As most know, I've been somewhat skeptical about the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang that are supposed to work as well as the lack of information about ZXT side effects. I routinely scan the web for information about ZXT bee pollen supplements to try to help people who are taking ZXT. Finding unbiased information is a challenge, since it seems that most people who talk about ZXT also sell ZXT. So, I decided to try to locate quality ZXT info another way. I know there are Zi Xiu Tang distributors who read my website. For all the ZXT distributors reading these words, I have a challenge for you.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that the some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.
Update 10/24/12. The FDA determined that Zi Xiu Tang contains a weight loss drug. This explains why it worked as well as it did. The FDA advises people to stop taking Zi Xiu Tang immediately .
Update 7/25/12. ZXT Gold – a similar product – has been found to contain 2 hidden drugs by Canadian health authorities. See my ZXT Gold Review for more information on this.
Update 6/18/13. Also see my review of Slim Trim U for more information.
I challenge any Zi Xiu Tang distributor in the world to show me:
- One published peer reviewed study proving that bee pollen by itself promotes weight loss in humans. This should be easy since practically every ZXT website says it's bee pollen that is causing weight loss.
- Two published peer reviewed studies from separate independent United States based labs showing that Zi Xiu Tang it really contains only the ingredients listed on its label.
- A published peer reviewed study that scientifically outlines how Zi Xiu Tang works. No mumbo-jumbo talk of “cleansing toxins” or “detoxifying the body“. Rather, I want a study that shows me what specific ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang cause weight loss AND the metabolic pathways are by which those ingredients work.
Zi Xiu Tang distributor benefits
The first ZXT distributor who provides this information to me will be highlighted in this website along with his or her name and their Zi Xiu Tang website.
This will be the person who I have faith in; someone who does their homework and likely sells a quality Zi Xiu Tang supplement. It's important that all 3 of my requests be met to be highlighted in my website. Please email the evidence to me and I will respond to you immediately.
Comments are always welcome
Sequoia.. I see we are both on the same boat.. I too had a baby but in 2012 and I have been trying like crazy to find the right pills…I hope we find them…
Juliet, I cant prove it but I dont trust these pills. I would not take them.
Tracy…can you please let me know where you got your pills from… Im having a hard time finding the pills that actually work… I loved the side affects it had… Specially the bathroom part.. This is coming from a person with bathroom issues and these pills were the best thing I ever had in 2010.. After my baby I tried finding the pills but after buying over 20 different bottles from different venders assuring me that the pills actually worked I gave up in buying them again… But I see yours worked… Can you let me know where or who has them.. I would love to order some thanks….the zi xiu tang pills
Juliet, I believe that so many different products dont seem to work like “the original” formula likely means something was in those pills that should not have been in them. I really want you to be healthy for your baby for the long term. Even the Zi Xiu Tang distributors were perplexed when it stopped working out of the blue. ZXT gold was found to contain a banned weight loss drug (see my ZXT Gold review) that doesnt mean all products did but it just makes me uneasy about these type products.
I ordered from Floyd nutrition too. I started having tachycardia, heart palpitations, high bp( it was 112/150 when I took the pills and my normal bp is 110/70, I’m a 23 year old female). I called Floyd nutrition to get a complete list of ingredients so I could take it with me to my cardiologist and primary physician for them to look over and tell me if I could keep taking it or if I should stop.
Long story short, Floyd nutrition was very sketchy and would not give me the full list, not to mention very unprofessional. I’m not a doctor, but I would advise against taking this. Yes the product worked, I lost weight, but it’s not worth my health.
Erin, thanks for sharing your experiences and I do hope you are feeling better. It just reinforces what Ive been saying from the start: I dont trust this product.
Also would like to know where Tracy who commented on July 31 2012 got her pills from
I took zi xiu tang ordered from Floyd Nutrition in 2010. I lost 33 lbs. Had a baby in 2011 went to Floyd for the same pills and they Didn’t Work!!! Did not lose on ZXT either. I want the original stuff with the senna. Is that available?
Sequoia, you are aware that senna is basically a strong laxative and that it can be dangerous if too much is used. if not I just want to say it.
Tracy…can you please let me know what web site or distributor you get your zixiutang pills from….I too stopped for a little more than a year and I have been trying to get back to the old pills that actually work like it would actually sent ,e to bathroom daily…it really helped me loose weight…
My name and e-mail address has also remained on this otherwise blank “leave a comment” box. I hope you will remove my email address! thank you…
Carol, I checked and your email address is not present in your comment. Only your first name is visible. thats all
Hello Everyone!
I would just like to say that I am not a distributor for Zi xiu tang but I do love the product & have been taking it for about a year. I’ve told many friends about it who are taking it as well. We all love it. I lost 13 pounds initially &, although I didn’t measure, I’d say I lost several inches from my abdomen & also experienced a “shifting”(for lack of a better word) in my upper body & my neck & face…at least enough inches that I went from a size 9/10 in jeans to a size 5 & when I bought my new Easter dress this year it was a size 4!
My dress last year was a 10! I’m not a scientist or a doctor. I’m a 47 year old wife & mother of 4 & after trying everything to take & keep the weight off, well, to say the least I was impressed! …& everyone who knows me was too & they wanted to know what I’d done. I shared my secret with them & we are all very pleased. I have not lost another pound but my body & face continue to improve month after month.
At times I’ve run out of Zi xiu tang & have gone as long as a month & 1/2 without taking it. My appetite continues to be suppressed & I don’t have a taste for unhealthy foods. After 1 & 1/2 months off of it I began to feel sluggish & just not so great so I began taking it again & within 24 hours I felt great!
I never have the jitters & I sleep just fine. The only real negative side effect is that I’m incredibly thirsty, but I just drink the water I need & I’m fine & who couldn’t use a little reminder to drink more water. I don’t ever want to be without this product again. Seeing is believing! That’s all the research I can do. thanks for letting me share my experience. I hope it helps even though it’s based on common sense & life experience & not degreed science.
All that being said, it is quite frustrating to see all the mudslinging & fear tactics being used against this product. I would love it if I could find an actual website for the manufacturing company.
I’ve spent hours that I don’t have to waste trying to find out how I can actually become a wholesale distributor. & I would love it also if people would stop calling it ZXT. They are not the same thing.
The apple cider vinegar and the peanut oil will both assist in the loss of body fat and as you said the low calorie fat free high protein yogurt will be a bonus. What I meant though was replacing either lunch or dinner with two chobani yogurts not both. I’m down 10 lbs. in two weeks doing this.
Josh, the thing that I keep coming back to is that if I replace lunch or dinner with yogurt that this will cut back on calories and cause weight loss. Its the same reasoning behind replacing 1 meal with a slimfast shake. Can you show me some published clinical proof that apple cider vinegar helps weight loss? Ive looked in the past for this but cant find any. Peanut oil is fat and when we eat fat, we burn more fat – but its the dietary fat we burn first, not body fat.
just trying to look at this from a scientific/logical perspective. I am glad its helping you.
Instead of peanut oil, why not consume olive oil or flaxseed oil? These two seem better choices than peanut oil, about which I have heard negative reports from doctors and nutritionists.
Okay Joe you may not feel this is the safest option for weight loss but half the things we put in our body aren’t exactly good for us. That being said here’s my 30 day challenge for anyone wanting to take these undisclosed pills. This is my diet I recommend as a challenge for the weight loss of bee pollen capsules.
Every day for one month take a shot of apple cider vinegar, a shot of peanut oil, and replace your lunch or dinner meal with two chobani yogurts. I am not gonna go into more detail but if anyone thinks I’m crazy or just wants to know why this WILL work just leave a response comment and I will gladly break it down for you.
Josh, I do think what you recommended would cause weight loss but I think its more likely because I would not be eating many calories. Apple cider vinegar and peanut oil dont have many calories and if I replace 2 meals with yogurt, which again has few calories, then Im just not eating as much.
Hi, I was a super skeptic since my wife brought the zxt pills home so I did some research and talked to my doctor about it. He said there were no dangers with the ingredients that he saw so I tried them out. I started taking them 2 weeks ago. The first week I lost 10 pounds and thought well that could be just water weight so i discounted it. The second week lost another 8 lbs (was a little less active that week). I can tell you this, it will def curb yr hunger, Make you sht water if you eat fatty things, and doesn’t give you a false boost like a redbull drink. I don’t see any issues with the pills, you loose weight because you just don’t eat like you did.
you guys are confusing floyds products with the Real Product.. zi xiu tang and zxt are two different capsules ZXT is made by Floyd (i dont trust them) Zi XIU TANG is from Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology, Co.,LTD (i do trust and have since May 2010 ) i get my capsules from one of julies distributors . No I Am Not A Distributor I Am A Costumer…. And yea they did stop working for me as well but went back to old formula and everything is working again ty 🙂
Jessica thanks for letting me know that Floyd Nutrition makes ZXT. I didn’t know that.
Joe they now state that they are bringing back the “original formula” of Zi Xiu Tang — this is especially scary! As I previously stated, the “capsules” were laced with Sibutramine – – not the powder that was enclosed. So I wonder if the FDA tested the powder only or if they tested the gelatin capsule as well?? All of the attempts I have made to contact the FDA regarding test results for this product have been in vain as I can never get an answer!
Reina, yes some zi xiu tang distributors have been saying that to me but at this time, I think its more hype than substance. I think the company or distributors know things have changed and so they are saying this stuff about the original zi xiu tang being back to drum up business. Tha’ts my thoughts for now. If it starts working again I may change my tune.
I see Julie states that the FDA banned Sibutramine.. they DID – in October 2010.. the last “BATCH” if you will – of Zi Xiu Tang that was effective was made in October 2010.. The subsequent Dec/Jan batches as well as more recent ones including the extra strength all do not work..
I wonder if there is a stronger connection? Especially since the Dec/Jan 2011 batches had a box and bottle which specifically read “CONTAINS NO SIBUTRAMINE” doesn’t it seem odd to anyone that the manufacturer claims to have no “added” ingredients in the capsules but singles out a specific drug??
Reina, I likewise thought it strange that the Zi Xiu Tang maker would single out Sibutramine. When I heard about the “contains no sibutramine” label, it made me wonder what it used to contain.
joe, i took the zxt gold by floyd nutrition. my blood pressure rose alot! it did give me energy and curbed my appetite but i could not get my BP down. also on the website in ing. it shows zxt and zxt gold does not have barbery in it. (i cant take it due to kidney issues.) however several distributors told me it does have barberry in the zxt and zxt god. Idk what to think. the distributor told me it is supposed to help my with BP. But it made mine worse.
Alysia,, at this point I’m not convinced they know what is in zi xiu tang. They have to take the word of the company that makes it and I just dont trust the company. If you say your blood pressure went up after taking zi xiu tang, that’s proof enough for me that you should not take it.
From what I understand Zi Xiu Tang “the original” is back. This is truly scary. I heard quite a few times that the gelatin capsules that held the formula were laced with sibutramine (meridia) which was why they worked. supposedly the FDA was testing the capsules but I wonder if they ever tested the gelatin capsules?? Just a little food for thought.
Hey Yall, I was wondering if anyone has found out anymore information on this Floyd Nutrition. I’ve tried, but they are very shady about things.
Dear Joe, thank you for this forum. I started taking Zxt gold-the original bee pollen capsules, and my body feels really weird. Also, its affecting my sleep pattern. Are these capsules safe? On the box, it claims to have only natural ingredients, but I feel something else may have been added. I would really appreciate any advice that you can give me. Thanks
Hi Tina, if zi xiu tang gold is making you feel strange, stop taking them. I do not trust what the label says as far as what the ingredients are. I’m not even sure if zi xiu tang gold is the “original” zi xiu tang or not.
If it is the original version, that doesn’t make me feel good either because as I’ve said many times, I feel zi xiu tang contained an un-mentioned compound that caused weight loss.
Remember natural does not always mean its safe.
Cyanide is natural but its obviously not safe.
Ephedra is natural but people have died from taking ephedra supplements.
I dont know what is in zi xiu tang gold but the fact you say it makes you feel “weird” makes me uneasy about what’s in it. I recommend you throw it away and not take it again. If the weird feeling you experience concerns you, go to your doctor. I wish I had better advice than this Tina. So far I have not heard anything from the FDA about its testing of zi xiu tang.
The only reason I still take Zi Xiu Tang, but not Floyds, is because it has helped my allergies and my constant throat infections. Thank you for your input.
Floyd seems to be a big seller of zi xiu tang and I think ZXT gold also. Considering the reactions people have had and the controversy, I dont know why Floyd would continue to sell this. I know I wouldn’t if I had a health food store. I dont think they counterfeiting it. Ive never heard anything about it, but I doubt it.
Honestly Dalana, I dont trust any company that markets anything the even remotely sounds like zxt or zi xiu tang. Its such a “wild west” supplement that it seems to me that companies are jumping on the bandwagon, trying to make themselves stand out somehow. I dont believe anything about the product anymore.