Updated 5/7/24. Tart cherry juice, or as Dr. Oz called it the “ultimate antioxidant”, is reputed to have several health benefits. While there are over 250 different types of tart cherries (also called sour cherries), they are all healthy to various degrees and because they are fruits, all types have some of antioxidant activity. In this tart cherry review, I want to address the three specific claims that Dr. Oz mentioned on his TV show. If you do your own research, remember that its scientific name is Prunus cerasus.
Tart Cherry Juice: Ultimate Antioxidant?
Tart cherries have antioxidant properties. In one study of older adults published in the Journal of Nutrition, 12 older adults were randomly given 16 oz of tart cherry juice (two 8 oz servings per day) for 2 weeks.
After a month, they were given a placebo drink and followed again for another two weeks. Scientists measured oxidative damage caused by free radicals during both drinks to see if either drink had any effect.

Results showed tart cherry juice improved the antioxidant defenses of older adults, demonstrating that juice has antioxidant activity.
While this is good news, remember that claims about cherries being the ultimate antioxidant should be seen with skepticism. There's no proof they are better than other antioxidant-rich foods. Like all foods, they have their place in a healthy diet.
Tart Cherry Juice Benefits
According to Dr. Oz, tart cherry juice has the following benefits:
Let’s discuss the proof for each of these separately and see what we can figure out.
Tart Cherry Juice For Pain
Some research finds that tart cherries are anti-inflammatory because they contain compounds that act somewhat similar to aspirin. Some of these compounds in tart cherries are called anthocyanins. One of the ways that aspirin works is by inhibiting an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (pronounced sigh-clo-ox-a-gen-ace). This is the enzyme Dr. Oz was talking about on TV.
In one study, tart cherry juice reduced muscle pain after exercise. This study involved 54 runners. In that study, people drank 24 oz of tart cherry juice daily or a placebo for a week before a race. The brand used was Cherrish cherry juice. A problem with the study, however, is runners rated their pain on a scale. The researchers did not measure antioxidant levels, muscle damage, or oxidative stress.
In another investigation, researchers observed tart cherry juice reduced diabetic nephropathy in their legs. Here researchers had people drink 8 oz of cherry juice for 2 weeks. Other researchers have noted tart cherry juice reduces arthritis pain.
In a meta-analysis of 14 clinical trials, tart cherry juice seemed to have a small effect on reducing the severity of muscle soreness and helping athletes recover their muscle strength faster. While small reductions were also seen in inflammation the markers C reactive protein (CRP) and IL-6, there were no changes in creatine kinase.
Tart Cherry Juice And Heart Disease
In one study, lab rats were fed a high-fat diet for 3 months. Some rats were also given tart cherries (freeze-dried tart cherry powder) while other rats were not. Rats that got the cherries had lower triglycerides and reduced abdominal fat. Cherries also have some soluble fiber which may have contributed to some of the effects on triglycerides.
Since elevated triglycerides (fats in the blood), increased weight and belly fat are associated with metabolic syndrome (which leads to type II diabetes), does this mean that tart cherries can lower our risk of type II diabetes? It’s a good question and it will be interesting to see human research on this. Right now, nobody is sure.
A 2011 study – conducted on people also appeared to show some benefits. In this study, 10 overweight men and women drank either 8 oz of tart cherry juice or a placebo for 4 weeks. Researchers noted that tart cherry juice reduced not only markers for inflammation but also triglycerides and VLDL (a type of LDL /bad cholesterol.
Sleep And Cherry Juice
The hormone melatonin is released from the pineal gland in the brain when we are in darkness, which is one reason we get tired at night. Tart cherries contain melatonin. Specifically, Montmorency tart cherries have about 13 nanograms per gram, which is more melatonin than other varieties such as Balaton tart cherries, which have about 2 nanograms per gram. Additionally, melatonin is also an antioxidant and probably contributes to some of the tart cherries' antioxidant power.
At least one study has indicated that tart cherries may improve sleep in older adults.
In disclosure, that clinical trial was funded by CherryPharm, which makes the tart cherry juice used in this investigation. The study only involved 15 people who had insomnia. Those older adults drank 16 oz of tart cherry juice daily for two weeks. They reported improved sleep compared to when they drank a placebo.
Does this mean that tart cherry juice will help younger people sleep better? Maybe or maybe not. Research needs to confirm this. I would caution – as Dr. Oz did – to avoid drinking cherry juice close to bedtime because the extra fluid may increase nighttime bathroom trips.
Tart Cherry Juice And Exercise
Can tart cherry juice help you exercise better? One study says yes. This investigation involved 27 male and female marathon runners and triathletes. The people were randomly given either a placebo or a supplement that contained 480 mg of tart cherries. The runners took the supplement for 10 days before running a half marathon and on the race day.

Compared to the placebo group, those taking the tart cherry supplement:
- Ran the race 13% faster than the placebo group.
- Had higher antioxidant levels 24 hr and 48 hr after the race.
- Had a 47% reduction in inflammation markers after the race.
- Reported 34% muscle soreness (DOMS) before the race (not after).
The supplement used in this study was called CherryPURE
In a review of cherry exercise studies, researchers noted it may be beneficial if 16 to 24 oz were consumed 4- to 5-d before the exercise event and 2 to 3 d after to promote recovery.
Tart Cherry Juice And Blood Pressure
Melatonin may help nocturnal hypertension, a condition where blood pressure rises at night when we are asleep. Since tart cherries contain melatonin, it makes some sense they might help with this, too.
One study has also shown that drinking 2 oz of Montmorency tart cherry concentrate reduced systolic blood pressure (the top number) by 10 points after two weeks of use. This study involved 15 men with high or elevated blood pressure.
What About Cherry Juice Capsules?
Several people have commented below that they have had success with cherry juice capsules. Several brands exist, including:
If cherry juice is going to help reduce inflammation, the effective dose should contain the equivalent of at least 46 cherries. Check cherry juice capsules to see how many cherries are in a serving size.
Additionally, look at how many capsules are needed to achieve a serving. In other words, if a product said it contained 1000 mg, is that in 1 capsule, 2 or 3 capsules? Compare prices too. More expensive cherry supplements may not be better.
What Brands Do I Suggest?
I think all quality brands will likely work the same. Here are two brands I like:
Tart Cherry Juice Side Effects
No studies have shown any ill effects. That said, there isn’t much research on people with health problems. So, if you're going to try this supplement, here are some things to consider. This list is not complete.
- Start with less than recommended for the first week
- Stop taking at least two weeks before having surgery
- High-potency cherry supplements may interact with medications
- Pregnant and nursing moms should speak to their doctor first
In theory, tart cherry juice may interfere with some medications. This includes blood thinner medicine. People who take blood thinner medications should speak to their doctor.
Cherries may lower blood pressure. In theory, they may interfere with blood pressure medications.
Do Tart Cherries Work?
Overall, I'm intrigued by what I see about tart cherry juice, and from the comments below, several people are also saying that it has an effect on a variety of issues. If you are healthy, I see no problems with taking a shot of tart cherry juice daily or a cherry supplement. It can't hurt, and it just might help.
Here is the brand I like for those who are curious.
still wondering if the supplement form works as well as the juice for insomnia…
Marla, I know of no evidence that tart cherry juice helps people sleep better.
Cherry Juice contains Melatonin, which promotes better sleep.
very good point -here is a study that mentions it http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23480341
I too drink a combo of coconut water and TCJ, but I only consume about 6 ounces a day. I use it after any workouts, and also when I am feeling muscle pain, and it seems to have an effect.
I am concerned about the sugar content. According to the Eden organic TCJ I buy, each cup contains a whopping 26 grams!
This also makes me wonder about the efficacy of the enzyme in TCJ, as sugar also has a mild pain relieving effect, as well as a sedative one…..hmmmm…..perhaps I should find tablets, I don’t imagine they contain the sugar? Any recommendations for an ORGANIC tablet?
Angel a, Ive been experimenting with an organic tart cherry juice myself last few months and it also has a lot of sugar. But the guidelines are a small amount – like a teaspoon – if I remember, not a cup. Im not sure if pills of tart cherry juice have any sugar or not. Id guess they wouldn’t but Im not sure. will have to check on this next time Im at the vitamin store.
After all the talk about tart cherry juice, I decided to
get it today at the grocery store. There was no straight
tart cherry juice. It was all mixed. The three were
TCJ/cranberry, TCJ/Pomegranite, and TCJ/Blueberry.
Is this just as good. Where do you buy the TCJ alone?
Fran I got a bottle of organic tart cherry juice from vitamin shoppe if that helps
I just had some tart cherry juice for the first time. I can NOT believe what it has done already!!! 4.oz glass (1 a day for the past 2 days))!!! ( I’m nervous about the Potassium EVERYDAY MIGHT BE TO MUCH FOR ME. I’m in disbelief!! I Feel so moveable LOL!! The product I bought in my supermarket was: Very Cherre,Old Orchard Brands LLC SPARTA, MI 49345 ph# 1-800-330-2173. I feel wonderful!! **People watch the Potassium intake** 🙂
Karen thanks for the heads up on that. Im glad you are feeling better 🙂
About 15 years ago, I had TMJ so bad I could barely open my mouth and did all my chewing on the opposite side, and then it was only soft foods. It had gone on for about 6 months, with nothing relieving it, and the next step was surgery, which I did not want since it also did not have a high success rate.
I read about tart cherry juice somewhere and found a health food store that carried the fresh concentrate. After a week of taking whatever the prescribed amount was on the bottle, one day the TMJ just went away. About a year later it came back, I started taking it again right away and it went away within a week.
I work in the medical field and am pretty allopathically oriented, but I have to say I was convinced after this that there might be something to it. It would be nice if there were some documented studies so the medical profession as a whole could have something to reference and that would make them more likely to recommend it as an alternative therapy.
For me it beat having jaw surgery. I’m drinking the juice now to see if it helps knee pain from exercising, but I think that the concentrate may actually be more beneficial, so may end up going that route again. The concentrate isn’t cheap, but if it is a last resort, it is probably cheaper than a prescription drug and worth a try.
Marie, Im curious, what is the name of the product you have been using? Ive been experimenting with some organic tart cherry juice that I picked up at Vitamin Shope. I have not seen much difference so was curious what brand you took.
Did u ever get the name of the product she was using?
Rachel, do you mean me? who are you referring to?
Marie…i suffer from tmj disorder as well as annoying tinnitus as well…i would definitely try the tart cherry juice if it will help the tmj go away! When im under stress,the tmj and tinnitus gets worse,affecting my hearing:/ im desperate for relief!!!!!!
Angela, I will say a prayer for you tonight that you find relief.
Hi All. My name is Carolyn and I am 45 years young. ;-)….I have arthritis in my knees and spine…the pain had gotten excruciating and I experienced pain in my ankles which I believe was gout….all these things run in my family…..Doctors had given me celebrex and mobic…..neither one has given me the relief that 2tbs.am and 2tbspm has given me using cherry juice.
I have been doing this for three weeks and its been over a year since Ive felt this good in my joints…..I did this without going to my doctor which is not my usual stance but I do go on the 7th of August. I would always advise anyone to talk to their doctor about supplements because it can be dangerous to mix with other meds no matter how natural they are.
I had been stopped the meds for pain way before the juice because they did me no good so I just took regular ibuprofen until i took the juice. I initially notice the effects from eating cherries but it was hard to buy them on a regular because they are expensive.
I bought the juice to see if Id get the same results and I did. I started with black cherry juice the first two week and the last of the three weeks was tart cherry juice. I will keep all posted if this continues to be effective. I have skipped a day and still feel relief. Good luck to any experiencing pain because it can be extreme from my experience.
I’m going on month 2 of drinking 2, 8 oz bottles daily. I can certainly say that my muscles and joints feel much better.
I’ve read the comments about TCJ and and headed to the store to see if I can find it. I have just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and had to have my mother’s ring cut off due to inflamation. I’m hoping this helps! Will let you know.
jeanne, so sorry to hear of your troubles…
I had a gout pain once – excruciating! I read on the internet to buy cherry juice concentrate and eat an organic plant diet. I started the Cherries on Saturday buy Sunday it was markedly improved and by the time I got to my doctor is was 80% better. I skipped the prescription she gave me and kept on the juice. In a day or two more it was completely gone.
Nic, very interesting – especially how fast it seemed to have worked. I’m glad it did.
I have been drinking a mixture of equal parts TCJ and coconut water (8 – 10 ounces each) as a recovery drink after running. I run between 5 and 6 miles 4 days a week. Been drinking it on the off-days too because I’m really getting to like it. TCJ is too tart for me to drink straight and coconut water is (to me) too nasty to drink straight, but the two together are pretty good. I don’t notice any muscle soreness, but that may be because I’m used to the exercise. I do think I’m sleeping better, but again, that could be due to the running.
Participants received 2x30mL (with 100mL water) supplements of TCJ each day and consumed one just prior to breakfast and the other just prior to evening meal. We were pleased with the results and are pursuing other sleep related avenues with TCJ, as well as using TCJ as a recovery from exercise supplement. In fact the two could well be linked due to the importance that sleep plays in recovery from exercise bouts.
Phill, thats interesting. Thanks much for keeping me posted!
I am so impressed by you! I’ve read many of your reviews your blog is now my go to place 🙂 all your reviews are extremely insightful thank you & keep up the amazing work!
Thanks Natalie! You made my day! 🙂
Hi Joe,
Just a quick update for you on the tart cherry juice and sleep research. We recently published a paper showing increased melatonin excretion in conjunction with improved sleep efficiency. Maybe one for you to check out. Here’s a link:
Phill, that’s great thanks for passing that along to me!! So tart cherry juice seems to increase melatonin levels. In your research, how much tart cherry juice did people get in the concentrate that they received? That might help people who were looking for tart cherry juice supplements to help insomnia.
I have used tart cherry pills for gout for several years. The brand is Solaray,425mg/caps, 2 in the am,2in the pm
for accute attacks. It does work for me. It seems to work best if taken at the first sign (pain) at the local site. The longer you wait to start taking the pills the slower the recovery. If you quit taking them to soon after the pain
stops,gout can return with a vengeance. I have also experienced knee pain relief.
Stan, thanks for your words and for your mentioning your reduction in knee pain. that makes sense given its aspirin-like effects. Also,a good amount of research seems to show tart cherry juice can help muscle soreness as well.
Re the capsules and the aspirin like qualities, I’m concerned about the impact on my blood pressure which stops me from any kind of NASIDs. Would aspirin negatively impact my blood pressure? Thanks.
Jim, why dont you run this past your pharmacist.
Im having trouble falling a sleep and maybe now i can with tart cherry juice?
help me out here
Oxana a lot of things can be the cause of you having trouble sleeping. have you talked this over with your doctor? I don’t know if tart cherry juice will help you or not. if it does let me know. Id be curious.
i am having excruciating pain in my knees. a friend told me about tart cherry. tried it last night and i feel much better this morning. i could hardly get up or down. i was in tears most of the time. just thought i would share this good feeling with you. iam 65 years old, worked on concrete floors for 40 years. iam a nurse with bad knees. thanks for the tart cherry,
Bettye, THANK YOU for sharing that! how much did you take and what brand did you use? Do keep in touch and let me know how your knees feel over time as you keep taking it.
Kate -and thanks for chiming in! I’m happy to keep this site going. Its what I like talking about the most – next to Star Trek 😉
Hello all, My name is Pamela, I’ve been having pain in my right elbow for about a year. I have tried everything possible to help with my tennis elbow. Not only that, but I was told buy my doctor that I now have arthritis. I am going to give the tart cherry juice a try. Sorry for chiming in ,but I am glad I Google the web site. listening to your stories gave me hope! thanks.:)
Pamela, oh I am so sorry to hear your tennis elbow progressed to arthritis! Did you never get any physical therapy for your tennis elbow? See if you can get some PT to strengten the muscles. this will reduce the arthritis pain. In addition to tart cherry juice, take a look at my review of glucosamine sulfate.
I will say a prayer for you tonight that you get the help you need.
Joe, I am on your email list for Artri-D and saw this link to tart cherry. Very interesting and will try, but this link led me to another on glucosamine sulfate – of course I am taking the HCL version, combined with chondroitin and Vitamin D-3 (used to include MSN, but could not find it this last time).
I started taking this “Triple Flex” to lube my knees/ankles, as I am a HS Football and Baseball Official @ 63 YO. But thought it might help my lower back also (degenerative arthritis in L-4/L-5 facet joints – gives me spine pain and bad sciatica pain symptoms).
So far, no noticeable relief from pretty severe constant pain – had ablation procedures on both left and right side; only left side worked, for about 2 years, but now the pain is back; no effect for right side. Of course doctors give me big pain meds and muscle relaxers, but don’t like and only treats the symptoms and messes with my already horrible sleep issues.
So, will try the cherry thing. But have a question or two.
Which of the big three – glucosamine, chondroitin or MSN is better for lubricating and arthritis pain? My son says some think MSN is better. Is Vitamin D-3 helpful – is it better to take than MSN? I thought I read somewhere in the Artri-D posts that Vitiam D-3 was good – but can’t find or remember for what? If the cherry thing works, maybe I can get rid of all this, or what should I continue to take?
thanks, Ray
Ray, its a tough question to answer because the evidence for all of them is not as good as Id like. Currently I’m often temped to say glucosamine sulfate more than vitamin D or MSM because I see more evidence for it but that evidence is far from perfect. I hope the tart cherry juice helps you. if it does/doesn’t, do let me know.
Hi pam.
Let me know if it helps
Joe, you can get it at any health food store and even supermarkets often carry it. Here is Tart Cherry Juice on Amazon also
Most super markets
I have bought the concentrate on amazon.com and at GNC. I have bought the regular organic juice at HEB and Kroger. So it looks like your grocery store would have it.
I agree with you Joe…it’s a great drink for exercise and muscle recovery. It helps with some pain…it has anti inflammatory properties but as far as sleeping it may help but like with Cranberry and UTI’s you usually have to take a large amount of concentrated forms to get any type of real benefit in a short period of time.
Because flavenoids build collagen in the skin it also may benefit someone with arthritis and possibly goat because the ph balance in cherry would reduce uric acid. But once again it needs to be in pill form to replace the few quarts needed a day to maintain that level of health benefit.
As far as Tart Cherry…I believe it’s all Cherry that has the benefit. 😉 Thanks for letting me chime in…this is a great website and forum for folks who are looking for real testimony not paid advertisement!!!
Carl, that’s pretty interesting and its people like you saying “this helped” that often gets the researchers interested. Since it seems to have an aspirin like effect, Im not at all surprised at what you are reporting. I have also seen studies where tart cherry juice seems to help muscle soreness after exercise so something does seem to be going on with this stuff.
I started drinking cherry juice last year to treat gout. It worked, also noticed the pain in my joints decreased and in some places went away. I drink two ounces once every two or three days. I am 56 years old. Not proof certainly, but what I have experienced!!!
have also used Braggs organic apple cider viniger for gout , it helps alot