Update 4/9/22. Moringa oleifera is a tree people at it in various parts of the world. The tree is said to boost energy, help weight loss and reduce pain and help thyroid function. Even Dr. Oz has jumped on the bandwagon calling it an “energy blaster.” In this review, you'll learn the results of clinical studies on moringa including potential side effects to watch out for. This review will help you put the moringa oleifera claims and reputed benefits in a better perspective.
What Is Moringa Oleifera?
Moringa oleifera (pronounced “more-ring-ga oh-la-fair-a”) is the scientific name for a tree that grows in several places around the world. It has many names including:
- horseradish tree
- drumstick tree
- benzolive tree
Some even call it “miracle tree.”
Because it's rich in vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins, moringa has actually been used to battle malnourishment in developing countries. This is likely why some might call it a “super food.” While some websites may tout that the plant grows in exotic locations like the Himalayan mountains or dead sea, Moringa can also be grown in more familiar areas, such as Florida.
Now, let's cover the evidence for some of the major health benefits of moringa with an emphasis on what the research conducted so far says.
Does It Boost Your Energy?
Can moringa boost your physical energy levels? There's no caffeine in in the leaves, roots or seeds so if it works it doesn't work the same as coffee or other caffeinated energy drinks.
For example, as Dr. Oz noted in this video, the plant has three times as much iron as spinach. Iron is a mineral that is needed to make red blood cells. Deficiency in iron can lead to anemia and one of the symptoms of this condition is lack of energy.
So, by reversing anemia, morninga might help some people. But it would really depend on whether or not you had anemia and what the cause of the anemia is.
So is there any evidence for this?
In one investigation when rats were put on an iron-deficient diet, giving them Moringa oleifera, reduced cholesterol levels ― but did not prevent anemia from occurring. What about people? Human studies could not be located.
Does Moringa raise thyroid hormone levels? There are two main thyroid hormones. They are called:
- T4 (Thyroxine)
- T3
The T4 hormone is converted to T3, which is the active thyroid hormone.
In one study that looked at this, rats were given an extract of Moringa for 10 days. In the female rats, the T3 hormone (active hormone) decreased while T4 levels increased. Oddly, no changes in thyroid hormones were seen in male rats. Human studies of this effect on thyroid function cannot be located.
What About Weight Loss?
Does moringa promote help weight loss? In one human study, researchers tested the effects of supplement extract called LI85008F” (also called Adipromin in 25 overweight people. The LI85008F compound was composed of
- Moringa oleifera
- Murraya koenigi
- Curcuma longa (black pepper)
It was reported the combination promoted more weight loss a placebo. But, because the supplement tested contained 3 different ingredients, we can't say the same effect would be seen if people took only moringa.
Another study also noted weight loss but here also it was combined with green coffee bean and vitamin D. Like before, it's unknown how much moringa contributed to the weight loss since researchers combined it with 2 different ingredients. This study was a review of an Advocare supplement called CraveCheck SR.
See the green coffee review for more information.
Video Review of Moringa Research
Watch on my Youtube channel if you prefer.
Moringa And Pain
Do moringa leaves have anti-inflammatory activity? If yes, they may be a natural pain reliever and help those with arthritis. While there is evidence the seeds may reduce pain and inflammation in mice, human proof could not be located.
Another study noted both the seeds and root extracts, when injected, alleviated pain in rats with arthritis. But again, human proof to to corroborate this could not be located.
Moringa And Cholesterol
What about moringa for high cholesterol? Does it work as well as other supplements like citrus bergamot or berberine? There are both lab animal and cell studies suggesting it works. But, the human proof is lacking.
Moringa And Diabetes
Can moringa lower blood sugar and A1c level and improve diabetes? Is it as good as metformin? While there is evidence this medicinal plant may help diabetes, most of the evidence involves mice and rats. There's not enough human evidence yet to say if it would improve diabetes.
Moringa And Asthma
At least one study has found moringa may help asthma.
In 2008, a study was published titled In this investigation, 20 people with mild to moderate asthma were given 3 grams of dried seed kernels of Moringa, twice per day (6 grams total) with water for 3 weeks. The seed kernels appeared to improve asthma symptoms.
This study had no placebo group so this is a weakness of the investigation. Various lab animal research studies also indicate a possible beneficial effect on asthma as well.
Moringa And Cancer
Preliminary evidence suggests extracts from Moringa oleifera may kill cancer cells. The types of cancer that might be most affected include ovarian cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and skin cancer. While the leaves seem to be most popular, this study noted moringa root extract was effective at killing about 80% of liver cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer cells.
Most of the research involves lab animals and test tubes. Human clinical studies involving cancer cannot be located.
Can Moringa Lower Blood Pressure?
If you have high blood pressure, can moringa help? One study says it might. Here, 41 people were given either 120 g (4 oz) of cooked moringa oleifera leaves each day and compared to people who did not eat the leaves. Before and after blood pressure measurements were taken.
Those eating cooked leaves had lowered systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. This was not seen on those who did not eat the leaves. This is good news because some animal research has noted moringa might raise blood pressure. While encouraging, keep in mind none of the people in the study had high blood pressure so more research is needed.
Moringa And AIDS
Can Moringa be a supporting treatment for HIV/AIDS? There's no doubt it's popular for this. According to a survey of HIV positive patients in Zimbabwe, at least 80% of people with HIV have used Moringa to boost their immune systems. But, does it work? Can it improve CD4 cells, immune cells affected by HIV? What about someone who is showing symptoms of AIDS?
One investigation showed moringa improved body mass index (BMI) in people with HIV/ AIDS. This was a small study of only 30 people who were given either a placebo or moringa for 6 months. Still, the ability to improve body weight in people with HIV/AIDS is significant and worthy of more research. Those with HIV/AIDS may want to discuss using with their doctor first.
Some test-tube and lab animal studies suggesting that extracts of the tree might have an immune inhibiting effect. Since HIV also inhibits the immune system, does this mean it would be bad for HIV/AIDS? It's too soon to know.
See the Black Seed HIV Review for more information.
How Much Works?
So if you were to take moringa supplements how much should you take? It's difficult to say. There's not enough human research yet. It's possible the dosage used may be different depending on the health condition. On the Dr. Oz segment I saw, he recommended taking 400 mg per day in a supplement drinking the tea twice a day. What's not known is where Dr. Oz came up with his dosage suggestion.
The good news is that supplements are not expensive.
Moringa Side Effects
Moringia is likely safe in most healthy people. It's been used for many years in developing countries who don't get enough to eat, so I think it is safe for most people. Given the lack of research on health conditions, here are some general things to consider before taking this supplement. This list is not complete so always check with your doctor.
- If taking supplements, start with less than recommended for the first week
- If you take any medications talk to your doctor
- Talk to your doctor first if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Some lab animal evidence that it might cause an abortion. Human evidence of this has not been confirmed but avoid while pregnant, just to be safe.
- Stop taking supplements at least 2 weeks before surgery. Moringa may have a blood-thinning effect.
Does Moringa Work?
There's no doubt the moringa tree is nutrient-rich. If you want to add a scoop to your smoothies, great. As for it helping people with health problems, I think its too soon to tell.
Hello all, how do I find a quality moringa supplement? What do I look for? What do I not want? Thanks, Bryan
Hi Bryan, what are you hoping the moringa supplement will do for you?
Have you asked those making their claims on their websites directly to supply you with the research they used to afford them to make their claims?
Hi Rodney, no I have not. I figured if they had evidence, why would they not share it on their sites? I shouldn’t have to ask them for it – and neither should you.
I am taking prescription Rosuvastatin pills daily and low dose ASA pills at night to hold clotting of arteries in check.
Would there be a concern trying out moringa as a supplement shake and /or tea whilst taking the above medications???
Thanks for considering giving advice!
Much appreciated.
Hi Hugh, I think its best if you ask your pharmacist about that.
Hi Joe,
I only just discovered moringa, it was actually suggested to me by a registered nurse promoting the Zija brand whilst she was staying at the hotel that I work at.
About a year ago I started having lots of skin and hair loss issues, the dermatologist came to the conclusion that I had sciorisis of the scalp and dermatitis boarding ezchema. The lady I met gave me some free samples and swore by the product that it would help my skin problems, I was skeptical after researching I decided that there would be no harm in trying it.
I have only been using it for a week now and I have reduced the creams I am using and my skin is clearing up, I have had no side effects I am still a little skeptical but I have seen improvement but my skin always has its good weeks and bad. I will continue to use and see what the outcome will be.
Have you found any research on the benefits of moringa from skin disorders?
Hi Jessica, Im glad its helping you and yes there is some research on moringa helping the skin. Here is one such study
Thanks for sharing your experiences and hope it continues to help you.
I saw Moringa at my PCP office (he grows it and sells it) but it was real expensive. I got some organic Moringa from Puritan Pride. I mixed it in with the water I use for my morning blueberry drink in my Nutribullet. For two days my heart would start pounding like it was coming out of my chest 3-4 times a day. I thought back at anything I was doing differently and the only thing was taking the Moringa.
I stopped putting it in my morning drink and haven’t experienced that heart thing since. Thinking about getting some from my Drs office and seeing if it produces the same heart pounding…. it may just be something they put in the Puritan Pride Organic moringa.
I hear nothing but good things about it but I’ve never had my heart pounding like that before and if it still occurs with the Moringa at my Drs office, definitely won’t be taking it any more.
Hi Sandy, before you get it from your PCP, tell him about your heart issues first. Lets see what he thinks before you experiment more with it.
Joe, I believe you when you say there no human studies done, okay. What I would like to know are there any studies to support the follow nutritional value about Moringa?
The leaves of Moringa Oleifera are nature’s multi-vitamin providing 7 x the vitamin C of oranges, 4 x the calcium of milk, 4 x the vitamin A of carrots, 3 x the potassium of bananas, and 2 x the protein of yogurt. On top of that, science is proving Moringa to be a power house of nutrients; 90 are known to date, with the possibility of more yet to be identified. If that were not enough, Moringa has no known impurities, with no adverse reactions ever recorded.
Hi BidD, I hear what you are saying and I don’t doubt moringa has vitamins and minerals. Extracts of moringa might one day prove useful in some health conditions. People say a lot of things about moringa being good for this or that. I wrote my review to help people understand the research on moringa and put things in perspective. I did list some things people should think about in the side effects section.
I’d just like to offer some anecdotal evidence to other readers. I have clinically diagnosed IBS and started taking organic Moringa capsules last week. Unfortunately, my IBS symptoms of cramping and diarrhea have increased. I will stop taking 1 capsule per day and see how I cope with 1 per week. If the symptoms don’t ease I will stop taking them altogether.
Hi Michelle, thank you for sharing. I hope you feel better. I hope you will let us know what happens.
I have been taking moringa for about a month and a half. Three weeks at a tea spoonful of dry leaves tea and one table sponful of dry leaves tea twice a day for the last two weeks, no side effects ( i take blood thinners) but no energy increase or anything like that. AM I TAking too little of it?
Hi Ivan, honestly I’m not sure if Moringa improves energy or not. As I mentioned in my review, I could only find a couple of rat studies on this topic.
Hello Ivan, the quality of Moringa supplements depends to a very large extent on the production techniques employed in making them. During moringa supplement production, sometimes the leaves have to be dried. If high temperatures are used in drying there is the tendency of destroying the vitamins and antioxidants responsible for Moringa’s health benefits. Hence supplements made under these conditions tend not to be as effective as the ones produced and stored under optimal conditions. So if your moringa is not working for you, you might want to troubleshoot in that direction.
i have a question can you take moringa if you type 2 diabetic
Hi Pearline, while I’m not aware of any issues with blood sugar or diabetes, If you get your medicine at a local pharmacy, Id advise you to ask her/him about it. I feel they will be best able to give you an answer based on the different medications you may be taking.
Here is an interview I did once with a woman who had type II diabetes. She brings up some interesting ideas here that might be of use to you: http://www.joe-cannon.com/interview-yolanda-bowles-diabetes-exercise-nutrition-cure-type-ii-diabetes/
This article might answer you question:
The answer is yes. I’m an insulin dependent type II diabetic, and I used to have low blood sugar episodes most days before I started taking organic Moringa leaf powder. The Moringa regulates my blood sugar to the point where I rarely have low blood sugar episodes. Also, my doctor, who takes Moringa, told me that diabetics’ cells have a difficult time absorbing food “energy”. She said that everybody should take Moringa because of its nutritional benefits. I feel better and have much more energy since I started taking Moringa. I have been taking it for more than a year now.
Linda, Are you still taking insulin ?
I have tried moringa twice and it causes serious gag reflex. The first time, I sprinkled some in something that I was eating. The second time I had it with a glass of water and I got serious heartburn, nausea and only found relief after I threw up. I read somewhere that this is due to toxins leaving the body… I don’t know but I have to say that I am skeptical.
Hi Sakhile, toxins leaving the body didn’t cause you to throw up. That is a myth. I’m not sure why you had the reactions you had.
I initially tried moringa capsules to regain stamina after going through pneumonia and then following that another virus that had left me pretty run down to the point I had asthma that wouldn’t subside. I had read other peoples reviews and thought well ok I’ll try that, and within two days I could breath remarkably better, and now its three weeks later I have no signs of stressful breathing ..yeah I’m pretty happy with this.
I live in Australia and I buy buy my capsule freshly made for me from Moringa Farms Australia. I think this is something I will stay with.
Hi Helen, that is great news. So glad to hear Moringa helped you!
For what it’s worth, people have been using Moringa Oleifera for a long time for many different reasons. Just because modern science hasn’t conducted “official studies” doesn’t mean there isn’t evidence that it is benefits humans. It would be disrespectful to our ancestors to take their knowledge of plants and herbs for granted.
Also that thing about pregnancy is false. it is the skin of the root of the tree that can cause abortions. The leaf is fine for pregnant women, in fact it is encouraged by many traditional mid wives. I know plenty of mothers who have “Moringa Babies”. I have never heard of a complaint that the leaf has caused an abortions.
Of course this goes without saying, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. So find a quality product and use moderately. If someone is trying to increase iron levels for example, small amounts of any supplement or fruit, like goji berries, consumed consistently over time is how you achieve healthy iron counts in your blood.
Finding Quality Moringa Powder isn’t as easy as it sounds. Many brands forfeit quality and potency for higher profits, as it’s costs more to produce high quality product.
Thanks for your article
Hi Paul, thanks for sharing your thoughts. About the abortion issue, I brought it up because as you point out, it may be a challenge to find a quality moringa supplement. Because of this, I thought it was prudent to mention for the pregnant woman who come here.
Well i started using it today! Be back in a month or so to see if it helps for inflammation!
Hi Misty, good luck. How are you measuring inflammation? by how you feel or are you having any blood tests too?
Can you please let me know if it helped your inflammation—I have RA and was thinking of trying it.
Hi Joe. One of the things you didn’t talk about and that they claim moringa to help whit is with anxiety disorders and neurological cases since they say they balance seratonin. I bet you have heard something about it. Do you have anything to say upon these statements?
Hi Rickson, Ive never heard of moringa helping those conditions. Have you ever seen any research on it? I have not but I’m always open to new studies coming out on it.
Is it safe to use to increase breast milk for a nursing mother?
Hi Vmalleva, I really believe that is a discussion you should be having with your doctor.
thank you
My midwife suggested it to me to increase my milk supply.
Hi Joe
Thanks for the article – here is a link to some other research references of benefits in humans FYI
Best Neil
Thanks Neil.
It’s good to read all the positive side
i have seen so many brands are there any that stand out. one site said it comes from India and then it said beware of bogus maringa coming out of India, on the same site. then they had a video showing a tree in Kenya.
totally confused.
Hi Barb, don’t fall for scare tactics like that. I think they are all alike as long as they come form a quality company. tip: Google the address of the company and see what it looks like and also look at the other search results to see if anything else shares that address. Sometimes that can turn up information that can help you decide which brand to go with. Also google the company name with “BBB.” This can turn up the Business Bureau file on the company, if they have one.
Zija claims to use the leaf the stems and the pod of the Moringa tree. The other Moringa supplements are just the leaf? According to Zija to get all the benefits of the plant you need to use all of it. Any input?
Hi Kristy, I’m sure there are beneficial compounds in all parts of the plant. I have not yet looked at Zija to see if there is any research on it though. If you try it, let me know if it helps you.
please I need help, I took moringa seed and I stared urinating blood.what can I do.
Joy, go to the hospital. Call your doctor so they know what is happening. Let us know how things go. Sending you prayers!
I’ve tried several supplements, one was an organic capsule 400 mg 2x per day. The other was a 5000 mg extract capsule, also 2x per day. I’ve been going to a doctor over the past 4 or 5 months. The first 2 times, I was using the organic capsules. I’m on blood pressure meds and was surprised that my bp on the first visit (I’d been taking them about a month before that visit) was 104 over 66.
Very low compared to my norm.
The second visit a week later produced similar results, at that point the doctor halved my blood pressure meds. Two weeks later, (taking the “extract form”), at my next appointment, my blood pressure was 140 over 85, typical of where it is when I take halve the meds while taking nothing.
I had another appointment coming up a week later, so after the first of the two visits, I started taking the 400 mg organic ones again. The next visit was 117 over 65 with the meds cut in half.
I don’t know if this means anything, but even at home, my bp is very similar while taking the organic version. I have not returned to taking the 5000 mg extract capsules.
Hi Gil, thanks for sharing. I did a quick search and found this study noting an extract of moringa did help lower blood pressure in rats
I didn’t see any studies on people -yet- but I am glad it seems to be working in you.
What brand were you using?
I use moringa and one side effect is my once gray hair is now gone back to being black and yes it increased my energy and I slept better at nights. I buy the powder and use about half teaspoon in yogurt every morning. In Africa pregnant mother are given moringa and the new born babies also they have eradicated dissentery (sp) that kills thousands of babies every year and the orange hair that comes from malnutrition is reversing.
Arlene, Ive never heard that moringa helps restore hair color but I’m glad its helped you.
What kind of Moringa are you taking & where are you purchasing it from?
Do u mind sharing what brand you r taking? Thank you. 🙂