Updated December 19 2023. Have you seen the Herpes Cure Report TV commercial? If not, let me quote from the commercial to give you an idea of what it says: “Attention herpes sufferers. There is now a cure for herpes. Genital herpes, shingles and cold sores can now be cured once and for all. Never suffer from herpes outbreaks ever again. This medical breakthrough discovery is now being introduced to America for the very first time. The cure for herpes is real and will work for you. These are VERY POWERFUL WORDS!
The very last sentence of the commercial is what got my spider sense tingling the most. It goes like this: “This is the herpes cure the drug companies don’t want you to know about”.
You see, I’ve heard this slogan before – and so have many of you. Let me now give you my take on the Herpes Cure Report and after that, tell you a little about the man behind the TV commercial.
Is the Herpes Cure Report Real?
When I first saw the TV commercial, I knew instantly that they were not referring directly to a supplement. This is because in America, it is illegal to say that a dietary supplement cures anything – yet I heard the word “cure” 6 times during the 41-second commercial.
If you watch the TV commercial for the Herpes Cure Report, which can be viewed on YouTube, you see that they are talking about a report, which I imagine discusses various dietary supplements etc. that are alleged to cure herpes.
Because in America, we have freedom of speech (thank goodness!), we can say anything almost in print. So while you can’t say specifically that ‘supplement x cures herpes”, you can write a “free report” that says “supplement x cures herpes”.
I called the phone number given in the Herpes Cure Report commercial to see what it was about. I was told that the report was free If I joined a website called NaturalCures.com, which was about $9.95 per month.
Update 2023. The website still exists and charges a $57 annual subscription or $99 for lifetime access. It is not known if it is still associated with Mr. Trudeau.
The video that I watched on the Natural Cures website says you can also submit questions that you have about health issues and that you would be replied to by a ”licensed medical professional.” Take note that they don’t say a physican will reply – rather only that a “trained medical professional” would reply to you.
Mr Trudeau has also been an advocate of the HCG diet in his book the “Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You To Know About.” If you have not heard of this diet, read the HCG Diet Review and the review on homeopathic HCG supplements.
What is The Herpes Cure?
Honestly, I don’t know what herpes cure Kevin Trudeau is referring to in his report. I didn’t join his site to get the free report. I searched online for the report but was not able to find it.
What I can tell you is that Kevin Trudeau’s books seem to suggest conspiracies. For example, here are the books that I remember seeing lately:
- Natural Cures They Don’t Want you to Know About
- The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About
- Nature Cures Revealed
- Debt Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About
This is why the pretty blond lady in the Herpes Cure Report even says “it’s the herpes cure the drug companies don’t want you to know about”.
Most of us like a good conspiracy (I believe in UFOs!), but is it possible that a herpes cure really does exist – but is being kept quiet by the drug companies?
While I do feel there is some truth in the words of comedian Chris Rock who once said “the money’s in the medicine” (not the cure), it’s hard for me to believe that there is a global conspiracy to keep a cure like this quiet.
Drug companies would have to pay off pretty much all of their employees – for life! And we have to assume that there are no honest people who would not take the payoff.
I haven’t read the Herpes Cure Report, but I’m guessing it goes something like this:
It’s a multi-part approach that includes:
- Stress reduction techniques –medication, prayer, etc.
- Behavior modification – safe sex
- Various herbs and vitamins like lysine to reduce herpes flair-ups
I could be completely wrong about this. Again, if anyone knows what the Herpes Cure Report says, please let me know.
Who is Kevin Trudeau?
I first heard of Kevin Trudeau about 10 years ago when he was selling a supplement called Coral Calcium Supreme on an infomercial. It was said that Coral Calcium Supreme could cure cancer and other ailments and even extend the lifespan. None of this had any basis in fact as far as I knew. Wikipedia has a detailed review of Kevin Trudeau if you want more info on him.
As far as I know, Mr. Trudeau is the only person in US history to have been banned from selling supplements on TV infomercials. But he can still write books about natural cures.
Like him or not, Mr. Trudeau is a genius salesman and marketer. But whether or not he knows about a natural cure for herpes is another story altogether.
Update. On March 18 2014, it was reported by CNN and elsewhere that Kevin Trudeau was sentenced to prison after it was found he violated a 2004 court order prohibiting him from making misleading statements related to dietary supplements and his weight loss books.
Update: In 2022, Mr. Trudeau was released from prison after serving eight years of his ten-year sentence.
Is There a Natural Cure for Herpes?
While I do not see any evidence that a “cure” exists, I did some research and found that there have been some studies showing that the following natural products might help ease genital herpes flair-ups. I provided links to the clinical studies to help others doing their own research:
My hope is that people show these to their physican to get updated information and hopefully open a dialog that may lead to other natural /pharmaceutical therapies that I'm not aware of.
What do you think?
Bottom line me; I don’t want to read or listen to a long drawn out spiel. Just bottom line me with authenicated truth , how much I have to pay and proven results.
You cant believe anyone anymore even our own doctors and government hell i agree with the guy wtf is the world coming to honestly?
Tommy, there is definitely a lot of confusion out there. I think by taking a step back and asking questions, we can get to the real truth.
Found that on answers.com
Also I have no idea of the validity of this, (having never tried it) But if it works would be great.
“Herpes is difficult to kill, and the establishment preaches that it is impossible to cure herpes. You will need to forget everything that you have learned about health care from modern medicine, because what I am going to tell you will fly in the face of it.
Herpes hides when the immune system is strong, so the only time it can be killed is during an outbreak. This means that the only time the immune system has an opportunity to kill herpes is when the immune system is already weakened. When the immune system begins recovering and winning against the herpes, then the it goes into hiding again. This is the endless cycle for herpes suffers. It is an internal gorilla warfare perpetually sapping the strength and health from its victim.
Wait until you are sick with the flu, and it triggers an outbreak of herpes
Do NOT use any antibiotics or steroids
Remove carbohydrates, chocolate, and all sugars from your diet for the 2 weeks
Take lysine, zinc, and a food based multivitamin during this time
Increase your protein intake, but avoid nuts (due to arginine counteracting lysine)
Apply a patch of 2% iodine to your skin which is about the size of a large coin, every day. Increase the amount if absorption takes **12 hours or less.
It may take more than one attempt to kill it, but it is worth the effort in the long term considering the benefits upon your health of being herpes free. To have a good chance at success, this protocol must be followed religiously. Good luck.
I have found that the herbal supplement Astragalus taken at the first sign of an outbreak of herpes 1, usually tingling or soreness on the lip, will stop the virus. Take two capsules together of the root extract, at least 400mg. It works great!
Please use the above information with care, speak with your medical doctor before using supplements in place of tested and true medicine.”
Sarah, Ive seen similar reports about arginine not being good for those with herpes.
Think about it if there was a cure why bring it out its how they control the market though
Mel, I do agree the money is in the medicine (and not the cure) but I just cant believe anybody would withhold cures to diseases. I know some will call dumb for that. I like to believe the best in people.
I saw this ad, and even though all I have are occasional cold sores. I found it interesting and decided to do some digging online. While I dont believe this commercial has any real “Cure”, I did find that there is a possible cure on the horizon. Maybe about 10-20 yrs out. They will of course have to do animal and human trials before they can release it to the public. But I have hope that we may soon see an actual cure.
Sarah, Someone once said, all things yield to stern resolve. In time I know we will have a cure.
Mms stands for miracle mineral solution
FACTS ABOUT Kevin Trudeau: Most of you are probably right but I agree that somewhere down the line he is probably holding back in some of his best secrets. MEGA MEMORY: I can tell you that this is where the guy made money on what I would consider a legitimate “put some effort into it and get results” REAL DEAL series of audio tapes which my Dad bought me as a young eager business minded kid struggling in school.
I met Kevin Trudeau when he started touring with Peter Lowe and Zig Ziglar to sell these tapes….back then (89-90) I would say he was legit and now that I am 34 and see where he has been going, I think the money became greed with someone giving him some real truths which he won’t give up 100% so he sells you the partials and keeps the a lot a secret, just like any patent guy, or channel partner – he wants to keep his niche or his leverage close to the vest….. I wish I could say I believe in the guy but I don’t think his conviction changed his life, I think it made him more skeptical and out for taking as much as he can (I don’t see true faith or giving) before and learning how not to get caught.
I think MMS stands for My Money Sucker!!!!!
guys…it IS REAL. it is MMS….which is proven to cure a whole batch of viruses. it started years ago by curing malaria. the founder JIM humble is real.
Trudeaux is a dick…..but im afraid he is real. if you check on actual cases, individuals who put their names and faces on you tube for all their friends and families to see, you will see that its real. the problem is…..”THEY” dont want you to know about it. On a similar note….watch the movie docu which just came out “FORKS OVER KNIVES” you will see absolute evidence that diet cures most things, the worst things, its proven on camera and I know because I have done the diet and it works FOR SURE.
Although Trudeaux is a nerd, and has shot his own credibility in the foot many times, he is right and he doesnt own MMS which is only 20 bucks for a 2 year supply. Also, check DCA….the cure for cancer reported on CNN 3 years ago and was quickly shut down. Im into all this because big pharma and our doctors KILLED MY WIFE. so….check this stuff out, many people do and cure themselves but cant say that right ?. remember WALL STREET ….how many times do we need to be hit over the head before we understand that OIL, DRUGS and MONEY is all controlled, we are just cods heads !!. open your eyes. by the way….MMS has no side fx. not like the pharma ad’s hey….my god, they announce a “TREATMENT” (note not a cure) in a 2 minute ad, for 5 seconds and then 1 minute and 55 seconds of warnings…its a joke…..”this drug will sure your heart burn, but side fx include, gout, cancer, depression, skind rashes, dizziness, some deaths have been seen, your head falls off etc etc etc.” open your freakin eyes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave, Im very sorry for your loss. What does MMS stand for?
Just an FYI I just researched MMS online and found that the FDA warns against its use because when taken as directed basically turns into bleach in the body
Beck, wow really! Do you have a link to that FDA page you can post?
Yep. Ol Kev put his sig. on the report with “the drug companies don’t want you to know about”. Lost me right then and I came looking for your site. Thanks. Mike.
Joe they have never replied, I have written concerning this topic a number of times over the past few years, most recently about 6 months ago. I don’t expect a reply, no politician wants to address 1st amendment rights. You and I know that would upset campaign donations.
Jeff that’s too bad that they didn’t even have the guts to write back. I sometimes go on the senate facebook page and blast them (and there is a lot to blast them about these days!). Maybe that will at least help you feel better. It did me 🙂
Just saw the commercial for the first time today. I knew immediately Trudea was involved when I heard the spokesperson say “the drug companies don’t want you to know about”. Everything he markets has got the same hook and reel remark. People like Trudeau is not what the first amendment is suppose to protect.
I have written my congressman and senator about the late night advertising techniques that are used. They should be illegal.
Jeff, please do keep me posted on what your Senator says if it replies to you.
Joe, you were better than me because I my spidey sense didn’t go off until I heard the statement about the “drug companies not wanting you to know about” before I suspected Kevin Trudeau was behind the commercial. I say play the lottery 😉
When I first saw this ad…on our secondary digital channel in Raleigh NC 50.2 MEtv…I “smelled” Kevin Trudeau lurking in the background of in the message. I was 100% correct…hey, I think if I play the lottery now…I’ll be a winner!
Kate would you think that arginine might be bad for herpes? I wrote something once on arginine and cold sores and how Arginine supplements might increase cold sores. Do you have any data on herpes? After seeing the Herpes Cure Report I wondered if part of the “cure” might be steering clear of arginine.
Usually a combination of red algae in powder form along with lysine helps tremendously along with shingle and cold sores issues. Polysaccharides are known to be natural immune support agents.
Hope this helps…
Lee, thats interesting Ill have to take a look at it. Is Red Marine Algae a pill or topical cream?
In Kevin Trudeau’s previous books he touted Red Marine Algae as a cure for Herpes. I pretty much think Kevin Trudeau is a slime ball. But out of desperation I did try the Red Marine Algae. I’m not cured, but I have to admit that outbreaks are less frequent. Maybe there is some benefit to the Red Marine Algae, I can’t say for sure.
Thanks Scott. Lately Ive seen him showing people how to get out of debt. Kevin is certainly diversified in what he does.
I like Kevin and I think he is very intelligent. What ever you read about go to the internet and type what it says and he is right. Get reassured by the internet. Yes there are a lot of people against him. He has opened my eyes to what the government is doing. Doctors always give prescriptions to you but they never tell you what is causing it. Doctors are good if you need your leg cut off. If you have cancer you can take a pill for $10,000 a day.
Who are the real crooks? It is about saving lives not making money. You go to jail for hurting a dog but it is ok to kill babies. And they give you a ticket for not wearing a seat belt. But they let people have abortions. I say put the mother and father in jail for killing a baby. Charge them with a felony. Then eventually maybe they will stop having sex out of marriage. Thanks Kevin for all you do.
Frances, you’ll not get any argument from me on how smart Kevin is. That said, I dont see any proof that his recipe is a cure for herpes.
Thanks for the background info On Kevin. His mother must be proud. I’ve seen him on TV before and my thoughts were, if you bought into this you fall into the category of:
” a fool and his money are soon parted.”