita, a male enhancement / erection supplement. To backup these claims it's said that Cyvita is clinically proven in a study published a medical journal. Does Cyvita work? Is Cyvita a scam? I've been asked these questions by a lot of people and the study mentioned on TV commercials got my attention too, so let's review Cyvita and see what's going on.
Cyvita Ingredients
When I went to Cyvita.com, I noticed some words printed in parentheses in small letters under Cyvita. The words are:
- Propionyl l- carnitine Hcl
- Acetyl l- carnitine Hcl
This tells me that Cyvita is composed of a compound called carnitine. Cyvita just has different forms of carnitine. On the FAQ page of the website, it's said that Cyvita is composed of :
- Glycine Propionyl l- carnitine
- Acetyl l-carnitine
How much of these ingredients are in Cyvita? They don't tell us, but when I called their customer service number —which is actually a call center and not the Cyvita company—I was told that one pill has 2000 mg (2 grams) of this proprietary blend.
Carnitine does a lot of things. For example it's an antioxidant. We actually make carnitine naturally and it's found in milk and meat too.
Carnitine also helps us make energy by taking part in the fat burning process. This is the very reason why carnitine is also found weight loss supplements. It's debatable though if carnitine supplements help people lose weight.
On the FAQ page of the Cyvita website there is a list of the benefits of Cyvita. However these benefits are for carnitine and not Cyvita itself. Cyvita may indeed have the same benefits, but as far as I can tell, Cyvita itself has not been tested so I can't say either way if it does or doesn't.
Cyvita Research
Cyvita commercials speak of clinical proof that the product works, but the Cyvita website does not list any studies. So, I went searching and this is what I found…
This is this the study mentioned in Cyvita commercials. In the commercials, they say that an independent study was published in The “prestigious medical journal of adult urology”.
However, there is no publication called “the medical journal of adult urology.” If you Google this phrase in quotes, almost everything you see has to do with Cyvita!
The study Cyvita talks about actually was published in the Journal of Urology. I cannot locate any publication called the medical journal of adult urology.
Tip. If you look at the full text of the study, the words “Adult Urology “ appear on the upper right corner of the study. I'm guessing this may be what confused those who put together the commercials and website for Cyvita.
This study was published in 2004. It involved 120 men age 60 to 74 years. The study lasted 6 months. Men were randomly split into 3 groups:
- Group 1 got 160 mg testosterone per day
- Group 2 got 2 grams each of Propionyl l carnitine and acetyl l carnitine (4 grams total)
- Group 3 got a placebo (starch pill)
- Both carnitine and testosterone improved various heart functions and nighttime erections.
- Carnitine appeared to be significantly better than testosterone at improving nighttime erections.
- Men getting carnitine also scored higher on an erection quality test called the ” international index of erection function.”
- Carnitine did not raise testosterone levels
- Neither testosterone or carnitine raised PSA levels
- The placebo had no effect
Study 2. Another carnitine study was published in 2005 . It is titled: Acetyl-L-carnitine plus propionyl-L-carnitine improve efficacy of sildenafil in treatment of erectile dysfunction after bilateral nerve-sparing radical retropubic prostatectomy.
Sildenafil is the technical name for Viagra.
This study was also published in the Journal of Urology and was also headed by the same researcher (Cavallini G) as the investigation reviewed above. This may be the second study mentioned in Cyvita commercials.
This study consisted of 96 men who had radical prostate surgery. The men were split into 3 groups:
- Group 1 consist of 33 men who received a placebo
- Group 2 consisted of 32 men . These men got 2 grams each of acetyl l carnitine and propionyl l carnitine (4 grams total) per day plus 100 mg Viagra if they needed it.
- Group 3 (35 men) received only Viagra.
The group numbers add up to 100, so I'm guessing 4 men dropped out of the study.
Results. Basically this study found that carnitine helped Viagra work better.
Who Makes Cyvita?
The product website says the company is called Cyvita LLC. According to the Better Business Bureau Cyvita LLC is located at 4910 Longley ste 101 Reno NV 8950-7933.
If you Google this address you may see that it's the same address as that given for the weightloss pill called Zylotrim, a supplement I've reviewed previously. This address actually corresponds to a fulfillment company called Innotrac which is the company that ships the product.
This is also the same address given for the enlarged prostate supplement, Prosvent.
Here is what the address of Cyvitta LLC looks like from Google street view. According to the BBB, Cyvita LLC was started on 9/13/11 and has a rating of D. See the BBB file for updates and additional information.
Is Cyvita a Drug?
The name Cyvita sounds like a drug and I think even the box has a “pharmaceutical look” to it, but Cyvita is a dietary supplement and not a drug. That’s one reason why ads for Cyvita often mention “no prescription” needed.
How to Contact Cyvita
To order Cyvita, the product website lists this number 800-944-2810. To reorder Cyvita call 800- 968-1387. This is the same number as listed on the BBB website. I recommend calling this second number if you want to speak to a human being. Remember that when you call, you are speaking with a call center and not Cyvita LLC.
When I called their customer service number, before I could ask any questions, they asked for was my last name and zip code. I declined to give them that information.
How To Order Cyvita
People can order Cyvita either by calling the phone numbers listed above or by going to the Cyvita.com website. If you order on the website, there is a box you must check, saying you have read Cyvita terms and conditions. Be sure to read that page. When I did, I noticed this very strange statement in the Terms and Conditions page of cyvita.com:
If understand this correctly, it looks like if you order Cyvita on the website —and if anything bad ever happened—you are waiving your legal right to take part in any class action lawsuits against Cyvita in the future and waiving your right to have a trial by jury.
I have also noticed this statement at the bottom of Cyvita TV commercials as well.
What's up with that? I have never seen a statement like this before on ANY supplement website or commercial.
I'm sure this is “cover your butt” talk, and after I thought about it, kind of makes a little sense. Here's why. When you sell a product —that has not been tested—to millions of people, somebody, somewhere, may eventually have a problem-and want to sue. Heck, lawsuits still happen even when a product has been tested.
Still, I'm uneasy with these words. I don’t waive my right to sue if I buy a bottle of aspirin or if I buy a bottle of 5 Hour Energy either…
If you ever did decide to pursue things legally, instead of a trial, you would have to go through an arbitration. I found this statement on the Cyvita Terms and Conditions page:
“ANY CLAIM, DISPUTE, OR CONTROVERSY (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, OR OTHERWISE, WHETHER PREEXISTING, PRESENT OR FUTURE, AND INCLUDING STATUTORY, COMMON LAW, INTENTIONAL TORT AND EQUITABLE CLAIMS) arising from or relating to this Sale Agreement, its interpretation, or the breach, termination or validity thereof, the relationships which result from this Sale Agreement (including, to the full extent permitted by applicable law, relationships with third parties who are not signatories to this Sale Agreement), CYVITA's advertising, or any related purchase SHALL BE RESOLVED EXCLUSIVELY AND FINALLY BY BINDING ARBITRATION ADMINISTERED BY THE NATIONAL ARBITRATION FORUM (NAF) under the Code of Procedure of ARBITRATION-FORUM.COM (the “Code”) in effect at the time the claim is filed. The Code is available at http://www.arbitration-forum.com or can be obtained by calling 1-800-753-9448.”
I don't know if this same stipulation about waiving legal rights occurs if you call them on the phone to order it. I recommend you ask about this if you order Cyvita by phone.
How Much Does Cyvita Cost?
If you order Cyvita, on their website, you are buying a 1 week supply for $19.95 and then you get a week supply for free (so you must first pay $19.95 to get the free week supply).
Then, 12 days later, you will be sent a 30 day supply of Cyvita for $59.40 per month as part of their autoship program. You will be sent a 30 day supply of Cyvita every 30 days unless you cancel. You need to call 1-800-968-1387 to cancel the autoship program.
Cyvita is on Amazon for those who want to compare prices and avoid the autoship program
Cyvita Side Effects
As far as I can tell no study has specifically looked at Cyvita to see what its side effects might be. I'm not aware of any Cyvita side effects as I write this. The two studies previously mentioned above did not show any harmful side effects either.
That said, here are some possible side effects of carnitine based on other findings.
Carnitine might reduce thyroid hormone levels. This may be a problem for people who take thyroid medications.
Carnitine may increase the action of some blood thinner medications.
Whether Cyvita might do the same thing, I do not know. Ask your doctor about Cyvita if you take any medications or are not “healthy.” To their credit, this caution is also mentioned on the Cyvita website.
How Long Until Cvita Works?
Cyvita makes no specific claims about how long it takes to work, but if we assume that the studies quoted in Cyvita commercials are representatives of Cyvita itself, then I'd guess it might take 6 months before men notice a difference. I admit I could be wrong on this. Cyvita recommends taking 3-6 tablets per day with water and waiting at least 30 minutes before eating to get “optimum results.” Also see my review of of the male enhancement supplement, Androzene, for more info.
I think its a scam i order my fist bottle which cost $9.95 within 3 days $59.4 was withdrawn from my account along with my 9.95 n the y can’t make any refunds till i returned the products i have yet to receive
I just looked at their website. According to their FAQ, it seems that they’ve thrown some horny goat weed extract into the mix at this point (Epimedium sagittatum, standardized to 40% icariin). Of course these places are never going to tell you the proportions of the different ingredients. Their FAQ page is at cyvita.com/pages/view/title/faqs , in case anyone wants to look through it.
It was interesting for me to read KenR’s comments from back in August. His experience seems pretty much the same as mine, i.e., that carnitine itself does work. As I mentioned, I found the Acetyl L-Carnitine to work better than other forms (the Acetyl addition supposedly helping with bio-availability).
I’m not sure if mentioning specific sources is allowed here, but AmericanNutritionals.com sells a few variations of carnitine, including the tartrate that KenR mentioned, as well as the Acetyl L-Carnitine that I used years ago and found to be good. Currently selling the Acetyl L form for about $11 for 120 500mg capsules, equivalent of 60 grams. At 4 grams a day (plenty, in my experience) that would be $22 (plus shipping, not much) for a month supply – and you know what the hell you’re actually getting.
I’m not affiliated with that company in any way, by the way (but of course there’s no way of knowing whether I might be or not). They’re just the best price I’ve been able to find, look around for yourself….
Robert, thanks for the update on horny goat weed being added to Cyvita. Ill take a look at it and update my review. Its interesting what you said about Carnitine. I’ll try to investigate that further.
I am a female, but I do a lot of research for my man who has ED. He is also has Diabetes Type II, and low testosterone. Doc put him on testosterone treatment, and has had little effect. (Has taken it for almost a year.) He is not overweight; the contrary as he has just recovered from his third bout of Valley Fever in 2010.
Since he’s had some major health problems due to the Valley Fever, (it was in his stomach), we understand that he has a disadvantage. I met him a month after he came out of the Valley Fever hibernation, and being the health nut that I am have convinced him to finally take vitamins, eat healthy and reduce his sugar intake. He’s also receiving acupuncture and taking Chinese herbs to help with circulation and glucose control.
He’s tried some of those male enhancement supplements, to no avail, and has used Viagra, and a generic version we found that is manufactured in India, (only two dollars a pill!) Those did work a bit, but we’re still trying to get his whole body healed using vitamins etc. I found your site very helpful, and I appreciate the time and effort you take to research all aspects of the different products! I am leery of just buying anything without checking out the validity, so I am so glad to have found your information.
Question: Do you think the treatments used by KenR would be helpful for him? I am tempted to get it anyway, but I would be interested in your opinion. Thank you for your time!
Hi Kim, I have no way of verifying whether the cocktail KenR listed actually works or would work for the man in your life. Ive never seen that cocktail listed in any ED research. If he tries it and it works – or doesn’t – I do hope you will let me know. I’m sure a lot of men with ED would be interested in the results.
I just came across your website for the first time. As a retired chemstry professor who has investigated, and taken, supplements for many years, I am very impressed. Your work is extremely valuable because for every supplement of real value there are at least ten that are completely worthless, like CyVita. Keep up the good work.
Jim, thanks that’s quite a compliment coming from a chemistry professor. You’re very kind to say so.
Interesting information. I’m going to download this material and discuss with my urologist.
Rex sounds good, Id be interesting in knowing what your urologist says about Cyvita.
I would like to know if this works on a person with Diabetes?
Also does the L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnatine and Glycine Propionyl-l-carnitine work and where can you find them.
Gene, one of the side effects of diabetes can be erectile dysfunction. I know of no proof either way that Cyvita would help ED in men with diabetes (type I or type II). if you have type II diabetes and are overweight, its possible that losing a little weight may help your ED. no promises but weight loss is something that can raise testosterone levels. If the ED was due that that, weight loss may help. that said ED is complex and can be the result of things other than low T levels. Have you talked to your doctor about this? I think that is the best first step to getting an answer.
i have a list of other names that this stuff goe’s by such as pasak bumi,malaysian genseng, long jack, and eurycoma longifolia. I’m sure i got them from one of your reviews. Well thank you i’ll keep looking.
NO IT DOESNT WORK!!! FRAUD!!! BE WARNED, glorified vitamin c pill
This is to joe.
I wanted to know where i can buy some tongkat ali without going thru a web site. I don’t have a credit card, i guess what i’m asking is where i can walk in and buy this stuff. I checked with alot of the herb shops in china town no luck i checked with places like gnc cvs walgreens osco and can’t find it.
So any help on this subject?
Tom, have you asked for it by its other name Eurycoma Longifolia? Here is my Triverex review where I discuss its other names
it could be you are just calling it by a name that nobody knows. Thats the problem with herbs… so many names for the same thing!
I’m 60 yo male and have been taking L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnatine and Glycine Propionyl-l-carnitine but haven’t megadosed them. It has boosted my erections and and libido, night & morning erections etc. The libido elevation may just be a side effect of the improved erections. I started it when I read about the study done with the L-Carnitine supplements.
I take 500mg of l-carnitine (tartrate) everyday and combine 500mg A-L-C and “GPLC” together an hour or more before activity and on occasion throughout the week. I still workout on an elliptical machine and I lift weights which was enhanced by theses supplements. I do take L-Arginine occasionally throughout the week. All in moderation BTW. On a side note, my 84 yr old mother takes daily 500mg of L-Carnitine (tartrate) as prescribed by her MD.
I also noted that the Carnitine does enhance Viagra effects and I have now cut down Viagra to 1/4 the amount and don’t really need it at all now but love the added boost. Be careful combining L-Arginine with Viagra as they are both blood vessel dilaters; Just separate the doses by a few hours.
Bottom line, just go to your local supplement store (or on-line) and pick up theses supplements and take them straight up rather then spending the extra money and other BS buying other questionable products and undisclosed “proprietary” formulas.
KenR, I was reading recently that arginine may lose its ability to raise nitric oxide levels when taken more than 6 weeks. It was suggested to cycle on and off arginine for this reason. Im not sure about this yet but thought I’d toss it out just in case there is something to it.
I came across that first 2004 Urology journal article around 2006 or so, and decided to get some L-carnitine and check it out for myself. I found one online supplement source that sold 400mg *ACETYL* L-Carnitine combined in a tablet with 200mg Alpha Lipoic Acid at a cost of about 3/4 gram per dollar at their regular price, or about 2.3gm/$ when they had their 3-for-the-price-of-1 sales. As I remember, I would take about 4 tablets twice a day, so about 3.2gm per day (I believe the 2004 study gave subjects 4gm per day). I definitely experienced an increase in sexual performance from this. As I remember, this effect would kick in after four or five days of taking the supplement.
I later came across an online supplement source that sold plain L-carnitine (not *ACETYL* L-carnitine) for about 4.6 grams per dollar, and tried that. I had run across some information that, as I remember, had suggested that the Acetyl L-carnitine form made the carnitine more bio-available, but wanted to try the plain L-carnitine to see for myself. Taking the non-acetyl formulation seemed to also have an effect, but not quite as strong.
Previous to trying the L-carnitine, I had tried something that worked absolutely fantastically well, but it worked by jacking your testosterone levels way the hell up, and had the unfortunate side-effect, for me, of accelerating my male-pattern baldness (due, I believe, to the production of a testosterone-related hormone called DHT, which seems to play a major part in hair loss). Additionally, higher testosterone levels lead to increased growth of the prostrate to some extent, which can be a problem.
If you aren’t particularly prone to hair loss, I would definitely check out this other product, but just use it occasionally, for maybe two or three weeks at a stretch, then give it a break for a while before continuing again. The product is called Tongkat Ali. If you Google it, you’ll find lots of places selling it, but you need to pay attention to what actually is in the supplement. Tongkat Ali comes from the root of a tree that grows in southeast Asia, and many supplements contain tongkat ali root powder. HOWEVER, the amount of the active ingredient in the root is very low, and you would have to eat a ton of root powder to get any effect at all. What you want to look for is tongkat ali EXTRACT, which is obtained by boiling the root then distilling the result. The minimum strength of extract that you want to consider buying is 50-to-1. So check to make sure that 1) it’s tongkat ali EXTRACT (not root powder), and if it doesn’t say it’s at least 50-to-1 ratio, it is probably much, much lower, and not worth getting.
I came across a reference to this stuff on a blog by a fellow by the name of Serge Krueutz. This guy seems to have accumulated an encyclopedic knowledge of sexual enhancement supplements, gained over a period of twenty or so years of pretty intense research. Google his name and Tongkat Ali for a lot of very interesting reading, and just his name alone for a wider survey of various sexual enhancement avenues, including things such as yohimbe and dopaminergenics.
I found that tongkat ali produced VERY positive increase in libido, semen production, ejaculatory strength, and even (yes, I know it sounds unlikely, but there is research to back this up) size of sex organs. It also produces an increase in mean muscle mass, which I could feel as just an increased sense of overall fitness. Google it for confirmation of this.
I would take about one gram of 50-to-1 tongkat ali per day. I was able to tell the effects beginning after about three or four days. It’s cheaper to get as a loose powder than in capsules. The powder tastes horrible, like a mix of bark and dirt, but just wash it down with water and get on with your day — it’s worth it.
I should mention that tongkat ali apparently works by stimulating the body’s own production of testosterone, and thus increases libido, but Mr. Kuuetz found that it didn’t have a profound effect on increasing strength and “holding time” of erections, as it does not increase nitrous oxide levels, as does Viagra or Cialis, thus he used the tongkat ali in combination with Viagra. L-Argine also supposedly increases availability of nitrous oxide, but it has the side effect of also serving as a stimulant for the herpes virus, so if you happen to be afflicted with that, you might want to pass on experimenting with L-Arginine.
The best place to get high-quality tongkat ali is from Indonesia. They can mail it to the US, no problem. Do your research.
I hope this info has been helpful.
I reviewed the research on Tongkat Ali in this review http://supplementclarity.com/triverex-male-enhancement-research-review-side-effects-ingredients/
What do you think about the TongKat Ali with a small dose of L-carn, verses the T Ali with Viagra? It would be cheaper. And if so what dosage of both in combination could you suggest. Thanks, Rick
Rick, Ive covered Tongkat Ali in several products already. Just put it in the search box and it will pop up in the reviews Ive written. Id think that with Viagra, one probably wouldn’t need Tongkat ali.
Arginine has a c max of 2 hours and works well for increasing nitric oxide in time release only. Cyvita is potentially total BS and a fraud. Wait 6 months and see the lawsuits happen then make a rational call.
I find that “L arginine”an herbal supplement,works in the same manner,and is much less expensive.I take it all the time for blood flow to the lower extremites,which induces erection.
There is also some evidence for arginine plus its combination with Pycnogenol. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20184576
Arginine plus pycnogenol does work. Arginine plus l-citrulline works as well. both are good vasodialators.
Robert, I’ve seen the research on pycnogenol and arginine. I am glad they are helping you.
Assuming I’ve understood things correctly, this looks like a scam deserving investigation by federal authorities and each of the attorneys general in states where it is sold and, especially, in Nevada.
Folks – let’s face it – these people KNOW men WANT to have massive, long lasting and repeated ERECTIONS! TV COMMERCIALS ARE EXPENSIVE, yet we see them all through the OLYMPICS and other SPORTING EVENTS! they have a captive audience- sports guys want to be studs as well! The company plays on the massive “man ego” and they KNOW that the few pennies it costs them to manufacture and ship this SCAM MEDICATION will be recovered in short time!
DON’T BE FOOLED — DON’T GIVE AWAY YOUR LEGAL RIGHT TO SEEK REMEDY VIA THE COURTS! If you become ill – they could NOT CARE LES! they have the money to keep you tied up until you expire!
I ordered it but did not pay attention to the autoship program & was shipped the next 30 day supply & was charged. I had already decided not to continue since the dosage sounded unreal & it sounds just like a vitamin.
When I got the autoship I called to cancel, was told if I would return all I had received, they’d return my money. I did & they returned the initial cost.
This was in Feb. & I’ve been promised the $59.40, but that hasn’t happened.
I call every wk & get promised it will be in my account by Fri. of that wk. Still not happening. I’m now at a mgr level.
Richard, please let me know what happens with this. people need to know about problems with refunds from the cyvita autoship program.
Call your bank that issued the credit card that was used save all emails from themdo a CHARGE BACK if do not get the refund promised
Something else to think about and I have been through this years ago not related to any supplement is if you have to go through the Arbitration from taking this possible poison that may cause medical issues down the road you will have to shell out at a minimum of $1000.00 for the Arbitration attorney even if you do not prevail.
We were not in any position to pay this at that time so it was dismissed.It puts the phrase insult to injury in perspective doesn’t it?
Billy, that is VERY interesting! thanks for mentioning this.
cyvita does not work. This is a rip off, do not buy it is a waste of money.
Cyvita is a pure piece of garbage!!!
Playing on Men’s emotion!
Thinking about it, If there is no side effects thats a good thing anyone you know try this product yet
Kenny, I dont know anybody who has tried Cyvita yet. I’m looking forward to reading what happens if people try it. If you do please do let me know.
I did as the instructions said. I did not notice anything.
just a rip off to make a dollar with no concern for a person health. If anyone cares about their health stay away from anything that has not been proven. an ounce of false pleasure is
not worth an illness or death sentence!