Update 8/7/20. Does Sea Buckthorn help weight loss? Could it be? At one time, this stuff rocketed to weight loss stardom after being featured on the Dr. Oz Show. I remember it like it was yesterday, with Dr. Oz showing the picture of the fat and skinny mice, telling us how sea buckthorn helped the skinny mouse stay skinny. But, that's a mouse. What about people? It's been some time since I reviewed this stuff and I thought it was worth a fresh look. So, can sea buckthorn help people lose weight – or do anything else? Let's look at the evidence and see if its right for you.
1 What Is Sea Buckthorn?
It's a plant that grows in various regions from China and Pakistan to Canada. Its scientific name is Hippophae rhamnoides. The fruit of the plant is rich in different vitamins and minerals and plant nutrients such as vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, amino acids, flavonoids, and vitamin A.
2 Sea Buckthorn Benefits
The berries of the plant are said to provide the following benefits
- Help people lose weight
- Prevent colds
- Help ulcers
- Help heart disease
- Help diabetes
- Help rejuvenate aging skin
- Help ease stress
- Help ulcers
- Help hair growth
Much of these benefits may be attributed to its fatty acids, especially omega, 3, 6, and omega 7 fatty acids. This sea vegetable has more omega 7 fatty acids than any other plant.
3 Types of Buckthorn
There are 4 main types of sea buckthorn. The types are:
- Sea Buckthorn (also called Hippophae rhamnoides). Some people write it as “C. Buckthorn”
- Alder Buckthorn (also called Frangula alnus or Rhamnus frangula)
- Buckthorn (also called Cascara or Frangula purshiana or Rhamnus purshiana)
- European Buckthorn (also called Rhamnus cathartica)
Alder Buckthorn, Cascara, and European Buckthorn are typically used as laxatives. Sea buckthorn is rich in vitamin C, omega 3,7 and 7 fatty acids and phytonutrients. As such, it is also an antioxidant food. This is why it may be found in some cosmetics.
4 Sea Buckthorn And Weight Loss
So, what's the proof this stuff helps people lose weight? When it was featured on the Dr. Oz show (back in 2011), viewers were shown 2 mice – fat and skinny – and the differences were dramatic. In spite of eating the same food as the overweight mice, the mouse which also ate sea buckthorn was MUCH thinner.
In this video, Dr. Oz shows the difference in how much the mice weighed and other benefits
Weight Loss Research
The mouse study they were referring to may have been this one.
Basically, mice were fed a high-fat diet for 4 weeks. Then the mice were given a combination of sea buckthorn and a statin drug while eating the same diet. Twelve weeks later, the mice getting sea buckthorn weighed less than the mice which did not get it. As an added bonus, the fruit also lowers cholesterol levels AND helped their insulin worked better too.
Researchers in Finland tested this supplement in 110 overweight women for 3 months. The women were given diets that contained either Bilberries, Sea Buckthorn berries, Buckthorn extract, or the oil from the fruit. Researchers noted women getting the fruit had a significant reduction in waist circumference (about a half-inch difference). A small amount of weight was lost too (less than 1 pound).
This appears the only research on weight loss.
Now, let's look at some of the other reasons why someone might be interested in this supplement.
5 Sea Buckthorn and Colds/Flu
The berries of sea buckthorn contain vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and other plant nutrients which might help reduce the severity of colds and flu. Researchers in Finland tested this idea with an experiment involving 233 people who received either sea buckthorn on a placebo. There was no difference in the rates of colds of urinary tract infections in those taking sea buckthorn. To be fair, there are not many cold/flu studies out there. So, it's hard to know for sure if it works or not.
6 Sea Buckthorn And Ulcers
Most of the research on ulcers involves mice, rats, and horses. As such, it's anyone's guess if this food helps ulcers or not.
7 Sea Buckthorn And Heart Disease
Evidence suggests the berries of the plant can reduce cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol. In another study, the berries were shown to reduce CRP levels. CRP is marker of cell inflammation and thought to be invited in heart disease.
When researchers gave 12 men either 5 grams of sea buckthorn berry oil to coconut oil for 4 weeks, they observed the berry oil reduced blood clotting. In other words, the berry oil had a blood-thinning effect.
By lowering cholesterol and LDL levels, and helping blood flow, in theory, sea buckthorn might have heart health benefits. But, due to the small number of studies, it's difficult to know for sure.
Heart disease Research Summary
Research has noted sea buckthorn appears to:
- lower cholesterol and bad cholesterol
- lower CRP levels
- have a blood-thinning effects
All of these effects may translate into a lower heart attack risk. But it will take better studies to know for sure. Research finds people who eat more fruits and vegetables, have fewer heart attacks, strokes, and other health problems.
8 Sea Buckthorn And Diabetes
Researchers in Romania noted the berries decreased glycosolated hemoglobin in 30 kids with type I diabetes after 2 months of use. This may mean the berries reduce A1C levels. Levels of SOD – a powerful antioxidant enzyme – were also improved. The study only lasted 2 months. Generally, I'd like to see at least 3 or 4 months before checking for A1C reductions. A mouse study has also noted better insulin but human studies have not yet demonstrated this effect.
9 Sea Buckthorn And Skin
This supplement finds its way into some cosmetics. While the berries are rich in vitamin C, there may be other reasons too. A mouse study noted the fruit increased levels of a powerful antioxidant called SOD (superoxide dismutase) and prevented aging skin in mice exposed to UV radiation.
Researchers in San Diego noted that a 90-day treatment of a sea buckthorn supplement used alongside a drug called TAZ, improved wrinkles. This was a small study of only 10 women.
The supplement used this investigation was called GliSODin Skin Nutrients Advanced Anti-Aging Formula.B
10 Sea Buckthorn And Stress
No research appears to have investigated if sea buckthorn berries help reduce mental stress. It might or might not. It's anyone's guess at this point.
11 Berries vs. Juice
The fruit can be eaten or squeezed together to make a juice. While clinical trials comparing juice to berries cannot be located, I think in some ways they may be similar. If I had to pick one however, I'd choose to eat the berries because that is more of a whole food. There are likely compounds excluded when just drinking the juice.
12 Sea Buckthorn And Hair
While there seem to be no clinical trials on how it affects hair, there is buckthorn shampoo. Whether it's better than other shampoos needs more study. For more on hair see the Viviscal Review
13 Can You Drink Sea Buckthorn Oil?
Use the oil on the skin only. Do not drink it. No buckthorn oil I looked at for this review said to take it internally. To the contrary, they ALL said it was for external use only.
14 How Much Works?
This is difficult to say due to the lack of human studies. Some research has used about an ounce of berries per day. When it comes to using sea buckthorn oil on the skin, follow the directions on the product label.
15 Sea Buckthorn Side Effects
In healthy people, sea buckthorn is safe. Here are a few things to consider when using this supplement. This list is not complete:
- Start with less than recommended for the first week
- Stop taking at least 2 weeks before having surgery
- Speak to your doctor first if you are pregnant/breastfeeding
- The supplement may have a blood thinner effect so speak to your doctor if you take any blood thinner medications
- The oil may cause acne or a rash in some people. Start with less than recommended for the first week to see how you respond.
- There is one report of sea buckthorn turning a man's skin yellow. This occurred after 3 months of use.
16 Does Sea Buckthorn Work?
The research on sea buckthorn is interesting but I think we need more human research to know if it helps various conditions or not. Because its a food, I do think the berries have their place in a healthy diet.
Do the Sibu gel caps work the same as the oil?
Nikki, good question and I am not sure. Does anybody know this?
I have spoken with a lady that her mother used to take the sea buckthorn syrup in Germany. It is called Sanddorn in German. If you google it and translate, you find a bit more info on it. Here is a web site with blogs on it
I have started to take it myself to hopefully lose a bit of weight and for the Vitamins in it. There is natural Vit B12 from this plant.
Wendy, I checked out the link you provided but it just took me to the google translate page. there were no sea buckthorn blogs etc.
Ok folks. In all the research I have done, and it’s been MOUNDS, I have never found anything that says seabuckthorn [sbt] helps one lose weight. If it did, I would surely have taken some off by now.
There are actually hundreds upon hundreds of studies on this fabulous oil. Go to PubMed. Heck, go to my website!
But no, I highly doubt sbt will help you or me take weight off. It heals a LOT of things and helps with a lot of things, but it won’t do the dishes or take off that weight.
It has healed ME of eczema, joint pain, fungal infections, inflammation, even got my eyes to where I didn’t need glasses to read! [I didn’t keep taking it] It has grown my hair in, [and others’], heals stomach ulcers, lots of stuff, but no weight loss.
Dr. Oz, I watched him once, when he brow beat that gal, can’t remember her name, the daughter of the Mama’s and the Papa’s is she? but she’s a diabetic and her blood sugar read in the good range when she was on his show, he FORCED her to say it was bad, when it wasn’t. Since then, I’ve not watched him, because if he doesn’t know the difference between good blood sugar and bad, then he can’t teach me anything. Caveat emptor people
Janine, Thanks for chiming in. Sine you mentioned that sea buckthorn can help your eyesight and grow hair and mentioned Pubmed, I wondered if you could show me some studies where sea buckthron helped people see better or if SBT helped hair grow back. These are areas of SBT I have not looked at yet. I checked your SBT website but didn’t see any proof. If you can provide me with proof of this, that would be great.
I’ve been taking Sibu sea buckthorn oil every morning as soon as I get up for 3 weeks now. I haven’t missed a dose. I’ve lost 8 pounds! I work out on a regular basis, run 20k a week and am very active but I haven’t been able to shed the last 20 pounds from my pregnancies. I have been trying for 8 years and don’t move up or down in weight. I haven’t made any changes to my lifestyle in the last 3 weeks because I want to be sure it’s the sea buckthorn oil. I’ll continue on and see how it goes but I feel great.
Jeannette, Im glad you are feeling great and that its working for you 🙂
I purchased the body oil from Whole Foods (Weleda brand), and considering how little I have to use at a time, it was a rather decent price, $16.99. The bottle is probably 3.4 oz. if I remember correctly.
You can also find the same oil online, but actually for a couple dollars more. The best application is after a shower. As far as the soap, Whole Foods was very limited in it’s SB products, so I found a fantastic shop on Etsy.com (similar to eBay, but most products are handmade) that particular seller also has a website http://soapsoleil.com/. I sent her (Diane) a message through Etsy as far as what she would recommend, her response was rather quick and she was VERY helpful and informative! I highly recommend her, she has an incredible collection of SB and other all natural products.
Crystal, thanks for the update. I may just try the SB soap myself 🙂
Well, just short of a month taking SB supplements and using SB soap and body oil. As far as the supplements and weight loss, It DOES NOT help you lose weight! As far as my skin, it looks a million times better! My KP is almost gone and I don’t feel so bad about wearing sleeveless tops / dresses. As an added benefit, my nails are also stronger. SB for skin, hair and nails? A resounding YES!! For weight loss? A big fat NO! (no pun intended of course!)
Thanks for the update Crystal. Where did you get your SB soap and oil?
here’s a site with a lot of infos about SEA BUCKTHORN.
I’m from Quebec, Canada. I ordered the gel pills and the juice.
I want to try this product and see for myself if it’s good or not.
Thanks for critiquing the SB scientific research. Here’s another study from Korea: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21723364 (You may be able to contact the authors directly for a copy of their manuscript.)
Given the paucity of scientific data about SB oil, Dr. Oz’s dramatic presentation of the obese and normal mice was borderline unethical when he inferred a possible benefit for human obesity. We have to remember that the metabolic rates of most (non-hibernating) rodents is much higher than for larger mammals, including humans.
This is one of the best reasons for initially testing the effects of drugs (or alternative treatments like SB oil)–any effect often is seen to occur rapidly. Rodent results can then be used to structure testing in other animals or humans but, given all the physiological differences between species, the human results may not be the same.
However, for the folks who have seen a beneficial effect of using SB–you have made some kind of lifestyle change so I say keep up whatever you are doing. I, too, would love to find a magic pill to stave off hunger, the detrimental effects of a bad diet, or for losing a few pounds now and then. But the only thing that has worked consistently for me is exercise coupled with a low fat, low glycemic index diet.
JC thanks for sending the study on sea buckthorn leaf – until now is only been about the oil. Based on that study, sea buckthorn leaf supplements can’t be far behind. You also make a good point about the metabolic rate of smaller animals vs larger ones too. Thanks for sharing!
Having done a little more research, the Sibu formula contains 900 mg of the fruit (720) and seed oil (180) blend in 2 capsules. The SBT Single Source brand is 1000 mg of the blend in 1 capsule. I couldn’t find the ratio, but I may try it since more was better for me. Thanks for your input Crystal, I hope it works for you!
Thank you for your kind words! Fortunately, I can count on one hand the people in my lifetime that have said anything about it…I am my own worst critic! I will be sure to keep you posted.
I believe most people are basically good so Im glad of that Crystal. I’ll look forward to hearing about your experiment and keeping my fingers crossed 🙂
I’ve been researching a skin condition that I have lived with my entire life, keratosis pilaris. I can’t begin to explain how aggravating and embarrassing it is, so I am desperate to find a solution. I have bumps all over the outside of my upper arms and on my face at my jaw line. Dr’s claim that it is supposed to get better with age, but in my case it’s only gotten worse, MUCH WORSE.
In my internet research, I’ve found a few people claiming that SB has helped them get rid of kp. They did specify that it was the seed oil that helped, as it is supposed to benefit skin and hair. The berry oil has been reported to have internal benefits. Maybe this is why most of the people who have left feedback have had varying results? Maybe they haven’t been using the proper type for their condition?
From my findings it seems that if you’re looking for weight loss, laxative effect, try the berry oil and for skin benefits, try the seed oil. I have yet to try it, but I found this site and figured I would chime in with my findings. I’ll be heading to my local Whole Foods to pick up some seed oil and get started with it…I’ll be sure to post an update when I’ve been taking it for a couple of weeks.
Thanks Joe for getting this started and thanks everyone for your input!
Crystal, thanks for your words and yes Do keep me posted if sea buckthorn helps keratosis pilaris. While I can only imagine how aggravating your condition must be for you, dont let anybody make you feel embarrassed. We are all different on the outside but its whats on the inside that really counts.
I started the sea buckthorn juice 2 weeks ago , I suffer from KP , also very dry skin , since drinking SBT juice my skin has improved , my skin is much softer and looks so much better , I am very impressed and will continue to use this product
Sandra, glad to hear it. In case anyone asks, What is “kp”?
I was taking the Sibu brand from TNVitamins, the same as from GNC. I have seen the Single Source Capsules, but they’re $70 for 90 1000 mg caps. I would be willing to try, but it’s kind of expensive to try if the others didn’t work. I’m still contemplating.
LG that’s interesting since the Sibu brand was highlighted by others as the stuff that works. I agree $70 is a lot to spend on something if there is no guarantee. I wouldn’t do it unless it had a 100% money back guarantee.
It seems that sea buckthorn is working in some way for everyone…except me. I have decided to stop taking it since I have not noticed anything beneficial. Good luck to those who wish to try it and I’m happy for everyone it has worked for. It’s just not for me.
LG were you using the same type of sea buckthorn as the others who said it worked for them? Im trying to get a handle on this stuff myself so that’s why I ask.
I also heard about sea buckthorn on the Dr. Oz show, and at first, I was a bit hesitant in purchasing it. I had heard about the benefits of the omega oils (increased heart health, digestive benefits, etc.), and wondered, what harm could it do? And then I thought, and it could possibly keep my body from absorbing excess and harmful fats?
So, I bought it in person from GNC, and began taking it on Aug 16th. I have been using the Sibu brand of sea buckthorn oil like Sil, and I have noticed some significant improvements since I’ve been taking it!
I live a very stressful life, and for the past couple of months I have been having issues with acid over production (due to the stress, I think). Since I’ve been taking the sb oil, I haven’t had any problems with that unless I wait until the evening to take it.
My BM’s are comfortable and smooth no matter what I eat. Not in a laxative-like way, but it sort of gives the same type of feeling as when you eat a high fiber diet, which I would over do just to get the same results. There’s no cramping or gas, or change in frequency or anything like that.
I have not noticed any skin or hair benefits yet, mostly because I was already on a skin regimen, so those results are from the topical products I use since it was helping before I bought the sb oil.
One thing I do notice is that it helps me power through incredibly long days that I normally would not have been able to do. And If I wait late to take it, I can always tell because I start to get tired around 3-ish. Since I’ve been taking it, I’m able to get through the last 9 hours of my day. (I know it sounds crazy, but I told you I had a stressful life!) 🙂
So I try to remember to take it during breakfast when I take my multivitamin (which I was also taking before I began the sb oil). I don’t know if I’ve lost any weight (because I don’t have time to think about weighing myself), but I have noticed a change in my body composition- it’s starting to look different, and my clothes are feeling loose, particularly around my hips and midsection, so that’s exciting.
I’m supposed to be doing Weight Watchers right now, (on my 5th week, supposedly- it’s hard to keep up with tracking points sometimes), but I’m failing at that because I have time to exercise maybe once a week, and I NEVER stay within my points range.
I’ve had a sweet tooth that I haven’t been able to shake for about 3-4 weeks, so I’ve been eating Culver’s custard and Haagen Dazs ice cream which I know are both REALLY fatty. I’m shocked that I haven’t gained any weight! I will continue taking it and try and come back to update you guys with the progress.
And just some information just in case you guys want to know, I’m 27, and I take 2 capsules a day with food. They’re small for those who don’t like to take pills, and when they dissolve, I can always smell the scent of the oil, and it smells good. 🙂
My mother in law started taking seabuckthorn seed oil about 2 months ago and has lost 16 pounds. Her Cholesterol is down like almost 50 points. I am starting my SB today. It works so well for her, she has all the energy in the world, you wouldn’t think she was a 70 year old woman. She takes the seed oil in oil form, but I am going to be using the softgels because the oil form tastes so bad. lol. But for her it really and truly works. I will post my results in about 2 months if this site is still up and running.
Thanks for letting me know Susie and do let me know what brand you use. Yes this site will still be up and running. I’m not going anywhere 🙂
ps, my hair also has more volume and shine, and my skin glows! even my friends say i sound like a walking advertisement, but id feel guilty not sharing sbt with the world!!
well, i was working out a lot and not seeing results. so i got some sibu brand sbt pills, and within a week started losing inches. in 2 weeks i was fitting into clothes i couldn’t fit into for a year! I would love to know how sbt works, but for now i know, IT WORKS!!!
i gave my uncle a bottle of sbt pills, he’s had a keg belly for over 10 years, he’s a truck driver and doesn’t eat healthy or exercise. after one month of taking sbt, he can no longer use his gut to hold up the clipboard to write out his paperwork lol!
now i’m taking single source pills directly from seabuckthorn.com, and so is my husband, my mom, her bf, and i’m about to order a few cases because everyone that sees how it’s working for us wants a bottle too!
so far the only bad side effect i’ve experienced is some intestinal cramping if i eat very greasy fatty food, but i should stay away from that anyway, so i see it as a benefit 🙂 personally, i’m in love with sea buckthorn oil and i excitedly await more studies and scientific research into this wonderful fruit!
Sil, it sounds like SBT is working in you like a laxative. Are your bathroom trips more frequent? With all the SBT products on the market, why did you decide to use the sibu brand?
LG thanks for the update. I agree 8 per day is too much and it gets expensive after a while.
Remember to use a sunscreen when you go outside 😉
Here’s my update since starting Sea Buckthorn:
The first few weeks were awful. I was taking 2 capsules every day at lunch time. I normally don’t have acne, but my face broke out to the point where it was noticeable. I stopped taking laxatives and teas, hoping the sea buckthorn would work…but I felt worse.
More bloated and constipated than ever. I had to supplement with dieter’s tea, and was about to give up after 2 weeks, but wanted to give it another chance. I started taking 4 capsules at lunch time. After a few days, my skin started looking a little better (but I had also been in the sun and was more tanned) and I didn’t have to used the tea as much.
Sometimes I take another 2 before bed, which seems to work better, however, It’s starting to get a little expensive. 8 per day would probably be optimal, but that’s just about a 1 week supply for $25. It’s been 1 month and I also have NOT lost any weight. I only have 10 lbs to lose, so I didn’t expect to lose much, if any.
I may continue to take sea buckthorn, but I won’t take more than 4 per day, maybe even go down to 2. I will update again if there are any changes.
I just read Carol’s post and will try the Aloe Vera juice. I already take pro-biotics and eat Activia yogurt every day.
I hate my digestive system!
I just read about the person who has ibs/ constipation I would suggest getting off all laxatives they are very harmful to you. Try taking aloe vera juice without citric acid if you can. Take it everyday also eat greek yogurt with acidophilus in it plain, if you can get you acidophilus milk. I also have extremely bad constipation and have done hours of research this should help you. When it comes to diet stay away from high fructose corn surp/corn surp cut back to sugars and no sodas. Sorry about the spellin hope I was some help.