Update 5/6/20. Keto OS by Pruvit is an exogenous ketone supplement. Exogenous ketone supplements were born from the popularity of the ketogenic diet, one of the most popular weight loss programs of all time. I've seen ads for Pruvit Keto OS popping up so many times that I decided to review it. In this Keto OS review, I'll show you the research on this supplement and its ingredients. I'll also show you its main ingredient too. Does it really work? Does Keto OS have any side effects? Is it a scam? Let's take a look and see if Keto OS is right for you.
What Are Ketones?
Ketones (also called ketone bodies) are acid-like molecules formed naturally in the body during the breakdown of fat. In other words, we make ketones low amounts of all the time. We make more ketones when:
- There isn’t a lot of food to eat
- We eat a low carb diet
- During long-duration exercise
- Diabetics can’t control their blood sugar levels.
When the levels go above what we normally make, it's called ketosis.
What Is A Ketogenic Diet?
The suffix Keto refers to “ketones” and genic refers to “the formation of.” Therefore the ketogenic diet is an eating program that causes the body to increase its formation of ketones.
Ketogenic diets usually consist of eating lots of fat and very little carbs. Short term studies have documented ketogenic diets can reduce hunger.
Some research has also shown weight loss too. While interesting, at least one study has noted ketogenic diets are no more effective than other weight loss eating plans.
Ketogenic Diet Benefits
The popularity of keto supplements makes sense because the ketogenic diet might :
While this is nice, remember evidence for the keto-diet is not necessarily evidence for the benefits of ketone supplements. They are not necessarily the same thing.
What Are Ketone Supplements?
Ketogenic supplements (like Pruvit Keto OS and others) contain ingredients said to put you into ketosis without actually eating a ketogenic diet. Sounds too good to be true. So is it?
What Is Keto OS?
Keto OS is a dietary supplement that is supposed to put people into ketosis. It's made by a supplement company called Pruvit. It's not the keto OS diet but rather a diet supplement.

Research suggests ketogenic diets can lead to weight loss. So, the idea is ketogenic supplements – like Keto OS -will raise ketone levels and increase fat loss without people eating a low carb diet/high fat.
That's the theory anyway…
In this review, I will try to address these 4 questions:
- Does Pruvit Keto OS have any proof it raises ketone levels?
- Does Pruvit Keto OS increase fat burning?
- Does Pruvit Keto OS have any proof it helps you weight loss?
- What are the ingredients in Pruvit Keto OS?
These are, after all, that's what most people are interested in.
What Does Keto OS Mean?
The name Keto OS is short for “Ketone Operating System.” It’s a slick-sounding name which I guess is supposed to impress on people the ingredients help the metabolic ketone operating system of the body work better. This is similar to the operating system of your computer (widows/IOS/Android etc.).
The goal with keto supplements is to make the “ketone operating system” produce more ketones without eating a ketogenic diet.
Keto OS Benefits
From the Pruvit website, Keto OS is said to improve the following:
- Focus
- Energy
- Fat loss
- Sleep
- Strength
- Mood
It should be noted none of these benefits are guaranteed. If you go to the Pruvit website you will notice the sentence “what Keto OS may do for you” where the important word in the sentence is “may.” There is no guarantee of any of these benefits.
Pruvit Keto OS Research
Does Keto OS have any clinical proof it raises ketone levels? Evidence appears to be lacking. There is no mention of evidence/proof on the Keto OS website. Likewise, searching clinical websites reveals no research either.
So, it appears, for now, Keto-OS -itself – has no clinical evidence showing it raises ketone levels. So does it work? Let's look at the research on the ingredients.
Pruvit Keto OS Ingredients
According to the Supplement Facts label, 1 scoop (22.3 g) of Keto OS has 110 calories and the following nutrition information:
Nutrient | Amount | Percent Daily Value |
Total fat | 7g | 10% DV |
Saturated fat | 7g | 34% DV |
Trans fat | 0g | N/A |
Cholesterol | 0g | 0% DV |
Sodium | 1.4 grams | 59% DV |
Potassium | 47 mg | 10%DV |
Total carbs | 3g | 34%DV |
Dietary fiber | 0g | 0%DV |
Sugars | 2g | N/A |
Protein | 1g | 59% DV |
Vitamin A | amount not given | <1% DV |
Vitamin C | 0 | %DV |
Vitamin B12 | amount not given | <2% DV |
Calcium | amount not given | 44% DV |
Thiamin | amount not given | <1% DV |
Riboflavin | amount not given | 3% DV |
Phosphorous | amount not given | 5% DV |
Magnesium | amount not given | <1%DV |
Pantothenic acid | amount not given | 1% DV |
Iodine | amount not given | 7%DV |
While this is a big table, there are a couple of things worth pointing out:
I noticed 2 typos in the Supplement Facts label:
- 1 gram of protein is not 59% of the daily value for protein.
- 3 grams of total carbs is not 34% of the daily value for carbs.
I'm not used to seeing typos in Supplement Facts. Companies make mistakes. I get that. This is not the worst, I've seen. See the 3 Balerina Tea review for more on this.
A few other items are as follows:
- Pruvit Keto OS is considered high in saturated fat according to the FDA. Per FDA guidelines, anything with more than 20% of daily value is considered “high.”
- Keto OS is high in sodium with each scoop providing 1.4 grams. This is 59% of the daily value for sodium.
None vitamins or minerals in Keto OS play roles in ketone production so I won't address them.
Keto OS Active Ingredients
The key ingredient in Keto OS is found in the ingredients which are listed below the Supplement Facts label.
Here, we see each Keto OS packet (22.7 g) contains the following ingredients:
- Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (amount not given)
- MCT Powder (amount not given)
- Natural Flavor
- Malic Acid
- Stevia
- Caffeine (amount not given)
- Ascorbic Acid
Of all these ingredients, it’s the first 2 ingredients on the list (and really just ingredient #1) that are most important. Those ingredients are:
- Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (this is the main key ingredient)
- MCT Powder
Let’s now look at the research on each of these compounds.
Beta HydroxyButyrate is also called BHB or hydroxybutyric acid. BHB is a ketone. That's why you see it in so many exogenous ketone supplements.
When BHB is taken as a supplement, it’s called an “exogenous ketone” Naturally made BHB are called endogenous ketones.
Several websites discuss how DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) – the US government agency tasked with developing new technologies for national security – has tested ketone drinks see if they improved military performance. While this is a nice claim to fame, I'm not sure if the US military uses ketone drinks or not.
Does BHB Raise Ketone levels?
It probably does. At least one lab rat study has shown BHB supplements raise BHB levels in the blood. This study lasted 28 days. The rats received between 5000 mg and 10000 mg per kilogram of body weight BHB.
Since rats and people are not the same, we need to do some math to find equivalent dosages. Converting to people dosages, the amount is 806 mg/kg to 1600 mg/kg.
A small human study (15 people) has also shown a ketone drink, providing 12-24 grams of BHB, was successful at raising blood BHB levels.
How much BHB is in Pruvit Keto OS? They don't tell us.
See the Thrive DFT DUO weight loss patch review has more on BHB.
Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) have been around a long time. Research has shown MCTs can raise BHB levels in people with dementia. Given MCTs also raise BHB levels, it makes sense they would be present in ketosis supplements.
Researchers in 2015 analyzed 13 different studies of MCTs and weight loss. They concluded while it was possible MCTs may aid weight reduction, they also noted many studies had problems. In other words, more research is needed.
Because MCTs raise BHB levels, it's a logical choice for a ketogenic supplement.
Exogenous Ketones And Weight Loss
Evidence for exogenous ketone supplements helping you lose weight cannot be located.
Ketones are an alternative fuel source for when our blood sugar gets too low. When people eat a ketogenic diet (low carbs, low protein, high fat), they make ketones (endogenous ketones). This can lead to weight loss. But, taking a ketone supplement but this doesn't necessarily mean you are burning fat.
Diet-induced ketosis (endogenous ketones) is not the same thing as taking a supplement. This is a big problem with supplements like Keto OS. It assumes all ketosis is the same. It's not.
Exogenous Ketones And Exercise
Few studies have looked at whether ketone supplements can make you run faster, jump higher or lift heavier weights. One such study took place in Ireland where researchers gave 15 male sprinters either an electrolyte drink or an exogenous ketone supplement (called KetoAid) or different days. The dosage of the supplement was 750 mg per kilogram of body weight.
These researchers found that while the ketone supplement did lower blood sugar levels and lactic acid levels, it did not improve exercise performance. It also did not make exercise seem easier either. When the sprinters took the ketone supplement though they did better on a cognitive performance test. Basically, they gave more correct answers than when they used the electrolyte drink.
Exogenous Ketones And Dementia
Can keto supplements make you smarter or reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease? What if you already have dementia? Can exogenous ketones improve memory? Some websites do hint this may be true. But is it?
One mouse study noted a ketogenic diet improved memory. Interesting but it was a mouse study. Another mouse study noted ketogenic diets improve movement in mice with Alzheimer's disease but did not reduce beta-amyloid plaques which entangle brain cells – one of the key issues with this disease.
So what does this mean for people with dementia? The research is interesting but in its infancy. No study has yet shown ketogenic diets or supplements can reverse dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
Who Makes Keto OS?
The company is called Pruvit (“Prove it”) also known as Pruvit Ventures, Inc. The company website is PruvitNow.com.
The Pruvit company is located at 901 Sam Rayburn Highway Melissa, Texas 75454. The CEO of Pruvit is Brian Underwood. Other ventures Mr. Underwood has been involved with include a social media sharing app called Rippln, a social app sharing platform, as well as a text message marketing app called Izigg.
At the time this review was crated the Better Business Bureau gave Pruvit Ventures had a rating of “F.” See the BBB file for updates and more information.
At the time this review was created, Pruvit held 41 trademarks on a variety of words and phrases such as:
- KetoGevity
- Ketones In Every Cup
- Pure Therapeutic Ketones
- Keto //OS
- Hacked
- Food For Thought
How To Contact Pruvit
When this review was created, no contact phone number was listed on The Pruvit website. An email address is provided for those with questions: support@pruvithq.com.
Buy Pruvit Keto OS
This supplement is probably not sold at local stores like Walmart, CVS, Walgreens, Kmart, Costco, RiteAid, Target or Sams Club. It can only be purchased at the Pruvit website or at various online retail stores like Amazon.
Pruvit Keto OS Cost?
I found the price of Pruvit Keto OS confusing. The order form at the Pruvit the site has 3 options:
- “smart-ship” which I believe is an auto-ship program
- “Today only” which probably refers to one time only orders
- “Today and smart ship” I'm not sure what this means
That said, if we look only at the “today” option (and remove the auto-ship) here are the prices I saw:
- Keto OS Max (raspberry lemonade) 20 servings $130
- Keto Kreme FFT 20 servings: $82
- Keto OS Max (Swiss cacao) 20 servings $130
- Keto OS Max (Maui Punch) 20 servings $130
- Keto OS 3.0 (chocolate swirl) 30 servings $144
- Keto OS 2.1 (orange dream) 30 servings $160
There is also a “Family Pack” for $408 which contains:
- 30 x 2.1 Orange Dream Charged
30 x 2.1 Orange Dream Caffeine Free (“uncharged”)
30 x 3.0 Chocolate Swirl Charged
The “Charged” (caffeine added) version prices are the same as “uncharged” (decaffeinated) versions. Any way you slice it, Keto OS is expensive.
Pruvit Keto OS Guarantee
Keto OS supplements do come with a guarantee: This is what it says on the Pruvit website:
“If within the first 30 days of the original purchase, you are not satisfied with the product you may contact support@pruvithq.com to return the unused portion of the product for a full refund of the product purchase amount, minus shipping and handling charges incurred.
After 30 days and up to 90 days post-purchase, you may contact support@pruvithq.com to return the remaining sellable portion of the product for a full refund on the returned items, minus shipping and handling charges incurred.”
This seems reasonable. One thing to take note of is the 30-day guarantee starts WHEN YOU PURCHASE the supplements – not when they arrived.
Keto OS Side Effects
While Keto OS is likely safe in healthy people for at least short periods of time, long term effects are not known until research is published. Here are a few things to consider. This list is not complete:
- Fluid loss may occur especially in those who combined keto supplements with a ketogenic diet. The fluid loss comes from the breakdown of glycogen (carbohydrates stored in the muscles). This loss of fluid might also lead to a loss of minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc. The loss of sodium is why Pruvit says they add sodium to their supplements.
- The “Atkins Flu” is a self-described set of symptoms sometimes reported by those who go on a low carb diet. Signs if this can include irritability, fatigue, and headaches to name a few. Whether or not this “flu” occurs when someone takes nutritional keto supplements, is unknown. The Atkins Flu is not a formal diagnosis. Rather, it's just anecdotal reports. Take it as such.
A shortlist of those who should seek medical advice before trying exogenous ketogenic supplements include those with:
- diabetics
- kidney problems
- liver problems
- heart disease
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol/triglyceride levels
- Until more is known, avoid keto supplements while pregnant or breastfeeding.
- Stop taking ketogenic supplements at least 2 weeks before having surgery.
To be safe, those with medical issues should speak to their doctor, dietitian, and/or pharmacist before using ketogenic diets or keto supplements.
Best Way to Measure Ketone levels?
The only way to know for sure if Keto OS is really raising ketones in the body is to test yourself. There are 3 different ways to test your ketone levels:
- Breath test
- Urine test
- Blood test
Of these, testing ketone levels in the blood are usually seen as the best test.
There are several blood ketone meters out there. I'm not sure which one is best. One problem with blood testing devices is they may not be able to tell the difference between D-BHB and L-BHB.
Generally, D-BHB is what you want to test for. One problem with Keto OS and other supplements is they may not tell us if they provide D BHB or L BHB. My guess is most probably provide a combination of both. While the L version of BHB is not useless, most experts agree the D version is better.
Another issue with any ketone supplement is do they raise blood ketone levels high enough to do anything? Ketone levels likely go higher when you are on a low carb diet than taking exogenous ketones.
How Long do ketones Stay Elevated?
How long do blood ketone levels stay higher after taking a Keto OS? Is it 20 minutes? An hour or several hours? I do not know.
Raspberry Ketones And Ketosis
Raspberry ketones give raspberries their unique smell. They are also a popular -and questionable -weight loss supplement. But they will not put you into ketosis. Raspberry ketones are not ketones and not keto supplements. As such, they have no place in a ketogenic diet or in keto supplements.
Despite their hype, raspberry ketones are not as effective for weight loss as most think.
Keto OS Questions And Answers
Does Keto OS Have Caffeine?
Some versions of Keto OS have caffeine. The caffeinated versions are called “charged.” While the exact amount of caffeine is not stated, the Pruvit says it's similar to a cup of coffee. As such we can estimate the caffeine to be around 80-120 mg.
There are also non-caffeine versions of Keto OS. These versions are called “uncharged.” The caffeine in Pruvit comes from Caffeine Hydrous.
Why Does Keto OS Have Caffeine?
Some evidence suggests caffeine can stimulate ketone production in humans. Since Keto OS doesn’t have a lot of caffeine, it's hard to know if it would have any significant ketogenic effects.
Caffeine is might also help counteract fatigue which may accompany a ketogenic lifestyle. This is my speculation of course. Non-caffeine versions of Keto OS are also available.
Does Keto OS Affect Kidneys?
I found a Pruvit article that addresses this question. They say “There is no reason that the ketones produced by the product will affect the kidneys or liver any differently than ketones produced from exogenous fats.”
While this is probably true in healthy people, I’d still like to see safety studies in humans to know for sure.
How Does Keto OS Taste?
I did not taste Keto OS but I saw several people online saying it tasted bad. Others have told me you have to get used to the taste and some have said it tasted better than other keto supplements. Taste is so individual that the only way to know is to try it for yourself.
Why Does Keto OS Contain Sodium?
It's said the reason Keto OS has added sodium is to replace the sodium lost in the urine as someone becomes ketogenic. Keto OS supplements are quite high in sodium. The Nutrition Facts labels reveal a packet may contain 39% to 59% of the daily value for sodium deepening on which product you used.
The sodium may be a problem for those with heart disease, or blood pressure/kidney problems.
Do You Need To Increase Salt Consumption?
The Pruvit website mentions it's necessary to increase sodium because being in ketosis will cause sodium loss from the body. Given most Americans already eat too much sodium, I respectfully disagree with them. Take it with a grain of salt. My guess is Keto supplements contain salt because ketone ester supplements are not widely available.
Is Keto OS Doctor-Approved?
The Pruvit website does say it's “doctor approved” but this doesn’t mean much unless we know how many doctors approve of the supplement. In other words, was it just one doctor or most of the American Medical Association? Also, what kind of doctor are we talking about – a MD, a PhD, a chiropractor, a doctor of physical therapy or a naturopathic doctor?
What Are “Therapeutic Ketones”
Raising the level of ketones in the body has been shown to help some medical conditions such as epilepsy. Since it’s a safe bet most people are not using Ketosis supplements for medical conditions, calling them “therapeutic” is over-reaching in my opinion.
Also, ketone supplements may not provide the same medical benefits as diet-induced ketosis. In my opinion, calling them “therapeutic ketones” is just good marketing.
The phrase Pure Therapeutic Ketones is trademarked by Pruvit.
Is Keto OS Gluten-Free?
Yes it is. The supplement contains no gluten.
Is it Dairy Free?
Some versions are. The 3.0 Chocolate Swirl and Max Maui Punch versions are dairy-free. The other versions of the Keto OS contain a small amount of dairy (2g-3g).
Is it Vegan?
Some versions are. Both the 3.0 Chocolate Swirl and Max Maui Punch are vegan. The other Pruvit supplements are not.
Can kids Use Keto OS?
While the Pruvit website says yes, I’ll respectfully disagree with them on this. This is mostly because of lack of research on kids. While the website does say the serving size for kids would have to be adjusted according to the child’s age and body weight, Pruvit gives no guidelines on what these adjustments would look like. Speak to a dietitian, pharmacist, or doctor before giving kids keto supplements.
Where To Buy Keto OS?
While Keto OS supplements are not yet sold in stores like GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS, they can be purchased directly from Pruvit Promoters. So if you know a promoter, ask her/him.
Keto OS can also be found on Amazon (click to see listings)
What I liked & Didn’t Like
Here’s a quick rundown of what I liked and didn’t like about Pruvit Keto OS
What I liked | What I didn't like |
Keto OS has a guarantee | Keto OS is expensive |
BHB will raise ketone levels | Keto OS seems to lack clinical studies |
Typos in Nutrition Facts label | |
High in saturated fat | |
Amount of caffeine not listed | |
Amount of BHB not listed |
Remember, these are based on my opinion. Take them for what they are.
What's The Best Keto Supplement?
There are many ketogenic supplements, of which, Pruvit Keto OS is one of the most popular. Just a few of the others out there include:
- Insta ketones
- Keto Bomb
How does Pruvit Keto compare to other supplements? This can't be known until head-to-head comparisons are conducted by researchers.
If you are trying to decide which is Keto Brand is best, you need to remember all of them should contain beta hydroxybetabuterate (BHB). BHB is the key ingredient. If you don't see BHB as the first ingredient listed on the label, skip it.
Also, take notice of the amount of BHB in the product and compare that to the amounts I highlighted above.
Keto OS vs. Instaketones
Instaketones is another popular supplement. How does it compare to Keto OS? Well, they both have the same main ingredient – BHB. The label for Instataketones tells us each scoop (18.9g) provides 11.7 grams of BHB.
As for Keto OS, they don't tell us how much BHB it contains although, it is the first ingredient listed so it likely makes up most of the proprietary blend.
Instaketones also tells us each scoop has 100 mg of caffeine. While Keto OS also has caffeine, its label doesn't especially tell us how much it has.
While my hunch is the amount of BHB is probably similar in both products, I can understand how the lack of transparency in the Keto OS label might make some pick InstaKetones.
Keto OS vs. Garcina Cambogia
Garcinia cambogia is not a ketogenic supplement. I'm not a fan of garcinia Cambogia for weight loss. I don’t think the research is as strong as some say and it’s a connection to liver failure puts it on my “avoid” list.
Does Pruvit Keto OS Work?
If by “work” you mean “does Pruvit Keto OS help people lose weight?” I have my doubts. While I am pretty sure BHB supplements like Keto OS will raise levels of ketones in the blood, that doesn't necessarily mean they will work the same way as a ketogenic diet. Based on the evidence, Pruvit has not proved to me their keto supplement works. So, should you try it? That is up to you. If you try it, let me know what happened.
I have talked with someone who both uses and promotes Keto OS. She has several very happy clients who use it along with a low carb diet plan. That is how it’s supposed to be done. She never says to eat anything you want and lose weight.
Hi Numbo, I’d agree and I’m glad to hear the she advocates low carb with Pruvit Keto OS. That does make more sense to me. I’ve heard others who think they can just take the keto supplement and eat whatever they want.
I’m still searching for proof ketogenic supplements -like Keto OS – help low carb diets work better. Proof like that would be a game changer for keto supplements.
I tried pruvit ketones for a month. I didn’t notice any decrease in appetite or body weight
Hi Rich, thanks for sharing your experiences. Sorry to learn exogenous ketones did not work for you.
I’ve been doing keto with good results for 6 months. I knew these supplements sounded too good to be true. I tried one of them – not this one – for a month – and didn’t notice any more weight loss than when I just eat ketogenic. So far, I’ve lost 25 pounds.
Hi Bob, thanks for sharing and congrats on losing 25 lbs on the ketogenic diet. When it comes to ketogenic supplements, I am skeptical. I still dont see any proof they work the same way as the ketogenic diet or improve health or help the ketogenic diet work better.
Another very interesting and complete review! One thing I found both funny AND DISTURBING is that the company will take back, within 90 days, any unused “sellable” portions of their product!!!! Does this mean that they put this used portion of product into new containers that they then sell to other customers???
THAT is REALLY something that would turn me off from ever buying this product! Who knows WHAT could be in that remaining product that came from someone who returned it?! I would think that that would be illegal, and it’s definitely unethical!
Anyway, if taking a kerogenic exogenous product really did help people lose weight, while they can eat however many carbs they want, you would think studies would be done. And studies on people, not rats or mice!
Hey Roseann, that is a good observation about “unused” and “sellable.” I did not think of that. I’d hope the scenario you depicted would not occur.
You mentioned you’re listing your likes & dislikes however what is shown is a table of protein shakes nothing to do with the Keto OS study.
Hi Soni, sorry about that. I corrected the glitch. Go back to the review now and if you dont see the correct table listed, just hit refresh on your web browser and it should show up. Any other questions, just ask 🙂