Shilajit; Ancient Medicine Revealed by Modern Science
Shilajit is an ancient substance found in the Himalaya mountains and popular in both Ayurvedic and oriental medicine to treat... READ MORE

Telomere Length Supplements: Do Any Really Work?
Telomeres are extra bits of DNA at the ends of our chromosomes. As cells divide, telomeres shorten. Some consider shorter... READ MORE

ErgoActive Ergothioneine. Slower Aging? Dr. Priscilla Samuel Interview
Dr. Pricilla Samuel of Blue California discusses her research on ergothioneine, an amino acid that may have antiaging benefits. Her... READ MORE

Master Amino Acid Pattern: Eric Durak Interview
Interview with exercise physiologist Eric Durak about the Master Amino Acid Pattern supplement. We discuss the research, how much to... READ MORE

Caralluma Fimbriata: Weight Loss Cactus?
Caralluma fimbriata is a popular weight loss and appetite suppressant supplement. Does it work? In this episode, you’ll learn about... READ MORE

Just Seeds and Nuts Together
Today I interview Iraj Gashgaee, the founder of Just Seeds and Nuts Together. Just SNT (Just Seeds and Nuts Together)... READ MORE