Updated 10/15/23. Tribulus Terrestris first became popular in the 1990s but seemed to have fallen off a cliff until a few years ago when people started asking me about it again. While I admit to being a Tribulus skeptic – because of what the research says and doesn't say – I was intrigued by the people who commented on my review of Tribulus and testosterone that the supplement was working for them. Specifically, people told me that Tribulus was not only helping to improve muscle mass but also that it increased their sex drive and erections!
My Tribulus Experiment
If Tribulus really was doing all of what men said, then it could be a pretty cheap and effective way to help a lot of guys. So, I decided to test this supplement on myself – a 47-year-old apparently healthy guy who eats fairly well and goes to the gym 3-4 per week on average.
I have no heart problems in my family. I think my genes are pretty good since my grandmother lived to be 104! I'm telling you this for a reason.
Keep reading…

So, I went to Vitamin Shoppe and purchased Tribulus for my personal experiment. The brand I used was Ultimate Nutrition Bulgarian Tribulus. Each capsule had 750 mg (extract and aerial portions of the plant) and the bottle said that it contained “over 45% steroidal saponins”.
This was similar to what someone in my Tribulus and testosterone review said worked for him. I did my experiment for about 2 weeks.
At the start of my experiment, I took 1 capsule of Bulgarian Tribulus a day, and then after a few days or so I took 2 capsules per day.
I took both capsules of either together or separated by several hours to see if taking them at the same time gave me different effects. Likewise, I took the supplement on both an empty stomach and with food to see if either of these mattered.
I did not measure my testosterone level before I started taking the supplement. I figured if tribulus really worked, that I would notice the more obvious signs – energy, erection frequency, sex drive etc. – pretty fast.
Did Tribulus Work?
At the end of my 2-week experiment, these are the results I observed:
- Energy in the gym: Tribulus terrestris had no noticeable effects
- Muscle strength: Tribulus terrestris had no noticeable effects
- Erections: Tribulus terrestris had no noticeable effects
- Sex drive: Tribulus terrestris had no noticeable effects
I didn't notice any difference at all. That's actually why I quit taking it after 2 weeks – and that's when something did happen…
Does Tribulus Raise Testosterone
Watch on my YouTube channel
Tribulus Terrestris Side Effects
A few days after I stopped taking Tribulus, I noticed that my heart started skipping beats.
Skipped heart beats and normal and we all get them from time to time. You may have heard them called PVCs – pre-ventricular contractions or PACs – premature atrial contractions.
What I experienced was NOT normal. Just while sitting, watching TV, I counted several skipped heartbeats in a minute. That's NOT normal!
We take our heart beating for granted. But when you can actually feel your heart stop beating for an instant, it's very scary. After searching online, I saw other people saying that this herb might cause a faster heart rate. I could not find anyone saying that Tribulus caused skipped heartbeats.
I never experienced any chest pain either at rest or with exercise. I even biked to the gym and didn't notice any problems. Likewise, I never felt dizzy or lightheaded or had a lack of energy. Still, the skipped heartbeats persisted.
After about 3 or 4 days, I went to see my doctor. My blood pressure and the resting EKG test were normal. It was only after speaking to the physician's assistant in my doctor's office did the idea of a “Tribulus withdrawal” occur to us.
Was it possible that Tribulus was doing something in me even though I didn't notice it? And when I stopped taking it, was it possible that my body reacted – which was manifested in my heart skipping beats? This is an interesting theory and I don't know if it's true or not.
I know I've never had a problem with persistent skipping heartbeats before. After about 5 days or so, the skipped heartbeats went away and, as of today, have not returned.
Does It Work?
It did not work for me. I noticed no positive benefits. Based on that I believe what other people say is due to a placebo effect. Could it be I didn't take it long enough? It's possible. Regardless, since it seemed to cause skipped heartbeats, I don't think it's worth it.
What Do You Think?
hello joe do u know any herbal stuff which increase the red blood cells
Hello back. Not off the top of my head I dont think I know of any supplements that increase red blood cells.
Ok Joe, its funny that you only took the Tribulus Terrestris for 2 weeks because the guy at gnc told me that thats about how long it takes to kick in. So you stopped taking it right about when your suppose to feel the effects. No disrespect to you Joe but If this is how you test products without doing the proper research then maybe you should try another hobbie.
Just sayin that maybe this is how Tribulus got its bad name in the early 1900’s by getting bogus info from people like you that didn’t take it long enough as recommended. I’m not saying it works or doesn’t. I’ve only been taking it for 10 days at this point. However I will take it at least 21 days before I make that conclusion. Thats just my two cents worth.
Tim, Thanks for writing. Please go back to the guy at GNC who told you it takes 2 weeks for tribulus to kick in – and ask him for proof that it really does take 2 weeks. If he shows you proof – published peer reviewed evidence – I’d really like to see it.
Better yet ask the guy at GNC for peer reviewed proof that tribulus raises testosterone levels in people. If you saw my Tribululs review you saw the evidence on tribulus. If I missed any research please do share and I will be happy to add it to my review.
Did you get your testosterone levels tested before you started tribulus? Unless you do a test before and after tribulus, you have no real way of knowing if it really works.
Hi Joe,
From my own experience, Trib ‘kicks in’ immediately.
Those who disagree are either not taking enough ( 2x350mg
tabs are recommended ) or the brand is not potent enough
( should be 95% saponins from a RELIABLE source ).
Take 2 tabs half hour before training and 2 six hours later.
Do not under-estimate the special powers of good quality
Tribulus. It works.
Sean, I’m happy for you – I really am. It didn’t do a darn thing for me and I used a product that others said worked for them.
That’s my experience as well. Either it will kick in immediately (or after 2-3 days at the latest), or you should buy another brand.
I’ve used it on and off over the years. Most recently, it took about 1 month to kick in. I haven’t had tests, but I know what testosterone feels like. I’m 44 and unexpectedly experienced a surge all of the positive effects of increased testosterone. 6 years ago I was taking it to help with my weight lifting routine and it was more subtle than this time. The increased sex drive is great, but bothersome/distracting at times. 🙂
Bill, I dont know if we can “feel” testosterone. Ive talked to several people who used the patch etc and they dont feel any different they tell me. Still, happy you say its helping you.
By “feel” I mean that I can feel and see the changes in my body that would normally be associated with higher testosterone. Faster growing facial hair, increased aggression, smellier body odor, increased sexual desire, increased sexual performance, more energy, etc. The downside (for me) is that I become very jealous, suspicious, a little obsessive and paranoid.
Anonymous, do an experiment and get your T levels tested before and after to see if anything changed. thats the best way to know for sure.
Hey Joe,
You may have already seen this, but if not it’s worth a look…
So, do we ‘need’ Testosterone to hypertrophize?
Sean C.
Sean, I think testosterone is one player in the game. There is more than testosterone involved in muscle hypertrophy.
I also think you can “feel” testosterone. Actually, I’m certain of it. Pretty sure I can find I study somewhere that links dominant behaviour and testosterone levels. If it is heightened testosterone that is effect of tribulus, I definitely feel different, both physically and psychologically while on it. If that’s not enough, ask anybody who’s ever taken steroids how they felt during their cycle:)
Tom, maybe, but then we also have to consider the placebo effect too. I can say that people have told me they feel no different even when taking testosterone injections or testosterone gels. That’s why when people ask me what testosterone boosters “work” I always say that the only way to know for sure is to do a pre/post testosterone test to evaluate these types of supplements.
Well, in very simplest terms, if you can feel lack of testosterone, and the most obvious symptom is weak libido, followed by depression, low energy and tiredness, then it’s only logical to assume you can feel it when it’s there:) But I guess people get used to physiological amounts of it in their system so they’re not even realizing the usual, “normal” feeling has something to do with some hormone. I’m not sure what testosterone injections you mention (therapeutic or for the purposes of bodybuilding), but testosterone patches are just meant to give the person average physiological dosage. They’re also usually time released so I doubt you can actually feel testosterone kicking in, like in a real crazy way bodybuilders report about (note that juice they’re taking gives them several times physiological dose, maybe even 10X higher if I remember correctly). Although, here’s one man’s account on his experience with testosterone patch:
http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200909/patching-testosterone (scroll down to Day 30 if you don’t have time to read it all).
After all, testosterone is the hormone that makes man a man, and probably accounts for most of the behavioral differences between man and women via its influence from early days in the womb and on a daily basis (of course, estrogen does the same on “the other side”). There are also androgen receptors in the brain, and they are there for only one reason, to influence the way you think, feel and behave:
During my studies, we worked with transsexual people. It always seemed to me (not actually seemed, it was dead obvious), that girls “converted” to boys were positively upbeat, almost like on some good drug, while the boys that newly became women were almost depressive, and all of them. Effects of hormones they were taking to become the gender they wanted to be? Quite possible. So there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that you can actually feel testosterone in ways even more subtle than heightened libido and aggression. Almost all women (and their men:) know on monthly basis how hormones influence their behaviour. If man had such hormonal fluctuations, they would be more aware of what testosterone does in their body.
Actually, I think you don’t need more proof that one can feel testosterone than remember how you felt when in puberty. All that impulsiveness, aggression and sexual phantasies every 5 seconds 24/7 were nothing but testosterone raging through your body, in amounts you’d never have again without “outside help”:)
Tom, I think we can both agree that sexual function and desire is a very complicated process. For example, here is a study noting that estrogen plays a role in sexual function also
Indeed, role of estrogen in men seems to be super complicated. For instance, some of bodybuilders that take aromatase inhibitors (to counter estrogen increase because excess testosterone converts to estrogen, therefore guys on steroids have to beware of ginecomnastia, or “bitch tits” :), report better libido while taking these inhibitors, some claim that estrogen is your friend if under control and that they’re far better off libido-wise if they don’t take aromatase inhibitors. It’s really crazy.
That reminds me, there are studies that show that tribulus is beneficial for women’s reproductive system, so it seems it actually acts as a sexual tonic for both men and women, normalizing or increasing hormonal function in both sexes.
Tom, do you know the names of those studies on women and tribulus? are they human studies?
Hm, not direct links to studies like there are tons of them for males. Not even for female mices:) Only pages that vicariously cite researches, such as this one:
http://www.ehow.com/way_5865734_tribulus-work-women_.html (these findings are in accordance to knowledge I acquired about it during the years, that it is in fact a tonic that gives men and women what they need, which means it doesn’t raise testosterone in women, but normalizes estrogen)
This could be of interest to you personally:
http://examine.com/supplements/Tribulus+terrestris/ (scroll down to cardiovascular health, related to tribulus).
Tom, yes I saw the ehow article before and I likewise noted they did not list any proof. I’m aware of examine.com. its a fine site and they also come to the same conclusion I do about tribulus and testosterone :”In otherwise healthy males, testosterone is not influenced with supplementation of tribulus terrestris. There may be an increase in infertile men, but this is weak.” As for erections, they cite only one study noting it helps and call this evidence “weak.”
Ive seen the studies on Cholesterol, BP etc but I think we’d all agree that people can get a better effect by taking a walk a day – and there is more evidence for exercise also.
That’s so true. Stuff on sites like ehow.com and Ask.com are only as good as people who edit them. Most of the time it’s reliable like any random forum you might ask questions in:)
I have taken a Tribulus mixture with other ingredients. I have noticed my strength in the gym is increased. Sexual interest increased also.
I have to admit that I am skeptical of any claims from supplement vendors but at 44 years old I have gotten desperate for some sort of edge back to my game.
I have taken 500mg of tribulus for two months now. Today I threw my remaining two bottles in the trash just now. I had my blood pressure and pulse checked 4 times in the past two hours. Blood pressure is fine but my resting pulse rate is between 121-160 and skipping beats every 4th or 5th time. HELL NO!
I dismissed the same feeling I had in my chest previous times thinking it was caffeine or stress, but now I know different. I wish there was really something out there that is legal and without side effects that works, but there isn’t, I give up and my heart and wallet will be happier.
Just thought I would share.
Dan, wow thanks for letting me know! I’ve been wondering if anybody else had skipped heart beats with Tribulus. My resting heart heart rate did not elevate when I took it. Its all very strange. My heart stopped skipping beats a few days after I stopped tribulus if that helps any.
I have taken tribulus for 4 days now!I am a vegetarian and I dont know if this makes a difference but I take 4 x 500 tabs a day and quickly noticed no muscle pain after the gym at all.I have not eaten meat for 3 years,but I dont know if this has anything to do with it.I feel a very calm soothing affect from it. I wake up easier in the morning.
I know it is not a placebo as I did not read anything about the effects,I just went and bought it as I was told it might just help as I am over 36.I really do notice a massive difference in just how I feel.Could this be a key factor that I dont eat meat that Tribulus seems to be working?I dont feel tired and I have no aches after the gym.
I dont take creatine and I feel this is unusual to work out very hard and no pain even whilst training.Another effect is that my eyes feel very clean and oily and I feel this in my muscles too.I just feel soothed.I have none of the other claimed effects as I stated it can not be placebo.Has anyone else experienced this?Is it possible not eating meat cause Tribulus to give this feeling I am getting from it?
I have used various kinds of Tribulus since it came on to the market in quite a big way around 10 eyars back.
Many are quite cheap with mixed tribulus from low quality Chinese and indian tribulus. I personally love the Bulgarian. I find when taken in a two month plus cycle it does raise testosterone levels significantly, I do martial arts and go to the gym around 3 times per week and find it increases my strength and endurance.
Jason you said tribulus significantly raised your testosterone levels. Did you get your testosterone levels tested before using tribulus and after? What were they before and after numbers? What was the time span between blood tests?
When people take herbs you need to study and understand what it is going to do in the body.
If Tribulus does increase LH then it will increase Testosterone.
So if you take Tribulius to increase LH how long will it take for the Tribulus to stimulate LH release and how long will it take for the Testosterone to be released?
Clinical studies in Bulgaria have shown Tribulus terrestris to increase the sex hormones LH (luteinizing hormone) level by 72% …..
Thats all well and good but one Testosterone is increased
Too much Testosterone can result in a rise in estrogen and the body will then shut down its production of Testosterone.
So you have to be smart about your supplements and cycle them – If i was using Tribulus for muscle gain I would take it one day on and one day off.
This way you may trick the body into a more balanced testosterone release.
I would also take nettle on the days off to keep Testosterone from binding to SHBG.
Hi Joe thankyou for the reply.
Gokshura is a diuretic herb useful in renal stones, dysuria, impotence and kidney dysfunction.
Gokshura is a well known herb for the treatment of Kidney stones and to help burning sensations and renal discomfort as it helps detoxify the genitourinary tract.
I have always believed in the power of herbs.
The product I used was the Himalaya Goksura which I have shipped over from India.
You have to be careful you purchase original products and not counterfiets or they will be of no use.
If people find their Gokshura isn’t working it could well be Counterfeit.
Body builders use it as a PCT to raise LH after steroid use / abuse
People who dont use steroids dont normally need to use it in this manner.
Gokshura (tribulus) has been show to raise LH which stimulates Testosterone release.
Too much Testosterone can result in a rise in estrogen…
Its just an ongoing circle.
I used Gokshura (Tribulus) to break Kidney stones and they broke a 10mm (1cm) Kidney stone into pieces I could pass very painfully through my urine.
The only + was no surgery.
I was taking 10 x 400mg Tablets a day and the only side effect was after 2 weeks I got painful morning glorys at about 3.00am most nights.
I suspect this was the raised LH effect? I took the Tablets for a full course of 10 weeks – No energy increase – No increase in weight – But they did break up the stones so no need for surgery – yipeeee!
bobby, what gave you the idea that tribulus would break up kidney stones? did you tread it somewhere?
Just curious, Ive never seen anything on this before.
So anyone experienced reduced sex drive due to Tribulus? I am 36 years old and usually have a pretty healthy drive in the bedroom. After a few weeks I notice my drive was diminishing and my wife even commented without me mentioning what I thought was going on.
Anyhow, I am not going to take it anymore and see what happens. I started using Tribulus and had hoped from some strength gains in the gym but I don’t feel it benefited me in there either.
Hi I have arythmia , I was wondering if it was safe to take tribulus
Luke, I freely admit that my “experiment” was very unscientific and that my results could have totally been a fluke. That said, I would not take tribulus based on what you told me.
If anyone wants some high-quality, pure, unadulterated T. terrestris, come weed my yard. They are also chemically untreated as I weed them with a blow-torch.
Here in the desert southwest, we call them ‘caltrops’, or, when stepped on with bare feet after the dog tracks them into the house, ‘$#%@*!!!’. 😉
(In folk/herbal medicine, caltrops are made into a diuretic tea – usually used to prevent kidney stones. Most teas are diuretic, so take that for what it’s worth).
Jane, Yes caltrops! I mentioned this bit of trivia in my supplement book! Because they have spikes tribulus used to be used in medieval times to stop charging horses. In that sense tribulus was used like police tire spikes are today. Good eye!
I am thirty one and overweight. Low T runs in my family I am otherwise healthy I have normal blood pressure and my blood sugar is fine. I work outdoors doing some pretty strenuous heavy lifting work and about two-three I bicycle to work (about six miles round trip) so I consider myself healthy for the most part. I went to the dr and had my T tested and it came back low and the dr prescribed andro gel I read over the precautions and decided I want to try a natural path first. What can I try? What do you recommend? Please help me out?
Big, Al, being overweight can reduce testosterone levels. I’ve known people who have tried andro gel and have not had any side effects but I do understand not wanting to take a drug for the rest of your life. This is what I suggest. Try to see a dietitian who can look at the calories you are eating and try to find a way to lose weight. You can find an RD at their website EatRight.org
As you lose weight this may raise your testosterone levels. You said low T runs in your family. Is the rest of your family also overweight? if yes, then the low T may be a result of the environment. I’m just guessing at this of course. If you can try to drop a few pounds this may help things. Here are some studies about weight gain and low testosterone levels that may help
From the stories here I wont try Tribulus again. I am 54 male with normal my age health issues, otherwise workout 4 times a week.
Supplements and herbs may provided a benefit, but as I have found out I need to experiment on live patients first to find out the results. That patient is me. But only first after researching as much as possible just as Joe does here. I try to stay away from anything that messes with the ticker (heart) or promotes cancer cell growth.
I have been into natural bodybuilding for years on and off. I never take a product that says proprietary blend. I understand they are just trying to protect their marketing, sales and product costs but I am trying to protect my body.
I would purchase only products that clearly list the ingredients, dosage, and % potency. Plus with the internet as a resource there can be many reputable studies available from sites like NIH (national institute of health) data base.
Being 54 and looking for a natural boost in testosterone and any trimming benefits, by trial and error I have found the following supplements provide my body with those results, and with no side effects to date. Everyone has to make their own judgements.
1. DAA D-Aspartic Acid – I find the pure powder form in a small glass of water, although sour tasting, is best for me. Taken before workouts or runs. My lifting sessions have been heaver and recovery quicker, by approximately 25% (my estimation)
2. Forskolii – 450 MG (10%) taken in the morning after first meal. Noticed reduced stomach fat, helps me look trimmer. Of course I have a generally good diet and exercise, but had lots more flab (yuck) when not taking it.
3. DIM Diindolymethane – found this almost by error, looking for estrogen regulator for my wife’s hot flashes, and found the research on cancer prevention benefits, so I take it daily also. By the way my wife hot flashes are gone.
4. I take some additional amino acids – Acetyl-L Carnitine and GPLC GlycoCarn- which I had and made the pills myself from powders. They did not provide any noticeable strength gain support like DAA did for me, but they have been commonly used to slightly increase testosterone in men for years. As well have been used in Aids patients therapeutic cocktails, before drug companies came out with prescriptions cocktail drugs.
As for DAA, I prefer powder form, less expensive. I have tried one product which has DAA and a vitamin b complex included. I did get headaches during night sleep with the pill 3 times over 1 months use. I would back off and not use for a few days afterword.
Just as Joe researches the ingredients, so do I. I do buy some in powder form after receiving their COA (certificate of authentication) and make my own supplement pills.
I used tribulus and it works!!!! I am over 30 and I noticed stronger harder erections, night wood and morning wood every night now, it is like I am 20 again! Also my libido is increased as well! I highly recommend trying it out, every one is different, just because it did not work for you does not me it does not work. As for testosterone booster I have no Idea.
Joe, been a supp junkie over 20 years now, back to when Smilax was the big test booster (still not a bad one to include in a stack, IMO ). Also 47…. I think Ryan hits the nail on the head re Trib, that Tribestan is the way to roll. Sopharma was the trailblazer and no one has come close to mimicking their process. It’s not like tongkat or yohimbe, in that it will spike test substantially, and the best results are seen when test is low/ low-normal. When I first tried it, I’d been on a high dose of panax ginseng with very high libido, energy, intensity etc, and Trib ( Ultimate then ) actually acted as a prolactin inhibitor for me, slowing down libido etc. If you want to try Trib in earnest, I’d suggest trying the Tribestan route. Consider using Chrysin and I3C for AI purposes, maybe nettle to free T, and other T boosters like Yohimbe, Epimedium and Smilax.
Dan, thanks for passing that along!
I’d like to correct few things Dan said. Yohimbe has zero effect on testosterone, also stonehard bonner is one of the effects. The stuff is kickass, even potentially dangerous, but it works in completely different manner. Also, anything that inhibits prolactine will actually have prosexual effect, and not libido inhibiting like he mentions. For instance, some people use Dostinex, prolactine inhibitor for fun because of side effect that it enhances libido and men can have multiple orgasms while on it.
I also heard Tribestan is the best tribulus product, but I stick with Weider because it has double the active substance, which makes me thing Tribestan is maybe a little overhyped.
Tom, I’d agree that caution should be used with yohimbe. I covered covered yohimbe in my review of Androzene, a male enhancement supplement people may have seen via its 30 minute infomercial
That other coctail you reviewed seems to have meager amounts of everything (of those things they actually listed the amount). Yohimbe in particular is in traces, somewhere around 15 mg, and stuff I used has 2000 mg per pil, and I’ve been even taking two for a period of time (per instructions on the bottle) until I realized one is more than enough. But yeah, it’s indeed super strong and not for everybody.
Tom, thats why I felt yohimbe was the active ingredient in Androzene. Given the effects yohimbe can have, I felt it was wise for them to use 15 mg which is the low end of what researchers were using if I remember correct.
I know this is way off topic but since there is no forum on here, we need to get an article on D-aspartic acid as a testosterone booster.
Ryan, I may do a review on this at some point I’m not sure when though.
None of the doctors (either in the ER yesterday or my own primary care physician today) knew about Tribulus, or how it works. They never even heard of it. So no insights there on why it affected me this way.
The brand I used was Swanson Vitamins: Mega Tribulus Extract. Despite the “Mega” part of the title, it is a lower potency, standardized to 20% steroidal saponins. Listed dose was 1 capsule, up to 3X/day. As I said, I doubled the dose thinking it would equal the higher potency.
I originally refrained from giving the name of the company because I don’t want to impugn them. Their customer service is better than outstanding, and their prices (even for some big name brands) are the best I’ve found. And it seems that their product line is reputable — except that you have to watch how strong the potency is.
George, thanks for that feedback. I apprecaite it!
Well one thing that I thought helped the validity of the site is the fact that they specifically say that their product will only help people with lower than average testosterone levels like the studies show. Like I stated earlier there is no way this stuff could boost athletic performance or muscle mass.
Ryan, well anything is possible. I would still ask them for research that more up to date though.