Update 1/20/20. Several people have asked me about the weight loss supplement called Zi Xiu Tang. Let’s now review Zi Xiu Tang, its ingredients and see if its right for you. What you are reading now is the first review of Zi Ziu Tang. There is also an updated review of Zi Xiu Tang. Read this review first which covers the basic ingredients. Then, read the updated review which covers all the other ingredients and how it really works.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.
Update. 10/24/12. The FDA has determined that Zi Xiu Tang contains an illegal weight loss drug called sibutramine. Do not take Zi Xiu Tang as it can lead to heart problems.
Update 6/26/12. I have written a review of ZXT Gold.
Update 6/18/13. I have written a review of Slim Trim U bee pollen weight loss supplement.
Update 7/25/12. Canadian health authorities have identified 2 drugs in ZXT Gold. See the ZXT Gold review for more information.
Zi Xiu Tang Ingredients
Zi Xiu Tang is composed of:
Bee pollen. One of the websites that sell Zi Xiu Tang says bee pollen is “known to stimulate metabolism” , “eliminate cravings” and “reduce appetite” but when I searched the National Library of Medicine for “bee pollen and metabolism” and “bee pollen and weight loss” no studies showed up. I wasn’t surprised because I've never seen any study showing that bee pollen raises the metabolic rate or promotes weight loss. Bee pollen appears to be the main ingredient in Zi Xiu Tang.
I did uncover a case report of kidney failure in somebody who was using a bee pollen supplement. Bee pollen may also cause severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). Be sure you are not allergic to bee pollen before you try Zi Xiu Tang.
Chinese yam. This name is a little confusing because it also goes by the name “wild yam”. Other names include Rhizoma dioscoreae Dioscorea opposite. when I searched for whether this ingredient might help weight loss, I actually did find something. A study does show that Rhizoma dioscoreae might help weight loss – in mice. Specifically, mice that were fed a high-fat diet.
No study in humans showing a similar effect could be located.
Barbary wolfberry fruit. A more scientific name for this is Lycium barbarum. Many people also know it by its other names, Goji Berry. In a small study titled, Lycium barbarum increases caloric expenditure and decreases waist circumference in healthy overweight men and women: a pilot study, this herb was noted to reduce waist circumference and boost metabolism (by about 10%) more than those who received a placebo. The amount that seemed to garner these effects was 120 ml per day. This study lasted 2 weeks and involved a small number of people (about 15 in each group).
How much Barbary Wolfberry fruit is in Zi Xiu Tang? They don't tell us.
Lotus seed. There is not enough published proof one or another to say what this stuff does.
Dietary fiber. Dietary fiber – like all fiber helps slow digestion and makes people feel full. Fiber also has no calories. These are the reasons why dietitians are always telling people to eat more fruits and vegetables (which have fiber). The problem is how much fiber does Zi Xiu Tang contain? I was unable to find the answer on any of the Zi Xiu Tang websites I looked at.
Some Zi Xiu Tang websites claim that the product can detoxify the body. Detoxify is the new-age word for “laxative” Since Zi Xiu Tang has fiber, it makes sense that it would have a laxative effect. Since the supplement is said to contain no stimulants like caffeine, fiber may be the mystery ingredient behind those who say Zi Xiu Tang promotes weight loss.
Many websites say that no diet is needed when using Zi Xiu Tang. Still, other Zi Xiu Tang websites say that people only need to take Zi Xiu Tang for a month after they reach their goal weight to maintain their weight loss. I'm skeptical of these statements also.
Zi Xiu Tang side effects
Here is a list of potential ZXT side effects.
Does Zi Xiu Tang Work?
People have told me that they have lost weight within Zi Xiu Tang. But based on the ingredients listed, I don’t see how it’s possible. Honestly, I'm skeptical.
- I'm skeptical because of the websites I see selling it. Some websites seem designed to get you to hurry up and buy it now before the price goes up.
- I'm skeptical because some websites say things that are not based in fact (e.g. bee pollen stimulating metabolism).
- I'm skeptical because I can’t discern any scientific reason why any of the ingredients (except fiber) would help weight loss.
- I'm skeptical because I don’t see any peer-reviewed proof on Zi Xiu Tang.
- I'm skeptical because many websites say people don't need to exercise while taking Zi Xiu Tang. This is unhealthy. Any diet that does not incorporate exercise runs the risk of promoting muscle loss. Some websites do advocate eating some extra protein (which can help preserve muscle during dieting) which I like, but leaving out exercise is disturbing.
While I think that fiber may be responsible for any weight loss seen with Zi Xiu Tang supplements, I would like to see an independent laboratory test the product to see if it contains any additional ingredients that are not listed.
If you choose to try Zi Xiu Tang and buy over the internet be certain to ask about any “autoship” programs and see if you can opt-out of this.
Here is my second Zi Xiu Tang review
Read also my review of SlimQuick weight loss supplement.
Is this product still available? I took it in the past and it did work but I had. Dry mouth and my heart did palpatate. But the pounds came off quick. Just be careful because you could gain it all back and more
Tasha, I honestly don’t know if Zi Xiu Tang is still available or not. If you read through the comments you’ll see several people saying it worked – and then it didn’t work. Reading through the FDA alerts that I linked to on this product should shed light on why it worked to begin with.
Joe. What happened to my and Bonnie’s more recent comments from today ? Can’t stand the truth can you??? So much so you cannot even be FAIR and post them. I had no sware words in there so why did you take them down ?????
Donna, I posted everything you submitted today and replied to it too. If you check you will see it. Try refreshing your screen. As for Bonnie, I never saw anything from someone named Bonnie today (although Brandy did submit something today and I posted it). I checked my spam today and there was nothing from “Bonnie”. If she did submit something I don’t know what happened to it. If she wants to resubmit it, Ill be glad to post it and reply to if needed.
Donna, you posted something on a different review I wrote. not this one. that may be why you don’t see your previous posts. This is where both you and Brandy/Bonnie posted your comments: http://supplementclarity.com/zi-xiu-tang-revealed/
I have been taking these “Chinese Pills” as I call them for MONTHS, actually close to a year now. I heard a bout them from a co-worker, and like she said, they worked. I remember the very first day having to force myself to eat when I noticed I still hadn’t and the day was almost over.
The weight came off pretty quick, even when I wasn’t watching what I was eating. When I did however stick to a strict diet and added working out to the mix, it was insane how fast my body changed. What I have noticed as far as side effects go..yes you will poop, A LOT. You will get dehydrated, so drink plenty of water. The dry mouth does happen. I did bloat towards the end of the day. My sleeping pattern was off. I was moodier then before. BUT they did work.
I’ve also noticed the few times I’ve stopped to give my body a break how much my body became dependent on them to go to the bathroom. Not a good thing. Also, DO NOT BUY ONLINE! They do sell them at Vitamin Shops and NutiShps but not all so call around. I purchased $100 worth a few months ago from the website that claims they are the “official” (they are a .org website) and they were fake.
Having taken them so much I could notice the little differences in the bottles that someone not familiar with the product wouldn’t catch. For instance, the powder inside the capsule should NOT be brown, it should be a dark green. There should not be one of those “contains freshness” little poison packets inside the bottle. The bottle should always be sealed. They do NOT sell the packages of 12 or 16 or 50. The only real bottle is the bottle of 30. That is it.
The front label on the bottle should be shiny white not dull, with a red star like symbol on the right courier that says ” New Anti Counterfeit”. the sides of the bottle should be written in ENGLISH not CHINESE. I’ve noticed some websites writing almost all of this but still posting pictures of the packages of 12 and 16 so that’s your red flag!! I don’t trust ANY of them so please be careful! Ask around vitamin shops or local gyms, they are huge right now. Someone will know who has them. Just be careful. Hope this is somewhat helpful 🙂
They worked great for me as well. How I wish I could find the originals now.
Sali, you do know why they were working don’t you?
Do you know where I can get them now. I had the real deal in the past but that vendor is gone.
Hill, did you read the review? The product contained a dangerous and illegal weight loss drug. Why would you want to chance your health?
Need some clarification
I am trying to conceive and am on this pill do u think it has an effect on me ttc
Loveme, I have no idea if zi xiu tang would prevent you from getting pregnant or not but since you are trying to get pregnant, Id stop taking it.