Updated 5/7/24. Tart cherry juice, or as Dr. Oz called it the “ultimate antioxidant”, is reputed to have several health benefits. While there are over 250 different types of tart cherries (also called sour cherries), they are all healthy to various degrees and because they are fruits, all types have some of antioxidant activity. In this tart cherry review, I want to address the three specific claims that Dr. Oz mentioned on his TV show. If you do your own research, remember that its scientific name is Prunus cerasus.
Tart Cherry Juice: Ultimate Antioxidant?
Tart cherries have antioxidant properties. In one study of older adults published in the Journal of Nutrition, 12 older adults were randomly given 16 oz of tart cherry juice (two 8 oz servings per day) for 2 weeks.
After a month, they were given a placebo drink and followed again for another two weeks. Scientists measured oxidative damage caused by free radicals during both drinks to see if either drink had any effect.

Results showed tart cherry juice improved the antioxidant defenses of older adults, demonstrating that juice has antioxidant activity.
While this is good news, remember that claims about cherries being the ultimate antioxidant should be seen with skepticism. There's no proof they are better than other antioxidant-rich foods. Like all foods, they have their place in a healthy diet.
Tart Cherry Juice Benefits
According to Dr. Oz, tart cherry juice has the following benefits:
Let’s discuss the proof for each of these separately and see what we can figure out.
Tart Cherry Juice For Pain
Some research finds that tart cherries are anti-inflammatory because they contain compounds that act somewhat similar to aspirin. Some of these compounds in tart cherries are called anthocyanins. One of the ways that aspirin works is by inhibiting an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (pronounced sigh-clo-ox-a-gen-ace). This is the enzyme Dr. Oz was talking about on TV.
In one study, tart cherry juice reduced muscle pain after exercise. This study involved 54 runners. In that study, people drank 24 oz of tart cherry juice daily or a placebo for a week before a race. The brand used was Cherrish cherry juice. A problem with the study, however, is runners rated their pain on a scale. The researchers did not measure antioxidant levels, muscle damage, or oxidative stress.
In another investigation, researchers observed tart cherry juice reduced diabetic nephropathy in their legs. Here researchers had people drink 8 oz of cherry juice for 2 weeks. Other researchers have noted tart cherry juice reduces arthritis pain.
In a meta-analysis of 14 clinical trials, tart cherry juice seemed to have a small effect on reducing the severity of muscle soreness and helping athletes recover their muscle strength faster. While small reductions were also seen in inflammation the markers C reactive protein (CRP) and IL-6, there were no changes in creatine kinase.
Tart Cherry Juice And Heart Disease
In one study, lab rats were fed a high-fat diet for 3 months. Some rats were also given tart cherries (freeze-dried tart cherry powder) while other rats were not. Rats that got the cherries had lower triglycerides and reduced abdominal fat. Cherries also have some soluble fiber which may have contributed to some of the effects on triglycerides.
Since elevated triglycerides (fats in the blood), increased weight and belly fat are associated with metabolic syndrome (which leads to type II diabetes), does this mean that tart cherries can lower our risk of type II diabetes? It’s a good question and it will be interesting to see human research on this. Right now, nobody is sure.
A 2011 study – conducted on people also appeared to show some benefits. In this study, 10 overweight men and women drank either 8 oz of tart cherry juice or a placebo for 4 weeks. Researchers noted that tart cherry juice reduced not only markers for inflammation but also triglycerides and VLDL (a type of LDL /bad cholesterol.
Sleep And Cherry Juice
The hormone melatonin is released from the pineal gland in the brain when we are in darkness, which is one reason we get tired at night. Tart cherries contain melatonin. Specifically, Montmorency tart cherries have about 13 nanograms per gram, which is more melatonin than other varieties such as Balaton tart cherries, which have about 2 nanograms per gram. Additionally, melatonin is also an antioxidant and probably contributes to some of the tart cherries' antioxidant power.
At least one study has indicated that tart cherries may improve sleep in older adults.
In disclosure, that clinical trial was funded by CherryPharm, which makes the tart cherry juice used in this investigation. The study only involved 15 people who had insomnia. Those older adults drank 16 oz of tart cherry juice daily for two weeks. They reported improved sleep compared to when they drank a placebo.
Does this mean that tart cherry juice will help younger people sleep better? Maybe or maybe not. Research needs to confirm this. I would caution – as Dr. Oz did – to avoid drinking cherry juice close to bedtime because the extra fluid may increase nighttime bathroom trips.
Tart Cherry Juice And Exercise
Can tart cherry juice help you exercise better? One study says yes. This investigation involved 27 male and female marathon runners and triathletes. The people were randomly given either a placebo or a supplement that contained 480 mg of tart cherries. The runners took the supplement for 10 days before running a half marathon and on the race day.

Compared to the placebo group, those taking the tart cherry supplement:
- Ran the race 13% faster than the placebo group.
- Had higher antioxidant levels 24 hr and 48 hr after the race.
- Had a 47% reduction in inflammation markers after the race.
- Reported 34% muscle soreness (DOMS) before the race (not after).
The supplement used in this study was called CherryPURE
In a review of cherry exercise studies, researchers noted it may be beneficial if 16 to 24 oz were consumed 4- to 5-d before the exercise event and 2 to 3 d after to promote recovery.
Tart Cherry Juice And Blood Pressure
Melatonin may help nocturnal hypertension, a condition where blood pressure rises at night when we are asleep. Since tart cherries contain melatonin, it makes some sense they might help with this, too.
One study has also shown that drinking 2 oz of Montmorency tart cherry concentrate reduced systolic blood pressure (the top number) by 10 points after two weeks of use. This study involved 15 men with high or elevated blood pressure.
What About Cherry Juice Capsules?
Several people have commented below that they have had success with cherry juice capsules. Several brands exist, including:
If cherry juice is going to help reduce inflammation, the effective dose should contain the equivalent of at least 46 cherries. Check cherry juice capsules to see how many cherries are in a serving size.
Additionally, look at how many capsules are needed to achieve a serving. In other words, if a product said it contained 1000 mg, is that in 1 capsule, 2 or 3 capsules? Compare prices too. More expensive cherry supplements may not be better.
What Brands Do I Suggest?
I think all quality brands will likely work the same. Here are two brands I like:
Tart Cherry Juice Side Effects
No studies have shown any ill effects. That said, there isn’t much research on people with health problems. So, if you're going to try this supplement, here are some things to consider. This list is not complete.
- Start with less than recommended for the first week
- Stop taking at least two weeks before having surgery
- High-potency cherry supplements may interact with medications
- Pregnant and nursing moms should speak to their doctor first
In theory, tart cherry juice may interfere with some medications. This includes blood thinner medicine. People who take blood thinner medications should speak to their doctor.
Cherries may lower blood pressure. In theory, they may interfere with blood pressure medications.
Do Tart Cherries Work?
Overall, I'm intrigued by what I see about tart cherry juice, and from the comments below, several people are also saying that it has an effect on a variety of issues. If you are healthy, I see no problems with taking a shot of tart cherry juice daily or a cherry supplement. It can't hurt, and it just might help.
Here is the brand I like for those who are curious.
I’m glad that you are all sleeping better with TCJ. I would like to, but, I guess that I’ll just stay awake. I bought a bottle of Knudsen’s Just Tart Cherry Juice and got a rash all over the bottom half of my face. Shame, ’cause I really like the taste. Anyway, just an FYI for those who experienced an allergic reaction. Are there any other juices that offer the same potential benefits (without the rash, of course)? : )
melissa, I think all types of cherries are healthy but as for those that might be similar to tart cherries, I’m not sure. I wonder if a registered dietitian might be able to shed some light on this. You can find an RD in your area by going to EatRight.org and putting in your zip code. There are a LOT of dietitians who have facebook pages. you could ask this question on their FB pages too and see if they know. If you get an answer, do let me know. Ive wondered about this too.
I have just paid $30 (ouch) for a bottle of tart montmorency cherry juice. It’s Sept 4 so I’ll let you know what happens. Love your site.
I was diagnosed about 15 months ago with Polymyalgia rheumatica which was crippling until I got on the big bad Prednisone!! However, I am slowly getting off that drug and heard about the cherry juice. I’ll try anything to be able to get off prednisone……will keep you posted.
Gayle, Glad you found my site and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the tart cherry juice helps you! 🙂
How much do you start off drinking??? I have knee pain and sleep horrible. I am only 36. Hoping this works.
Karen, as far as I know there is no recommend amount to start but I usually starting with only a little to see how you respond. If you read the comments, you’ll see someone recently said she had some allergic reactions. I think thats rare but still its good to start with only a little and slowly increase.
Thank you for supporting this discussion. After my daughter told me how it has helped her sleep due to its natural melatonin, I tried taking tart cherry juice for a completely different reason. I have a rare and untreatable retinal disease that in part, involves the death of Muller cells. Melatonin is thought to help protect Muller cells, which support a type of neuron called photoreceptors (cones & rods) in the retina.
I do not take artificial supplements or medications unless absolutely necessary, but I wanted to do something to fight this disease that will eventually take my central vision. I drank 4 ounces of Cheribundi TCJ (not concentrate) containing 50 cherries per 8 ounces at bedtime. I felt dizzy before I put down the glass. The dizziness continues 39 hours later, though not as bad as the first day. M
any of the people in this discussion report taking much more than the 4 oz I took, so I am confused about why I would have had this reaction. I hope to figure out a safe dose, so I can continue taking it, but at this point, I don’t want to risk an even worse reaction. Can you offer any insight?
Kim, so sorry to hear that happened to you! I goggled “cherry juice dizziness” and found several posts reporting that dizziness is a side effect that might be experienced. When it comes to supplements – all of them – I often recommend that people start with less than is recommended to minimize side effects. Even though tart cherry juice is more of a food than a supplement, I still think that general rule is a good idea, as you have highlighted. Based on what you said, I wouldn’t take it again.
I would take the product to your pharmacist today and tell him/her what happened and see what they think. I wonder if you are allergic to tart cherries? Other than that I’m not sure what happened but if you ever get an answer, I do hope you let me know. I’m curious.
I’ve been drinking tart cherry juice for several months and I do believe it is helping with inflammation / pain and as a sleep aid. The cherry juice is expensive though and I’ve seen supplements advertised for cheaper. I was wondering if the effects would be the same if I switched to supplements and what the recommended dosage / strengths might be?
Jane, I linked to some tart cherry products in my review that are not too expensive. Ive heard that for people to get the anti-inflammatory effects of tart cherries that they should eat at least 46 cherries per day. Tart cherry concentrate supplements (like the one I linked to) have the equivalent of 90 cherries per serving. I don’t think there is a lot of research on this “46 cherries per day” and Id like to see more research to confirm it but I think it might give you something to look for when you are choosing a supplement that might be right for you. I hope this helps 🙂
I’ve had sleepless nights for so many years and my GP refused to give me sedatives. He mentioned a few herbs which didn’t work. Seeing Dr. Oz, I tried tart cherry juice and it works. It’s difficult to find it here in Montreal. Through eBay I’ve ordered 8 btls of Montmorency cherry juice. I don’t go for organic stuff, I feel it’s a ripoff.
Earlier I bought cherries in juice from Poland but it’s not as good as cherry juice. I do take about 6 oz. juice about half an hr. before bedtime. I do have bad knees and the juice seems to be helping them too.
I suffer from gout in my left big toe and ankle to the point where I can barely walk during an attack. My brother had the same issue and sought surgery. I sought an alternative first when I had an attack in June, 2013. I read about tart cherries and thought I’d give it a try (partially due to the comments on this website).
First though, I’m a 42 year old male about 20 pounds overweight with no other health issues. I don’t take any medications and only take a predominantly Vitamin B based multi-vitamin. I’m also not a vegetarian or have any other kind of special diet. Since I don’t take many medications though, I’m a pretty good guinea pig/clean slate for these kinds of things when it comes to side effects, etc.
Here are my results from over two months of taking 250 mg Tart Cherry Extract supplements daily. (Brand Nature Made, 10:1 ratio).
General pain relief: I have general aches and joint pains from an active younger life. I didn’t notice any benefit or pain relief from the cherries. I suspect that there are much more effective things to use if you are seeking pain relief than cherry extract.
Sleep aid: As most people looking into tart cherries for treatment, dosage and when to take them is hard to figure out. I started taking it in the morning with my other multi-vitamin, but I did find that I felt more tired during the day. I am always generally tired, though, so I’m not sure if that was from the cherries, or just normal. I had also read about cherries aiding in sleep, so maybe it was just psychosomatic. At any rate, I switched to taking 250mg before bed. I haven’t noticed any difference in deeper sleep or more restful nights.
Additional effects: It probably says more about my poor diet than anything else, but I noticed a looser stool for about the first two weeks or so when taking cherry supplements. Nothing traumatizing or anything, just a noticeable difference that has since gone away.
Gout relief: This is off the charts. I first took the supplement in the midst of an attack that had my foot so swollen I could barely walk on it. The next day, there was still pain and swelling, but it felt so much better internally. This particular attack had swollen up my big toe so much that it was pushed way out to the side and nearly looked dislocated, although parallel with my foot. I continued to take 250mg every night and each day the swelling went down a little more.
There was still pain within the foot, but I felt like it had more to do with my foot adjusting back to normal than it had to do with the gout. Everything was going along normally until early August when I began to feel the tell tale signs of an attack coming on. In the past when that’s happened, it’s usually the next day or two that I’ll barely be walking. I decided to up my dosage to see if that would counteract anything.
I took 250mg before dinner and another 500mg before bed. I awoke with moderate pain in my foot, but no additional swelling. Overall, it was very similar to a mild ankle sprain. I repeated the higher dosage the next night and awoke to find only one small area of soreness in my ankle (again, like a recovery from a very minor sprain). I went back to my normal 250mg nightly dosage and the full blown attack never came. Now, a couple of weeks later, I feel almost perfect in my left foot with very little to no pain anywhere.
So, my conclusion is, if you have gout, take a regular 250mg dosage of Tart Cherry Extract on a daily basis. If you feel an attack coming on, up your dosage until you feel it subside. It’s probably a waste of time to take tart cherries for other things like sleep aid, pain relief, or as a preventative to anything else.
Ryabn, thanks for writing all that! I really appreciate your insights on how tart cherry helped and didn’t help you as well as the amounts you listed also. 🙂
What time of day do you suggest I take it and what is the mixture
Jay, I dont think it matters when you take tart cherry juice. If you are looking at a tart cherry juice concentrate, check to label to see how many cherries are in a serving. they usually say 80 cherries per serving or something like that. Some research notes that if tart cherries are going to work, that people have to eat at least 46 cherries. I don’t feel this is engraved in stone but it gives us some reference on how much might help.
I’m purchasing some tomorrow to help me sleep
I’ve also been using it for about 2 years to help combat gout.It helps me.
I just purchase the tart cherry extract and am so excited to see if it works. I have RA and the lupus rash but not testing positive for it. I’ve had debilitating joint pain, overwhelming fatigue, recurrent low grade fever for the last 3 years. Dr after dr and no real answers. I’m finally so fed up with being sick and tired all the time.
I quit all my RA meds almost a year ago the methotrexate was horrendous on my body. But I’m on narcotic pain meds and have been for 3 years otherwise walking is almost unbearable. I’d love to be off these meds so I ran into a lady at publix purchasing tart cherry juice and it reminded me of something I read once. I asked her about it and she said it was life changing. So here I am a week later and I finally bought some. I can’t wait to see if it works.
The last 3 years have been a living hell and I’m hoping that this cherry extract is my saving grace 🙂 after reading all these reviews I think it’s worth a try.
Melissa, I hope tart cherry juice helps you. several people here have said it did. do let me know what happens when you try it 🙂
I have been taking tart cherry juice from trader joes for a month now. I was having pretty good pain in my knuckles. I am testing for RA. I am so so excited that the pain is bearable. It has helped me to do more. If I take it early I get tired early. I refuse to take medication. I also notice my fingernails seem to be growing. My teeth and eyes look whiter. I am so thrilled with this juice!!!! Sondra
Hi Joe, I am a 72 YO woman and I am taking TCJ and I have experimented with dosages for 2 weeks. I am back to taking 3T twice a day. I have severe Osteoarthritis in my knees and have had it for years, up to now the only thing that has given me relief is Blue Emu gel. I do still use both. I am sleeping much better and I haven’t needed to take pain pills like ibuprophen
JLEE, thats great! Im glad TCJ is helping you 🙂
It may be that I am suggestible but I had to stop taking this in the daytime because I felt very drowsy.
If it is a sleep aid, doesn’t it make you drowsy when taking a morning dose?
Tere, Ive thought the same thing as you. I never noticed that it made me tired when I take tart cherry juice in the morning.
The Traverse City, Michigan area is known for their exceptional cherry produces and variety. Also experts in cherry extracts. there are several producers of high grade cherry concentrates and products. Search the internet and buying direct will save you tons. I’m not related to anyone in that industry, just used to live there before moving to Virginia.
Lori, thanks, Virginia is a great state isn’t it 🙂
Hi Joe I just wanted to comment on tart cherry juice,I have arthritis in my ankles I used to take glucosamine condroiten with MSM,I took it for a couple years with no results ,I then heard about tcj on the radio and thought I would read up on it.After reading I figured I would give it a try, my ankles hardly ever hurt anymore .
i am an archer and played football when I was younger and the last couple years have been having shoulder pain.i noticed when I I ran out of the juice is when I would have the flare ups,my doc told me that I have arthritis in my shoulders (at the rotator cuffs) he told me try glucosamine and I told him what the cherry juice does he was astounded and mentioned he would look into it !i am a believer.i get mine from brown acre farms on line store
Bill, thanks for the feedback and happy its helping you. Might be a good idea to strengthen your rotator cuffs also as they tend to atrophy if we don’t work them specifically.
I was having some kind of strange pain in my right heel. It came out of nowhere. I started the juice and it began to subside . That allowed me to get more out of exercise. So then I decided to just drink it everyday and now this pain is almost totally gone. Not sure how much is the juice and how much is the additional movement, but glad to be rid of it!
Angel, I’m glad too! 🙂
I was wondering if there are any actual restorative effects as opposed to just pain relief? In other words, if you take it for awhile and you no longer have a pain issue and stop, is anything that might have been repaired or corrected by drinking it for that finite period?
Angel, that’s a very good question and Im not aware of any evidence either way that tart cherry juice helps improves conditions.
I Play golf..use a cart…am 71 years old and play 3 or 4 times a week…Before taking the cherry juice I had to crawl from the 18th gree to the car..I take about 4 oz each morning and now feel like I could easily play 9 more holes most days…It is an amazing difference
I did stop for a few days and the difference was remarkable
I have been taking 2 tbsp of TCJ for joint pain and to help sleep. It is working for me! Highly recommend it!