Updated 5/7/24. Tart cherry juice, or as Dr. Oz called it the “ultimate antioxidant”, is reputed to have several health benefits. While there are over 250 different types of tart cherries (also called sour cherries), they are all healthy to various degrees and because they are fruits, all types have some of antioxidant activity. In this tart cherry review, I want to address the three specific claims that Dr. Oz mentioned on his TV show. If you do your own research, remember that its scientific name is Prunus cerasus.
Tart Cherry Juice: Ultimate Antioxidant?
Tart cherries have antioxidant properties. In one study of older adults published in the Journal of Nutrition, 12 older adults were randomly given 16 oz of tart cherry juice (two 8 oz servings per day) for 2 weeks.
After a month, they were given a placebo drink and followed again for another two weeks. Scientists measured oxidative damage caused by free radicals during both drinks to see if either drink had any effect.

Results showed tart cherry juice improved the antioxidant defenses of older adults, demonstrating that juice has antioxidant activity.
While this is good news, remember that claims about cherries being the ultimate antioxidant should be seen with skepticism. There's no proof they are better than other antioxidant-rich foods. Like all foods, they have their place in a healthy diet.
Tart Cherry Juice Benefits
According to Dr. Oz, tart cherry juice has the following benefits:
Let’s discuss the proof for each of these separately and see what we can figure out.
Tart Cherry Juice For Pain
Some research finds that tart cherries are anti-inflammatory because they contain compounds that act somewhat similar to aspirin. Some of these compounds in tart cherries are called anthocyanins. One of the ways that aspirin works is by inhibiting an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (pronounced sigh-clo-ox-a-gen-ace). This is the enzyme Dr. Oz was talking about on TV.
In one study, tart cherry juice reduced muscle pain after exercise. This study involved 54 runners. In that study, people drank 24 oz of tart cherry juice daily or a placebo for a week before a race. The brand used was Cherrish cherry juice. A problem with the study, however, is runners rated their pain on a scale. The researchers did not measure antioxidant levels, muscle damage, or oxidative stress.
In another investigation, researchers observed tart cherry juice reduced diabetic nephropathy in their legs. Here researchers had people drink 8 oz of cherry juice for 2 weeks. Other researchers have noted tart cherry juice reduces arthritis pain.
In a meta-analysis of 14 clinical trials, tart cherry juice seemed to have a small effect on reducing the severity of muscle soreness and helping athletes recover their muscle strength faster. While small reductions were also seen in inflammation the markers C reactive protein (CRP) and IL-6, there were no changes in creatine kinase.
Tart Cherry Juice And Heart Disease
In one study, lab rats were fed a high-fat diet for 3 months. Some rats were also given tart cherries (freeze-dried tart cherry powder) while other rats were not. Rats that got the cherries had lower triglycerides and reduced abdominal fat. Cherries also have some soluble fiber which may have contributed to some of the effects on triglycerides.
Since elevated triglycerides (fats in the blood), increased weight and belly fat are associated with metabolic syndrome (which leads to type II diabetes), does this mean that tart cherries can lower our risk of type II diabetes? It’s a good question and it will be interesting to see human research on this. Right now, nobody is sure.
A 2011 study – conducted on people also appeared to show some benefits. In this study, 10 overweight men and women drank either 8 oz of tart cherry juice or a placebo for 4 weeks. Researchers noted that tart cherry juice reduced not only markers for inflammation but also triglycerides and VLDL (a type of LDL /bad cholesterol.
Sleep And Cherry Juice
The hormone melatonin is released from the pineal gland in the brain when we are in darkness, which is one reason we get tired at night. Tart cherries contain melatonin. Specifically, Montmorency tart cherries have about 13 nanograms per gram, which is more melatonin than other varieties such as Balaton tart cherries, which have about 2 nanograms per gram. Additionally, melatonin is also an antioxidant and probably contributes to some of the tart cherries' antioxidant power.
At least one study has indicated that tart cherries may improve sleep in older adults.
In disclosure, that clinical trial was funded by CherryPharm, which makes the tart cherry juice used in this investigation. The study only involved 15 people who had insomnia. Those older adults drank 16 oz of tart cherry juice daily for two weeks. They reported improved sleep compared to when they drank a placebo.
Does this mean that tart cherry juice will help younger people sleep better? Maybe or maybe not. Research needs to confirm this. I would caution – as Dr. Oz did – to avoid drinking cherry juice close to bedtime because the extra fluid may increase nighttime bathroom trips.
Tart Cherry Juice And Exercise
Can tart cherry juice help you exercise better? One study says yes. This investigation involved 27 male and female marathon runners and triathletes. The people were randomly given either a placebo or a supplement that contained 480 mg of tart cherries. The runners took the supplement for 10 days before running a half marathon and on the race day.

Compared to the placebo group, those taking the tart cherry supplement:
- Ran the race 13% faster than the placebo group.
- Had higher antioxidant levels 24 hr and 48 hr after the race.
- Had a 47% reduction in inflammation markers after the race.
- Reported 34% muscle soreness (DOMS) before the race (not after).
The supplement used in this study was called CherryPURE
In a review of cherry exercise studies, researchers noted it may be beneficial if 16 to 24 oz were consumed 4- to 5-d before the exercise event and 2 to 3 d after to promote recovery.
Tart Cherry Juice And Blood Pressure
Melatonin may help nocturnal hypertension, a condition where blood pressure rises at night when we are asleep. Since tart cherries contain melatonin, it makes some sense they might help with this, too.
One study has also shown that drinking 2 oz of Montmorency tart cherry concentrate reduced systolic blood pressure (the top number) by 10 points after two weeks of use. This study involved 15 men with high or elevated blood pressure.
What About Cherry Juice Capsules?
Several people have commented below that they have had success with cherry juice capsules. Several brands exist, including:
If cherry juice is going to help reduce inflammation, the effective dose should contain the equivalent of at least 46 cherries. Check cherry juice capsules to see how many cherries are in a serving size.
Additionally, look at how many capsules are needed to achieve a serving. In other words, if a product said it contained 1000 mg, is that in 1 capsule, 2 or 3 capsules? Compare prices too. More expensive cherry supplements may not be better.
What Brands Do I Suggest?
I think all quality brands will likely work the same. Here are two brands I like:
Tart Cherry Juice Side Effects
No studies have shown any ill effects. That said, there isn’t much research on people with health problems. So, if you're going to try this supplement, here are some things to consider. This list is not complete.
- Start with less than recommended for the first week
- Stop taking at least two weeks before having surgery
- High-potency cherry supplements may interact with medications
- Pregnant and nursing moms should speak to their doctor first
In theory, tart cherry juice may interfere with some medications. This includes blood thinner medicine. People who take blood thinner medications should speak to their doctor.
Cherries may lower blood pressure. In theory, they may interfere with blood pressure medications.
Do Tart Cherries Work?
Overall, I'm intrigued by what I see about tart cherry juice, and from the comments below, several people are also saying that it has an effect on a variety of issues. If you are healthy, I see no problems with taking a shot of tart cherry juice daily or a cherry supplement. It can't hurt, and it just might help.
Here is the brand I like for those who are curious.
Does anyone know if it’s safe to inject tart cherry concentrate into a J-type feeding syringe? If so how much is ok and how much isn’t ok?
A Saint. that is a hard question I do not knkow the answer to. Id ask a nurse or doctor about this.
I found both cherry juice and tart cherry juice at my local Trader Joes…is there a difference between the two? I suffer from arthritis and migraines…hoping this might help
Colleen, I don’t think there is any difference between brands as long as they both come from good companies. I sure Trader Joes only deals with well respected companies.
Not really questioning the brand. More the difference between Reg Cherry Juice and Tart Cherry Juice, does one have more benefits than the other? Thanks!
Colleen, most of the research on reducing pain seems to come from tart cherry juice. Im not sure if regular cherry juice would or wouldn’t.
Hi Joe! Vick! I took a glass of this juice and my head hurts a little! Is that normal! Thanks!
I dont think thats normal. First Ive heard of that happening. Maybe allergic to it? coincidence?
Interesting about the headache. I just started today and I had a headache within a half hour. Didn’t think much about it till i took my evening drink and the same thing happen. No other symptoms. The thought crossed my mind that it was the cherry juice but I wouldn’t consider it an allergic reaction. Strange,need to research, will check back if I find anything. Anyone else get a headache?
Must have been a coincidence. Headache hasn’t happened again..Probably wasn’t the cherry juice.
thats good 🙂
I, like Edie, am confused about how much tcj to take and how. Do you take a T spoon of concentrate in water or straight? Do you drink 4oz. Straight or in water? Please make this clear. Thank you. Gail
Gail, I don’t think it matters. I just take a swig out of the bottle. some people dilute some in water and drink it.
Love your site. But confused about exactly what I should buy(brand) and how much consumed each day? Very excited about trying this! I have sciatica pain and other joint pains. I play tennis and exercise and keep myself moving. This would be a miracle for me if works! But how much and what brand and in what form??? Thank you, Edie
Edie, Id guess that any quality made tart cherry juice should work. If you read the comments you’ll see a few people said Dynamic Health Organic tart cherry juice helped them. I didn’t notice any difference though. There may be other brands mentioned in the comments also.
Dr. Oz program recommended the tart cherry juice made with the Montmorency Cherries. Couldn’t find the Montmorency in stores but found on Amazon. This product is called Country Spoon Red Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate. I mixed 1oz. with 5oz. of water. Very tart! Just started today, Don’t know if there is really a difference in one cherry or the other but I have seen the Montmorency cherry mentioned several times as being the best. Don’t know why.
Eve, I dont think it matters if its Montmorency cherries or not but if it helps, then thats whats important. Do keep me posted on how it works for you 🙂
I had a gout attack on my big toe and had to travel to turkey
Googlin and wondering how to stop and or reduce the pain. The result was cherry juice.
I ordered a glass from room service and downed it.
About 30 minutes later I had an excruciating pain go right through the toe and about 10 minutes later all pain was gone as was the swelling and I could walk pain free and normally for the rest of the trip.
Just yesterday I had some concentrate shipped in from the usa. Don’t get it in India.
10 min after drinking 1 tablespoon same thing. My toe had a bit of pain and then it went away. Having said that I was not in the middle of an attack. Probably on way to one and the juice just cleaned out the crystals.
So either it works super fast on me or it is psychological which I don’t think so.
Will be having this now everyday
I am a 38 yr old mother that is working on a second degree so no medical insurance at moment… mentioning this because ive not been diagnosed by a dr… however I work on a computer and paint using my hands constantly.
I was told through the years the dr’s thought i had rheumatoid arthritis when i was young… but i grew out of it. For last few years i have started having problems with my hands… aching, hurting, (especially during rainy days or prior) I usually wake up with hands hurting so bad that i cant close my hands into a fist and have to use both hands to do so… also i had a ganglion cyst in my right wrist when i was 13 which was removed and treated…so it never returned…
however i have had a reoccurring one in my left wrist that would go away often… last 2 months it has not… longest ive ever had one.
It has gotten large enough to start causing pain my fingers (most noticeably my middle finger) i read about the TCJ when looking for ways to help ease the pain and/or make it go away naturally. along with a wrist brace i also came across the TCJ info…
I started drinking a shot glass amount, then adding enough water to a juice glass to fill it up. For about 3 days i would stay on track (and i must say that within one day it was already helping!) im not good with routines so i got off 2 days… i remembered VERY quickly when i couldn’t close my hands again on the 2nd day… i quickly went back to the TCJ and i STILL have no pain.
I know there aren’t studies that prove it medically responsible… but i know… it works.
Shannon, glad you are feeling better because of tart cherry juice and good luck in college!!! 🙂
I am 48 diagnosed with osteoporosis. I have joint pain always. I have been drinking tart cherry juice concentrate, aprox 6oz mixed with aprox 3 oz of black cherry concentrate. Also add honey for the tart. On ice. Every night. I wake up less stiff less pain.??
LLene, the important thing is you say you wake up with less pain after taking tart cherry juice. Im happy for that 🙂
After reading all these reviews im hoping they work for me! I’ll be having surgery this Monday on my left arm. The surgeon calls it the SK surgery where they open your arm up and cut the small bone, move the larger piece back towards the wrist where it belongs sink 2 skrews into the wrist put the tendon onto the large bone from the small bone.
They have to grind all the bone spurs off the bone that’s been tearing the ligaments. And the reason for all this is due to the wear and tear that has wore away all the cartilage between the bones and where the wrist bends. Im only 48 and in some kind of pain almost daily. My knees, maybe due to me being 45-50 lbs. over weight. My back the lower 5 vertebrae are full of arthritis and a few bulging discs, the left arm and it looks like the right arm is going to follow suit and be the same in a year or two.
I started taking the ccj (2 tb) followed by water a couple days ago. An older gentleman had told me about it, he’s been taking it for years swears by it for arthritis and pain. The Dr. says I’ll be out of work 6-8 months depending on my tolerance for pain. I’ll try to give you an update some time down the line.
Mary, I wish you all the luck with your surgery this Monday! Im sure you will be fine and I do hope tart cherry juice helps you. If you are able to, sure thing do let me know if it helped you or not.
I read an article online about the anti-inflammatory properties on Christmas Eve. I was anxious to try it, and of course my accessibility was limited given the holidays. I found canned, organic Montmorency cherries at Publix, and decided to try it.
Just like others report, the improvement in my knee pain was dramatic and noticed within the first 24 hours. I had knee surgery 6 months ago, and have tried several natural anti-inflammatories but have not experienced anything just like this. Thanks for your forum. Happy, healthful New Year!
Joy, thanks for the feedback and glad it helped you. Happy 2013 to you also!
Tart Cherry juice has helped me go to sleep…the ONLY reason I’m still awake is because I haven’t had my 8-12oz yet!!
CJ, hopefully you took some after you wrote that 😉
P.S. to Brett, your knee will hurt for approx. 1 year as it takes that long for bone to heal. You will wake up one morning and actually “miss”/realize the pain is gone. I’m surprised they didn’t tell you this at the doctor or pt office.
If you still have your cryo cuff, alternate heat and cold packs on the knee for some relief and continue to do the pt exercises.
Only when my knee really, really hurts can you tell that I had an ACL surgery, otherwise I walk with no limp and back in the summer I was walking 3 mi a day. ACL reconstruction today isn’t as wicked as it was when I had it because they don’t usually take a section of the patellar tendon like they did on mine. It is still considered one of the most painful surgeries one can have though.
Hang in there, the pain will go away………
The brand of TCJC I use is Dynamic Health Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate, Organic Certified from GNC.
Started using this a few months ago since I have PFA bilaterally in my knees and cervical stenosis and spondylosis. Had ACL replacement surgery back in ’94 in my right knee and have a torn meniscus in my right knee, as well. I also tore something in the left knee last year mowing which caused a great deal of inflammation. As a menopausal female, sleep is sometimes allusive.
I drink 1 oz nightly mixed with approx 6 oz of water each night.
The TCJ makes a tremendous difference in keeping me pain free and off the pharmas. I went a week without it back in October since I was out of town, because it does have to be refrigerated. I was amazed at how much difference it makes.
With winter upon us which is usually my worst time of year with the cold triggering a lot of joint pain, I won’t be going without it.
When I go for blood work in February, I’ll try and remember to come back and post results on A1C1 and cholesterol levels.
I have Fibromyalgia (painful muscles, tendons, ligaments) and Osteo Arthritis. A tart cherry product helps relieve my pain and improve my quality of sleep. After finding the actual cherry juice to contain a lot more calories than I care to consume–I found gel capsules filled with tart cherry paste. It has all the benefits of tart cherry juice but not the high calories. They also have a product for your family dog. It is called “Cherry Flex” and it is a product of Michigan.
In may of this year i got ACL and meniscus surgery. Since then I have been in pain pretty much everyday. Yesterday I was getting to the point where I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was also experiencing a high level of pain yesterday.
When I came home I complained to my mother about my knee and she said she bought some of this juice. She also showed me an article in the local paper about it’s positive effects.
So I drank some last night and today I feel awesome. It makes me so excited cause I haven’t felt this good in a long time. I drank the concentrate syrup version. I just mixed it with water. I added a bit more than what was recommended cause I just wanted the pain gone.
All i can say is that this stuff is amazing and it tastes great. Wish I would have known about this awhile ago.
Brett, thanks for chiming in and glad you are feeling better!
I’m 37 and have had Lupus and fibromyalgia for over 10 years. My immune system can use a boost, as IV & oral steroids, and IV & oral antibiotics can only work for short amounts of time and only when in a flareup. Why not beat the flareup before it happens? So I’ve been drinking tart cherry juice.
My options for pain management are few as I’m sensitive or allergic to many medications. I’m hoping this will bring some moderate relief! Yes, it’s tart, but really quite good. Drank my first 8 oz glass this morning.
I’m aware of the possible increase in blood Potassium, but this will benefit me, as my blood Potassium is always dangerously low and needs to be replaced frequently. Seem like cherry juice will take care of a few of my issues. I am still a woman of science and will document my progress. I will follow up if you’d like.
Jacquelyn, yes please keep me posted on what happens. Thanks!
Hi – I have chronic problems with tendon and joint pain. The first time I tried tart cherry concentrate I had pain relief after about one day, and vastly improved sleep. So much so that I didn’t believe it could have been the cherry juice. I didn’t take any more, waited about a week, and repeated the single-dose deal with exactly the same results.
Recently I did a bunch of traveling. Couldn’t carry the juice so didn’t have it for 5 weeks. Came home with horribly stiff neck, shoulders, back and a mild case of insertional Achilles tendinitis. After one dose my shoulders, back and neck were nearly pain free, slept great, and even my Achilles problem seemed somewhat improved.
I take Dynamic Health Laboratories, Inc. brand tart cherry juice concentrate. It’s organic, made in the US, has no added sugar. Recommended dose is 2T, which is supposed to provide the equivalent of 80 cherries. I use 2-3 T of concentrate in about 8oz ice water once a day. I find it tasty.
For the 2T amount, nutritionals on the bottle say: 0% fat, 0% cholesterol, 10 mg. sodium, 15 g. total carb with 14 g. of that being from sugar, <1g. protein, 5% USRDA vitamin C.
Darcy, thats the same type of tart cherry juice I’ve experimented with. I didn’t notice any difference. I dont have any stiffness or pain like you have had though. Either way, I’m happy its helping you.
Hello to all,
I have trouble with sleep. Saw Dr. Oz program he talk about tart cheery juice or dried cherries, I tried the dries cherries and i slept like ababy.
Is it possible to have an allergic reaction to the TCJ? I drank a glass last night before bed and I awoke to sores on my lips, tongue and cheek lining.
MarZaleen, Ive never heard of it but its possible. are you allergic to cherries?
I tried tart cherry for joint relief, but I also suffer terrible bouts of insomnia. Took three supplements last night and had the best night’s sleep in a long time – also I think aided by the fact that I was in less pain.