Update 1/20/20. ZXT Gold is one of the hottest selling natural weight loss supplements on the web and If I'm any barometer, it also generates a lot of questions too. I've also heard of some strange side effects which got my attention. Does ZXT Gold work? I want to not only review ZXT Gold but look at it in relation to other ZXT supplements. Hopefully, this ZXT Gold review will answer some of peoples questions. Also, see the review of Slim Trim U bee pollen supplements that also compares ZXT Gold's ingredients to the ingredients in Slim Trim U. Update: The FDA has found this product contained illegal weight-loss drugs. See this FDA report for more info.
Who Sells ZXT Gold?
ZXT Gold is sold by Floyd Nutrition. Floyd Nutrition has the following websites:
- FloydNutrition.com
- FloydNutrition.net
- PlatinumBodySlim.com
- Ayurvedic-Solutions.com
When I first heard of Floyd Nutrition, I thought it was a physical store—like a GNC or local health food store. It's not. The contact page of FloydNutrition.com lists a PO Box in Harrisburg PA as their address.
While it looks like Floyd Nutrition does most of their business online via their websites or by phone orders, I did some digging and discovered that they have a warehouse located at 1800 State Street in Harrisburg PA.
Products sold on their website can be purchased at their warehouse if you go there. Floyd Nutrition doesn't make the supplements themselves. Companies in other countries and the US do. This is true for many health food stores too.
For more info about Floyd Nutrition
ZXT Gold Ingredients
Update: 7/25/12. Thanks to “Beth” one of the readers on this site, I became aware that Canadian health authorities have identified 2 hidden drugs in ZXT Gold. The drugs they found are:
- Sibutramine – a banned weight-loss drug linked to heart problems. It is also called Meridia.
- Phenolphthalein – a laxative that is no longer used in Canada because it may cause cancer. For more info see the Phenolphthalein Wikipedia page.
Here is the FDA report dated April 15 2015
Here is the Health Canada update on ZXT Gold dated June 29 2012.
According to the Floyd Nutrition website, ZXT Gold is composed of these ingredients:
- Bee pollen
- Chinese yam
- Green tea
- lotus seed
- Dietary fiber
Here's the thing that makes me scratch my head about ZXT Gold —its ingredients are almost identical to the first 5 ingredients in the weight loss pill, Zi Xiu Tang. With the exception of green tea— in ZXT Gold —replacing barbary wolfberry fruit in Zi Xiu Tang, they look identical to me.
I can't tell how much of each ingredient is in ZXT Gold, so I concede there may be differences in the amounts of ingredients between ZXT Gold and Zi Xiu Tang as well as other ZXT supplements.
Here is the other thing about ZXT Gold that seems odd to me. Floyd Nutrition lists several other weight loss pills—and their ingredients— on their website, such as ZXT, ZXT Slim etc. I've copied the table below as it appeared on their website.
Notice how all 4 of these supplements appear to have almost the same ingredients.
ZXT | ZXT Gold | ZXT Slim | Infinity | |
Ingredients | Bee pollen | Bee pollen | Bee pollen | Bee pollen |
Chinese yam | Chinese yam | Chinese yam | Chinese yam | |
Green tea | Green tea | Barberry wolfberry fruit | Barberry wolfberry fruit | |
Lotus seed | Lotus seed | Lotus seed | Lotus seed | |
Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | |
Dosage | 2 capsules/day | 2 capsules/day | 2 capsules/day | 1 capsule /day |
Energy | Moderate/strong | Strong | Extra strength | Extreme extra strength |
Suppresses appetite | Strong | Very strong | Very strong | Very strong |
Remove toxins | Very strong | Strong | Very strong | Very strong |
Supports the immune system | Yes | Yes | Yes | yes |
See results in 1st week | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
adapted from floydnutrition.com
All of these products appear to have very similar ingredients. Also, see my review of Slim Trim U for additional comparisons.
I also noticed that most of the products in this table contain the letters ZXT. What do the letters ZXT stand for in ZXT Gold, ZXT Slim, ect? I can't find an answer to this question. I've been told that ZXT Gold, ZXT etc. are different than Zi Xiu Tang. If they are different, why are the letters ZXT in the names of these other products?
The obvious answer I guess would be that the letters ZXT, in the name, is an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of Zi Xiu Tang.
Does anybody have another answer?
I have not tried ZXT Gold so I will wait to read the experiences of others who have. What I can do is cite the research on the ingredients in ZXT Gold. Below is a breakdown of the ingredients and relative research.
Bee Pollen
If you Google “bee pollen weight loss” you see several websites touting the benefits of how bee pollen weight loss pills can improve energy levels and help people lose weight. But, where is the proof?
None of the websites I looked at showed me any published peer-reviewed evidence that bee pollen helps people lose weight. As I did when I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang, I searched Pub Med, a database of millions of studies from around the world and searched for “bee pollen weight loss“— and no studies showed up.
After some further digging, I did locate one small study from 2002 where a bee pollen royal jelly supplement reduced premenopausal weight gain in 29 women. The product used in this study was called Femal. Could this be the basis behind putting bee pollen in weight loss pills?
Tip. reducing the gaining of weight is not the same thing as causing weight loss.
Other than this, I can't find any bee pollen weight loss proof.
Bee pollen has some protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates and that’s nice, but does that mean bee pollen alone peps people up or gives them more energy to get through a tough day? I don't see any studies to back up this claim.
Since I can't find any proof —other than the one small study mentioned above— for now, I don't buy the claim that bee pollen has any special qualities that it promotes weight loss.
If anyone has a study of bee pollen promoting weight loss in humans, please show me and I will gladly update this review.
Chinese Yam
According to its Wikipedia page, Chinese yam can also be called Korean yam and nagaimo. This makes researching it difficult. Its scientific name is Dioscorea opposita. I searched pub med for studies of:
- “Dioscorea opposita weight loss”
- “Dioscorea opposita body mass index”
- “Dioscorea opposita obesity”
- “Chinese yam weight loss”
- “Chinese yam body mass index”
- “Chinese yam obesity”
I found no research studies on these topics. It looks like nobody has ever thought of seeing Chinese yam works or not.
If that’s really so, what would prompt the makers of ZXT Gold to put it Chinese yam their product?
Yams are often said to be a source of the hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and there is some evidence that DHEA may help weight loss—at least in older men and women.
While this is interesting, yams do not seem to raise DHEA levels in humans.
There isn't much research on yams and DHEA levels in humans but I'd like to see some proof that it works before I give it credence (college students: this would be a great thesis project to do!)
Green Tea
A LOT of weight loss supplements have green tea. Just a few I've already looked at include:
And several others…
The reason is that green tea has caffeine. People who are more awake might move more and burn more calories. Caffeine also help us burn a little fat.
There is also some research that caffeine might help weight loss. Note in this study, the supplement used contained 150 mg caffeine and 270 mg ECGC (one of the active ingredients in green tea) per day. How much caffeine and ECGC is in ZXT Gold? I can't tell from the product website.
Lotus Seed
Also called Nelumbo nucifera, I can't find any proof this stuff promotes weight loss in either humans or animals. So why is it in ZXT Gold?
Dietary Fiber. This is such a general term that it makes it impossible to know what specific fiber they are referring to. Do they mean soluble fiber or insoluble fiber? They don't tell us.
Looking at the ingredients in ZXT Gold as a whole, these ingredients:
- Chinese yam
- lotus seed
- dietary fiber
all have something in common. They ALL contain fiber. As such, if ZXT Gold really works, I believe it's because it acts primarily as a laxative. This was the same initial conclusion I reached when I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang.
I believe that its laxative effect is primarily responsible for any weight loss seen with ZXT Gold. That is the simplest and most logical answer.
As for bee pollen, I think it's mostly being used as a source of protein. Protein can help with weight loss but how much protein is in ZXT Gold? I don't know, but I suspect it's not much. I think bee pollen is really used because people have been saying amazing —yet unproven—things about it, since I was a kid.
Does ZXT Gold Have Senna?
The Floyd Nutrition website does not list senna as an ingredient in ZXT Gold, however one person who left a comment on my Zi Xiu Tang post on Jan 20, 2012, stated that Floyd Nutrition has added senna back into ZXT Gold. I have no proof to back this up, so its best to call and check for yourself if you are concerned about this. Senna is a strong laxative and one case report linked senna to hepatitis.
I also highlighted that senna was a component in Bob Harpers 7 cleanse supplement.
ZXT Gold Side Effects
See the FDA report for side effects.
Sibutramine is a weight loss drug pulled from the US market because it increased the risk of heart attacks. Phenolphphthalein is linked to cancer.
I believe that diarrhea and/or more frequent trips to the bathroom would be a common side effect of ZXT Gold. In fact, this has been reported by people who have used ZXT Gold who left comments in my post of Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects.
Diarrhea can lead to dehydration and losses of electrolytes, which can cause people to feel tired and weak. It can also lead to irregularities in the way the heartbeats.
By searching the comments left by others at previous posts I've written, I was able to generate this table of possible ZXT Gold side effects:
headache | “weird feeling in head” | diarrhea | depression |
Heart racing | No appetite | constipation | Moodiness |
Speech problems | Very thirsty | Sleeping problems | Nausea |
Increased urination | dry mouth | Cold/warm feelings | Loss of strength |
Vision problems | Frequent urination | Hot flashes | Abdominal pain |
No energy | acne | Elevated blood pressure | Right arm tremor |
Anxiety | Dizziness | Sore ears / weird feeling in ears |
How prevalent these side effects are, I don't know as they came from only a few people who listed what happened to them when they used ZXT Gold.
How Much Water Should You Drink?
Water, water, water is the mantra spoken by many who take —and sell —ZXT Gold as well as other “ZXT” supplements. Of course, water can help with weight loss (it fills us up and has no calories) but, too much water can lead to a potentially deadly condition called hyponatremia (sometimes water intoxication). Essentially people drink so much water that they dilute the salts (electrolytes) in their blood. This can lead to things like:
- headache
- confusion
- nausea
- cramps
- dizziness
- muscle weakness
- fatigue
- seizures
- abnormal heart rates
- coma
- death
Theoretically, hyponatremia might account for some of the reported side effects of ZXT Gold (and Zi Xiu Tang).
So how much water is too much? Well, according to this article in Scientific American magazine, each kidney can excrete 800-1000 milliliters per hour. This equals 27 oz to 33 oz per hour. Since most of us have 2 kidneys this equals 54 to 66 oz fluid per hour.
So, healthy people (who are not exercising) who want to avoid hyponatremia should drink no more than 54 to 66 oz per hour (less during exercise since kidney excretion can decrease).
Fortunately, this is a lot of water to drink, making hyponatremia unlikely in most people. I mention this as a guide to help people when they hear about all the water they should drink if they take ZXT Gold.
Does It Work?
After discovering that the product contained sibutramine and phenolphthalein – both illegal to be used in dietary supplements, I think we know why this product worked. Bee pollen and other ingredients in this product have no evidence it helps weight loss.
What do you think?
Jessie and Joe: I posted early about the Fat Zero and the Extreme Body Slim being recalled by the US FDA earlier this month….. It also amazes me how Floyd Nutrition can post that the supplements found by the FDA were counterfeit??? WHAT?? I personally called the FDA and they told me that there is only one manufacturer of this product and that it was found in there supplements with Floyds name on the bottle.
Floyds has pulled both of those brands off there website and have announced another new supplement on its way out. From my past experience with them this is kinda of there so to speak “MO” when something gets found out they just remake in with a new name.
I found it interesting that i have googled zxt gold manufacturer and u can find about any of the floyd products on different oversees (from China) sights: see attached-
My family and i have suffered from taking these supplements and they keep getting away with it! They need to be shut down!
As far as the pharmacy goes … i am for sure they are getting them from what Floyd calls there State Distributor in WVA. Bee Fit LLC. Website: beefitzxt.com. these people are ruthless and will do anything for $$$$$. SO SAD!
MMJ, thanks for the info and I agree a lot of these products just seem to be similar ingredients in different bottles.
I started taking the ZXT Gold on Sat. June 22 because my sister-in-law has been taking them for 2 months and has lost 15lbs, but I am wondering how safe they are? I got them from a local pharmacy here in West Virginia and the pharmacy told me that I could take them with high blood pressure? Does anyone know if that is really true?
Jessie, Canadian health officials have found 2 chemicals in ZXT Gold one of which is a weight loss drug thats banned in the US. Here is the link http://www.healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/search-recherche/result-resultat/en?search_text_1=zxt+gold
Jessie, you bought ZXT Gold from a pharmacy? Really! Can you fill me in on this. ZXT Gold (and other similar bee pollen weight loss products) are sold by distributors. Is the pharmacy a ZXT Gold distributor? Can you ask them if they are. was ZXT Gold on the shelf with other weight loss products or did you have to ask the pharmacist about it? Did a pharmacist recommend it to you? If you can share your insights on this I would really appreciate it.
I had to ask the pharmacist for it. It just a local pharmacy not a big chain. The person that worked in the pharmacy told me that it does not effect my blood pressure, but I was unsure and that is why I started looking up side effects. I think they might be a ZXT Gold distributor.
I have only taken it for 4 days but I already have woke up with a headache, I don’t even want to eat, and it make me feel shaky. I just don’t think its safe. I know people loose weight on it but the side effects are just crazy. I had a lot more energy one day with this and by the end of the day I was so tired I could not stay awake.
Jessie, Im guessing it was the person at the counter who sold you ZXT Gold and not the pharmacist. Did they give ZXT Gold to you right there in the store or did they have to get it and call you later to get sell it to you? Did they ring it up in the cash register when you bought it?
Sorry for the questions; I’m just trying to figure out how a controversial supplement with evidence of a banned weight loss drug made its way into a pharmacy.
Yes, it was the lady at the counter. I am not sure if she is the pharmacist. They had it right there when I ask about it. They rang me up at the cash register.
I just wonder how a pharmacy can sell it.
jessie, thats amazing! What state was this in? I’d be shocked if the lady who sold you ZXT Gold was a pharmacist but if they stocked it in the store, it sounds like whoever owns the pharmacist may be a ZXT Gold distributor.
Next time your in the pharmacy can you ask them if they are distributors and if they are aware of the finding by the canadians that ZXT Gold has sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug? I know I ask a lot. I’m just perplexed by all of this.
It is in West Virginia.
Thank you for all the info.
Your website is awesome and I come here before taking anything, my friend took slim trim u and she looks great and the temptation to take them after I ordered them, still it’s hard to say no but wanted to thank you for your research and a place for real people to share !!! Thanks so much your a blessing for many! God bless you
Brittany, thanks for your very kind words 🙂
Please refer to the FDA website as one of the Floyd products “fat zero” where flagged today with the same drug that zxt gold was flagged for in Canada !!!!!! Crazy
MMJ, good eye! Here is the FDA link on Fat Zero
i to took the zxt gold weight loss pills but had to quit taking them because i became pregnant,(They say bee pollen helps with fertility, which i believe) but i lost over 40 lbs in 3 and a half months. It made me feel awesome!! i had energy but it wasn’t the jittery energy that you would get from stackers or the old mini thin pills, but an energy that was “natural” i guess you would say. My face didn’t break out so bad and my sex drive was good, other than that i had good experience with it.
I have high blood pressure and from me losing the weight my blood pressure is good. I had to force myself to eat on them. I talked a few of my co workers into taking them and they said they felt better too. I just think some people have different experiences with pills than others do. Also after your body gets use to it you don’t go to the bathroom very much as you do the first month of being on them, at least i didn’t but i still lost weight. 🙂
I know one of the dietary fibers used is alien tips a natural laxative that is why the company tells you not to use the pill forever it is for detoxing and losing weight not for maintenance and should be weened off of …all the companies mention the manufacturer and the only sites could find for them confirmed their retailer but I don’t know how reliable iris.. They also haves site with Akita of frauds but I am not surehowto confirm that either.
I have lost six lbs in a month and my friends lost four. It has to be taken correctly and you need to drink eight to ten glasses of water depending on activity level and temp. Mather pollen has greatly improved my allergies and I would rather take this then the two pills a day I needed just to vaguely get through the day.
The pollen can also act as an artificial fiber tricking your stomach into thinking it is full there is also supposed to be bee venom and saliva in the product . I don’t know if I am getting the right one I. Hope the authentic retailer is found soon but those are the things that are supposed to be found in it if it is the real stuff plus obviously the things you listed above
Quinn, just my 2 cents but I don’t believe there are any “authentic retailers”. If they exist they are horrible at marketing themselves because nobody can find them.
Hello, I am so happy that I found your blog. Many of my friends had been taking Slim Trim since around last year and had great results. I never really was unhappy with my weight but at age 33 my cholesterol is very high and I am borderline diabetic so I considered taking them to loose a few pounds.
My decision to take them was solidified when my 16 year old son came to me depressed asking if I would let him have LapBand surgery. He was 265 lbs. This frightened me because I new he was doing everything in his power to loose weight, eating right etc. I even have him working out with a personal trainer, but the weight was not coming off.
It frightened me because my husband also struggled with his weight all,of his life. He was very active, ate properly, and exercised, lifted weights, etc and he could not loose weight. My husband opted for the LapBand surgery, which was very successful. He lost the weight and maintained the weight loss. Tragically, 5 years after his surgery my husband committed suicide, which we were told is sometimes a “rare side effect” of the surgery.
So you can see why I rushed ordered two bottles of the STU when my son came to me about the surgery. We have been taking it for about a month and although we have lost weight, I began to notice side effects and my son began to complain of the same side effects:
Dry Mouth
Frequent Bowel Movements
Extreme Exhaust
Muscle Ache
Mood Swings/irritation
among others…
We both tolerated the symptoms because we were happy for the weight loss. But the the shortness of breath, extreme sweating, and chest pain began. My son came in from work complaining of chest pain and that’s when I began searching for side effects. It is nothing but a blessing that I found your blog. Most of the search results yielded nothing but praises for these products, but I knew something was not right.
I just told my son we will no longer be taking this stuff. He agreed although he is a little disappointed. Thanks so much.
Marie, Im also glad you found me – and I hope you didn’t have to search too long. I’m glad I was able to help.
I’ve been dieting and working out for 2 months, haven’t lost a pound. Started taking zxt gold last Monday still haven’t lost a pound. I’ve had my thyroid tested it’s good. I’m 29 5’5 and 155lbs. I can’t seem to take off The weight. I haven’t had any side effects with the Gold I want to stay on it bc I wanted a “boost” in weight loss… But reading this makes me skeptical. I’ve had friends on it that love it and haven’t had and problems and have lost weight.
Steph, what was your TSH level? As I was just reading in the book The Fatigue Solution, the guidelines for TSH levels has changed. It used to be .5-5 but now its .3 to 3. Wanted to point that out just in case the old values were used to gauge how well your thyroid was working.
More to the point, I dont think Zxt Gold will work without a little “extra something” that is not listed. Im glad you have not had any side effects. Have you ever thought of talking to a dietitian? Here is a bit more Ive written on weight loss supplements and other things that can help
I recently started a bootcamp program and they sell various weight loss pills including infinity and slim trim u. My first month I tried infinity and lost a total of 17lbs in that month. Only side effect was no appetite. Id go all day without eating. My weight loss progression started to slow so i asked my instructor what I should do and she recommended switching to slim trim u so I did. My first week went good.
It suppressed my appetite and I lost 4lbs. This is my second week and its been horrible. Ive had bad diarrhea and Ive been so nauseous One morning my mouth was so dry I guzzled down a bottle of water and had to run to the bathroom to throw it right back up. Ive been so tired. I feel as if I could sleep all day. I weigh in tomorrow morning and Im excited to see how much more weight Ive lost this week. I really hate to stop taking them because it seems like nothing else works.
Britt, it works because it contains a drug. Your personal trainer means well however she does not know what she is doing by recommending supplements. Please read this, print it up and show it to your personal trainer
Its the worse case of personal trainer/supplement recommendation in history. your trainer does not know about this.
Since you mentioned bootcamps, please also read this – and PLEASE show it to your bootcamp trainers
odds are they dont know about rhabdo either
I teach personal trainers. I want them to be safe. I want you to be safe too Britt
I been takin these pills for 4 days now cant see a change and cant poop.
Sam, hopefully you have stopped taking them…
They told me there is no drugs in there pills.
Nina, all I can say is you can take their word for it or look at what the FDA has been finding about other bee pollen weight loss products. did you speak to the company -in china – or a distributor of the product? Are you experiencing dry mouth as a side effect – or any side effects? Is ZXT Gold working?
I have took this product for 2 months and I started to get headaches and my blood pressure is up but I called the company and they told me it is 100% natural.
Nina, stop taking it. Natural does NOT mean safe or safe for everybody. For example, lightening is 100% natural and so too is cyanide. I would not take ZXT Gold if its giving you headaches or raises your blood pressure.
I have taken all of the Floyd products over the last yr I have also distributed the pills for a short time. I really liked the product and wanted to tell others. After the Canadian scare we were told that the product found there was not Floyd product however a counterfeit product and that they would be replacing bottles with security tabs to ensure this did not happen again. From this point on I became concerned. I did loose wait but over time they stopped working.
I stopped distributing them after several of my friends and family had strange side effects.
The worst is that just recently I have discovered from my healthcare provider that I have adrenal failure. Surprisingly I was told to take a multi vitamin, b12 vit.d and DHEA . I felt horrible !!!!! I have not been taking the supplements and have started a diet to Cleanse that CRAP outta my body. I am feeling better …. I find it interesting that we r coached to encourage people to take b12 and a multi vitamin.
They r just reproducing the pill Mentioned earlier R the same Zi …..
Which is banned on the FDA website.
As mentioned earlier floyd does not return calls even to its distributors. Check out the Attorney General it has several cases pending against them. Another product that is sold is called Asset it too has the same effect and is also a branch off of an unhappy distributor. All of the products r manufactured over seas in china.
I am happy to be away from this organization and this product. Other websites that should be noted us beefitzxt.com and sage detox all affiliated with Floyd.
This is the TRUTH!!! Beware
MMJ, I checked the PA attorneys general office but didn’t see anything having to do with Floyd Nutrition. Can you provide links to pending cases you mentioned? Thanks!
I started Slim you trim about 5 days ago. My weight has fluctuated which I expected. But ive have headaches, flu symptoms, puff throat, stiff neck, achy body, blood pressure issues, feeling nauseas and like passing out. Last night I experience my first case of insomnia. I’m currently on Abilify. Has anyone else has these issues. I only started the Abilify about three days before the bee fit. Please I would love done answers. I feel like death warned over.
Pleegosman, please stop taking slim trim u. its not worth it.
Do not do business with Floyd Nutrition. They are not a professional outfit, and do not handle business situations with any class at all. I wrote to them and asked for a refund or a replacement product after I discovered the zi xiu tang pills they sent me were counterfeit.
I was able to verify my purchase from the Floyd Nutrition website through a paypal account record. I reminded them that my payment to them was NOT counterfeit, but the product they gave me was, so it would be fair to send me a replacement product of equal value. The counterfeit pills did not work and furthermore WHAT WAS IN THEM if they were counterfeit?! They took my payment and sent me garbage.
Their response to my letter was a snake oil salesman brush off. They implied that I purchased them somewhere else and also said they never offered a money back guarantee, so they’re sorry, but they can’t do anything.
Totally unprofessional ripoff artists laughing all the way to the bank. They didnt have any trouble taking my money, then they ought to give me a product I can use. Buyer Beware of Floyd Nutrition!!!
I took slim trim u for 4 days. Definitely decreased my appetite but had increased heart rate, palpitations, dizziness. Felt like my heart was pounding out of my chest. I quit taking them and my mouth remained extremely dry for the next 3 days.
many at my work have lost weight and i did too, but there is something strange here. Some say they have not noticed these symptoms, however, one of the nurses taking them had stroke like symptoms and was life flight to a regional medical center. She is still off work because her speech is not right and drags one leg. She was on the slim trim u for 4 months and lost 40 or 50 pounds.
She mentioned she was taking the pills but the doctors never commented on it. makes me wonder and I quit taking them because of my own side effects.
I started taking Slim trim u one week ago and have lost 6 lbs. I’ve had dry mouth and a greatly decreased appetite. I can only handle one pill and I skip taking a pill every couple days. I have to take a Tylenol pm to sleep. Yesterday I had a bad headache and nausea. Today during my Zumba class I got dizzy and had to stop half way through and came home. I need to find out more about this…… It makes me upset to think I can’t take these because these work to help me lose weight!!!!!!
Fergieyerrid, be very careful. I would not take slim trim u if I were you…
I started on the slim trim u about a week ago and have lost 6 lbs. I was told by a co worker that they were all natural and safe. This same co worker has had some problems with her colon. Could it be due to STU? I have extreme dry mouth and rapid heart beat. I have also experience dizziness and woozy feeling, almost like being “high'”on a drug! I have taken the sample 6day pack and was about to start on the bottle this morning. Thanks Joe!!! I will continue with my classes at the gym. Keep shedding light on the dark side of these pills
I started on the slim trim u about a week ago and have lost 6 lbs. I was told by a co worker that they were all natural and safe. This same co worker has had some problems with her colon. Could it be due to STU? I have extreme dry mouth and rapid heart beat. I have also experience dizziness and woozy feeling, almost like being “high'”on a drug!
I have taken the sample 6 day pack and was about to start on the bottle this morning. Thanks Joe!!! I will continue with my classes at the gym. Keep shedding light on the dark side of these pills
Anonymous. glad to help! For the record, I dont trust Slim Trim U. That dry mouth side effect just makes me wonder that there is something else in this product. I wouldn’t take it.
Hi. I still check this article for others opinions… I took Slim Trim U and Infinity for 7 months… And was side effect free! Yes I had dry mouth and the initial detox stage but it subsided. I lost 30 pounds in 12 weeks. The pills curb your appetite & take away the cravings for sweets and carbs.
I stopped taking the pill 2 months ago because I had lost all the weight. I was sad to need to stop because I love the energy I got with the pills, I needed less sleep, my nails were growing, and PMS symptoms disappeared! I was worried about gaining the weight back since I had lost it so quickly.
However – I have maintained the weight loss! Several of my co workers are still on the pills and love them. There is something I will complain about though, Floyd Nutrition seems a little bit shady. Their website lists a phone number and option to “chat” yet you can’t do any of those things. I also know that their list of ingredients isn’t exactly on the up and up. There is a girl who has a website, Crystal, she is a distributor of Floyd. Her ingredients in Slim Trim list the ingredients offered on the bottle along with a “other ingredients” below that line. That other list of ingredients includes Green Tea, Rhubarb, SENNA, and at least 5-6 other things….. When I came across this I became super suspicious.
I’m glad she was more honest about what is in the pill. I always keep my eye on this because you just never know…I’m super happy with my results and loved everything about the pill… But I’m not completely dumb – the magical diet pill I love so much has to have something in it that we’re not aware of… I’m still waiting to find out what it is.