Update 1/20/20. ZXT Gold is one of the hottest selling natural weight loss supplements on the web and If I'm any barometer, it also generates a lot of questions too. I've also heard of some strange side effects which got my attention. Does ZXT Gold work? I want to not only review ZXT Gold but look at it in relation to other ZXT supplements. Hopefully, this ZXT Gold review will answer some of peoples questions. Also, see the review of Slim Trim U bee pollen supplements that also compares ZXT Gold's ingredients to the ingredients in Slim Trim U. Update: The FDA has found this product contained illegal weight-loss drugs. See this FDA report for more info.
Who Sells ZXT Gold?
ZXT Gold is sold by Floyd Nutrition. Floyd Nutrition has the following websites:
- FloydNutrition.com
- FloydNutrition.net
- PlatinumBodySlim.com
- Ayurvedic-Solutions.com
When I first heard of Floyd Nutrition, I thought it was a physical store—like a GNC or local health food store. It's not. The contact page of FloydNutrition.com lists a PO Box in Harrisburg PA as their address.
While it looks like Floyd Nutrition does most of their business online via their websites or by phone orders, I did some digging and discovered that they have a warehouse located at 1800 State Street in Harrisburg PA.
Products sold on their website can be purchased at their warehouse if you go there. Floyd Nutrition doesn't make the supplements themselves. Companies in other countries and the US do. This is true for many health food stores too.
For more info about Floyd Nutrition
ZXT Gold Ingredients
Update: 7/25/12. Thanks to “Beth” one of the readers on this site, I became aware that Canadian health authorities have identified 2 hidden drugs in ZXT Gold. The drugs they found are:
- Sibutramine – a banned weight-loss drug linked to heart problems. It is also called Meridia.
- Phenolphthalein – a laxative that is no longer used in Canada because it may cause cancer. For more info see the Phenolphthalein Wikipedia page.
Here is the FDA report dated April 15 2015
Here is the Health Canada update on ZXT Gold dated June 29 2012.
According to the Floyd Nutrition website, ZXT Gold is composed of these ingredients:
- Bee pollen
- Chinese yam
- Green tea
- lotus seed
- Dietary fiber
Here's the thing that makes me scratch my head about ZXT Gold —its ingredients are almost identical to the first 5 ingredients in the weight loss pill, Zi Xiu Tang. With the exception of green tea— in ZXT Gold —replacing barbary wolfberry fruit in Zi Xiu Tang, they look identical to me.
I can't tell how much of each ingredient is in ZXT Gold, so I concede there may be differences in the amounts of ingredients between ZXT Gold and Zi Xiu Tang as well as other ZXT supplements.
Here is the other thing about ZXT Gold that seems odd to me. Floyd Nutrition lists several other weight loss pills—and their ingredients— on their website, such as ZXT, ZXT Slim etc. I've copied the table below as it appeared on their website.
Notice how all 4 of these supplements appear to have almost the same ingredients.
ZXT | ZXT Gold | ZXT Slim | Infinity | |
Ingredients | Bee pollen | Bee pollen | Bee pollen | Bee pollen |
Chinese yam | Chinese yam | Chinese yam | Chinese yam | |
Green tea | Green tea | Barberry wolfberry fruit | Barberry wolfberry fruit | |
Lotus seed | Lotus seed | Lotus seed | Lotus seed | |
Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | Dietary fiber | |
Dosage | 2 capsules/day | 2 capsules/day | 2 capsules/day | 1 capsule /day |
Energy | Moderate/strong | Strong | Extra strength | Extreme extra strength |
Suppresses appetite | Strong | Very strong | Very strong | Very strong |
Remove toxins | Very strong | Strong | Very strong | Very strong |
Supports the immune system | Yes | Yes | Yes | yes |
See results in 1st week | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
adapted from floydnutrition.com
All of these products appear to have very similar ingredients. Also, see my review of Slim Trim U for additional comparisons.
I also noticed that most of the products in this table contain the letters ZXT. What do the letters ZXT stand for in ZXT Gold, ZXT Slim, ect? I can't find an answer to this question. I've been told that ZXT Gold, ZXT etc. are different than Zi Xiu Tang. If they are different, why are the letters ZXT in the names of these other products?
The obvious answer I guess would be that the letters ZXT, in the name, is an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of Zi Xiu Tang.
Does anybody have another answer?
I have not tried ZXT Gold so I will wait to read the experiences of others who have. What I can do is cite the research on the ingredients in ZXT Gold. Below is a breakdown of the ingredients and relative research.
Bee Pollen
If you Google “bee pollen weight loss” you see several websites touting the benefits of how bee pollen weight loss pills can improve energy levels and help people lose weight. But, where is the proof?
None of the websites I looked at showed me any published peer-reviewed evidence that bee pollen helps people lose weight. As I did when I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang, I searched Pub Med, a database of millions of studies from around the world and searched for “bee pollen weight loss“— and no studies showed up.
After some further digging, I did locate one small study from 2002 where a bee pollen royal jelly supplement reduced premenopausal weight gain in 29 women. The product used in this study was called Femal. Could this be the basis behind putting bee pollen in weight loss pills?
Tip. reducing the gaining of weight is not the same thing as causing weight loss.
Other than this, I can't find any bee pollen weight loss proof.
Bee pollen has some protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates and that’s nice, but does that mean bee pollen alone peps people up or gives them more energy to get through a tough day? I don't see any studies to back up this claim.
Since I can't find any proof —other than the one small study mentioned above— for now, I don't buy the claim that bee pollen has any special qualities that it promotes weight loss.
If anyone has a study of bee pollen promoting weight loss in humans, please show me and I will gladly update this review.
Chinese Yam
According to its Wikipedia page, Chinese yam can also be called Korean yam and nagaimo. This makes researching it difficult. Its scientific name is Dioscorea opposita. I searched pub med for studies of:
- “Dioscorea opposita weight loss”
- “Dioscorea opposita body mass index”
- “Dioscorea opposita obesity”
- “Chinese yam weight loss”
- “Chinese yam body mass index”
- “Chinese yam obesity”
I found no research studies on these topics. It looks like nobody has ever thought of seeing Chinese yam works or not.
If that’s really so, what would prompt the makers of ZXT Gold to put it Chinese yam their product?
Yams are often said to be a source of the hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) and there is some evidence that DHEA may help weight loss—at least in older men and women.
While this is interesting, yams do not seem to raise DHEA levels in humans.
There isn't much research on yams and DHEA levels in humans but I'd like to see some proof that it works before I give it credence (college students: this would be a great thesis project to do!)
Green Tea
A LOT of weight loss supplements have green tea. Just a few I've already looked at include:
And several others…
The reason is that green tea has caffeine. People who are more awake might move more and burn more calories. Caffeine also help us burn a little fat.
There is also some research that caffeine might help weight loss. Note in this study, the supplement used contained 150 mg caffeine and 270 mg ECGC (one of the active ingredients in green tea) per day. How much caffeine and ECGC is in ZXT Gold? I can't tell from the product website.
Lotus Seed
Also called Nelumbo nucifera, I can't find any proof this stuff promotes weight loss in either humans or animals. So why is it in ZXT Gold?
Dietary Fiber. This is such a general term that it makes it impossible to know what specific fiber they are referring to. Do they mean soluble fiber or insoluble fiber? They don't tell us.
Looking at the ingredients in ZXT Gold as a whole, these ingredients:
- Chinese yam
- lotus seed
- dietary fiber
all have something in common. They ALL contain fiber. As such, if ZXT Gold really works, I believe it's because it acts primarily as a laxative. This was the same initial conclusion I reached when I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang.
I believe that its laxative effect is primarily responsible for any weight loss seen with ZXT Gold. That is the simplest and most logical answer.
As for bee pollen, I think it's mostly being used as a source of protein. Protein can help with weight loss but how much protein is in ZXT Gold? I don't know, but I suspect it's not much. I think bee pollen is really used because people have been saying amazing —yet unproven—things about it, since I was a kid.
Does ZXT Gold Have Senna?
The Floyd Nutrition website does not list senna as an ingredient in ZXT Gold, however one person who left a comment on my Zi Xiu Tang post on Jan 20, 2012, stated that Floyd Nutrition has added senna back into ZXT Gold. I have no proof to back this up, so its best to call and check for yourself if you are concerned about this. Senna is a strong laxative and one case report linked senna to hepatitis.
I also highlighted that senna was a component in Bob Harpers 7 cleanse supplement.
ZXT Gold Side Effects
See the FDA report for side effects.
Sibutramine is a weight loss drug pulled from the US market because it increased the risk of heart attacks. Phenolphphthalein is linked to cancer.
I believe that diarrhea and/or more frequent trips to the bathroom would be a common side effect of ZXT Gold. In fact, this has been reported by people who have used ZXT Gold who left comments in my post of Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects.
Diarrhea can lead to dehydration and losses of electrolytes, which can cause people to feel tired and weak. It can also lead to irregularities in the way the heartbeats.
By searching the comments left by others at previous posts I've written, I was able to generate this table of possible ZXT Gold side effects:
headache | “weird feeling in head” | diarrhea | depression |
Heart racing | No appetite | constipation | Moodiness |
Speech problems | Very thirsty | Sleeping problems | Nausea |
Increased urination | dry mouth | Cold/warm feelings | Loss of strength |
Vision problems | Frequent urination | Hot flashes | Abdominal pain |
No energy | acne | Elevated blood pressure | Right arm tremor |
Anxiety | Dizziness | Sore ears / weird feeling in ears |
How prevalent these side effects are, I don't know as they came from only a few people who listed what happened to them when they used ZXT Gold.
How Much Water Should You Drink?
Water, water, water is the mantra spoken by many who take —and sell —ZXT Gold as well as other “ZXT” supplements. Of course, water can help with weight loss (it fills us up and has no calories) but, too much water can lead to a potentially deadly condition called hyponatremia (sometimes water intoxication). Essentially people drink so much water that they dilute the salts (electrolytes) in their blood. This can lead to things like:
- headache
- confusion
- nausea
- cramps
- dizziness
- muscle weakness
- fatigue
- seizures
- abnormal heart rates
- coma
- death
Theoretically, hyponatremia might account for some of the reported side effects of ZXT Gold (and Zi Xiu Tang).
So how much water is too much? Well, according to this article in Scientific American magazine, each kidney can excrete 800-1000 milliliters per hour. This equals 27 oz to 33 oz per hour. Since most of us have 2 kidneys this equals 54 to 66 oz fluid per hour.
So, healthy people (who are not exercising) who want to avoid hyponatremia should drink no more than 54 to 66 oz per hour (less during exercise since kidney excretion can decrease).
Fortunately, this is a lot of water to drink, making hyponatremia unlikely in most people. I mention this as a guide to help people when they hear about all the water they should drink if they take ZXT Gold.
Does It Work?
After discovering that the product contained sibutramine and phenolphthalein – both illegal to be used in dietary supplements, I think we know why this product worked. Bee pollen and other ingredients in this product have no evidence it helps weight loss.
What do you think?
Kayla,I hear all these beautiful stories, but no one says where they get their pills from…..Kayla? Where did you get the Zxt gold pills from…..I have bought from at least 15 venders I’m not kidding and none have worked…I’m still searching to find the ones that work…it looks like Kayla worked….can you please let me. Know where or what site you got them?…thanks that would be great
I began taking ZXT Gold to lose a few pounds before my wedding. I am 25 years old, played sports my whole life and in college and have worked out at least 3 times a week for as long as I can remember, but I still couldn’t loose the last few pounds.
When I started I was 5’0, 127 lbs. I lost 18 lbs in 2 months and LOVED the appetite suppressant. I ended up losing a total of 25 lbs before my wedding. I’ve maintained a constant weight of 106 since my wedding and have been on Gold for 7 months. I stopped taking the Gold for a week and gained 4 lbs back immediately
Besides the horrible bathroom trips at the beginning, I did not notice any negative side effects. Now, I’m beginning to notice extreme thinning in my hair (huge gobs fall out in the shower) and I’m having itchy skin. I’ve had my Thyroid tested and can not think of another reason why my hair would be falling out. (Example, i have to wrap a pony tail holder 4x. Used to be 2x).
I’m curious if anyone else has noticed weird changes with this pill?
Kayla, please let me know how your thyroid test goes. Im very interested in learning what might be causing your hair to fall out. Do tell your doctor you are taking ZXT Gold. Print up this review and show him/her the ingredients if they dont know about it.
Same here for me same age and all BUT i do feel so much better, i have lost inches so i am not to worried about what the scale is telling me, I go to the gym 5- 6 days a week now, i am actually almost to my 10 min mile on the treadmill, i can actually run for 26 min without having to walk in between my session, i have also noticed that my body is toning up, i am 5’7 and go around 162-165 for the last few months, BUT i will take it, going to the store and pulling a size 9-10 and knowing it will not only fit but be a little lose make me happy, I do not want to be a skinny size 5-6 or smaller.
I am going to stay on this for a bit, love the way it makes my skin hair and nails look! Stop looking at the scale people, take your measurements as well, good luck girl!
I have been taking ZXT Gold for 2 months now. I have not lost more then 6 lbs. I have not gained any weight. I am staying the same. The 6 lbs is the normal up and down gain and loss, I had before I started the supplement, and it is usually tied to my menstrual cycle.
I do have lots more energy. Fewer to no menstrual cramp. I stay awake, focused and alert in long boring meetings. I get more done during the day because I stay focused longer and wake earlier. I crave water and water based fruits, so I drink more and eat more vegetables and fruit. But at age 48 this product is not holding up to it’s promise to take the pounds off.
I was wondering what would be best for me to take… Years ago I took zi xiu tang pills and they did wonders for me … I am now ready to get back on the pill after having a baby and I have yet to find the right zi xiu tang pills.. Most of the ones I gave purchased don’t gave the same affects… Should I try zxt gold? Or can anyone tell me a true and honestly site where I can get the zi xiu tang that actually works.. One side affect I loved was the bathroom.. I have issues going .. So this pill helped a lot… I need The real original / classic whatever it’s called that actually works or should I just give up on that cause it does not work and try ZXT Gold?
Juliet, personally I dont trust any ZXT type supplement. The side effects people write about here are just weird and make me suspicious that there is more to them than we think. Some people say it works and others say it doesn’t. The Canadians found weight loss drugs in ZXT Gold – and the ZXT distributor who left a comment (scroll up) recently trying to explain why this happened, has never answered my questions. I would much rather you look at the tips of people who were successful at weight loss at this website http://www.nwcr.ws/
I know thats not what people want to hear but I really do believe this is safest.
I took ZXT for about 8 weeks and lost 16 lbs. Felt absolutely fantastic while on it and no longer needed to take allergy medication. I usually take allergy pills all summer long and still have issues, but ZXT stopped all summer allergies.
My other strange side effect was extreme sexual desire to the point where I ached in my testicles a bit. I would also have a slight release once a day while doing #2. Has anyone else had effects like this? I am in my early 30’s, so I found this to be highly unusual to feel like I am going through puberty all over again. These effects stopped once I was off for a month and I regained 2 pounds while off. I recently started back up and in 4 days I lost 2 lbs and all effects with allergies and sexual stuff are back. Anyone find the same effects or have reason for concern?
I also have taken ZXT for about three weeks now. I have been like a yo-yo with the weight. When I first took it I was 169. This morning I was 165, but yesterday was 163. I have fluctuated for the past 3 weeks between 169 – 163/5. So we’re talking 4-6 lbs of fluctuating weight loss/gain. I think the ZXT is a rip off. I can most definitely tell if I don’t drink enough water. I get headaches, upset stomach, and my kidneys actually hurt. The cramping and pain is horrible.
As a matter of fact, I am in mild pain right now. 15 minutes ago I didn’t want to walk and thought I would puke. I will not be taking the pills after today. This was not my first negative reaction, but it will be my last.
Good luck to all with getting healthy…not necessarily skinny!
I have been on the classic for 1 week now, i have about 15 lbs to lose, i had most of my thyroid taken out in March I have 5% of it left, I am very frustrated because of the weight gain, they have gotten my thyroid meds under control (aurmor) still can not drop the weight, I go to the gym 4 to 5 nights a week, 1/2 hour cardio (run 3 miles in 30 min) then i complete either upper body or lower body,
drink plenty of water never have to worry about that, so when a friend told me about zxt i figured what the heck i have tried everything why not this, THE only problem is i have not lost 1 lb, yes it is true i am not eating as much and what i eat is protein of course you feel dizzy people remember you are not eating the way you use to, lack of sugar etc your body has to get use to a new way of eating.
MY QUESTION: has anyone else had my problem?? I feel like i wasted my money on this after reading how much weight everyone has lost, any hints?? I am not ready to give this up yet HELP!!!!!! 🙂
Hello Joe,
Even though I am not taking the ZXT Gold anymore I like to visit this site to see how others are doing. I find Bee’s post very interesting and would like to know the answers to the questions you posted.
And by the way, I experienced awful side effects from the ZXT Gold that I purchased from Floyd Nutrition website, not a knock-off, black market site.
My side effects were real and stopped the day after stopping ZXT Gold. My appetite was suppressed for 4-5 days after stopping the ZXT Gold too. It took me another week to get my bowels back to normal. I sure would like to know what was in my bottle of ZXT Gold.
Maybe Dr. Oz would like to send it off to a pharmaceutical lab for a breakdown of ingredients for us. Or, maybe Bee can provide the answers since she is a distributor.
Beth, thanks for writing. I’m also hoping Bee can help shed some light on the questions I asked.
I have been taking zxt original off and on for some time. I do notice that I do get jittery if my water intake is insufficient.
The gold was way to strong, and after reading these reviews, I will not try the zxt slim. Although they have helped me lose weight, I am very interested in the ingredients not listed. Why is it even legal? All ingredient, inactive and active should be listed.
Maybe Bee can elaborate on this issue??
I am a distributor of the ZXT products. The health Canada post is about a shipment which was caught by customs and did not make it through because of the two drugs you referred to above. I know as a business woman that bad news always travels faster and farther than good news. I’m also aware that with any product there are always knock offs.
Generally when you look at brand name companies examples include and aren’t limited to Coach, Bebe, Dolce etc. they all have knock offs normally produced by the same manufacturer that produced the original product, by simply changing a stitch, button, pattern, fabric what have you. They do this to make extra money on the side, I believe that many manufacturers do this with out consent of the company and allow distribution on the black market.
The reason Gold was removed from the website for a short amount of time was due to a supply and demand factor as a distributor I could not keep the Gold on my shelf the product works so well.
Any way to combat the issue of any customers receiving or purchasing a knock of brand Floyd Nutrition has designed product codes. All of the bottles I sell have a specific code that you may enter on the Floyd website so as a customer you can be sure it’s guaranteed.
Also as a distributor I have to go through training and education on our supplements and yes you MUST drink water and EAT. The multivitamin is recommended as well because it gives your body other daily nutrients that most Americans on the go do not get through their non nutritious foods.
Most doctors generally recommend a multivitamin for their patients on a daily basis for the same reasons I’ve listed above.
I hope this helps you and any one who reads this post in attempts to try and discover something wrong with the supplements. If you are buying the product on an off brand website not recommended by Floyd, through a non contracted distributor odds are you may be purchasing a knock of version of the product.
If you are paying less than the prices listed on the Floyd website that is a clue it’s probably not a legitimate Floyd product and from here on out if you are purchasing a product that does not have an identification code that you can put in the Floyd website it is probably not one of the “genuine” ZXT products.
Bee, thanks much for writing. Since you are a ZXT distributor, I’m guessing you have seen internal paperwork from Floyd on this and can help help answer some questions I have. If you would be so kind, I would really appreciate it.
1. Where – what country – is ZXT Gold (and other ZXT products) made?
2. What is the name of the company that makes ZXT Gold (and other ZXT products)?
3. Knockoff brands do indeed exist for many things. Do you have written proof that the ZXT Gold products that were found to contain undeclared drugs were indeed knock offs?
4. If these ZXT Gold products were knock offs, were they made by the same company that makes authentic ZXT Gold? If not do you know the name of the knock off company?
I don’t know the answers to these questions so I’m hoping you can help me out.
I just ordered this product last week and started taking it 4 days ago. I’ve already lost 6 pounds which just seems nuts. I haven’t really done anything differently as I generally try to drink around 64oz of water a day.
However I have been urinating up to 10x a day though not having the other laxative effects. However if I get up too quickly I get dizzy..like a head rush. And I’ve definitely noticed the dry mouth and occasional headaches and certainly the loss of appetite.
The side effects aren’t bad enough to quit taking the pills but at the same time if they continue I will probably stop taking them. Btw I’ve been taking 2 a day in the morning as directed. I wonder if I cut it to 1 pill if it would make a difference but still yield positive effects?
I should also note that I’m taking the ZXT slim not gold. Both appear to be available on Floyd nutrition’s site again.
Ron, the ingredients in zxt slim are very similar to zxt gold. losing 6 pounds in 4 days is a lot and while I feel a lot of that is water weight, it also makes me wonder what else might be in zxt slim. just my 2 cents.
The website for Floyd Nutrition is down for maintenance. Coincidental with Canadian report? I’ve also noticed that ZXT Gold is no longer sold on Amazon.
I took the pills at the recommendation of a good friend, but realized they weren’t for me after I experienced headaches, dizziness, and tingling in my fingers.
For those that continue to take them, please pay attention to your body and LISTEN when it tells you that something is wrong.
Felicia, I just checked. The Floyd Nutrition site is back up BUT ZXT Gold is nowhere to be seen. In itsa place I something called “Slim Trim U” and this seems to have the very same ingredients as ZXT Gold. Its in the very same spot as ZXT Gold was on the product info page of Floyd Nutrition.com Hmmmm….
There are several of my co-workers taking the pills, I found the info about them possibly containing pharmaceutical drugs and showed it to them and also the fact that it has not been approved by the FDA and they are going to continue to take them,
I for one will not be taking them,I choose to loose mine the healthy way with exercise and changing my eating habits, which I started over a month ago and am down 20lbs as of today. Yes it is hard but safe, and I want to be around to see my grand babies grow up.
I read your post and was wondering how you lost the 20 pounds in a little over a month. How have you changed your eating habits?
well i tried the zxt an it is very good no side effects,i use to have very bad sinus, wen i started taking them i haven’t had sinus problem in 5yrs i haven’t had no cold in yes the energy it give you is amazing,
in also my weight has come down,my appetite is very less,i recommend this to a lot of my friends in they tell me the same thing,it also clean the toxins out of your body,im 53yrs old but i dont look it, in beside i go to the gym 3times a week to maintain my weight loss,i am feeling real real good,an im not on no medication,i will soley standby FLOYD NUTRITION
I have lost 25 pounds with ZXT Gold. I have had no adverse reactions. A friend, also taking ZXT Gold, went to her MD with c/o tingling fingers. The doctor told her it was due to hypocalcemia related to the ZXTG.
After she quit taking them, the numbness in her fingers (symptom of low calcium) went away and her serum calcium returned to a therapeutic level. As a precaution, I now take a multivitamin and a calcium+D supplement as well.
Hi Joe,
Here is the link to Canada Health website:
This is the site where I found the information. Take a look and see. I don’t have anything more scientific than the alert on their site dated June 29, 2012. Consumers and health professionals wanting more information about this advisory from Health Canada can contact the Public Enquiries Line at 613-957-2991, or toll free at 1-866-225-0709.
This response posted on other ZXT blog too.
Beth thanks for linking to this ! I will update my reviews with this new information
I did not take anymore ZXT due to having extreme jitters and shakiness. I decided to dig a littler deeper on ZXT Bee Pollen and found that it is banned for sale in Canada due to hidden pharmaceutical ingredients which have an association with increased cardiovascular side effects such as heart attack and stroke. The diet pill Meridia which was pulled from the US market contained Sibutramine. See below from Canada Health:
Sibutramine was previously used to treat obesity but is no longer authorized for sale in Canada because of its association with an increased risk of cardiovascular side effects such as heart attack and stroke. In addition to heart attack and stroke, side-effects associated with sibutramine include increased blood pressure and heart rate, dry mouth, difficulty sleeping and constipation.
Phenolphthalein was previously used as a laxative but is no longer authorized for sale in Canada because it may cause cancer. Additional side-effects associated with phenolphthalein include decreased blood pressure, skin rash and gastrointestinal bleeding.
I would love to get a grip on my appetite and loose a few pounds but not at the risk of my overall health. My neighbor is taking it and has lost 38# in a month and half. I am worried about the risk he is taking. It did not sit well with my system, period. I am glad it did not and I found out what is really being put in the pill. Sorry, if they will put lead in our children’s toys, what wouldn’t they put in a pill for miraculous weight loss.
There are no no short cuts when it comes to getting healthy. I will take the slow and steady pace of weight watchers.
p.s. I submitted this response under the other ZXT blog too as I think they are both wolves in sheep’s clothing
Beth, this is very interesting. did you come across any official Canadian documents that specifically said they found weight loss drugs in ZXT or ZXT gold ect?
The company had no idea any extra items were being added to the product. Once they found out they left the manufacture and got a completely new manufacture for their product. I have had nothing but success with ZXT Gold product which was referred to my daughter by her doctor. It is not Zi Xiu Tang nor is it manufactured by the same company.
Cherlene, yes that’s how it is. Often the “companies” you buy the product from are just people like you and me who buy the product from the actual company. They often take the word of the company that the product contains what it says it has.
I was just researching this and I came to the same conclusion as you did Joe- ZXT sounds a lot like that Chinese brand with similar ingredients. People have raved about it to me, but I don’t think cancer is worth the 20 lbs weight loss
I’ve taken ZXT Gold, Infinity, and now the slim, the Gold worked great for about 4 months, then my body slowed down on weight loss, the Infinity, did nothing for me, I’m now trying the ZXT Slim, its very strong, I’m thinking of only one tablet instead of 2, and then when I adjust I will go back to 2, but I have lost 9 pounds in two weeks.
I have never had any side effects with with wither ZXT GOLD or Infinity, I am with the Slim, it might be medications I am on from my own doctor..today I have taken only Nexium to see if my symptoms go away..so far its been a better day.
My daughter did mention, water is the key thing when taking these pills, it helps with not getting a stomach ache. But if you want to loose weight, I would recommend them, I’ve lost 50 pounds since Jan. and I know its mostly because of ZXT products.
I’ve been taking ZXT Gold for about three months and I’ve lost 25lbs. I feel great and look better than I have in years. I felt a little funny at first, but nothing like any other diet pill I’ve ever tried to take.
I’ve never been able to take diet pills because they made me feel nervous or sick. But ZXT Gold didn’t make me nervous or sick. Just a little unfocused for the first two weeks. I think they’re great! I hope they don’t discover something bad in them.
Leisa, thanks for the feedback. I like you hope they dont either.