Update 3/9/24. If you have not heard of Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen capsules (also called Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face and Figure Capsules), this is a natural weight loss supplement where some websites actually encourage people to eat what they want! Even the educational pamphlet that accompanies Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen say: “No Diet Restrictions” and that people can achieve “excellent results” even while eating “high fat and high-calorie foods”. The power of Zi Xiu Tang is said to be due to bee pollen and the other ingredients in the supplement. But, things are more complicated than that. This is the second review I've written about the Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen. For more insights on the ingredients, see the original review of Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen. Also, read almost 1000 comments on this review and hundreds of comments on the other Zi Xiu Tang Reviews.
Read The Updates First
I posted these updates above the rest of the content so you would see them first. As you will see below, I originally felt Zi Xiu Tang was a laxative, that still did not fully explain the crazy amounts of weight people were experiencing with this product. I wondered if there might be something else behind these effects.
Unfortunately, the FDA proved my suspicions correct when they found a drug called sibutramine (also known as Meridia) in Zi Xiu Tang -as well as other bee pollen weight loss supplements. Sibutramine has been linked to heart attacks and strokes, so it was banned in the US many years ago.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen's weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.

Update. 10/24/12. The FDA has alerted the public that Zi Xiu Tang contains the illegal weight loss drug called sibutramine. They advise people to not take Zi Xiu tang. Click the link to see the FDA Public Notification on Zi Xiu Tang. It took the FDA 2 years to prove what I knew from the first day I reviewed Zi Xiu Tang. There was no way this stuff worked the way it did – if it only had the ingredients listed…
Update 6/26/12. I have written a review of ZXT Gold
Update 7/25/12. : ZXT Gold has been found to contain 2 drugs, see the ZXT Gold review for more information.
6/18/13 Update. Here is the review of Slim Trim U for more information.
At first, I could not explain the weight loss people were seeing with this supplement. One person who commented on my first Zi Xiu Tang review said he lost 13 pounds in 1 month!
Now I know why…
How Does Zi Xiu Tang Work?
Thanks to a friend who sent me a bottle of these so-called slimming capsules I can tell you that bee pollen is NOT the active ingredient in Zi Xiu Tang.
If Zi Xiu Tang works, it's because it's a laxative!
I know this is true because several of the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang have laxative effects. I suspected this because many websites selling Zi Xiu Tang use the word “cleanse.” Cleanse is the alternative medicine term for laxatives.
Probably, the most famous ingredient in Zi Xiu Tang is senna. Senna is not a weight loss supplement; it is a laxative. The FDA also classified it as a non-prescription, over-the-counter laxative drug.
Several other ingredients as you will see also act as laxatives.
The problem with laxatives is the only weight they help us expel feces (poop) and water.
What Does Zi Xiu Tang Mean?
The supplement's name doesn't seem to refer to anything specific. When translated from traditional Chinese to English, the name means “self-show soup.” However, when translated from Literary Chinese, the word means “be.” Could this be a reference to bee pollen, the alleged key ingredient?
Zi Xiu Tang Ingredients Label

Even if you wear eyeglasses, you will find it very difficult to read the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang. The bottle and box abound with decorative Chinese art and characters, making reading the ingredients very difficult.
The red lettering of the ingredients makes it doubly hard to read. I had trouble even when I held the bottle up to a lamp! So, to save you the trouble, I've listed the ingredients here.
Zi Xiu Tang Full Ingredients List
Here is the entire list of ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang.
- Bee Pollen
- Chinese Yam
- Barbary Wolfberry Fruit
- Lotus Seed
- Dietary Fiber
- Green tea
- Rhubarb
- Aloe
- Cassia
- Astrigillis
- Polygonum multiflorum
- Lotus leaf
- Gynostemme
- Radish seed
- Malt
- Mulberry
- Hawthorn,
- “Vitamins”
Tthe first 4 ingredients are not weight loss herbs. I've already covered these ingredients in my first Zi Xiu Tang review. Let’s now talk about all the other ingredients.
Zi Xiu Tang Ingredients and Side Effects
Senna. Senna is a laxative. Because Zi Xiu Tang contains senna, it’s possible that the same side effects from using too much senna may be seen in those who take Zi Xiu Tang. The side effects can include,
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping gas/bloating
- Flatulence
- Dizziness
Because of diarrhea, products like Zi Xiu Tang that contain senna may in extreme cases cause excessive loss of electrolytes. This can lead to muscle weakness and maybe heart problems. This is because electrolytes are needed for muscle contraction and the heart is a muscle.
People using heart/blood pressure medications should not use senna-containing supplements or products that have similar laxative effects.

To highlight what can happen with senna overdose, there is a case report of a woman who developed liver failure after long-term use of senna tea.
In this report, the woman was drinking a liter of senna tea that contained 70 grams (2.5 oz) of senna fruit. Even with this amount, it took 3 years before liver failure presented itself. This is worth mentioning because everybody is different, and people often think “more is better,” which isn’t always true.
Unlike the laxative effect of fiber, senna is a non-fiber laxative. It works differently to relieve constipation. One of the ingredients in Senna is a class of compounds called anthranoids, which exert laxative effects by damaging the cells of the colon. Because of this, some have speculated that long-term use of senna, may increase the risk of cancer
Because senna supplements have not been studied for long-term use, it is hard to say if this is true or not.
Senna products should be avoided in people who have
- Hemorrhoids
- Heart disease / Blood pressure issues
- Abdominal pain
- Bowel obstructions
- Pregnant or nursing mothers (for obvious reasons)
- Diabetics
In theory, long-term use of senna supplements may make it harder to defecate as the person becomes dependent on the product.
People who take Zi Xiu Tang may notice that the color of their urine looks pink or rust-colored. This is probably due to the senna (and polygonum multiflorum, discussed below) and is not dangerous.
Update: In 2010 Senna was apparently removed from Zi Xiu Tang. Some people report that their bowel movements are less while others report no change. See the comments for more information.
Cassia. Zi Xiu Tang also contains Cassia. While the word cassia is sometimes used to describe the spice, cinnamon, I don’t think this is how they are using the word because cassia can also be another name for senna.
Both of cassia and senna are listed separately on the Zi Xiu Tang label; cassia appears first, followed by senna. Both words are sometimes used together (“cassia senna”). Other names for cassia senna are Cassia acutifola, and Cassia angustifolia.
If cassia on the Zi Xiu Tang label refers to cassia senna, then this, too, is a laxative and likely works synergistically with senna to promote a greater laxative effect.
Green Tea. Zi Xiu Tang also contains green tea. Because green tea contains caffeine, it’s theoretically possible that the caffeine may slightly raise metabolism. This is likely why the Zi Xiu Tang says “increase metabolism” and “increase energy” on the front of the display box. The box does not say how much caffeine is in Zi Xiu Tang.
Rhubarb. Zi Xiu Tang contains Rhubarb which also has laxative effects. It may also have estrogen-like effects. Rhubarb may act synergistically with senna and cassia to cause a greater laxative effect.
Aloe. Zi Xiu Tang contains aloe as well. Aloe juice also has a laxative effect however the bottle does not say if Zi Xiu Tang contains aloe juice or not.
Astragalus. Like all herbs, there are many types of Astragalus. Often used to treat the common cold, this herb does not seem to have any laxative effect. As for astragalus side effects, in large amounts (about 1 ounce, which is likely more than is in Zi Xiu Tang) this herb may increase the immune system which, while good for some can also be bad for others like those with some immune system disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Polygonum multiflorum. This is an herb also known as Fo-Ti and Ho Shu Wu. Some research notes Polygonum multiflorum has a mild laxative effect. At least 7 case reports have noted liver problems including hepatitis resulting from use/misuse of this herb.
Other reports hint that Polygonum multiflorum might alter blood sugar levels (that may be bad for diabetics).
On a side note, Polygonum multiflorum may also be found in supplements designed to lower cholesterol; research suggests that extracts may lower cholesterol and increase HDL. More research is needed to confirm this.

Gynostemma. Some websites say this herb can both cause both weight loss and weight gain. In this respect, Gynostemma might be classified as an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a non-medical term used in some circles to describe how a supplement “adapts” to your needs. Websites also claim that gynostemma has laxative effects.
Radish Seed. I could not locate any weight loss effects of this ingredient.
Malt: I could not locate any weight loss effects of this ingredient.
Mulberry. This contains fiber which acts as a laxative.
Hawthorn. People who take medications for high blood pressure or a heart condition should not use hawthorn or supplements containing Hawthorn. Hawthorn does influence the way the heart pumps. This means hawthorn can interact with your heart or blood pressure medications.
Vitamins. Zi Xiu Tang lists “vitamins” but does not indicate which vitamins it contains.
Ingredients that are Laxatives
To recap, here are the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang that are laxatives
- Senna
- Cassia
- Rhubarb
- Aloe (if it contains Aloe juice)
- Polygonum multiflorum
- Gynostemma
- Mulberry
For more info see my review of Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects
Who makes Zi Xiu Tang?
The company that makes zi xiu tang is said to be the Guangzhou Zixiutang Biotechnology located in China. The strange thing is that I've never been able to find a picture of what this company looks like. Google searches turn up no pictures of the company. Even the website for the company – cn-zixiutang.com – does not show a picture of the company (the website no longer exists).
For more info on the company, see my review of the bee pollen weight loss supplement Slim Trim U.
Zi Xiu Tang Warning Label
If you read the label of Zi Xiu Tang you see this warning of who should not use the product (I'm quoting them verbatim):
“Not Suitable For:
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. People who suffer from either liver, kidney, Heart Disease, or High Blood Pressure. Adolescents, Elderly, Depressed people, or Anyone with bee or pollen allergies.”
Does Zi Xiu Tang Work?
There is little clinical evidence of weight loss effects for most of the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang. If it really works, it may be due to laxative effects. Some websites that sell Zi Xiu Tang say the product does not contain sibutramine (weight loss drug), or other drugs like Rimonabant (weight loss drug), Phenytoin (anti-seizure drug) or Phenolphthalein (has laxative effects). This is perhaps a response to previous FDA action against bee pollen-containing weight loss supplements. Does it work as well without pharmaceutical enhancement? You tell me.
That is is the problem with all these fakes. What is the ultimate formula? According to the manufacture, guangzhou zixiutang biotechnology co. ltd; there is only a classic formula. I suspect that Ultimate formula is a fake.
As of today, ALL ultimate formula is on ‘temporary backorder’ and also being pulled from ebay and amazon for accusations of meridia in pills. I have however no reports from FDA.
Concerned, thanks. if you ever turn up any proof, do let me know.
I have just learned that the ultimate formula contains sibutramine. Aka meridia, which has been banned from the u.s. . The side effects were not worth the weight loss. People were reporting all of the above side effects and experiencing heart attacks, strokes, and even death…
Concerned, do you have actual proof that zi xiu tang has sibutramine? An FDA report etc?
hi i am sixteen years old, my mom just bought these pills to try to lose weight by. I really wanna try and use them too. I am just reallly concerned for my health, being so young. But if i only use them for a month will it hurt? i just wanna see if it will work. I wanna enjoy my last few years of highschool with some weight off. And i know i should to it the natural way but its sooo hard. Can you maybe tell me the risks of a person my age using them?
Rachel, I wish I had some answers for you but I dont have any better answers for you than I would for anybody else. I know there are people who swear by this stuff but there are also people who say it does nothing or they had weird side effects. Personally, I dont trust Zi Xiu Tang. I still wonder if it contains something that is not listed on the label.
I know the desire to lose weight is important in high school. I feel your pain and frustration. I REALLY do. I wish I could say that they are safe but I just cant. I just dont know. Because of that I don’t think its worth it.
I posted close to a year ago, but I have been taking ZXT for almost 3 years now, I haven’t had any negative health effects. It has helped me to stay thin without constantly having to worry about what I’m eating which has honestly improved my quality of life. I struggled my whole life with maintaining my weight, and it wasn’t til this came along that I didn’t have to stress out so much about it anymore.
I was really upset when the new formula was introduced and there was a 6 month lull in being able to find the real product again. Rest assured that when I did find, I stocked up and bought 20 boxes so I’m never without again.
Good advice Joe. Looking for a “quick fix” is not a good idea….ever. I finally realized that after taking these pills. Being patient with changing your diet and exercising is the only sure way to lose weight the healthy way and to keep it off. It has to be a lifestyle change to be a success. Even tho some who are commenting these pills are working for them…..who knows what they are doing to them and may not find out until sometime down the road.
I have posted on this blog months ago trying to determine what was going on with zi xiu tang and what exactly was it. After a lot of research and trying fakes, I realized that the fakes were being produced by a company that had nothing to do with guangzhou zixiutang biotechnology co. ltd, which is the original creator of zi xiu tang.
I do have to admit since they brought the pills back with cassia and senna, it does not keep me wide awake all night or give me the sweats, chills, or headaches. Joe, I’m pretty sure they took or decreased something in it which may be why they were able to put it back on the market.
Nevertheless, I have lost 28lbs about 6 inches in my waist within 2.5 months of consecutive use. So it does work. I am aware that there may be unknown harmful ingredients in these but my Dr prescribed me phentermine with known and fda approved ingredients, yet those made me feel horrible.
I am not trying to lose 5 or 10 lbs, I am drastically overweight and I take advantage of the supplements by letting the appetite suppression allow me to learn healthy food choices, and I even started running intervals. I think everyone should do their research and make educated decisions. I am grateful for sites like this that allows both negative and positive comments.
There are a lot of fakes out there. Just remember there is only one creator of zi xiu tang and there is only one approved U.S. distributor that deals with them. That distributor has several vendors that sell under her but they will all be listed on her site. If its not on that list, then it was not made by the original company. I will not post vendor specifics on this blog because I feel it is a great information resource and should not be used for promoting. If Joe allows it, you can always contact me by email for detailed information.
I too am drastically overweight and would like to know if you could send me the list of verified sellers! I don’t want the imitations, I would love to try this product and see what it can do for me… I’m relatively healthy, aside from my weight and I’m hoping I can go play with my kids again…
Hi Pamela, while I cant allow zi xiu tang sellers to contact you directly (because I want to protect you) I wanted to see if I can help you myself. I am an exercise physiologist so I wanted to offer some ideas that I feel are much better – and safer than zi xiu tang.
1. if you haven’t already done so, get a dr check up and tell him/her you want to lose weight. see what feedback they give you
2. start a daily walking program and if you can get a friend to do it with you, even better. If you can only walk 5 minutes before you get tired, thats fine. next week do 6 min and so on. Start with only 1-2 x per week. Eventually, as you build up slowly, Id recommending 60 min of walking 5-6 days per week. That seems like a lot now and thats why I say slowly build up to it. It may take months before you get to this point
3. When you eat, keep track of what you eat (and exercise) with a website like MyFitnessPal.com. There is social support here also.
4. Eat according to the food plate – it will show you what to put on your plate when you do eat stuff.
5. Drink a glass of water before you eat. this will fill you up so you dont eat as much
6. dont go food shopping before you eat. never be hungry in the supermarket. its easier to buy bad stuff when we are hungry
7. Look at the National Weight Control Registry These are people who have lost a lot of weight – and kept it off for years! The site tells what these people did to be successful. Success leaves clues. Try to copy what these people did to lose weight.
On my personal site, here are some links to some things that might offer some other insights
Pamela I know this may be not what you wanted but I can tell you zi xiu tang is not the answer to your questions. At best its a quick fix and at worse, its potentially harmful. Your kids want to keep you around and so too do I. I really think this is the best way to go. You can do this Pamela. I believe in you!
Where should we order it from?
Dina, I knew somebody was going to ask Bliss about this. Be aware that there is no guarantee that where Bliss got her’s from is always going to be giving people the “real deal” and also be aware that I still feel strongly that the “real deal” zi xiu tang contained a drug which was yanked from the US market because it caused heart problems.
Hello! I am 5’3 was a size 10 and weighed 158 lbs about one month ago. I’ve always exercised and watch what I ate. I had gained a few lbs over the summer in Spain. I have been taking the Ziu bee pollen pills for one month. I have lost 9 lbs down to a size 6!! I call it a miracle pill. Absolutely love it!
It has curved my appetite completely and cut my cravings for sugar including alcohol. I still work out although not as much. I changed my eating happens because i am never as hungry as I used to be. My family and friends can not stop complimenting me and some of my co-workers are on it now and are loosing weight. The weight lost varies on how much you have to loose.
Only side effect is dry mouth and dizziness if I go more than a few hours without drinking water or eating a snack. My skin looks more refreshes, i have more energy and I am even off my constipation medicine because i go regular now. I am sooo happy with this product!
Joe, sorry I’m just getting back on to let you know about my blood work from back in July. My blood work came back ok. But my Dr. was real concerned about my symptoms, especially the increase in my heart rate & my blood pressure was very low. I told him what I was taking & he right away said to stop!
Although he could not give any scientific studies, he knew these piss are known to cause heart attack like symptoms especially in women. He didn’t have to tell me twice…..I am not taking them any longer!
4aker, thanks for keeping me in the loop!
After a week and a half taking the ultimate formula and losing 7 pounds (from 170 to 163) suddenly I had vertigo that lasted a day. My left arm and left side of my body has been tingling and achy for 3days now.
I am off the pills two days now and all my muscles ache.
I feel like I ran a marathon and my whole body is worn out. I had insomnia the entire week and a half so I don’t know if the way I feel is due to the pills or the insomnia or something else.
Kim, I dont want to alarm you but I’d feel better if you went to the hospital or your doctor and get checked out (its Sunday as I write this so if your dr is not in the office, go to the ER). Take your Zi Xiu Tang with you. Your symptoms have me worried. Again, I could just be a worry wort but what you said is happening to you really concerns me.
would you please write back and let me know what the doctor said about your symptoms?
I was reading your post , and it scared me. Ive been taking these pills for 5 days ,but today I didn’t . I felt the same symtoms , left side hurting , light headed , now the righg side of my face feels weird . I’m very concerned .
Dori, stop taking them and Id still go to to your doctor just so you can rest easy. bring the bottle with you so he/she can see it and print up the FDA warning letter also
Please go the emergency room if you have these side effects.. I was taking these pills for a month and started to feel extremely tired for no reason. Last week I almost died because of these pills. I was about to pass out at work and got taken to the hospital. By the time I got there I was having heart attack symptoms and am a athletic person with a great heart at 23 years old.
The ER doctor was running every test possible to figure out why my heart rate was so high just by sitting up in my bed. After being admitted to the hospital and in observation for 24 hours they found out it was these pills. There is something in the pills that increases your heart rate to the extreme. I am now on watch until the pill is completely out of my system and my heart rate goes down. I am practically bed ridden until this is out of my system because if my heart rate continues to rise too high I can have a heart attack or stroke. I could have lost my life to these pills!!!!!!!
I advise that if you have any of these symptoms please take it seriously!!! Losing weight is not worth losing your life!!!
Hi Joe – Thanks for providing this feedback! I was on Zi Xiu Tang for a month and loved it. I had some of the same side effects I’ve seen others have had as well – nauseous on day 1, ate the next day prior to taking the pill & felt OK, etc. I lost a TON of weight (I’ve gained most of it back since I’ve stopped the pills) but I noticed a lot of changes in my mood/personality while I was taking them as well.
I’m not sure if this is related or not. Now my mother wants to try the pills, but she has VERY high BP and Cholesterol, and I am concerned for. Long & short of it, what DO you recommend then if you do not recommend ZXT? We want to suppress our appetites, be more “regular”, have more energy and drink more water. Thanks, again!
LK, I usually try to stay out of the “what I recommend” arena because I think people should follow their hearts based on the evidence. That said since you asked, Im not a fan of any weight loss supplement that contains stimulants, especially those that contain things like “bitter orange” because they might cause heart rate and blood pressure changes. Likewise I dont like things that are hard core laxatives like those that contain senna either.
Most weight loss products fall into these categories
1. stimulants (caffeine, bitter orange, guarana or some combo of this and other things)
2. laxatives (also called “cleanses”). These usually have lots of fiber
3. Fiber supplements that fill you up (they may also have laxative like effects)
There is also a trend for some products to contain seaweed because that has iodine which might increase thyroid hormone. Problem is that this might interact with thyroid meds.
Having said all that of these types of weight loss products the safest are those that have fiber. In theory, they fill you up and might make people less likely to over eat. My smoothie shake recipe has a lot of fiber and will fill people up for several hours. its pretty cheap.
Ive written about this “what supplements work” on my personal website too.
I hope some of this helps LK but I want you to know I do share your frustration when it comes to these types of products. For me, when I read their ingredients, they all just seem to be the same ingredients in different bottles.
I’ve taken the Zi Xiu Bee Pollen pills for approx. 3 months. I started in July and I was close to 170lbs and Im now in the 140lb range. I’m sure some have side effects taking these pills but I can say the only side effect I have is being thirsty. I do not use the restroom more nor do I get dizzy or any other issue I’ve read people are having.
I am 40 years old I don’t smoke or drink and I’m in good health except the extra pounds I had. I would like to know what type of health the others are in that are having these extreme side effects and if they smoke or drink alcohol. There is a good possibility their poor health is the reason for the side effects. I do not plan to take these pills for a long period of time, when I get to the number I want then I will stop. I will post again at a later date and let you all know how it went.
Hey Joe:
What’s the difference between the Ultimate Formula and the regular Zi Xui Tang? All I see is that the Ultimate formula isn’t guaranteeing authenticity but the Classic version is. I’m basing this question off the product site,beepollenbyathena.com/. But the site pushes for you to buy the Ultimate version. I’m guessing because it’s their product and they make more? Your thoughts are welcome.
Bobby, I went to that website… they make a LOT of claims for bee pollen on their site that I see no proof for. Their website has no “address” only phone numbers for the company. For me that makes me think they are distributors and receive the product from somewhere else. I did post a few questions for them on their FB page but have not heard back from them yet. It looks like their parent company is called “zi xiu success LLC” located in PA.
There is a PDF of their products on the site. According to the PDF, the “ultimate” formulate has
Bee Pollen,Wolfberry Fruit,Chinese Yam,Barberry,Lotus Seed,Lotus Leaf,Dietary Fibers,Green Tea,Rhubarb,Aloe,
Senna,Cassia,Astragalus, Polygonum Multiflorum, Gynostemma,Radish Seed,Malt,Mulberry,Hawthorn,Gandoderma
Lucidum, Vitamins:B1,B2,B5,B6,B7,B12
While the “extra strength zi xiu tang” has
Bee Pollen,Sour Orange,Mulberry Leaf,Cassia Seed,Alfalfa,Lotus Leaf,Spirulina,,Rosemary,
Job’s Tears,Corn Stigma
Some of these ingredients (like senna) are laxatives while others (like green tea and I suspect sour orange) are stimulants like caffeine. Many of these ingredients in both products are in other zi xiu tang and ZXT products Ive already reviewed.
For me, it just looks like the same old song and dance.
I started taking this pill about a two weeks about after a friends had told me about it. The first day I took it I was extremely nauseous all day and my body felt as if it were on drugs. The next day I ate before taking the pill and the nausea has gone away but still had the feeling as if i were on a drug.
After being on the pill for about 4 days all my side affects subsided, and now I am just always thirsty and am having more frequent bowl movements. I have lost 5 lbs since starting the pill, but as a nursing student I was kind of skeptical of what is making me loose this wait so I was trying to find out because I no from a nutritional stand point it is not very healthy to loose more than about 2 pounds per week.
It seems as though still no one as anymore answers about if the product is actually safe or not to take. I also have to say when I bought it from nutrashop the guy at the store said to not follow the directions on the bottle to keep taking the pill he said you should take one bottle then once you are finished wait 3-4 weeks before taking it again to have the best results.
First of all I’ve done a lot of research. Zi Xiu Tang is different then ZXT. They are not made by the same company. There are many different ones out there. I’m always sending emails and asking questions.
Too many of these are floating around out there. I love these sites that “real” people tell you what they think about things. As for the “Classic” it IS different as it has the Senna and Cassia in it which some do not, which is a strong drug, but all drugs can be if they are missed used.
I think that Juliet hit it right. Everything in this world these days are bad for you it seems so it’s how you use it. IF you get the right one. I do buy this product from Bee A Thinner You company. I think there are others out there that are good but it’s the one I use
I would say after reading about this product you just have to make sure you don’t get the fake ones as I’ve heard they have even found sawdust in some of them! With buying anything over the internet DO YOUR RESEARCH! Thanks Joe for this site…..gives people things to think about! It never hurts to hear all the info!
And yet they want to stop people from loosing weight who choose to take the pills knowing the side affects.. But these have not done any harm to those who take them accordingly.. If you abuse it than that’s when things go bad.. But that’s your fault.. Not the pills that have done wonders to others…
One more thing.. Cigarets kill you and the people that are around.. Causes cancer and does plenty harm to millions.. Why is it still out their? It has killed unborn children for goodness sakes.. What about alcohol? Why hasn’t the FDA removed alcohol and made it illegal already.. It has killed plenty of people who are very aware of the side affects and yet do it just like smoking. Yet it is still being sold even though drinking has caused plenty deaths do to DUI .. Innocent people have died that choose not to do either and yet they get affected by both.. They need to be removed from market too .. FDA needs to move in quickly before some one dies.. Whoops too late someone is dead do to a stupid drunk driver.. Thanks to FDA and government not stopping this….
Wow… Seriously does the government have anything better to do… My goodness… I’m sure they removed the pills of market. Gave it another name and kept the profits for themselves…the pills worked and did no harm… Everything out their in this world is bad.. Meat is contaminated ..apples at one point was bad… Milk has too much fat so now they have 1%… Lettuce well if not washed correctly can be deadly … Drinking too much water is unhealthy.. Excessive exercise will give you a heart attack…and so on and on and on…First they want us to loose weight because the USA has too many over weights.. Now it’s because something actually works that they can’t get their hands on? Of course they had to do something about it… People healths my a…s….
They contaminate cans to slowly make people sick.And I will not go on… I loved these pills and I will do anything to find them.. Even if I have to go to china myself…the end …Tom or Zhou I salute you… You are my hero…