Update January 1, 2025. ASEA water, a cell signaling supplement, contains trillions of stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling Molecules suspended in a pristine saline solution. From the moment I first heard of this supplement, I was intrigued because “redox” is a word that takes me back to college chemistry class. In this ASEA review, I'll look at the research and science on ASEA and help you determine if it's right for you. I'll also address some things people say this supplement can do, too. This is an unbiased review. I do not work for the company.
1 What Is ASEA Redox Signaling?
OK, so how does ASEA work? At the heart of this supplement (pronounced “ah see ah”) is something called Redox Signaling. Let's talk about what Redox signaling is.
The word Redox refers to two words – reduction and oxidation.
- “Red” is a reference to reduction
- “Ox” is a reference to oxidation
In the world of science, reduction and oxidation are used to refer to things that transfer electrons (negatively charged particles).
- Electrons carry a negative electrical charge.
- When a molecule or atom receives an electron, its overall electrical charge is REDuced (it becomes more negatively charged).
- When a molecule or atom has electrons removed from it, it's said to be OXidized. (it becomes more positively charged)
Redox signaling is about using electrons to transfer signals (information) between molecules and atoms. This information can result in good or bad things happening.
2 Redox Signaling In Plain English
Redox signaling allows atoms and molecules to talk to each other by transferring electrons. They communicate by using antioxidants and free radicals. Here's how it works:
- Free radicals remove electrons. This is also called Reduction
- Antioxidants donate electrons. This is also called Oxidation
By adding and removing electrons, information can be transmitted.
Through reduction and oxidation, we get the term “ReDox reaction.” During redox reactions, electrons are transferred from one thing to another. This transfer of electrons also transfers information. Basically, this helps atoms/molecules “talk” to each other.
Simply put, redox signaling occurs by the interaction between antioxidants and free radicals.
3 ASEA Water Ingredients
The product website has said the supplement is made of “trillions of stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling molecules suspended in a pristine saline solution.”
The saline solution is a reference to salt water. This is why some people online say that ASEA is just expensive salt water. I'll let others make that judgment as I'm primarily interested in the research on this stuff.
They say the redox signaling molecules are grouped into two types:
- Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
- Reduced Species (RS)
Let's translate these names:
- Reactive Oxygen Species are basically free radicals
- Reduced Species are basically antioxidants
4 ASEA Water Research
The ASEA company commissioned a genetic testing company called Taueret Laboratories to perform a study. It was called “Initial Gene Study Showed ASEA REDOX Affected Important Signaling Pathway Genes.” The science is complicated, so let's just summarize it:
ASEA Genetics Study Summary
This investigation lasted 2 months and involved 60 people who were split into 3 groups:
- ASEA group (25 people). They drank ASEA water
- Placebo group (25 people). They drink salt water
- Control group: (10 people). They didn't drink either ASEA or salt water
The company's summary shows that most people were white women with an average age of 35.
ASEA Water Study Results
Researchers noted that 5 genes involved in cell signaling changed their expression by 20-31%.
This is very interesting, but there are a couple of problems:
- They didn't say how they changed. I assume it was in a good way.
- The study doesn't appear to be published in a medical journal.
Why isn't this investigation published in a medical journal?
Watch this ASEA video below:
At 55 seconds into this video, Dr. Jeffrey Mocny of the ASEA science counsel states, “ASEA is dedicated to performing the highest quality science in the field.” To me, “highest quality science” means publishing your research in a medical journal.
ASEA Exercise Study
In 2012, researchers at Appalachian State University published the results of an exercise study that used ASEA water. The title of the study was the Influence of a redox-signaling supplement on biomarkers of physiological stress in athletes: a metabolomics approach. Let's summarize this research and the results:
Study Summary
The study lasted 1 week. Twenty people rode a stationary bike as fast as they could for 46 miles (75 km). They were given either 4 oz of ASEA water or 4 oz of a placebo drink each day for a week before the cycling test and 16 oz of ASEA (or placebo) during the test. Blood samples were taken before, immediately after exercise, and one hour after exercise to see what happened.
Study Results:
- ASEA did not help people ride the bike any faster compared to the placebo.
- ASEA did not reduce exercise-induced inflammation compared to the placebo.
- ASEA did not reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress compared to the placebo.
- ASEA did not alter exercise-induced changes in immune function compared to placebo.
The study does note “ASEA supplementation caused a significant shift in 43 metabolites” before exercise occurred. These metabolites included free fatty acids and vitamin C. While this is interesting, remember the supplement didn’t help people ride the bike any faster.
These researchers also note free fatty acids and vitamin C were made more available before exercise. That is interesting too, but what about during exercise? There is no mention of fatty acid availability during exercise. If the fatty acids were increased during exercise, ASEA water might improve exercise endurance.
I hope this study is replicated to determine fatty acid use during exercise.
Study Problems:
While this investigation is listed in a science journal, it appears as an abstract. Abstracts are summaries of the research that do not necessarily have to undergo peer review. In my view, the lack of peer review decreases the significance of abstracts.
ASEA Water-Mouse Study
In this investigation, mice have force-fed ASEA water or a placebo for 7 days prior to running to exhaustion. The mice getting the supplement ran about 29% longer than the mice getting the placebo. This is very interesting, but it’s a mouse study.
5 Other ASEA Water Research
The Science page of the company's website lists 9 additional pieces of evidence. Below is a summary of each, along with my opinions of them.
1. ASEA Safety Studies Summary
This paper is also titled ASEA Ingestion, Safety, Summary from Human Studies North Carolina Research Campus Human Performance Laboratory.
This study looked at how the supplement was tolerated in 106 overweight people who drank 4 oz per day for 12 weeks compared to a placebo.
Results. There were no side effects reported compared to the placebo group. ASEA water had no effect on cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels or CRP levels. There was no mention of whether the people lost weight.
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study.
2. PNNL Safety Report
This paper is titled Data from an In vitro Study Relating to Product Safety (PNNL stands for Pacific North West National Laboratory). It was basically a test-tube study. ASEA did not cause any toxicity when cells were exposed to it, which is good.
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study.
3. Reactive Molecules Verification
This paper is also titled “Verification Procedure for Reactive Molecules in ASEA.”
This paper discusses the quality control used to make ASEA water. I'm happy they have quality control measures in place; that says a lot about the company.
4. ASEA Water Antioxidant Efficiency
This paper is titled “Report For ASEA on Experimental Results-In Vitro Antioxidant Enhancement and Oxidative Stress Reduction.
This paper describes how cell cultures treated with ASEA showed improvements in the antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX).
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study
- This is a test tube study
- Effects in cell cultures do not necessarily mean the same thing occurs in humans
5. ASEA Water Athletics Study
This paper is titled “Report to ASEA on VO2max Athletic Endurance Enhancement Testing.”
In this investigation, 17 athletes were tested for aerobic capacity before and after 2 weeks of taking the supplement each day. Results showed that athletes had their aerobic capacity after taking the supplement.
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study
- They don't tell us what kind of athletes these were (runners, weight lifters, etc.)
- There was no placebo group to compare the results to
- The study speaks of “significant trends,” but they don't say if the improvements were clinically significant.
6. ASEA Water Metabolite Findings FAQ
This paper summarizes frequently asked questions about the exercise study of 20 people conducted at Appalachian State University. I summarized this study above in the Research section.
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study.
7. ASEA Water Research Summary Presentation
This is titled “ASEA Metabolomics.” This is the human exercise study summarized above.
8. White Paper on the Effect of an Immune-Supporting Supplement, ASEA, on Athletic Performance based on a Pilot VO2max Test
In this paper, the supplement improved aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance in 18 well-conditioned men and women who rode a bike or ran on a treadmill.
Possible Problems
- There is no placebo group
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study
9. White paper: Bioactivity of ASEA™ Related to Toxicity, Glutathione Peroxidase, Superoxide Dismutase Efficacy and Related Transcription Factors
Possible Problems:
- This is a test tube study
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study
6 Where To Buy ASEA Water
The redox-signaling water supplement is not sold in stores like Walmart, Target, Walgreens, or CVS. It can be obtained directly from an ASEA associate.
One thing I noticed was there didn't seem to be a way for people to order ASEA directly from the company website (AseaGlobal.com). This is good because it means the company is not in competition with associates who sell it. This also says a lot about the company.
7 How Much Is ASEA
The cost depends on whether you are an associate or not. If you want to use it yourself (and not sell it), then the price is around $150 per month. The cost may also depend on whether you take advantage of their auto-shipment program. Associates likely get discounts. When in doubt, ask an associate for to get the lowest cost.
8 ASEA And Exercise
Does ASEA water help people exercise better? Let's just say I'm skeptical right now. We currently have a mouse study that hints it might work and a human study showing it doesn't. ASEA water is NSF Certified. This is good news for athletes. NSF (NSF.org) is a company that guarantees supplements contain what their labels indicate. Athletes who undergo random drug testing often prefer supplements that have NSF certification.
9 Can ASEA Water Help Weight Loss
Other than it being low in calories, I don't think so. Claims about the supplement helping people burn fat appear to come from the human exercise study summarized above. In that investigation, it was noted that people who drank 4 oz of ASEA per day for a week had a greater release of fatty acids (triglycerides) at rest. But remember burning fat and losing weight don't always equate to each other. For most people, burning calories is more important than burning fat.
Remember also that this was an exercise study, not a weight-loss study. The researchers did not state the people lost weight. Based on this we can assume they probably didn't.
Researchers at the University of North Carolina completed a study investigating if supplements raised metabolic rate. This study was completed in 2013 but no results have been released. As of 2023, no study results have been released.
10 Can ASEA Water Help People With Cancer?
There is no evidence that ASEA water can cure cancer or prevent it from occurring. This is also true for other diseases too, including heart disease, diabetes, Autism, arthritis, eczema, Acne, Lyme disease, tinnitus, dementia, fibromyalgia, and blindness. No clinical research could be located that proves this ionized water beverage improves any health condition. While there are testimonials of people who report impressive results (see the comments section), there is no clinical proof for any of it for now.
I lost parents of my parents to cancer (less than 3 months from each other). I know how scary a cancer diagnosis can be. It's normal to look for answers. I see no good proof that drinking Redox water will improve cancer outcomes.
11 Can ASEA Water Improve Scars On The Skin and Face?
No research appears to show if the supplement helps scars heal faster, fade, or disappear. It may or may not. There seems to be no evidence either way.
12 Can ASEA Water Raise Glutathione
Glutathione is an antioxidant compound that tends to decline as we get older. Some have said ASEA can raise glutathione levels by over 500%. I can find no evidence in humans for this statement. Watch this video to learn how to raise your glutathione levels.
13 Can ASEA Water Help Your Hair Grow?
There appears to be no evidence either way of the supplement promoting hair growth or reversing gray hair. For more on hair growth, see these reviews:
- Viviscal Review
- Viviscal vs. Nutrafol Review
- Can Peppermint Oil Grow Hair?
- Hair Growth Supplement Videos
14 ASEA vs. The Competition
Many supplements promise to help us age gracefully. Here's how this supplement compares to some of the more popular supplements out there:
ASEA Water vs. Neora
The Neora company (formally Nerium) has a supplement called Neora EHT. That supplement has an extract from coffee (called EHT) which is touted to improve memory. No studies have compared ASEA to Neora EHT to see how they compare to each other. Like ASEA, Neora also has some research to support its effects.
See the Nerium /Neora EHT review
ASEA Water vs. Protandim
Protandim is probably the most well-known anti-aging supplement on Earth. It's been around for many years, and if you count up the research, it has more clinical studies than probably any anti-aging supplement on the market. Protandim is said to help the body ramp up its own production of antioxidant defenses.
In a way, this is somewhat similar to ASEA but there is no talk of redox signaling with Protandim. There is also no research comparing these supplements to each other.
ASEA vs. Tru Niagen (Nicotinamide Riboside)
Tru Niagen is a very popular anti-aging supplement. Tru Niagen contains a nicotinamide riboside, a form of niacin (vitamin B3). This compound is said to slow aging by helping our cells make an energy molecule called NAD, which declines as we age. So far, there is no evidence that ASEA water raises cellular NAD levels. Likewise, researchers have not compared ASEA water to Tru Niagen.
ASEA Water vs. Kangen Water

Kangen water is produced by Kangen water machines, which are made by the Enagic company, which is based in Japan but sells its machines worldwide. Kangen water machines use electrolysis to make water more alkaline. The pH of Kangian drinking water ranges from 8.5 to 9.5. Most people think of alkaline water as Kangen water.
The pH of ASEA water is 7.35. Since a pH of 7 is neutral, ASEA water is slightly alkaline but less so than Kangen water. So what's better? There are no comparative studies to see if either water has benefits.
Is ASEA Water The Same As Miricle Mineral Solution?
The Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) is a mixture of sodium chlorite and an acid, such as citric acid.
It is a controversial product that has been marketed as a treatment for various health conditions, including cancer, malaria, and autism. However, strong evidence for its effectiveness is lacking. ASEA Water is not the same thing as MMS.
15 Is ASEA Water Approved by the FDA?
The Food and Drug Administration indeed regulates dietary supplements. This is because of the law known as the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which went into effect in 1994. However, regulation and approval are not the same thing. While penalties can be imposed on companies that don't follow the rules, the FDA does not approve dietary supplements before they are sold to the public.
16 How Do You Take ASEA Water?
Drink about 4 oz per day. You can drink it on an empty stomach or with food.
17 Who Makes ASEA Water?
ASEA Water is a product of ASEA LLC, a multilevel marketing business that began in 2007. The company address is 6550 Millrock Dr. Ste 100, Salt Lake City, UT 84121-6000. The business website is AseaGlobal.com.
The Better Business Bureau gives ASEA LLC a rating of “A+” and the company is accreted with the BBB. No customer complaints were logged with the BBB against the company, which is rare for a corporation that has been around as long as ASEA has.
18 Contact ASEA
- The Better Business Bureau lists a contact number of (801) 928-2001
- Another phone number is 888-438-5971
- The Associate Support number of 801-973-7499
19 ASEA Lawsuits
Despite these claims, no FDA warning letters or lawsuits in the US could be located. This may indicate that the company is complying with US supplement regulation guidelines.
20 ASEA Side Effects
My guess is this supplement is pretty safe for most people. I'm not aware of any side effects from using the product. Some people online I saw said it didn't taste good but that is something we all have to decide for ourselves. The supplement does have some salt, but the company website states the amount of salt is less than a carrot has.
General suggestions for all supplements:
- Start with less than suggested for the first week to see how you respond
- Talk to your doctor if you are pregnant/breastfeeding
- Stop taking at least 2 weeks before having surgery
- Talk to your doctor if you take any medicine like blood thinners
When looking at ASEA testimonials, some people say some pretty amazing things ranging from the product improving energy levels and reducing arthritis pain to even speeding recovery after a stroke. And then there are those who said the product did nothing for them. As with anything, the results you experience may vary.
21 ASEA Renew 28
This is a skin cleanser. It contains an ingredient called sodium magnesium fluorosilicate (also called Hectorite), a scrubbing agent used in various cosmetics. The company states a European dermatology company -Dermatest – tested Renew 28 in 20 women for 28 days. The women said they saw:
- 21% Improvement in wrinkles
- 20% increased skin elasticity
- 23% improvement in overall wrinkles
- 22% improvement in facial skin texture
- 23% improved skin smoothness
- 11% increase in skin moisture
Notice the women used the product for 28 days. This is where “Renew 28” gets its name from.
In another study, which lasted 12 weeks, the product was said to improve cellulite.
It is unknown if either of these studies has been published in medical journals. If not, this reduces their importance, in my opinion.
See the review of Joyome by Plexus Slim
22 Does ASEA Work?
For the moment, I'm not going to say ASEA is a rip-off or a scam. While skeptical about the ASEA claims and clinical research, I will take the high road and say, let's wait for better research. I'm not impressed with the evidence presented so far, but I am willing to wait for future clinical studies.
Greetings, Joe,
I attended a seminar about essential oils yesterday. When they switched to promoting ASEA – and its creative use of science speak – I left. Though open to alternative medicine, I have a science background, thus was immediately skeptical of ASEA.
Your research was clear and very informative. I appreciate the time you took to try to figure out just what this stuff is. I also read through the comments and your replies (you’re very patient). Though people who have found success with ASEA are already biased, it would be interesting to give them – or anyone else with medical complaints – the same concentration of sea salt to highly purified water, let them make their own, and see what it does for them.
One of the best healing and cleansing methods for wounds or skin ailments is a saline solution; been used for just about forever. I was once dealing with chronic fatigue brought on by years of stress; symptoms were akin to what has been posted for “adrenal fatigue”. My road to recovery was led by my consumption of salt water; it had an amazing, immediate affect on my energy and well-being.
I’d love to know exactly what the ratio of sea salt to water is in ASEA. Can’t say I could insert any magical molecules or create microclusters, but I’d rather experiment with my own version first, before I waste a ton of money.
Thanks again, Joe!
Hi Wendy, I’m glad you found my review helpful. Good question about the radio of salt to water in ASEA. I’m not sure. I just heard an interesting podcast on the science of essential oils. It was episode 1101 of “The Peoples Pharmacy.” You might find it useful here’s the link https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/get-the-podcast/
I want to look at the research they mentioned on lavender helping reduce stress.
There is two things here. It contain salt and klorid. It is used som electrisity. The salt and klorid solution is a electrolyte and will be a bearer of electrons from the medium that send the electric current. I think that this is the secret. It may be silver ionised water, and silver is known for its benefits on microbes. It can also be another thing than silver. I see that there is more than one who is getting better. I will make it a try.
Jeppe, I hope it helps you if you try it.
so Joe, if you are so interested in the truth, why hasn’t my comments about how this has changed my sister’s life and healed her lungs been published?
Hi Denise, Im honestly not sure. The only thing I can think of is the your comment was marked as spam. I get a LOT of spam comments. Its possible you included words/phases that were thought to be spam. regardless, I apologize for that.
About your sister and lung cancer, That is really great news! Trust me when I say, I know how devastating lung cancer can be.
Can I ask a few questions?
What kind of lung cancer did your sister have?
was she also getting medical treatment like chemo/radiation?
How long was she taking ASEA?
What do her doctors think about this? Have you talked to them about ASEA? What are their thoughts?
Have you or your sister went to her doctor to see if she/he can submit a “case report” on this cure to medical journal? Doctors often submit case reports to alert other medical professionals about critical information. I’d very much like to read that.
Thanks for a well-researched review of ASEA supplements. A friend of mine sells them but I think I’ll pass after reading your analysis.
Hi Lallajoyce, you’re welcome, thanks for stopping by 🙂
Hello Lallajoyce. I believe you should considder the results that many people are having with Asea and not looking into a sort of blog- website where people are trying guessing what Asea is.
Agustin, can you really look over the summary of ASEA studies I’ve listed and say I’m guessing?
I am a big Asea fan too as I have seen this results on different people from different countries. Here Joe is not interested on Asea results. He is denying them. He is looking only to find the scientific name of the molecules that Asea is made from.
Augustin, I dont see how you say I’m not interested in ASEA results when I mostly report on the results of the research. Testimonials from people I dont personally know is great but I still want to see research.
Yes I want actual names for the “redox signaling molecules”. Science has names for everything! the name Redox implies “REDuction and OXidation”. what performs reduction and oxidation reactions? free radicals and antioxidants of course. I dont know why you shy away from this?
While we are asking questions of each other, here’s my question for you: How come nobody talks about the ASEA exercise study anymore? That study had results – but the results said it didn’t work.
The study I’m referring to is this one: Influence of a redox-signaling supplement on biomarkers of physiological stress in athletes: a metabolomics approach
Here’s the link http://www.fasebj.org/content/26/1_Supplement/lb713
Joe, I admire your quest for proven scientific validation in regards to ASEA. (To my knowledge, there is none to date.) However, there is no way you will ever convince a zealot like Augustin that scientific validation is important. You see, I know him personally and he was brainwashed at an ASEA seminar in his home country of Romania a couple of years ago. ASEA is like a religion to him, and he will defend it no matter what, even though he clearly does not have the knowledge needed to answer any of the questions you have posed to him. (He is the same way about Herbalife, but that is another story…)
In my humble opinion, ASEA just appears to be a well-marketed, expensive electrolyte solution…the “snake oil” of the 21st century. Fortunately, it doesn’t contain anything harmful, unless you count the harm to your wallet! And if some folks perceive a physical improvement while using ASEA, I am truly happy for them, although I suspect their improvement is a placebo effect. Even so, I wish them continued wellness and improved health, no matter how they achieve it.
Science is science. And science demands PROOF. Sorry folks, but “testimonials” are NOT proof.
Hi DGH, Thanks for that. I like to talk about supplements so I dont mind any of it. Sometimes zealots give me things to think about and topics to investigate so I like it all. All I can do is present what I find out and let people make their own decisions. 🙂
Honestly Joe..I feel disappointed. Every time I come with explanations..you deny EVERYTHING. You deny the results that peoples are experiencing with Asea and they are sharing them here..
Of course I can go deeper into the Redox and oxidative stress process..but I am having the feeling that I am waisting my time. Your analysis here about Redox process and however antioxidants..is not a high end analysis but a very basic one- every beginner knows this things.
But you guys here believing that Asea is a mix of antioxidants and free radicals..two categories of particles that are basically work one against each other..that makes me feel that sharing my ideas here is a waist of time.
Hi Augustin, I hear what you are saying. You must know however that I am asking for clinical, peer reviewed evidence. Testimonials can be a good jumping off point for investigations but they cant be the only evidence out there. Your only giving me testimonials. I really need more than that.
As for ASEA being made up of antioxidants and free radicals, that’s my assumption and the only thing I can come up with since RE DOX is short for REDuction and OXidation reactions. This is what free radicals and antioxidants do. If you can give me names of compounds that are responsible for the redox reactions in ASEA then, I’m happy to look them up and try to understand them better.
I understand the negative connotation that free radical reactions can have among the general population but I would suggest that you not run away from this. Free radicals are NOT always a bad thing. The body uses them to its advantage. For example, the immune system uses free radicals to destroy bacteria.
Our different thoughts on this not withstanding, I’m always happy to look at the ASEA research so I ask you to keep me posted on anything I might miss.
Free radicals are gaining an electron from other atoms around them. Its called oxidative stress. The Antioxidants are having a protective action on our cells and they are a barrier against the free radicals minimizing their destructive action.
There are antioxidants that natural exists in our bodies but while aging they are less produced and their action is reduced.
The role of Asea is to trigger our own antioxidants to function better and so our health to be restored.
Common sense is telling that Antioxidants and Free radicals Cannot be together!
Politely speaking about somebody that is believing that..I would say he is not a researcher-scientist- doesn’t have a sharp rationality.. To sell a bottle of Free Radicals is like selling poison. How can you say Joe that Asea is a bottle of free radicals combined with antioxidants! Well..LOOL
Any big discovery of this world was in the beginning considered Impossible. Check the Medicine records.
Augustin, what you say about oxidation is fundamentally correct and antioxidants do offer protection against oxidative stress. We make antioxdiants but its also true that we we make free radicals too. I’m sorry but this is true. Life on earth is tied to free radical production. Free radicals are made each time we take a breath for example. They are produced during exercise and when we make energy (ATP).
I hear what you are saying about aging and making fewer antoixdants. Can you show me proof (peer reviewed studies) ASEA improves antioxidant status in older people?
One of the things that can increase oxidative stress is cellular inflammation. Doctors can measure this with a blood test for CRP. As CRP levels go down, inflammation goes down. In the ASEA study of 106 overweight people taking ASEA did not reduce CRP levels (or blood sugar or cholesterol levels). I dont think this is a peer reviewed study so I wont close the door on whether it can or cant reduce CRP. I bring it up only as preliminary evidence for now.
As for ASEA ramping up our bodies natural antioixdants, that is a claim I have not hear of until now. You are saying something that I did not see mentioned when I reviewed ASEA.
This ramping up of our body’s natural antioxidants sounds like the claim made for the anti-aging supplement protandim. Read the review.
It does appear ASEA has a test tube paper that shows it improves antioixdant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX). Im not sure if that paper has gone through the peer review process yet? if it has, please provide the link to the study in Pubmed and I’ll be glad to look at it. Even if it is, Id still like to see a human study because we are more complicated than isolated cells in a test tube.
When I reviewed ASEA, they were saying that “ASEA is trillions of stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling Molecules suspended in a pristine saline solution.” I saw no mention of it naturally ramping up our bodies antioxidant defenses.
Its from their claim of it being made up of “redox signaling molecules suspended in a saline solution” that I came to the conclusion that it was made up of antoixdants and free radicals. Are they no longer using that phrase?
Good work mate.
I don’t know how you can tolerate all the jibes you get from the semi-literates that are trying to flog this scam, but it’s good to see someone trying to inject some science into the debate.
Hi Josh, thanks I appreciate that. I’m always like discussing science in a calm and rational manner.
I found my way to your site after having ASEA promoted to me by a friend who had finally been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis after many unsuccessful diagnoses and treatments in several countries (she was teaching ESL abroad). I don’t remember how she said she was introduced to ASEA, but now she swears by it over all other remedies, mainstream and alternative. She uses it for everything.
As we were talking, I was picking at my fingers as I so often do. She went inside, got her tube of ASEA, and had me apply it to the affected places 3 times. I have to say that, while it didn’t totally prevent me from picking — an emotional habit as much as physical — it did improve the feeling of the affected spots. And now, 6 hours later, the skin is much healthier than it was before.
I am curious about the science behind ASEA, but as a successful user of homeopathy, which is often pooh-poohed by scientists and medical people, I am going to look into this further. I have Crohn’s disease (treated for 32 years with alternatives), and I am curious how ASEA might help with this disease, as well as normal effects of aging.
Hi Margi, Thanks for sharing and let me know if you turn up any research I missed. I am always interested to read the studies on ASEA esp those published in science journals. If you try it, let me know what happens with Crohns.
Hi Joe, I started taking ASEA 8 days ago. I have pictures to show you, the first one most dramatic and I have friends who have watched the transformation. Where may I send the pictures? I had a basal cell carcinoma about the size of my palm removed from my scalp. It was slow healing as they could not close it all the way. Last week when I put some of the gel on my scalp, it was swollen, red, and irritated 2 months following the surgery.
12 hours later it looked like a different scalp. All I had was the liquid which I drank 2 ounces of twice a day and I sprayed that on my head wound. It looks GREAT and the feeling is starting to come back as well already.
Add to that, I suddenly started getting feeling back in my big toes 2 days ago, which have been numb from diabetic neuropathy for many years. I am a big believer in this product.
Hi Juile, who took the pictures? Did your doctor corroborate this? Have you shared the pictures with your doctor yet?
I’ve heared almost the same declarations from different people from different countries and different cities. People with health issues that in time they got their health back after taking Asea regularly.
How can such a diverse different far away from each other people can declare this effects of Asea and you here are saying that this “can’t be truth, you need a proof from a medical journal”. Until you guys search for that..some people are getting their health restored. For sure WHEN YOU’LL FIND THAT JOURNAL..YOU’L SAY – WELL..IT DOESNT HAVE THE VALIDATION OF…SO WE CANT TRUST IT.” Keep searching. The world is moving on.
Augustin, I dont think I ever said this “can’t be truth.” I am a “show me through research” kind of guy.” I’m sorry but the research I’ve seen so far is not too impressive.
That said, I prefer to take people at their word. If they say something works – or doesn’t – I tend to believe them until proven otherwise.
Testimonials aside, I noticed you still didn’t answer my questions from yesterday. 🙂
And while we are on the topic of research, I noticed nobody likes to talk about the ASEA exercise study anymore? It was highly touted a year or so ago but the last time I checked I dont believe I saw it listed on the product website. Can you tell me why?
I was recommended ASEA by a friend and was initially extremely very skeptical. I had taken myself off topical cortisone after 30 years of use and my skin had been going through 4 years of hell and every phase you could you could think of as it went through the cortisone withdrawal and re configuring itself.
It had been slowly improving when I started taking the liquid about 6 months ago and also decided I would try the ointment as an experiment on one of my two feet which were the parts of my body that had been left with the worst dermatitis which no natural crème had helped.
However after 3 months my right foot was SO improved that I commenced on my left foot and now 3 months later again I have two healed feet with no dermatitis and no need to put any crème on them. (And NO cortisone) The fascinating thing for me is that it is like new skin has formed -not perfect – a few brown blotches – almost like it has formed a scar tissue – but hey – it will do me:)
I just wish I had taken before and after photos as my friend had suggested but my husband can testify to the truth of this. As to the rest of my skin, for the first time in 4 years I will be wearing short sleeves in summer due to now having arms that are not inflamed.
I genuinely believe taking the liquid supplement has accelerated the natural healing process and I definitely know that the crème healed my feet. Thanks!
I think I have missed something, what exactly are the stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling molecules, where do they come from.
Hi Bernadette, I believe redox signaling molecules are another name for antioxidant and free radical reactions. I believe they come from water and salt and how they interact with each other. I am making assumptions though because I have not been able to find these answers either.
Can anyone else shed light on this?
No. Asea does not interfere with any medication. Take as soon as possible following the instruction provided by the person who is selling it to you. Take action and let others still debating about Asea. There are thousands of people with good results. It is a revolutionary product. But is not for kindergarden.
Augustin, I’m sorry but it is words like this that give dietary supplements and those who sell them a bad reputation. you cannot say that ASEA doesn’t interfere with any medications because there are NO studies published on this topic. If ASEA is just water than I agree that it won’t interfere but ASEA distributors -like yourself – say the product is not just water. You cannot have this both ways. Either its water or its something else.
Can you take Plexus products, Slim, Biocleanse, Probio, while taking Asea?
Hi Anne, while I’m not aware of any Plexus Slim / ASEA research either way, I dont see why not. Ive have several reviews on Plexus Slim
Here’s the Plexus Slim ProBio review
Here’s the Plexus Slim Review
Plexus slim has changed their formula (again) from what my review says. I’m working on an updated review that I hope to have posted soon.
Yes you can. Asea does not interfiere with any other supplements. As I said 10 times until now ASEA IS NOT A MIX OF ANTIOXIDANTS AND FREE RADICALS. ANTIOXIDATNS ARE FIGHTING BACK THE DISTRUCTIVE ACTION OF FREE RADICALS ON BODY CELLS. Taken regularly Asea stimulates the body’s own capacity to repair himself and so IN TIME it will rise its own state of health. Combined with exercise, correct lifestyle and nutrition..Asea will increase the quality of our lifes by making our bodies functionality better. Cheers.
Augustin, I have to ask
1 can you show me the proof – I mean human clinical studies published in medical journals – showing that ASEA doesn’t interfere with other supplements? if you cant, you are making an assumption. Think about it. there are tens of thousands of dietary supplements. has ASEA been tested against them all – or any of them?
2 can you show me proof – human clinical studies – that ASEA stimulates the body’s capacity to repair itself? How are we defining “repair”?
Redox signaling molecules refer to Redox reactions which, as I understand it, are the adding and subtracting of electrons. That’s what antioxidants and free radicals do.
Do I think ASEA is safe? yes, I really do. That’s because until I see otherwise, I think it might just be water with some salt added.
Feel free to list any ASEA studies I am not aware of. I am always open to altering my opinion if the science is there.
Dear Joe; I have cancer. What effects can I expect from taking ASEA? What amounts are useful? I am receiving medical treatment in the the form of infusions once every 3 weeks….chemo at this point. Does chemo interfer with the effects of ASEA? Tahank you. Wat jessen
Hi Walt, I wish I had some answers for you. I’m still not aware of any human cancer research on ASEA. I recommend you show the literature on ASEA to your cancer doctors and see what they think about this. Ive tried to list all the studies I could find. you can print them up and show them. I know there are a lot of amazing claims made about ASEA but I just dont see a lot of human research.
One of the things ASEA is supposed to do is battle free radicals by ramping up our antioxidant defenses. On the ASEA website they say ASEA boosts the bodies antioxidant defense by 500%. I’m not sure where that number comes from but regardless, it comes to cancer, supplements that battle free radicals are controversial.
Here’s the reason: Usually when people are getting chemo/radiation therapy, the recommendation is to stop taking antioxidant supplements. This is because of these therapies kill cancer by generating free radicals. Anything that might reduce free radicals – in theory -might reduce the effectiveness of the cancer therapies.
Cancer and its treatment is very complicated and I’ll be honest, they outside my area of expertise. that’s why I feel your cancer doctors are the best source of info on whether or not ASEA is right for you.
Instead of ASEA, I’m much more a fan of fruits and veggies. Here is some insights on why I say this:
I like to toss in some fruits and veggies in a blender and drink them with some protein powder.
If you are able to do any type of exercise like walking, that will also improve your immune system and help you battle cancer too.
I hope you will let me know what your doctors say about ASEA if you ask them. I will say a prayer for you and your family tonight that you all get past this.
Hi Joe
Thank you for your research into this product/ company. I was just wondering……If Asea claims to trigger our own antioxidant pathways….with our population being so depleted in antioxidants due to environmental toxin exposure and poor food choices……how can the antioxidant pathway be optimally activated if the “tools” are not there for it to work in the first place. Surely you would need to take a supplement (of quality) to allow the product to work properly?
If we are not fueling our bodies with “good stuff” initially how can the product be expected to work. It sounds to me like the people taking this are just looking for another “quick fix” to their issues instead of looking to lifestyle and food.
Just some thoughts.
Thank you again for your work.
Hi Belinda, interesting question and I am not sure of the answer. I’m looking forward to more human research on ASEA.
The signalling molecules in Asea are already produced in our own Mythicondrial system inside our cells. The production of this signaling molecules wich they are triggering the antioxidants is decresing by age and so the free radicals will affect more and more our body.
So taking Asea is supplementing our own production of signaling molecules which will lead into a better functionality of antioxidants. TAKING ASEA COMBINED WITH A GOOD QUALITY NUTRITION AND A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE-DAILY WORKOUT IS THE WAY TO INCREASE OUR LIFE QUALITY.
Solid work and it concerns me that people who claim you are wrong to use anecdotal evidence to attack you. You have presented a good overview of a company and its product.
Peer review is a straight forward and well-regarded process, I reviewed the link claiming to be ASEA science and the same issue again – no reviews were mentioned and no links to other authors who would provide resources to back up the claims.
Keep up the good work – ignore those that would push aside good science.
Hi Jonathan, thanks for saying that. I really do appreciate your sentiments.
It is obviously that the name of the Moon is ” Moon”, this is a thing that we don’t need to explain. And by saying molecules it doesn’t necessary means that we are referring to different types of them..but it could be millions of molecules of the same type. -:)
The main subject of my answer was that Asea is not made from free radicals and antioxidants – believing this is a proof of knowing nothing about Asea.. Assuming that Asea is made from antioxidants and free radicals is proof of clueless. Asea is only containing molecules that triggers the antioxidant system on our bodies and they also have an important role in transmitting the information between body cells.
Why you don’t take some friends- doctors, scientists – and go to Asea headquarters to ask for scientific details? It would be more accurate than assuming one thing or another. Or write them an email with a list of crucial questions. It is better to listen what the manufacturers are saying instead of random people that believe Asea is made from antioxidants and free radicals. -:))
Asea DOES NOT CONTAINS FREE RADICALS AND ANTIOXIDANTS. It contains molecules that triggers the abtioxidants in the body to fight the free radicals. THIS ARE NAMED SIGNALING MOLECULES – THEIR PURPOSE IS TO TRIGGER THE ANTIOXIDANTS THEMSELVES. Antioxidants need that trigger to function properly in the body.
By aging this signaling molecules – winch they are produced inside the cells Mitochondria – and they have a short life – are getting lower so THE ANTIOXIDANTS CANNOT FUNCTION PROPERLY ANYMORE and this is one of the reasons we are getting many diseases and body disfunctionality by aging.
This researchers have managed to produce this Signalung molecules by themselves , making the stable in a saline solution – winch simulates the blood fluids. So by taking Asea WE ARE STIMULATING OUR OWN ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEM TO WORKING AT HIGH LEVELS AGAINST FREE RADICALS.
ASEA IS NOT ANTIOXIDANT BY THEMSELVES. Believing that Asea is made from Antioxidants and Free radicals is a hilariously DEEP MISTAKE and make me read those opinions like of a fun article in a kids magazine.
Hi Augustin, can you tell us the names of the redox signaling molecules in ASEA?
I am answering your question by another question : What’s the name of the Moon? That’s the name of the molecules which Asea is made from : SIGNALING MOLECULES. They are naturally produced by Mitochondria inside the body cells.
But by aging, this production is down and the antioxidants cannot compensate the free radicals damaging action on the body. IF SOMEBODY WILL MANAGE TO CUT THE FREE RADICALS AT ALL..WE MAY EXTEND OUR LIFES…LOONG TIME.
An apple cutted in two immediately start changing its color to dark..due to free radicals action .that’s what happened with a dead body left on the ground..as well..ITS BECOMING DEGRADED BY FREE RADICALS ACTION AT THEIR DISCRETION.
Augustin, I’m sorry but the name of the moon is “moon.” That’s its name. In science, things have names. By the same logic, just calling them signaling molecules wont cut it. For example, since they are called “molecules” this implies there is more than one type. if that’s the case then, one could not assume they would all work the same or do the same thing. Scientists would then try to classify and name them. They would not all be grouped together under a catch all term like signaling molecules. For example, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide and free radical generating molecules that do seem to possess signaling abilities inside the mitochondria. As such, they are signaling molecules.
I think you may be looking at the signaling molecules and free radical generating molecules (reactive oxygen species, ROS) as being different. I believe they are essentially the same thing. Here is an article that discusses how free radical generating molecules can transfer signals in the mitochondria http://jcs.biologists.org/content/125/4/801
As for aging, I feel its more complicated than unchecked free radical damage. While free radical damage does play a role, I feel aging is more complicated than this. Its likely multi-factorial.
I hope this helps.
No I cannot tell the names of the signaling molecules in Asea. But I can tell you what I have seen myself. I cut off an apple in two parts. Usually in the air there are free radicals that they are damaging to disintegration food or a body. Well I said if Asea is claimed to protect from this free radicals action that means I should be able to see a difference in my apple.
So I dropped in Asea one half of my apple. The other one half I left it on my desk in open air.. I have then checked out the result after 20 minutes: HALF THE APPLE WAS GETTING DARKER DUE TO THE ACTION OF FREE RADICALS IN THE AIR. THE OTHER HALF THAT WAS TREATED WITH ASRA WAS STILL FRESH. AND CLEAN. WITH NO SIGN OF ALTERATION. This is happening in our own bodies when we are drinking Asea.
Hi Augustin, Im happy that you are happy with ASEA. I can only go by the research. What happened if you put a half an apple in a glass of regular water?
Well you speak so kind Joe..sorry my bad : you should try it as well. Its not half an apple to be dropped into a glass of water but being only wiped with Asea. And then let both halfs of the apple in open air. You see for yourself. The one wiped with Asea is much way better preserved than the other one. Thing is..For sure you’ll desperately search for a “scientific reason” to attack Asea. It is a verry common and already known behavioral pattern.
Augustin, its not that I’m trying to attack anything- I’m not doing that at all. I’m only reporting on the research I could locate and trying to help people understand it. Right now, I dont see much human research that is peer reviewed. I’m sure that will change eventually as it seems the company is committed to doing this. I’ll say that I’m intrigued by anything that makes claims of things ASEA is supposed to do. I only ask for research.
Its not possible to test drive everything I review because of possible interactions with other supplements I might also be taking at the same time. It would not be good science and so that’s why I generally don’t do it.
All the research articles/abstracts I’ve seen aren’t peer reviewed and have all been sponsored by the patent holders of the product. Only that fact makes all claims made by the company untrustworthy. They market it by using quasi-scientific mumbo jumbo words and their explanation of the mechanism of action is all nonsense.
There is no real explanation of what compounds are actually present in the product and if, as they say, both free radicals and antioxidants are formed during the production, they would just react with each other to release the energy that was stored in them when they were formed.
Free radicals have a VERY short half life. If they would somehow be stable in the bottle, they would immediately react with the acid in our stomachs when swallowed and thus have no possible way of affecting the cells in our bodies. It’s a scam . Text book case.
Well I really don’t know much about the science of ASEA and I was reluctant to buy it but my sister insisted she thought it would help me with the pain in my hands, back, shoulders, feet etc. I bought it and drank 4 oz, a day. In about. week I realized a drastic improvement.
I am not selling ASEA but for me it has been life altering. I can actually turn over in bed without great effort and pain, I no longer have cramps on my feet, I can hold my cell phone for hours with pain ( before maybe 10 minutes) and I can play golf without excruciating pain in my hands during my swing. Sounds crazy I know but it is just amazing. I just wish it didn’t cost so much.
Here are 23 studies done as well
Hi Brandy, thanks for sharing that. I am glad the company is commissioning research on ASEA. I may be wrong but most of the research I saw listed did not appear to be peer reviewed (published in medical journals). I say this because I didn’t see links to pubmed. I did not see the ASEA human exercise study listed either. Did I miss it?
yes you missed it — as well as being misinformed or hopefully just under informed. about the testing. The testing has been done and shows much better than what you are writing. Hopefully you will continue to monitor for more test results and medical, scientific and other journals that will carry the information about ASEA. I have seen first hand what some of the results have been.
Thank you
Hi Tom, thanks for reaching out. I have bookmarked the list of studies on ASEA that Brandy was nice enough to provide and will be looking over them to see if I missed anything. Stay tuned.
A product cannot stay on the market without results. Maibe for short time but in long run everybody will find out that’s a fake. Asea is still on the market by years and there are a lot of people thankfully for it. This is better than a study or another. What’s weird is when people describe here what they experienced with Asea they are considdered liars and “having an interest” on Asea.
Augustin, for what its worth, I’ve never called anyone here a lair etc. and I never will.
Hi Joe,
Thank you so much for delving into this. I deeply appreciate your work here.
Diane Stallings
Hi Diane, you are very welcome and I appreciate you taking the time to say that. Feel free to share this review with your friends 🙂
Hi Joe,
I greatly appreciate your work as well. I was just introduced to ASEA about a month ago by an acpuncturist who I trust. I preferred to try it innocently without too much info about testimonials and any science claims about how or why it works. I wanted an innocent experience.
After about a week, I was noticing some chronic muscle and joint pain was greatly eased and got excited. During the next couple of weeks, I started feeling a little younger? refreshed in the gut area. (I’m 61) But then woke up one day feeling quite achy again. I do have mild IBS and am still learning which FODMAPS I can tolerate, so put the blame on that.
Meantime, while it is a pricey experiment, I am committing to using it for 3 months before I start promoting it. But I really appreciate learning more about ASEA or any other supplement tooting grandiose benefits from a neutral party skilled in assessing neutral research about a product. Going to come here to check out other products!
Keep up the good work!
Hi Pauline, thanks for the feedback and do let me know what happens after your 3 month experiment
FODMAP eating programs are starting to get better attention. Here is a review of the Nestle ProNourish Shake which is a FODMAP friendly shake.