Update 7/29/20. Have you seen the infomercial for TriVita Sublingual vitamin B-12? TriVita is the name of a company that makes several dietary supplements. The infomercial I saw was on slow dissolve sublingual B-12, so I want to review this product here. Does it realy work and does it have any side effects? Sublingual means you put the supplement under the tongue where it dissolves and enters the blood through glands under the tone. This bypasses the stomach for quick absorption.
TriVita Ingredients
TriVita B12 is actually composed of 3 main vitamins:

- vitamin B12 (of course)
- vitamin B 6
- Folic acid (another B vitamin)
Since these are all vita-mins and there are 3 of them, now you know where they got the name Tri-Vita.
It turns out that there are two types of TriVita sublingual B12.
The difference is that the “super” version also has a little ginseng, coconut, and alpha-ketoglutarate. I will review these in a separate post because they warrant special attention.
Another supplement made by TriVita is Nopalea cactus juice. See that review too.
Vitamin B12 Benefits
Vitamin B12 is unique because it's mostly found in meats, poultry, and fish.
All of the B vitamins help us make energy from food. Vitamin B 12, in particular, has gotten a reputation as an “energy vitamin” because it's needed to make red blood cells. Red blood cells (RBCs) carry oxygen through the blood. So, if you were deficient in B12, you would have problems making red blood cells. This causes anemia. One of the signs of anemia is being tired. Hence, its reputation to help energy levels.
Have you noticed how much vitamin B12 is in energy drinks? People think if they have more B 12 that they will have more energy. That's not necessarily true. For more info on energy drinks read the 5-hour energy review. as well as 6 Hour Power and see how much vitamin B 12 those drinks have!
Vitamin B12 supplements are probably a good idea in older adults and vegetarians and those who take some medications like metformin. Older adults sometimes lose the ability to absorb vitamin B 12. Vegetarians, because they don't eat foods that contain vitamin B12, don't get a lot of it in their diet.
TriVita Sublingual B12 contains 1000 micrograms (mcg) of B12. This is 16,667% of the RDA. Some research on vitamin B12 and older adults find that only about 100 mcg can help.
We Store Vitamin B 12
Remember that even though vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, we store massive amounts in our bodies. It can take a few years before healthy people run out of vitamin B12. Those at risk of deficiency though include
- older adults
- alcoholics
- diabetics who take metformin
- alcoholics
B12 has many effects in the body. But it does not cause weight loss.
Folic Acid Benefits
Folic acid is found in fruits and vegetables, so vegetarians are probably getting enough already. Folic acid is also needed to make red blood cells. So, those who don't take a multivitamin or eat fruits and vegetables may not be getting enough.
Some people do not know that folic acid is the synthetic form of the B vitamin. The natural form – found in fruits and vegetables – is called folate.
Supplements contain folic acid (and not folate) because we absorb it better. People need to know that high levels of folic acid supplements (but not folate) may have some bad side effects. See Folic Acid 3 Facts You Don't Know.
Vitamin B6 Benefits
TriVita Sublingual B12 has 5 mg of vitamin B6. That's 250% of the RDA. I think that is a lot considering this vitamin is found in many foods people commonly eat.
Vitamin B 6, B 12 and folic acid may reduce blindness. Vitamin B6 might also help PMS symptoms but the amount used is often more than what is in TriVita. That's not necessarily a bad thing because very amounts of B6 might make PMS worse.
B6, B12 and folic acid are also sometimes marketed for heart health. All of these vitamins reduce homocysteine, a compound the makes blood sticky. High homocysteine in the blood may increase heart attack risk. However several studies have found lowering homocysteine does not lower heart attack risk.
TriVita B12 also contains biotin but it's not mentioned specifically in the TV commercial. When people hear about biotin, they often think about thinning hair. Biotin is added to many shampoos for this reason. Biotin deficiency may be linked to thinning hair as well as diabetes – two issues that crop up as we grow older. So adding biotin to TriVita does, in theory, makes some sense.
Any Side Effects
Generally, B12 supplements are pretty safe for most people. Here are some things to consider when trying this supplement.
- Start with less than recommended for the first week
- Take vitamin C and B12 supplements separately. Vitamin C might destroy B12
- Pregnant/breastfeeding, ask your doctor
- If your having surgery, tell your doctor about all the supplements you take
- If you take any medications, ask your doctor first
Is It Better?
Is TriVita sublingual B12 better than other sublingual B12 supplements? TriVita B12 costs about $20-$25 depending on where you get it. But why?
Vitamin B12 is a pretty inexpensive vitamin. Just look at how much B12 is in energy drinks, which cost about $2 a can. There are also several sublingual B12 supplements that cost less. TriVita B12 may be a more quality supplement but I don't see any good proof its superior to other sublingual supplements.
Here it is on Amazon if you want to see what others are saying.
What do you think?
Trying to buy
TriVita sublingual B 12
I have had it befor
Hi Lynell, you can order it directly from the Trivita company. It looks like they have changed the name to slow dissolve B12
It may also be on Amazon
I hope that helps. Let me know if I can be of more assistance.
what kind of side affect in taking Tirvita B12 My hands & face swelling
Hi Lorraine, stop taking TriVita 12 if your hands and face are swelling. That sounds like an allergic reaction. I’m not sure what is causing this reaction. If it gets worse, please go to the hospital and get it checked out. Please let me know what happens.
My wife has pernicious anemia. She required shots every 3 weeks. I heard an ad for Tri-Vita B-6, B12, Folic Acid. We talked to her doctor and took the supplements instead of the shots. She was tested and her blood levels were good. After a couple of years we found a competing brand for less and tried it. Her blood levels went kaput. We went back to Tri-Vita and no more troubles. It has been about 18 years since she has needed a shot!
Hi Joe, that is great news about your wife. So glad shes doing well on Tri-Vita supplements. Have a wonderful holiday!
Could you tell me how can I order b-12 Sublingual, my husband and I took this a long time ago and I could not find my papers on this until I found my sticker that I put on my filing cabinet ,, please help I would love to start taking this again. HELP.
Hi Cathy sure thing, Here’s the link where you can get sublinqual B12 directly from Trivita.
Know this is an old post, but I’ve tried other sublingual B12 tablets, and none of them give me the feeling of well being that the Trivita does. I don’t sell it. I look for sales on ebay, etc. and scoop it up when I can.
Lee, thanks for sharing and Im glad its helping you 🙂
I had to get off the trivia B12 supplements ,Doctor’s orders, because my B12 blood work came back way off the chart.
I miss the energy I would get from this product
Considering going back to it
Sandi, before you go back to it, why dont you speak with your doctor about the reasons why your doctor wanted you to stop taking it. Maybe if you know the reasons – other than just your B12 was high – then that might help you make a more informed decision.
I entirely agree … I took it years ago and both my husband and I felt great after a couple of weeks (we are seniors). After a year or so, we switched to Costco B12 and other ones and got nothing. I just ordered 8 boxes and am anxious to get back on them as they made a huge difference in how we felt. Can’t fake that.
One point I should make is that the other sublingual B12 disappeared quickly, while the TriVita took quite long which may have given it more time to get into the bloodstream … not sure about that but it could be.
Hi Barbara, thanks for sharing. I hope the trivita helps you and your husband again when you get back on it. Let me know how it goes.
One thing I have notice is that Trivita B-12 has the methyl. form of B12, whereas most drug store sublingual supplements only have the Cyanoc. B-12. According to the the following article, the methyl. type is more effective. You get what you pay for.
Mayer, G., et al., “Effects of Vitamin B12 on Performance and Circadian Rhythm in Normal Subjects,” Neuropsychopharmacology, 15 (November 1996): 456-464.
It is interesting that Trivita states it’s source for vit B is cyanocobalamin. There have been sites warning that vit B from that source also supplies cyanide I told the body which can be harmful over time. I thought that you as a doctor would be interested in this information, and perhaps you may know of better sources for vit B than cyanocobalamin. Here is one recent link:
Be interested in your reply. Will check your site to see your response, if that’s how your site works.
Lawrence, methylcobalamin is the active form of vitamin B12. It can be purchased directly and Ive seen it in some supplements too. Wikipedia has some discussions on this topic too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyanocobalamin
I appreciate the compliment however I’m not a doctor.
Hi Joe, the section in comments where I hit reply, was right after the person who had a reply, and she states she was a doctor.
Lawrence, ohh ok I wasn’t sure since you mentioned how “your site works” I thought you meant me. Sorry for the confusion.
I just inquired about their research last night. According the the customer service rep, they do not publish any research. She informed me that there has been enough research done on vitamins and their effects, so I should just google the ingredients.
I just started taking a few of their supplements, as one of my peers recommended them. I took the EnergyNow, and I did notice a big increase in my energy (I haven’t had enough sleep with this time change). Only time will tell if it actually has staying power!
I am not a fan of MLM’s for the most part. I am a doctor, so I recommend supplements to my patients often. So far, my impression of TriVita is that they are over-priced, but I’ll continue to try them for a while. I wish there was published research.
Hailey, their response to research is interesting and I share your wish for published research. I looked up Energy Now for you and while I dont think the vitamins in the supplement are responsible for the energy increase you observed, their proprietary blend does contain things like green tea and coco bean extract which might have caffeine. It also has tyrosine and taurine which may also improve mental clarity. Taruine in particular is often found in energy drinks for this reason.
I looked on the TriVita website too; it shouldn’t be that hard to find any research. I just started selling Juice Plus, and the research links are on their website for anyone to see.
Says Joe to the pusher!
Gotta love you man…We do!!!!
Hi Susan, I looked at the TriVita link you gave me but I did not see any section of the website that showed me published peer reviewed research on TriVita supplements.
To double check, I looked at pub med also, searching for “TriVita” and “Nopalea” and I did not find any published studies.
I appreciate your zest for helping people, it’s a reason that gets me out of bed in the morning also.
Thank you for your response.
I invite you to visit TriVita’s website. You can view research articles there.
Also, TriVita has published studies performed at the University of Connecticut for Nopalea before it was offered to the public. When you have time, please visit my own independent website that was in my first response. I have a lot of information there about Nopalea. As a Director with TriVita, I have had the privilege of helping countless people discover the amazing benefits of this remarkable wellness drink. Nothing is better than helping someone improve their quality of life! Since you are a self proclaimed supplement geek, you need to look into it because I feel you will be pleasantly surprised. : )
Thank you,
Susan thanks for your comments. The first time I heard of TriVita it was in an infomercial promoting a product that contained B6, B12 and folic acid. Since there there were 3 vitamins in this product I took this to mean that this was the main and original product TriVita marketed.
Vita does mean “life” as you say – In fact, it is where the name vitamin comes from. Vitamin used to be spelled Vita-Amine.
Since you are a TriVita affiliate can you point me to any published peer reviewed studies on TriVita supplements? I could not find any in my investigation.
TriVita’s company name originates from two Latin words: Tri (meaning three) and Vita (meaning life). It refers to three aspects of life: the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual. TriVita feels that, in order to have complete wellness, they are the three components that should be addressed and kept healthy.
As an independent TriVita affiliate, I have seen the positive effects that TriVita’s Super Sublingual B-12 has had on countless people, including myself. It has proven to be the best B-12 supplement I have ever witnessed to provide the necessary components to assist people in acquiring wellness and energy.
Most people do not eat as healthy as it would take for them to receive enough of the benefits that Super Sublingual B-12 provides. For instance, each tablet contains 3000 mcg of B-12 (cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin) alone, which is 50,000% of the daily value. By taking this product, you are receiving the same benefits that you would get from an actual B-12 shot. And B-12 is only one of the necessary components that makes Super Sublingual B-12 a superior product. For instance, the Korean Ginseng Powder has proven to be very effective in providing people with an improved ability to concentrate throughout their day. I have personally spoken with people who are simply amazed that they are able to focus in a way that they thought they would never be able to again.
Super Sublingual B-12 is not only for older people. I have heard from people whose children and young adults in school are now able to concentrate, resulting in better grades. Adults of all ages have reported to me that after taking Super Sublingual B-12, they have renewed energy and have an ability to focus in a much improved way.
As far as the price of the product, you get what you pay for. Certainly there are other B-12 supplements on the market, but I have found TriVita’s product to be superior to the others. At $22.99 for a box of 30 tablets, that is a very small investment in your quality of life for a product that I know absolutely works. I know the strict standards that TriVita follows and I feel confident that I am taking the best B-12 supplement available. Plus, it is delivered to your home, which maintains its freshness. When anyone purchases supplements from a store, it is unknown how long the product has been sitting on the shelf and the conditions to which the product has been exposed.
TriVita now has another product you can see in a televised infomercial. Nopalea infomercials have been aired since December 2009, and the results have been phenomenal. I have witnessed countless people getting relief from a great variety of illnesses, conditions and diseases by drinking this amazing wellness drink, and reducing inflammation in the body.
Susan Dorety Dwyer