Update 8/7/20. Does Sea Buckthorn help weight loss? Could it be? At one time, this stuff rocketed to weight loss stardom after being featured on the Dr. Oz Show. I remember it like it was yesterday, with Dr. Oz showing the picture of the fat and skinny mice, telling us how sea buckthorn helped the skinny mouse stay skinny. But, that's a mouse. What about people? It's been some time since I reviewed this stuff and I thought it was worth a fresh look. So, can sea buckthorn help people lose weight – or do anything else? Let's look at the evidence and see if its right for you.
1 What Is Sea Buckthorn?
It's a plant that grows in various regions from China and Pakistan to Canada. Its scientific name is Hippophae rhamnoides. The fruit of the plant is rich in different vitamins and minerals and plant nutrients such as vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium, amino acids, flavonoids, and vitamin A.
2 Sea Buckthorn Benefits
The berries of the plant are said to provide the following benefits
- Help people lose weight
- Prevent colds
- Help ulcers
- Help heart disease
- Help diabetes
- Help rejuvenate aging skin
- Help ease stress
- Help ulcers
- Help hair growth
Much of these benefits may be attributed to its fatty acids, especially omega, 3, 6, and omega 7 fatty acids. This sea vegetable has more omega 7 fatty acids than any other plant.
3 Types of Buckthorn
There are 4 main types of sea buckthorn. The types are:
- Sea Buckthorn (also called Hippophae rhamnoides). Some people write it as “C. Buckthorn”
- Alder Buckthorn (also called Frangula alnus or Rhamnus frangula)
- Buckthorn (also called Cascara or Frangula purshiana or Rhamnus purshiana)
- European Buckthorn (also called Rhamnus cathartica)
Alder Buckthorn, Cascara, and European Buckthorn are typically used as laxatives. Sea buckthorn is rich in vitamin C, omega 3,7 and 7 fatty acids and phytonutrients. As such, it is also an antioxidant food. This is why it may be found in some cosmetics.
4 Sea Buckthorn And Weight Loss
So, what's the proof this stuff helps people lose weight? When it was featured on the Dr. Oz show (back in 2011), viewers were shown 2 mice – fat and skinny – and the differences were dramatic. In spite of eating the same food as the overweight mice, the mouse which also ate sea buckthorn was MUCH thinner.
In this video, Dr. Oz shows the difference in how much the mice weighed and other benefits
Weight Loss Research
The mouse study they were referring to may have been this one.
Basically, mice were fed a high-fat diet for 4 weeks. Then the mice were given a combination of sea buckthorn and a statin drug while eating the same diet. Twelve weeks later, the mice getting sea buckthorn weighed less than the mice which did not get it. As an added bonus, the fruit also lowers cholesterol levels AND helped their insulin worked better too.
Researchers in Finland tested this supplement in 110 overweight women for 3 months. The women were given diets that contained either Bilberries, Sea Buckthorn berries, Buckthorn extract, or the oil from the fruit. Researchers noted women getting the fruit had a significant reduction in waist circumference (about a half-inch difference). A small amount of weight was lost too (less than 1 pound).
This appears the only research on weight loss.
Now, let's look at some of the other reasons why someone might be interested in this supplement.
5 Sea Buckthorn and Colds/Flu
The berries of sea buckthorn contain vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and other plant nutrients which might help reduce the severity of colds and flu. Researchers in Finland tested this idea with an experiment involving 233 people who received either sea buckthorn on a placebo. There was no difference in the rates of colds of urinary tract infections in those taking sea buckthorn. To be fair, there are not many cold/flu studies out there. So, it's hard to know for sure if it works or not.
6 Sea Buckthorn And Ulcers
Most of the research on ulcers involves mice, rats, and horses. As such, it's anyone's guess if this food helps ulcers or not.
7 Sea Buckthorn And Heart Disease
Evidence suggests the berries of the plant can reduce cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol. In another study, the berries were shown to reduce CRP levels. CRP is marker of cell inflammation and thought to be invited in heart disease.
When researchers gave 12 men either 5 grams of sea buckthorn berry oil to coconut oil for 4 weeks, they observed the berry oil reduced blood clotting. In other words, the berry oil had a blood-thinning effect.
By lowering cholesterol and LDL levels, and helping blood flow, in theory, sea buckthorn might have heart health benefits. But, due to the small number of studies, it's difficult to know for sure.
Heart disease Research Summary
Research has noted sea buckthorn appears to:
- lower cholesterol and bad cholesterol
- lower CRP levels
- have a blood-thinning effects
All of these effects may translate into a lower heart attack risk. But it will take better studies to know for sure. Research finds people who eat more fruits and vegetables, have fewer heart attacks, strokes, and other health problems.
8 Sea Buckthorn And Diabetes
Researchers in Romania noted the berries decreased glycosolated hemoglobin in 30 kids with type I diabetes after 2 months of use. This may mean the berries reduce A1C levels. Levels of SOD – a powerful antioxidant enzyme – were also improved. The study only lasted 2 months. Generally, I'd like to see at least 3 or 4 months before checking for A1C reductions. A mouse study has also noted better insulin but human studies have not yet demonstrated this effect.
9 Sea Buckthorn And Skin
This supplement finds its way into some cosmetics. While the berries are rich in vitamin C, there may be other reasons too. A mouse study noted the fruit increased levels of a powerful antioxidant called SOD (superoxide dismutase) and prevented aging skin in mice exposed to UV radiation.
Researchers in San Diego noted that a 90-day treatment of a sea buckthorn supplement used alongside a drug called TAZ, improved wrinkles. This was a small study of only 10 women.
The supplement used this investigation was called GliSODin Skin Nutrients Advanced Anti-Aging Formula.B
10 Sea Buckthorn And Stress
No research appears to have investigated if sea buckthorn berries help reduce mental stress. It might or might not. It's anyone's guess at this point.
11 Berries vs. Juice
The fruit can be eaten or squeezed together to make a juice. While clinical trials comparing juice to berries cannot be located, I think in some ways they may be similar. If I had to pick one however, I'd choose to eat the berries because that is more of a whole food. There are likely compounds excluded when just drinking the juice.
12 Sea Buckthorn And Hair
While there seem to be no clinical trials on how it affects hair, there is buckthorn shampoo. Whether it's better than other shampoos needs more study. For more on hair see the Viviscal Review
13 Can You Drink Sea Buckthorn Oil?
Use the oil on the skin only. Do not drink it. No buckthorn oil I looked at for this review said to take it internally. To the contrary, they ALL said it was for external use only.
14 How Much Works?
This is difficult to say due to the lack of human studies. Some research has used about an ounce of berries per day. When it comes to using sea buckthorn oil on the skin, follow the directions on the product label.
15 Sea Buckthorn Side Effects
In healthy people, sea buckthorn is safe. Here are a few things to consider when using this supplement. This list is not complete:
- Start with less than recommended for the first week
- Stop taking at least 2 weeks before having surgery
- Speak to your doctor first if you are pregnant/breastfeeding
- The supplement may have a blood thinner effect so speak to your doctor if you take any blood thinner medications
- The oil may cause acne or a rash in some people. Start with less than recommended for the first week to see how you respond.
- There is one report of sea buckthorn turning a man's skin yellow. This occurred after 3 months of use.
16 Does Sea Buckthorn Work?
The research on sea buckthorn is interesting but I think we need more human research to know if it helps various conditions or not. Because its a food, I do think the berries have their place in a healthy diet.
I am not sure about weightloss but I do know that what I have found out in my research is if you do take seabuckhorn drink lost of water. I found that it might cause damage to kidneys not sure how reliable the information is though.
Also there was a recall on a brand of seabuckhorn by the FDA it was just on one brand. Other then that I found that people who have acid reflex, chroms and most intestinal issues do benefit for seabuckthorn due the the omega 7′ in it. Also and I know for a fact that it does help with skin.
If you have extremely dry skin it will help and that is due to the omega’s. I have been taking it for a 4 weeks and my skin with in 3 days showed great improvement. Some of what. found said that seabuckthorn helps repair the sensitive tissues which makes since why it would help with intestinal issues/ skin prob’s.
Now when you are buying any product like this I would recommend going to a healthfood store and talking to someone who know what they are talking about if you can find someone.
I would not buy pills unless they are gel because the oils of the seabuckhtorn are the most important.
When it come to anything like having a health prob or wanting to lose weight there is no pill that will fix it. You have to work on it pill may only help not solve. I have had intestinal issues and weight issues and I can say the best thing anyone has ever told me is there is not quick fix there is only a life style. Hope I was able to help anyone today.
Thanks for all the great information. I have a question for those of you who got great results with acne….did you take the sea buckthorne internally or topically? Thanks…
Taune, thanks for confirming my skepticism. I was also perplexed why they didn’t state the reasons for using simvastatin in the abstract of the study.
Even though I usually put a lot of weight on published research, we know all published studies are not of equal quality nor are the journals they are published in. This study just proves that.
Thanks about the heads up about most sea buckthorn coming from china. I thought it might be given the research I saw but had no confirmation – until now.
Hi Again Joe,
I was only able to read synopses of the article on Buckthorn, but based on what I read, they did not do a comparative study between buckthorn and simvastatin, which leads be to continue wondering about their motivation in utilizing a known cholesterol reducing pharma along with the sea buckthorn. This research did originate in China, which grows 90% of the farmed sea buckthorn in the world though, so I am wondering if this research was sponsored by a grower. Sponsorship of the research, as you know, can make far too much difference in the outcome of a research project, especially if the scientists are part of the staff of the manufacturer. I emphasize that I don’t know if this is the case, but I do question their reasons for using simvastatin, and the answers are definitely not “out there” in plain site in the abstract for their piece. This tends to make me rather skeptical.
Sandy thanks for taking the time to write and for the “nothing gets sugar coated” comment. Very appropriate 🙂
I have been taking Omega-7 by Seabuck Wonders for 3 weeks today. I take 2 when I wake up and 2 at dinner. I lost six pounds in 3 days and then, nothing.
It probably was temporary water loss cause I have 4 pounds of it back. but, I have not dieted at all. I eat pizza, chips, icecream and anything I want and I have not gained. That surprised me!
Today I am going to start to diet, and still take my pills and see what happens. Also, I have the worse I.B.S. of anyone I know. I lived on laxatives, prescription laxative powders, and colon cleanses ever since they took zelnorm off the market.
I have gone 18 days without a bowel movement before! I now only need the Seabuck Wonder. It didn’t work right away and I only go every other day right now, but it is fine for me. I also received more of my product yesterday, which I had also ordered the body lotion.
Last night I put a dab of it on my right arm to see what the lotion was like. I did like the fact that it soaked in and wasn’t greasy. This morning I was surprised that I could feel the difference from the skin on my right arm compared to the left. I also want to tell you about my experience in purchasing the products. I first ordered from the web site, 4 All Vitamins, because it was the least expensive. I waited almost 3 weeks and had to finally file a complaint with PayPal and I did receive my money back.
I ordered from another web site, Tao of Herbs, and I was shocked because I received my order the next day! I looked to write a review for them but I couldn’t find anywhere you could. Thank you for your web site because nothing gets sugar coated.
Taune, thanks Id appreciate you letting me know what you turned up 🙂
Mumtaz, Joe.
I am currently researching an article on sea buckthorn. I will let you know if I come across any additional scientific studies. I am curious about the use of simvastatin in the study you referenced. It might have been used as a comparison to sea buckthorn because simvastatin has known properties for reducing cholesterol and triglicerides. I will post more if I can get into the article through my database, and will let you know of their objective in using the pharmaceutical in the study.
It would depend on what type you are using…oil, supplement or topical lotion. Lotion for skin may take a month or so. Supplementing for say rosacea may take 3 to 4 weeks to notice redness diminishing but if you are taking it for internal health benefits like omega 3 and 6. I would say within a week or two. Supplementing with it may have some immediate effects to your digestive system ….like more bowel movements and cleansing properties…which in turn may give folks a lighter feeling immediately. How it effects the scale is a personal thing.
Kate thanks for your comments. how long do you think it would take before people noticed better skin with sea buckthorn?
Sea Buckthorn contains Omega 7 oil…like a similar product Chia they are high in Omega’s. It is used to mainly for skin but it also is comprised of both palmitoleic and cis-vaccenic acids and has been used in the ancient tradition for centuries to promote skin, urogenital and digestive health.
So it acts as an emollient within your digestive tract soothing and moisturizing internal organs and helping regenerate tissue. I have been practicing alternative medicine for over 25 years. Some things are taken out of context. Usually with these things side effects are great skin, healthy bowel movements and weight loss. But that is not the specific purpose of them.
Hope this helps.
Noelle, thanks for the compliment and you ask a very interesting question. Yes the LDL particle size is something that some cardiologists will look at. Smaller LDL are “more bad” than larger LDL.
While I have not seen any research that sea buckthorn changes LDL particle size some research hints that fish oil supplements do change the size. Thats what I would go with until somebody does a study on sea buckthorn and LDL particle size. Great question!!
Very interesting article and posts. I would like to know whether sea buckthorn is helpful in changing the size of the LDL particles in our blood. Apparently this measure, LDLP (for particle size, I presume), is emerging as a better predictor of heart disease than just the standard HDL/LDL numbers.
Alicia, thanks for the update. its interesting about the sea buckthorn helping acne. I was never able to find anything on it but as long as it helps that’s a good thing. Did you try vitamin shoppe and amazon? You may have luck there.
Hi Joe, well i also watched to Dr. Oz show on this ad decided to try it. Me and my son both used it. My son always broke out with white heads on his face and no matter how much he washed his face he still broke out.
About two days after starting sea buckthorn oil his face started clearing up, he was so happy about that. He said that he had more energy as well. As for me, I did notice that food just didn’t taste as good and I didn’t want as much to eat. I also have really bad knees, they didn’t seem to hurt as much.
But now we have been out for about three weeks and my sons face is breaking out again and food is tasting to good again. Cant seem to find any sea buckthorn oil in the stores at all and there is a two to three week back order on it. just letting you know that it seem to work for us.
LG thanks and I hope it helps and do let me know!
Joe, I have been interested in sea buckthorn mostly for it’s laxative effect. I have tried everything from miralax to dieter’s teas. Nothing seems to keep me regular…without cramping and I’m tried of always being bloated and uncomfortable. Maybe this will be the magic bullet? It has been difficult to find, and was backordered, but I finally got it in the mail today! Hopefully it will work, and if I can lose a pound or two…BONUS!
I will update after a few weeks.
Great article. Thanks for doing the research.
Hi Amy, Im guessing you are asking about the mouse study where the mice were also given the cholesterol lowering drug. What I take away from this study was that
1. it was a mouse study. Its sometimes hard to say what happens in a mouse is the same as what would happen in you
2. As far as I can tell this is the only study to find a reduction in liver fat accumulation. As such I personally would like to see a couple of other studies (preferably in people) that find the same thing
What I take away from all of this is, if you are healthy, I dont think this stuff will hurt you (not so healthy, its hard to say…). if you try it, get your blood cholesterol etc checked before you start taking it and get it rechecked in a month or so and see how things compare. I’m really looking forward to other studies on this stuff but right now that might be your best option. If you do this, please do let me know about what happens!
yes you did spell visceral obesity correctly – I always need spell check when I spell visceral 🙂
Can someone make sense of that study for me. From what I can tell, it seemed to really help in the reduction of liver fat and cholesterol??? It said something about helping to prevent visceral obesity (not sure if I spelled that correctly).
Bryan thanks for finding that study 🙂