As most know, I've been somewhat skeptical about the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang that are supposed to work as well as the lack of information about ZXT side effects. I routinely scan the web for information about ZXT bee pollen supplements to try to help people who are taking ZXT. Finding unbiased information is a challenge, since it seems that most people who talk about ZXT also sell ZXT. So, I decided to try to locate quality ZXT info another way. I know there are Zi Xiu Tang distributors who read my website. For all the ZXT distributors reading these words, I have a challenge for you.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that the some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.
Update 10/24/12. The FDA determined that Zi Xiu Tang contains a weight loss drug. This explains why it worked as well as it did. The FDA advises people to stop taking Zi Xiu Tang immediately .
Update 7/25/12. ZXT Gold – a similar product – has been found to contain 2 hidden drugs by Canadian health authorities. See my ZXT Gold Review for more information on this.
Update 6/18/13. Also see my review of Slim Trim U for more information.
I challenge any Zi Xiu Tang distributor in the world to show me:
- One published peer reviewed study proving that bee pollen by itself promotes weight loss in humans. This should be easy since practically every ZXT website says it's bee pollen that is causing weight loss.
- Two published peer reviewed studies from separate independent United States based labs showing that Zi Xiu Tang it really contains only the ingredients listed on its label.
- A published peer reviewed study that scientifically outlines how Zi Xiu Tang works. No mumbo-jumbo talk of “cleansing toxins” or “detoxifying the body“. Rather, I want a study that shows me what specific ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang cause weight loss AND the metabolic pathways are by which those ingredients work.
Zi Xiu Tang distributor benefits
The first ZXT distributor who provides this information to me will be highlighted in this website along with his or her name and their Zi Xiu Tang website.
This will be the person who I have faith in; someone who does their homework and likely sells a quality Zi Xiu Tang supplement. It's important that all 3 of my requests be met to be highlighted in my website. Please email the evidence to me and I will respond to you immediately.
Comments are always welcome
Joe says
Julie, thanks for setting me straight that ZXT and Zi Xiu Tang are not the same thing. I am curious why Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology, Co.,LTD. can no longer sell Zi Xiu Tang…
Joe says
I have read your thread regarding your challenge. I would love to take you up on your challenge, as I am a distributor working with Julie. I own a supplement store, and have been involved in the fitness industry for over 15 years. Before you challenge my background (as most people do for some reason, people feel as if your not a “scientist, or professor, that you know nothing, in fact the school of life, is much more effective than any book or class, with that being said of course I value the information from reading books, and study.)
Just know that I am the average small business owner, trying to stay ahead in these tough days.
I will take your challenge under one condition. You FUND your challenge, or direct me to an organization that will fund your challenge. I would be happy to take the time to conduct “peer review study”…but I can not afford to do it, and/or do not know how to begin.
So since you placed the challenge, and I have accepted it. Please let me know how to proceed with the challenge. I hope you did not place the challenge already knowing that no “local” or “small business owner” could actually come up with the results you ask for (it does appear on its face…..that is actually what you did)
Its great that you promote health, and try to expose unhealthy products…….
BUT placing fear in the public, without know the facts, is a very strange tactic to say the least.
Maybe you did not directly mean to place fear into those…..but when you word your article and challenge as such…… will strike doubt, and fear into the general public.
Since you are the “supplement geek” why dont you use your resources, to gather this info your self.
Thanks for the opportunity to post.
Julie says
Hi Joe,
I had previously made you aware that ZXT Bee Pollen Capsules are NOT Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen Capsules. I know how confusing this may be to many clients, but they have the right to know that the maker of ZXT Bee Pollen Capsules is a FORMER distributor for Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology, Co.,LTD., but are no longer authorized to sell their product for reasons that I will not disclose.
When you post comments regarding our product, please use the full name, and not ZXT. Again, they are two different products and we do not want the customers to be confused of either product as I believe you would not want that as well. Thanks Joe.
Joe says
Dora, thanks for letting me know. I do know something fishy is going on with ZXT and I am looking forward to what the FDA testing says.
As you know I’ve said almost from the start that I’ve felt Zi Xiu Tang contained an undisclosed prescription drug – either a fat blocker or maybe an antidepressant – because there was no way (other than being a laxative) any of the ingredients can cause weight loss.
I know ZXT distributors have been getting a lot of complaints about why ZXT is’nt working anymore. Something definitely seems to be changing with ZXT.
Yes let me know if you turn up anything from your distributor.
Dora says
Hi Joe,
Just a note that you may not have heard yet. According to my gal the last batch of pills I purchased only contained half as much of the good stuff and people were complaining. I’m not sure what the “Good Stuff” was but they got enough complaints that they put it all back in for the last couple of batches.
I was running low a week or so ago and asked when she was ordering again. She told me her VERY last order was going in that night as they no longer making them. I don’t remember why, but when I pick up my last order I’ll quiz her a little bit. Kinda odd don’t you think?
Joe says
Julie, I appreciate your efforts but the bee pollen websites are not scientifically based. they are essentially the options of the guy who owns the site with no scientific evidence. Can you show me a published peer reviewed study? Go to this website and see if you can find anything. I can’t. This is a listing of millions of scientific studies. This is my litmus test for proving bee pollen works. Until I see real proof that bee pollen supplements help weight loss I wont believe it.
Julie says
Hi Joe,
The website does have a link to the individual who wrote the information regarding bee pollen. The link is . If you go to , you will also see a you tube video he made regarding bee pollen benefits.
Below is another link where you can see related information to bee pollen and provides you with a Chemical Analysis of Bee Pollen. There is a contact number on that site if you wish to contact them for further questions regarding Bee Pollen’s benefit to assisting with weight.
Thanks Joe!
Joe says
Julie, thanks for the info. I did look at the Bee pollen secrets website. Unfortunately it is not a peer reviewed site. In fact I cant even see who runs/owns the site. There is no “about us page”. I get suspicious when I cant see who is putting out information.
Also, there are no references to back up the statements on the site so I cannot substantiate what they are saying is true. For example they say
1. bee pollen stimulates the metabolic rate – there is no proof of this and they cite no evidence.
2. bee pollen “ignites calorie burn”. That’s the same thing as raising metabolic rate. Again they give no proof of this statement.
3. Bee pollen is a low calorie food. They say it has 90 calories per ounce. I dont know if that is true or not but 90 calories per ounce is a LOT of calories. If that’s true then eating 10 oz would be 900 calories. Not that anybody eats that much bee pollen but I just wanted to point out the fallacy in that logic.
4. They say that its the lecithin in bee pollen that helps weight loss. Again, where is the proof? Lecithin is found in many foods including chocolate bars and egg yokes. Lecithin does not “dissolve fat from the body” as the website says.
I remain unconvinced that bee pollen helps weight loss. I do apprecaite you telling me about the FDA and zxt.
Julie says
Hi Joe,
I am replying to your response to my post dated 04/06/2011. The link below is one of the websites where I read the information of how Bee Pollen will assist with weight loss. Also, “B” Vitamins were not added for the purpose of weight loss.
As for the FDA report, we have not heard back from them yet. We have not had any shipment delays or holds. As I stated before, the forms that are attached to each box where they describe what is in each box clearly state Health Products. We have no reason to lie to you nor our customers. I plan on calling the FDA agent after the 90 days as he instructed me. I believe if there was a concern regarding the product, we would have heard back from them already. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Joe says
Thanks for your insights. I will email you privately for info on zxt and the FDA.
Cindy Schuetz says
My question is why did they change the formula? The original product worked so well! Whatever is on the market now does not work. I’ve taken both and the current pills do nothing! Bring back the old formula!
Joe says
Julie, I apprecaite you taking the time to write. I still have several questions about Zi Xiu Tang, the biggest of which is that I can not find any scientific evidence that bee pollen helps weight loss or raises metabolism. I have never been able to find any studies on this. If you know of any I would very much enjoy reading them.
I can understand why senna has been removed from Zi Xiu Tang but adding B vitamins in its place makes no sense to me. B vitamins have no effect on weight loss.
I do thank you for enlightening me on why the FDA is testing Zi Xiu Tang. I am looking forward to learning about what they find.
Julie says
Hi Joe,
I will be more than happy to answer your questions to the best of my knowledge. Keep in mind that I am not a bio chemist, scientist, or a doctor. Everything on my company website is strictly research done by online articles and book resources, along with information given to me by the manufacturers of the product ( Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology, P.C., LTD.) I am not sure where the idea came that the ingredient Bee Pollen is what is causing the weight loss. As stated on my website, Bee Pollen assist in weight control by improving your metabolism and reducing your hunger ( again, this is based on public research obtained through my research and reading books ). Bee Pollen was added to the product for the other wonderful benefits. As you may already know, one of the benefits bee pollen is well known for is that it acts very effectively as a natural energizer for your body.
Your second question is regarding lab testing the product to make sure that all ingredients listed on the box, is actually what is in the capsule. We do not have any reason to doubt the manufacturers credibility. As you may know, when the product was first introduced to the U.S.A. it contained Senna ( a laxative that is sold over the counter in pharmacies ) Due to the interest of everyones well being, the manufacturers chose to remove this ingredient, because people began to abuse the dosage that was recommended. Instead they decided to add B vitamins to the product. The manufacturers follow U.S.A. regulations, and make it clear on their shipments that the boxes contain a health product. You asked why the boxes now say that it “Contains No Sibutramine”, and this is simply because many customers began to question if this ingredient was in the product. The manufacturers do not want their product to be confused by other Chinese Weight loss pills that have caused harm to people’s health due to this very dangerous ingredient.
The product has NEVER contained Sibutramine and never will. For those that may not know what sibutramine is, it is an appetite suppressant that FDA has concluded to be dangerous and has banned any product from entering the U.S.A. that contains such ingredient in it. As you see, our product has not been banned. I noticed that in one of the articles you wrote , a comment was made by someone in which they heard a rumor was going around about FDA taking our product for testing. When I spoke to the agent, he kindly told me that the only reason they are requesting the testing of our product is because our volume in shipments has grown, and U.S. customs requested they contact us. He explained that it was just precaution due to the many weight loss products that come from China that are suspected to be counterfeit products. He stated that they are simply following standard procedures, and would like to make sure that all the ingredients listed on the box are exactly what is in the capsule. The manufacturers asked me to voluntarily provide the FDA with a sample of the product for testing, but so far have not heard back from them ( testing may take up to 90 days ).
In your last question, you ask for an explanation as to what specify ingredients cause weight loss. The answer is simply that it is a combination of all the ingredients in the product. I understand that you are against harmful and unsafe products, but I can reassure you that I have taken this product for 3 years now, and what it has done for my health is amazing. This product was not intended to be classified as a “detox” weight loss supplement. The things you read on Independent Sellers sites are most likely from their own personal experience with the product. I do not have anything on my website that will make you believe that this product is a “detox” supplement. It is far from that. This product will simply support your weight loss efforts, and active lifestyle. Feel free to visit my website and let me know if there are any other questions or concerns you may have regarding the product. We do appreciate all the feedback we receive, and accept it with an open mind.
Lastly, I want customers to be aware of the many counterfeiters out there, and to please not confuse our product with any other product that is claiming to be better or the authentic product. There is one that is being advertised called ZXT Bee Pollen Capsules. Almost identical to our product name, but it is not manufactured by Guangzhou Zi Xiu Tang Biotechnology. Thank you.
Joe says
Hi Julie
I’d be interested in reading more about the 3 questions I posted. If you don’t mind also can you also shed some light on why is the ZXT company now states that it does not contain the weight loss drug Sibutramine (Merida)? Several people tell me that there is a flag or sign outside the company that states that. Why was Sibutramine specifically mentioned?
Julie says
Hi Joe,
My name is Julie. I am the exclusive distributor of Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen Capsules in the U.S.A. I just began reading your post, and noticed that you had questions regarding the product. I will be more than happy to answer any concerns or questions you may have. I am not at my computer at this moment, but will send you information Tomorrow. Thank you!
Joe says
It’s April 17th and so far no zxt distributor has contacted me. I wonder why….
Joe says
Hi Dora. Glad you found me. Its been over 20 days since I issued my challenge to zxt distributors and not one person has tried to take me up on my offer.
How did your distributor become a distributor? did she give you any insights?
mention my site to your distributor and see if she wants to do it. if she can give me the info I’m looking for Ill give her tons of free publicity for her zxt business.
I would be interested as well. I’ve been on them for 1.5 months. So far I’ve lost about 12 lbs and 2 inches around my waist.
I found this site by attempting to find how how to sell them myself rather than dealing with the girl I buy them from.
Joe says
Thanks Donna. I will be leaving comments here regularly to let people know if any zi xiu tang distributors are taking me up on my challenge. I really hope some zxt distributor does.
Donna says
Would be very interested in reading your results. 5 weeks on the capsules and only 7 pounds, and my husband keeps reminding me I do not know everything in these pills. Thank you for thinking of this challenge and I sure hope you get some takers!