I've finally had a chance to sit down and compile a list of Zi Xiu Tang side effects. What follows are the most common ZXT side effects that have been reported by people who commented on my ZXT reviews, Zi Xiu Tang Does it Work and Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Supplement Revealed. Below are the most common side effects along with the number of people who reported that side effect. I tried to count every person reporting a side effect only once but given the number of people commenting there may be a couple of duplicates. Not surprising weight loss was the most frequent side effect reported with 16 people reporting this. Keep in mind that there may be more than this. There were many people reporting side effects however I only counted 16 who specifically said it caused “weight loss”. This was followed by (again no surprise) dry mouth. While I tried to be as accurate as possible, keep in mind that this is a very unscientific review of ZXT side effects and is based only on those people who commented. If you have experienced other ZXT side effects not listed here please do mention them. Only in this way can we help people the best.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that the some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.
Update. 10/24/10. The FDA has determined that Zi XIu Tang contains sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug. Here is the FDA warning about Zi Xiu Tang for more information.
I have also reviewed ZXT Gold and Slim Trim U so read those review for more info on that product.
Update 7/25/12. ZXT Gold has been found to contain 2 hidden drugs. Supplements should not contain drugs especially when they are not listed on the label. See the ZXT Gold Review for more info on this.
Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects
weight loss | 16 |
dry mouth | 14 |
More frequent bowel movements | 11 |
suppressed appetite | 10 |
feeling medicated / dizzy/ fatigued | 9 |
more energy | 5 |
fast heart rate | 4 |
can't sleep | 4 |
hot flashes | 3 |
anxiety feelings | 2 |
bloating /cramping | 2 |
headaches | 2 |
sweat more | 2 |
BP elevated | 1 |
dry nose | 1 |
stomach cramps | 1 |
chest pain | 1 |
moody feelings | 1 |
Also see my review of Slim Trim U for more information.
Do you have any different Zi Xiu Tang side effects?
Pebbles- If you already have had health problems I would definitely not take the risk by taking pills that you don’t really know what’s in them or what they can do.
I am really considering taking these pills, i had a kidney transplant 5 years ago, when i Google if this product will affect my kidney i couldn’t get any good feedback, however I have consulted with my doctor and its his Personal opinion, no “herb” pills are good for me, what is a girl to do? please help!
Pebbles, I know the lure to lose weight is a strong one but I would be very cautious of taking any supplement -especially one coming from another country that doesn’t even have English printed on the box – if you had received a new kidney! Peebles, how long did you have to wait for your kidney? If anything in that supplement harmed your kidney (I dont know if it will or won’t) do you think you would be able to get another kidney? How long will that take?
Peebles, please dont take zi xiu tang. Its not worth it. I’ve said it many times before, I dont know what is in those pills and I am not confident that different bottles have the same ingredients. You only have one kidney. Its not worth it. I would much rather you start a walking program at lunch time. Even if you dont lose weight you will be healthier. Research proves that skinny people who do not exercise are not as healthy as overweight people who do exercise. I will always choose health over weight loss. I do understand the desire you are feeling but I do not believe these pills are the answer. what will happen when you stop taking them? Your weight will return Peebles. Trust me. Regardless, it comes back to your kidney. Will you risk your healthy kidney for this?
Have you ever seen a registered dietitian about your desire to lose weight? you can find one in your area at this website – EatRight.org just put your zip code in and the RDs in your area will appear. they can help put you on a weight loss program that is safe for you and your kidney.
So far you have been one of the lucky ones Pebbles. I want you to maintain that winning streak and that’s why I’m telling you this.
Been taking the ZXT Gold from Floyd Nutrition for 2 days now. The main effects I’ve been having are terrible thirst, increased urination, terrible nausea,diarrhea (3 times today), anxiety, decreased appetite, problems sleeping, and feelings of being cold or sometimes too warm.
I have taken a stimulant like Adderall before and it really feels like that. I have lost 3 lbs but I think it’s just water weight. It’s hard to do anything when I feel so nauseated -all the time- or drugged up and anxious. I have a 6 day sample but I’m not sure if I can make it through that or if I want to. I might decrease to one pill a day and see.
Okay today is my first day taking the pills and I threw up… Should I take some more or will it still be effective. also why do you think I threw up. Plz help
Blair, please stop taking them. Anything that makes you throw up isn’t safe. I dont know why you threw up. I still think we dont know whats in zi xiu tang and I just dont trust it. if you can get your money back do so, if not throw them in the trash. If you are still throwing up, please see a doctor. Please let me know how you are doing.
The first time I took the pills I had a 7day supply. I lost 3lbs within 5 day. I did experience a feeling of anxiety, moody and a little out of it. I placed another order for the 30 day supply, this time after 2 day I started feeling like I was on some type of strong drug. I was very anxious, restless, moody, dry nose, by the end of the day I felt totally out of it, I was so wound up by the time I got home from work each day I had to drink a glass of wine to calm down.
I am now taking one pill a day instead of the recommend 2 pills per day. I don’t feel as anxious, didn’t lose any weight this time, the best thing is, it does suppress my appetite. I do know I have an over stimulated super sensitive immune system and does not process foreign substance well because of that I don’t do any type of caffeine. I will try taking them a little longer, hopefully I can lose the 15lbs I desire to get ridge of.
I started taking ZXT yesterday and I’m already thinking of quitting. The side effects are horrible! Constipation, dry mouth, anxiety, and a rapid heartbeat were all the side effects I was feeling. I am not able to eat well because I have no appetite. I also feel dizzy and drowsy my vision isn’t as clear and I am not able to concentrate well because of these racing thoughts! I am definitely throwing these pills in the trash it is a waste of money and time. It is not worth feeling this way.
I posted 2 weeks ago… a few days after I stopped taking these pills because the dizziness was getting so bad. I randomly started to feel like I was going to pass out.. I was starting to sweat like crazy.. my skin started to turn yellow and break out in itchy bumps all over my body and my migranes were becoming unbearable.
I instantly started feeling better when I stopped taking them though for a few days I still felt nauseous and even 2 weeks later still have bumps on my skin but not as bad.. it took about a week to have a normal bm instead of the ones I was having while taking those. I feel so much better and noticed a more positive change in my mood since I have not taken them.
KC, wow! it sounds like you were having an allergic reaction and maybe even some liver problems? I’m glad you are feeling better but please do go to your doctor and tell him/her what you just wrote here. I’d feel better if you did.
I stated taking zxt gold bee pollen about 3 days ago. i feel very tired and sleepy also I feel nervous this product has not taken my appetite at all, my sister recommended this product to me she said her pastor’s wife takes it and lost about 2 dress sizes already.. i am thinking hard about sending it back i feel very funny and starting to feel a little depressed.
Pam, if you dont feel well or are depressed I say stop taking it. Anything that makes you feel odd or depressed does not sound good to me.
I’ve been taking this since jan voice to risen 1st so a month now I’ve lost 13lbs.. the first week I had no side effects besides dry mouth dry lips I’m constantly drinking water.. after a month I’ve noticed extremely dry skin on my arms like exema little itchy patches of bumps… my lips are chapped.. loose bowels… I do get dizzy and nauseous sometimes but thats prob because I have no appetite and if I don’t force myself to eat ill be weak. Just remember to eat even when ur not hungry, put lotion on daily, and drink a lot.. I have had no issues sleeping if anything I think I sleep better.
No problem. Sibutramine is exactly what was found in all that Dr. Oz had tested. Has caused heart attack, stroke, & seizures. In his show he said that some of them tested had more than SIX times the amount of the drug that was prescribed by doctors before it was banned!
Lisa, thanks for sharing that. I’m unfortunately not surprised given some of the weight some people say they lost on some of these products.
Update…before I stopped taking zxt, I had dry mouth, petechiae (blood too thin), & my vision began to get blurry. Within a few days of quitting zxt, all these symptoms are gone. ZXT is in the trash! Also, wanted to pass along this link.
While watching Dr. Oz a week or so ago, he reported on a study where he purchased 5 “natural” Chinese weight loss drugs & sent them to be tested in a lab & ALL were contaminated with at least one potentially deadly, (already banned in the US) drug, which of course was not shown on the ingredients. I don’t believe ZXT was tested in his study but it just makes me even more suspicious.
Lisa, thanks for passing on that link. I believe the weight loss drug a lot of them contain in Meridia (Sibutramine), which is banned in the US.
I have been taking these pills for about 10 days and I am going to stop – the first few days I lost 4 lbs but have gained it all back while on these pills – I too developed a rash on my arm. I also have dry mouth and no matter how much water I drink, it is still there. This morning I walk up with a headache (I never get headaches). I am going to stop taking them – it’s a shame – it promises so much – I guess there is no easy way to lose weight.
Im not sure if anyone else is in the same boat as me. but i became pregnant while on ZXT and took them for the 4 weeks before you can test to confirm the pregnancy. Well my baby didn’t grow beyond 8 weeks and at 11 weeks i had to have a medical procedure because the baby had passed on. then about a 2 months later i became pregnant again and that one didn’t even last a week. BUT i know i cant 100% say the pills caused this, i just don’t think they helped me create a perfect living environment for my baby..even if i was losing weight. I am now 19 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby boy.
I don’t want to scare anyone, but a serious side effect of the pill for me while i was one it for almost a year was a very spontaneous cycle. sometimes it would be as late as 3 weeks and then i would get it twice in one week.
I have been taking these pills that my friend recommend for about a week now. Its crazy because lately I can’t sleep, I’m having a lot of anxiety, very depressed, emotional, chest pains, and feel like I’m going to have a panic attack. I looked up all these conditions a online because I wasn’t sure what’s wrong with me lately. Then I looked up the pills side effects and everything I have are the side effects. I’m throwing these pills away today! Its not worth it. I couldn’t even exercise because I can’t concentrate. I thought I was going crazy! My bowel movements even look bloody! Please stay away from these pills.
Dianne, those are some pretty severe symptoms I do hope you see your doctor if you dont feel better really soon.
I’ve been taking this for just over 3 weeks and lost 8 lbs. Untill recently only side effect was very dry mouth. Has definitely not acted as a laxative for me (slower if anything). Over the past few days I have developed Petechiae on my legs & hips. Petechiae is little red dots that are caused by small hemorrhages (bleeding under surface of the skin). Many conditions can cause this, but one possible cause is taking blood thinners or aspirin. After a lot of research, I have found that a couple ingredients in zi xiu tang can act as blood thinners. I’ll need to see my Dr. to confirm the Petechiae is not a result of some other condition but I feel pretty sure the zi xiu tang is the culprit.
I have been taking the pills for 2 weeks . Lost 4 pounds However this week I start to feel anxious and depressed. Also since yesterday I’m experiencing chest pain and discomfort. I can’t sleep well either. I am stopping these pills right now.
The only healthy way to loose weight is eating healthy and exercises . I started to take these pills just because a friend recommended and she lost like 10 pounds in 2 weeks. The sides effects are horrible. Is not worth
Viky, I agree stop taking zi xiu tang. Throw them away! If you are still feeling like you are having chest pain I would like it if you want to your doctor and got checked out. I dont know whats in zi xiu tang but I dont want to take a chance with your health.
I just ordered this product. It came in the mail yesterday. After reading your reviews, I am very skeptical about this product. I did some research on this product before I purchased it, but all of the websites sounded very positive. But, what really came as a shock to me is when I went on the website of the company where I purchased it from, late last night, I noticed that they made a statement that they are now discontinuing the sales of the product. Sounds a little odd to me.
Needless to say, I won’t be taking this product. I WILL be sending it back to the company. I do appreciate you all’s comments. And thanks Joe for creating this page. I will go back to using the Renu Herbs products from Robin Anthony. I used them before but they are a little on the expensive side, so I stopped ordering them but they worked and I didn’t have any side effects. I guess I got what I paid for.
Took only one today – the only things I feel is tired and dry mouth. Glad I didn’t take 2. Won’t be taking anymore of them. I am having a hard time working.. Yuck thumbs down on this product for me.
just started taking them 5 days ago, went from 181 to 173.5 so far… weighing in at the same time each morning when i wake up. i am an ex college athlete so i have also started to hit the gym more. you do have to drink a lot of water, but that’s really not the worst thing in the world. I now crave water instead of soda or beer, so that has taken it’s place. have not noticed much of a difference in bowel movements, although i am eating less. somewhat of a restless feeling during the day, and i have also come down with a cold, which is likely entirely unrelated. i am overall pleased with the results so far and will likely continue to take the pills until i reach my desired weight of 145.
This is my second time taken bee pollen. The first time 2 years ago I had know problem and lost all my weight. I loved it. I put some back on and wanted to try it again but this time I have symptoms and want to know if its normal or should I stop taken them. My symptoms are headache, sometimes I feel like I have a fever but I don’t, Doctor said my blood pressure is a little high but nothing to worry about. I didn’t tell him what I was taking. I saw someone else felt like she had a fever also but there was know response. I did loose 13 pounds quick but its not worth it if I could have other issues.