I've finally had a chance to sit down and compile a list of Zi Xiu Tang side effects. What follows are the most common ZXT side effects that have been reported by people who commented on my ZXT reviews, Zi Xiu Tang Does it Work and Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Supplement Revealed. Below are the most common side effects along with the number of people who reported that side effect. I tried to count every person reporting a side effect only once but given the number of people commenting there may be a couple of duplicates. Not surprising weight loss was the most frequent side effect reported with 16 people reporting this. Keep in mind that there may be more than this. There were many people reporting side effects however I only counted 16 who specifically said it caused “weight loss”. This was followed by (again no surprise) dry mouth. While I tried to be as accurate as possible, keep in mind that this is a very unscientific review of ZXT side effects and is based only on those people who commented. If you have experienced other ZXT side effects not listed here please do mention them. Only in this way can we help people the best.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that the some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.
Update. 10/24/10. The FDA has determined that Zi XIu Tang contains sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug. Here is the FDA warning about Zi Xiu Tang for more information.
I have also reviewed ZXT Gold and Slim Trim U so read those review for more info on that product.
Update 7/25/12. ZXT Gold has been found to contain 2 hidden drugs. Supplements should not contain drugs especially when they are not listed on the label. See the ZXT Gold Review for more info on this.
Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects
weight loss | 16 |
dry mouth | 14 |
More frequent bowel movements | 11 |
suppressed appetite | 10 |
feeling medicated / dizzy/ fatigued | 9 |
more energy | 5 |
fast heart rate | 4 |
can't sleep | 4 |
hot flashes | 3 |
anxiety feelings | 2 |
bloating /cramping | 2 |
headaches | 2 |
sweat more | 2 |
BP elevated | 1 |
dry nose | 1 |
stomach cramps | 1 |
chest pain | 1 |
moody feelings | 1 |
Also see my review of Slim Trim U for more information.
Do you have any different Zi Xiu Tang side effects?
I’ve been taking them for two days. Two pills in the morning. Side effects…. This feels like pure amphetamines. Dry mouth, can’t pee, clammy, cold hands, pupil dilation, erectile dysfunction and a desire to smoke. The only thing missing is the chattyness. No laxative effect though. I put on 1 pound so far :). Think I’m going to give these things a miss.
I have been taking this for one week today – the first two days I had amazing energy and felt great but had severe dry mouth and very loose bowel movements – then on the evening of the second day I became very ill will a horrible cold. I would take medicine at night and feel better and take my pills in the morning and would be horribly sick by the mid afternoon again – it took me 2 days to figure that it may be the pills…I also had chest pain – I have stopped the pills this morning and am feeling much better this afternoon…maybe an allergy to bee pollen??? either way I am stopping and doing weight loss the proper way…I dont trust this at all.
I had several negative side effects from this product. In the two weeks taking the pills I lost six pounds; however, I also had extreme dry mouth, hair loss, anxiety, and could not sleep. I would not recommend this product to anyone.
does this product make your urine smell badly? i think it makes mine smell bad and all drink is water.
I ended up taking ZXT Gold for about two weeks to get rid of excess weight before prom. It was the worst. Everyday was the same thing. I felt sick/nauseated throughout the day which contributed to me not eating at all or a tiny portion once every two days or so. I also had extremely loose bowel movements constantly. They were horrible, and disgustingly foul. Other side effects were dry mouth, horrible lips. I did have abdominal pain time to time but not bad. Just this past Friday though I went into a sudden attack at work.
The ER was called and off to the hospital I went. They said I suffered from a severe anxiety attack. I didn’t understand how. I wasn’t under any stress, and i’ve never had any previous or family history of this before. So I looked into it. I have had a tremor in my right arm only ever since Friday that doesn’t go away. I’ve been to my Endo, and family doctor and they are majorly worried. Both asked if I was taking other drugs. Specifically illegal drugs.
I don’t so I didn’t understand why they would ask. When I went back to my family doctor I asked him why they would ask me that and he looked back at my blood test results and found that there was a drug called butabarbital that was in my blood. My doctor said it was a drug used for seizures. I went home researched the product and found that it is made from barbary wolfberry fruit which is supposed to be one of the natural supplements in bee pollen.
My Neurologist said that my tremor in my arm is either an anxiety related tremor, or something worse like a seizure in my arm. This makes me wonder if my anxiety attack was actually a minor seizure as a result of the wolfberry fruit. If so, then ZXT Gold is mislabeling, and misleading their product. I’ll find out tomorrow, but I’d advise you to refund and get your body under control because you don’t want to experience this.
my daughter had been taking the pills for 2 weeks and she has thyroid disease and is on medication for thyroid she had a severe panic attack was it good for her to take these and do u think that the pills counteracted with her thyroid medicine
Hi Loretta, I did not see any interaction with thyroid medications when i reviewed the zi xiu tang ingredients but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. The fact is that I am not sure. zi xiu tang has not been tested to see if it is safe before it was sold (this is true for most supplements). One option, if your daughter has an under active thyroid then getting a TSH test may show if zi xiu tang is effecting the thyroid. Personally, I would not take it.
and my legs feel like jello, like ive been running all day. and i have NO energy now. i dont want to get off the couch
I’ve been taking gold zxt for 9 days now. These are my side effects: weight loss- 7lb in 7days-then regained 2lbs, dry mouth-drinking at least a gallon of water a day, More frequent bowel movements, suppressed appetite, dizzy, fast heart rate, can’t sleep more then 5 hours, takes a long time to fall asleep, hot flashes-lasting all day,headaches in the morning, sweat more,BP elevated, stomach cramps, spotting and increased acne. im thinking im going to stop taking these. i love the weight loss but not so sure the side effects are worth it
Kayla, Please let us know your blood test results! I am also concerned
I have seen good results from the pills but I have a few of those side effects plus ( and I don’t know whether this is related to them or not ) numbness/tingling in my toes and fingers, generally low circulation and increasingly bad head rushes. I’m going to get my blood tested to make sure everything is normal and see if I can relate it back to the pills because I don’t want to stop taking them unless they are really messing with my health.
gee these side effect fit me to a tee, im so tire d,fuzy headed, depressed, heart races , fill shaky, i dont even care if i spell this right, no energy , i started thaking zxt gold two weeks ago, no more for me, i didn’t lose any weight even tho i did lose my appetite.i run to the bathroom all the time, and before i started these pills, i had lots of energy, I’m a hairstyles, and run all the time, now these pills have kill my energy, be careful
I am 64 yrs old 257 lbs, 5’9″ – go to the gym 3-4 days a week. No physical problems other than arthritis in my knee. Normal blood pressure.
A week ago i started taking ZXT and took 5 tabs in 3 days. I got an initial energy boost and decided to put my motor on my boat myself. I had a muscle spasm in lower back. The back pain was compounded by stomach cramps and being unable to have a bowel movement. I couldn’t sleep for 2 nights and I had a paranoia feeling that i had never experienced before, which included dry mouth, nausea sweats, shakes and no appetite (like going thru drug withdrawal).
These were not from the pain of muscle spasm as i have had them occasionally over the years and they only last a couple of days and have never caused these symptoms. In these past 6 days i dropped 12 lbs.
Its been 3 days now since i stopped ZXT and i am starting to feel much better and had a fairly good night sleep last night, but still have dry mouth. And now, THANK GOD i have my appetite back.
If it aint broke dont fix it. You may be the next one who has bad side effects. ZXT aint for me!!!
Thank you for this forum as it has helped me get thru these past couple of days.
Carl, Those are some really scarey side effects. I’m really glad you are starting to feel better.
Hi, i started taking XZT about a month ago an went from 170 to 150 so yes i have lost quite a bit of weight (perhaps aided by the onset of spring and a new relationship). I also made sure before purchaseing that i got my product from the ‘original’ source. Some of my friends and co workers went through outside (cheeper) sources and their side effects were only jittery feelings, constant loose bowls and restlessness but not any.
Other side effects that i have experienced are: lack of appatite, dry mouth, unpleasent taste/odor in mouth all day (think of the taste you get in your mouth after a good nights sleep), interrupted sleep (may also be aided by living in the same house as a teething 6 month old baby), constipation (when taking two pills), loose bowls when taking one pill. Most of these symptoms only became evident after prolonged use and since the pills have been working for me i will continue to use them untill i return to the weight i was 2years ago.
My mother on the other hand COULD NOT take these pills! after only two weeks she lost only 5lbs (the body can fluctuate by 5lbs from morning to night so this particular weightloss may not even be from the pill). ontop of no weight loss she had constant loose bowels, a drugged feeling (some have said that it felt like being on cocain or speed), supressed appatite, sleeplessness and an alarming pain in har kidneys (this is when she stopped) and also anxiety attacks that almost put her in the hospital. She says that she went through withdrawl symptoms for about three days after stopping and feels much better now. clearly though these pills may work they are not ment for every one.
i have some suspicions as to why i have not had the regular bms that others have. i eat a mostly organic high fiber egalitarian/vegan diet. the only times that my stools were consostant and normal were on days where my diet had been the least healthy (such as pizza day a work or Chinese take out for dinner or a fast grab meal on the go at mc donalds.) but then again my mother shares a similar diet and had very different experiences.
If considering these pills please please PLEASE make sure you go through the original website even if it’s more expensive you are paying for what you get. and second stop as soon as you think you may be experiencing dangerous side effects. i know it may be hard after spending $60+ on it but you may cause yourself irrevicable damage by forcing yourself to continue. ALSO REMEMBER TO DRINK LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER!!!!!
one of my friends is still stubbornly continuing the cheap stuff even though she is not loosing weight and is experiencing so much loose bowl that i am tempted to call it dissentary. she also doesn’t drink water (says it tastes bad) so she is beginning to put herself in a dangerous position.
like always when taking any kind of pill keep alert and aware of any and all changes in your body.
Finally, Joe, i have found your reviews very helpful and am sure that you have thoroughly researched the material before posting your reviews however, i merely wished to bring your attention to some of the research and science starting to emerge in relation to bee pollen and honey (mostly honey so far but there was a book i read -titled ‘honey’ i believe- that also addressed bee pollen briefly).
Manuka honey is a special type of honey approved for medical use due to its healing and anti bacterial properties (mostly used for burns and open wounds but can also be used for herpes out breaks and other dermal conditions). when using manuka honey as a sweetener it is reported to increase energy levels (i find it to expensive to use in my tea as i like a lot of honey and less then a pint costs $37).
There are other honeys used for medical treatments but are not as powerful as manuka. in short most byproducts of bees have proven to be very useful and beneficial cosmetically and medically, and yes, when used appropriately, can aid in the loss of weight. i am only an average young woman looking for natural ways to keep myself healthy so perhaps i am biased and my research unscientific but i find that personal experience is the only real way to know.
most studies are only based off of statistical surveys after all and any one who has taken a college level statistics course knows the amounts of bull and personal opinion that can be used to sway the ‘results’.
Leila, thanks for writing and Id say you are more than an “average young women.” When it comes to honey, I can only go by what I see in the research. I have not seen the book you mentioned or any research on honey helping herpes but I would only say that in the US we can write a book about pretty much anything. It doesn’t have to mean its true to be written. I knew this when I wrote my own book about supplements and that’s why I included 940 references in the book so people could check the facts themselves. Of course no study is “perfect” and there are studies out there and I have seen studies that are absolutely “dumb” in my opinion. Still, the peer review process, while not perfect, is, I believe, the best way to analyze products.
Be careful about drinking LOTs of water. There is a condition called hyponatremia which is very serious. while usually rare, the mantra to “drink lots of water”, I think it may be in part responsible for some of the side effects Ive heard with respect to zi xiu tang.
Ive been taking the ZXT Gold for less than a month and feel like Ive been run over by a truck a million times. The first time I heard about this was from a lady I work with and she was bragging about it. So I thought I would give it a try for the extra energy since I work full time, mom of 3 and go to school. Well Ive lost 15 pounds in less than a month.
My mouth is so dry and I can’t seem to get enough water cause I get sick to my stomach. Everyday I force myself to eat and that seems to only be once a day. I have become so moody my husband is concerned. Ive always enjoyed family time and since these pills I lock myself in a room til I hear my kids or husband looking for me. Now I have no strength my muscles feel like jello. I need fluids so bad that I’m thinking about going to the ER for an IV. My heart races and feels like its going to pop out of my chest. I would never recommend these to anymore. I will never take another one.
so the only thing the pills are doing for me is making my pee dark yellow even though I’m drinking a lot of water…. what does that mean??? im kinda scared
Nicole, is your urine dark yellow or dark brown (like coke a cola colored)? If your urine is dark brown stop taking them RIGHT NOW and go to the hospital NOW! If its dark yellow I still dont like that either.
I mention dark brown because its a sign of a disorder called rhabdo-myo-lysis which is basically the destruction of your muscle cells. many things can cause it. I have no proof that zi xiu tang does it but your statement about dark yellow made me worried. I’m probably wrong and I dont want to alarm you. I just want to give you as much info as I can.
For more on rhabdo-myo-lysis, here is a review I wrote about how too much exercise can cause it. http://www.joe-cannon.com/rhabdomyolysis-personal-trainers-exercise-review-symptoms-negatives-eccentric-fitness-bootcamp/
Either way, Im going to recommend you stop taking zi xiu tang now and go to your doctor. Id rather you speak to somebody and find out whats wrong rather than go on the internet searching for answers. There are all sorts of crazy things on the web when you search for medical help. see your doctor and you will rest easier today. will you please do that for me?
OMG you guys!! As I am reading your comments I am just shaking my head and feeling very foolish! I will try to keep this short and to the point. (Started pill February 6, 2012 and weighed 170, as of today March 3 weighed 165) **Good holiday food was the result of my weight gain from December to the beginning of February)**
BRIEFING: In January 2011 I weighed 202 lbs (female 5’4”), by December 2011 I weighed 165 lbs. My weight loss was from exercise, smaller & frequent portioned meals, and healthier food choices. January 2012, I was dreading the cold weather but I love to run outside. I have very well eating habits but I wanted to still lose weight without working out as much in the cold. A college friend who lost A LOT of weight from this product is also a seller of ZXT. So I trusted the product and its benefits. Little did I know….
DRY MOUTH- I have always consumed a high intake of water and I carry a bottle in my purse EVERYWHERE I go. When I heard that this product required plenty of water consumption I was thinking no problem at all. I started the pill and automatically increased my water intake (ex: drink a bottle right after I wake up, drink a bottle when I take my pill, & drink a bottle with breakfast = 3 bottles within 2 hours; during the day I would avg a bottle/hour). My mouth still felt dry, but I noticed that eating water based fruits/veggies would decrease the extent of the dryness. I work at a bank and so I speak to customers all day.
On a slow work day the amount of dryness is tolerable because I already expected this as a side effect and chose to deal with it. On a busy work day (still drinking water), my mouth gets SO EXTREMELY DRY that sometimes I feel like I can barely talk because it is just that bad! I will gulp down a bottle of water while I am completing a customer’s transaction because I’m so thirsty!! Call me rude but it was really that serious. Also along with the dry mouth comes a dry mouth odor. It’s not a funky odor of periodontal disease or lack of dental hygiene, but simply a dry mouth odor. (Hard to describe but my fiancé’ notice the same thing when I asked him about it, he just didn’t think anything of it… men!)
DRY NOSE- I am new to the allergy world, and had my first spring allergy in 2010 with minor sneezing and sniffing due to air quality (SN: My allergies weren’t bad enough to get a prescription/medication). After week one on the pill I was working out to the Insanity video in my home. A few minutes after my workout during my stretching I sneezed once, and then I had abrupt, aggressive and consistent sneezing that would not stop! I had to force my sneezing to stop by only breathing through my mouth and keeping my mind off of it. When it finally stopped and I was almost back to normal I thought man there must be some major dust in my place that I needed to clean! Within that same day my nose would sting as I would inhale and exhale. The dots connected as a possible pill side effect because I would have the same uncontrollable sneezes after working out in different environments and my nose stayed dry with the stinging pain. I would put Vaseline and even Vics under my nose because that’s what sources on the web said to do. Even though I am new to the allergy game, I knew that these symptoms were very different and unusual, like scary unusual.
DIZZINESS- I kind of expected dizziness to occur because normally anything that gives you high increased energy will also speed up your heart rate and dizziness would be soon to follow. So at times my head would feel cloudy. Also sometimes I would be moving at normal speed but it would feel like my mind was trying to catch up to my actions, almost like a drunken feeling. But it only got worse during my workouts. The slow motion of my mind was full affect; I felt super dizzy and became nauseated (which NEVER happened anytime in my life)!! I would also feel as if I was going to pass out!! I was not dehydrated nor was I overexerting my workouts; I was doing the same routines that I have always done in the past.
ABDOMINAL CRAMPING: Luckily, I did not experience this, BUT my fiancé’ did! He keeps describing this effect as painful! It was a sharp stabbing pain under his lower stomach/pelvis that was also felt in his testicles; a pain similar to blue balls but way different and more painful. He felt this pain about the third week, but we both did not link it to the pill and tried different things to ease the pain. About 5-6 days later he couldn’t take it anymore, at times he said he could barely stand or walk because it was that bad, so he decided layoff on the pill. The first day that he didn’t take the pill the pain was there but not as strong. The second day the pain was gone and he said he will never pick up another pill again!
MUSCLE FATIGUE: Both of us have experienced exhaustion and lack of strength while working out. We are both active and fit individuals so this weakness was new to us. I was informed that this pill will give you so much energy that you will want to work out harder and longer. That was not the case for us! The amount of reps drastically decreased when he would use normal 30lbs weights for curls, and we both couldn’t believe this. My normal 3 mile jog and leg workouts became confusingly tough! My fiancé has been off the pill for a week now and says that his body and muscles still a little fatigued but he is luckily regaining his strength each day.
SLEEPLESSNESS: Once I had heard that this weight loss pill increases your energy I was sold!! I have always had a lack of energy; I even went to my doctor to get tested for diverse deficiencies but my results were normal and the doc said that I was healthy. With the pill I did not feel an increase of energy; I had the same drained & tired feeling as before. However, on the pill, nights would pass where I was not able to fall asleep or I was able to stay up longer than before (Normally I wake up: 6am and sleep by: 11:30pm). After the second week I was tired throughout the day but around 10pm I would get a burst of energy that would have me staying up until 3am or I would try to sleep but would feel very awake and aware during the night. It also didn’t help that with all of the water I would drink that I had to keep getting up to use the bathroom. At first I did not link my sleeplessness to the pill but after the reviews I am pretty convinced.
OTHER SIDE EFFECTS: I have also experienced BLURRED VISION and at times it seemed like things close and far would appear fuzzy (It was worse at night while driving). I feel more ANXIOUS, DEPRESSED, MOODY, and my thoughts feel like they are always going at a very fast speed. I’m sure most people have a slight URINE SMELL the first time they use the bathroom in the morning which is due to lack of water for 8 hours; however I drink water throughout the night (hate dry mouth) as well as potty throughout the night, but my early morning urine has the strongest odor ever which has never happened before this! With as much water as I drink my urine should be almost clear and smell free!!
THE SIDE EFFECTS I LOVED: I loved the SUPPRESSED APPETITE and not thinking about food!! As stated I used to eat at least 6 small meals/ 2-3 hours which got expensive, time consuming, and I still had a slight hunger; so the minimal appetite was great!! I also loved having BOWEL MOVEMENTS at least twice a day. It felt great to poop because I was thinking “if it is coming out after food is going in, then I shouldn’t have a high calorie intake”! (Silly thinking: before the pill I had bowel movements of maybe 3X/week, even with frequent healthy eating and exercise). I also LOST A FEW INCHES while on the pill but did not have much success with weight loss; my weight kept fluctuating up and down (about 5lb weight loss). I could have lost 5lbs or more on my own with eating and exercise!
CONCLUSION: It is unfortunate that I, as well as other people, have experienced unhealthy side effects from a product that we thought was safe and that we could trust. I was going to keep ignoring the side effects until I came across this page, seen that I was denial, and what I experienced was related to the pill. My lesson learned is that no “weight loss supplement” is worth my health and I will have to continue to lose weight the proven way; with healthy eating and exercise.
The zxt product that I purchased is called Insane, manufactured by Zixiutang Pollen Bio-medicine Co., LTD (www.zixiutangpollen.net) My product is in a simple white bottle, not the fancy Chinese packaging that I have seen on other sites. The label and website did not provide an ingredient list but the label did include a supplement list with supposed mg/serving of the following (listed in order from greatest to least): bee pollen, sickelsenna seed, seville orange flower, honeysuckle, safflower, Chinese yam, aloe, and green tea.
Sorry guys! I really tried to keep this short but I needed to give details of what I experienced
I also took the zxt gold for about 2 months. At first I felt good, lost 10 lbs and was loving this product. Then I started feeling tired and sluggish all of the time. I couldn’t go to sleep at night and didn’t want to get out of the bed in the morning. I started feeling depressed and didn’t want to do anything.
I have two toddler’s and I didn’t even want to play with them. I didn’t want to clean My house and definitely didn’t have the energy to do so. I started hearing horror stories about people being in the ER because of this and actually defended the product!! I emailed the company, Floyd nutrition, to get information on the product. They wouldn’t tell me who the manufacturer was or where it was manufactured or where the bee pollen came from or any other info. I found it very fishy and decided I would no longer take the zxt gold nor would I recommend it to anyone!! Please do not take this supplement!!
Hi All,
ZXT was recommended to me by my aunt. She is almost 60 years old and has always been in great physical health. She had heard of ZXT from a friend who had seen dramatic weight loss. Within the first month of taking them my aunt was able to lose the last 10 pounds that had always bothered her. What impressed her the most was that she didn’t gain any of the weight back once she stopped taking them after the first 30 days.
My mother and I both started taking these about 6 weeks ago. My mom is 55 years old, 5’8″, and weighs 220 pounds. I am 23 years old, 5’7′, and weighed 199 at the beginning of the program. While my mom has not seen any changes to her weight or experienced any side effects, I have had incredible results.
I have lost 30 pounds! And it seems like it’s going to keep falling off. As with any other weight loss program, I have noticed that I lose weight much quicker when I engage in exercise at least a couple of times a week (most lost in 7 days was 6 pounds), but I have lost a minimum of 2 pounds/week without even trying.
In addition to the weight loss, I have had some side effects. The first side effect I noticed was an increase in energy. With just the pills, this energy is the good kind, but adding any additional caffeine turns me into a crazy person! So, no more soda or coffee–fine with me.
Within the first 4 days I had a significant change in appetite. Not only was I getting full much quicker, I wasn’t craving my bad foods. I think that this had more to do with my outlook than anything else. I knew that if my body required less food, I needed to provide it with the most nutritional options.
The one side effect that I have been most surprised by is a decrease in bowel movements. Before taking ZXT, I was incredibly regular. I could plan my day around my bathroom needs. While on ZXT, my BMs have decreased to maybe 2-3 a week. These are small, and usually easy to pass. I have only had difficulty having a BM on one occasion. This is the opposite of what I expected, especially since I usually in the exact opposite to cleansing programs.
I feel incredibly lucky that I have yet to experience any of the negative side effects experienced by others. That said, I am concerned with possible long-term effects. For this reason I don’t think that I will be ordering refills of ZXT. Hopefully my new eating and exercise habits and routines will stay with me, and I will keep seeing positive results.
Thank you, Joe, for providing your insights about ZXT and encouraging us to share our experiences. Good luck to all hoping to have a healthier 2012.
I don’t know. This is the ZXT Slim from Floyd Nutrition. I only had the problem yesterday though, so I’m not sure if it’s related to the supplement. It could have been completely unrelated. I will keep you posted as I continue with my 30 day supply.
I have been taking ZXT Slim for a week now. I have lost 4 lbs so far. Side effects have been very minimal. I get a little jittery about half way through the morning. Decreased appetite. Yesterday I got a bad headache and blurred vision, but haven’t had issues today. The most exciting side effect for me is loss of sugar cravings. I’m a major sugar addict and have completely lost all desire for it since starting this supplement.
Daisy, the side effect of blurred vision is something that only recently seemed to come up. I don’t remember anybody mentioning this last year. it makes me wonder what they are putting in zi xiu tang now?