Update March 5, 2024. HemoHim is a liquid, natural, vegetarian, functional health supplement designed to help rejuvenate your blood – red and white blood cells – resulting in greater immunity and energy levels. Given the amazing claims surrounding this supplement, it's natural to wonder if HemoHim is a hoax. So, is the supplement legit or a scam? Does it really have the power to awaken tired immune cells? This review will reveal the research and ingredients to help you decide if this supplement is right for you. Also, see the Carnivora review.
What Does HemoHim Mean?
Let's break the word down:
- Hemo refers to hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying molecule in red blood cells
- H stands for hemopoiesis, the formation of blood cells
- I refers to immunity
- M refers to the modulation or regulation of blood cells
Based on this, the HemoHim herbal extract is said to create new red blood cells and strengthen and rejuvenate immune function.
What Does It Do?
The supplement was originally studied to help the blood and immune system recover from radiation cancer treatments, chemotherapy, and the free radical damage that occurs as a side effect of these medical procedures.

The supplement is said to have the following benefits:
- Strengthen the immune system
- Increase stamina and improve general health
- Increase natural killer immune cells
- Improve human defense capacity
- Enhance both red and white blood cell production
In addition, others claim the supplement can help diabetes, weight loss, high blood pressure, gout, rebalance hormones and help HIV/AIDS to name a few. If true, these are amazing benefits. But is there any proof?
Is HemoHim A Drug?
This is a dietary supplement. It is not a prescription or over-the-counter medication. Remember this because some of the claims made about what this herbal supplement does may confuse people into thinking it's a doctor-prescribed drug.
HemoHim Ingredients
According to the Supplement Facts label, each individual packet of the liquid herbal supplement has 20 calories, 0.67 fluid oz (20 ml), and the following ingredients.
Ingredient | Amount | Percent Daily Value |
Total carbohydrate | 5 g | 2% DV |
Total sugars | 2.5 g | |
Added sugars | 2 g | 4% DV |
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) | 14 mg | 16% DV |
Thiamine | 0.12 mg | 10% DV |
Riboflavin | 0.14 mg | 10% DV |
Vitamin B6 | 0.20 mg | 12% DV |
Pantothenic acid | 0.7 mg | 14% DV |
Proprietary Blend composed of the following | 10 grams | not established |
Angelica Gigas (root) | ||
Cnidium Officinale (root) | ||
Paeonia japonica (root) |
The specific composition of the supplement is as follows:
- 60.4% carbohydrates
- 6% protein
- 33.4% other, including polyphenols
A precise breakdown of the 33.4% “other” cannot be located, although it's possible they include various phytochemicals.
Since the vitamins and minerals are not present in large amounts, it may be concluded the effects and benefits of HemoHim are due to the 3 ingredients in the proprietary blend – Angelica Gigas, Cnidium Officinale, and Paeonia Japonica.
Other Ingredients
The supplement also contains water, honey, corn syrup, fructooligosaccharides, citric acid anhydrate, guar gum, ascorbic acid, sodium alginate, and seaweed powder.
How Much Iodine Does HemoHim Contain?
Seaweed powder is listed as one of the other ingredients in this supplement. Seaweed is a source of iodine. Atomy customer service states the company does not analyze HemoHim for iodine. In theory, iodine might raise thyroid hormones and interfere with thyroid medications, including levothyroxine (Synthroid).
HemoHim Proprietary Blend Research
There are 3 herbs that make up the proprietary blend:
- Angelica Giga (root)
- Cnidium Officinale (root)
- Paeonia japonica (root)
Here's a summary of some of the clinical studies on each.
Angelica Giga
In one study, Angelica giga extract lowered triglycerides and bad (LDL) cholesterol more than a placebo when people were given 1000 mg (1 gram) a day for 3 months. Other studies, carried out in mice have shown angelica giga may improve memory and suppress tumor formation. These effects have not been confirmed in humans.
Cnidium Officinale
When cells are bathed in Cnidium officinale, the substance exerts both anticancer and antioxidant effects. At least one petri dish study showed that cnidium inhibited the spread of colon cancer cells. The anti-cancer effects of Cnidium may be related to its ability to induce apoptosis, also known as cell death. More human studies are needed to confirm these findings.
Paeonia japonica
This herb, also known as peony, has been shown in preliminary research to have antiviral, antioxidant, and anticancer effects. In laboratory animal studies, Paeonia appears to protect against liver damage. Human studies have not confirmed these effects.
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HemoHim Research
Researchers have investigated the effects of HemoHim in several clinical studies. Most of these investigations have been performed in Korea and most of them involve rats, mice, and isolated cells. Here is a summary of those clinical investigations.
Lung Function
HemoHim has been shown to reduce airway inflammation in mice caused by cigarette smoke exposure. When rats were given the supplement, it also reduced inflammation.
Cancer & Radiation
Gamma radiation is used to battle cancer. When treated with HemoHim, mice lived longer after exposure to gamma radiation. Other researchers observed that HemoHim enhanced the cancer-killing effect of radiation therapy.
When mice were treated with whole-body radiation, their intestinal cells were protected from radiation-induced cell death (apoptosis). In another investigation, HemoHim was shown to inhibit melanoma (skin cancer) growth in a test tube and the substance enhanced the effect of chemotherapy. This study used mouse skin cancer cells.
HemoHim has also been shown to protect the immune systems in mice that were injected with chemotherapy drugs. While the studies are interesting, they do not prove HemoHim protects people who getting chemotherapy or radiation therapy or it helps people who have cancer.
Immune System Effects
In both mice and isolated cell research, HemoHim has been shown to ramp up the growth of Dendritic cells, which play important roles in forming antibodies. As animals -and humans – age, their immune system tends to get old too. Could HemoHim help aging immune systems? To

test this, researchers conducted a study using young and old mice.
Old mice that were given HemoHim for 3 weeks showed elevations in cytokine production. Cytokines are substances (like interleukin) that are secreted from immune cells and help the immune response.
In addition, the older mice showed improvements in white blood cells called lymphocytes and natural killer cells (NK cells), although the enhancement of these cells was still lower than that seen in younger mice.
Help For Diabetes?
Type II diabetes is on the rise in the US. When researchers gave HemoHim to mice with diabetes, the supplement improved blood sugar and insulin levels and also appeared to preserve beta-cell function. The beta cells in the pancreas make insulin. In theory, preserving beta cell function may mean HemoHim could benefit people with type I and type II diabetes, although this needs to be confirmed in human studies.
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition that causes imbalances in a woman's endocrine system. Affected women tend to make higher levels of male hormones and have fluid-filled follicles in their ovaries. When rats with polycystic ovaries were given HemoHim for one month, their ovaries were found to look more normal. Is it possible HemoHim may help women with PCOS? It's too soon to tell as human studies need to be performed.
Weight Loss Effects
HemoHim contains a compound called methyl gallate, which has been shown to inhibit fat storage in isolated cells. While interesting, it's not yet proven if methyl gallate helps people lose weight. Inhibiting fat storage in cells living in a petri dish is very different than what happens to humans in real-world situations.
HemoHim Human Research
The website of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), mentions a study where “sub-healthy” people with low white blood cell counts were given either a placebo or HemoHIm at a dosage of either 6 grams a day or 12 grams a day. Here's a summary of what they found:
- The 6-gram dose significantly increased in natural killer cells in men (what about women?)
- Some types of cytokines were significantly increased
- No changes occurred in glutathione level or total antioxidant status
- There were no negative side effects and no problems with the liver or kidneys
Problems with the study
- It may not be peer-reviewed
- How long did the study last?
- The study's total number of participants is not mentioned—we are told 38 people were analyzed, but not the total number.
- Did HemoHim reduce colds/flu in the people who took it?
Are there any other human clinical trials? Since the research tends to be conducted in Korea, they may exist but can't be located.
Is HemoHim Bad For Autoimmune Disease?
In theory, anything that boosts the immune system could be bad news for people with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or hypothyroidism. So far, there are no reports of HemoHim making autoimmunity disorders worse. While that's good, those with autoimmune conditions should speak to their doctor first.
Can Potassium Reduce Joint Pain?
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Any Exercise Effects?
Serious runners and cyclists are likely familiar with blood doping, an illegal practice used to enhance red blood cell production to improve exercise performance. Since the herbal concoction is said to improve hemopoiesis (making new blood cells), is it possible it might be a natural blood doping solution? This is not known. It's not known if HemoHim increases red blood cell production in people or if it helps athletes participating in marathons or triathlons.
What Else Does It Do?
In some circles, the supplement is rumored to help a wide range of disorders such as kidney disease, cancer, COID-19, high blood pressure, eczema, HIV, fatty liver disease, and gout. Human studies cannot be located to support these claims.
Who Makes HemoHim?
The supplement is patented (number 6964785B2) and the patent holder is the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The supplement is manufactured and packaged by Kolmar BNH Co LTD, which is located at 22 Techno 3-ro Yuseong-gu Jung-gu Jung-Gu, Seoul, South Korea. Kolmar BNH has been in business since 2004 and is involved with researching and developing health supplements, functional foods, and cosmetics. The company was formally known as Sun Bio-Tech, but the name changed to Kolmar in 2013.
While Kolmar produces the supplement, it is distributed by another company called Atomy America Inc. Atomy America is located at 33801 1st Way S Ste 301 Federal Way, WA 98003. Atomy America has been in business since 2009 and has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
Where Is It Made?
The herbal extract is made in South Korea, where Kolmar BNH is located. The official US website is atomy.com/us/Home
What Is HemoHim Plus?
Some websites may promote a “Plus” version of this supplement, which gives the impression it is better. But, how is it different than the regular HemoHim? Does a language problem cause this confusion since the packaging is in Korean and not English? Or is HemoHim Plus more a product of marketing than actual science? When in doubt, look at the Supplement Facts label. If the ingredients and dosages are the same as the ingredients listed above, then there is no difference.
How Much Do You Get?
The most popular option is to purchase a box that contains 60 packets. Each individual packet has 0.67 fluid oz (20 ml). This is a 1 month's supply if you use the recommended 2 packets a day dosage. To consume, tear open a packet and drink the liquid. You can drink the liquid straight or mix it with water or juice. Mixing it may be preferable as some online testimonials have commented that the taste is not desirable because this is a liquid supplement, store HemoHim in a cool, dry place.
With or Without Food?
The Atomy company has stated it's best to take HemoHim on an empty stomach.
How Much Does HemoHim Cost?
The price can vary depending on where you buy it. If you are shopping for a month's supply (60 packets), the cost could range from about $50 to about $90. Generally, both eBay and Amazon may have better prices than others.

So far, this herbal concoction is not sold at CVS, Costco, Rite Aid, Walmart, FoodLion, Target, Vitamin Shop, or GNC. Bottom line, shop around for the best deal for you.
How Long Does It Take To Work?
The time can vary. Factors to consider include your health problems, how long you've had them, and how severe the symptoms are.
Return HemoHim
If you purchased it from the Atomy website, call their customer service department at 253-946-2345 to obtain specific instructions. Call M-F 9 am- 5 pm Pacific time. After speaking to customer service, return the supplement to:
Atomy America Inc.
33801 1st Way S Ste 301
Federal Way, WA 98003
If you purchased from websites like eBay, Amazon, or others, they might have their own return policies.
HemoHim vs. The Competition
There are many immune-enhancing supplements to choose from. These include vitamin C, elderberry, the Dr. Zelenko Z-Stack vitamin formula and the popular Venus flytrap extract, Carnivora. While each of these has some research, there appear to be no clinical studies comparing them to this Korean herbal extract.
Did The FDA Approve It?
If you've heard the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved HemoHim, this is incorrect. The FDA does not approve dietary supplements. It does regulate them, however. The herbal extract can be sold in the US because it meets the definition of a dietary supplement as laid out under the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).
Is HemoHim Safe To Take?
On November 2, 2021, the Chinese Department of Health issued a press release warning the public to “not buy or consume” HemoHim. This is because an analysis of the supplement revealed the presence of an undeclared drug called methoxsalen. Methoxsalen (also called Oxsoralen) is a drug used to treat conditions such as vitiligo, psoriasis, and a white blood cell cancer called T-cell lymphoma.
According to a November 1 2021, press release, at least 4 women were admitted to the hospital with liver problems while taking the supplement. Other than these news releases, it is unknown what actions the Chinese government took or whether the women used a counterfeit HemoHim supplement or an authentic product.
Update: In a letter to the Hong Kong Medical Journal editor in 2022, it was reported that Hemohim was withdrawn from the market in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore after at least 4 women were admitted to the hospital with elevated liver enzymes and liver injury after taking the supplement for between 2 weeks and 5 months. In some of the women, liver enzymes peaked at over 1700 U/L (for comparison, normal ALT levels range from 4 to 36 U/L). Symptoms improved
The ingredients in HemoHim that were thought to contribute to liver injury were psoralen and methoxsalen.
Additionally, methoxsalen can also lead to depression, fatigue, nausea, and headaches. Another side effect of methoxsalen is photosensitivity, a condition where the skin becomes very sensitive to sunlight radiation. This risk increases if you eat foods such as carrots, celery, figs, and parsley while you are taking the medication.
What Do I Suggest?

Some natural ways to improve immune system activity and reduce inflammation include:
- exercise
- drinking green tea
- eating fruits and vegetables
If you're looking for a supplement, several human studies have documented that black elderberry can help immune function.
HemoHim Side Effects
Is HemoHim safe to use? For most people, the answer is probably yes. Animal studies do not report negative side effects, although human studies need to confirm this. Negative online reports appear to be few. Some, reporting on Amazon reviews, have said it did not taste good.
Another testimonial mentioned the supplement reduced blood platelet levels. Platelets are cells that are essential for blood clotting. This can be important for people taking blood thinner medications. In the comments below, one person reported painful body aches and feeling extremely tired after taking the supplement for 5 days.
Here are some general things to consider:
- Start with less than recommended for the first week.
- Speak to your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have an autoimmune disease, or take any medications.
- Stop taking at least two weeks before having surgery.
- The level of iodine in HemoHim is not known. Consult your doctor if you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
The company also lists these cautions and recommendations:
- Speak to your doctor first if you are pregnant, nursing, have any health problems or take any medications.
- Avoid HemoHim if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.
- Discontinue use and consult your doctor if you have any adverse reactions.
- Do not consume after the expiration date.
- Consume HemoHim immediately after opening.
HemoHim Pros & Cons
Pros | Cons |
Easy to take | Human research is lacking |
No pills to swallow | Expensive |
Clinical research exists | The packaging is not in English |
Does HemoHim Work?
No doubt the supplement has its share of fans. Studies show that it seems to enhance some aspects of immunity in animals. But what about people? Will it reduce your chances of getting the flu or help you recover faster? What about helping people with cancer? Ultimately, the litmus test would be to perform human clinical studies. The supplement has been around since at least 2004. Yet only two human studies were located. Lack of proof doesn't mean it's a hoax, but it would be nice to have. If you have tried HemoHim, comment below and let me know what happened.
I started taking hemohim after I did my 10th chemo treatment for stage 4 ovarian cancer. My last treatment was on October 8th, My cancer antigen numbers in November were 25 and in December they were down to 20.
I feel better and have energy again. I have only been on the hemohim since the End of October. I will continue to take this supplement as long as I continue to see results in my health. I have had no bad side effects and I have been taking 4 packs a day for 30 days and now I’m doing 2 a day.
So glad to learn you are doing well Julie! I hope you will keep us all updated on your progress.
I also hope you have a wonderful Christmas filled with lots of great times with family and friends 🙂
I am type 2 Diabetic, I take 8 mg Glimiperide a day and 2mg Ozempic a week and my sugar levels where around 230 to 250 in the morning and contnued the same thru the day. I have been taking HemoHim twice a day, for 3 months now.
first month I didnt notice much change, on the 2nd month I started to see my sugar levels go down and was now waking up with lower blood levels from 67 to 140. 3rd month i have decrease my Glimepiride down to 4 mg day and my Ozempic to 1 Mg a week and continued to see that my levels stay around 120 to 140 and sometimes spikes when I have bread or pasta.
I will also say I had issues with stomach cramps and diarrhea when taking on a empty stomach. I now take it after breakfast and after dinner and have no side effects.
John, thanks for sharing that. I’m glad HemoHim is working so well for you.That is so odd that your blood sugar was so high (before Hemohim) in spite of the meds you were taking. I hope you consulted your doctor before changing the dose on your medications.
I have been taking HemoHim for one month and it seems to give me more strength. I am studying its effects on red blood cells and white blood cells
Thanks for sharing and that’s interesting, Dr Bonsu. I’d be interested in reading your research paper when you publish your results.
I have been using Hemo him for about 6 weeks.. 1st week..kind of tired I have arthritis, and knees sore.. but I felt lighter and my guts felt better as I always had heart burn. I was also diagnosed with high blood pressure and diabetes prior to taking this. I did start the blood pressure meds but not the diabetes ones.
Week 2.. Started to feela little lite headed ..got blood pressure checked.. it was way low..quite taking meds from doc orders.
Week 3 blood work feeling good energy up good sleeps way less pain from arthritis and no diabetes or blood pressure.
Went to my cancer doc no cancer cells in my uterus as I had a growth removed earlier.
Week 4 lost 5lbs, not sure how.. no sweet cravings though.. and not very hungry as my appetite was much bigger..
Week 5 I feel good knees hurt sometimes in cold weather. I don’t eat as much. No diabetes, or cancer, or blood pressure. I take 2 packs a day sometimes 3.
Week 6 2 packs a day 3 days a week I take 3..
I feel good. My head is clear and focused.
I am a 60 yr old woman who is 5 ft 7in weighing 350 lbs who smokes who had cancer, high blood pressure and acute diabetes. I drink 2 cups a coffee a day.
My weight has reduced not by much but no diet ..I am 20lbs lighter. My body shape has changed not a big belly like less gassy.
I don’t know. I will keep using it and trying other products. I just know I signed up for free ..
I do know the shampoo they got…wow…
I will say my doctor does believe in vitamins and minerals..tumeric being very powerful as I used before.
He is quite interested in testing my blood and blood pressure more often then not. Lol I think he monitors me closer when I tell him trying something new..lol because the diabetes meds I never picked up that he prescribed. I had a bad feeling in my feet a neuropathy I think he said.. which is serious.. and now I do not have anything and my feet feel much better..
I’m gonna keep using it..
Valerie, Thank you for sharing your progress. I am glad you are getting regular checkups from your doctor. I am also glad you have lost 20 pounds as well. This will help your knees and diabetes and high blood pressure. I did not know about the HemoHim shampoo. thank you for telling me that. I would encourage you to stop smoking – as that will surely help you too – but I am sure your doctor has already told you about this. I am glad you are feeling better with HemoHim and wish you continued success.
Hemo him will work well for pancreas. Pancreas will not be stone anymore.
Pls help me
Hi Rasel, Im not sure if you are asking me if HemoHim will work for the pancreas or if you are telling me it worked for you.
I‘m taking Hemohim 2 times per day since 1 week now. I have Hyperthyroidism and taking medicine to normalize my overproduction of hormones and affecting my eyes.
After 5 days I experienced itchiness, rashes, stomach pain and I can‘t sleep because it’s itchy my whole body. I didn’t inform my Doctor that I‘m taking Hemohim.
I‘m confused now if I will continue taking Hemohim or no? Or maybe is this natural reactions of Hemohim? Please need your advice.
Hi KaRen, It sounds like allergic reactions to me. I don’t think what you are experiencing is a natural reaction to HemoHim. Id stop taking it and see if your rash, stomach pains and itchiness goes away. If it does not go away, consider going to back to your doctor. One of the things I do when I try a new supplement is bein with less for the first week to see what happens. That way if there are side effects they might be minimized.
Keep me posted on how you are doing.
Interesting review you created. Im curious if you tried hemohim yourself and if yes what were your impressions?
Hi Jackie, I did not try hemohim myself. My immune system appears to be pretty strong so if I did Im not sure how I’d know if it was working. If you have tried it yourself I’d welcome knowing what happened.
what do you think about giving hemohim to cats? Asking for a friend.
Hi Taylor, I am not sure about pets. I really think its best to ask a vet about this. I wish I could be of more help.
Hey, I took the HemoHim for 5days and I was just feeling so weak all I can do was sleeping and my body was so painful that I had to quite taking it.
Hi Mary, thank you for sharing this. I’m sorry to hear you experienced those negative reactions. I added what you said to the side effects section of the review.
Hello. In Russia, they sell, and I am a user of Atomy however, I didn’t risk Hemo Him due to low blood pressure. We have in our city, Novosibirsk, a good innovative producer of cell phyto concentrates and I prefer them based on plants. We love Wobenzym cause it has clinical research. besides I have been recruited by Nestlé Health Nutrition and they work out for me very well with Peptamen and Resources drinks. Moreover have enough studies, only one side effect provoked by artificial B vitamins in Resources but I used them long time, may be two years.
I am grateful for you because we don’t have a real observation of Hemo Him, only exclamations of how helpful it is, and if you have problems with health, you will obviously have aggravation but I do not trust them. Other vitamins that are presented by Atomy for consuming are rather good nonetheless I am not ready to trust their recommendations to take HemoHim during long period of time.
Lubov, thanks so much for taking the time to share! Im glad you found this review helpful. Id be interested to learn more about Nestle Health recruiting you. I know they have supplements. I’ve reviewed their Celltrient Energy supplement.
I am also taking Homohim for last 3 months. My experience is that, when I started taking Homohim, I too, experienced the same symptoms.but still I continued to take Homohim. But later,I got relief from the pain. My purpose for taking Homohim was to get rid of my cervical pain. earlier I had a lot of stiffness in my neck as I had compression in my neck. but after consuming Homohim, I had a lot of relief; I feel no stiffness in my neck now. Happy to use Homohim. will continue using it.
Thanks for sharing that Gautam. I’m really glad to hear your neck is feeling better too. 🙂
I was told Hemohim would help me clear lactic acid faster from my muscles and improve my workouts. Is there any truth to that?
Jeff, I don’t recall seeing any evidence HemoHim clears lactic acid from the body faster than it would be normally cleared.
Wow! This supplement seems almost too good to be true! I agree with you in asking the question- Where are the human studies? Please do them quickly! I checked the Amazon link and saw that a 30 day supply of 2 packets per day cost $91. I was tempted to buy, but without human studies I declined. I did buy the Elderberry product you recommended.
I was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas in early November, 2020. I went through 3 months of 2 chemo drugs weekly. At the end of those cycles, the cancer had advanced to my liver WHILE I WAS ON CHEMO! Plus, I was very sick from the chemo. So I started taking IP-6 and Inositol about 1 1/2 months ago. It’s said that this supports Natural Killer Cell (NKC) activity, part of our immune systems that kill foreign bodies such as cancer cells, bacteria, viruses, etc.
Chemo destroys the immune system. I’ve had no side effects from the IP-6 combo. I also have a history of rheumatoid arthritis, in remission now. I haven’t had an exacerbation of the RA while taking this immune stimulant.
I mention that because of your concern that immune modulators could cause problems in people with auto-immune diseases. Of course, I’m only one person with one condition.
Thanks for a most informative review of a product that could be an amazing help for many people if human studies are done to prove its efficacy!
Roseann, thanks for the feedback and on what you said about the IP6 causing no issues with your RA. I continue to pray that your tumors shrink.
Joe, how do I receive your newsletters?
Alexis, You should see a pop-up when you go to the homepage of either here SupplementClarity or Joe-Cannon.com.
I just added you to my newsletter list to make it easier. You should already see the 1st email already from me 🙂
I’m wondering this is made with GMO ingredients?
Asking, that’s a good question. Because the packaging is in Korean, I could not be entirely sure if HemoHim Non-GMO or not. I also did not see any mention of it being Non-GMO or organic on the Atomy website. If you find out anything on this let me know.
Hey Joe, this is why I’ve been getting your newsletter for over 5 years – you tell me things I’ve never heard of before. And I appreciate you keeping to the science. I think I’m pretty healthy so I don’t think I need this but your review was very interesting.
Stan, I appreciate you saying that! I’m glad you are enjoying my newsletters 🙂
This is SO timely and thank you for reviewing! I was just told about HemoHim at a nail salon. People said it was great for practically everything! I decided to investigate and found your very detailed review. I will pass. Thank you for saving me money on this product.
Hi Shelia, I’m glad my review helped you! Feel free to share my review on social media so others can see it too. 🙂