Update January 1, 2025. ASEA water, a cell signaling supplement, contains trillions of stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling Molecules suspended in a pristine saline solution. From the moment I first heard of this supplement, I was intrigued because “redox” is a word that takes me back to college chemistry class. In this ASEA review, I'll look at the research and science on ASEA and help you determine if it's right for you. I'll also address some things people say this supplement can do, too. This is an unbiased review. I do not work for the company.
1 What Is ASEA Redox Signaling?
OK, so how does ASEA work? At the heart of this supplement (pronounced “ah see ah”) is something called Redox Signaling. Let's talk about what Redox signaling is.
The word Redox refers to two words – reduction and oxidation.
- “Red” is a reference to reduction
- “Ox” is a reference to oxidation
In the world of science, reduction and oxidation are used to refer to things that transfer electrons (negatively charged particles).
- Electrons carry a negative electrical charge.
- When a molecule or atom receives an electron, its overall electrical charge is REDuced (it becomes more negatively charged).
- When a molecule or atom has electrons removed from it, it's said to be OXidized. (it becomes more positively charged)
Redox signaling is about using electrons to transfer signals (information) between molecules and atoms. This information can result in good or bad things happening.
2 Redox Signaling In Plain English
Redox signaling allows atoms and molecules to talk to each other by transferring electrons. They communicate by using antioxidants and free radicals. Here's how it works:
- Free radicals remove electrons. This is also called Reduction
- Antioxidants donate electrons. This is also called Oxidation
By adding and removing electrons, information can be transmitted.
Through reduction and oxidation, we get the term “ReDox reaction.” During redox reactions, electrons are transferred from one thing to another. This transfer of electrons also transfers information. Basically, this helps atoms/molecules “talk” to each other.
Simply put, redox signaling occurs by the interaction between antioxidants and free radicals.
3 ASEA Water Ingredients
The product website has said the supplement is made of “trillions of stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling molecules suspended in a pristine saline solution.”
The saline solution is a reference to salt water. This is why some people online say that ASEA is just expensive salt water. I'll let others make that judgment as I'm primarily interested in the research on this stuff.
They say the redox signaling molecules are grouped into two types:
- Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
- Reduced Species (RS)
Let's translate these names:
- Reactive Oxygen Species are basically free radicals
- Reduced Species are basically antioxidants
4 ASEA Water Research
The ASEA company commissioned a genetic testing company called Taueret Laboratories to perform a study. It was called “Initial Gene Study Showed ASEA REDOX Affected Important Signaling Pathway Genes.” The science is complicated, so let's just summarize it:
ASEA Genetics Study Summary
This investigation lasted 2 months and involved 60 people who were split into 3 groups:
- ASEA group (25 people). They drank ASEA water
- Placebo group (25 people). They drink salt water
- Control group: (10 people). They didn't drink either ASEA or salt water
The company's summary shows that most people were white women with an average age of 35.
ASEA Water Study Results
Researchers noted that 5 genes involved in cell signaling changed their expression by 20-31%.
This is very interesting, but there are a couple of problems:
- They didn't say how they changed. I assume it was in a good way.
- The study doesn't appear to be published in a medical journal.
Why isn't this investigation published in a medical journal?
Watch this ASEA video below:
At 55 seconds into this video, Dr. Jeffrey Mocny of the ASEA science counsel states, “ASEA is dedicated to performing the highest quality science in the field.” To me, “highest quality science” means publishing your research in a medical journal.
ASEA Exercise Study
In 2012, researchers at Appalachian State University published the results of an exercise study that used ASEA water. The title of the study was the Influence of a redox-signaling supplement on biomarkers of physiological stress in athletes: a metabolomics approach. Let's summarize this research and the results:
Study Summary
The study lasted 1 week. Twenty people rode a stationary bike as fast as they could for 46 miles (75 km). They were given either 4 oz of ASEA water or 4 oz of a placebo drink each day for a week before the cycling test and 16 oz of ASEA (or placebo) during the test. Blood samples were taken before, immediately after exercise, and one hour after exercise to see what happened.
Study Results:
- ASEA did not help people ride the bike any faster compared to the placebo.
- ASEA did not reduce exercise-induced inflammation compared to the placebo.
- ASEA did not reduce exercise-induced oxidative stress compared to the placebo.
- ASEA did not alter exercise-induced changes in immune function compared to placebo.
The study does note “ASEA supplementation caused a significant shift in 43 metabolites” before exercise occurred. These metabolites included free fatty acids and vitamin C. While this is interesting, remember the supplement didn’t help people ride the bike any faster.
These researchers also note free fatty acids and vitamin C were made more available before exercise. That is interesting too, but what about during exercise? There is no mention of fatty acid availability during exercise. If the fatty acids were increased during exercise, ASEA water might improve exercise endurance.
I hope this study is replicated to determine fatty acid use during exercise.
Study Problems:
While this investigation is listed in a science journal, it appears as an abstract. Abstracts are summaries of the research that do not necessarily have to undergo peer review. In my view, the lack of peer review decreases the significance of abstracts.
ASEA Water-Mouse Study
In this investigation, mice have force-fed ASEA water or a placebo for 7 days prior to running to exhaustion. The mice getting the supplement ran about 29% longer than the mice getting the placebo. This is very interesting, but it’s a mouse study.
5 Other ASEA Water Research
The Science page of the company's website lists 9 additional pieces of evidence. Below is a summary of each, along with my opinions of them.
1. ASEA Safety Studies Summary
This paper is also titled ASEA Ingestion, Safety, Summary from Human Studies North Carolina Research Campus Human Performance Laboratory.
This study looked at how the supplement was tolerated in 106 overweight people who drank 4 oz per day for 12 weeks compared to a placebo.
Results. There were no side effects reported compared to the placebo group. ASEA water had no effect on cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels or CRP levels. There was no mention of whether the people lost weight.
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study.
2. PNNL Safety Report
This paper is titled Data from an In vitro Study Relating to Product Safety (PNNL stands for Pacific North West National Laboratory). It was basically a test-tube study. ASEA did not cause any toxicity when cells were exposed to it, which is good.
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study.
3. Reactive Molecules Verification
This paper is also titled “Verification Procedure for Reactive Molecules in ASEA.”
This paper discusses the quality control used to make ASEA water. I'm happy they have quality control measures in place; that says a lot about the company.
4. ASEA Water Antioxidant Efficiency
This paper is titled “Report For ASEA on Experimental Results-In Vitro Antioxidant Enhancement and Oxidative Stress Reduction.
This paper describes how cell cultures treated with ASEA showed improvements in the antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GPX).
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study
- This is a test tube study
- Effects in cell cultures do not necessarily mean the same thing occurs in humans
5. ASEA Water Athletics Study
This paper is titled “Report to ASEA on VO2max Athletic Endurance Enhancement Testing.”
In this investigation, 17 athletes were tested for aerobic capacity before and after 2 weeks of taking the supplement each day. Results showed that athletes had their aerobic capacity after taking the supplement.
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study
- They don't tell us what kind of athletes these were (runners, weight lifters, etc.)
- There was no placebo group to compare the results to
- The study speaks of “significant trends,” but they don't say if the improvements were clinically significant.
6. ASEA Water Metabolite Findings FAQ
This paper summarizes frequently asked questions about the exercise study of 20 people conducted at Appalachian State University. I summarized this study above in the Research section.
Possible Problems
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study.
7. ASEA Water Research Summary Presentation
This is titled “ASEA Metabolomics.” This is the human exercise study summarized above.
8. White Paper on the Effect of an Immune-Supporting Supplement, ASEA, on Athletic Performance based on a Pilot VO2max Test
In this paper, the supplement improved aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance in 18 well-conditioned men and women who rode a bike or ran on a treadmill.
Possible Problems
- There is no placebo group
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study
9. White paper: Bioactivity of ASEA™ Related to Toxicity, Glutathione Peroxidase, Superoxide Dismutase Efficacy and Related Transcription Factors
Possible Problems:
- This is a test tube study
- This does not appear to be a published, peer-reviewed study
6 Where To Buy ASEA Water
The redox-signaling water supplement is not sold in stores like Walmart, Target, Walgreens, or CVS. It can be obtained directly from an ASEA associate.
One thing I noticed was there didn't seem to be a way for people to order ASEA directly from the company website (AseaGlobal.com). This is good because it means the company is not in competition with associates who sell it. This also says a lot about the company.
7 How Much Is ASEA
The cost depends on whether you are an associate or not. If you want to use it yourself (and not sell it), then the price is around $150 per month. The cost may also depend on whether you take advantage of their auto-shipment program. Associates likely get discounts. When in doubt, ask an associate for to get the lowest cost.
8 ASEA And Exercise
Does ASEA water help people exercise better? Let's just say I'm skeptical right now. We currently have a mouse study that hints it might work and a human study showing it doesn't. ASEA water is NSF Certified. This is good news for athletes. NSF (NSF.org) is a company that guarantees supplements contain what their labels indicate. Athletes who undergo random drug testing often prefer supplements that have NSF certification.
9 Can ASEA Water Help Weight Loss
Other than it being low in calories, I don't think so. Claims about the supplement helping people burn fat appear to come from the human exercise study summarized above. In that investigation, it was noted that people who drank 4 oz of ASEA per day for a week had a greater release of fatty acids (triglycerides) at rest. But remember burning fat and losing weight don't always equate to each other. For most people, burning calories is more important than burning fat.
Remember also that this was an exercise study, not a weight-loss study. The researchers did not state the people lost weight. Based on this we can assume they probably didn't.
Researchers at the University of North Carolina completed a study investigating if supplements raised metabolic rate. This study was completed in 2013 but no results have been released. As of 2023, no study results have been released.
10 Can ASEA Water Help People With Cancer?
There is no evidence that ASEA water can cure cancer or prevent it from occurring. This is also true for other diseases too, including heart disease, diabetes, Autism, arthritis, eczema, Acne, Lyme disease, tinnitus, dementia, fibromyalgia, and blindness. No clinical research could be located that proves this ionized water beverage improves any health condition. While there are testimonials of people who report impressive results (see the comments section), there is no clinical proof for any of it for now.
I lost parents of my parents to cancer (less than 3 months from each other). I know how scary a cancer diagnosis can be. It's normal to look for answers. I see no good proof that drinking Redox water will improve cancer outcomes.
11 Can ASEA Water Improve Scars On The Skin and Face?
No research appears to show if the supplement helps scars heal faster, fade, or disappear. It may or may not. There seems to be no evidence either way.
12 Can ASEA Water Raise Glutathione
Glutathione is an antioxidant compound that tends to decline as we get older. Some have said ASEA can raise glutathione levels by over 500%. I can find no evidence in humans for this statement. Watch this video to learn how to raise your glutathione levels.
13 Can ASEA Water Help Your Hair Grow?
There appears to be no evidence either way of the supplement promoting hair growth or reversing gray hair. For more on hair growth, see these reviews:
- Viviscal Review
- Viviscal vs. Nutrafol Review
- Can Peppermint Oil Grow Hair?
- Hair Growth Supplement Videos
14 ASEA vs. The Competition
Many supplements promise to help us age gracefully. Here's how this supplement compares to some of the more popular supplements out there:
ASEA Water vs. Neora
The Neora company (formally Nerium) has a supplement called Neora EHT. That supplement has an extract from coffee (called EHT) which is touted to improve memory. No studies have compared ASEA to Neora EHT to see how they compare to each other. Like ASEA, Neora also has some research to support its effects.
See the Nerium /Neora EHT review
ASEA Water vs. Protandim
Protandim is probably the most well-known anti-aging supplement on Earth. It's been around for many years, and if you count up the research, it has more clinical studies than probably any anti-aging supplement on the market. Protandim is said to help the body ramp up its own production of antioxidant defenses.
In a way, this is somewhat similar to ASEA but there is no talk of redox signaling with Protandim. There is also no research comparing these supplements to each other.
ASEA vs. Tru Niagen (Nicotinamide Riboside)
Tru Niagen is a very popular anti-aging supplement. Tru Niagen contains a nicotinamide riboside, a form of niacin (vitamin B3). This compound is said to slow aging by helping our cells make an energy molecule called NAD, which declines as we age. So far, there is no evidence that ASEA water raises cellular NAD levels. Likewise, researchers have not compared ASEA water to Tru Niagen.
ASEA Water vs. Kangen Water

Kangen water is produced by Kangen water machines, which are made by the Enagic company, which is based in Japan but sells its machines worldwide. Kangen water machines use electrolysis to make water more alkaline. The pH of Kangian drinking water ranges from 8.5 to 9.5. Most people think of alkaline water as Kangen water.
The pH of ASEA water is 7.35. Since a pH of 7 is neutral, ASEA water is slightly alkaline but less so than Kangen water. So what's better? There are no comparative studies to see if either water has benefits.
Is ASEA Water The Same As Miricle Mineral Solution?
The Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) is a mixture of sodium chlorite and an acid, such as citric acid.
It is a controversial product that has been marketed as a treatment for various health conditions, including cancer, malaria, and autism. However, strong evidence for its effectiveness is lacking. ASEA Water is not the same thing as MMS.
15 Is ASEA Water Approved by the FDA?
The Food and Drug Administration indeed regulates dietary supplements. This is because of the law known as the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which went into effect in 1994. However, regulation and approval are not the same thing. While penalties can be imposed on companies that don't follow the rules, the FDA does not approve dietary supplements before they are sold to the public.
16 How Do You Take ASEA Water?
Drink about 4 oz per day. You can drink it on an empty stomach or with food.
17 Who Makes ASEA Water?
ASEA Water is a product of ASEA LLC, a multilevel marketing business that began in 2007. The company address is 6550 Millrock Dr. Ste 100, Salt Lake City, UT 84121-6000. The business website is AseaGlobal.com.
The Better Business Bureau gives ASEA LLC a rating of “A+” and the company is accreted with the BBB. No customer complaints were logged with the BBB against the company, which is rare for a corporation that has been around as long as ASEA has.
18 Contact ASEA
- The Better Business Bureau lists a contact number of (801) 928-2001
- Another phone number is 888-438-5971
- The Associate Support number of 801-973-7499
19 ASEA Lawsuits
Despite these claims, no FDA warning letters or lawsuits in the US could be located. This may indicate that the company is complying with US supplement regulation guidelines.
20 ASEA Side Effects
My guess is this supplement is pretty safe for most people. I'm not aware of any side effects from using the product. Some people online I saw said it didn't taste good but that is something we all have to decide for ourselves. The supplement does have some salt, but the company website states the amount of salt is less than a carrot has.
General suggestions for all supplements:
- Start with less than suggested for the first week to see how you respond
- Talk to your doctor if you are pregnant/breastfeeding
- Stop taking at least 2 weeks before having surgery
- Talk to your doctor if you take any medicine like blood thinners
When looking at ASEA testimonials, some people say some pretty amazing things ranging from the product improving energy levels and reducing arthritis pain to even speeding recovery after a stroke. And then there are those who said the product did nothing for them. As with anything, the results you experience may vary.
21 ASEA Renew 28
This is a skin cleanser. It contains an ingredient called sodium magnesium fluorosilicate (also called Hectorite), a scrubbing agent used in various cosmetics. The company states a European dermatology company -Dermatest – tested Renew 28 in 20 women for 28 days. The women said they saw:
- 21% Improvement in wrinkles
- 20% increased skin elasticity
- 23% improvement in overall wrinkles
- 22% improvement in facial skin texture
- 23% improved skin smoothness
- 11% increase in skin moisture
Notice the women used the product for 28 days. This is where “Renew 28” gets its name from.
In another study, which lasted 12 weeks, the product was said to improve cellulite.
It is unknown if either of these studies has been published in medical journals. If not, this reduces their importance, in my opinion.
See the review of Joyome by Plexus Slim
22 Does ASEA Work?
For the moment, I'm not going to say ASEA is a rip-off or a scam. While skeptical about the ASEA claims and clinical research, I will take the high road and say, let's wait for better research. I'm not impressed with the evidence presented so far, but I am willing to wait for future clinical studies.
Hi Joe I just discovered your site and see you are unbiased and I like that. I have been taking Asea for almost 2 years and my family and I have had great results. But my comment/question for you is this. Have you searched Redox Signaling in pubmed and found all the peer reviewed journals on the links of diseases and redox? I believe there are now over 15000
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/?term=redox+signaling And Asea uses a third party bioagilytix company http://www.bioagilytix.com/results/proven-science/ to verify that each bottle does contain redox signaling molecules do you think this is a good research as well? Also Cornell University is conducting studies on these molecules as well https://research.cornell.edu/research/redox-biology Do you think this is significant in the validity of Asea a well? Did you also look up the studies done on Renu 28 from dermatest and Stephen’s & Associates blood flow tests? I believe they are testing the renu 28 more extensively than the Asea. Thanks for your review and please also review the Renu 28 as well and see what you find?
Hi Brandy, thanks for your words and questions. Since there was research on ASEA, I preferred to look at the research on the product rather than redox signaling research. While the body does redox signaling naturally, the larger question, I felt, was does ASEA improve what the body already does.
I have not yet looked at Renu 28 but I will take a look at the research on it. Thank you for letting me know about it.
Hey Joe,
I clicked on the clinical trial link for the metabolic study that was, at the time of your writing, in progress.
Now it’s been finished since 2013 and never updated with the results on the government studies website. I’m wondering if there’s a way to track down the results?
Hi Britt, I honestly don’t know. I dont believe Ive heard anything new coming out but I could be wrong.
Asea is not a medicine. It is a solution of millions of molecules named “signaling molecules” . Their role in the body is to better inform the brain about what happening with the body..any disease, any disfunction..so the brain can take measures. So in short words Asea is determining the body to healing himself. This molecules are produced in our body but with aging..they are not produced enough. Taking Asea is making the body refreshed and healed. Go to the Asea meetings and find other people with similar experiences as you. You will find there many surprises. Good luck.
My husband ordered ASEA some years ago, I still have several boxes stored away. It tastes like salt water and many times I thought that is what I was drinking. I don’t take it anymore, I took it for about 3 months. I then realized that we were paying for boxes to keep coming in and I finally stopped the shipments, hence all of the boxes left over.
But here is the interesting thing that we still laugh about but it’s true. I used to have really bad heel pain, never diagnosed by a doctor but in the AM I could not walk without severe pain for at least an hour. That pain left a week or so after starting ASEA and has never returned. ASEA could or could not be just salt water but my pain surely went away. I guess if the pain ever comes back, I will try it again and then we will know for sure.
Hi Robyn, Thanks for sharing that. I wonder if the heel pain you felt in the morning was plantar fasciitis? If yes, stretching the calves can help. Hopefully it does not return.
A friend seemed to be going well on ASEA so I thought I would give it a go. I am a 59 year old woman with Hashimoto’s disease so am often feeling a lack of energy. It’s interesting. I’ve nearly finished one bottle (in 12 days – making it about $4.60 per day). I feel amazing. Today I walked my dogs for half an hour, went to the pool and did laps for another half an hour and then attended a yoga class for an hour and a half (lucky me it’s my day off) and didn’t need an afternoon nap! Unheard of for me in the past.
The upswing in energy has been gradual over the 12 days and first became evident around day 5/6 of taking it. Sugar cravings are down. Alas no weight loss yet, however if I keep up with this energy output maybe that will happen in time. I’ve got about 10 kilos to lose.
Hi Gail, thanks for sharing. I’m happy things are going well for you with ASEA. About your lack of energy, have you recently gotten your thyroid levels checked? Sometimes more medication might be needed. That might help your lack of energy. Just a thought I had.
Hi Ocean, I’m all for people not using meds if they dont have to. Based on what Gail said, I thought maybe having her thyroid checked was an idea to consider. Sometimes thyroid problems arise very slowly and people might not go to the doctor until other things (like hair loss) start to manifest themselves.
Yes, thank you everyone. I have decided to “Crack” open this bottle.
and remember ” Never argue with a fool, for he will drag you down to his level and beat you with Experience”
Samuel L. Clemmons
Very helpful review of the science.
I was in a MLM that made similar claims. Their level of science to back up their claims was very similar to ASEA. No double blind studies, No peer review studies and no empirical data to back up the claims.
In the cold light of day I now can see that if the studies and scientific evidence is not there to substantiate the claims of its users there is little reason to pay high prices for a product from a company who hasn’t invested in the science to put to rest the questions about its efficacy.
Hi Peter, you’re welcome and thanks for sharing your past experiences.
There have been double blind studies with elite athletes – the research was done for the company – it may not have been peer reviewed – I can’t answer that, but it was done by very reputable academics who are known experts in the field of sports science.
Hi Sylvana, I believe I reviewed the research findings but do let me know if there are any other studies I missed.
ASEA’s studies are double blind studies.
I understand the concern about the studies, but don’t you find it ironc that we spend our good money at grocery stores on processed foods right of the shelve without knowing for sure what we are purchasing. I know for sure that many are making money of any purchase made at a store, the better advertised ones will have spend more money on marketing then the product and yet we purchase them anyway…..
I started using the Renu28 about 2 weeks ago, (Mid Nov 2016)
I have a problem with knee pain with at the end of the day I had pain levels of about 8 on a scale of 0-10
My Mobility was at the other end down to about 2
After 2 weeks the numbers have almost reversed
End of day pain is down to about 4 and end of day mobility up to about 5
My other more dramatic result for me is the change in sleep as the result of not needing to get up and pee 3-4 time per night as the result of what Im am told is a swollen Prostrate, very common among seniors
I am not (yet) an ASEA Distributor
In the last two weeks I have had a vast improvement in sleep quality as Im getting up on average once at about 4 is and on several night have gone a full night without getting up for a pee.
The effect of a full night sleep is just as great as those who don’t get it will be aware
All I do is rub some Renu 28 around the genital areas once or twice a day
I have now started Drinking the ASEA Water as well
From what I know the founders of the Asea redox signaling molecules-which is at the bottom of this product, they contact the big pharmaceutical chains, to introduce Asea as a normal medicine to be sold in pharmacies. THE ANSWER WAS WE BUY IT AND THEN WE WILL SHUT IT DOWN, SO WE WILL PAY YOU THIS HUGE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO DO SO.
This is why this product ended as MLM. What founders said that Asea will do-making the body healing himself using its maximum potential-wich decreases while aging- has been seen as a drastically reducing the profit of pharmaceutical chains in selling their regular medicines.
I have used asea for years and have turned friends, athletes ,on to it who still use it today. the first time i tried it i cleaned every drawer in my house, it had not been done in years. I give it to people who work for me and they perform much better. My friend and i call it cleaner cause it makes you want to do (clean) something.
I am a surfer and use it on cuts that heal rapidly. It seems to help recovery after extensive exercise . My girlfriend thinks it makes me aggressive and another friend said she noticed the same effect herself. When I head to the mountains to ski from sea level i notice not the effect of altitude like i used to.
aloha asea try it and rip it up. enjoy life to the fullest potential. (i don’t sell it i buy it)
I am a retired clinical psychologist with a research background. When I heard about the possible benefits of ASEA, I tried it for two years. During this time I thought I felt better but was not sure. I kept looking for solid research backing up the testimonials I heard but never found such a study. I also take resveratrol and Chinese red rice and have found research studies demonstrating their effectiveness. I am also aware of how powerful a placebo can be. I still don’t know if ASEA does what it claims to do.
Based on the absence of solid research supporting claims about ASEA’s benefits, I stopped taking it around eight months ago and can’t notice any difference in how I feel. With the amount of money generated by ASEA sales, good independent research can easily be done to support claims. The fact that ASEA has not done such research is significant.
There are many reports of sick animals getting healthy when drinking ASEA, and the healing of skin conditions of animals when Renu28 is applied. What do you think would be the placebo effect there?
I have personally applied Renu28 to skin problems which healed in a small fraction of the time taken in the past.
I have not personally met one person who has drunk ASEA or applied Renu28 without a positive result – I have taken note of issues in different areas of my body before drinking it – its easy to forget when the pain or rash or whatever goes – often very surprising to look back on the changes that could have been missed/forgotten.
There has been at least one double blind study with elite athletes (that I know of) carried out by a prestigious sports science faculty in the US. It took courage for the company to commission this independent research – they had made a massive financial investment in the development of the products, and testing them in a double blind study was a risk.
If the research had not yielded such positive results they could have lost their investment. With the weight of anecdotal evidence and personal first hand testimonial that I have been exposed to I don’t need peer reviewed research. When I stop seeing, feeling & hearing of these positive effects I might stop using the products – I won’t hold my breath for that to happen though, as I just keep finding out more and more amazing things… by the way – I haven’t made any money from ASEA, but I am at the point where I would like to.
That’s because it healed your body allowing you to sustain your health. If you have changed your diet to a very healthy one you will do well for a good while, but over time we lose redox signaling molecules that help our body heal and recover so eventual you will want to use it again. I use it everyday, and will from now on. I feel pretty dare good for my age.
Thanks for sharing you experience,
I’ve read all the comments..and this sounds really stupid in comparison..but I have started to use this on my 6 month old dog who at 3 months I was told had 70% kidney failure..and advised by two vets to have him “put down”
A friend who is into holistic and natural healing said I should try this..well 3 months on my dog is still bouncing around..he hasn’t put on a lot of weight but a little bit..
However..with 70% kidney failure at 3 months..he shouldn’t even be alive now!!..
So whatever is in this stuff.. I think it’s working.. I don’t think a dog can have a placebo effect??..maybe they can.. I don’t know!!..but I’ve a dog who is beating the odds here ..so good luck to everyone..
Hi Jacqueline, While there is some evidence that animals can experience placebo effects (I know, sounds weird right?), I will just be happy that you still have your dog with you and wish he remains in good condition for many years to come. Thanks for sharing your experiences with ASEA.
Hi Joe..
Thank you for your reply ..that’s really interesting as I didn’t know dogs could have a placebo effect..do they pick it up from us?..or is it their own mind?..
He is doing great but he’s just not putting on as much weight as he should be for a dog of his breed and age but maybe his appetite will improve more as he’s a fussy eater!!.. I will just keep an eye on him and if he starts to deteriorate then obviously I wouldn’t have him suffer in any way..but so far he is a happy very much loved big dog .. and too healthy to even think about putting down ..
I am just hoping that his kidneys can heal ..if that’s possible.. and I’d try anything so long as it won’t hurt him..
Thank you again for your reply ..
Hi Jacqueline, I wish I knew about dog anatomy. I wonder what the vet says about his sudden improvement. As long as hes happy then that is whats important 🙂
Here is a study that reports placebo effects in dogs
This story of your dog remind me a 55-60 years old man, wich I spoke with him personaly, who was having kidney faillure and just about doing surgery to remove it. A few months before the surgery he start taking Asea daily without telling to the doctors. When he went to do the last labs on his kidneys before the surgery, the doctors were upset asking him “What did you do?” “We told you don’t try any medicine before surgery” His ill kidney was recovered. This person can prove this with medical documentation.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t take your word for it. I would like to see this medical documentation.
Have you seen it yet ?
Oops!! I hadn’t read this message when I wrote my above 🙂 No a dog can’t have a placebo effect 🙂
Sylvana, here’s one study of dogs that showed a placebo effect: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19912522 I’m not sure if it has been replicated by others.
Put your dog on organic natural dog food…local made if possible and OFF COMMERCIAL DOG FOOD. ITS TOXIC. I see so many animals suffer from the stuff and IMMEDIATELY IMPROVE after switching. I pray the best for your pup! =) They are a joy to be cared for.
Well like many Asea customers I had great hopes of good results from this product. I started taking 4 oz daily and noticed my blood pressure going up after a few days. I monitor this regularly as I have polycystic kidney disease and have been advised to do so. It kept going up so I stopped taking it and after a few days it was down again.
So I contacted my Asea rep about this issue and was advised spikes in BP was normal, however to lower the dose to 2oz a day. This I did and again after a few days it went up again. When it reached 204/135 I stopped taking it again feeling very unwell. Once again it dropped down to near normal.
They advised me to persist it would eventually settle down!
I have come to the conclusion that this product is not for me and requested a refund for my unused boxes of bottles they have sent out and the auto ordering to cease. So far I have been completely ignored.
I wonder what other people think of this?
Hi John, ASEA is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and has a BBB rating of A+. If you file a complaint with the BBB, I’m confident they will respond. Here is the link to their BBB page http://www.bbb.org/utah/business-reviews/multi-level-selling-companies/asea-llc-in-salt-lake-cty-ut-22221325/
I do take ASEA regularly, I can’t say for sure that I see any positive or negative effects, at least anything greatly noticed. Don’t ask why am I still taking it, I just feel it is worth a try. But I am commenting here only to say thank you for your unbiased article, and information, I appreciated it.
Oh, I did check their BB rating today, and it is A+ now, not A- as you stated in your information. I guess they worked on improving it since you reported it.
Hi Kathie, thanks for the update. I’m happy that their BBB rating has improved 🙂
Thanks Kathie, I appreciate you saying that!
Appropriate that the headquarters are located in Salt Lake City. The only two ingredients are Distilled Water and Sodium Chloride which is table salt.
How do they charge $30-$40 for a 32 oz bottle of water and salt?
David, sodium chloride is used to create redox molecules in the lab. The molecules are too light weight to be listed as an ingredient, but there is the verification on the label by an independent laboratory to say that the molecules are suspended in the liquid which by the way doesn’t even taste like salty water to me.
No it tastes like swimming pool water.
I agree, that’s exactly what went through my head when I tasted it for the first time today. It does taste like salt water chlorinated pool water.
We’ll see if my toes stop hurting in the next few weeks. Let the experiment begin ;D
Oh..I forgot – I am not an Asea distributor. I just get used to see and talk with different people, in different occasions, telling about their health problems and then after they consumed Asea a while this health problems has gone or dramatically reduced. I am just a witness of the reality. PS. I like you too Joe.
Thanks Augustin.
I’ve been drinking 4 ounces a day for 2 weeks now. The first day I felt a phenomenal sensation of well being tingling throughout my body. I’d like to state that I am a 54 year old woman with a few health issues who has been on social security disability.
The most significant change I’ve noticed is my irregular sleep patterns. I now sleep all night with no interruptions. Should I get up for a bathroom break I fall immediately back to sleep.. i can also take a daily nap and it doesn’t throw off my sleep as well.
Additionally, I’ve noticed that I have more stamina or energy at my gym workouts that I do at least 4 times a week.
Now if these improvements are psychosomatic, be that as it may, I feel better. I only wish I could afford to take more to address some other issues. But for now. I’ll be a guinea pig try this supplement for at least 3 months to see what develops.
If it’s just expensive salt water, shame on Asea duping folks like this. But so far I’m a believer and have gotten this from an herbal store and have heard various testimonials from actual people I’ve met with wonderful results. It’s so far has proved to be a miracle tonic for many on their death bed. These are reputable experiences related by a natural doctor who I’ve met personally.
So you make your choice and try it. I believe it’s worth the sacrifice to try something that might improve your health and possibly prolong your life. It’s well worth the effort. Sincerely
Hi Pat, thanks so much for sharing and I hope ASEA continues to help you.
Pat, be careful what you are saying. Don’t ever exagerate saying that Asea is miraculous or that is something revolutionary. People don t like revolutions. They like Starbucks. Or a standard pizza and a Coca Cola and to watch a football game. We are all wonderful. Have a good evening everybody.
Thanks for your post about ASEA. I was looking for answer as to whether there is any ill side effects. So, it is basically salt water I’m drinking?? Ha ha ha, no wonder I had loose stool for 2 days after the first week I took it. My intestines are cleaned out 🙂
Chengiskhan, you are welcome.
When all your cells start working properly they have a lost of toxins to eliminate. This was your bodies way of getting rid of toxins. It means the product was working or repair somewhere in your system.
Can I ask why it is so expensive ? The process of making this must be relatively small ???
Hi Jane, I can’t answer that question. I’m not sure how it is produced.
I saw a video on the science of how it is made which seems to be a lengthy process.
Hello there, I will answer this question by another one – Do you think 200 US is too expensive for a product that can save you from cancer, keep you away from further diseases, coldness or treat dead kidneys or heart problems?
Augustin, do you have clinical proof (published peer reviewed studies) it does all that?
I MET PEOPLE HEALED BY THIS DISEASES, TELLING THEIR EXPERIENCES WITH ASEA. HERE THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE TELLING THEIR HEALING EXPERIENCES. WHY SHOULD I NEED A STUDY? By the way.. first intention of Asea founders was to sell it to the pharmaceutical companies. The answer was “We will buy it and then shut it down, because this product will turn of our own businesses with medicines and pils.” Making people healthier does not bring profit.. THIS IS WHY ASEA ENDED BEING A MLM. Do you think they will allow a study for a product that will shut down 80 per cent of pharmaceutical industry? There are huge financial interests in keeping people sick and then sell them medicines.
Asea is only one product that can treat or prevent many diseases. Pharmaceutical companies are selling different type of medicines for each disease. So as by a marketing point of view Asea is not so profitable and it will stop a lot of other medicines to be sold instead. THEY WILL NOT PERMIT ASEA TO HIT THE MARKET IN DRUG STORES.
Augustin, While I, like you, believe there is very little profit in the “cure” of a disease, I don’t think companies /distributors are allowed to say a supplement can “treat” or “prevent” disease.
Hi Augustin, Honestly, testimonials from people we dont know is fine to start but eventually I feel somebody should look at it and do a study. Nobody has to “allow” a study. The company could easily sponsor a study and get it published in a medical/science journal. It will cost some money but wouldn’t that help those who sell ASEA to say “look we have a study that proves it.” I know some may not like company sponsored studies but Im not one of them. I like it when companies do studies on their products. As long as its a well done study, I’m good with it.
What about rheumatoid arthritis.. I’m 36 my Dr told me about asea.. it is expensive but I’m thinking of going for it
Lindsay, curious, was the doctor who told you about it, an MD, chiropractor or phd? What did the doctor say about it?
So they couldn’t market it to Big Pharma, why not put it on the open market just like any other nutritional supplement? MLM in general has a bad reputation amongst consumers, there is no reason to go MLM except to exploit the product for higher profits. I don’t buy that “shut down” story at all, AESA came up with that phoney story to try and explain away, and cover the real reason they went with MLM.
A mind alone can heal. It’s a matter of Belief. THAT’S where GOD put the POWER. People claim CRACK, METH and HEROIN helps them too. I won’t be checking into that option.
All of your posts Joe. Reek.of Astroturfer activity. Sent to plant a seed of doubt to those suffering. Sadly we are born in award of mistrust, cynicism and fear. For a company to offer a 90 day 90% money back guarantee speaks a big message. I am using Asea and many others I know also. I don’t make any claims except to say that it has changed my life in a myriad of ways, and all positive. It is 100% safe and in my experience and those of others I know personally, it works on every one every time. As our body is unique, everyone’s experience is different. Try it.you WILL feel better. And to all those suffering with any of life’s challenges, never be scared. Go for it!
Hi Augustin – at every single gathering that I have ever been to where ASEA has been discussed it has been very emphatically mentioned that distributers should never make claims about what ASEA can ‘cure’. It is a product that helps to make your cells healthier – that will obviously help the body as we are made of cells!
People who have life altering experiences are very enthusiastic and they can say what happened for them, but that’s different to claims being made about what the product WILL do. Everybody’s body is different. Sometimes people might drink it hoping for a particular effect and they get something different, or they may not notice the difference because their body is using it in areas that it needs to – not necessarily what we think is our top priority – some may even feel worse in the short term because the molecules are helping the body to clean out waste.
A friend of mine brought me a bottle of ASEA yesterday as my kids and I were suffering from the flu. At $36 for a 32oz bottle (8 doses according to the label) I can not possibly afford this product, especially when the only evidence of its efficacy seems to be anecdotal. At best, research seems only to conclude that it won’t hurt us.
Our family doesn’t take drugs, uses a naturopath and we are in general really healthy. We don’t have any long-term issues we are wishing to address. I wish I had a spare $315 per week so my family of 5 could experiment with this product. But unless it can replace food and turn us into supermen, its not for us.
Thanks for putting this together. The unbiased article helped me make the choice not to crack the bottle.
You might check into a product that I know of. It has been around for 20 years but only sold in the US for 2 years. There are lots of studies on pubmed.gov. it has been scientifically proven to enhance your body’s ability to heal itself. Because you do not ingest this product or put it on your skin it would cost a family of 5 $0.33 a day per person.
Sue, you had me at Pubmed. What is the name of this product?