I've finally had a chance to sit down and compile a list of Zi Xiu Tang side effects. What follows are the most common ZXT side effects that have been reported by people who commented on my ZXT reviews, Zi Xiu Tang Does it Work and Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Supplement Revealed. Below are the most common side effects along with the number of people who reported that side effect. I tried to count every person reporting a side effect only once but given the number of people commenting there may be a couple of duplicates. Not surprising weight loss was the most frequent side effect reported with 16 people reporting this. Keep in mind that there may be more than this. There were many people reporting side effects however I only counted 16 who specifically said it caused “weight loss”. This was followed by (again no surprise) dry mouth. While I tried to be as accurate as possible, keep in mind that this is a very unscientific review of ZXT side effects and is based only on those people who commented. If you have experienced other ZXT side effects not listed here please do mention them. Only in this way can we help people the best.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that the some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.
Update. 10/24/10. The FDA has determined that Zi XIu Tang contains sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug. Here is the FDA warning about Zi Xiu Tang for more information.
I have also reviewed ZXT Gold and Slim Trim U so read those review for more info on that product.
Update 7/25/12. ZXT Gold has been found to contain 2 hidden drugs. Supplements should not contain drugs especially when they are not listed on the label. See the ZXT Gold Review for more info on this.
Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects
weight loss | 16 |
dry mouth | 14 |
More frequent bowel movements | 11 |
suppressed appetite | 10 |
feeling medicated / dizzy/ fatigued | 9 |
more energy | 5 |
fast heart rate | 4 |
can't sleep | 4 |
hot flashes | 3 |
anxiety feelings | 2 |
bloating /cramping | 2 |
headaches | 2 |
sweat more | 2 |
BP elevated | 1 |
dry nose | 1 |
stomach cramps | 1 |
chest pain | 1 |
moody feelings | 1 |
Also see my review of Slim Trim U for more information.
Do you have any different Zi Xiu Tang side effects?
Chrisi… I also did go to the doctor and he told me it is acid reflux. I also went to a gastro specialist and had the scope done, and they found nothing. I was put on dexilant 60mgs and have felt fine since I started them.
The actual feeling of having something in my throat stopped a few days after I posted my first comment, but the pain in my upper abdomen stayed until i was put on the reflux meds, and has since stopped! The one good thing is, even though I stopped the ZXT for over a week now, I have still lost 4 additional pounds:) Not losing as quick as I did while on the ZXT, but it is still coming off. Still debating if I want to start them again (maybe one pill instead of 2?).
The same thing happened to me as did with Jen. I had a constant lump in my throat and swallowing was an issue. I lost 15 pounds. I did go to the doctor for lump in throat feeling. He put me on protonix 40mgs for reflux and sent me to gastro specialist.
The gastro specialist wanted to do a scope of my throat and stomach. I opted not to do it right off because I was thinking it might be the Zxt. After I stopped taking ZXT gold and after a week the feeling stopped.
So a few months later, I decided to try ZXT gold again. I am starting to have dry mouth and lump in throat feeling again. I liked the Zxt because I did lose weight pretty easy, but I don’t like not feeling okay.
The lump in throat feeling is quite bothersome. I know many folks who have had great success with ZXT and have had no symptoms. It is one of those things that is not for everyone.
Hi Joe,
Here is the link to Canada Health website:
This is the site where I found the information. Take a look and see. I don’t have anything more scientific than the alert on their site dated June 29, 2012. Consumers and health professionals wanting more information about this advisory from Health Canada can contact the Public Enquiries Line at 613-957-2991, or toll free at 1-866-225-0709.
thanks Beth, Im going to update my reviews with this new information. This is the first Ive ever seen of this.
I did not take anymore ZXT due to having extreme jitters and shakiness. I decided to dig a littler deeper on ZXT Bee Pollen and found that it is banned for sale in Canada due to hidden pharmaceutical ingredients which have an association with increased cardiovascular side effects such as heart attack and stroke. The diet pill Meridia which was pulled from the US market contained Sibutramine. See below from Canada Health:
Sibutramine was previously used to treat obesity but is no longer authorized for sale in Canada because of its association with an increased risk of cardiovascular side effects such as heart attack and stroke. In addition to heart attack and stroke, side-effects associated with sibutramine include increased blood pressure and heart rate, dry mouth, difficulty sleeping and constipation.
Phenolphthalein was previously used as a laxative but is no longer authorized for sale in Canada because it may cause cancer. Additional side-effects associated with phenolphthalein include decreased blood pressure, skin rash and gastrointestinal bleeding.
I would love to get a grip on my appetite and loose a few pounds but not at the risk of my overall health. My neighbor is taking it and has lost 38# in a month and half. I am worried about the risk he is taking. It did not sit well with my system, period. I am glad it did not and I found out what is really being put in the pill. Sorry, if they will put lead in our children’s toys, what wouldn’t they put in a pill for miraculous weight loss.
There is not short cuts when it comes to getting healthy. I will go back on weight watchers and take the slow and steady path to health.
Beth, this is very interesting. did you come across any official Canadian documents that specifically said they found weight loss drugs in ZXT or ZXT gold ect?
i have been taking ZXT for 4 weeks and have lost 17 lbs. i always have the dry mouth feeling, but i also have an issue where i feel like there is a hair or lump in the back of my throat. I am constantly swallowing hard to try and get the “lump” out of my throat.
I am a bigger chested woman and always had issues with them being too heavy on my stomach, but now i feel discomfort in the area under my breasts around my ribs. The pain does subside some if I lift my breasts up to releave the pressure.
I have been belching a lot lately so I figured it was gas, but now I am having a harder time taking a deep breath. Anyone else having these issues?
Jen go to the doctor. Im not a doctor but you’re symptoms just make me concerned.
I started taking ZXT from Floyd Nutrition on Saturday 07/14/12 and immediately felt a rush and tingling in my lips, then a fishbowl experience in my head and never returned. I have however started to experience progressive bowel movements that are now up to 2-3 day.
I have noticed some nausea and light crampy gas feeling after eating, especially at lunch time. Appetite way suppressed. Noticeably dry mouth.
Only a 1 pound weight loss so far. Started with 2 tabs but am decreasing to one today to see if loose bowels improve.
Let you know how the next couple days go.
Unfortunately, I started the ZXT, a probiotic, and bc medications all in the same week, so I am not sure what medication is causing the symptoms I am having. Ever since I have taken the ZXT pills, I have noticed increased energy and increased insomnia.
I usually crash around 11pm, but since taking these pills, I can stay up all night and not get too much sleep. I work midnight shifts and usually doze off for awhile, but I do not now. I have also noticed an increased heart rate. The normal for me is 80 and now even at rest, my heart rate averages around 100 bpm.
I have noticed more flatulence and the last week, I have been having abdominal cramping and nausea immediately after eating and then I feel like I am flushed and sweaty. Usually after resting and motrin, it goes away. I am not sure if these are effects from the ZXT.
I have started noticing some weight loss around my waist line this last week. I have been taking the pills for approximately 4 weeks now.
I started taking ZXT Slim 9 days ago and have lost 5 pounds. A friend of mine recommended this to me when I commented on her suddenly slimmer look.
I have had a few side effects:
Dry Mouth
Constipation (which is a problem I struggle with anyway)
Sleeplessness (first 2-3 days, but normal now)
The one side effect that is bothering me is that 2 days ago at night I noticed a strange feeling in my bum. Come to find out that I now have a huge hemorrhoid that is making it painful to sit down. The strange part is I have had problems with this in the past, but I didn’t even use the bathroom for this to happen. Not sure if it is from the pill, but I am going to go to the store today to grab some cream and hope it helps.
Overall I think the side effects are tollerable for me, so I don’t plan on stopping the pills unless this hemorrhoid problem does not go away.
I ordered these pills based on the raving reviews of a friend. I am skeptical. I took first one today (only took one instead of 2). I loved the energy. I am an extreme soda/sugar addict and it was the first time I’ve had a day pass where I didn’t crave it.
I have been super thirsty all day for nothing but water – which is very much out of the norm for me. I was a little surprised to see the mood reports – I actually started crying out of frustration today for a situation that wouldn’t normally make me cry.
Now I am wondering if it’s the pills. I’m not sure I’ll take another one. I saw my body do without the sugar and soda today – I’ll just do everything in my power to recreate it one day at a time. I know that weight loss will happen for me once I remove the bad habits.
I’m sure the withdrawals of sugar and sodas won’t be worse than the side effects you guys are reporting!
Soooo — all you out there having trouble — who’s with me??? Sheer will power!!!!! We can do this without spending money on strange pills on line!
Fourth day on the ZXT Gold and I have had diarrhea. First few days my stool was soft but I had no problem with that.
I am currently taking 2 pills in the am and I have not changed my diet. Will I still experience this taking 2 pills a day or should I go to one a day?
Melanie, im writing a review of zxt gold right now . would you be willing to send me the empty box and / or bottle? I want to see the box / bottle and any other info you got so i can review before i post my review.
I would stop the pills. diarrhea can cause dehydration and even heart problems due to depletion of electrolytes
I took my first dose today and started with just one pill. Tonight (as expected) i was a bit gassy and went to the bathroom. When I did i experienced a tiny amount of blood along with my stool and now the area is slightly itchy.
I am a bit nervous it is something to do with the pills. I have experienced bleeding before but the fact it happened the first day of taking the pills is making me uneasy. help?
EM, stop taking them and go to your doctor. thats what I would do. I hope your doctor already knows about your occasional stool. that can be a sign of serious things. please get checked out.
Im 16 and took ZiXiuTang for about 14 days 2 pills a day. now im on zxt slim 2 pills a day and i have missed my period. has anyone else had this problem?
I have been taking ZXT Gold for about 3 weeks now and I love it, But someone told my mother today that it is causing heart attacks and I have not heard anything. Is this causing heart attacks?
amy ive not heard of this either. i hope its not true.
Hello, I am 18 years old and I started these pills on Sunday.
I have lost 6 lbs. since Sunday and I feel like I’m taking a laxative. I drink 7-10 bottles of water everyday and I pee around 7-10 times a day. I do have trouble falling asleep. I have a suppressed appetite, hot flashes, and fatigue.
I’m menstruating at the moment, so I don’t think the pills are causing the hot flashes and fatigue. Emotionally, I just feel out of it. Just very mellow, and distant. I’m going to stay on them for a month, just to see how everything goes, and if all is well, then I will continue..
UPDATE: i did end up taking a 2 week break and let myself get over the dry mouth.
during the break, i lost 3 more lbs, so i know my metabolism remained elevated. I went to the doctor (just a routine physical) and my BP was wonderful! 117/77 and my pulse was 76, both lower than ever.
i started taking them again on June 1st and since then I’ve lost another 2 lbs. The dry mouth went away on it’s own and i feel fine. i just have to remember to keep drinking water.
The weight loss has slowed down significantly, but I’m not gaining. Instead of losing 10 lbs in 2 weeks, i’m losing maybe 2 -3.
I’m going to continue the 2 weeks on/two weeks off routine.
I TOOK Ultimate Formula for 5 days. The bottle I have does not mention any warning about blood pressure medication; which I am on a low dose of. After 3 days, I notice my pulse would go up to about 140 bpm just from getting out of bed in the morning and walking across the hall to the bathroom. It was worst in the morning. I stopped taking it 2 days ago, and that feeling is going away, but there is still a slight fluttery feeling in my chest.
I also could not sleep, but didn’t feel tired. Caffeine has never had an effect on me, but I wonder how much is in there, among other things.
I had a slight foggy, kinda drugged feeling. I felt that before on depression meds, but this wasn’t as strong.
I also had a copper taste in my mouth about an hour after taking it. The taste would last all day, but gradually get weaker. I still have it slightly after not taking it for 2 days.
I did not have any weight loss, but it did decrease my appetite and I would feel full sooner when eating, and could generally eat less. I made sure however, not to skip meals completely, just eat less. Which is really the desired effect I was hoping for when it was recommended to me by a co-worker whom I trust. She is not having these side effects, she said the inability to sleep passed after the first week. She, her daughter, and her sister are all having success with it, but it isn’t right for me.
I love ZXT classic. I have been on the classic for 2 months. First 6 days lost 6 pounds. Then I lost another 5 pounds a bit slower but it’s coming off. 9 more pounds to go. 3rd month I am currently on the ultimate which doesn’t seem to work for me. I’m going back to the classic formula.
I do get dry mouth and lightheadedness when I get up. So I buy pedialyte sippy boxes for my electrolytes. It definitely cleans out my system which is great to remove the toxins from my body. I have had so much energy, never hungry, my body is shrinking. My jeans that were skin tight on my hips, stomach and butt are falling off past my hips. I drink, drink, drink water all day long.
the best thing I like is I suffered greatly with joint pain from an acidic liver .. been to drs, rheumatologists, they said I was crazy and it was in my head blood work came back fine.I found out it was my liver that caused acid which caused my joint pain. I was on an alkaline diet which helped me greatly.. but these pills makes me alkaline and no longer need to be on a special diet. it has gotten rid of all my joint pain. you need to drink drink drink water all day on these pills and eat healthy as much as your can, get pedialyte; or low cal Gatorade (they say it puts on weight from the carbs and sugar).
I love this product but if it makes you feel bad stop and see a dr. ( I do not sell this product nor am I a nutritionist, or dr) just my personal story and opinion. I was in a car accident which caused a very bad back that I could no longer work out. this helped me lose the weight without exercise. I use the tummy tuck belt for exercise.. that’s it.
I actually started taking ZXT Gold last June.. I never had any side effects with them.. They were and are still amazing, but since I had taken them for so long, my body became immune to them, so I wanted to also try other products. I tried the ZXT Slim, and was the WORST decision I have made! I noticed my face breaking out with bumps and small pimples.. then my neck also started doing it. At first, I thought it was my make up remover, or something new I had been trying.. Then, I noticed my mood changed and I started snapping at my family over the least little things.
I also became depressed, and constantly tired, as well as constipation! A few months ago, I had an episode of Vertigo. [dizziness] .. I had gotten rid of it, but noticed I have become dizzy again when I had been taking the pills, as well as my ears feeling weird and kind of sore. I brushed the side effects off thinking that something else could have did them, so over this past weekend, I put the pills to the test.. I waited until around noon to take them. within a half an hour, the nausea started again, followed by my face and neck breaking out more. Monday, I decided I was not going to take them anymore.
I went Monday night to pick up Benadryl to see if I had an allergic reaction to the pills with me having the break outs.. I took it before I went to bed, and woke up with a much clearer face this morning. It also made my heart race an I felt anxious and jittery.
I never had any problems with the ZXT Gold.. it was just the ZXT Slim, and I ordered them from the same place I have always ordered from.
I have lost about 10 lbs in 2 weeks. i went down one dress size and am back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
I have to eat within a half hour of taking it bc if i don’t, i get nauseous, but i get nauseous on daily vitamins so it might just be me.
appetite was severely suppressed. i literally did not want to eat, but i made myself so i wouldn’t pass out.
about 4 days ago it did stop working. I’m hungry again, though i’m trying to ignore it so that i don’t gain. i also haven’t lost any weight since day 14. and then yesterday (day 16) i developed the worst case of dry mouth i have ever had. i still have it. it hurts to swallow. but my friend told me to keep taking the pills.
She said they have been known to stop working then start working again if you just keep it up.
i don’t know though. i may have to take a break for 2 weeks and then start them again then.
Mary, for what it is worth, I say dont listen to your friend and stop taking them if you feel that bad. If it really is true that zi xiu tang pills stop working and then start again, then I believe this is another piece of evidence of poor quality control (not all boxes have the same ingredients). Ive remained silent for a while on zi xiu tang for a while but I wanted to reiterate that I still do not trust this product.
I bought a bottle of ZiXiuTang in January, I didn’t even take them as directed because I found that two per day interfered with my sleep. I took two a day the first 10-12 days then only one daily after that (and some days I even forgot to take them). In that time I went from 162lbs to 138, I did not exercise once, the first week or so I ate very little but as time went on I began eating like a normal person would.
My side effects included: WICKED dry mouth, decrease in appetite, energy (but not jittery caffeine-like energy, more like good well rested long term energy), and taking 2/day did cause me to stay up later at night and sleep noticeably lighter, easily awakened.
I did notice a change in bowel habits, but it was only when I ate total crap like McDonalds or something. If I ate normal everyday food I was absolutely fine. And hey, I’ve known McDonalds to cause diarrhea all by it’s McSelf. So who really knows where to place the blame on that one.
Also I am EXTREMELY sensitive to stimulants. This is the only “diet pill” I’ve been able to take because everything else raises my heart rate, makes me dizzy, feels like my head is rushing, etc. These pills did not bother me at all.
So when I ran out, being the slacker I am, I didn’t order more for about 7-8 weeks. In that time I gained 4 lbs back, and I ate fairly bad the whole time. When I did go to reorder I saw a product called ZXT Slim, which has the same ingredients as ZiXiuTang, I avoided other Floyd products because they seem to contain Senna (ZiXuiTang and ZXT Slim DO NOT).
It’s been about 2 weeks, I’ve lost 6 lbs. The dry mouth is the same, appetite is not as low as it was with ZiXiuTang, everything else is about the same except I am noticing that my muscles cramp pretty easy so I should probably drink some gatorade… the weather is quite a bit hotter compared with January/February which may be why I didn’t notice it, or maybe the ingredients are slightly different I really don’t know.
But overall I love these pills. I’m sorry some people didn’t have it as well as me when they tried but we’re all different. Just like real medicine, if two people have high cholesterol the drug that really helps Guy #1 might not do anything for Guy #2, might even make him sick. You have to try for yourself to find out because me and all the other people on the internet are not you.