Update 3/21/20. Chondroitin sulfate is found in many arthritis supplements and can be purchased by itself as well. In this review, I want to discuss research that appears to hint to a connection between chondroitin sulfate and prostate cancer. This is a topic that a lot of people will feel is controversial. I agree. It is. But, because chondroitin is found in so many arthritis supplements I think people need to know this. What you are reading now is actually a follow-up to my review on glucosamine so see that review also.
Chondroitin Sulfate And Prostate Cancer
Much of the research on this issue stems from a study published in 1999, titled Elevated levels of peritumoral chondroitin sulfate are predictive of poor prognosis in patients treated by radical prostatectomy for early-stage prostate cancer, which was published in the journal, Cancer Research.
This investigation noted men with prostate cancer had higher levels of chondroitin sulfate in their prostates than men who don't have prostate cancer. That doesn't exactly prove chondroitin causes prostate cancer. Rather, it only seems to show they may be related somehow.
In another investigation men with prostate cancer had higher levels of chondroitin sulfate in their prostates.
Prior to this, researchers published a study noting a component of chondroitin sulfate called versican made it easier for cancer cells to gain entrance to the prostate.
Research Showing No Association
The research associating prostate cancer with chondroitin is not perfect. For example, no connection was seen by researchers who surveyed 35,239 men aged 50-76.
Chondroitin Supplements And Prostate Cancer
The studies are interesting but the big question is do chondroitin sulfate supplements cause prostate cancer? Is cancer really a side effect of these supplements? For the moment I don't think anyone can say yes or no.
Some research only hints that elevations in chondroitin sulfate may have a connection to prostate cancer. Remember, chondroitin sulfate is made naturally in the body.
So far, no study has proven chondroitin sulfate supplements cause prostate cancer. To be fair, no study has specifically tried to test if this was true either. In other words, nobody has randomly given 1000 men chondroitin supplements -or a placebo – and followed them for 10 years to see what happens.
To be honest, I'm disappointed in the dietary supplement industry for not addressing this better.
What's Better Chondroitin or Glucosamine
When it comes to helping arthritis pain, I feel the evidence is better for glucosamine sulfate. Yes, there is some research on the glucosamine + chondroitin but overall, I feel the proof for glucosamine sulfate is better.
For more insights see these other reviews too:
My Suggestions
Based on the mixed results from research, suggest waiting for better research before using this supplement. I feel this is especially good to remember by in any man who:
- Has a personal or family history of prostate cancer
- Has had prostate cancer in the past
Let me be clear. while there is no direct human proof that chondroitin sulfate causes prostate cancer, nobody knows for sure. So why take the chance?
There are better arthritis supplements out there including glucosamine sulfate.
Verdict: Chondroitin Sulfate & Prostate Cancer
Right now it's anyone's guess. The preliminary evidence suggests it might. The sad thing is this research has been out there for a long time. Nobody seems to want to investigate it further. That's sad given the potential ramifications. If you are a man reading this, talk to your doctor or urologist or oncologist about the latest research. If that's what comes from this, then I've achieved my goal – and that's the important thing.
I see my urologist next week for a check up. I never had prostate cancer but do take a joint supplement which has chondroitin sulfate. I’m going to bring this up next week and see what he says. Thank you for this write up.
Hi Thomas, you are very welcome. Let me know what your urologist says.
Here are many other supplement side effects you may be interested in knowing about.
Crap! Ive been taking this stuff on and off for a few years. WTH why didnt anyone ever mention this?
WTH, I hear you. While I still want to see human proof chondroitin sulfate supplements cause prostate cancer, I also like us to have the knowledge so we can make our own decision. I get that its just test tube proof. While I often dismiss stuff like that without human proof, prostate cancer is serious. Talk to your urologist next time and see what he/ she thinks about this.
Holy crap! How did I never hear about this before? Thanks for this info. I’m sharing this with my friends
Hi Mr. B, thanks for sharing my review with your friends. I hope its of help to them 🙂
Joe, as you stated yourself, “No study yet has ever linked chrondroitin sulfate supplements to prostate cancer. Also, none of the studies seems to have looked at whether the men with prostate cancer also took chondroitin sulfate supplements.”
And it’s worth pointing out that there are dozens and dozens of studies using CS. Also, the 2nd study you posted involved UNSULFATED chondroitin, not sulfated.
Association doesn’t equal causation. Did you ever stop to wonder if the increased levels of CS were an attempt by the body to address the cancer?
This all reminds me of the hubub by a few about hyaluronic acid supplements and a possible connection to cancer. Bill Sardi helped knock that down in his article here:
Hope you’ll take a moment to read the piece. I’d be interested in your reply.
Hi Dan, that was an interesting read. While I personally never heard of this connection I did a quick search and turned up this study which noted higher HA levels in women with breast cancer: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25134379 Chemo was seen to decrease HA levels.
Whether its HA or chondroitin sulfate, my opinion is lets take a closer look (better studies) and see what we can discover.
Liquid biocell now being sold as Jusuru is a 4 or 5 year old company that had rebranded biocell due to a high interest by energy drink companies(part of the sales pitch). jusuru.com/www/default
I would be very interested in your review of this product.
LeeAnn, Ive heard of both of those names but didnt know they were the same thing. From what I understand, its just collagen, which is a component of joint cartilage. I have seen some research on collagen and arthritis, I think its less than what I see on glucosamine sulfate. I’ll add this product to my list of things to review and see what I can find.
Any thing newer at all in the area of CS and prostate cancer? I take a supplement daily with CS and it is in a juice form. I have a high PSA count of 12″6 and of course my MD wants to take a biopsy. Also, have you heard anything about Liquid Bio-cell and a 4k test to determine prostate cancer without or with a biopsy? Thank you
Hi Ray, I have not seen anything new in the way of chondroitin sulfate causing prostate cancer. Mention this to your urologist and see what he thinks about it. It is a controversial topic I admit. Ive never heard of Liquid Bio cell. whats it supposed to do?
I guess what we need for joint pain and stiffness …something that covers “”all”” the bases.
for starters:
A Little Aprèsflex® the highly concentrated form of boswellia serrata, that maybe has shown to ‘switch off’ the pro-inflammatory cytokines, plus some of that collagen, the special stuff..
Secondly why not add in as well the Glucosamine sulfate. Lets have the women’s version with chrondroitin sulfate, men without the chrondroitin. A his and hers joint relief formulas.
next: Lets add the Anti-inflammatory activity of anatabine.. to help also with our nicotine dependency, thyroid and Alzheimer’s diseases.
We should, and might as well have all the building blocks of good nutrition add the daily recommended daily amounts of all the necessary vitamins and minerals we need from our regular multivitamins. folic acid for women..none for the men.
Lets not forget those with eye problems who could use a few extra nutrients you find in the occuvite brand supplements.
I could go on.. add a little Metamucil for fiber as well..
I’m sure i’m missing those prostate supporting, heart healthy, sleep producing, estrogen supporting, diet and fat burning, leg cramp fighting, depression resisting, allergy and cold inhibiting nutrients. Oh and something to enhance sexual stimulus.
We really need just one good cure all that takes care of everything..
Lets get this thing tested on people right away.
At my age this about covers all my problems.. Not sold for those under the age of 55 obviously.
Actually Dr. Morrison used it on People there are case studies on that page. Unfortunately his book is no longer available.
Dr. Morrison treated 134 patients with chondroitin between 1942 and 1955
“The results were more than good, they were marvelous.”
Group 1: coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease
74% improved
Group 2: arteriosclerosis of the brain arteries
77% improved
Group 3: hardening of the arteries of the legs
80% improved
“Case No. 3
Male, age 77
Diagnosis: Heart attack (healed), general artery disease, high blood pressure, prostate enlargement, “heart pounding” and skipped heartbeats; weakness, shortness of breath on exertion, loss of memory, insomnia, nervousness; blood pressure 160/100.
Previous treatments: Digitalis, blood pressure drugs, lecithin, vitamin supplements.
Began 6000 milligrams of oral chondroitin sulfate in June of 1966, tapered to 1500 mgs by Oct. 1966.
By Sept. 1966 patient reported he “feels wonderful”; disappearance of fatigue, debility, nervousness, weakness on exertion; no skipped heart beats; bushy hair growth on head, black hair replacing white hair; cancellation of planned prostate surgery.”
Noe there are only several case studies on that page but he worked with many people. Including at least one with prostate problems as mentioned below. I’m sure in that age group there were many more. I’m sure he would have noticed cases of prostate cancer popping up.
It seems anytime something is working to help people a rodent study is done to disprove it. There is no proof that CS causes prostate cancer in humans that I could find anywhere. Just a bunch of people pointing to a study.
Lecithin has also been used to clean arteries for years in natural healing and for many other things. Now a new rodent study links it to clogging the arteries in rodents.
What about the millions of people that take it and have cleaned their arteries.
Sorry but the Medical Establishment is not our friend. There are however many good doctors that do their own research and studies like Dr. Burzynski who the FDA ruthlessly tried to put of of business.
I have no fear of CS there is no link what so ever in humans to prostate cancer.
But if accept the the well documented power of placebo your mind can create or heal anything by your belief of the substance. So those that believe something will harm them should not take it.
Mark, I think the issue for me is that case studies, while offering some proof, are not as good as a study performed on multiple people comparing it to a placebo. Also, Morrison put his info in his book, but books dont have to undergo scientific scrutiny before they are published. I know you may not agree with me but until I see some recent published studies showing chrondroitin sulfate does the stuff Dr Morrison said it did, I’m going view it with some skepticism.
One more on CS:
“How To Use CS Products In CVD
In Morrison’s study, continuous dosing with 1 to 3 grams of purified CS daily was given. No other supplements were routinely taken. Since we already know that purified CS is absorbed readily by humans, it appears logical to consume daily CS supplements in divided portions.
Meals should slow down, but not inhibit, absorption of CS. Thus, it is ideal to take CS supplements on a empty stomach, but taken with meals is also acceptable. No adverse side effects have been reported after millions of doses over years of use for purified CS. Like other nutrients, results from CS may only be measurable after weeks or months of consistent intake. Patience and perseverance are necessary for optimum results.”
You would think out of those millions of doses someone would have seen a link in prostate cancer or disease.
Mark, the chiopractors website you linked to didn’t really give me any concrete proof that chrondroitin sulfate does not cause prostate cancer. As I said before, studies are referenced/mentioned, but not directly linked to or referenced in the text of the website. this makes teasing out the information very difficult – and it also makes me suspicious. In todays world there is reason for a website to not link directly to research. Listing research is not good enough for me. this is why I try whenever possible to link in the review to the actual research. It makes it easier for you to see the research for yourself.
I really hope I am wrong about prostate cancer and chondroitin sulfate. but until I see concrete proof that there is no cause and effect relationship I still recommend that no man take it until Im proven wrong.
PS: As far as Cancer is concerned All People should study on the following and Encourage others to do so!
There are many things that cure cancer. Those waiting for “Scientific Proof” and discounting the testimonials from individuals are very naive. Cancer Treatment, Research, and B.S. Cancer fundraising is all a multi-billion dollar business. None of the above ever want it to end.
Watch the movie “Burzynski” on Netflix or rent it shows a a Medical Doctor has cured even brain cancer in children for over 20 years and how the scumbag FDA tried to put him out of business for 20+ years! This is well documented… We have less freedom in America than they do in Russia!
Also watch “Run From The Cure” look for it on Youtube by Rick Simpson who discovered that THC Hemp oil cures cancer and many other diseases. (The real reason Marijuana is illegal)
Also go to PHKILLSCANCER(dot)Com and see how one man cure his stage 4 prostate cancer his-self for less than $30!
Also google “The Budwig Diet” to learn how German Scientist Johanna Budwig cured cancer in many people when she discovered the link between lack of omega oils and Cancer and how to deliver them effectively. American Doctors came to see her and when they found out it was natural and cheap they wanted no part of it!
Also read the book “The One-Minute Cure” About H202 Therapy that has cured caner for people.
And Of Course Alkalizing the body along with changes in beliefs and emotions.
Mark, Ill try to see some of those documentaries.
You might want to read this:
Chondroitin Sulfate has been used to clean the arteries and strengthen the heart in heart patients both to prevent and to recover from a heart attack.
The doctor that discovered this also had a patient who was scheduled for prostate surgery and his condition reversed and the surgery was canceled.
He recommends up to 10,000 mg a day then tapering back down to about 1500mg. I have reached about 6000mg now. A back problem has basically disappeared since I have been taking it. I will back down soon.
The only thing that I’m not sure if it was CS or from something I ate, but I had cloudy urine once today but it could have been excess protein from canned tuna. So I’m not sure if the CS had anything to do with it.
I should also point out I’m in perfect health and take no medications.
It seems funny to me any time that I hear of a supplement that has amazing properties to heal some Animal study comes out to say it will give you cancer or the exact disease it’s supposed to help.
Just like Lecithin has been used to also clear arteries and then a study comes out saying that it can clog arteries in rodents breed to have heart disease!?!? Can anyone say Big Pharma at work.
Mark, I looked at the website you listed. It looks like Dr Morrison is referencing resarch done in 1974. anything more recent? Also from what I could gather, the research on reversing heart disease with chondroitin sulfate seems to be based on monkey research. Monkeys are better than rats but I didn’t see anything on people.
The reversal of prostate problems with chondroitin sulfate looks like its based on 1 person “case #3) in 1966. He lists studies at the end of the website but no study is directly referenced for this observation. I like to directly link to the research on my site and think other websites should do likewise. Dr Morrison just lists studies at the end. I cant tell if the effects of “case #3” are based on peer reviewed research or a case study. either way it was over 40 years ago. I could be wrong but it makes me a wee bit skeptical.
This article cites a 2003 article on versican, which contains chondroitin sulfate, and implies it INCREASES the progession of prostate cancer. Reading the article it appears that actually versican INHIBITS the motility of prostate cancer cells, and their ability to invade the prostate body.
Hey Lawrence thanks for writing. I re-read thew studies and here are a couple of standout statements:
1999 study
“Increased levels of CS [chrondroitin sulfate] in peritumoral stroma were also significantly associated with an increased risk of progression in clinically localized tumors”
2003 study
“These findings suggest that increased expression of versican in the neoplastic prostate or breast stroma facilitates the local spread of tumor cells…”
I really hope that future research does not show that chrondroitin sulfate supplements increases prostate cancer risk or spread of cancer. I hope research finds its best used as a test – like PSA – to see how cancer is progressing.
If you search other sites like webmd and mayo clinic, you’ll see they also briefly discuss this. i wanted to take a more pronounced stand on this issue because so few websites seem to mention it. If this relationship between prostate cancer and chondroitun sulfate is real and it helps one man, its worth it. I’d rather take the risk of being proven wrong than remain silent.
This is an article about chrondroitin and heart disease if anyone is interested.
JC, interesting stuff thanks for this. I looked into this and found the Univ of Maryland site which said more research was needed: http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/chondroitin