As most know, I've been somewhat skeptical about the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang that are supposed to work as well as the lack of information about ZXT side effects. I routinely scan the web for information about ZXT bee pollen supplements to try to help people who are taking ZXT. Finding unbiased information is a challenge, since it seems that most people who talk about ZXT also sell ZXT. So, I decided to try to locate quality ZXT info another way. I know there are Zi Xiu Tang distributors who read my website. For all the ZXT distributors reading these words, I have a challenge for you.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that the some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.
Update 10/24/12. The FDA determined that Zi Xiu Tang contains a weight loss drug. This explains why it worked as well as it did. The FDA advises people to stop taking Zi Xiu Tang immediately .
Update 7/25/12. ZXT Gold – a similar product – has been found to contain 2 hidden drugs by Canadian health authorities. See my ZXT Gold Review for more information on this.
Update 6/18/13. Also see my review of Slim Trim U for more information.
I challenge any Zi Xiu Tang distributor in the world to show me:
- One published peer reviewed study proving that bee pollen by itself promotes weight loss in humans. This should be easy since practically every ZXT website says it's bee pollen that is causing weight loss.
- Two published peer reviewed studies from separate independent United States based labs showing that Zi Xiu Tang it really contains only the ingredients listed on its label.
- A published peer reviewed study that scientifically outlines how Zi Xiu Tang works. No mumbo-jumbo talk of “cleansing toxins” or “detoxifying the body“. Rather, I want a study that shows me what specific ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang cause weight loss AND the metabolic pathways are by which those ingredients work.
Zi Xiu Tang distributor benefits
The first ZXT distributor who provides this information to me will be highlighted in this website along with his or her name and their Zi Xiu Tang website.
This will be the person who I have faith in; someone who does their homework and likely sells a quality Zi Xiu Tang supplement. It's important that all 3 of my requests be met to be highlighted in my website. Please email the evidence to me and I will respond to you immediately.
Comments are always welcome
This is interesting. Apparently the company Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology has had enough trouble with counterfeiters that they have implemented a Anti-Counterfeit system…
Erin, it is interesting but Id have to ask why people would have faith in a company that has had all these controversies about the product they sell? I think that the idea of counter-fitted products is a smokescreen. I’m sure some people will buy into it. I just can’t.
OK its been two days since I started taking the zxt gold bee Pollen pills and I have not thought about food maybe eat once or Twice a day BC I feel like under to eat something. Also I have had Not one bowel movement since I’ve started these pills.
Also when my shipment arrived it was no box just sealed bottle …should I stop taking these pills BC I’m used to taking a sh*t every day!
Queen, Id think the fact that when your shipment came it was just the bottles, no box, reinforces my opinion that you are dealing with a company that has very little quality control. If you have read the comments you know already what I am going to suggest you do.
hello. I am a China direct wholesaler/seller. I have dealt with Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology distributers for several years now. I did sell zi xiu tang for a brief period on some sale sites like ebay. I stopped selling on ebay ,for the simple reason, there is to much confusion about this product.
Zi Xiu Tang is still produced by Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology. They also continue to produce the “Floyd version” zi xiu tang. The “Floyd Version” is simply a slightly weaker version of the original, packaged with floyd nutrition logo on the product.
Any one ,other than Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology, claiming to be an “exclusive” distributer of zi xiu tang, is not being honest! Most Chinese manufacturers don’t offer such contracts. They are in bussiness to sell product and don’t restrict themselves to specific distributers.
As for ZXT , in my opinion, it is just a copy of zi xiu tang formula, possibly slightly modified. I imagine Floyd distributers will “upgrade” and rename this product, every couple years. Possibly to stay 1 step ahead of the FDA.
The fact is,a very large percentage of diet/slimming products, contain some levels of sibutramine.
Sibutramine is a patented plus prescription drug. It is an amphetamine and is used to control the appetite mentaly. Pharma companies work hard to patent and control anything they can. This keeps pricing and distribution ,under thier control.
As any powerful drug,sibutramine should be used with caution. Doctor prescribed or not, it can be harmful if abused. It can also effect different people in different ways. This is why many can have good success, some no effect and some adverse effects. The body also adjusts and with some, the effects simply stop in time.
As for the other ingredients in diet pills, they also have thier role in weight loss. Many have laxatives ,plus other ingredients that speed up fat breakdown and metabolism.
Our society is an impatient and to be frank,also a lazy one. Thus an easy to take pill is an easy answer. People wish to lose weight fast. They wish this, without the efforts and disciplines required to do it in a natural way. Learning to cook and eat properly, will defeat any need for appetite supressions.Being physicaly active will use up any excess calories.
Meridia Diet Drug FAQ’s
1. What is Meridia?
Meridia (sibutramine) is an oral prescription medication that is used to manage obesity through weight loss and the maintenance of weight loss. Meridia is the first orally administered serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) that has been used for the management of obesity.
2. How does Meridia work?
Sibutramine is supposed to aid weight loss by affecting appetite control centers in the brain to reduce food intake by increasing satiety.
3. What are Meridia side effects?
Meridia is under FDA review in response to the petition filed by consumer advocacy group Public Citizen to immediately ban the sales of sibutramine. This action was prompted by the 29 deaths and hundreds of serious Meridia side effects that have been reported. The side effects that Meridia weight loss pills have been associated to are serious and deadly. In Meridia’s patient information it warns patients about pulmonary hypertension (PPH), which is a rare and sometimes fatal disease. PPH causes high blood pressure in the lungs that leads to a feeling of constant breathlessness with minimal exertion, fatigue, dizzy spells, fainting, and chest pain, and there is no known cause of PPH.
Cardiac valve dysfunction, or heart valve disease may also be a Meridia side effect risk. Heart valve disease causes the valves in the heart to allow blood flow backwards through them. The most common Meridia side effects include, headache, dry mouth, anorexia, constipation, insomnia, increase in blood pressure, increase in heart rate, mental impairments, heart disease, stroke, seizures, and increased sweating.
4. Why has a petition been filed to the FDA to ban Meridia?
Consumer advocacy group Public Citizen submitted a petition to the FDA on March 19, 2002. The request comes after the 29 deaths and hundreds of serious Meridia side effects that have been reported which have led Public Citizen to find the risks of Meridia to outweigh the benefits. The FDA first approved Meridia despite their advisory board voting against it. Public Citizen also thinks that the FDA must raise the standard for approval of diet drugs and require drug makers to show an actual health benefit instead of relying on short-term studies.
I guess I’d forgot to mention the reason I did some online research for the bee pollen pills in the first place. A friend of a friend (a 35 year old zumba instructor) had a stroke a few months ago.
She was taking xzt for 2 months everyday just before this happened. She was the perfect picture of health and her doctors are convinced it is from this product.
When she went to the Nutri shop to kindly let them know of her situation, they asked her for proof too. There were 29 deaths reported from sibutramine, that’s why it can no longer be prescribed in the U.S.
It is certain that some bottles contain sibutramine and some do not. That’s why some people lost a sh$t ton of weight and some didn’t. Certain lot numbers have been recalled and pulled from shelves, others have not.
I would not even be surprised if some pills do and do not in the same bottle. I think”the real” xzt pills are the ones that are laced because they work the best! I personally like taking it.
I have had great results and minimal side effects. The problem is, I have NO IDEA how much and what I am taking, because it is not regulated. It’s like when you buy drugs off the street. One batch is weak and the next is 10x the strength. It is very dangerous.
Shira, so sorry to hear about your friend (wow stroke at 35 years old!).
Thanks Joe, I checked out the consumer lab site and they of course want money to let you know anything. Also as you have stated many times about watching out for signing up for things that have “auto” renewal…they are one of them!
Because I have been reading your site here I have been concerned about taking this, but I actually have seen no proof of it causing any problems. If you know where I could read a report stating this does cause problems please let me know so I can look into that!
I have told friends about this product and would like to make sure “I’m” not telling them to take something that will make them sick! I have been on this off and on for months now. Thanks in advance.
Mary, While I have not seen anything official saying that people taking zi xiu tang have had a heart attack or stroke or anything like that, several people commenting here are saying they have gotten some weird symptoms. Is that due to the sibutramine? I think probably it is. For me, I’d rather people be safe than sorry.
I checked consumerlab today and they dont have any testing information on zi xiu tang. they only list the FDA warnings which Ive also listed.
Earlier you said the about someone “she tested on batch and found it had sibutramine but when she tested another box, it didn’t” How do you “test” it to find out if it has it in it or not? That way I could tell you if what I am taking has it or not. This would be good information to have!!
Mary, Im not sure how she tested it. She didn’t say. In a lab, it would be pretty easy to test though. The website does testing on supplements to see if they contain what the labels say, but they usually stick to mainstream things sold in stores. I don’t remember seeing anything on zi xiu tang on their site.
Ok how can there be Sibutramine in some bottles and not in the other bottles?? How do you “test” it to see if it has it in it? And yes I knew zxt gold had it in it why you have to be careful who you get it from. But would love to know how to “test” it to see!!
And I’ve seen gyms and fitness centers selling this product too!
Mary, Its possible some bottles have subutramine and others dont because – maybe – there is a limited amount available. Im guessing of course.
It is obvious that if it works so well it has Sibutramine. Just read some of the side effects of that drug and you will be convinced too. Loss of appetite, excessive thirst, shivering, dry mouth etc.
I stopped taking it for over a week and did not gain any weight back, but didn’t lose any either. I still eat much less, even with out the pills and I try to drink lots of water still. I was able to get a full refund from Retro Fitness when I brought in the FDA recall print out.
I still have an open bottle and was thinking of taking 1 pill every other day instead of 2 pills everyday. I wish I knew the dosage of Sibutramine in each one of my pills so I could take it somewhat properly and safely. I guess i’d rather be the weight I am then skinny and dead.
Shira, I am SHOCKED that Retro Fitness was selling Zi Xiu Tang!!! Gyms and fitness centers should not sell weight loss supplements. Period!
Ok I have committed on this site before…I have taken…still am…the Classic Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen….the one I take does NOT contain the Sibutramine in it….it DOES have the Senna and Cassia in it…this is what I think is the weight lost….I do this for a few months then go on their Maintenance Boost….
I have not had any problems….I think I said before it has even helped me with my sinuses which is bad in the area I’m in….I think it’s all about how your body does with it..there are lots of different places to get this from….do your research and go with what you feel….eat right..exercise is always a plus………but again….I think everyone is different and you do what you think is right…
btw Joe have you even tried this product??? Do you have a site about other things or just this one product??? Just wondering…….
Hi Mary, Yes this website – contains reviews of well over 150 different supplements – with more to come. Just search for a product or ingredient you are looking for in the search box at the top. If its on TV etc. Ive probably already reviewed it.
While Im glad you say zi xiu tang is helping you, I want you to remember that you have no proof that the product does not contain sibutramine in it. just because its not listed doesnt mean its not there.
For example, just today, on one of my other posts about a related product (zxt gold), someone just commented that she tested on batch and found it had sibutramine but when she tested another box, it didn’t. This corroborats what I’ve been thinking for a long time, that there is poor quality control on all of these types of weight loss products which appear to come from Asia. I still recommend caution with these types of products.
I have been taking zi xiu tang for less then 2 weeks and lost 11 lbs. I am worried that they contain that drug that was supposed to be recalled. The upc # matches the one on the recall list, but the lot # does not. I have 3 bottles and I’m not sure what to do. I want to keep taking them but I keep hearing stories from people who get sick. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
Shira, my advice is to stop taking it. 11 pounds in 2 weeks is a lot. I do feel a lot of that may be water weight but this is a supplement that just makes me feel uneasy about whats in it.
There are reports of very serious injury after taking Zi Xui Tang for weight loss. The FDA has recalled the drug. Are there any people who have suffered injury in the form of heart attack, stroke, increased blood pressure or other heart related problem? If so, I’d like to hear about it.
Well.. Let’s see .. If sibutramine was banned in the USA by the FDA in October 2010.. And coincidentally that was the last batch of zixiutang that was mailed and than the zixiutang pills stopped working… Ammmm!!! I think if you put 2 and 2 together you can realize that nor zxt not zixiutang pills will ever work again.. Unless sibutramine is put back..
And that is never going to happen…if sibutramine was the cause of losing the weight than we can just stop wasting our money on all these sellers,, vendors ,, distributors what ever.. They are trying to make money and make ends meet like all of us…
Their ad is just another way of getting your attention.. That’s what a business person does.. Advertisement sells.. But with that said .. I would not waist my money on any zxt or zixiutang pills cause if they don’t have sibutramine which was removed they will not work… Please do search before buying that is what I’m doing ..
I wish the pills were never changed I loved them.. I worshiped them.. Heck I would do anything to get them back to when they worked but unfortunately that is not the case… Sorry everyone
Yes zxt is sold by Floydsnutrition ….but zixiutang is not sold by Floydsnutrition … They may be the same ingredients but Floydsnutrition used a sneaky way like you said… I’m just saying that the zixiutang pills the original ones are no longer being sold by Floydsnutrition …I just really wish that the original zixiutang pills come back somehow… I don’t care if it’s zxt or zixiutang… I just want the right side effects with the right ingredients…..
Floyd nutrition does not make them…. But they were the biggest suppliers of them… But they no longer sell them … So their should not be any zi xiu tang with the Floydsnutrition logo on the box being sold… They no longer sale or provide them… Some sellers have boxes that say Floydsnutrition on them that have dates from like August of 2012… That is not true ..
They are copies that someone is making I know because I got a box and you clearly see the copy… Floyd’s does not sale or make or have them anymore so their should not be any boxes out their with Floydsnutrition on the box as markings or as the manufacture or seller ….,as for zxt gold yes Floydnutrition sells them.. Not zi xiu tang …..
Juliet, as I pointed out in my ZXT Gold review, Zi Xiu Tang and “ZXT” supplements look VERY similar.
Also, what else could ZXT stand for if not, Zi Xiu Tang? Maybe they are not “identical” but the letters ZXT I believe are a subtle way of trying to piggyback popularity of one supplement on to other products. Just my opinion.
Hi kris…. I see that they work for you… I will be buying from them as soon as I can and I will be posting it here if they work… So far I have bought from almost everyone on eBay who claim to have the original ones with senna and cassia if not all the sellers in eBay… I have yet to find the ones that actually work… I have even bought the Chinese version that one particular seller has both versions… I am in the English version so far and nothing…
The Chinese one does not work and the American version so far has done nothing no detox No weight loss no appetite suppressant.. I feel hungrier… So I can honestly say that sellers on eBay don’t have the ones that work… They all claim that they have the original ones and even from Floyd’s nutrition with current dates.. That tells you they are fake.. Floydsnutrition no longer makes these pills… …
The distributors now say that they have the original ones that actually work and do on… That’s bs… They are just trying to sell the batch of pills that they bought a while back that don’t work.. So they will say anything to get rid of the investment that they have made… I still don’t think that their is one seller that has the original ones…
I still believe that the ingredients have been played with and the right ingredient has been removed… The FDA or whom ever is behind this is not stupid.. If their is a diet pull out their that actually does wonders like zi xiu tang did they will remove from streets And try to sell it under another name for more money …..anyways I just feel like I have spent to much money on this on all sellers who claim to have the zi xiu tang pills that work.. I will.
Be trying the newreflectionsnewyou site… I would not recommend anyone buying from this site until I buy them and try them…. I will let you all know if they are good… I don’t want anyone spending or wasting their money on something fake…..
Juliet, just a side note. Floyd Nutrition never “made” Zi Xiu tang – or any supplements. Other companies formulate them. Floyd Nutrition just sells them. They are a warehouse in Lancaster. No making of supplements occurs at Floyd.
Also would like Mary to disclose how she became the only true distributor for the us,there is another site that claims the same and it is confusing.The counterfeit info is also confusing.
I take the zi xiu tang bee pollen pills also,they are from newreflectionsnewyou also. The original classic ones. I have taken them for two months and lost about twenty pounds. I feel great while taking these pills,and eat much healthier. I think because they reduce cravings and I eat more nutritious foods.
I am confused also about the manufacturer, it’s weird that with all the diet and supplements on the market that a large company hasn’t started distributing these in would be nice to know if only listed ingredients are in them. i work at hospital and have college attending children.i am going to try your previous suggestion on a Theseus project for a student. Also will follow your site,it is very informative.
Kris, thanks I appreciate that. I would also mention that since writing my “challenge” not a single Zi Xiu Tang distributor has attempted to take me up on it.
Joe… It’s Sorry…They say they have the original one…
Juliet, oh ok that is a totally different website. I went to the site and noticed that they only give a name of the company -New Reflections, LLC but there is no address listed. The part about “mary’s story” only tell us her name is “Mary H”… whats her last name? There’s no phone # to call or address.
I know I sound like a broken record but I still dont trust that product.
I posted a question on their facebook page today about where they get their product from.
I hear that the web site has the original ones that actually work like the ones from 2010…is this true? Has anyone tried it or bought from them?
Juliet, I went to New Reflections and they are a weight loss surgery website. I see no mention of supplements on the website and since it is a site about weight loss surgery, run by doctors, I would be shocked if they sold weight loss supplements esp zi xiu tang. You can always call them to see. if they say they do sell it do let me know.