Updated 5/7/24. Tart cherry juice, or as Dr. Oz called it the “ultimate antioxidant”, is reputed to have several health benefits. While there are over 250 different types of tart cherries (also called sour cherries), they are all healthy to various degrees and because they are fruits, all types have some of antioxidant activity. In this tart cherry review, I want to address the three specific claims that Dr. Oz mentioned on his TV show. If you do your own research, remember that its scientific name is Prunus cerasus.
Tart Cherry Juice: Ultimate Antioxidant?
Tart cherries have antioxidant properties. In one study of older adults published in the Journal of Nutrition, 12 older adults were randomly given 16 oz of tart cherry juice (two 8 oz servings per day) for 2 weeks.
After a month, they were given a placebo drink and followed again for another two weeks. Scientists measured oxidative damage caused by free radicals during both drinks to see if either drink had any effect.

Results showed tart cherry juice improved the antioxidant defenses of older adults, demonstrating that juice has antioxidant activity.
While this is good news, remember that claims about cherries being the ultimate antioxidant should be seen with skepticism. There's no proof they are better than other antioxidant-rich foods. Like all foods, they have their place in a healthy diet.
Tart Cherry Juice Benefits
According to Dr. Oz, tart cherry juice has the following benefits:
Let’s discuss the proof for each of these separately and see what we can figure out.
Tart Cherry Juice For Pain
Some research finds that tart cherries are anti-inflammatory because they contain compounds that act somewhat similar to aspirin. Some of these compounds in tart cherries are called anthocyanins. One of the ways that aspirin works is by inhibiting an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (pronounced sigh-clo-ox-a-gen-ace). This is the enzyme Dr. Oz was talking about on TV.
In one study, tart cherry juice reduced muscle pain after exercise. This study involved 54 runners. In that study, people drank 24 oz of tart cherry juice daily or a placebo for a week before a race. The brand used was Cherrish cherry juice. A problem with the study, however, is runners rated their pain on a scale. The researchers did not measure antioxidant levels, muscle damage, or oxidative stress.
In another investigation, researchers observed tart cherry juice reduced diabetic nephropathy in their legs. Here researchers had people drink 8 oz of cherry juice for 2 weeks. Other researchers have noted tart cherry juice reduces arthritis pain.
In a meta-analysis of 14 clinical trials, tart cherry juice seemed to have a small effect on reducing the severity of muscle soreness and helping athletes recover their muscle strength faster. While small reductions were also seen in inflammation the markers C reactive protein (CRP) and IL-6, there were no changes in creatine kinase.
Tart Cherry Juice And Heart Disease
In one study, lab rats were fed a high-fat diet for 3 months. Some rats were also given tart cherries (freeze-dried tart cherry powder) while other rats were not. Rats that got the cherries had lower triglycerides and reduced abdominal fat. Cherries also have some soluble fiber which may have contributed to some of the effects on triglycerides.
Since elevated triglycerides (fats in the blood), increased weight and belly fat are associated with metabolic syndrome (which leads to type II diabetes), does this mean that tart cherries can lower our risk of type II diabetes? It’s a good question and it will be interesting to see human research on this. Right now, nobody is sure.
A 2011 study – conducted on people also appeared to show some benefits. In this study, 10 overweight men and women drank either 8 oz of tart cherry juice or a placebo for 4 weeks. Researchers noted that tart cherry juice reduced not only markers for inflammation but also triglycerides and VLDL (a type of LDL /bad cholesterol.
Sleep And Cherry Juice
The hormone melatonin is released from the pineal gland in the brain when we are in darkness, which is one reason we get tired at night. Tart cherries contain melatonin. Specifically, Montmorency tart cherries have about 13 nanograms per gram, which is more melatonin than other varieties such as Balaton tart cherries, which have about 2 nanograms per gram. Additionally, melatonin is also an antioxidant and probably contributes to some of the tart cherries' antioxidant power.
At least one study has indicated that tart cherries may improve sleep in older adults.
In disclosure, that clinical trial was funded by CherryPharm, which makes the tart cherry juice used in this investigation. The study only involved 15 people who had insomnia. Those older adults drank 16 oz of tart cherry juice daily for two weeks. They reported improved sleep compared to when they drank a placebo.
Does this mean that tart cherry juice will help younger people sleep better? Maybe or maybe not. Research needs to confirm this. I would caution – as Dr. Oz did – to avoid drinking cherry juice close to bedtime because the extra fluid may increase nighttime bathroom trips.
Tart Cherry Juice And Exercise
Can tart cherry juice help you exercise better? One study says yes. This investigation involved 27 male and female marathon runners and triathletes. The people were randomly given either a placebo or a supplement that contained 480 mg of tart cherries. The runners took the supplement for 10 days before running a half marathon and on the race day.

Compared to the placebo group, those taking the tart cherry supplement:
- Ran the race 13% faster than the placebo group.
- Had higher antioxidant levels 24 hr and 48 hr after the race.
- Had a 47% reduction in inflammation markers after the race.
- Reported 34% muscle soreness (DOMS) before the race (not after).
The supplement used in this study was called CherryPURE
In a review of cherry exercise studies, researchers noted it may be beneficial if 16 to 24 oz were consumed 4- to 5-d before the exercise event and 2 to 3 d after to promote recovery.
Tart Cherry Juice And Blood Pressure
Melatonin may help nocturnal hypertension, a condition where blood pressure rises at night when we are asleep. Since tart cherries contain melatonin, it makes some sense they might help with this, too.
One study has also shown that drinking 2 oz of Montmorency tart cherry concentrate reduced systolic blood pressure (the top number) by 10 points after two weeks of use. This study involved 15 men with high or elevated blood pressure.
What About Cherry Juice Capsules?
Several people have commented below that they have had success with cherry juice capsules. Several brands exist, including:
If cherry juice is going to help reduce inflammation, the effective dose should contain the equivalent of at least 46 cherries. Check cherry juice capsules to see how many cherries are in a serving size.
Additionally, look at how many capsules are needed to achieve a serving. In other words, if a product said it contained 1000 mg, is that in 1 capsule, 2 or 3 capsules? Compare prices too. More expensive cherry supplements may not be better.
What Brands Do I Suggest?
I think all quality brands will likely work the same. Here are two brands I like:
Tart Cherry Juice Side Effects
No studies have shown any ill effects. That said, there isn’t much research on people with health problems. So, if you're going to try this supplement, here are some things to consider. This list is not complete.
- Start with less than recommended for the first week
- Stop taking at least two weeks before having surgery
- High-potency cherry supplements may interact with medications
- Pregnant and nursing moms should speak to their doctor first
In theory, tart cherry juice may interfere with some medications. This includes blood thinner medicine. People who take blood thinner medications should speak to their doctor.
Cherries may lower blood pressure. In theory, they may interfere with blood pressure medications.
Do Tart Cherries Work?
Overall, I'm intrigued by what I see about tart cherry juice, and from the comments below, several people are also saying that it has an effect on a variety of issues. If you are healthy, I see no problems with taking a shot of tart cherry juice daily or a cherry supplement. It can't hurt, and it just might help.
Here is the brand I like for those who are curious.
What is the best time of day to take cherry supplements? Thanks.
Hi Lee, Because there is some melatonin in tart cherry juice, I can see how some might prefer to take it at bed time (to help them sleep). Other than that, I don’t think there is an overall best time to take it.
Montmorency Cherry capsules give me headaches. I even wake up with a pain in my head during the night when I take them and the pain can continue long after I wake up. Generally I don’t get headaches, so I’m absolutely certain these capsules are the cause when I do. Their price (in the UK) is not cheap either.
Hi Maggie, is Montmorency Cherry the only thing listed in the capsules you are taking? Just curious. Have you had headaches using cherry juice?
Hello Joe
“Other ingredients, microcrystalline cellulose, capsule shell”
I did try cherry juice, loved it and didn’t get headaches. Unfortunately it is so astronomically expensive here that I can’t afford to buy it, (£30/$40 for two pints!).
Maggie, thanks for getting back. I wonder why cherry juice so expensive in the UK. Its relatively inexpensive here in the US. Does anyone know why?
Hi Joe,
Well, we are known as “rip-off Britain”. Items on Amazon UK are at least twice the price as the same items on Amazon US. I’ve looked for cherry juice in my local supermarket, but there’s none. I’ll have a look in a “posh” supermarket and see if they have any. In the meanwhile I am taking just one capsule instead of two and am not getting any headaches.
Hi Maggie, wow I didn’t know that was going on in the UK. I wonder why? I’m glad your headaches are gone 🙂
Hi ladies.
I am glad I found these comments. I have been with headaches for a week. It is almost a non-stop headache, sometimes I wake up during the morning but it is worst during the evening. I have been wondering why it is happening to me and I found that taking pills of cranberries for a month could be a cause. I started taking them after a bladder infection I had. I usually take 2 pills per day since that. After thinking about it and a huge research, I noticed that the headaches came right after the pills and it lasts all day long (and night). It is worst day by day.
Sometimes I had dizziness, fatigue, frequent urination and blurred vision too! I have severe migraine pain on both sides, irritability, depression, and the migraine does not respond to medication.
Now I have a likely explanation. So, I will stop to take the pills and I hope I get better soon.
You may want to see your doctor immediately. Your symptoms sound like temporal arteries. It is a very serious condition.
F. Wehr SAYS
Some time ago I had Gout in my large toe joint on my right foot. I had heard about it but never experienced it myself. Coming home from Church one Sunday I was so glad to get my shoes off . I went to the Store and bought 2 large bottles of OLD ORCHARD TART CHERRY JUICE. I drank 3 to 4 oz per day, 7 days later it was 90 % gone. The side effect was (NO PAIN) Now when I feel my toe hurting I drink 3 to 4 oz for a day or 2 or till the pain subsides. I have told many people about Tart Cherry Juice, and that it worked for me.
I just started using a concentrated organic liquid form of tart cherry juice. I am disappointed to say that it hasn’t really helped. It puts me to sleep but I don’t stay asleep and I hurt so bad all over. Plus it makes me nervous. I think the nervousness comes from the melatonin in it because if I take melatonin, it makes me nervous as well. Have you heard of this before? I’ve only been taking it a few days. Do you think I should try it a bit longer? Or stop?
Hi Becky, what brand of tart cherry juice are you taking? Does it contain anything else, other than tart cherry juice? I have not heard of it making people nervous before. Why dont you try to stop taking it and see if that helps. Also, if it does, try another brand and see if the same thing happens.
Has anyone else had Becky’s side effects?
I use the Nature’s Blessed – have used it since 2012. Never had those problems and in fact, it helps cramping, etc. It does help me sleep, too. Since I’ve started taking this, I haven’t had another kidney stone, too (I’ve passed 20 – found Tart Cherry and haven’t ever since.)
Another thing I found with the Tart Cherry, is that helps with sore muscles, knees, ankles. I drink about 4 TBS with water. (A friend of mine uses it in 7-up) – But one thing I DID find – and that is I don’t drink it when I eat. It doesn’t seem to be as effective? At least, not for me.
I would definitely try another brand or maybe call your general practitioner and see if you can have a sensitivity to cherries?
You have saved me from trying this. Thank you Becky! I currently have melatonin on my allergy list with my MD. It is super odd, I know, as your body makes it. However, I get/got so anxious from melatonin that I actually became quite paranoid, checking and rechecking locks and windows etc for about 4 hours then was extremely sore for a few hours after that.
I associated the soreness from by body being on high alert for so long, but, it sounds as though I may be like you. So glad you mentioned this. My MD says it is a rare allergy, but those are the symptoms exactly. Good luck!
After 5 years of near-constant low-level gout pain (toe), I started taking tart cherry extract capsules. Brand is Life Extension, as I have a lot of respect for that organization and confidence in its products. They do much more than offer products. After 1 month on the capsules I could detect no change but decided to give it another month. After a total of about 6 weeks, one day I realized that my toe didn’t hurt. There’s still a little mild pain when I bend the toe as in squatting but that’s all, and that’s slowly improving.
My experience developed 14 yrs after I had first heard about Tart Cherry juice. I had suffered with fibromyalgia for years, the exhaustion, pulling pains all over and sleepless nights and here I was on vacation and in an Amish store and there was a display of TC concentrate for an amount I thought was awfully high but HEY! vacation allowance right?
So I started with 2 tbs in a cup of water maybe twice a day and after 5 days I slept for 8 hours!!! HUGE! then the next day I got into my sisters flower bed and tore out weeds and remodeled it for a whole day! WHA!!?? Not a fluke either I had almost daily energy for the rest of my trip but suddenly I could not sleep through the night.
I have since discovered doses may need adjusting down as you get “topped up” or whatever. Over the last few years I have switched to capsules because of the lowered sugar amounts and then finally I am taking a very small nibble off a larger dose tab that my hubby uses on occasion. So if you are diabetic and prefer natural capsules are better (less sugar) and they are more convenient for travel than a daily mix.
If you do any research the amount of melatonin the body makes normally is minuscule and a dose of 1/2 -1 ml. can actually be good for sleep induction. Some nights I have trouble staying asleep and I have found out that all the really dark berry fruits have melatonin so if I eat dark fruits and I remember to I skip the bedtime dose.
The weird thing is that if you wake after taking too much you actually feel like you have had a great sleep so if you are needing a really early wake up a double dose may be useful but learn if it works like this for you before you really need it! I could have kicked myself for the 14 years I had known of this but refused to think it could work for me!
tart cherry juice does help with sleep and pain, however my teeth ache even when i rinse my mouth
Jean, really? I’ve never heard of that before. Anyone else experience that too?
As a retired dentist, assuming that tart cherry juice is relatively acidic, it’s no surprise that many people with any gum recession could develop sensitivity. I think that the capsules would be a much better choice as they won’t worsen the situation by causing further erosion of the roots.
Personally, I have found that the Life Extension tart cherry capsules are very helpful with fibromyalgia related muscle pain.
Joe, I can’t seem to find the equivalency of capsules in mg to ounces of tart cherry. What is the recommended mg dose for beneficial effects??
Hi Cathy, I dont think anyone has come up with an exact amount. Factors like what condition someone has, and the severity of that condition and length of time someone had the condition might alter the amount to take. my advice is to start with the least possible and see if that helps before increasing the amount.
Joe, if there are over 250 types of tart cherries – what pills do I want to find?
Ray, right now, nothing Ive seen points to a specific type/species of tart cherry (Prunus cerasus). For now, I’d say dont worry about it and just try a product and see what happens.
Montmorency cherries are the ones you want.
Hi my name is Latrice my husband suffers from gout. Cherry juice is a miracle tonic. He went from dragging his leg and excruciating pain to walking normal. I encouraged my mother to try it as well. My mom has suffered from knee pain and arthritis,that has crippled her legs and made her knee unbendable for over 4years.
She began a cherry juice regiment 1 month ago and can now bend her knee again!!! The pain subsided. She added MSM. She’s doing wonderful and has shared this with so many others. I’m now taking cherry tart pills expecting great results for my diabetes. Your article and testimonials were inspiring!
Cynthia, I’m really glad your husband and mom are doing better! While I have not heard of it helping diabetes, I dont think it will hurt (especially if the pills have less sugar than the juice). Here is an interview I did with a woman who had type II diabetes. I found her words both candid and inspiring:
I hope it helps you.
I’m a 68-year-old female intermittent insomniac who started using Montmorency tart cherry juice about a year ago. It does work. Doesn’t help me fall asleep faster, but does let me sleep deeper, with more REM sleep. Feel much more refreshed in a.m.
Linda, thanks for the feedback and I’m happy it’s helping improve your sleeping.
I have seen ads for 500, 1000, and 1500 mg for tart cherry. Which is best and safest? I don’t want to over ingest. And most say twice a day.
AC, if it were me, I’d start with the least amount and see how that goes before going to a higher amount.
I have RA in hands toes and hips also on Xarelto for afib and genetic blood disorder, have stage 3 kidney disease. I can’t take NSAIDS and Tylenol doesn’t do squat for pain of RA. From what I’m reading TCG also seems to be out, high potassium not good for kidneys. Also take accprill for high BP. Your thoughts?
Joe, have you asked your doctor or pharmacist about this? What do they say?
Talked to my doc today. He said I could give it a try if I could handle the taste. He said I might be better off using cumin spice in my diet.
Joe great let me know if how it goes. Yes turmeric/ curcumin is something else that some people like.
Hi Joe I’m just starting to tell tart cherry juice i have heel spur will help what the heel spur in much should I drink
Hi Joann, not sure how much might help heel spurs. I did find this online which might offer you some help too
I do hope the tart cherry juice helps. keep me posted.
Hi Joe, I just started taking the concentrate tart cherry juice (1 oz in am & 1 oz an hour before bedtime) for neck & shoulder pain caused from radiation treatments and as a sleep aid (I only sleep 3-4 hrs a night)
I am happy to say that on the 1st day the pain in my neck and shoulders was not as bad and although I didn’t sleep more than 4 hrs, it was a more “restful” nights sleep and I am optimistic it will continue to improve.
A few days later for the 1st time in 4 years, I did not have to take any pain meds!!! However, it’s causing my stomach to be upset. Will this subside or is it something I’m going to have to learn to live with?
Patty, that is great news! My guess is it may because it’s new to you. If it doesn’t go away, stop for a day or two and try it again. Or try taking it with food. Let me know how it goes.
I have been taking Purium Tart cherry concentrate for about 7 days. I take 2 Tbls about 2 hours before bed. I have noticed that I have a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep since I have been taking it. I thought this was suppose to put you to sleep.
Janet, that’s odd. I thought too it’s supposed to help sleep.
I’ve just been diagnosed with polymyositis. A friend suggested that I try tart cherry juice, so I wanted to look up information prior to taking it. I’m super excited to try it. I’m going to start it tonight (if we can find it at the store. I live in a rural area). Thanks for the helpful information.
Deanna, you are very welcome and I hope it helps! Do keep me posted on how you are doing with it.
I’m a little surprised that if you did your master’s thesis on cyclooxygenase, you can’t tell us more about the relationship between cyclooxygenase and blood pressure. Does it raise blood pressure, lower it, interact with certain types of BP medications? Other than that, tart cherries sounds like a good thing to add to my diet.
Allan, Cyclooxygenase is complicated enzyme that does many things. According to this 2003 study, inhibiting this enzyme might cause modest elevations in BP in those with pre-hypertension
While I believe person with no BP problems is unlikely to have any ill side effects of this, I’m more concerned with those who have BP problems. That is why I recommend speaking to your doctor or pharmacist about this.
I heard that the tart cherry juice works great for chronic pain, i sure hope so! I have severe degenerative disc disc disease and am disabled because of it. I picked some up and started it last night, desperate! I will try anything to relieve this constant back pain! So sick of medications, time to try God’s nature remedies, should have a long time ago! Wish me luck!!!
Sherry, I really do wish you much success with tart cherry juice. I do hope it helps and hope you will let me know what happens. Have you ever tried physical therapy for your back pain? Just curious. Here is an overview of your condition. scroll down to the exercise section: http://umm.edu/programs/spine/health/guides/degenerative-disc-disease
I will say a prayer today that the tart cherry helps your pain.
My husband has arthritis in a couple of his fingers. If he were to try the tart cherry juice how much should he drink a day? The medication he takes I have heard in the long run may cause damage to the liver. So, he wants to try other options that is not too expensive.
Rack, that’s a question I cannot answer. Why don’t you ask your husbands pharmacist and see what hw/she says. Let me know what they say
Rack, I can’t answer that question. I’d ask his pharmacist. Let me know what he / she says.
Rack: All medications have side effects and most if not all effect the liver, which is why one needs a blood test every 3 months. Everything goes through the liver/filter. Juice will not harm you but not taking prescribed medications may have problems in the long run. I hate taking medication but it keeps me alive.
Any thoughts on capsules versus concentrate for a diabetic?
Mary, on the brand that I have, 2 tablespoons of tart cherry juice has 14 grams of sugar. My guess is that capsules might have less sugar but I’m not sure. this should be listed on the label of any product you use.
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Try no sugar added all natural organic tart cherry juice mixed 1:4 in lemon water for xtra vitamin c.
Tart Cherry Juice was recommended by my foot doctor. I started taking a water pill 4-6 weeks earlier, I woke up one morning with a pain in my big toe. I ignored it for 3 days but the pain got worse, thus I went to see the foot doc. His first question was “are you taking a water pill”. He then said a side effect of water pills is Gout. He gave me an injection in the toe joint which BTW hurt like…..He then suggested cherry juice. I started it that afternoon.
The pain left thanks to the injection and juice. I did discontinue the water pill but continued the juice and now also take capsules. I noticed after couple of weeks I do sleep better and no more foot pain. I’m almost 80 years young, diabetic with high blood pressure. My diabetes is in control so the juice has no effect. Hope this helps.
Robert, glad it is helping your pain and yes, your words do help 🙂
I am concerned that tart cherry juice is causing me migraine attacks. At first I thought it was my supplements specifically L-glutamine which maybe my body thought was glutamate. MSG has always given me migraines. But I’m still having them even though I stopped. So maybe it’s the naturally occurring high sorbitol. I will be stopping the cherry juice today to see.
Elle, let me know what happens.
Well Joe today is my first day headache free. I won’t know for sure if it was the cherry juice until I reintroduced it. So I plan to go a week headache free then trying it again to see what happens. What I can say is my inflammation has returned.
I had foot surgery 3 months ago and I had not noticed that my foot was doing better when I started drinking the tart cherry juice. Well 2 days ago I had a set back. My foot started swelling again right from the moment I got up for the day. I was trying to think what was it I did. Why is my foot reverting back to the swelling stage of a month ago?
And then it occurred to me it wasn’t what I was doing it’s what I stopped doing. I stopped the tart cherry juice. Not even liquid gel cap I.B. profin is helping. I would drink the tart cherry juice right now except I have to know if it causes headaches.
So the jury is still out on if it causes headaches or migraines But it’s confirmed that it reduces inflammation caused from surgery better that nsaids. I also have an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation but I’m not flared now so I have no input on tart cherry juice for treatment on that.
Elle Bee, well I’m really glad you are free from the headaches. I’m going to hope that – for your foots sake – that its not the tart cherry juice causing them. When you do start back with it, try taking less than usual. Maybe that will help ease you into it or at least minimize any headaches that might pop up? Because the juice was helping your foot inflammation, I’m hoping the headaches were a fluke. Have a great weekend and let me know what happens.
It was definitely the tart cherry juice. It’s a shame because I believe it did cause me to relax and it relieved my inflammation. I tried it again in ice cube size amounts and before my 3rd cube I felt the headache coming on. I had one in the late morning and one in the afternoon and the pain started on the side of my head just slightly. It’s strange. I eat dried cherries and fresh cherries with no problems. No medicinal effects either though.
Ellie, well at least we know. Have you taken a look at turmeric or bromelain for inflammation?
You could try celery seed tea (I had some for cooking) or as an expert in botanical medicine, James Duke, PhD, recommended celery seed extract for gout in his book, Dr. Duke’s Essential.