Update 1/20/20. ZXT Gold is one of the hottest selling natural weight loss supplements on the web and If I'm any barometer, it also generates a lot of questions too. I've also heard of some strange side effects which got my attention. Does ZXT Gold work? I want to not only review ZXT Gold but look at it in relation to other ZXT supplements. Hopefully, this ZXT Gold review will answer some of peoples questions. Also, see the review of Slim Trim U bee pollen supplements that also compares ZXT Gold's ingredients to the ingredients in Slim Trim U. Update: The FDA has found this product contained illegal weight-loss drugs. See this FDA report for more info.
Who Sells ZXT Gold?
ZXT Gold is sold by Floyd Nutrition. Floyd Nutrition has the following websites:
- FloydNutrition.com
- FloydNutrition.net
- PlatinumBodySlim.com
- Ayurvedic-Solutions.com
When I first heard of Floyd Nutrition, I thought it was a physical store—like a GNC or local health food store. It's not. The contact page of FloydNutrition.com lists a PO Box in Harrisburg PA as their address.
While it looks like Floyd Nutrition does most of their business online via their websites or by phone orders, I did some digging and discovered that they have a warehouse located at 1800 State Street in Harrisburg PA.
Products sold on their website can be purchased at their warehouse if you go there. Floyd Nutrition doesn't make the supplements themselves. Companies in other countries and the US do. This is true for many health food stores too.
For more info about Floyd Nutrition
ZXT Gold Ingredients
Update: 7/25/12. Thanks to “Beth” one of the readers on this site, I became aware that Canadian health authorities have identified 2 hidden drugs in ZXT Gold. The drugs they found are:
- Sibutramine – a banned weight-loss drug linked to heart problems. It is also called Meridia.
- Phenolphthalein – a laxative that is no longer used in Canada because it may cause cancer. For more info see the Phenolphthalein Wikipedia page.
Here is the FDA report dated April 15 2015
Here is the Health Canada update on ZXT Gold dated June 29 2012.
According to the Floyd Nutrition website, ZXT Gold is composed of these ingredients:
- Bee pollen
- Chinese yam
- Green tea
- lotus seed
- Dietary fiber
Here's the thing that makes me scratch my head about ZXT Gold —its ingredients are almost identical to the first 5 ingredients in the weight loss pill, Zi Xiu Tang. With the exception of green tea— in ZXT Gold —replacing barbary wolfberry fruit in Zi Xiu Tang, they look identical to me.
I can't tell how much of each ingredient is in ZXT Gold, so I concede there may be differences in the amounts of ingredients between ZXT Gold and Zi Xiu Tang as well as other ZXT supplements.
Here is the other thing about ZXT Gold that seems odd to me. Floyd Nutrition lists several other weight loss pills—and their ingredients— on their website, such as ZXT, ZXT Slim etc. I've copied the table below as it appeared on their website.
Notice how all 4 of these supplements appear to have almost the same ingredients.
ZXT | ZXT Gold | ZXT Slim | Infinity | |
Ingredients | Bee pollen | Bee pollen | Bee pollen | Bee pollen |
Chinese yam | Chinese yam | Chinese yam | Chinese yam | |
Green tea | Green tea | Barberry wolfberry fruit | Barberry wolfberry fruit | |
Lotus seed | Lotus seed | Lotus seed | Lotus seed | |
Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | |
Dosage | 2 capsules/day | 2 capsules/day | 2 capsules/day | 1 capsule /day |
Energy | Moderate/strong | Strong | Extra strength | Extreme extra strength |
Suppresses appetite | Strong | Very strong | Very strong | Very strong |
Remove toxins | Very strong | Strong | Very strong | Very strong |
Supports the immune system | Yes | Yes | Yes | yes |
See results in 1st week | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
adapted from floydnutrition.com
All of these products appear to have very similar ingredients. Also, see my review of Slim Trim U for additional comparisons.
I also noticed that most of the products in this table contain the letters ZXT. What do the letters ZXT stand for in ZXT Gold, ZXT Slim, ect? I can't find an answer to this question. I've been told that ZXT Gold, ZXT etc. are different than Zi Xiu Tang. If they are different, why are the letters ZXT in the names of these other products?
The obvious answer I guess would be that the letters ZXT, in the name, is an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of Zi Xiu Tang.
Does anybody have another answer?
I have not tried ZXT Gold so I will wait to read the experiences of others who have. What I can do is cite the research on the ingredients in ZXT Gold. Below is a breakdown of the ingredients and relative research.
Bee Pollen
If you Google “bee pollen weight loss” you see several websites touting the benefits of how bee pollen weight loss pills can improve energy levels and help people lose weight. But, where is the proof?
None of the websites I looked at showed me any published peer-reviewed evidence that bee pollen helps people lose weight. As I did when I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang, I searched Pub Med, a database of millions of studies from around the world and searched for “bee pollen weight loss“— and no studies showed up.
After some further digging, I did locate one small study from 2002 where a bee pollen royal jelly supplement reduced premenopausal weight gain in 29 women. The product used in this study was called Femal. Could this be the basis behind putting bee pollen in weight loss pills?
Tip. reducing the gaining of weight is not the same thing as causing weight loss.
Other than this, I can't find any bee pollen weight loss proof.
Bee pollen has some protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates and that’s nice, but does that mean bee pollen alone peps people up or gives them more energy to get through a tough day? I don't see any studies to back up this claim.
Since I can't find any proof —other than the one small study mentioned above— for now, I don't buy the claim that bee pollen has any special qualities that it promotes weight loss.
If anyone has a study of bee pollen promoting weight loss in humans, please show me and I will gladly update this review.
Chinese Yam
According to its Wikipedia page, Chinese yam can also be called Korean yam and nagaimo. This makes researching it difficult. Its scientific name is Dioscorea opposita. I searched pub med for studies of:
- “Dioscorea opposita weight loss”
- “Dioscorea opposita body mass index”
- “Dioscorea opposita obesity”
- “Chinese yam weight loss”
- “Chinese yam body mass index”
- “Chinese yam obesity”
I found no research studies on these topics. It looks like nobody has ever thought of seeing Chinese yam works or not.
If that’s really so, what would prompt the makers of ZXT Gold to put it Chinese yam their product?
Yams are often said to be a source of the hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and there is some evidence that DHEA may help weight loss—at least in older men and women.
While this is interesting, yams do not seem to raise DHEA levels in humans.
There isn't much research on yams and DHEA levels in humans but I'd like to see some proof that it works before I give it credence (college students: this would be a great thesis project to do!)
Green Tea
A LOT of weight loss supplements have green tea. Just a few I've already looked at include:
And several others…
The reason is that green tea has caffeine. People who are more awake might move more and burn more calories. Caffeine also help us burn a little fat.
There is also some research that caffeine might help weight loss. Note in this study, the supplement used contained 150 mg caffeine and 270 mg ECGC (one of the active ingredients in green tea) per day. How much caffeine and ECGC is in ZXT Gold? I can't tell from the product website.
Lotus Seed
Also called Nelumbo nucifera, I can't find any proof this stuff promotes weight loss in either humans or animals. So why is it in ZXT Gold?
Dietary Fiber. This is such a general term that it makes it impossible to know what specific fiber they are referring to. Do they mean soluble fiber or insoluble fiber? They don't tell us.
Looking at the ingredients in ZXT Gold as a whole, these ingredients:
- Chinese yam
- lotus seed
- dietary fiber
all have something in common. They ALL contain fiber. As such, if ZXT Gold really works, I believe it's because it acts primarily as a laxative. This was the same initial conclusion I reached when I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang.
I believe that its laxative effect is primarily responsible for any weight loss seen with ZXT Gold. That is the simplest and most logical answer.
As for bee pollen, I think it's mostly being used as a source of protein. Protein can help with weight loss but how much protein is in ZXT Gold? I don't know, but I suspect it's not much. I think bee pollen is really used because people have been saying amazing —yet unproven—things about it, since I was a kid.
Does ZXT Gold Have Senna?
The Floyd Nutrition website does not list senna as an ingredient in ZXT Gold, however one person who left a comment on my Zi Xiu Tang post on Jan 20, 2012, stated that Floyd Nutrition has added senna back into ZXT Gold. I have no proof to back this up, so its best to call and check for yourself if you are concerned about this. Senna is a strong laxative and one case report linked senna to hepatitis.
I also highlighted that senna was a component in Bob Harpers 7 cleanse supplement.
ZXT Gold Side Effects
See the FDA report for side effects.
Sibutramine is a weight loss drug pulled from the US market because it increased the risk of heart attacks. Phenolphphthalein is linked to cancer.
I believe that diarrhea and/or more frequent trips to the bathroom would be a common side effect of ZXT Gold. In fact, this has been reported by people who have used ZXT Gold who left comments in my post of Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects.
Diarrhea can lead to dehydration and losses of electrolytes, which can cause people to feel tired and weak. It can also lead to irregularities in the way the heartbeats.
By searching the comments left by others at previous posts I've written, I was able to generate this table of possible ZXT Gold side effects:
headache | “weird feeling in head” | diarrhea | depression |
Heart racing | No appetite | constipation | Moodiness |
Speech problems | Very thirsty | Sleeping problems | Nausea |
Increased urination | dry mouth | Cold/warm feelings | Loss of strength |
Vision problems | Frequent urination | Hot flashes | Abdominal pain |
No energy | acne | Elevated blood pressure | Right arm tremor |
Anxiety | Dizziness | Sore ears / weird feeling in ears |
How prevalent these side effects are, I don't know as they came from only a few people who listed what happened to them when they used ZXT Gold.
How Much Water Should You Drink?
Water, water, water is the mantra spoken by many who take —and sell —ZXT Gold as well as other “ZXT” supplements. Of course, water can help with weight loss (it fills us up and has no calories) but, too much water can lead to a potentially deadly condition called hyponatremia (sometimes water intoxication). Essentially people drink so much water that they dilute the salts (electrolytes) in their blood. This can lead to things like:
- headache
- confusion
- nausea
- cramps
- dizziness
- muscle weakness
- fatigue
- seizures
- abnormal heart rates
- coma
- death
Theoretically, hyponatremia might account for some of the reported side effects of ZXT Gold (and Zi Xiu Tang).
So how much water is too much? Well, according to this article in Scientific American magazine, each kidney can excrete 800-1000 milliliters per hour. This equals 27 oz to 33 oz per hour. Since most of us have 2 kidneys this equals 54 to 66 oz fluid per hour.
So, healthy people (who are not exercising) who want to avoid hyponatremia should drink no more than 54 to 66 oz per hour (less during exercise since kidney excretion can decrease).
Fortunately, this is a lot of water to drink, making hyponatremia unlikely in most people. I mention this as a guide to help people when they hear about all the water they should drink if they take ZXT Gold.
Does It Work?
After discovering that the product contained sibutramine and phenolphthalein – both illegal to be used in dietary supplements, I think we know why this product worked. Bee pollen and other ingredients in this product have no evidence it helps weight loss.
What do you think?
I am currently taking Slim Trim U. It definitely makes you go to the bathroom, dry mouth, and loss of appetite. But I’ve lost 4 lbs in 9 days and I’m loving it! I’ve never found a product that literally takes away your appetite. I am all about the gym and eating healthy, but those few pounds I wanted off wouldn’t go away with just diet and exercise. I can see how going to the bathroom the way it causes you to for MONTHS would be unhealthy. I definitely think people should take a break every few months so the body can ‘re-coop’.
Elysa, I don’t want to burst your bubble but the 4 pounds you lost in 9 days was mostly water. once you start to eat normal again – and you will – most of those 4 pounds will come back. Please know I say this to help you. I don’t trust these pills.
Nate….. anything that takes away my sense of taste hardly seems safe. i still have my sense of smell… bit these pills have destroyed my tastbuds…. i havent had a pill since tuesday morning and it is now saturday night. In all your wisdom with the product please tell.me what is going on with this safe product as i am scared.
and i do not eat fast food.
I have been taking ZXT and ZXT Gold for over 2 years, all from Floyd Nutrition. I have no side effects and lost 20 pounds initially and have kept every pound of it off. I also have a 90 percent organic diet and anyways feel great. Did I mention that I haven’t been sick in 2 years. IMO eating fast food is more dangerous.
Against my better judgement I started taking Slim Trim U and I am regretting it. I noticed the second or third day that I couldn’t taste wine… all wines tasted bitter to me. I work in a wine shop so I NEED and LOVE to appreciate wines. I noticed my mouth was ALWAYS dry too. I drank and drank and drank.
So I did two wine tastings on Wednesday (had been on for eight days at that point) I still couldn’t taste the wine. So I stopped taking the pills. It has been two days since I have been off and I still cannot taste fruit flavors…. I just drank some juice and couldn’t pick up on ANY fruit flavors… only bitterness.
Food tastes the same… but I am scared. I have reached out to others who sold me the pills and I get “I never had that problem… just give it a few days and keep taking the pills”
Has anyone else lost their taste?
Hello Joe, I have been taking ZXT Slim and have no complaints at all…. at the beginning it made my mouth dry, so that was the only thing that made me drink water, but not because I felt really thirsty….but I like drinking water anyways…. needless to say, I have lost 15 pounds which was my goal since im not overweight but being in my 40’s i feel the need to control my weight going into my 50’s..
I also recommended the same ZXT Slim to a friend who is in love with the pills since she has lost a lot of weight without having to go as much to the gym due to working and having kids and all…
So, I am happy with the results of the product and will not stop taking it as long as i can…..I try to do 1 pill a day or if I take 2 then i take them every other day….
Thanks for starting this chat…
Eneida, for what its worth I hope you stay side effect free.
Hi Joe
I am a 37 year old white female, I have three children. While I was pregnant with my youngest I started having heart arrhythmias. I had several procedures and medication to try to correct, all unsuccessful. One of the procedures left me with a pacemaker. My daughter is now 12 , I have already went through one pacemaker change. I am a Supervisor at a local hospital , I have been in health care for 17 years.
I’m telling you my history because I should know better than to take a product that does not list all of its contents and how much of each. But after my total hysterectomy I gained 40 lbs. , I went from a size 6-8 to a 12 in under a year . I was desperate to lose the weight , all of the girls at work were talking about the ZXT Gold and how they had lost 20 – 25 lbs.
So I threw everything I know out the window and bought the slim trim u, I took it from September 2012 to Feb. 2013. I felt great while taking it, my system became regular , I have always had trouble with going to bathroom, this made me feel “normal”. My hair and skin are stunning , my hair has never been this long and healthy looking. My skin glows !! However no weight loss…..That being said in Jan. 2013 I started getting really sick.
I had no energy, I couldn’t hardly get out of bed; all I wanted to do was sleep. My back would hurt where my kidneys are located. I was getting nauseated , I would be walking around the house or work and just randomly start throwing up. I was taking 2-3 phenegran tablets a day. The nausea medicine was not the cause of my tiredness, as I felt just as tired before I took the medicine as I did after.
It got so bad. I was out of work almost a month; I would feel so weak , I would start shaking, sweating , like I couldn’t put one foot in front of the other.. I was trying to grocery shop one afternoon and I called my husband in a panic because of the way I was feeling. I told him something was really wrong with me.. I became short of breath , chest tightness , this may have been a panic attack or could have been further symptoms from the slim trim u.
Several times I came close to calling 911 or I would be at work and think I am just going down to the ER, something isn’t right. But healthcare workers are the most stubborn patients, we think that can’t be happening to me.
My husband made me make a list of all the medications I was taking, heart meds, nausea med, hormone pill, vitamins or supplements slim trim u.. he was like what is this bee pollen stuff, I said it keeps me regular, and makes my hair and skin really pretty. He asked why did you start taking this, I answered to lose weight. He asked , “have you?” I said, “not really.” He said well lets stop taking this and see how you feel.
I am feeling so much better my strength is back, no dizziness, no nausea. I’m not sure why I was able to take the slim trim u for months before I started feeling so bad, maybe my body had built up a toxic level of whatever is in the pill, I’m not sure but I will not be taking it every again, I felt like I was going to die !!
I hope that women and men will read this and realize that there is no magic pill for weight loss, but eating a healthy balanced diet and exercise is the way. Be good to your body , be good to your self , listen to your body and be your own kind of beautiful !!!
Amy thanks for writing and glad you are feeling better now. Sorry you went through that. I really liked what you said about ” be your own kind of beautiful” – definitely words everybody should live by
I had been taking zxt slim for 2 wks.a few days ago I got so tired I couldn’t move and could not hold my eyes open. This weekend has been the worst of my life I’m so tired to the point of exhaustion an haven’t had control of my right eye an sometimes couldn’t even find the strength to talk.
I had a frightful experience Friday were it felt like hot pins were all over. bad enough to call 911. I don’t take pills unless I absolutely had too but wanted to lose weight.there is nothing worth what I’m going thru right now.
for the first week I had energy but now I am not myself at all if you are taking these pills stop! Bees make honey not pollen.
Carlene, I do hope you feel better soon! Sorry that you had to go through all of that. Ill say a prayer you feel better quickly
Im currently on the infinity and my fingers get tingly and yesterday I shit 6 times!! Not diarrhea either. Idk I’m thinking these are to strong for me.v never had problems on any of the other ones.
I have taken the Zi Xiu Tang pills in the past. The first bottle worked like crazy! Lost almost 20lbs in a month. But then i bought 5 bottles to cut the cost and they did nothing. They made me tired and felt like i would never find enough food to eat. That was about 2 years ago. About a month ago i thought i might try again.
i see that Floyd does not sell “Zi Xiu Tang” anymore. So i opted for the ZXT Slim. I have taken them for about 3 weeks now. I do not fell energized at all.Some times i too feel like i can’t keep my eyes open. It has slightly curbed my appetite. Now bowel issues. About midday i get a heart racing sensation for about 15 min.
I usually eat something and it subsides. I am not sure what is going on. With all these comments i think i will throw the rest away. They are not working from what i can tell.
i just started taking the zxt slim and it knocks me on my butt i can barely keep my eyes open and i feel on edge like i could strangle the next person to look at me ANY THOUGHTS???
Katie, stop taking it. My opinion is if you read the FDA alerts on zxt gold, you will have an idea of what might be going on with zxt slim.
my rule of thumb: stay away from anything that has the letters “zxt” or sounds like zxt.
A friend of mine told me about the ZXTG and I was really interested in trying them out. Before I decided to buy them I went with a much cheaper option and purchased the Zi Xiu Tang. Like the product says you do not have to change your diet and you will still see weight loss results. They were right. I continued to eat what I normally ate and I began to see the pounds melt away.
I experienced more frequent bowl movements just like this product said. There was a time period for 3 days or so that I experienced diarrhea like symptoms. Several months after taking them I finally decided to try the ZXTG and I ended up losing up to 15+ pounds in about 4 months. I think that I lost too much weight. Everyone I knew kept asking me if I was ok and if I was eating.
This product can cause rapid weight loss and will suppress your appetite. The side effects I experienced with them was increased energy and I was always thirsty. I drank so much water and I know that had a great impact on my weight loss. I also had trouble sleeping because of the energy it gave me plus my bowl movements now became less frequent. I stopped taking them for a while after I started them again I experience a week of intense bowl movements almost like diarrhea.
I couldn’t tell if it was something I put in my protein drink that caused this or if it was the pills. I just recently started taking them again and told a friend about them. She recently asked me if I was aware of the negative side effects and these bad reviews and possible hidden ingredients. I stopped taking them again fearing that these ingredients are in the products. Here are some interesting links I came across. I hope that help.
Hi Joe. I have been doing some investigating to find out if anyone else has had any of the bad symptoms from taking slim trim u that I have been experiencing. Seems its being pushed as a great product..but It insults me to think that this company doesnt give consumers like me the credit to recognize that there is something else in those capsules besides “natural ingredients” once we have taken them?
I have experienced dizziness..blurred vision..headache..extremely dry mouth..even my skin is unbelievably dry, even after drinking water like there was none left for tomorrow…which causes x amount of trips to the bathroom..diarrhea..rapid and irregular heartbeat that’s worrisome..pains in my left arm to my elbow.. kind of like a nerve, sharp then it leaves?
But im not sure if that’s caused from the pills or my back but I had never felt that pain before? Ive felt nausea..anxiety..been moody and not quite myself..like im adrift. I am NOT the kind of person to take ANY kind of pill for ANYTHING unless I absolutely have to..but I had gained 15 lbs and felt horrible so I talked MYSELF into trying the diet that Ive heard people talking about.
I hadn’t heard anything bad about it just about how much weight so and so had lost from taking some kind of Bee Pollen supplement. The company must not care too much about how their product effects the customer who buys their product. There is only ONE goal.
Well..I didn’t know something wasn’t right about it til the next day after taking it..but it had curbed my appetite so strongly I didn’t even remember to eat until I started to feel ill. Of course, that took the blame for it..at first. But I knew all of these symptoms Ive been having were NOT normal side effects that would be caused by All Natural ingredients that they claimed it to be and its just common sense that this product ISN’T “All natural” ingredients and we are being fooled into putting our trust in them and their products.
While it is important to me to lose weight..I know I for one would never knowingly sacrifice my health to do so! Being thin wouldn’t do me any good then, would it?? I can understand (and some will take advantage of the fact) that if a person wants so desperately to lose weight and finds a means to achieve that goal..they may try to ignore the symptoms they’re having in favor of weight loss..but is it worth risking our health for? Or possibly our life?
This product or any other will never be worth the risk of health issues or worse, dying for. I know what I will be experiencing in the morning because I had experienced it this morning..dizziness..weakness..my eyes felt weird and slight nausea..and just plain horrible!!!! What a way to start a day..huh?? It will NOT happen again tho..this ole’ gal wont be fooled again! THANK YOU for bringing this to light 🙂
My focus from now on (as I THOUGHT it already was) is focusing on taking care of my health…MORE than they are focusing on all the profits their making from those of us who are looking for an easier way to help us lose weight. Sorry..but my health comes FIRST!!!
Im sure your article on this has opened a few eyes of those who have been experiencing these same symptoms..because it would be TOO coincidental!!! Thanks again, Joe!! Keep up the good work..its appreciated. 🙂
Cheryl, thanks for writing. It does sound like your symptoms are similar to what a lot of other people are reporting after taking Slim Trim U as well as other be pollen weight loss supplements. you mentioned irregular heart beat. If I had to guess Id say that was caused by dehydration from the diarrhea you had. As we lose fluids from diarrhea we also lose electrolytes, which can cause irregular heart beats.
Hopefully by now you are feeling better and you are right, being “thin” is not worth it.
I have tried zxt gold and im am on the slim trim u. I have read everything and i have to say i am very scared right now. Its 1230 @ night with my little girl sleeping beside me and i am having all the symptoms that was stated above.
I want to go to the er but i dont have no where for my daughter to go to and i am so jittery and blurred vision that i am scarred to drive. My husband is out of town working. I can’t call an ambulance due to my child. I have the chest pain right arm lag jitters real bad headaches muscle weakness fatgue.
Tonight i was cleaning my bathroom and i had to sit and do it. It was making me exhausted and light headed when i would go to stand. The only thing i know what to do is what till morning to take my daughter to school and head to the emergency room. I am so scarred
Jessica, are you OK? you really gave me a fright by your words. Please let em know and I really hope that you did not take any more slim trim U. Please let me know what happened to you last night.
Yes, I am doing much better. I have not taken any more since my last post. Guess what, that pain and tightness in my chest have disappeared. I will most definitely not be taking this product anymore. I think it may have been seriously increasing my anxiety and agitation. I googled the stuff as I had some weird sores appear on my tongue. It felt really raw and my lips were cracking. The dry mouth has disappeared, my sores are almost gone and I’m feeling tons better. I can fall asleep at my normal time and sleep all night again too. Thank god I found your page. 33lbs is not worth this crap. I’ll go back to watching what I eat and exercising!
Jessica, thank goodness! I’m really glad you are ok. You really had me worried! Yes please just cut back a little calories and do some exercise if you like. that is safest. I know your little girl and husband love you just as you are – healthy. I also want to be in a world that has you in it too, so just focus on being healthy and I think you will be OK 🙂
Hello everyone,
I have been in the Army for over 19 years and for 15 of those years I have always had to have my body fat measured do to being over the standards. I am 64 in tall and was 175 lbs. I have always been a physical fitness junkie and a junk food addict. Obviously, it defeated the purpose of being in shape.
I discovered ZXT Slim from a co-worker whom was overseas and they told me about the product. I’ve been taking the ZXT Slim for 4 months and now I weigh 142 lbs. I have been off the product for two months now and using the B12 2500 mg Naturmade product in substitution. I have no weigh gain since!
The only side effect at the beginning was lack of sleep, which didn’t bother me cause I have PTSD. I have tried just about every product and diet plan in which none work like this. If I could do a commercial for this product, I would do it for free.
Oh wow. Is it the ZXT that is causing the numbness in my fingers? I started with ZXT Gold. I lost 15 pounds in three months on it. My allergies were helped immensely, and I stopped getting headaches so often. I did not experience any dry mouth or diarrhea on the Gold.
I had to go off of them in preparation for carpal tunnel surgery, Which I had before I ever started the pills. My carpal tunnel symptoms returned three months post surgery. I was afraid the pills might have had something to do with the numbness and tingling returning in my right hand. I showed the list of ingredients to my surgeon, and she said they were safe and not the cause of my problem.
They performed another surgery on the same hand. The numbness and tingling are back in my right hand, this time only two months post surgery. Only this time I am on the ZXT STU. I do have dry mouth constantly, and diarrhea sometimes. I don’t sleep nearly as much as I used too.
I have lost 33 pounds over a on and off five month stretch on these pills, but I think I will stop them immediately to see if that helps the numbness in my fingers and pain in my right arm. My blood pressure has been great on them, but wow. Thank you for sharing your findings!
Jessica, thats a very hard question to answer. my gut instinct is that its the carpal tunnel causing the numbness but Im just not sure. I dont think anybody else ever reported your symptoms if that helps. For what its worth, I think these products are not safe and I’d encourage you to not use them.
Bummer. I’ve already had two surgeries on the same hand. I have stopped taking them regardless after reading what others have experienced. Earlier this month I was experiencing trouble breathing, pain and tightness into chest and a very high level of anxiety.
I attributed it to some very stressful events I’ve had going on, but maybe the ZXT STU contributed. I’ve also had a problem with chills and not being able to stay warm. My doctor put me back on Lexapro, as I have had issues with anxiety in the past. I will bring them up at my follow up visit next month.
It didn’t occur to me to mention them, as I was only on them three or four days before I took a break. I don’t need much help with bowel movements when I am anxious and I found the laxative effect much more intense than when I was taking the Gold. Thanks for your input.
Crazy! All the same…no sleep, sweat, racing heart (like it could explode any second), dry mouth, anxiety….I have taken them for almost 2 months (10 pills short of 2 bottles of slim trim u). The first two weeks I was fine, now Most nights I am good to get 4 hours of sleep. I wish I would have found all of this a month and a half ago!!!! Now to convince the people I love that this is not ok!!!!
I have taken both ZXT from floyd nutrition and the zi xiu tang formula, which had been taken off the market because they were putting drugs in it without telling anyone!
Neither of these 2 formulas gave me any negative side effects. I was prescribed both from an herbalist that I had been seeing, but I guess even they cannot guarantee the integrity of these herbal companies. I was able to lose the weight I had gained when I quit smoking, but after I stopped taking them, I kept the weight off and then some, by also making huge changes in my lifestyle.
These pills, regardless of their ingredients, are not meant for longterm use, IMO, anyway!
I have been taking Slim Trim U for 2 1/2 weeks now.. when I first started them they suppressed my appetite so much I couldn’t eat for at least 2 days and had dry mouth so bad I could cry (still do) .. I felt almost high/drunk off them the whole first week and was shaky probably due to the fact I wasn’t hardly eating..
by the middle of the second week I was experiencing horrible nausea and what they call the “detoxing” got horrible I couldn’t stay away from the bathroom..headaches.. trouble sleeping.. I felt dizzy and every time I would stand up I would get so much pressure to my head .. I just felt so weird.. horrible..
I just chalked it up to maybe being the flu.. but then my heart started feeling weird like beating fast or skipping beats I don’t know.. and after today being the 5th of feeling like this I decided to do some research.. and a lot of what I’m feeling is on your page or in comments.. so I immediately stopped them.. but I’m so upset because its SO hard for me to lose weight and these pills were actually working! I lost 14lbs in 2 1/2 weeks. .. but I can’t take feeling like this..
so many people I know are taking them.. its scary.. so hopefully something is figured out about them soon whether they are safe or not so no one gets seriously injured. Thank you for this.. and hopefully these stupid things get out of my system soon because it just sucks!
Carole, from the symptoms you stated, Id say Slim Trim U is not safe. I dont recommend people take them. I hope you feel better soon now that you are no longer taking them. if you dont feel better soon – like very soon – go to your doctor. take the bottle with you and mention the FDA has found sibutramine (myrida) in several similar weight loss products.
I have been taking zxt almost a month lost10lbs but since I started them I’ve been noticing bad bad acne at first I couldn’t figure out what was going on then it hit me that it’s the zxt… I don’t know what to do if I should keep taking them or not
nechole, well if you’ve read my words previously, you know what I will say – stop taking them.
Joe, i wanted to give you a little update on a recent experience i had with the ZXT Gold. A friend of mine sent me a sample pack and told me they recently changed the ingredients on it and that i should try it now. I looked on the bottle and it appears to me it is still the SAME ingredients. But I give her the benefit of the doubt and try one anyways.
They are NOT different, maybe the “fillers” or the fiber. But I still got a severe headache and my heart felt as if it could explode! And yes, I also got that “high” feeling again.
As i have mentioned before, i believe this “high” is why so many people defend it. I am not trying to upset anyone, i am just giving my person experience with this stuff.
Thank you Joe for all the feedback by email you have given me! I have a few friends that i have directed to go to your site when they have questions about any diet meds. Thank You for being so professional and knowledgeable.
Tess, thanks for the update and your “addiction theory” is interesting. Please don’t risk your health by experimenting with any other zxt pills anymore. I want you to stay healthy 🙂
Thank u Joe. As I said, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, but as for me….that will be the last one to go into my body! I am sticking to diet and excersize! Thank You!