Update 1/20/20. ZXT Gold is one of the hottest selling natural weight loss supplements on the web and If I'm any barometer, it also generates a lot of questions too. I've also heard of some strange side effects which got my attention. Does ZXT Gold work? I want to not only review ZXT Gold but look at it in relation to other ZXT supplements. Hopefully, this ZXT Gold review will answer some of peoples questions. Also, see the review of Slim Trim U bee pollen supplements that also compares ZXT Gold's ingredients to the ingredients in Slim Trim U. Update: The FDA has found this product contained illegal weight-loss drugs. See this FDA report for more info.
Who Sells ZXT Gold?
ZXT Gold is sold by Floyd Nutrition. Floyd Nutrition has the following websites:
- FloydNutrition.com
- FloydNutrition.net
- PlatinumBodySlim.com
- Ayurvedic-Solutions.com
When I first heard of Floyd Nutrition, I thought it was a physical store—like a GNC or local health food store. It's not. The contact page of FloydNutrition.com lists a PO Box in Harrisburg PA as their address.
While it looks like Floyd Nutrition does most of their business online via their websites or by phone orders, I did some digging and discovered that they have a warehouse located at 1800 State Street in Harrisburg PA.
Products sold on their website can be purchased at their warehouse if you go there. Floyd Nutrition doesn't make the supplements themselves. Companies in other countries and the US do. This is true for many health food stores too.
For more info about Floyd Nutrition
ZXT Gold Ingredients
Update: 7/25/12. Thanks to “Beth” one of the readers on this site, I became aware that Canadian health authorities have identified 2 hidden drugs in ZXT Gold. The drugs they found are:
- Sibutramine – a banned weight-loss drug linked to heart problems. It is also called Meridia.
- Phenolphthalein – a laxative that is no longer used in Canada because it may cause cancer. For more info see the Phenolphthalein Wikipedia page.
Here is the FDA report dated April 15 2015
Here is the Health Canada update on ZXT Gold dated June 29 2012.
According to the Floyd Nutrition website, ZXT Gold is composed of these ingredients:
- Bee pollen
- Chinese yam
- Green tea
- lotus seed
- Dietary fiber
Here's the thing that makes me scratch my head about ZXT Gold —its ingredients are almost identical to the first 5 ingredients in the weight loss pill, Zi Xiu Tang. With the exception of green tea— in ZXT Gold —replacing barbary wolfberry fruit in Zi Xiu Tang, they look identical to me.
I can't tell how much of each ingredient is in ZXT Gold, so I concede there may be differences in the amounts of ingredients between ZXT Gold and Zi Xiu Tang as well as other ZXT supplements.
Here is the other thing about ZXT Gold that seems odd to me. Floyd Nutrition lists several other weight loss pills—and their ingredients— on their website, such as ZXT, ZXT Slim etc. I've copied the table below as it appeared on their website.
Notice how all 4 of these supplements appear to have almost the same ingredients.
ZXT | ZXT Gold | ZXT Slim | Infinity | |
Ingredients | Bee pollen | Bee pollen | Bee pollen | Bee pollen |
Chinese yam | Chinese yam | Chinese yam | Chinese yam | |
Green tea | Green tea | Barberry wolfberry fruit | Barberry wolfberry fruit | |
Lotus seed | Lotus seed | Lotus seed | Lotus seed | |
Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | |
Dosage | 2 capsules/day | 2 capsules/day | 2 capsules/day | 1 capsule /day |
Energy | Moderate/strong | Strong | Extra strength | Extreme extra strength |
Suppresses appetite | Strong | Very strong | Very strong | Very strong |
Remove toxins | Very strong | Strong | Very strong | Very strong |
Supports the immune system | Yes | Yes | Yes | yes |
See results in 1st week | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
adapted from floydnutrition.com
All of these products appear to have very similar ingredients. Also, see my review of Slim Trim U for additional comparisons.
I also noticed that most of the products in this table contain the letters ZXT. What do the letters ZXT stand for in ZXT Gold, ZXT Slim, ect? I can't find an answer to this question. I've been told that ZXT Gold, ZXT etc. are different than Zi Xiu Tang. If they are different, why are the letters ZXT in the names of these other products?
The obvious answer I guess would be that the letters ZXT, in the name, is an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of Zi Xiu Tang.
Does anybody have another answer?
I have not tried ZXT Gold so I will wait to read the experiences of others who have. What I can do is cite the research on the ingredients in ZXT Gold. Below is a breakdown of the ingredients and relative research.
Bee Pollen
If you Google “bee pollen weight loss” you see several websites touting the benefits of how bee pollen weight loss pills can improve energy levels and help people lose weight. But, where is the proof?
None of the websites I looked at showed me any published peer-reviewed evidence that bee pollen helps people lose weight. As I did when I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang, I searched Pub Med, a database of millions of studies from around the world and searched for “bee pollen weight loss“— and no studies showed up.
After some further digging, I did locate one small study from 2002 where a bee pollen royal jelly supplement reduced premenopausal weight gain in 29 women. The product used in this study was called Femal. Could this be the basis behind putting bee pollen in weight loss pills?
Tip. reducing the gaining of weight is not the same thing as causing weight loss.
Other than this, I can't find any bee pollen weight loss proof.
Bee pollen has some protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates and that’s nice, but does that mean bee pollen alone peps people up or gives them more energy to get through a tough day? I don't see any studies to back up this claim.
Since I can't find any proof —other than the one small study mentioned above— for now, I don't buy the claim that bee pollen has any special qualities that it promotes weight loss.
If anyone has a study of bee pollen promoting weight loss in humans, please show me and I will gladly update this review.
Chinese Yam
According to its Wikipedia page, Chinese yam can also be called Korean yam and nagaimo. This makes researching it difficult. Its scientific name is Dioscorea opposita. I searched pub med for studies of:
- “Dioscorea opposita weight loss”
- “Dioscorea opposita body mass index”
- “Dioscorea opposita obesity”
- “Chinese yam weight loss”
- “Chinese yam body mass index”
- “Chinese yam obesity”
I found no research studies on these topics. It looks like nobody has ever thought of seeing Chinese yam works or not.
If that’s really so, what would prompt the makers of ZXT Gold to put it Chinese yam their product?
Yams are often said to be a source of the hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and there is some evidence that DHEA may help weight loss—at least in older men and women.
While this is interesting, yams do not seem to raise DHEA levels in humans.
There isn't much research on yams and DHEA levels in humans but I'd like to see some proof that it works before I give it credence (college students: this would be a great thesis project to do!)
Green Tea
A LOT of weight loss supplements have green tea. Just a few I've already looked at include:
And several others…
The reason is that green tea has caffeine. People who are more awake might move more and burn more calories. Caffeine also help us burn a little fat.
There is also some research that caffeine might help weight loss. Note in this study, the supplement used contained 150 mg caffeine and 270 mg ECGC (one of the active ingredients in green tea) per day. How much caffeine and ECGC is in ZXT Gold? I can't tell from the product website.
Lotus Seed
Also called Nelumbo nucifera, I can't find any proof this stuff promotes weight loss in either humans or animals. So why is it in ZXT Gold?
Dietary Fiber. This is such a general term that it makes it impossible to know what specific fiber they are referring to. Do they mean soluble fiber or insoluble fiber? They don't tell us.
Looking at the ingredients in ZXT Gold as a whole, these ingredients:
- Chinese yam
- lotus seed
- dietary fiber
all have something in common. They ALL contain fiber. As such, if ZXT Gold really works, I believe it's because it acts primarily as a laxative. This was the same initial conclusion I reached when I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang.
I believe that its laxative effect is primarily responsible for any weight loss seen with ZXT Gold. That is the simplest and most logical answer.
As for bee pollen, I think it's mostly being used as a source of protein. Protein can help with weight loss but how much protein is in ZXT Gold? I don't know, but I suspect it's not much. I think bee pollen is really used because people have been saying amazing —yet unproven—things about it, since I was a kid.
Does ZXT Gold Have Senna?
The Floyd Nutrition website does not list senna as an ingredient in ZXT Gold, however one person who left a comment on my Zi Xiu Tang post on Jan 20, 2012, stated that Floyd Nutrition has added senna back into ZXT Gold. I have no proof to back this up, so its best to call and check for yourself if you are concerned about this. Senna is a strong laxative and one case report linked senna to hepatitis.
I also highlighted that senna was a component in Bob Harpers 7 cleanse supplement.
ZXT Gold Side Effects
See the FDA report for side effects.
Sibutramine is a weight loss drug pulled from the US market because it increased the risk of heart attacks. Phenolphphthalein is linked to cancer.
I believe that diarrhea and/or more frequent trips to the bathroom would be a common side effect of ZXT Gold. In fact, this has been reported by people who have used ZXT Gold who left comments in my post of Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects.
Diarrhea can lead to dehydration and losses of electrolytes, which can cause people to feel tired and weak. It can also lead to irregularities in the way the heartbeats.
By searching the comments left by others at previous posts I've written, I was able to generate this table of possible ZXT Gold side effects:
headache | “weird feeling in head” | diarrhea | depression |
Heart racing | No appetite | constipation | Moodiness |
Speech problems | Very thirsty | Sleeping problems | Nausea |
Increased urination | dry mouth | Cold/warm feelings | Loss of strength |
Vision problems | Frequent urination | Hot flashes | Abdominal pain |
No energy | acne | Elevated blood pressure | Right arm tremor |
Anxiety | Dizziness | Sore ears / weird feeling in ears |
How prevalent these side effects are, I don't know as they came from only a few people who listed what happened to them when they used ZXT Gold.
How Much Water Should You Drink?
Water, water, water is the mantra spoken by many who take —and sell —ZXT Gold as well as other “ZXT” supplements. Of course, water can help with weight loss (it fills us up and has no calories) but, too much water can lead to a potentially deadly condition called hyponatremia (sometimes water intoxication). Essentially people drink so much water that they dilute the salts (electrolytes) in their blood. This can lead to things like:
- headache
- confusion
- nausea
- cramps
- dizziness
- muscle weakness
- fatigue
- seizures
- abnormal heart rates
- coma
- death
Theoretically, hyponatremia might account for some of the reported side effects of ZXT Gold (and Zi Xiu Tang).
So how much water is too much? Well, according to this article in Scientific American magazine, each kidney can excrete 800-1000 milliliters per hour. This equals 27 oz to 33 oz per hour. Since most of us have 2 kidneys this equals 54 to 66 oz fluid per hour.
So, healthy people (who are not exercising) who want to avoid hyponatremia should drink no more than 54 to 66 oz per hour (less during exercise since kidney excretion can decrease).
Fortunately, this is a lot of water to drink, making hyponatremia unlikely in most people. I mention this as a guide to help people when they hear about all the water they should drink if they take ZXT Gold.
Does It Work?
After discovering that the product contained sibutramine and phenolphthalein – both illegal to be used in dietary supplements, I think we know why this product worked. Bee pollen and other ingredients in this product have no evidence it helps weight loss.
What do you think?
I took a supplement called “Ultimate Formula” that was taken off the market last year around Sept/Oct (contained Sibutramine). I had amazing results with the product though and thought I had found the all time miracle weight loss product.(Did experience horrible dry mouth, extreme loss of appetite & embarrassingly extra sweaty when I worked out)
I finished out my last bottle in November and have finally gained back all of the weight lost, ugh! I have been reading the warnings that were put out by the FDA but still searched for some sort of Bee Pollen touted miracle weight loss.
I happened upon the the Floyd nutrition web site and was so excited that maybe this would be it, but with 5 products to choose from and all having the same ingredients (saw your earlier post Joe where you listed the comparisons) I opted for the one that had “Ultimate” in the product description, Infinity.
I have taken for a week and after reading all of the posts I have decided to stop taking. The side effects I have been experiencing are alarming and I have my self convinced that I might be on the verge of an aneurysm (I know, a bit dramatic) but my head has been tingling all week and my right eye aches and I am experiencing on and off blurry vision.
I realize that these products affect everyone differently but it is scary to think about what might actually be in these “magic” capsules.
Joe- Thank you for the reviews and posts, it has been very educational in helping me to make the healthy decision to stop.
Dawn, your very welcome and I’m glad you are doing ok now.
I started taking Slim Trim U on Monday 1-7-13. Have lost 5.5 lbs already. Been drinking the 64oz of water, appetite is curbed, energy level is boosted, and my food intake is down. It is weird, although nice, that my sex drive is like it was when i was in my 20’s, (40 now).
Used to get 8-9 hrs of sleep. The past 2 days have been getting 5-6 hrs. Wake up jittery with a rapid heart rate, cotton mouth, and craving liquid.
Almost feels as if there is ephedrine, (I’ve used that years ago) in this stuff. Is sibutramine related?
Derek, ephedra and sibutramine are different. Ephedra is a stimulant and was sold as a supplement before it was banned from supplements in the early 2000s after some people had heart attacks and died. Sibutramine is a weight loss drug (its other name is Meridia) that was recently banned in the US because of links to heart attacks.
Also, yes they are all the exact same thing. Infinity is 500mg, with all others being 250mg….i am tempted to tell u to get any of the 250mg capsules and take one just so you can see what I am talking about when it comes to the “high” feeling.
And before anyone says i do not know what I am talking about, i have tried them all and i have done extensive research, and i have 6 friends that are distributors. 4 of them are discontinuing selling the products when their supplies are gone because they do not agree with the products.
I have one friend that lost all her eyelashes and eyebrows along with other bad side effects from the ZXT products.
And YES….the reports are for the ZXT PRODUCTS FROM FLOYDNUTRITION. Just wanted to make that clear. These products are very dangerous. I have also been told people defend them because you get a “high” feeling from them….and yes i got the same “high” also and didn’t like it!!
I have taken the Infinity, Gold, Slim, well, just about every Bee Fit pill they make and I can tell you one thing…i will NEVER take them again. A distributor friend talked me into taking them and i can tell you I felt like total crap while on every one of them.
yes they curb your appetite…but they also made my heart go crazy and made my blood pressure go through the roof. I was always in a bad mood. And yes, they were the Real thing…not a knock off…and yes i drank the correct amount of water…and yes i was checked by my doctor and had blood work ups to make sure I was medically healthy.
If the products work for you…great…but I for one am very suspicious of them due to the side effects i had. I actually thought i was having a heart attack once and that is when I stopped taking the product for good.
What you did is remarkable!! My friend told me about zxt gold and have been trying to convince me for months now to buy the pill. She lost a lot of weight and she said there’s no side effects and she has an increase in energy. I asked her how much she knows about the pills. She told me to order it online.
I was very skeptical about it and for a longtime I’ve been procrastinating to order it because she hasn’t given me enough info about this product etc. In addition I have a heart murmur and I can’t take those pills. So i decided to do some research before I take it into consideration and that’s when stumbled upon your blog.
It’s good to follow your mind and I’m not going to purchase these pills. I’m so glad I didn’t. I don’t believe in ordering these type of pills/ products online because you don’t know who you ordering fr and what you would be getting and who could you contact. I’m going to do it the right way change my lifestyle, eating habits and exercise.
Thank you for this vital information!
Kelis, thanks for your very nice words and I am happy I was able to help you. In case you dont know I am an exercise physiologist and blog a lot about health and wellness on my personal site Joe-Cannon.com
I absolutely believe that there are other ingredients. I love the loss of appetite after the holidays, but I only slept 3 hours last night. I am on blood pressure meds. After reading these posts, I feel like I may be a walking time bomb,
Wow, I’ve always been able to get a hold of floynutrition. They emailed me back the next day! The article about the bee pollen caplues being banned, wow ok did u see where it said zxt anywhere? Its aa different name and company!!! Jesus ppl! I’ve lost 25 ibs in under a month!! Couldn’t be any happier!! just ordered the zxt slim! Can’t wait to try those! I had some side effects on the zxt gold, but nothing I can’t handle. If I really felt this stuff posed an issue to my health, I would not be taking them. As said above, the drug has not been tested, therefore, there’s no proof that this is a bad drug. Show me some hardcore mfacts, and a statement fronm the fda, then I just might believe it.
Abbie, If it really curbed your appetite so much that you really lost 25 pounds in a month (that’s over 4 pounds a week) then I -in my opinion – feel there is something in it other than whats on the label. As for “did you see where it said ZXT anywhere?” YES I did. Did you read the Canadian update on ZXT Gold being found to have a weight loss drug? If you missed it here’s the link :
http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/media/advisories-avis/_2012/2012_106-eng.php They even mention Floyd Nutrition in this post.
Yes I saw the post. I just left that part out of my previous comment so I figured I would add it in.
I also would like to add that in the email I sent to the drug department of the FDA, I mentioned the report from Health Canada about ZXT containing 2 illegal drugs. In the email I asked why it has not yet been banned in the US if Canada has banned it months ago.
This does not make any sense to me as I am pretty sure the FDA would have heard about this report from Canada.
Tara, Im pretty sure I linked to that Canada report somewhere in these comments or in the other zxt (or zi xiu tang) posts Ive written. Like you, it makes me wonder also.
To anyone who is having trouble getting a hold of Floyd Nutrition, they have an online chat at shopfloydnutrition.com. I’ve found that it seems to go offline around 4 pm but you can leave a message and they should get back to you.
I have been on the ZXT Bee Pollen Pills (purchased from floydnutrition.com) for a little less than 3 weeks and im down 15 pounds. However, I am starting to experience really odd side effects -a few of them being common side effects of the drug Sibutramine. I have been doing research upon research to find out what is going on with these ZXT bee pollen pills.
I talked to an employee earlier today on the online chat about my concern that these pills may contain the harmful drugs that have caused the FDA to ban the similar product, Zi Xiu Tang. *I have read every comment on this page and many of you think that ZXT by Floyd Nutrition and Zi Xiu Tang are the same thing. That is incorrect.
They contain just about the same ingredients but they are a different product.* The employee I spoke to told me that any Zi Xiu Tang products I see today are counterfeit because they have been banned by the FDA. He then assured me that the ZXT pills do not contain any illegal/harmful drugs and that the “government randomly tests the product to ensure that it is safe”.
I simply replied that there is nowhere on the website that says it is tested by any government medical organization and that him telling me it is safe is not enough of an answer for me. So, he gave me an email address to contact the CEO, Cheryl Floyd, of the company and told me she will be able to help me more than him. I sent an email with all of my concerns and also stated that their website(s) seem to contradict themselves quite a bit.
I also emailed the FDA with my concerns and asked if they had any information on ZXT Bee Pollen and they got back to me in no-time. Their reply is as follows:
“ZXT Gold Bee Pollen has not been approved by FDA, and thus we do not have information to support its safety or effectiveness. FDA regulates dietary supplements under a different set of regulations than those covering “conventional” foods and drug products (prescription and Over-the-Counter). In general, these products were placed under The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) by Congress in 1994. Dietary supplements are handled by (CFSAN). Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. Generally, manufacturers do not need to register their products with FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements. Manufacturers must make sure that product label information is truthful and not misleading.
Please refer to the following webpages for additional information: http://www.fda.gov/Food/DietarySupplements/default.htm and http://www.fda.gov/Food/DietarySupplements/ConsumerInformation/ucm110567.htm.
You may contact CFSAN directly for additional information at consumer@fda.gov.”
So I did. I sent the same email to the address they provided in hopes that this department can get to the bottom of this.
Many of my coworkers and friends are taking these pills and although they look amazing, I am concerned with their health and mine. I plan to stop taking the pills as of today because as much as I love the way I look after 3 short weeks, it is not worth risking my life. I will follow up with any new findings I come across and when/if I get an email back from the CEO of Floyd and from this department of the FDA.
I left a review earlier this year when I first started taking ZXT Slim from Floydnutrition.com. I have continued to take Slim since, because it caused me no side effects. I tried taking the Gold a few times, but it always made me horribly sick to my stomach.
Last month, I made a new purchase of 5 bottles when I got down to my last bottle (from a previous 5 bottle purchase). As soon as I started taking that last bottle, I started getting sick like I did when I took Gold. I continued to take them for about a week to confirm that it was, in fact, being caused by the Slim. After confirming, I put that bottle up and started a new one from my new shipment. Same problem.
I’ve tried emailing and calling Floydnutrition about this problem, but they didn’t reply to my email; their toll free number is disconnected; and their local number just rings and rings. I contacted the person that sold me the original bottle, who informed me she’s no longer affiliated with the company. She said she had the same problem of not being able to get a hold of them.
This really upsets me, because I loved the ZXT Slim that I took for nearly a year. These new bottles were all manufactured in September of 2011. I wish I knew when my earlier ones were, but I threw them all away each time when they were empty.
Well, I was able to get ahold of a local distributor, who switched out all of my bottles with other dates. I have no problem with these at all. It was only that specific date. He told me that it was very possible that problems existed with that date, as during that time, they were switching manufacturers.
Daisy, hmmm so is the distributor saying that the reason Zxt Gold had Sibutramine was because of the former manufacturer? If thats the case my question to him/her is what was a weight loss drug doing anywhere near a weight loss supplement? Does the company that makes zxt gold also make sibutramine? I think the distributor has been drinking too much “zxt Kool-Aid.”
This business of spiking supplements with drugs is nothing new. check out all the companies that do it with erection pills.
I don’t know anything about the sibutramine in the Gold. I had given a couple of my defective Slim’s to a friend of mine who swears by the Gold, since I thought it was just Gold mispackaged in Slim capsules. He said it didn’t work like the Gold for him, so it must have been some other defect.
The distributor just told me that they had switched companies a few times during that time, because they kept having problems with the ingredients.
Daisy, In my opinion, the reason the ‘defective” ones didn’t work is because they didn’t have sibutramine.
Why cause it gives u a fast heart rate? Mines pretty normal right now actually. Now zantrex 3…I can see that stuff giving u a heart attack as fast as it makes ur heart beat. If its such a big deal, then why is it still on the market?
Abbie, the drug is illegal. Why the FDA does nothing to stop it being sold I dont know. Im not sure why its linked to heart attacks. I don’t think its because it makes the heart rate go faster. Please be careful and I still recommend you throw them away.
I just received my ZXT Gold today an it does give me a lot of energy. I can’t wait till I start losing weight. My friend has been taking it for a month an has list 16 lbs. She really stands by this product an has absolutely no problems with it. And she looks great! I couldn’t believe how much her body has changed. People are just always looking for something negative. I’ve tried everything. Nothing works so why bash something that actually works? And no one I know who has taking it, has ever had the runs. Just saying!
Abbie, you did see in my review that ZXT Gold was found to have an illegal weight loss drug that may cause a heart attack didn’t you? I didn’t make that up.
Go read the FDA letter on this and ask yourself if losing weight is worth the risk of giving yourself a heart attack.
Hi Joe,
Thanks to you and everyone for writing in on this subject.
I complimented an employee at a beauty store because it is evident she lost weight and appeared overall improved. She also is going through menopause (with increasing
weight gain — not a concern to either of us before this life phase).
She encouraged me to buy a bottle of ZXT GOLD from her since she buys in bulk to get the best price.
I took two pills this morning, as recommended, and…while it is true it suppressed my appetite significantly (extremely artificially too as I have no desire to eat at all?)….I also have extreme dry mouth (thirsty) and excessive heart racing.
I feel like a foreigner has invaded my body and I don’t like the feeling at all. I’m very sensitive but I never expected something “all natural” to have such an effect on me.
I do believe there are drugs in this product!
I just don’t have the physical constitution to go through another day feeling as I have today so I’m glad I stumbled on to this site and got such helpful information. I think had I not been informed as I have here I may have tried to adjust to it over further days because I generally see the glass half full.
But thanks to all this information I can close the door on this subject matter. Grateful~
Lori, hope you are feeling better and also hope your not taking ZXT gold anymore. You have brought something that makes me wonder – the sale of supplements in beauty salons. Just as personal trainers sell supplements sometimes -to boost the money they make, It sounds like beauty salons do the same thing. In both cases, neither should sell supplements. The link I provided details the real life story of how a fitness trainer’s supplement recommendation killed a women.
Men and women who work in beauty salons do not know about supplements and should not recommend/sell them.
Wow, this is something else we could of made tons of money off these pills. Its not safe period this is not merida. if people are so worried about losing weight go to the store and buy some laxatives Jesus do the research everything in the weight loose drugs are Ll considered to be laxatives?
also show me a report that shows senna and carssia is safe to take after 2 weeks. Its not its used as a laxative to clean bowls before surgery not to be taking for 4 months.
You add the merida,senna,Hawthorne,and the rest of the whatever they got laying around and you got deadly mix . Plus China is not a good clean source for bee pollen. Oh plus the heavy metals in the pills . Good luck. This is no weight watchers I seen people with major issues with only being on them 2-4 weeks
Who said it can’t? With a prescription from a dr you sure can… So it’s not that it gives heart attack .. It’s just that people misused them or simply mixed them or they were not overweight to start with..
Lots of factors that may cause that….in the pills if their was in fact those two ingredients in them .. There was a very small amount in them… Weight watchers .. Nutrisystem or any other weight loss program needs to be looked at by the FDA… My friend did weight watchers and she said her appetite was suppressed.. But you know what? The FDA will not get into a big diet chain like them cause it’s not beneficial…
Juliet, I have never seen any research or anybody who has said that weight watchers and nutra system contains meridia/sibutramine. Do you have proof of this? Just because your friends appetite went down does not mean these products contain a drug.
people don’t die from cigs or drinks in a few weeks or months. so good luck with that. as much as I cant even stand the smell of it. PEOPLE are sick of they are worried about losing weight with these pills?
Do you have family?kids?life? if you care about them go to the gym instead of taking these magic pills?
How do I know. we sold them for 3 months. myself and wife had had crazy blood work, crazy blood pressure. YOU have no clue whats in those pills.
I seen the certificates from the company and the GMP you can wipe your butt with that paper. it was all lies.
just think they are sitting back saying awwww stupid Americans they buy anything. how many times has Floyd been in trouble. ITS sick how people can get sick off this stuff and serious ill. I know the demand for the pills. we get emails everyday everyday people beggin for this stuff.
@Juliet, I smoke but the tobacco industries make damn sure I know what’s in a cigarette and what side effects smoking can cause. I bought these “diet pills” from a beauty salon and was told they were all natural and good for me and no side effects. That’s pretty misleading don’t you think????? I hope the FDA does get involved!!!
Great thanks…. Now you have just opened a can of worms on these pills… Now those stupid FDA people who have nothing better to do than to get into simple things like this.. Like I said FDA needs to ban cigarettes and alcohol consumption all together.. Instead of getting into this… But no they won’t.. Cause they are the first ones that smoke themselves to death and the others around them and all are alcoholics ..
Juliet, if Meridia / Sibutramine cant be sold as a drug because it causes heart problems, why should it be allowed to be in weight loss supplements?