Update 3/10/20. Have you been asked to try Shakeology - or become a Shakeology Beachbody Coach? I have - several times. I've been asked to try this product so many times from so many different people that I decided to write this Shakeology review so you know the facts. Is Shakeology safe? Will Shakeology help weight loss? These are the questions I will address. As always, I'll link to the …
Ensure Muscle Health Revigor Review
Update 7/30/19. When I first heard about Ensure Clinical Strength, also called Ensure Revigor and Ensure Muscle Health, I was intrigued. I was intrigued because Ensure Muscle Health contains a very interesting ingredient called HMB, which several studies have shown can reduce muscle tissue breakdown. Because many people (but not all) drink Ensure because they are either older and have a poor …
XTend by Scivation Does it Help Fat Loss or Strength?
XTend is "The first supplement ever proven to double your fat loss, double your muscle gain and double your strength when compared to whey protein! "At least that is what the XTend website says. I was intrigued and wanted to see if there was any proof of this claim and help others see if XTend was right for them. Xtend Ingredients Xtend is supplement made by Scivation (Scivation.com) and …
Male Enhancement Supplements That Contain Viagra
For a long time now I've noticed something strange going on when it comes to some of those Natural Male Enhancement supplements. You know, the supplements that are supposed to be natural alternatives Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis. Turns out that many of these supplements contain chemicals that act similar to Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra. Some supplements may even contain the actual drugs …
Lysine Cold Sores and Nitric Oxide Supplements: The Facts
Update 10/15/22. You have a cold sore. Do any natural treatments work? Odds are you may have heard about the amino acid lysine. Does it work? It seems to. Let's look at the research on lysine helping herpes cold sore infections. Let's also discuss the other amino acid you should avoid during flair-ups. What amino acid is that? You may be surprised. Lysine Cold Sore Research Several …
Creatine and Injuries Fact or Fiction?
I took creatine and I got injured. Anybody who has spent time in a gym has heard this or similar statements from people who use creatine monohydrate supplements. But, does creatine really increase the risk of muscle injuries? Do you even need this amino acid supplement? In this review, I give you the facts you need to know. What is Creatine? Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in our …