Update 7/30/19. When I first heard about Ensure Clinical Strength, also called Ensure Revigor and Ensure Muscle Health, I was intrigued. I was intrigued because Ensure Muscle Health contains a very interesting ingredient called HMB, which several studies have shown can reduce muscle tissue breakdown. Because many people (but not all) drink Ensure because they are either older and have a poor appetite, or are sick and can't eat much, to me, the addition of HMB sounded like such a win-win combination. In this review, let's take a look at HMB and then Ensure Muscle Health with HMB so you can get a better idea of it's right for you.
What is HMB?
HMB stands for beta hydroxy betamethyl buterate.
Small amounts of HMB are naturally created when we breakdown the amino acid leucine. So, you are making HMB all the time, just not very much of it. Leucine is one of the branch chain amino acids and is found in any “any food that had a mother” such as chicken, fish, steak, etc.
Studies show that HMB may help reduce muscle protein breakdown. As such, HMB was at one time popular among bodybuilders. Athletes however quickly stopped using this supplement after research started to show HMB worked best in beginners – not experienced weight lifters.
This fact is what made adding HMB to Ensure such an interesting idea to me. Most older adults and sick folks don't exercise very much – if at all. In theory, they would be prime candidates to benefit from HMB supplements.
People who have cancer, HIV and other serious illnesses often experience a muscle-wasting disease called cachexia. Research has shown that HMB might help reverse cachexia in some people when used in conjunction with the amino acids, arginine, and glutamine.
HMB can also be found on Amazon as a stand-alone supplement, for those who want to just take it without Ensure.
What's in Ensure Clinical Strength?
The Nutrition Facts Label for Ensure Revigor tells us it contains the following ingredients:
Serving size | 1 bottle ( 8 oz) | Percent of daily value |
Calories | 250 | |
Calories from fat | 100 | |
Total fat | 11 grams |
17% |
Saturated fat | 1 gram |
5% |
Polyunsaturated fat | 4 grams | |
Monounsaturated fat | 6 grams | |
Sodium | 240 milligrams |
10% |
Potassium | 840 milligrams |
24% |
Total carbs | 51 grams |
17% |
Dietary fiber | 3 grams |
12% |
Sugars | 20 grams | |
Protein | 13 grams |
26% |
Notice Ensure has 250 calories. When I purchased Ensure for this review, my bottles said 350 calories. Thanks to one of the readers in the comments, I was alerted to the change to 250 calories.
While the label does not say how much HMB is in Ensure Muscle Health, I called Abbott Labs, the maker of Ensure and asked them. They told me that each bottle contains 1.5 grams of HMB. They recommend people use 2 bottles a day, which would give people a total of 3 grams of HMB. 3 grams of HMB is what has been used in many clinical studies to have positive effects.
The studies of HMB I mentioned above found that 3 grams of HMB worked best. This is why Abbott Labs recommends drinking 2 bottles of Ensure Revigor per day – to get the maximum effect of HMB.
Why Do They Call It Revigor?
To me, revigor sounds like the word reinvigorate. In other words, drinking Revigor will reinvigorate you. It's a catchy name.
Other Effects of HMB?
While most of the clinical research on HMB has been directed at testing how it might help decrease muscle breakdown, other studies have hinted that it may help lower cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and systolic blood pressure. This is preliminary research only and will remain this way until other studies replicate these findings.
HMB Side Effects
HMB appears to be safe. No study to my knowledge has shown any negative side effects. That said, if you take any medicine (blood thinners etc), talk to your pharmacist and doctor.
What Does “Clinical Strength” Mean?
Since two bottles contain 3 grams of HMB – the amount used in clinical studies – I understand why they would call it clinical strength. And, its good marketing too.
Who Might Ensure Revigor Help?
I believe Ensure Revigor is probably best for people who:
1. Are older and do not exercise
2. Are older and just starting to exercise
3. Those who have cancer, HIV or other serious health issues
4. Anyone experiencing muscle-wasting conditions
Can You Take Ensure But Not Exercise?
Exercise has many benefits. Any physical activity you can do will help HMB work better.
Why Don't They Make Revigor Ensure Any More?
I have no idea. Ensure Revigor is no longer listed on the Abbott Labs website. When I called Abbott Labs, I was told it was a company decision to stop making Revigor. As an alternative they told me to look at Ensure High Protein. This version does not contain HMB.
Ensure Revigor: Closing Thoughts
I was saddened Abbott Labs no longer makes Ensure Revigor. It sounded like a good addition to the Ensure line up. I wish it was around when my 104-year-old grandmother was still alive. That said, Ensure is still a fine product and for those who want to add HMB to their shakes, this is possible. HMB comes in both powder and capsules. For those who don't like swallowing capsules, you can open them up and add them to food or any shake you like to drink.
Joe Cannon says
Robert thanks for the feedback and I am glad you are building muscle again! I have heard of Tim Ferris’s book the 4 Hour Body and its on my reading to do list. The important thing is you are gaining weight and are stronger 🙂
Robert Stephens says
Joe, interesting article and interesting thread. I am a 62 year old male that went through a ruptured brain aneurysm and a front lobe stroke in September and October. I lost 54 pounds from Sept 6 through Oct 29 because I was on a feeding tube @ 1200 to 1500 calories per day even though my basal metabolic rate was 2200 calories per day. Due to my extended stay in the hospital I had blood clots in my lungs in April which didn’t help. So gaining muscle and gaining weight had been a challenge until I picked up a book called, “Four Hour Body” and it challenges just about everything I thought that I knew about exercise and nutrition. It is on the best seller list and I picked it up at Barnes and Noble for about $20. Anyway, I have since gained the weight back (most of it muscle) and I credit the information in that book as to how to gain (or lose) muscle weight. You might want to forward this to Red, because he may be exercising too much and too often.
JS says
I drink about 8 of them per day. I think they’re delicious!
Joe says
CFriend, because of the calories -and it only has a small volume (8 oz)- I dont think Ensure muscle strength is a good meal replacement if you are trying to lose weight.
Since you are working out, the HMB ingredient in muscle strength Ensure probalby wouldn’t do much for you (it works best in beginners). If you go to your local health food store, there are other protein shakes that have about 12 oz and only about 200 calories (maybe fewer) and have more protein than Ensure. You can add water to these to increase the volume. Remember the high volume foods that dont have a lot of calories can help weight loss.
Hopefully you are lifting weights. aerobic exercise is very good at burning calories but strength training helps you maintain and build muscle, which helps your weight loss efforts. If you have not done this, I recommend only 1 set per exercise for the first couple of months to let you adapt.
CFriend says
Hi, I just bought some of this at lunch. I was a bit weary of the calories – I am over weight and I am trying to lose weight – but build muscle at the same time. I am 46 and can tell that I have lost muscle (getting soft-er). Would you recommend this as a meal replacement (because of calories) to help with strength training while also trying to lose weight, or would you suggest something else?
Joe says
Hi Don
muscle loss as we get older something -unfortunately – that happens as we age. its called sarcopenia. That said it sounds like with what you are doing that you have really done a good job at slowing down muscle loss. Im not aware of anything – other than steroids – that would accelerate muscle protein development. Have you looked at how much protein you are taking in? Assuming that you have no health issues generally protein intake for exercising people is 0.6- .09 grams per pound. See what your protein intake is and see if that helps.
Have you tried changing your weight lifting routine? sometimes as you know the body gets used to the exercises that it is doing as well as the weight, reps, # of sets per body part etc. I’m wondering if that might help some.
don says
I’m 63 and have been lifting for the last 30 years 6 days a week – (chest/ shoulders alternating with arms/ back.) I swim, I run, I do abs everyday. But recently, I’ve notice that I don’t get the pump that I use to get. I use supplements to help me have stamina and strength. But I’m concern with the lack of size. I’m 5’9″ and weigh 165#. I don’t seem to be able to gain weight or put on any size. I would like to find out if there is anything that will prevent the flat muscle look.
Joe says
SOL, proper exercise can help you gain muscle and maintain it. The big question is what is the right amount for you? I don’t know your health other than you have some herniated disks so this is what I suggest.
1. get checked out by your doctor and tell him/her you want to start an exercise program to gain muscle. They may have some ideas on where you can exercise and tell you what not to do etc.
2. if you do not know how to exercise get a session or 2 with a personal trainer but make sure he/she knows how to work with your injuries. I suggest finding someone over 40 if possible as they may have more experience.
Here is a quick way to “test” the trainers dedication to fitness: Ask him/her who they are certified by – don’t accept the letters (ACSM, ACE, NASM, NSCA ect) ask them what those letters stand for. If they can’t tell you in 1 second walk away as this is a sign of a trainer who doesn’t care.
Here is something I wrote that has 4 other questions for you may want to ask the trainer
This “test” is not fool proof and certifications are not the only measure of a good trainer – but Ive found this question weeds out many of the knuckle heads.
Do not accept any trainer who is certified by “expert rating”. that is an online certification that I don’t take seriously because its too easy to cheat.
3. You may want to meet with a registered dietitian to see if you are getting enough calories and protein. Lack of either can impact your muscle mass.
4. The Ensure muscle strength may help especially for the first month or so of starting an exercise program. After you are used to working out, it probably wont help as much (it works best in beginners)
Do start slowly. Don’t rush to increase the intensity of the exercise you are doing. remember this is a marathon and not a sprint. your muscles will get strong faster than your tendons and ligaments which usually get injured from progressing too fast.
I hope some of this helps.
SOL says
Red says
Thanks Joe. I’ll give that a try and see what happens.
Joe says
Red, it would be better with fruit. If you have the time try blending some fruit together with a scoop of protein powder. I think that might be better. try this
1 orange
blue berries
straw berries
1-2 scoops chocolate (or flavor you like) protein powder.
hope that helps Red!
Red says
Hi Joe. I’m a (fairly) fit male who works out twice a week. My weight has been where I want it for a number of years, but I just hit the big “60” and I’m running out of gas a little quicker than I’d like. I don’t want to lose weight or muscle mass, but I don’t want to gain weight either. Will this product, with a piece of fruit, be a suitable breakfast for me? I’m really interested in avoiding the potential muscle mass loss that comes with age. (I know the breakfast bars I’ve been eating are little light on nutrients.) Thanks for your help.
Joe says
Brenda, its possible but have you spoken to his doctor about his tiredness. Since he is getting dialysis Im concerned about his kidneys. I don’t think Ensure will hurt him but Im not a dietitian or doctor and thats why I think being conservative about this is the best way to go. this type of Ensure has HMB and I am not sure what effect – if any – it has on kidneys.
Let me know what the doctor says.
Brenda says
Joe, my husband also has multiple myeloma, he has lost a lot of muscle from being so tired from all the chemo. Plus he is on dialysis 3 times a week and it all just drains him. Do you think this Ensure would help him..
Joe says
Hi Shawn
I’ve never seen HMB interfering with statin drugs. But, as far as I know, HMB has not been tested in people who take statins. Its a good question if you do find an answer I would apprecaite it if you would let me know.
Shawn says
Some people who use statin drugs to control cholesterol experience muscle problems. Is there any known interaction of HMB with statins, or any reason to be concerned about using both together? I know that grapefruit can lead to improper metabolism of statins.
Joe says
Hi Leslie, yes absolutely someone who is 52 can build muscle. Exercise has been shown to help people over 100 get stronger! When was your last physical? if it was not recent I suggest you see your doctor. There are many things that can make is feel tired – stress, depression, lack of sleep etc. Even too much exercise can make us tired! Rule out everything and get a clean bill of health.
Ensure Regivor is not the fountain of youth (unfortunately). its big ingredient is HMB. HMB seems to work best in people who are beginners. that doesn’t sound like you. It won’t hurt you so if you want to try it for a week or so and see how you feel that’s fine.
I’d still ask that you to see your doctor to, if nothing else, ease your mind and help you focus on not just exercise, but the big picture. That’s whats important 🙂
Lesley says
Despite regular exercise I seem to be tiring much easier than I used to (age 52). Do you think Ensure Revigor would help keep me from losing muscle? And, do you know if a woman my age can rebuild muscle?
Joe says
Hi Karen
Yes, If at all possible I think Ensure would be best used if it were in addition to eating regular meals. It’s extra calories in a small volume.
Sorry to hear about your dad. I will say a prayer for you both tonight.
Karen says
Hi Joe
My Dad has stage 1V Melanoma and has lost quite a bit of weight. Am I correct in assuming that Ensure Clinical Strength is not a meal replacement but an add on to a small meal and recommended twice daily.