I've finally had a chance to sit down and compile a list of Zi Xiu Tang side effects. What follows are the most common ZXT side effects that have been reported by people who commented on my ZXT reviews, Zi Xiu Tang Does it Work and Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Supplement Revealed. Below are the most common side effects along with the number of people who reported that side effect. I tried to count every person reporting a side effect only once but given the number of people commenting there may be a couple of duplicates. Not surprising weight loss was the most frequent side effect reported with 16 people reporting this. Keep in mind that there may be more than this. There were many people reporting side effects however I only counted 16 who specifically said it caused “weight loss”. This was followed by (again no surprise) dry mouth. While I tried to be as accurate as possible, keep in mind that this is a very unscientific review of ZXT side effects and is based only on those people who commented. If you have experienced other ZXT side effects not listed here please do mention them. Only in this way can we help people the best.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that the some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.
Update. 10/24/10. The FDA has determined that Zi XIu Tang contains sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug. Here is the FDA warning about Zi Xiu Tang for more information.
I have also reviewed ZXT Gold and Slim Trim U so read those review for more info on that product.
Update 7/25/12. ZXT Gold has been found to contain 2 hidden drugs. Supplements should not contain drugs especially when they are not listed on the label. See the ZXT Gold Review for more info on this.
Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects
weight loss | 16 |
dry mouth | 14 |
More frequent bowel movements | 11 |
suppressed appetite | 10 |
feeling medicated / dizzy/ fatigued | 9 |
more energy | 5 |
fast heart rate | 4 |
can't sleep | 4 |
hot flashes | 3 |
anxiety feelings | 2 |
bloating /cramping | 2 |
headaches | 2 |
sweat more | 2 |
BP elevated | 1 |
dry nose | 1 |
stomach cramps | 1 |
chest pain | 1 |
moody feelings | 1 |
Also see my review of Slim Trim U for more information.
Do you have any different Zi Xiu Tang side effects?
Boy am I glad I’ve stumbled upon this site! I have been taking XZT Ultimate Formula for about 6 months and prior to that in 2011 I had taken the Original formula for a few months. Both times I did experience weight loss, most recently I’ve seen the most rapid and noticeable change. (160lbs to 125lbs)
I do have a decreased appetite, but I was never a very big eater – and never a sweets eater. Since around May of this year I’ve noticed that all I want is something sweet to eat, especially things like cookies, cake and chocolate. I am not sure why or if it’s related, because I know it is supposed to DECREASE your desire for such things, but it’s a remarkable difference. In August this year I experienced vertigo for about 2 weeks straight. I’ve had it before while not taking XZT so I don’t know if that is definitely from it, but I see others have had the same side effect.
The dry mouth/lips has been since day one, but that I expected. I keep up with the water all day long and have cut back my coffee consumption to one cup in the morning. Earlier this year I started to notice a pain in my back on the right side – a very dull pain. I let it go a few days figuring I just pulled a muscle, and my MD seemed to think the same thing. The very day I saw her I came home from work and suddenly felt like I had the flu. All I could do was sleep, no appetite and I had a fever that kept climbing.
A day later I was in the ER with a kidney infection and SIX kidney stones between both kidneys! Dehydration is a major cause of that and I was a day away from being septic! I stopped taking the supplement for about a month while I recovered.
When I got the next bottle, I noticed a change in the label on the bottle and the capsule was a different color, too. This time around I’ve noticed that I do not have a regular bowel movement (before I was experiencing loose stools and going a few times a day) and I am going a few days to a week with out going. I don’t feel constipated or gassy, I just don’t feel like anything is going on in that regard.
Now the big one – and I currently have an appt tomorrow with my NEW doctor who is very knowledgeable, unlike the last one who thought my kidney infection was a muscle cramp! In July of this year I broke out on my neck with huge boils. I’ve had a staph infection in the past, so I assumed it was that and antibiotics (oral and topical) worked and they healed within a week, but I do have scarring. A month later (mid-August) I noticed a small “pimple” on my chin, but chalked it up to an infected hair follicle from shaving because I frequently get those. That quickly opened up and ulcerated and more appeared on both legs, my shoulders and arms and now even worse – my face.
The ones on my arms/shoulders have healed leaving a large purple scar, but the original one on my leg is still there and a few others are still present as well as more have erupted but not as big. I was swabbed 3 times for MRSA because of how quickly they spread and what they looked like as well as my history of staph. All 3 came back “no growth/no bacteria”. So, at this point, I’m extremely frustrated and searching for an answer. I’ve been asked if I am diabetic, I am not, but I am getting blood-work done to check for it and I asked my doc to basically check for everything and anything she can to figure out a cause.
I am not sure if it is caused by XZT or any of the ingredients but it is certainly like nothing I’ve ever experienced before! I started taking a Multivitamin, Garlic, Vitamin E and Biotin along with drinking Airborne in an effort to boost my immune system to accelerate healing, but to no avail.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? I’ve read thru all of the posts on here and have only seen “rash”, but these are definitely NOT a rash. Basically they are open wounds for about 2 months now! I guess I will find out tomorrow at my appointment, but it would be nice to know if it is the XZT causing this or something else. After all, I do enjoy the weight loss and prior to this summer haven’t been turned off by any of the side effects but if this is linked I am definitely stopping.
I have taken the ZXT for about 5 weeks and have lost about 10 lbs. I have loved not being as hungry but have really NOT enjoyed the extreme thirst and the lump in my throat. I’ve also felt spacy.
After reading about the issue w/diabetics I started monitoring my blood sugar and have found it to be spiking it too high for me and decided that today is my last day taking this stuff. It’s not worth the ‘cost’ to my health.
I’ve worked way too hard to get my A1C down below 6 to screw it up, so I’m done. Everyone’s body is different and apparently mine does not like this stuff. A co-worker of mine loves this stuff, so it will be going to them.
Good luck to all of you and I do suggest you are careful with this and if you have any medical conditions, definitely check with your doctor!
I’ve been taking the ZXT pills for about 4 months now. The first month I had my normal menstrual cycle, the second month I only spotted. Now at three and four months none at all. Is that normal with the ZXT pills?
I took the pills for 1 1/2 months and all of the sudden my lips have become very dry with redness above my upper lip. I have tried every lip balm possible and nothing has helped. This is very irritating. Has anyone else had this problem? (only lost 6 pounds)
I’ve been taking ZXT Gold for about three weeks. Have lost 13 lbs and no complaints really. I’m embarrassed to say, but I have noticed an increase in sexual desire. Anyone else notice this side effect?
Anonymous, I wonder if they increased sex drive could be the result of you feeling better about yourself? Thats just me speculating. take it for what it is.
I guess i am the odd ball here. I have been taking bpollen for 6 months now and have lost a total of 58 lbs. Absolutely no changes in my food choices, and minimal exercise. This pill is awesome. Consistency is the key. Yes, i had dry mouth and it made me increase my water, but my appetite changed drastically. Ive gone from a size 22 to 12. In 6 months. I am a nurse and did my research as well as talk to my physician about it. Everything does not work the same for everyone. But if you dont have any medical restrictions i wld suggest you try it for at least a full month. Also, like anything else, there are counterfeits to this pill. So if you dont get it from a reputability distributor, you may be receiving a fake product.
Kayd, curious, are you an RN or LPN? what did the doctor say about this product when you asked him/her about it? did the doctor give you any insightful thoughts on the product or just say “give it a shot.” I ask this because given the side effects that some people DO report when it comes to this supplement, I am just concerned that people will read your words as a “nurse” and try a product that I think can be problematic. I am happy you mentioned not having any medical restrictions. If nothing else, hopefully people will speak to their doctor first about the supplements they are thinking about taking.
I have been taking these pills for two weeks and now I have Terrible side effects.nausea bad headaches.i want to loose weight but feeling like this is worse than a few extra pounds!!
I purchased my pills off of ebay. I just searched for bee pollen pills then made sure it was thE Zi Xiu Tang and that it had the senna and the cassia in it. If you look around on there, you can find some good deals. I bought 2 bottles for $54, but a friend of mine bought like 8 for $100. I guess i didn’t do enough looking.
I was on them for a month and lost around 20lbs, then went off of them for a month (never gained anything back… maybe even lost a pound or two), Started back on them for about a month now again and I am down a total of 33 pounds. The only symptom that bothers me is the dry mouth, but i just adjust. And as far as the laxative… I never had problems there, as a matter of fact I am just the opposite as I have a hard time going (not from the pills either).
I purchased the Zi Xiu Tang pills after a co worker suggested them. I had ordered regular bee pollen from Puritan’s Pride and nothing happened after taking a whole bottle. I’ve been trying to exercise and watch what I eat and I”m just having a hard time loosing. It’s happening slowly.
I am on day 6 of the pills and have been SO thirsty it’s amazing. The first two days I thought I ate some salty food. I have the dry mouth but feel like my lips are dry and have a metallic taste in my mouth, kind of like when I get a migraine. I’ve lost two lbs, but after reading all of the reviews it could only be the laxative in it. for anyone that has taken this and had the dry mouth, has it gotten any better?
I normally drink a lot anyway but this is just ridiculous. I also will be monitoring my blood sugar… if it gets too high, I guess I bought stuff I can’t use!
Juliet … I did not buy the pills at a store or a website. I knew some people that were talking about how much weight they had lost from these Chinese pills, so I inquired and one of them gave me some. I have no idea where they got them from, but am sure that these are the original pills from 2010 that have now been changed. Whatever is in these pills definitely works, so good luck in your search. Although I would question how safe they are.
I’ve been taking these pills for two weeks. I’ve lost 7 pounds but the side affects are terrible. The first day i took it, i felt like i was high.I slept all day. Then the dry mouth came. Then the chills and the nausea and the headaches. My body tingles and i sweat way more than usual. They also made my vision a little blurry at times as well.
At first i couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me!!! I thought i had an infection or virus. I went to the ER and got tested for a kidney infection because the middle of my back was hurting as well. I thought maybe i had the west nile virus or meningitis!!!!!
I’ve missed work because i was too sick to go in and the ER took me off work for two days. I’ve decided to stop taking them and see how i feel in a week. I’m not sure of it suppresses your appetite, but it made me so nausea that i couldn’t eat for three days straight, but i was extremely thirsty. I will rather be fat or do it the natural way. The side affects are too much for me. I will see how i feel next week after being off of them.
Kallie.. Where did you get those pills from? I have yet to find them since 2010
I took these pills for a month and lost 11 lbs. I started at 122 lbs. and have been trying to lose weight for years. I run, exercise on a regular basis and eat healthy but have been unable to lose any weight. I love food and have a hard time not snacking. The pills completely suppressed my appetite. I had to force myself to eat. Cravings for sugar went away completely. I also love to drink wine and had no desire to do so.
My energy level increased, no problems with sleeping. I experienced a very dry mouth that could not be quenched no matter how much water I drank, which was a lot. I also felt a tingling sensation through my whole body quite often, especially when I was running. I was very light-headed when exercising.
Near the end of the month, my head was foggy and I had a hard time focusing. I finished the bottle and was very happy with the weight loss and not feeling hungry ever. I checked the ingredients on my bottle and it did contain senna and cassia. I have been off the pills for a week and my appetite has returned completely and the craving for sugar.
I guess when someone can lose weight that easy, we should know there is a catch. Too bad!! I can see how people are willing to take them despite the side effects, it is very exciting to see the pound disappear. But I guess we have to remember the saying “Nothing worth having comes easy”
Jen.. Can you tell me what site you got your zi xiu tang pills from… I had a baby in feb. 2012 and now I am ready to get back into my self again.. I have been trying to find the real zi xiu tang pills that I took back in 2010 but I am having a hard time finding the right one.. Everyone seems to say they all work and when I buy them they are either fake or they just don’t have the same ingredients…
I broke out in acne all over my face; would not go away. Stopped pills for a week while away on vacation, and my face cleared up. I did lose 10 pounds or so on it, and gained it all back since i stopped taking them. I love how i felt on them though because i had a lot of energy and wasn’t hungry all the time, but i also had increased sweating and maybe that could have led to acne as well. Researched it and haven’t read about anyone else breaking out
I have some of these symptoms listed above and am on my second week of the supplement. The symptoms are bearable for me at the moment, I have not experienced the ‘lump in my throat’ it is also not making me jittery or feel much anxiety.
Although I began these at a time I feel is extremely stressful for me, at work at home etc. I just have a question about the effects it can have on a menstrual cycle. The only thing I could find in re-search was that it will relieve some of the PMS symptoms, which I could care less about.
My concern is, I have always had a very regular period, have had no pregnancies, have been off of birth control pills for over four years, get my regular check ups, have no medical conditions or STD’s, everything has always been regular and comes with normal symptoms etc. The last time I was sexually active was the first weekend in July, protection was used and also according to my calendar of my cycle I was not at the time fertile.
My menstrual cycle began July the 15th lasted until around the 20th the last day very light spotting. I have not been sexually active since, I have increased exercise and as previously stated have been under a great amount of stress.
But began taking this supplement two weeks ago, taking two every day and according to my calendar I should have began my menstrual cycle this month on August the 10th. I am now according to that a week late and I believe it to be impossible for me to be pregnant, especially as my cycle was regular last month after I was last sexually active.
I am concerned the supplement may have some effect on this but am not sure for I haven’t read that it is possible. Just wanted to put the question out there for feedback.
I just purchased my 3rd bottle of bee pollen pills about 2 weeks ago. I lost about 11 lbs. in total. I knew IMMEDIATELY that this new bottle was not having the same effect on me as the 2 prior. In researching, I discovered that Cassia & Senna were NOT in the ingredients. I never really looked before – but I am POSITIVE these ingredients were in the other bottles because I felt nothing at all with the 3rd.
As a matter of fact – I had an increased appetite. My daughter got a bottle with Cassia & Senna and they are working as effectively as the original ones I took and I feel the difference.
My concern is that I have experienced a lot of “trapped gas” pains in my intestines and I was wondering if anyone else was feeling this incredible pain.
OK..SO I have been taking this pill for 1 week. I have lost 5lbs. I often feel a lot of energy and a tad bit high..happy and my libido is st an all time high. I have a little dry mouth,but nothing that is bothersome. I do take blood pressure meds with hctz in it..which pulls water out of me. Not sure what this means overall.
Tried the pills for just a couple days and feel a little spacy…..don`t know if I`ll continue with them after reading that the basic ingredient is just a laxative. My friend lost 15 lbs in just a couple of weeks, but if that`s just the laxative affecting her, maybe she will gain some back???? Thinking seriously of trying a vegan diet, anyway. Meat is making me so nauseous these days and I love my veggies, so I think I can do it. I would love to lose 50 lbs.,but not at the risk of my health.
I started taking zi xiu last Monday. My first week I lost 6 pounds. (Very exciting) I felt fine my first week, I had a decrease in appetite and dry mouth. I figured it was the pills. My water intake increased dramatically, and I was extremely excited about that because I was never one to drink water.
But now its almost the end of my second week and this whole week has been the worst week of my life. There where some personal stresses that have increased so I thought that’s what my problem was. This entire week I’ve been extremely jittery my heart felt like it was racing all the time taking deep breaths was the only way to comfort the rapid heart rate. I had discomfort in my chest and felt very sick to my stomach as if I was gonna vomit.
My head felt extremely cloudy. I thought I was having anxiety attacks all week due to me stressing. Today I had to take ativan,and it did nothing for my symptoms. I was 5 minutes away from going to the er tonight, but then I started to research adverse reactions to the zi xiu pills. Very scary what I read. I really like the pills I saw my health improving, but I don’t want to die taking these pills.
My question is. Should I just stop taking the pills and try dieting another way? They say its natural and safe. There are so many different articles on these pills I don’t know what to believe anymore.
krissy, I recommend you stop taking zi xiu tang. You are obviously having some strange symptoms and given that zxt gold has now been found to have some undeclared drugs, this only fuels my suspicious that zi xiu tang might also. A trip to your doctor to get checked out might make you feel better.