Update 3/9/24. If you have not heard of Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen capsules (also called Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face and Figure Capsules), this is a natural weight loss supplement where some websites actually encourage people to eat what they want! Even the educational pamphlet that accompanies Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen say: “No Diet Restrictions” and that people can achieve “excellent results” even while eating “high fat and high-calorie foods”. The power of Zi Xiu Tang is said to be due to bee pollen and the other ingredients in the supplement. But, things are more complicated than that. This is the second review I've written about the Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen. For more insights on the ingredients, see the original review of Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen. Also, read almost 1000 comments on this review and hundreds of comments on the other Zi Xiu Tang Reviews.
Read The Updates First
I posted these updates above the rest of the content so you would see them first. As you will see below, I originally felt Zi Xiu Tang was a laxative, that still did not fully explain the crazy amounts of weight people were experiencing with this product. I wondered if there might be something else behind these effects.
Unfortunately, the FDA proved my suspicions correct when they found a drug called sibutramine (also known as Meridia) in Zi Xiu Tang -as well as other bee pollen weight loss supplements. Sibutramine has been linked to heart attacks and strokes, so it was banned in the US many years ago.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen's weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.

Update. 10/24/12. The FDA has alerted the public that Zi Xiu Tang contains the illegal weight loss drug called sibutramine. They advise people to not take Zi Xiu tang. Click the link to see the FDA Public Notification on Zi Xiu Tang. It took the FDA 2 years to prove what I knew from the first day I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang. There was no way this stuff worked the way it did – if it only had the ingredients listed…
Update 6/26/12. I have written a review of ZXT Gold
Update 7/25/12. : ZXT Gold has been found to contain 2 drugs, see the ZXT Gold review for more information.
6/18/13 Update. Here is the review of Slim Trim U for more information.
At first, I could not explain the weight loss people were seeing with this supplement. One person who commented on my first Zi Xiu Tang review said he lost 13 pounds in 1 month!
Now I know why…
How Does Zi Xiu Tang Work?
Thanks to a friend who sent me a bottle of these so-called slimming capsules I can tell you that bee pollen is NOT the active ingredient in Zi Xiu Tang.
If Zi Xiu Tang works, it's because it's a laxative!
I know this is true because several of the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang have laxative effects. I suspected this because many websites selling Zi Xiu Tang use the word “cleanse.” Cleanse is the alternative medicine term for laxatives.
Probably, the most famous ingredient in Zi Xiu Tang is senna. Senna is not a weight loss supplement; it is a laxative. The FDA also classified it as a non-prescription, over-the-counter laxative drug.
Several other ingredients as you will see also act as laxatives.
The problem with laxatives is the only weight they help us expel feces (poop) and water.
What Does Zi Xiu Tang Mean?
The supplement's name doesn't seem to refer to anything specific. When translated from traditional Chinese to English, the name means “self-show soup.” However, when translated from Literary Chinese, the word means “be.” Could this be a reference to bee pollen, the alleged key ingredient?
Zi Xiu Tang Ingredients Label

Even if you wear eyeglasses, you will find it very difficult to read the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang. The bottle and box abound with decorative Chinese art and characters, making reading the ingredients very difficult.
The red lettering of the ingredients makes it doubly hard to read. I had trouble even when I held the bottle up to a lamp! So, to save you the trouble, I've listed the ingredients here.
Zi Xiu Tang Full Ingredients List
Here is the entire list of ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang.
- Bee Pollen
- Chinese Yam
- Barbary Wolfberry Fruit
- Lotus Seed
- Dietary Fiber
- Green tea
- Rhubarb
- Aloe
- Cassia
- Astrigillis
- Polygonum multiflorum
- Lotus leaf
- Gynostemme
- Radish seed
- Malt
- Mulberry
- Hawthorn,
- “Vitamins”
Tthe first 4 ingredients are not weight loss herbs. I've already covered these ingredients in my first Zi Xiu Tang review. Let’s now talk about all the other ingredients.
Zi Xiu Tang Ingredients and Side Effects
Senna. Senna is a laxative. Because Zi Xiu Tang contains senna, it’s possible that the same side effects from using too much senna may be seen in those who take Zi Xiu Tang. The side effects can include,
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping gas/bloating
- Flatulence
- Dizziness
Because of diarrhea, products like Zi Xiu Tang that contain senna may in extreme cases cause excessive loss of electrolytes. This can lead to muscle weakness and maybe heart problems. This is because electrolytes are needed for muscle contraction and the heart is a muscle.
People using heart/blood pressure medications should not use senna-containing supplements or products that have similar laxative effects.

To highlight what can happen with senna overdose, there is a case report of a woman who developed liver failure after long-term use of senna tea.
In this report, the woman was drinking a liter of senna tea that contained 70 grams (2.5 oz) of senna fruit. Even with this amount, it took 3 years before liver failure presented itself. This is worth mentioning because everybody is different, and people often think “more is better,” which isn’t always true.
Unlike the laxative effect of fiber, senna is a non-fiber laxative. It works differently to relieve constipation. One of the ingredients in Senna is a class of compounds called anthranoids, which exert laxative effects by damaging the cells of the colon. Because of this, some have speculated that long-term use of senna, may increase the risk of cancer
Because senna supplements have not been studied for long-term use, it is hard to say if this is true or not.
Senna products should be avoided in people who have
- Hemorrhoids
- Heart disease / Blood pressure issues
- Abdominal pain
- Bowel obstructions
- Pregnant or nursing mothers (for obvious reasons)
- Diabetics
In theory, long-term use of senna supplements may make it harder to defecate as the person becomes dependent on the product.
People who take Zi Xiu Tang may notice that the color of their urine looks pink or rust-colored. This is probably due to the senna (and polygonum multiflorum, discussed below) and is not dangerous.
Update: In 2010 Senna was apparently removed from Zi Xiu Tang. Some people report that their bowel movements are less while others report no change. See the comments for more information.
Cassia. Zi Xiu Tang also contains Cassia. While the word cassia is sometimes used to describe the spice, cinnamon, I don’t think this is how they are using the word because cassia can also be another name for senna.
Both of cassia and senna are listed separately on the Zi Xiu Tang label; cassia appears first, followed by senna. Both words are sometimes used together (“cassia senna”). Other names for cassia senna are Cassia acutifola, and Cassia angustifolia.
If cassia on the Zi Xiu Tang label refers to cassia senna, then this, too, is a laxative and likely works synergistically with senna to promote a greater laxative effect.
Green Tea. Zi Xiu Tang also contains green tea. Because green tea contains caffeine, it’s theoretically possible that the caffeine may slightly raise metabolism. This is likely why the Zi Xiu Tang says “increase metabolism” and “increase energy” on the front of the display box. The box does not say how much caffeine is in Zi Xiu Tang.
Rhubarb. Zi Xiu Tang contains Rhubarb which also has laxative effects. It may also have estrogen-like effects. Rhubarb may act synergistically with senna and cassia to cause a greater laxative effect.
Aloe. Zi Xiu Tang contains aloe as well. Aloe juice also has a laxative effect however the bottle does not say if Zi Xiu Tang contains aloe juice or not.
Astragalus. Like all herbs, there are many types of Astragalus. Often used to treat the common cold, this herb does not seem to have any laxative effect. As for astragalus side effects, in large amounts (about 1 ounce, which is likely more than is in Zi Xiu Tang) this herb may increase the immune system which, while good for some can also be bad for others like those with some immune system disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Polygonum multiflorum. This is an herb also known as Fo-Ti and Ho Shu Wu. Some research notes Polygonum multiflorum has a mild laxative effect. At least 7 case reports have noted liver problems including hepatitis resulting from use/misuse of this herb.
Other reports hint that Polygonum multiflorum might alter blood sugar levels (that may be bad for diabetics).
On a side note, Polygonum multiflorum may also be found in supplements designed to lower cholesterol; research suggests that extracts may lower cholesterol and increase HDL. More research is needed to confirm this.

Gynostemma. Some websites say this herb can both cause both weight loss and weight gain. In this respect, Gynostemma might be classified as an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a non-medical term used in some circles to describe how a supplement “adapts” to your needs. Websites also claim that gynostemma has laxative effects.
Radish Seed. I could not locate any weight loss effects of this ingredient.
Malt: I could not locate any weight loss effects of this ingredient.
Mulberry. This contains fiber which acts as a laxative.
Hawthorn. People who take medications for high blood pressure or a heart condition should not use hawthorn or supplements containing Hawthorn. Hawthorn does influence the way the heart pumps. This means hawthorn can interact with your heart or blood pressure medications.
Vitamins. Zi Xiu Tang lists “vitamins” but does not indicate which vitamins it contains.
Ingredients that are Laxatives
To recap, here are the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang that are laxatives
- Senna
- Cassia
- Rhubarb
- Aloe (if it contains Aloe juice)
- Polygonum multiflorum
- Gynostemma
- Mulberry
For more info see my review of Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects
Who makes Zi Xiu Tang?
The company that makes zi xiu tang is said to be the Guangzhou Zixiutang Biotechnology located in China. The strange thing is that I've never been able to find a picture of what this company looks like. Google searches turn up no pictures of the company. Even the website for the company – cn-zixiutang.com – does not show a picture of the company (the website no longer exists).
For more info on the company, see my review of the bee pollen weight loss supplement Slim Trim U.
Zi Xiu Tang Warning Label
If you read the label of Zi Xiu Tang you see this warning of who should not use the product (I'm quoting them verbatim):
“Not Suitable For:
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. People who suffer from either liver, kidney, Heart Disease, or High Blood Pressure. Adolescents, Elderly, Depressed people, or Anyone with bee or pollen allergies.”
Does Zi Xiu Tang Work?
There is little clinical evidence of weight loss effects for most of the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang. If it really works, it may be due to laxative effects. Some websites that sell Zi Xiu Tang say the product does not contain sibutramine (weight loss drug), or other drugs like Rimonabant (weight loss drug), Phenytoin (anti-seizure drug) or Phenolphthalein (has laxative effects). This is perhaps a response to previous FDA action against bee pollen-containing weight loss supplements. Does it work as well without pharmaceutical enhancement? You tell me.
Recently started taking zi xiu tang bee pollen from a distributor also getting it directly from China and ended up in the ER. Followed all the instructions ate and drank more than enough water. EKG showed SVT and my blood pressure was what you would see in a stroke patient. I work in the medical field in an ICU so I know what normal is.
I’m young and have no history I am on no other medications and my blood pressure has never been high. Blood work was drawn showing I was not dehydrated and the only conclusion is that it was caused by the bee pollen. Others should be warned of what had occurred as I will also report t to the FDA.
NO NAME. I’ve taken this product before, lost 20 lbs. I was completely out and i ordered the packs of 12 twice. I do have to agree about the high energy level, dry mouth and insomnia I just recently March 2nd 2013 ordered more from my same source and the next day, I notice bumps or a better word like hives around my neck then the back of my neck. The next day all over my body, my enter arms, thighs and back were loaded. I did not go to the doctor I know because of no insurance.
I applied cortisone and a cream anti-biotic which help some but it’s still there no itching. As of today which is day 5. I’m absolutely off I’m going to give about 5 more days to get out of my system. If it’s not better I’m going to the E R.and I’m calling my distributor. I believe this happen from the bee pollen capsules. This is the first time I notice my heart rate increased.
I thought back to trace on the food I’ve eaten nothing different. It happen the very next day after I took my first two capsules. It’s obvious that I got
a bad batch. It really don’t matter I’ll never take them again.
Go to your doctor/ ER! sounds like you are having an allergic reaction to me. look into a “high deductible health insurance plan.” I’m thinking that the price you paid for 12 packs of zi xiu tang would have been close to what some of these health insurance plans would cost. Please get checked out by a doctor in case the allergic reaction gets worse.
Hi everyone!!! I came across this site because I was looking up “bad” side effects of taking zi xiu tang bee pollen. I’ve been taking the pills now for 2 1/2 weeks and at first I was liking them. I lost 8 lbs and I didn’t even go through a “detox” period but the starting a week ago my jaw started hurting like I was clenching my teeth at night.
That went away but then I started get gum and tooth pain. My right side teeth were semi numb and it felt really weird to eat. I went to the dentist and everything looks good but I have sore gums and a bruised hard upper palate and he is puzzled why so I have to see a specialist about it! Now after my dentist appointme2wedfnt I never stopped taking the pills and my mouth is always dry no matter how much I drink and now I have more sores on my gums and now on my tongue and cheek!!!
Also my mouth feels semi numb sometimes! I am convinced this is a horrible side effect of the pills and I decided to stop taking them! Now I have to wait and see if these symptoms go away!!!
I wanted to share this with everyone just in case this is happening to others!!!
Anonymous26, please stop takng the pills and go to your doctor. I don’t feel good with those side effects you said you were having. sometimes jaw pain can be a sign of heart attacks. Don’t want to scare you and Im not a doctor but based on what you said I want to be the safest I can be and mention it to you.
This is one of the many websites advertising these pills on my facebook page. I tried leaving a comment with a link to this article and they have to approve all comments before they appear on the website so they will block mine. What a shame that money comes before safety and health.
Beverly, this company is posting on YOUR facebook page? Can you un-friend them? that should stop them from posting to your Facebook page. Another thing you can do is post my review on your FB page right under their post. Once they see me showing up on your page, they will probably stop posting.
Another option is to click the little down arrow next to their post on your FB page and clicking spam. you can see it by hovering the mouse under the far right of the line just above their post. when you click it you can report it as spam or hide it from your page.
If you contact FB and tell them about the FDA warnings on this product I think facebook might ban them from posting.
UPDATE: This is day 5 of not taking these pills. My heartbeat is almost back to normal, I no longer have shortness of breath and no more dizziness or blurry vision. I am hungry though! My appetite is back to what it was before the pills, I have not had a bowel movement since I stopped the pills which is scaring me a little bit.
Last night I experienced sharp pains in my stomach but today I feel fine. Bottom line, DO NOT TAKE THESE PILLS. There must be other appetite suppressing supplements that are FDA approved, these pills are not magic by any means. They made me feel worse, I am hoping that there are no long term effects as I only took the pills for about 3 weeks.
Christina, glad you are feeling better. Why don’t you go to your doctor and get checked out anyway. I think this would make you feel better at the very least. I’m a little concerned why you have not had a bowel movement in 5 days also despite eating more as you say.
I have just recently purchased these pills from New Reflections LLC, I have also purchased enough to become a re seller. Call it a gut feeling, but I have felt uneasy about this product ever since I found the FDA report about the other pills.
My bottle does say that if you want to stop taking these pills to cut back to one pill a day for 30 days I believe…with all the comments here, it has me thinking, drug addicts or those addicted to prescription drugs usually have to be weaned off…so this tells me if its just herbs and vitamins in these pills, why the need to wean yourself off??
I wonder, can I send my own pills into the FDA for testing? I haven’t had any side effects, I do feel more anxious in this last week though, so much that I went and had my BP checked and pulse. My BP was fine and my pulse was high but started to come down so my doc said it was probably my anxiety. Either way, I have sold these pills to friends, the last thing I want is to have something happen to me or them.
Mary, has been very helpful with any information I need, however can I really trust it? Again, can I send my pills out to be tested? I have over 40 bottles, so if in fact it does contain this harmful ingredient it would prove that none of these pills are safe regardless of the name.
re seller, best way to know is call the FDA and see if they can test them. The thing with sibutramine is if it has it, some people may not have any terrible side effects while others might. its like Russian roulette in a bottle in my opinion.
I have contacted the Fda via email….lets hope I hear something .
Re seller, I’ll keep my fingers crossed 🙂
Your best bet is to have it tested by a lab privately. That is what my company did then contacted the FDA. But in all honesty, the FDA has a warning out on Zi Xiu Tang to make consumers aware. So I am not too sure what you are going to achieve. I really can’t see them continuing to test the same product they already issued a warning to.
Zi Xiu Tang is dangerous and resellers trying to convince their customers to only purchase from “authorized resellers”, or “be very aware of counterfeit”, or even “resellers only sell at one price” is all a marketing scheme to sell a product even if that product is dangerous. I would say…get out while you can, it is not worth it.
Recently started taking zi xiu tang bee pollen from a distributor also getting it directly from China and ended up in the ER. Followed all the instructions ate and drank more than enough water. EKG showed SVT and my blood pressure was what you would see in a stroke patient. I work in the medical field in an ICU so I know what normal is. I’m young and have no history I am on no other medications and my blood pressure has never been high. Blood work was drawn showing I was not dehydrated and the only conclusion is that it was caused by the bee pollen. Others should be warned of what had occurred as I will also report t to the FDA. Believe it was from New Reflections also.
Hi Joe,
I took Zi Xiu Tang a few years ago (2010, I believe) and lost quite a bit of weight with no side effects at all. I only stopped buying them when my weight loss seemed to slow down and I couldn’t afford them anymore. The past few months have been very tough for me- severe depression and a lot of physical pain so it’s very hard to get myself out of the house to exercise.
I’ve always been very unhappy with my body and my weight, but I’m not obese so shedding a few pounds helps me. (I’m 5’4 around 135 pounds). To make a long story short, I was desperate to lose weight thinking it could help me feel at least a little bit better about my appearance. My hairdresser told me she bought the Zi Xiu Tang from our local health food store so I figured…hey well if they sell it in the health food store now then surely it must be safe, right?
Well, I have to say it was working very well for the past few weeks. I dropped some weight, though I do not know the exact amount as I do not go by scale. But I know I did because everyone would tell me, and because I was barely eating half of what I used to eat. Food was completely turning me off which was okay with me because normally, it seems like I’m constantly hungry. I also didn’t have any irregular bowel movements or anything out of the ordinary.
Unfortunately, within the past 2 weeks or so, my usual shoulder pain became excruciating and started to develop in my neck as well. I was seeing a chiropractor a few times a week but it was giving me no relief. Then, I think I may have forgotten to take the pills here and there and last weekend in particular I had extreme nausea and vomiting.
I have been taking them probably every other day for the past few days, and I’ve noticed that I’ve been having a rapid heart beat and tremors in my hands. I have no idea if these pills are the problem or if my depression/other health issues are the cause.
I guess my question is, do you think my health food store would be able to sell it even if it’s not safe? and if zi xiu tang was the cause of my symptoms, do you think I would be okay after stopping the pills completely? I am scheduled to go for a physical and blood work this week so at the very least, I will be able to get checked out
Sam, stop taking the pills! Please! I do not want to alarm you but some of the symptoms you told me could be signs of a heart attack. Im not a doctor but what you told me made me very uneasy. If you are having those same symptoms today, please go to the hospital and get checked out. Again, I don’t want to make you afraid and I could be completely wrong but I would really feel better if you had a doctor look at you and your symptoms and see what is going on. Take the pills with you and show them to the doctor.
The FDA has sent warning letters that this product has been found to have an illegal wt loss drug called sibutramine that has been linked to heart attacks here’s the link http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/ResourcesForYou/Consumers/BuyingUsingMedicineSafely/MedicationHealthFraud/ucm325537.htm
Dont assume that because its in a “health food store” that it has to be “safe.” And NEVER buy supplements from a hair dresser either!
Please let me know how you are doing Sam…
I started these pills 3 weeks ago before coming across this website. The first few days I felt awful; nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, and of course zero appetite especially for sweets. I am 25 5’8 and 140lbs. I am going on a tropical vacation and wanted to lose 10-15 lbs quickly.
I found these pills on Facebook, some of my Facebook friends are selling them and notoriously post things all ay about how “natural” and great these pills are. So I decided to try them for one month. I knew there must be more to these pills than what they advertise, and the ingredients on the actual bottle were suspicious because there are only a few of them listed.
If you look at any other drug like Advil or Tylenol the ingredients list is lengthy. They claim these pills give you energy so you work out because of the extra energy they give you. I did not find that I had more energy; I actually got tired a lot faster. I can’t imagine working out while taking these pills; my heart would pump out of my chest. I got a shortness of breath while doing simple tasks like mopping the floor or walking up the stairs.
My heart beats so fast, every morning in the shower when I look down at my chest I can see my heart beating!! I am assuming it’s because of the steam and how hot it gets when I shower, but that never happened before. I am unable to take a bath or sit in a hot tub because my heart rate gets way too high.
This scared me so I started doing research and came across this website. One of the users said that stopping the pills made them feel worse which scared me. I am stopping today, I was thinking of slowly stopping by taking one pill for a few days and then stopping completely, but I will just stop altogether.
Another symptom I found is dizziness and blurry vision; I work in corporate so I am in front of a computer all day. After a few hours, I am unable to look at the screen because I get a headache my eyes hurt and my head is spinning. This never happened until I started taking these pills.
When I see these girls posts about how wonderful these pills are, I am very tempted to say something and for people not to be fooled. This needs to be put out there that these pills are not good for your body and dangerous. I am so glad I found this website! I will post an update in a few days on how things went once I stopped taking this drug.
Christina, glad you found me and I agree based on what you said, I’d stop taking them too. Please share my post with your friends and even post it on their FB pages. I’m sure a lot of the sellers of these products are aware of me but just in case they are not, I feel they should see these words. keep me posted on how you are doing!
Christina, I agree, I too did not have that energy and in fact felt the opposite…more tired. And yes I lost weight and I guess we all think that looking good is more important sometimes but same as you, my heart beat wasn’t right. I told my doctor, he did an EKG and it was normal so I wasn’t concerned.
I am the writer of the post CONCERNED, I have to say Joe and this website is a blessing, I did come across his website when I first started taking these pills but I took all the words with a grain of salt and I guess I wanted to believe all the “bad” things that were said were all people who took the “counterfeit” pills.
Well I know I did not take those so called “counterfeit” pills and I KNOW that what I took had the illegal ingredient in it and I KNOW I experienced the side effects. Maybe some people don’t experience it…good for them! Maybe the one’s they say they don’t, don’t because they really don’t take the pills after all and just say they do…either way, if anyone is thinking about taking them…DON’T DO IT!
Think about this…I think deep down we ALL know there is NO miracle drug, if there was, we would all be skinny, if there was and it was safe I am sure every doctor in America, in this World would prescribe it! If there was, I am sure there would be a person richer than anyone in the entire World right now! and if there was I think EVERYONE would know about it! There is NO SUCH PILL! Diet, exercise and healthy living is the only way. And we all know this we just don’t want to accept it.
Concerned, I totally understand. There are so many websites out there about supplements that its hard to know who has an adgenda and who doesn’t. I’m just glad your doctor said you are ok 🙂
I understand this might seem confusing. I was co owner of Zi Xiu Tang Success LLC. After having the products that we sold tested, we initiated the recall with the FDA and shut down the website and discontinued selling these products.
We refuse to sell supplements that China has been adding harmful ingredients that could hurt consumers. There is one main distributor who receives shipments from Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology, Co Ltd. Then resellers purchase from that distributor who is located in the US and create their own businesses/websites and sell the product.
We purchased from zixiutangbeepollen.com who received their shipments directly from Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology, Co. As I am sure the product you purchased was distributed the same way and came from the same company…. I can say one good thing that has come from Zi Xiu tang is finding out that China was tainting them and that we could bring it to the attention of our customers.
My advice for you is to not take any supplements from China or anyone who sells supplements from China because they are not trustworthy and could potentially make you very sick or worse. And as for trying to figure the in’s and out’s and who sells “authentic” or “not counterfeit” Zi Xiu Tang I would not worry about that just don’t take it. You never know if that supplement contains a harmful ingredient. China will add it or not add it whenever they feel like it. If you have to question it follow your gut feeling and stay away!
I am so confused. I had bought these pills awhile ago and didn’t have any side effects. just weight loss and yes, dry mouth. i also bought from new reflections. I was about to order again when i stumbled on this page. If there is so called “illegal” drug in these, how are they still selling it? and why on the fda report it says its distributed by “zixiutangsuccess”. is this a different company than new reflections? and if so, is new reflections ok to take? i am just confused.
Anonymous, the thing you need to know is that the different companies that sell zi xiu tang really aren’t “companies” in the sense that they are physical buildings with many employees etc. I believe most of the companies are people who are independent distributors of zi xiu tang. Sometimes they may have formed an LLC or maybe not. Either way, they buy the product from the main company (which may be located in china) and then sell it to the the people they find for a profit. Names like “zixiutangesucess” newreflections etc are for the most part just websites created by the people who sell the product. I just went to the newreflections website and I couldn’t even find an address for them. As for Zi xiu tang success, I found only a PO BOX in trexlertown PA. I dont know if these two companies are related or not. Its not uncommon to toss up a bunch of related websites as a way to maximize online exposure and crowed out other websites.
Making a website is pretty easy. For example, here is how I did it http://www.joe-cannon.com/install-wordpress-register-domain-name-tutorial-step-by-step/
When the FDA goes after one company they are really stopping only a small portion of the many distributors who sell zi xiu tang.
Hi Everyone,
I posted on Joe’s other Zi Xiu Tang blog but not on this so I figured I would to update everyone. I was co-owner of the company that initiated the voluntary recall with the FDA after our company tested the Classic Zi Xiu tang (which I purchased directly from http://www.zixiutangbeepollen.com http://www.beepollendiet.com) the test results showed that it contained sibutramine.
I was very shocked because I bought into the whole “authentic” product and don’t purchase from unauthorized resellers. In my opinion it is just a ploy to make money. One of the main reasons my company decided to test the product is because we were currently having another product that was also made in China tested as well. This product was not affiliated with Classic Zi Xiu tang but the test results on that product also tested positive for sibutramine which peeked curiosity about the Classic Zi Xiu tang.
All I can say from my experience is money is not that important when it comes to putting others lives at risk. I believe someone had asked why the FDA doesn’t shut them down. For the FDA to act, either it has to be a voluntary recall by the company or the company needs to be reported!!
It could take months after the company is reported for the FDA to act but they will act on it. My advice would be with those who are having problems and had to visit the doctor to visit the FDA website print out a med watch report on your symptoms, the product, and the company you purchased from. Taking a few minutes of your time might save someone’s life.
I am so glad that I decided to contact the FDA and make my customers aware, my goal was to help others not put them in danger. I will never ever purchase or trust Chinese supplements ever again!! Thank you for listening.
I ordered Zi Xiu Tang pills (from the one authorized distributor – beepollendiet.com/zixiutangbeepollen.com) and took ONE. Almost immediately, I felt this immediate burst of energy (like I was on “something”). To me, I thought the onset of sudden energy was odd, so I began researching. Then I stumbled upon this blog. So glad I found it!
I had no clue that these pills are laced. I will take the safe route and throw these pills away. Hopefully that one pill that I took didn’t do any damage. Even though I’m out of 70 bucks, my health is more important. Thanks Joe!
I wonder why the FDA hasn’t shut down the website that distributes this? It’s being advertised as all natural…which is obviously a lie.
Toy, glad you found me. I dont know why either…
I too started taking the bee pollen from New Reflections last July, lost about 5-8 lbs, no real side effects other than dry mouth. I never had the energy everyone talked about in fact I felt like I had even less energy. I wasn’t losing anything more, I was pretty much at my goal but I wasn’t gaining so YAY! so I kept taking it. I researched it, even spoke to Mary a few times over the phone and through Facebook, I knew I was taking risks but didn’t find anything that was concrete bad! except info on the “fake” stuff so I took my chances.
I decided two weeks ago to stop taking it…mostly just because but I was having a few things that weren’t quite right and while I didn’t really think it was the bee pollen I thought it was time to stop. Well, that’s when I actually went downhill.
To make a long story short, I had been experiencing, heart burn, but I had in the past too, headaches…had in the past too, heart palpitations..never had, major flushing, hot at night and my blood pressure was rising. All chalked up to maybe pre-menopausal.
Well I was out of town and had a scary episode for 1-2 hours where I was confused and couldn’t remember simple things, It passed and I was ok until last week. For three days I felt foggy, confused, couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t focus, jittery, very tired.
I called my doctor back and he suggested I go to the ER. I didn’t want to so I stayed home, tried to relax and I researched every possible cause for my symptoms. I chalked it up to high blood pressure or hypoglycemic. Then for some reason I typed in Zi Xiu Tang again and the first thing that pops up is the FDA site saying that it found an ILLEGAL substance in it.
I read and read and read some more and it turns out that the bee pollen that I have been taking and that a lot of my friends have been taking has the illegal drug sibutramine in it which causes heart disease. Maybe it doesn’t cause this in everyone but to me it is not worth the risk and I think everyone should be aware of what is in it.
If I had know this to be in it from the beginning I never would have taken it. It has now been two weeks and my blood pressure is still high but thank god the fogginess is gone. I hope that I have this has not caused long term damage to my body.
Concerned, did you ever go see your doctor or go to the hospital? I think that would be a good thing if you did. If nothing else, it will give you peace of mind.
I have but that was before I put two and two together. I didn’t even mention that I was taking it. I also went to a neurologist and am scheduling an MRI. The thing is I know about a half a dozen people or more that were taking it and when I told them what I found out it was like opening the flood gates.
Turns out we are ALL having similar issues and all thought it had to be something else. Very sad.
Concerned. wow. I agree. very sad.
I bought these from new reflections new you…
i am a healthy 25 year old and weigh 160 lbs. I am on my 5th day taking these. Yesterday i experienced extreme nausea all day long with a headache.
I saw other comments that mentioned the seller deletes negative feedback on the facebook page, but it is full of success stories.
i want to continue to take these since they have helped with my sugar cravings a ton AND i hate to waste all the money i spent. I know you cant put a price on your life, but today i have no side effects.
The seller and supplements came highly recommended from a friend who lost a ton of weight. If she is fine and all of these other people are fine, do you think that its okay to continue?
How is this seller still selling this?
Lisa, I wish I could give you a solid answer. I can only give you my opinion based on the things I have seen (FDA warnings), side effects people said they had and my inability to find any reason of how the listed ingredients could possibly work. Proof or not, the side effects and the FDA finding of an illegal weight loss drug, make this a product I just would not recommend.
You can report your side effects to:
Unfortunately, there are many distributors / resellers / manufacturers who continue to sell these harmful products:( your report could potentially save someone’s life.
I’m no doctor, but these pills are dangerous. Let me start out by saying that just like many of you, I am desperate to lose weight. I’ve been heavy my whole life, and no matter how much I try to change the way I eat or exercise, I cannot control my eating!
I started taking these pills about a 4 days ago, even after reading about their recall on the FDA website. During these 4 days, I’ve experienced light headedness, nausea, heart palpitations (which made me anxious), and just a general no good feeling. My body was definitely telling me to stop taking this pills.
Yes, I lost inches and it is noticeable. Yes, it suppressed my hunger to the point where I had to force myself to eat. But no matter how badly I want to lose weight, I know my instincts are right, and no one should be taking these pills.
Please listen to your body. Listen before the side effects get worse.
I took these for three days then 2 days off but on my first day back i felt awful. Nauseous ALL day and had a headache. I haven’t experienced a dry mouth yet. But i have no appetite for sugar. I do eat meals but i do not snack. No change in bowels yet!
Thank you Joe. No I would never take anything from China or that I do not know the manufacturer. I learned that the hard way.
Thanks again!
Hi Joe,
There has been a new product called Asset bee pollen that has come out since the Zi Xiu tang recall. They refuse to give any info about the manufacturer or if the product is even from China. To me that is a huge RED FLAG! Was wondering if you could do a review on this product in the near future?
Jen, Ill add it to my list to review. I would not take anything – or trust anybody – who wont tell me where the supplements is made.
Thank you very much, Joe. I am going to stop taking them today. I am going to just increase my water intake and continue to eat well. The side effects are just to worrysome.I am going to start working out. Thanks again and I am so glad you have this website!
Thanks Erika, Im happy to help. If you don’t feel any better soon do go see your doctor (show him/her the pills you were taking too)
I have been taking the Slim Trim U for 7 days. The first few days I felt fine with minimal side effects except maybe excessive bowel movements and a lot of energy. For the past 2 days, I have been tired, I developed some sores in my mouth and my eyes are burning and have extreme dark circles under my eyes.
I have lost 5 lbs and my jeans are baggy on me now. I haven’t taken the pills today because I am thinking about not taking them anymore however I am afraid to see what is going to happen when I stop taking them.
Am I going to feel back to normal with no more pain and side effects? Do I just decrease my dosage? Am I actually going to go through withdraws? If anyone can give me some advice that would be great! I just want to feel back to normal again.
Erika, this idea about “withdrawal” from zi xiu tang has been mentioned by others. Makes me suspicious about what else is in this product that may be getting people “hooked.”
For me I don’t think the crazy side effects you have are worth the weight loss and Im pretty sure that when you do stop zi xiu tang that you likely will gain all that weight back. Most of the weight you lost over the last 7 days is water weight (some fat also yes, but mostly water).
my advice is what I tell others about this and similar Chinese /bee pollen supplements. stop taking them. I don’t know what damage they are doing and I don’t feel that decreasing the pills you take is the answer. That’s not what you want to hear Erika but I do feel this is the safest thing to do. I want you to be safe.