Update 7/30/19. When I first heard about Ensure Clinical Strength, also called Ensure Revigor and Ensure Muscle Health, I was intrigued. I was intrigued because Ensure Muscle Health contains a very interesting ingredient called HMB, which several studies have shown can reduce muscle tissue breakdown. Because many people (but not all) drink Ensure because they are either older and have a poor appetite, or are sick and can't eat much, to me, the addition of HMB sounded like such a win-win combination. In this review, let's take a look at HMB and then Ensure Muscle Health with HMB so you can get a better idea of it's right for you.
What is HMB?
HMB stands for beta hydroxy betamethyl buterate.
Small amounts of HMB are naturally created when we breakdown the amino acid leucine. So, you are making HMB all the time, just not very much of it. Leucine is one of the branch chain amino acids and is found in any “any food that had a mother” such as chicken, fish, steak, etc.
Studies show that HMB may help reduce muscle protein breakdown. As such, HMB was at one time popular among bodybuilders. Athletes however quickly stopped using this supplement after research started to show HMB worked best in beginners – not experienced weight lifters.
This fact is what made adding HMB to Ensure such an interesting idea to me. Most older adults and sick folks don't exercise very much – if at all. In theory, they would be prime candidates to benefit from HMB supplements.
People who have cancer, HIV and other serious illnesses often experience a muscle-wasting disease called cachexia. Research has shown that HMB might help reverse cachexia in some people when used in conjunction with the amino acids, arginine, and glutamine.
HMB can also be found on Amazon as a stand-alone supplement, for those who want to just take it without Ensure.
What's in Ensure Clinical Strength?
The Nutrition Facts Label for Ensure Revigor tells us it contains the following ingredients:
Serving size | 1 bottle ( 8 oz) | Percent of daily value |
Calories | 250 | |
Calories from fat | 100 | |
Total fat | 11 grams |
17% |
Saturated fat | 1 gram |
5% |
Polyunsaturated fat | 4 grams | |
Monounsaturated fat | 6 grams | |
Sodium | 240 milligrams |
10% |
Potassium | 840 milligrams |
24% |
Total carbs | 51 grams |
17% |
Dietary fiber | 3 grams |
12% |
Sugars | 20 grams | |
Protein | 13 grams |
26% |
Notice Ensure has 250 calories. When I purchased Ensure for this review, my bottles said 350 calories. Thanks to one of the readers in the comments, I was alerted to the change to 250 calories.
While the label does not say how much HMB is in Ensure Muscle Health, I called Abbott Labs, the maker of Ensure and asked them. They told me that each bottle contains 1.5 grams of HMB. They recommend people use 2 bottles a day, which would give people a total of 3 grams of HMB. 3 grams of HMB is what has been used in many clinical studies to have positive effects.
The studies of HMB I mentioned above found that 3 grams of HMB worked best. This is why Abbott Labs recommends drinking 2 bottles of Ensure Revigor per day – to get the maximum effect of HMB.
Why Do They Call It Revigor?
To me, revigor sounds like the word reinvigorate. In other words, drinking Revigor will reinvigorate you. It's a catchy name.
Other Effects of HMB?
While most of the clinical research on HMB has been directed at testing how it might help decrease muscle breakdown, other studies have hinted that it may help lower cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and systolic blood pressure. This is preliminary research only and will remain this way until other studies replicate these findings.
HMB Side Effects
HMB appears to be safe. No study to my knowledge has shown any negative side effects. That said, if you take any medicine (blood thinners etc), talk to your pharmacist and doctor.
What Does “Clinical Strength” Mean?
Since two bottles contain 3 grams of HMB – the amount used in clinical studies – I understand why they would call it clinical strength. And, its good marketing too.
Who Might Ensure Revigor Help?
I believe Ensure Revigor is probably best for people who:
1. Are older and do not exercise
2. Are older and just starting to exercise
3. Those who have cancer, HIV or other serious health issues
4. Anyone experiencing muscle-wasting conditions
Can You Take Ensure But Not Exercise?
Exercise has many benefits. Any physical activity you can do will help HMB work better.
Why Don't They Make Revigor Ensure Any More?
I have no idea. Ensure Revigor is no longer listed on the Abbott Labs website. When I called Abbott Labs, I was told it was a company decision to stop making Revigor. As an alternative they told me to look at Ensure High Protein. This version does not contain HMB.
Ensure Revigor: Closing Thoughts
I was saddened Abbott Labs no longer makes Ensure Revigor. It sounded like a good addition to the Ensure line up. I wish it was around when my 104-year-old grandmother was still alive. That said, Ensure is still a fine product and for those who want to add HMB to their shakes, this is possible. HMB comes in both powder and capsules. For those who don't like swallowing capsules, you can open them up and add them to food or any shake you like to drink.
Christine says
Joe, I appreciate this site and the good info you provide. I am a 43 yr old healthy female. I exercise about 3-5x week – kickboxing, cardio pump, light weight lifting, spin, walking. I’m 5’7″ and 122#. My arms and legs stay pretty slender no matter how much I try to put muscle on, which is okay, at least they’re toned. I often hear that I look thin but it’s hard to bulk up. My mom was the same way. My thyroid is fine, btw.
I eat a ton: a high protein, medium carb diet with lots of veggies, mostly whole foods. Not big on processed foods or sugar. My problem is that I have developed a noncancerous mass that’s invading the bowel. I need to have surgery that will involve a bowel resection. I’m concerned about weight loss, as I have little body fat to spare and worry I’ll lose what little muscle I have. The surgery is in one month and will involve a very limited diet for weeks afterwards. I saw a registered dietician, who recommend I drink Ensure Muscle Health 2x/day to gain weight and muscle prior to and following the surgery.
My question for you is: is there another way to get the HMB, arginine and glutamine into my diet without Ensure? Could my doc write a prescription to the local compounding pharmacy? And if somehow much should I take? I’d rather make my own smoothies and add those amino acids than drink Ensure, which is loaded with sugars and some other ingredients that are unappealing.
I appreciate any suggestions you may have. My goal is to limit my weight loss and put it back on quickly as lean mass, not fat on my stomach.
Joe says
Christine, I think the RD recommended Ensure because its a very compact source of calories. I have a feeling that during your recovery that you may not be able to eat enough calories to stay healthy. Eventually you will though. So in the beginning, I think Ensure makes some sense esp given what you said about your percent body fat. You can get arginine, glutamine, HMB at local health food stores. They are stand alone products and, with the possible exception of glutamine, they are not too expensive.
Glutamine is a bit controversial at times, as I pointed out in my glutamine review but given what you said you are about to go through – surgery – you can make an argument for it. After you are off of a restricted diet, you can add these things to your smoothies if you like. Talk to your RD about some healthy smoothies that use these things. I know they have great ideas about how to get calories into your diet.
Since you will only be eating a limited diet for about 2 weeks, you will not lose a lot of muscle or fitness in that time so do not worry about this. You are young enough to bounce back from this very well, very fast. For right now, Id do what the RD is recommending. speak to the RD about who you can do after you are recovered to maximize your recovery. I think this is best.
I will say a prayer for your speedy recovery. Do keep me posted on your progress.
elizabeth says
Joe! thanks for all this great info.
I have a muscle wasting disease and wonder which of these supplements will work best for me ( female, 58 yo 125# w/osteoporosis) I think a pill would work out better than a drink supplement.
Joe says
Elizabeth, Here is what I would suggest given what you just told me
1. after you get a physical by your doctor and get the ok to do so Id suggest you find a physical therapist or athletic trainer who has experience with osteoporosis and muscle wasting to show you the proper way to lift weights. Weight lifting will help stop your muscle wasting and strengthen your bones. It will help you far more than any of those supplements you mentioned. This may be an expense out of pocket for you (check your insurance) but its worth it. They can show you this stuff at their place of employment or if they are self employed and if you belong to a gym, get the PT or athletic trainer guest passes so they can accompany you to the gym to show you how to use the strength machines. you can find a physical therapist near you by going here http://www.apta.org/apta/findapt/index.aspx?navID=10737422525
IF you belong to a gym and are thinking about a “personal trainer” I want you to be very careful in the person you select. Ask them questions to determine how much they know about muscle wasting (its called sarcopenia) and osteoporosis. At a lot of the more well known large health clubs they may hire trainers who do not know how to help people with special conditions like yours. ask the trainer who they are certified by. Organizations called “ACSM” “NSCA” and “NASM” would be those who I would have faith that they knew how to help you best. Specifically ask for trainers who are certified by these. If you cant find any at your gym let me know and I can give you some resrouces to find them in your area.
2. With every meal you eat, I suggest eating some protein and carbs – like a turkey sandiwich etc. you need some extra protein and the carbohydrates help you absorb the protein better. this helps your muscles. You also need some extra calories. The Ensure can help but if any type of shake can help also. For example look at the smoothie I make here. I think real food or a shake will be far better for you than a pill. Pills usually have less than what you get in a shake and they sometimes have other stuff that you just dont need. You didn’t give your age but as we get older we sometimes lose our appetite so you may have to “remember” to eat and drink liquids. I wonder if thats why you thought a pill might be better. There is no pill that is as good as food.
3. If you are having problems figuring how how to eat better to help your muscles and bones, I suggest finding a registered dietitian who can help you work around this and design a food based eating program that can help your muscles and bones grow stronger. you can find an RD in your area by going to this website http://www.eatright.org/programs/rdfinder/
I really do think this is best course of action for you. I know Im the “supplement geek” but supplements will only take us so far and they are no substitute for eating better or exercise. In my “real life” Im an exercise physiologist so I just wanted you to know I am aware of the benefits of exercise and food.
You can beat this Elizabeth. I know you can. It will take time and patience but I have every faith that if you take some of the suggestions I am making that you can improves sarcopenia and osteoporosis. Ive seen it happen in others. It can happen in you.
if you have any other questions let me know and I will try to help
elizabeth says
Joe ~ Thank you soo much for taking the time with all that good info!
I do have an appt with a PT I know very well but haven’t seen in a while. I also am very slowly starting DDP Yoga ( this aint your mommas yoga) which seems perfect for me~ check it out~ I do think that is going to help but I need to alter it for my ability at this point.
I have done light weight lifting in the past and aim to get back at it ~ unfortunately I’d need help getting on and off the machines so I need to work at home where I have a good set up~ I do have some lightweights.
The diet info is very helpful, I am leaning toward Paleo without going overboard (high protein. low carbs, lots of fresh veggies) and trying to keep it balanced and clean with whole foods.
I do take Designer Whey protein with almond mild, and maybe should take it more regularly. I do believe building new muscle will help offset the muscle loss.The smoothie looks great. Mostly thank you for your positive encouragement.
I’m so glad I found your site. And I guess I’ll hold off on the HMB for now!
Joe says
elizabeth, sounds good and good luck with the physical therapist! Be sure to tell the PT about your desire to reverse osteoporosis and sarcopenia. It may take 2yrs to get your bones to the point where they no longer have osteoporosis but I have seen it happen in people who had patience. The light weight lifting is very good right now. Eventually – several months down the road – youll have to lift heavier to strengthen the bones. don’t do it now because the light weights help to strengthen your ligaments and tendons which are weak. they take a long time to get stronger. Your physical therapist can help guide you on this.
Im not sure of the impact of the paleo diet on osteoporosis but from what you say it sounds healthy. when you go to the doctor get your vitamin D levels checked and then if you are low (you might be) ask about vitamin D supplements. this helps your bones stay strong but vitamin D can also help your muscles too- and improve your balance 🙂
elizabeth says
Link to yoga site ~the guy is a little “rough” but oh well!
Joe says
Elizabeth. I looked at the site. The guy is “Diamond Dallas Page” A former pro wrestler. I remember him well. I had now idea he was into yoga these days. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Elizabeth says
Check out the video on the home page – the guy made an amazing transformation as did Dallas, who overcame injuries from years of body slamming. The yoga is a very intense isometric type. Lots of videos on the site. Your advice is very helpful I really appreciate it.
Rebecca Martin says
They have combined the two together. Ensure Complete has the high calorie content as the clinical strength with the Revigor (HMB) as well. It is hard to find but available.
Joe says
Rebecca, thanks for telling me this!!
Steve Bergman says
Thanks for the review. The clarification on the amount of HMB was very helpful. Just to make some updates/corrections, Clinical Strength and Muscle Health are actually 2 different products. And Revigor is just the trade name of the 3rd party HMB that Abbot uses in those products.
Clinical strength is, indeed 350 kcals and I think the panel looks very much like what you show. (The carbs, protein, and fat you show do add up to 350 kcal.
Muscle health is a bit different.
250 kcals
Fat: 8g
Sat fat: 1g
Polyunsat fat: 4g
Monounsat fat: 2.5g
Carbs: 32
Fiber: <1g
Sodium: 420mg
Potassium: 910mg
And a about 25% rda of 24 vitamins and minerals.
HMB is listed a couple of ingredients previous to the "Contains less that 0.5% of" part of the list. So it contains more than 0.5% HMB. Each bottle has a net weight of 252g. So it contains at least 1.26g of HMB. Probably 1.5, which would be 0.6%.
Protein: 13g
Joe says
Steve thanks for saying that. Its funny, I swear I saw the words “clinical strength” being used in the Ensure muscle health commercials. I could be wrong. Anything is possible. I dont see it anymore though in the commercials. That is likely what lead to some confusion.
My question for Ensure is why dont they combine Clinical Strength and Muscle Health (HMB) in the same product? Id think that would be a better product than either alone would be.
dave says
The 51 grams of carbs is a bit concerning and X 2 is 102 grams of carbs per day thats more than I want to absorb. Anyone know any other means of obtaining the HMB
Joe says
Dave, HMB is available as a supplement. Its at any health food store.
Jonathan says
Does ensure help with stress? Remember in younger days taking a protein shake. Mood and anxiety were better. Now 53 just wondering about ensure. Do smoke and drink and work physical job. Thanks
Joe says
Jonathan, its possible that better nutrition can help you deal better with stress. Of course Id like you to stop smoking and cut back on alcohol as they place a lot of cellular stresses on the body.
Diane Sives says
I am 66 years old and tried it today for the first time today. I tried the Milk chocolate and it tasted great.
Mike says
Thanks Joe.
I will let you know the results in a month. i did thre sets of curls today and plan on some leg work this afternoon. It is to hot to walk here over 110 degrees so i think I will join a month to month gym that has cardio machines unti it cools off here.
Thanks again
Joe says
Mike, if time is a factor just do 3 strength training exercises
chest press
seated row (or lat pull down)
leg press
These work the big muscles and burn the most calories. if you did just those 3 exercises you have also targeted the biceps and a LOT of other muscles. Its a more efficient way to go than doing biceps curls (biceps are small muscles)
since you did 3 sets of biceps curls you may be sore tomorrow / next day. its normal. The more sets you do the more muscle soreness you feel when you are not used to working out. I usually say start with 1 set and slowly work up to 3 sets.
Mike says
Joe thanks for your response. Are you saying just work out without using any supplements?
One more question. The Dymatize protein power is that a better choice than buying Whey protein or some other blend of body building supplement to help build muscle while I am working out three to five times a week as I plan. Or should I just get back to my workout routine that i had from when i was 25-40 years old which included cardio and weight training?
I know I have to strat slow on it and probably will use the Bio Force mainly along with some free weights. Back then I used something call Amino Fuel but that is probably not around anymore.
Joe says
Mike, yes I recommend just exercise and eat well. If you want to add a protein shake to your daily routine Im fine with that. it can be dyamatize or any other quality whey protein. Just make sure the protein not too high in fat (look on the nutrition label. If you see 20% or more next to Total fat or saturated fat, that means its “high” in fat. If you see 5% or less it means its “low”).
Yes try to do a little cardio and strength training. It doesn’t even have to be a lot. The body will respond well to it. Just start slowly with working out. no need to rush to 5 days a week right away. start with 2 days a week and then do 3 weeks the following week and then slowly increase to 5 days. Here is something on muscle soreness that might be of interest http://www.joe-cannon.com/delayed-muscle-sorness-review/
Amino fuel is still sold but you dont need it.
Mike says
Hi Joe,
I am 53 year old male who has experience some muscle in the last two years. I feel like the muscle is wasting away. I do not work out on a regular basis but I do use my Bio Force machine from time to time and play golf twice a week.
I have seen a doctor and I have high Cholesterol 284 and my liver functions are elevated and I have high iron levels. I have been a heavy drinker for years. I am 5’7′ 170 lbs. Doctor says I have a fatty liver but I do not have Hemchromatosis.
Ensure has to many calories and has iron. Do you think it would be a good idea to buy HMB and some other things and make my own drink? If so what other things should I add to HMB?
Joe says
Mike, I think you are best served by exercising regularly. I know that may not be what you want to hear. The exercise will do you far more good than HMB or any supplement. Your fatty liver disease is likely the result of your heavy drinking. having a poor diet and too much iron may also have contributed to it. Here is a little more on fatty liver disease http://www.webmd.com/hepatitis/fatty-liver-disease
Your Bio Force machine is fine and I’d also recommend you do some walking for aerobic exercise like walking. I dont believe golf 2x a week is enough exercise.
Supplements are meant to supplement other healthy lifestyle choices. They cant improve things if we dont help them. That’s why I feel taking a more active role in your health is what is most important.
If you want to try my smoothie recipe I think that is fine but again the exercise is also important.
elenor jones says
I am 73 healthy except for type 1 diabetes, I am new to the computer, I weigh 103 five foot one, I have an extreme loss of muscle, I need advice, your site has been very informative, thank you elenor.
Joe says
Hi Elanor, are you doing any sort of exercise? muscle loss happens to us all as we get older (its called sarcopenia). the good news is that you can get stronger. Ensure can have a lot of sugar so since your a type I diabetic, that might be something to think about.
I think the exercise is important. even a walking program would help. Id love for you to see if your insurance would cover some appointments with a physical therapist or athletic trainer who could make a strength training program for you to do either at home or in a health club if you belong to any.
A good /smart personal trainer could do that also but if you do look for one, let me know and I can give you ideas on how to pick a good one. A strength training program doesn’t mean you are lifting heavy weights and it doesn’t take long either to do.
Here is a link to a little more about exercise that Ive written about
So while I’m not unopposed to Ensure for you, I think more can be done for you with a good, efficient exercise program.
By the way, welcome to the computer! From the looks of things, you are doing just great!
janie says
Hi Joe:
Thanks so much for getting back to me. Although I have the paperwork to get my blood work done again, I haven’t done so yet. I was drinking the 100% Whey made by Cytosport and I purchased it from Costco. Here’s a link so you can see it:
My cholesterol numbers at the time that I was drinking the whey were as follows:
Cholesterol 236
HDL 72
Chol/HDL Ratio 3.3
LDL 149
Triglyceride 77
I also actually lost a little weight at the time my cholesterol numbers were high.
I’m glad you like my website Joe; I’m a huge dog lover (especially senior dogs). Lulu was my baby and she taught me soooo much. I TOO love your site and really appreciate the help.
Joe says
Janie Id be interested to see how your numbers have changed.looking at the # you provided, you are high in cholesterol and LDL. your HDL is very good.
Also ask your doctor about “non-HDL cholesterol” this is you total cholesterol minus your HDL. for you its 236-77 = 159. I am not a doctor but there is growing evidence that we should get this # at 100 or less. this is often true for people with high triglycerides (yours are very good) but your dr can give you the best info on this.
if you have lost some weight, this should reduce total cholesterol which in turn should improve you non-HDL cholesterol # also. let me know what he / she says.
Kate says
I think you’ve given some very valid and good advice, and it looks like you really know your supplements…but a lot of these people need to be asking their doctors these questions.
As a nurse I see patients taking all kinds of supplements without their doctors knowledge, what many people fail to realize is that this “harmless” supplement can interact with your medications or be contraindicated for you specific case, and could potentially cause more harm then good.
Please advise your readers to ALWAYS consult your physician before taking ANY supplements.
Joe says
Kate, thanks for your insights and I agree. my hope is that people do just that. I think “talk to your doctor” is probably one of the most frequent things I say here.
I’m glad my doctor asks me about the supplements I take too.
janie says
Hi Joe:
For awhile there I was drinking whey protein everyday. Then when I went for a check up, my cholesterol had really gone up. I quit the whey protein, but I would like something to help me tone along with exercise – but something that is low cholesterol as well.
I’m a 52 year old woman – any ideas?
Joe says
Jaine, do you know what brand of protein you were taking? do you know how much cholesterol, total and saturated fat and carbohydrates were in the product? I’m just curious.
did you get your cholesterol it checked again after a month of no protein supplement to see if it was lower? Just trying to get an idea if it really was the protein that caused it.
I like dymatize elite protein but there are others out there. when you pick a product, look at the supplement facts label. look at the column that has the “% DV”. look for a product that has 5% or less next to fat, sat fat, cholesterol. that means its “low” in those things. if you see 20% next to those (or carbs) that means that its “High” in those things. too many carbs can raise cholesterol too.
also has your weight changed between doctor visits? gaining weight can raise cholesterol. losing a little weight can lower cholesterol.
do you know what your HDL and LDL are?
great website you have by the way, Lulu was such a cutie pie.I’m glad you had her for so long 🙂
Jane bell says
You cannot drink Ensure if you are allergic to corn syrup. Looks great but the high fructose corn syrup should not be added.
william kessick says
I have had rhabdomyolysis, a complete muscle breakdown, I am confined to a wheelchair and a bed, my muscles are building back up, but I cannot stand or walk, due to muscle weakness, I am exercising, and getting some physical therapy, as well as occupational therapy, do you think the ensure clinical strength muscle health with revigor will help in my condition
Joe says
William how did you get rhabdo? Was it too much exercise? An injury?
I dont know if Ensure will help you recover from rhabdo faster but I want you to talk to your doctor first before trying Ensure because of the kidney problems that can accompany rhabdomyolysis. I want to be as safe as possible and I feel this is the safest course of action.
For those who dont know what rhabdomyolysis is, here is something I wrote about exercise-induced rhabdo
sairah says
Thank you Joe for your prayers. I shall get the doctor’s advice in this regard. thanx
sairah says
Hi Joe,
My dad is 85 years old. He is now suffering from infection from an anal abscess. He is under antibiotics and is very weak . Doc says his muscles(rectum) are very week. Can he use ensure Revigor to increase muscle strength. He is very week that he is most of the time lying down.
Joe says
sairah, while Im not a doctor, Ensure is commonly recommended to people who are weak from health problems. run it by his doctor and see what he/she says. sorry to hear about your dads health problems. I just said a prayer for him and you.
sandy says
Thank you Joe for your prayers. Do you mean to say that I should not be buying ensure here? Forgot to tell you that she is active and does all house hold chores everyday. But she is sooooooooo thin, and do not have an extra gram of fat on her and hence look undernourished. Like I told you that she had an bone TB some 7/8 years back but then I was there in India.
After she recovered I gave her lot of dry fruits and eggs and milk and she put on goods amount of weight. Now I am here. and during past 4/5 years now she lost lot of weight may be under fed.
So my question is do I give her ensure? It is on sale at dirt cheap price because of expiration date by Dec.12. They have four boxes of 16 bottles each. So will it be a good idea to start with. I will either talk to doctor or keep her stock of one year dry fruits and regular delivery of milk and eggs at home
Joe says
Sandy, no I thought you said that you were buying the Ensure here in the US and taking it to India. I took that to mean that Ensure was not sold in India. if it is, great.
Sandy says
I saw ensure at walgreens which was on sale. They had 3 boxes I want to take all three for my 62 year old sister who lives in India and is under nourished. I am carrying it to India next month. She had bone TB some 8 years back and recovered with difficulty and in the process she started limping since one hip bone got damaged. But my concern is this ensure has 22 grams of sugar. Is it ok for 62 yr old to consume so muchof sugar. She is not diabetic. Only after I receive reply from I will go and buy. She is super thin.
Joe says
Hi Sandy, 22 grams is less than 1 ounce if that helps put things in perspective. There are 28 grams in 1 ounce. While in the US we usually bash Ensure because it has a lot of sugar and calories, I think when it comes to your sister it might be a good thing since you said she is not getting enough to eat. Id rather she eat food but I understand living in some parts of India that that may be a problem. While you are there maybe you can meet with her doctor who can help you get an idea of what she can eat/drink to help her get stronger (maybe something like Ensure that is sold in India?). I will say a prayer for your sister and you too.