Updated 12/21/24. For the longest time, I thought Neora (formally Nerium International) was a skincare company. I had no idea Neora had supplements, too – until I became aware of a brain formula supplement called EHT. This supplement is VERY different from other memory supplements I've seen and reviewed here. In this unbiased review (I don't work for the company), we will look at the science, research, and ingredients of Neora EHT. Does it improve memory and help concussions reduce the odds of getting dementia? These are some of the questions I'll address. Does it really work? Is it the real deal or a scam? Let's see what we can discover. Also, see the Neora Fit Review
What Is Neora EHT Brain Formula?
From the website of the company that makes this supplement, we learn EHT for the brain it is “a mixture of bioactive molecules isolated from coffee that helps strengthen neural connections and promote optimal brain health.”
What does that mean?
That description is pretty vague, but it sounds like Neora EHT is supposed to help the brain work better. They used to call this a “mind enhancement formula” although that wording has since been removed from the company website. Anything that could help the brain work better might – in theory – lead to several health benefits ranging from improved memory to protection against dementia.
We'll address some of these issues in the sections below.
Neora EHT Brain Formula Ingredients
According to the product website (Neora.com) a box contains a 30-day supply. Taking 1 tablet of Neora EHT has the following ingredients:
Nutrient | Amount Per Serving | Percent Daily Value |
Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) | 2000 IU | 500% DV |
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCL) | 1.6 mg | 80% DV |
Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) | 10 mcg | 167% DV |
Magnesium (from 100 mg mag citrate) | 16 mg | 4% DV |
Selenium (selenomethionine) | 70 mcg | 100% DV |
Huperzine-A | 50 mcg | N/A |
Alpha lipoic acid | 50 mg | N/A |
EHT (proprietary coffee blend) | 35 mg | N/A |
In the table above, “N/A” means there is no daily value for that particular nutrient.
While the product website says the product also contains sodium hyaluronate, this ingredient is not listed on the Supplement Facts label.
While vitamin B12 was originally present as cyanocobalamin, this has been changed to methylcobalamin. This is a trendy ingredient, but I don't see an advantage to it for most people.
Other Ingredients
Neora EHT also has the following “other ingredients” listed. I’ve put them in order as they appear on the label:
- Dicalcium phosphate
- Microcrystalline cellulose
The tablet coating of the product is composed of :
- Polyvinyl alcohol
- Titanium dioxide (color)
- Macrogol
- Vanillin (extract of a vanilla bean)
- Talc
- Croscarmellose sodium
- Stearic acid
- Magnesium stearate
- Silica
These other ingredients likely play no role in any benefits from the product.
Now, let's see if the EHT brain formula supplement has any memory research. After that, we'll look at the research on its ingredients.
Neora EHT Research
Does Neora EHT have any proof that it really improves memory?
Searching clinical databases for studies revealed none.
No relevant investigations showed up.
- Likewise, the company website shows no studies either.
All this tells this reporter that no clinical evidence exists for this supplement.
Summary of Search Results:
- Pubmed.gov: no studies located
- ClinicalTrials.gov: no studies located
- Google search: no studies located
- Neora.com: no studies located
If there are clinical research studies on Neora EHT and memory, they cannot be found.
That doesn't necessarily mean the product doesn't work. Rather, it just means nobody has tested it – yet. And that includes the Neora company too. When those studies are conducted and published, I will update this review as I become aware of them.
To be clear, there is research on EHT – which is the namesake ingredient in this supplement. The research on EHT will be summarized below.
Let's look at the research on the ingredients in the Neora EHT.
Neora EHT Ingredient Research
From the Ingredients list above, we can see that 1 tablet of Neora EHT contains:
- Vitamin D 2000IU
- Vitamin B6 1.6 mg
- Vitamin B12 10 mcg
- Magnesium 16 mg
- Selenium 70 mcg
While these are all fine nutrients for healthy people, I'm not convinced they contribute anything significant to helping memory, dementia or the immune system etc., beyond what we might get in the diet naturally or in a regular multivitamin.
Of course, those who are not so healthy might benefit from these nutrients, but for the most part, a multivitamin and vitamin D supplement will cover these bases. As such, I won't cover the vitamins or minerals in this review.
If Neora EHT really works, I think the answer lies with its other ingredients.
Let's look at those now.
Huperzine A
Each capsual of the EHT Brain Formula contains 35 mg of Huperzine. This is less than the 50 mg it origionaly contained. The scientific name for this herb is Huperzia Serrata. It is sometimes also called Chinese club moss or “Hup A.” Another name for Huperzine A is Selagine.

Several studies have revealed Huperzine A may be of benefit to people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. It might do this because Huperzine A appears to prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine (say, “uh-see-tul-co-lean”) a chemical involved in memory. It does this by inhibiting an enzyme (called acetylcholinesterase) that is involved in the breakdown of acetylcholine.
In other words, by knocking out the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, the levels of acetylcholine in the brain rise and the chemical stays around longer. Theoretically, this might help boost memory.
Neora EHT appears to contain an amount of huperzine A (50 micrograms) that has been used in clinical trials. That is encouraging. Studies show that it may take 2-8 weeks before differences are noticed. This is a general rule, and I'm sure this would vary according to how bad the memory problems were, the medications people take, and other factors.
Do All Studies Say Huperzine Works?
No. Some research says huperzine may not work. This may be due to issues in purifying the Huperzine A compound and extracting it from the plant. Remember, plants contain thousands of different chemicals. Huperzine is only one of them.
Several of the studies appear to come from China. While they do appear to show Huperzine A may work, at least one study notes that because of problems with how some of the studies were conducted, caution and more research is needed.
Sometimes, Huperzine A is touted to improve memory in healthy people without memory problems. However, I can only find one study. For me, one study is not enough evidence – yet – to say healthy people need it.
Supplement makers think Huperzine A works because its been has been used in other memory supplements, such as:
See those reviews for more information.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha-lipoic acid may be in some diabetes and weight loss supplements. There does appear to be a connection between diabetes/insulin resistance and dementia. I've even seen Alzheimer's disease called “Type III diabetes” to drive this message home.
Thus, adding this alpha lipoic acid to a memory supplement does, in theory, make some sense. If we can reduce blood sugar levels, we might also reduce dementia.
But does alpha lipoic acid improve memory? More research is needed. One review of alpha lipoic acid dementia research found no good proof it helped people with memory issues.
One study has noted alpha lipoic helped memory, but this study seems to have problems with how it was conducted. Also, that study used 600 mg. Neora EHT only has 50 mg.
Alpha-lipoic acid is also in the memory supplement Procera AVH. See that review for more information.
Here's alpha-lipoic acid on Amazon
The EHT molecule is an ingredient in the Neora EHT supplement. The EHT molecule is derived from coffee and is a mixture of several different compounds. What does EHT stand for?
EHT stands for “Eicosanoyl-5-HydroxyTryptamide.”
Now, you know why they call it EHT.
It's stated that the researchers at Signum Biosciences noticed that people with severe memory decline had a disruption of a regulator protein called PP2A. The PP2A protein regulator is said to help keep the connections between brain cells “robust and healthy.”
Theoretically, anything that could help increase the PP2A, might let brain cells talk to each other better. This might help memory and other things that PP2A helps regulate.
This does sound interesting. So, is there any research on EHT? Yes, there is.
Let's look at that research next.
EHT Research
Previously, Sigmun Biosciences had an EHT supplement called ME Sports, which was marketed to athletes.
It was stated that that “ME™ sports has been shown to be beneficial in vivo models of cognition, memory and motor function.” The phrase “in vivo” basically means conducted in animals/not in a test tube. While that's good, it's not the same thing as human studies.
On the website of Signum Biosciences, several clinical studies are listed. I will link to the studies below so you can see them as you conduct your own research.
Neora EHT Research Summary
Instead of getting bogged down in explaining the research, I'll just list the study name and give a quick breakdown as to whether it involved people, lab animals or was test tube research (which I define as research not occurring in living animals).
By breaking the research down this way, you can get a better idea of how far along with the current research on EHT.
Here are the studies listed in support of the EHT compound.
Study Title | Type of Study |
EHT™ coffee extract: A neuroprotective agent and modulator of PP2A methylation with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (S16.006) (2015) | Test tube study |
Therapeutic benefits of a component of coffee in a rat model of Alzheimer disease. (2014) | Rat study |
Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties of a coffee component in the MPTP model of Parkinson's diseasedisease. (2013) | Mouse study |
Enhanced phosphatase activity attenuates α-synucleinopathy in a mouse model. (2011) | Mouse study |
The structural basis for tight control of PP2A methylation and function by LCMT-1 (2011) | Test tube study |
Phosphoprotein phosphatase 2A: a novel druggable target for Alzheimer’s disease (2011) | Review paper of previous research |
Protein carboxyl methylation and the biochemistry of memory. (2009) | Study involving isolated cells. |
Mechanisms of tau-induced neurodegeneration. (2009) | Review paper of previous research |
From promiscuity to precision: protein phosphatases get a makeover. (2009) | Test tube study |
Protein carboxyl methylation and the biochemistry of memory. (2009) | Test tube study. |
Structural mechanism of demethylation and inactivation of protein phosphatase 2A. (2008) | Test tube study |
Tau hyperphosphorylation correlates with reduced methylation of protein phosphatase 2A.(2008) | Test tube study of mouse and human cells |
Structure of a protein phosphatase 2A holoenzyme: insights into B55-mediated Tau dephosphorylation. (2008) | Test tube study |
Protein Phosphatase 2A Methyltransferase Links Homocysteine Metabolism with Tau and Amyloid Precursor Protein Regulation (2007) | Mouse study |
Downregulation of protein phosphatase 2A carboxyl methylation and methyltransferase may contribute to Alzheimer disease pathogenesis.(2004) | Test tube study |
Altered expression levels of the protein phosphatase 2A ABalphaC enzyme are associated with Alzheimer disease pathology. (2004) | Test tube study. Appears similar to previous study. Same authors. |
Protein phosphatase 2A methylation: a link between elevated plasma homocysteine and Alzheimer's Disease. (2002) | Test tube study. |
As can be seen from the table above, there is a need for human research.
What About The Princeton University Study?
Some may have also heard of a study at Princeton University. This investigation was an undergraduate senior thesis on EHT. The title of the thesis is “The Neuroprotective Effects of Eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide in an in vitro Model for Parkinson’s Disease.”
This is not a human study.
Essentially, human cells were treated with Signum EHT to see what happened. This investigation showed the EHT molecule has a cell-protective effect. While the investigator used human cells, isolated cells -even from humans – are not the same as testing EHT in humans.
Let me be clear: I listed studies like this not to slam the product or deprecate any company. Rather, the goal was to help you better understand this very complicated research. As this reporter becomes aware of more evidence, this section will be updated.
EHT vs. EHT 0202
EHT0202 is an Alzheimer's drug. It is not the same thing as EHT, the supplement.
The reasons for this are because:
- EHT is a product of Signum Biosciences located in New Jersey. The EHT 0202 drug was developed by a French company called Diaxonhit (formally called Exonhit).
- Performing online searches for “Signum Biosciences and Exonhit” (or Diaxonhit) does not reveal anything showing these compounds are the same.
Because of this, Brand Partners should not confuse research on EHT0202 with Neora EHT. Their names are very similar so it's easy to confuse them.
Does Neora EHT Brain Formula Have Caffeine?
I think the answer is yes and no. The EHT brain formula is decaffeinated, but I've also seen it said it has a small amount of caffeine. They say the amount of caffeine is less than is in a decaffeinated cup of coffee.
That's very little caffeine. I don't think most people would notice it. Some people have left comments below saying they had trouble sleeping. Whether or not this is related to caffeine, I can't say.
Neora and Dementia
Can the EHT brain supplement reduce risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s or improve memory if it were taken long-term? It's a tantalizing idea to be sure. There is just not enough evidence to say yes or no to this question.
For those who have dementia or are thinking about EHT for their family members who already have cognitive insufficiency problems, the best advice is to show the ingredients this supplement to their doctor.
Food for thought: Evidence suggests regular exercise can preserve brain health.
Does Neora EHT Help Concussions?
In the past, the Sigmun Biosciences website used to contain an EHT supplement called “Me Sports” where “Me” stands for “Mind Enhancement.” They used to say that Me Sports “provides the best protection for your brain.” References to Me Sports no longer appear on the Sigmun website. It has been replaced by Neora EHT and may be discontinued.
Does Neora EHT Brain Formula help with concussions? There is a lack of proof showing the supplement helps recovery from traumatic brain injuries or reduces their risk of concussions.
Neither Neora or the Sigmond Biosciences websites make any health claims that supplement helps traumatic brain injuries.
Can EHT Brain Formula Help Parkinson's
Can EHT help Parkinson's disease? For now, the proof is lacking.
There are references to Neora EHT being endorsed by the Michael J. Fox Foundation. But, according to the website Truth in Advertising, this is not true. While the Michael J. Fox Foundation does seek a cure for Parkinson's, it does not endorse any specific treatments.
The Michael J Fox Foundation has awarded grants to Signum Biosciences to investigate PP2A as it relates to Parkinson's.
Neora EHT Brain Formula and ADHD
Does EHT help people with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? It may or may not. There is not enough research on either of these conditions to provide a verdict either way. No research on either condition is known.
Neora EHT Brain Formula and Exercise
The company that invented the EHT molecule has a paper titled ” EHT® Age-Defying Supplement: Scientific Rationale for Boosting Workout and Post-Workout Recovery.” This paper (which can be found by doing an online search) is not a peer-reviewed clinical study. Rather, it discusses how the ingredients in EHT might reduce inflammation that occurs after intense exercise and improve recovery.
No doubt, there is human research on the vitamins/ minerals in the product. The EHT molecule also might hold promise in theory.
But, whether or not Neora EHT Brain Formula would benefit people who do CrossFit, Zumba, Tabata or any other exercise program is speculation until the research is published.
Is Neora EHT Brain Formula FDA Approved?
The FDA doesn't technically “approve” supplements. This is part of the US law that regulates supplements, called DSHEA, which is short for the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. In the US, supplement companies do not have to tell the FDA that they are making a new supplement or get FDA approval before a supplement is marketed to the public.
Who Makes Neora EHT Brain Formula?
There are two different companies involved with this dietary supplement:
- Neora
- Signum Biosciences
Let's look briefly look at each company separately.
The Neora Company
According to the company website (Neora.com / formally Neurium), the company is a “relationship marketing company.” That means they offer a variety of products that are sold via distributors, called “Brand Partners.” In other words, Neora is a multi-level marketing company. There is nothing wrong with that. It's how they do business.
The address on file with the Better Business Bureau is 4201 Spring Valley Road, Farmers Branch, Texas 75244-3631. This is less than 3 miles from their previous home, 4006 Belt Line Road Addison, TX 75001.
While the company was not accredited by the Better Business Bureau; it did have an A+ rating when the BBB website was checked.
Signum Biosciences
Signum Biosciences is the biopharmaceutical company that discovered the EHT molecule. They are a privately held biotechnology company founded in 2002. This company is located at 11 Deerpark Dr Monmouth Jct, NJ 08852. The former company address was 133 Wall Street, Princeton, NJ 08540.
Their contact phone number is 732.329.6344. While not an accredited company, the BBB gives Signum an A+ rating.
Contact Neora
The company can be reached at these phone numbers:
- USA: 855-463-7486
- Canada: 888-304-6046
Where Can You Buy Neora EHT Brain Formula
The supplement is not sold in stores like Target, Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Costco, RiteAid, Sames Club, Kroger or Food Lion. To purchase any Neora supplement, most people go through a Neora Brand Ambassador. Another option is to purchase directly from Nora.com.
How Much Does EHT Brain Formula Cost?
When I checked the company website, for a 1 month's supply (non-returning customer), the cost varried between$65 and $85 per month, depending on where you purchased it from and if you opted for autoshipments.
Yearly Cost
If buying directly from the Neora website or an annual cost of the Brain Formula is:
Monthly delievery: $65/month: $780
One-time purchase: $80/month: $960
How To Take Neora EHT Brain Formula
The company website says to take 1 tablet per day with food in the morning, preferably with some food that has healthy fats. This is likely to increase absorption. A box contains 30 tablets, which is a month's supply.
Neora EHT Brain Formula Side Effects
I believe the EHT Brain Formula supplement is safe for healthy people. I’m not aware of any side effects from the product at the time this review was created. There is also a lack of human research on this product as well. That said, here are a few things worth mentioning. Speak to your doctor if you think any of this applies to you. This list is not complete:
- Start with less than suggested for the first week to see how you respond.
- Stop taking the supplement at least 2 weeks before surgery.
- Speak to your doctor first if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- If you take ANY medications, speak to your doctor or pharmacist first.
- Huperzine A might slow down the heart rate. This may be a problem for people taking some medications, such as those for heart disease and/or high blood pressure.
- If the product contains a little bit of caffeine, this might interfere with sleep if taken close to bedtime especially in those very sensitive to caffeine. Some people, in the comments below, stated they had trouble sleeping after starting the supplement.
Neora EHT Brain Formula Pro and Con
Here is a quick rundown of what I liked and didn't like about this supplement. These are my opinions. Take them for what they are.
Pro | Con |
Been around a long time | Expensive |
Company is respected | No human clinical proof |
Does Neora EHT Work?
While preliminary research hints the EHT molecule, might have benefits, I think it's too soon to tell. This supplement has been out for a few years now, and the company has not published clinical studies to back up its claims. While the ingredients in Neora Brain Health Formula appear to make sense on paper, they need to be tested in people with clinical results published in medical journals. So, is it a scam? Many people say it's not. Many have said it's the real deal. Stay tuned for more research.
Here it is on Amazon
Any Questions or Comments?
As ridiculous as it sounds, yes I did. (2 phones with multiple alarms, 2 radio alarm clocks with multiple alarms, and a wind up alarm. I had a fear of oversleeping because I had so many sleep issues. It has truly changed my life for the better, as have the skincare products and being a brand partner. It’s so hard to describe in words.
I appreciate that you did this research for yourself and that you are open to hearing others views and feedback!
Holly, I’m glad you are down to 2 alarms now! I’m a really light sleeper myself, although ironically I did over sleep today. Must have been the rain lol. I hope you have a wonderful holiday 🙂
I have been taking the product for about 6 months and have lots of positive differences in my life. I am sleeping so much better – used to take hours to fall asleep, now I fall asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow no matter how early or late; used to have 13 alarms going off as I would snooze and fall right back into a deep sleep and finally wake up an hour later very groggy – now I have 2 alarms and I no longer have to snooze as I am wide awake and feel energized.
I am more focused, less fidgety, and just feel like a fog has been lifted. As with any Nerium products, or any products, they are not for everyone. But I am so glad they are for me!
Hi Holly, thanks for sharing. Did you really have 13 alarms going off to wake you up in the morning? I see you are also a nerium ambassador. I Hope it is working well for you.
I had not heard anything about the potential effects of Nerium EHT on sleep. I used it for about a month,and the most significant result was a measurable increase in hours of sleep per night. My dream recall was dramatic. I wasn’t sure if others had experienced similar results and when I asked the distributor from whom I purchased it, she went on and on about that being what people comment on most frequently.
I have also experienced an increase in general energy level. I’ve NOTHING to gain from my comments,and was on this site to read the reviews for Nerium EHT as I purchased some for my 85 year old mother,and was looking for any hard evidence that may support my claims as well as any contraindications reported. I think of myself as healthily skeptical, but I feel confident in expressing my positive experience with Nerium EHT !
CAN anyone help me with this? Is level thrive safe for young atheletes?
Macc, I listed 3 reviews on Thrive supplements I’ve written in your previous comment. Check them for more on those supplements. If you post your questions about Thrive supplements in those reviews, I can try to answer you better there.
A friend has a son with autism & since she’s been giving him EHT his sleep has greatly improved and subsequently hers and her husband’s.
I was diagnosed with insomnia in 2005 after my 3rd concussion as my head went through the side window of my car. I came off Ambien in 2013 confident that fitful sleep was better than taking this horrible Ambien. My sleep was disrupted 10 to 20 times a night I tossed and turned would be stricken with anxiety as I had to have sleep in order to do my job.
Started taking EHT oh Sorry Nerium EHT in August of 2015 and from day 2 I have slept like a baby. While all day no loss in focus and no jitters from caffeine. I had a great deal of my long term memory after my last concussion and I can’t be sure if it is all back but I know my grade school friends names again I remember events in my life that happened to me. Coincidence I think not.
I thank God every day for Both Dr. Stocks from Princeton University that developed this. You research has much to be desired.
Clonorati, First let me say I’m very sorry to learn what you have went though and I hope you continue to improve. You said my research has much to be desired but you did not tell me where you think I went wrong. I understand you may not agree with me but just because you say it has helped you does not prove it works. Maybe it does? Let’s test it and see. Testimonials can be a good jumping off point to spur research but they cant take the place of clinical testing.
You didn’t mention in your comment that you are a Nerium Brand partner but I found your twitter page. I hope it is working out for you.
Hi Joe! I am also a Nerium Brand partner and am excited to share EHT with my own personal doctors. However this is all info that they would want to know. Ive read through everything and thank you for clarifying. Doctors want clinicals on people. Period! Hopefully we will get these one day.
In the meantime it’s trial and error. Take it and see how you feel. My husband and I have been on since May. We take a ton of other supplements and eat very clean so memory, focus was very subtle to me in the beginning.
After being on it for so long I do feel more focused and less forgetful. I also have been sleeping like a baby and able to go to sleep faster. I am very effected by caffeine. I cannot even drink decaf or have low caffeine teas. The EHT has no caffeine in it. The extraction process is taken from the raw coffee bean. It does say on the box does NOT contain caffeine. It does not say decaf on the box. Where did you find this information?
Thanks so much!
Hi Shannon, While I’d have to check my notes, I believe I saw the stuff about caffeine on their website. I hope you will let me know when human clinical trials are performed.
As a parent who gives my 8 year old this supplement, I’m not hurt by your opinion and would feel the same way reading Joe’s opinion of this product without knowing what I know about it. My child’s doctor was supportive of my son taking this supplement, given that it is primarily vitamins, and he has now been taking it for 5 full months.
His quality of life has improved so much, that I hardly remember how difficult his daily struggles used to be. I can’t believe that some people put their children on 5-6 medications (with no long term studies of their effects, and that cause other problems) at such a young age to “treat” some of the things my son has been helped with, but again, that’s their prerogative as parents, and I’m glad we never were forced to go that route. We all do what we feel is best for our children and for ourselves. 😉
I’m sure it wont hurt anyone’s feelings if you decide not to take EHT yourself, but you won’t ever know if it could make a difference for you. Blessings to you.
Wow! I was considering trying Nerium EHT as a friend of mine sells it. But, I wanted to research it first. I’ve been reading the review here and the numerous comments and rebuttals for over an hour. I’m so glad I stayed with it and kept reading.
The very obvious Nerium Ambassadors have totally turned me off to the product being reviewed and the overall company Nerium! The review here was very fair and enlightening. I was still considering it until I continued to see the immature badgering from the Nerium Ambassadors. If that’s the way Nerium trains and what’s being instilled in their reps. I want nothing to do with such a desperate bunch. Unbelievable!
And I’m shocked that parents are giving this product to children. We have no idea what the long-term affects of this product are. Wow, wow, wow!! Until there is proof of long-term positive human studies I’m staying away and advising anyone I can to stay away as well!
Btw, great job Joe! Tenille nor any other Nerium ambassador need reply to me. I won’t bother wasting my time reading it. Joe, I’ll read your reply, if you have one.
Kitty, I’m happy you found my review helpful. I am also shocked as you are that some are giving the product to their kids. As for some of the ambassadors you saw here, well, people sometimes act differently online than they do in real life and Im sure those who disagree with what I wrote are all very nice people.
Have a happy Halloween 🙂
I got on here to see if anyone has had trouble with sleep since taking the supplement. The one gentleman said he was down to four or five hours and that is what is happening with me.
I just this morning associated it to the EHT so I am going to quit taking it and hopefully my sleep will return. I have been taking EHT for a round five weeks and the sleep problem started after I had been taking it for about a week. So I will see what happens.
Hi Peggy, at least one other person here said they had problems sleeping so you are not alone. Keep me updated on what happens.
I was taking EHT, one pill in the morning and one at night. I was not having the sleep benefits that so many others were claiming to have. Then I read on some online thread that some people did well to take it in the morning and some people did better taking it at night. I switched to taking two pills in the morning and my sleep has improved. But sleep, for me, is only one of the fringe benefits of EHT. For me, the greatest benefit has been a profound change in how calm I feel. My mind doesn’t race; I can stay on track in my own mind; my mind is — if you will — a better friend to me now.
I woke this morning feeling how important it is to share EHT with friends. (Yes, I’m an “ambassador” as you say, cute term). My thinking on this is that, at the end of the day, at the end of my life, the person that I will have unequivocally spent more time with is myself. And the quality of my mind, the quality of my thoughts, the order and logic of my thinking, the ability to be present with myself … well, those things are priceless and EHT has changed my life qualitatively in a way that I would not give up for the world.
Yes, I had noticeable cognitive improvement in five days. Yes, I undoubtedly have better memory and focus. Yes, my energy level has improved (so much so that I went from being a daily caffeine drinker to barely being able to tolerate the caffeine in decaf coffee and I’ve gone from being an almost daily afternoon-napper to maybe napping once every couple of weeks). Yes, my senses have improved and my sense of smell has become significantly better; my sight too (I’m 52). Yes, my skin doesn’t bruise like it used to. Yes, yes, yes to many of the product claims and much more.
But, truly, the most magnificent experience has been the change in the relationship–the daily, moment by moment, life-long relationship– between me, myself and I.
I’m sure there are hundreds of thousands of supplements out there for sale. And I can certainly see the significant uptick in brain health supplements. Personally, I’m glad I found EHT. I’ve never in my adult life consistently taken any supplement. I’d get on a vitamins kick and take vitamins/supplements for a week, or two weeks, maybe a month. Then stop … for a week, two weeks, sometimes months. But with EHT, every single day I take the supplement. Every single day for eight months. That, to me, knowing my own past history with commitment to supplements or any daily pill is, in and of itself, testimony.
This in response to so many comments on the importance of (FDA) Clinical Trials or human trials.
Every year, in the US, between 76,000 and 137,000 hospitalized patients die as a direct result of the prescribed drugs FDA approved.
Beyond that, every year 2.2 MILLION hospitalized patients experience serious adverse reactions to the drugs.
I found the link to this study at the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, in the middle of a very interesting article by Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki: “Commentary on the Safety of Vitamins.”
Here are two key quotes from her article:
“In 2010, not one single person [in the US] died as a result of taking vitamins (Bronstein, et al, (2011) Clinical Toxical, 49 (10), 910-941).”
“In 2004, the deaths of 3 people [in the US] were attributed to the intake of vitamins. Of these, 2 persons were said to have died as a result of megadoses of vitamins D and E, and one person as a result of an overdose of iron and fluoride. Data from: ‘Toxic Exposure Surveillance System 2004, Annual Report, Am. Assoc. of Poison Control Centers.’”
I personally had been on cholesterol lowering drugs for 5 years. In those years I developed pain in my left shoulder and left knee. I did not dream it could be from this but was taken off the medication for unrelated reasons and after 6 months my knee and then my shoulder started getting better and after a year all symptoms were gone. I was not able to walk upstairs or move my left solder much previous.
Therefore I do not put much stock into any product unless I research peoples experiences an get a good feel for a product either FDA approved and studied or not.
I have not taken this supplement but based on thoroughly researching EHT I will give it a shot. I’m not a rep or associated with this product at all.
Hi Bryan, thanks for sharing. I do agree vitamins for the most part are very safe. That said, I’d point out that the EHT molecule isn’t a vitamin. I do feel the EHT molecule is safe from what I’ve seen.
What!? Openmind108?? You are aware there is NO caffeine in the EHT, right?!
And Joe, it requires great patience from myself to see articles like this when I know only half the research was done?
You have proven you didnt understand the EHT molecule could be researched separately (originally your only researched Nerium EHT and by Google no less and found nothing) yes, you have since updated some info so newcomers would not be aware of his. ALSO, you continue to proclaim that EHT is only for memory and/focus!?
But it actually rebuilds the Neuronal Networks of the Brain. Undisputed. It therefore is responsible for a number of things, including Boosting the Immune System, enhancing the Body’s Natural Energy Stores (professional athletes are all over this right now as it is a safe and legal performance enhancer!) and in general it fortifies and strengthens all the natural brain functions!?
Imagine the Patience I muster up to see you post such narrow minded personal opinions while calling it ‘research’.
Tenille, please show me human research that EHT (either the EHT molecule itself or Nerium EHT) rebuilds neuronal networks. By that I mean research that used humans, not lab animals or test tubes. Please also show me human research that EHT boosts the immune system of humans. I mean research involving humans, not lab animals or test tubes. Please show me the best research you have and I’ll be glad to add it to my review.
is level thrive safe for teens and how old should one be to start? please help
Macc, Thrive is different than Nerium. Here are some reviews on Thrive supplements I have:
Thank you for providing this information where it is easy to find and I appreciate the time you have put in to address all the comments. I find it difficult to find a nutritional balance because of all the preservatives in foods and blood tests show I am low in magnesium.
The break down of the ingredients in this product and what research was behind them helped. When I looked at just the propaganda, I saw several things that triggered red flags for me such as all the things it “helped” with touting it as a miracle drug and the fact that the company seems very much like a pyramid scheme.
That being said, after going over your research I have decided to give it a trial run, no more than 30 days, as I am not seeing anything in the research that suggests it will conflict with the Lithium Orotate I am already taking.
I will not be posting here as to the effectiveness of the compound as I could not put up with all the posts I’ve seen you reply to and it would not add anything of significance to the information you have provided.
Just letting you know that I appreciate the information and if I find another one of your articles on something I am researching in the future, I will definitely check it out.
Stroam, thanks for sharing and I do hope it helps you. Since you mentioned you were taking lithium, I’d say show mention it to your pharmacist and get their impute.
Hi Joe,
Full disclosure, I am not a Nerium distributor. I am interested in the product, and I am in the course of investigating the various components. I apologize in advance for the length of this comment, but I hope it will provide a good discussion for both skeptics and “believers” alike.
I do appreciate your contribution to the discussion. First, I am a bit concerned by the reference to Google as your primary method of search. am no trying to slam your methods, but Google is a far cry from a rigorous standard of research.
Secondly, the use of an acronym as a search term for an molecular compound and the research associated with is a bit on the sketchy side. I repeated your searches for EHT under the full name Eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide and found a wealth of peer review research and clinical trials. Even on Google. It does however appear that you have to pay for complete access to many of the sources in full.
You openly questioned the formulation of the product in total and if the combination is synergistic and seemed agnostic in your conclusion. I would like to offer the following comment. If I were creating a supplemental product for brain health I would include an proprietary ingredient (EHT for this product),
Next, if there were know ingredients that were studied in combination with the primary ingredient and shown to be beneficial (Hup A but I can’t find a definitive link), I would also include those.
Next, because I know that people are much more likely to make a habit of consuming pain killers over vitamins, I would include supplemental ingredients to address the most common pains of my customers. In this case, I believe the B6 and B12 are clearly included for a boost in energy and general sense of well-being. North Americans have chronically low serum D, so that is natural choice. APA is tied to a variety of enzymatic systems but most notably aids in the conversion of glucose into energy. Likewise, folic acid is a known energy booster.
So, my conclusion is, “Look, they found something that is really beneficial, studied the hell out of it (they claim 20-30 years), published a bunch of studies and got a composition of matter patent on it. Then, holy crap, they put it in a dietary supplement with a bunch of other stuff that just makes you feel great so you’ll take it every day. And wouldn’t you know it, they put it in a box and I can buy it without starting my own compounding pharmacy.”
I apologize for the tone, but there it is. I am still undecided as to whether I will try EHT or not. I take some prescriptions that I really need and that’s why I am doing the research. And, that’s what brought me here, because although I use other search engines for scientific research, I use Google for stuff I want to buy and reviews about it.
Whether or not Nerium EHT is beneficial, it deserves a full and rigorous effort on your part in a review. Your conclusions are agnostic, but the tone of your article is overtly negative. Healthy skepticism is great. I question everything as well and I love research. You appear to have been very selective in the way you have generalized the characteristics of many of the ingredients in this product and I am concerned that you are injecting a bias into the public discussion of this product without doing your due diligence.
Please confirm that you have indeed engaged in rigorous research and update your article as needed. Perhaps if it does not require approval from your doctor, you should try some. From what I have read, there are some people in the comments who would be happy to get you some. I would be very interested in your opinion combined with real experience from a healthy skeptic. Regardless of whether your conclusions are better, the same or worse, the subject deserves a higher standard.
James, thanks for writing and I really appreciate you taking the time to outline your thoughts on the product. Let me try to address your questions and concerns.
1. I’m a pretty plain talker. I like short, sweet and to the the point when it comes to discussing supplements. Please don’t take that as being negative because its not my intention. My desire is to try to cut to the chase and give people -in easy to understand language – information that they can use to better understand and balance against the glowing reviews and references to scientific evidence from companies that market supplements. Believe me I’m not singling out this product either. I see words like “clinically proven” used a lot in reference to supplements.
2. Google is not my primary search vehicle when I investigate a supplement. As you can see in the review I also went to ClincalTrials.gov. I also use PubMed.gov and, as you can see from the studies linked to in the review, I did use that search engine too, even though I did not specifically say so. In this review, I started with google because its the simplest search most people would do. I started with the simple way and built up to more advanced searches.
3. When I wrote this review, I was unable to find any published clinical studies involving humans on Nerium EHT. Also, no such studies were listed on the products website when I looked there too. I do update this review (as well as all others too) as I discover more information too. If you ever uncover it, I invite you to send it list it here so we can discuss it.
4. Like you, I could not find any studies of huperzine A in conjunction with EHT. I do think it would be an interesting experiment to do.
5. when I searched google for “Eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide”, as I just did, I saw a study showing up – in mice. I saw no human studies. I also saw various websites discussing it too but no human studies that I could locate there either. Even in this scientific American article on coffee and the brain -published in 2014 – they mention mouse and rat studies http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/coffee-and-tea-may-protect-the-brain/ They don’t list any human trials of EHT.
I’m not trying to be negative with the questions I ask. Nerium EHT is touted as being great because of the EHT molecule. If it works so well, why are there no human studies on EHT (or Nerium EHT) and why also does it need other ingredients – like huperzine A?
I believe I wrote the most unbiased review on this product out there today. I went right to the research on the product and tried to put it in perspective so people, without a science background could understand it. Again, if you ever come across any evidence you think I should know about on this product, please do share it here so I can see it. If its a human study, I’ll even add it to my review.
The result reviews all lie with in the individuals that have used eht so yes humans have been testing it. And ones who have used it says it works I’ve used it and continue using it because it does work. It’s improved much of my daily life.
Donald, I’m not quite sure what you are saying but if you find its helping you, I’ll just wish you continued success.
Joe, I don’t currently use the product but I am reviewing it. I appreciate your information. I have a suggestion, why don’t we both do a 90 day trial of the product and see if it helps either of us. It does appear to be an individual based response product and therefore we could give feedback on whether it helped us and how much, if any. mike
Hi Mike, I appreciate the challenge. Honestly, I usually dont try things I review especially those that have ingredients that I’m not comfortable with. I’m not comfortable with huperzine. In addition, I dont have any memory issues or problems with focus so I dont even know if I would notice a problem. If you want to try it and report back I’d be glad to hear what happened.
For what it’s worth, I found your post really helpful. I have a friend who’s a distributor and wants me to try it (I’ve had several concussions, chronic fatigue, endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and a father who has frontotemporal dementia – though that’s very different than Alzheimers).
While I’m intrigued by its potential, I was disabled by a drug for a couple years (Depot Lupron) and am wary about putting anything in my body that doesn’t have empirical evidence of its efficacy in humans.
Thanks for providing what data there is so I can make an informed decision. I think for now, I’m going to politely decline, but keep an eye out for more studies in the hopes that it lives up to its promise.
Emily, I’m glad you found my review helpful. Sorry to hear about troubles and those of your dad too. I like your website by the way. You have a good singing voice 🙂
The ignorance from the EHT partisans here is rather amusing. Email me, Joe is you want to have a real discussion with an actual neuroscientist.
Peter, thanks for chiming in. I enjoyed your website and I also noticed the review you wrote on Nerium EHT. Here it is in case anyone else wants to look at it :
I appreciated that your review also also called attention to the differences between EHT and EHT 0202 which some distributors say are the same thing. Thanks for the corroboration that that they are not the same thing.
I was sorry to read about your bicycle crash and injury. I hope you are doing better. I often bike myself and you have reminded me on the importance of wearing my helmet.
the EHT was not a discovery of Nerium Biosciences. It was decades of research from Dr. Jeffrey stocks labs at Princeton. This is basic info on the Nerium company’s website. If you start in the wrong place, your info will be wrong. Very poor research. Ive read the peer reviews onine. The Alzheimers Association and the Michael J. Fox Foundation are partnered with Nerium. You’ll have to start over.
Devanie, I believe you misread what I wrote. Nowhere in my review do I mention the words “Nerium Biosciences.” I was very clear in distinguishing between Nerium and Signum Biosciences.
Just to be clear……. The patented EHT molecule was discovered after 20 years of research by Dr. Jeffery Stock in Princeton University labs. Signum Bioscience put this molecule into their anti-aging brain supplement.
The supplement was originally distributed through ME Sports but in April 2015 they partnered with Nerium International giving it exclusive rights for distribution. By choosing a network marketing company to distribute its product, Signum Bioscience is able to get this life changing supplement into the hands of more people at an affordable price.
So whether we are talking about EHT or Nerium EHT it’s the same thing. Manufactured by Signum Bioscience…distributed by Nerium International. So, any studies found on EHT the molecule can be applied to the supplement it’s contained in, no?
While there are no published human studies on the product, and I believe they are forthcoming, I think it is worth mentioning that the scientists who discovered the molecule were taking the supplements themselves AND they were giving it to their children long before we got our hands on it and yes, I am a Nerium Brand Partner.
I’ve been taking it for 3 months now and the results are staggering! I will be putting my 12 and 14 year old on it very soon. Joe, do you have any plans to try the supplement yourself? If so, I know a REALLY awesome person you can buy it from 😉
Marilyn, I appreciate your passion for the product and hope it continues to work for you. I have not tried it and since I don’t have any memory /focus issues, I don’t think I need to?
Question. were the scientists at signum also giving their kids all the other ingredients in Nerium EHT or just EHT itself? If yes, can you show me an ingredients list? I think they are different products but am open to the possibility Im wrong.
You don’t have to have memory or focus issues to benefit from EHT. It helps in other areas as well. It’s preventative so everyone can benefit.
To answer your question….EHT is a molecule. I don’t know how one would administer a molecule so I would have to assume that when he said, “I take it, my wife takes it and my kids take it” he meant they were taking supplements.
When it first came out as a supplement, Signum Bioscience launched ME Sports for distribution. I found this list of ingredients from ME Sports, but I can’t be sure it’s from a reliable source. It’s hard to find information on ME Sports since it no longer exists.
Vitamin B6 1.6mg/80% Daily Value
Folate 400mcg/100% Daily Value
Vitamin B12 10mcg/167% Daily Value
Magnesium 16mg/4% Daily Value
EHT (proprietary Coffee Extract) 75mg
Other ingredients:
Dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid, coating (polyvinyl alcohol, macrogol, FD&C red #40 lake, talk, titanium dioxide, vanillin), magnesium stearate, and silica. DECAFFEINATED.
Later, like I said, Nerium EHT was launched. Here is a list of ingredients for Nerium EHT:
Vitamin D (as cholecalciferol)
• Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl)
• Folate (as folic acid) • Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) • Magnesium (from 100 mg magnesium citrate) • Selenium (as selenomethionine) • Huperzine-A (from Huperzia serrata whole plant extract) • Alpha lipoic acid • EHT® (proprietary coffee extract) • Dicalcium phosphate • Microcrystalline cellulose • Coating (polyvinyl alcohol, titanium dioxide [color], macrogol, vanillin, talc) • Croscarmellose sodium • Stearic acid • Magnesium stearate • Silica
I would suppose that he and his family started with the ME Sports supplement and are now taking Nerium EHT. I hope that helps.
Marlyn, thanks for the info. if those are the ingredients in ME sports then it looks like they are different than Nerium EHT. When I first heard of Nerium EHT it was for people who had memory and focus / alert issues. When you say its a “preventative” what exactly is it preventing?
You clearly have no medical back ground as my doctor was easily able to pull up nearly 500 clinical trials & several peer reviewed articles on the subject & is clearly beneficial, as it claims. You’re just another naysayer wasting time…
Teresa, oh really, so your doctor found 500 clinical trials and articles on Nerium EHT? Please post the Nerium EHT clinical studies here. No need to post 500. Just show me 10 clinical studies on Nerium EHT.
Joe!! That’s funny! The song from Taylor Swift! I actually thought the same thing when I first read your article. I am a researchaholic and when I came across your ‘opinion’ I was very disappointed. I think you have added many things to the article…. But when you first wrote it you really didn’t have ALL the information to be making such an ‘opinion’.
So to answer your questions: why all the other ingredients? You should know that answer being a ‘supplement geek’!! Don’t tell me you don’t know that certain supplements NEED to be taken with others!? For example we are all low on magnesium and have too much calcium in our systems as a result. Magnesium helps to balance that and also needs to be paired up with Vit D and K2.
So because I am not a supplement expert (as you are clearly NOT either) I am assuming that the other ingredients are supportive to the EHT so it can absorb and do its job better…. Again, just like MANY other supplements out there. When one has a deficiency it is not a simy fix it is usually a combination of many supplements that are needed.
My ‘pat on the back’ to Jennifer was simply that I was happy to see someone present another point of view! You seem to have NO problem receiving ‘pats on the back’ from people!? Why then do you begrudge Jennifer’s !!?
And again… We discussed that many of the studies were surrounding PP2A. This is a simple protein that would require an invasive medical procedure to extract from a Human Brain. If it is just PP2A why not get the protein molecule from a rat/mouse!? It only shows your ignorance on the complexities that you insist over and over and over again that it be Human PP2A?
Tenille, you still did not disclose if you were a Nerium distributor or not? I’m not begrudging anyone. you can pat anyone on the back you like. I just think people should know where the pats are coming from.
For someone who is a “researchaholic” it’s ironic how the lack of research on Nerium EHT does not matter to you.
We will have to agree to disagree for now and let’s see what future research shows.
Well Done Jennifer! Clearly Joe has not really done ANY research on the product if he doesn’t even know all the benefits it provides!
I also give it to my children as do many many others.
To say that it is only a ‘memory supplement’ truly only showcases your lack of knowledge about the neuronal networks of the Brain and ALL the functions they are responsible for, Joe!?
This is an ‘anti aging’ supplement for the Brain.
Oh… And there are many humans that have ‘donated’ their brains for trial with this amazing Breakthrough.
the testimonials are POURING in!
check the news Friend.
Oh! And yes, the common disclaimer is: “check with your Doctor”
But Joe… Come on!? Would there even be a NEED for a ‘supplement Clarity’ if Doctors knew much about supplements!? Ha!
Doctors do Pharmaceuticals.
Supplements can be purchased by anyone. Since Nerium is Science based there are Studies and more happening as we speak… But most supplements don’t have studies.
You know that. That’s why you are in business with this Blog!
How ridiculous!
Tenille, Your words sound like a Nerium Ambassador to me. I have no problems with this however, if that is the case then your “Well done” to Jennifer amounts to one Ambassador patting another on the back. I think people should know if that’s the case.
Are you involved with Nerium?
Clearly you did not read what I wrote. If you did, you would have seen ALL the research I linked to. I showed people the SAME evidence that has been used to tout the product. The difference is I broke it down to human vs. test tube vs. lab animal research.
You say “most supplements dont have studies.” I’ll agree with that, so can you show me 1 study on Nerium EHT – not the ingredients – Nerium EHT itself?
You say “testimonials are pouring in” but what about the human research? Your own marketing of the product touts the scientific benefits of EHT. Don’t get mad at me when I show people EHT currently lacks evidence in living humans.
If EHT was so great – that its actually in the name of the product – why do you need ALL those other ingredients in the product?
In the immortal words of Taylor Swift, “Haters gonna hate, hate, hate…”
Unless you have problems focusing. Or would like some assistance keeping your energy level consistent. My husband and I take this supplement (for the past 9 weeks), and so does my 8 year old, as it helps him with his focus and he is no longer falling asleep daily on the bus ride home from school/camp.
We’ve been noticing improved focus as well and are not losing our keys/phone/car and are remembering things we need to do without constant reminders anymore! Note above what this product is marketed for and see if it could benefit you or your family in any way. It is not only for people with mental decline or memory loss.
In this age of overwhelm, just about anyone can benefit from using this product.
Jennifer, you give a memory supplement to an 8 year old?
EHT is not only for memory. My son has focus issues and some other concerns, so we tried it for him on an experimental basis. We’ve experienced so many positive “perks” with no side effects, so we intend to continue with it. As you already know, this supplement primarily contains vitamins, and his pediatrician was not concerned about any of the ingredients. Here is the full list of what this supplement is marketed for, and again, not just for memory:
Promotes better cognitive function and overall brain health
• Combats oxidative stress and chronic inflammation
• Fortifies and strengthens natural brain functions
• Protects and supports neuronal networking
• Enhances the body’s natural energy stores
• Boosts the body’s immune system
• Increases focus
Jennifer, with respect you are experimenting on an 8 year old with a supplement that contains an ingredient called huperzine. I’m only aware of one study involving kids. Maybe its safe? I don’t know. May I recommend you show the ingredients to your doctor or pharmacist. Here’s a few links on Huperzine that may help you:
Based on your research do you think that people without memory problems or young people should take this supplement?
Hi Katy, In my opinion, if you don’t have memory issues, I don’t think there is a reason to.