I've finally had a chance to sit down and compile a list of Zi Xiu Tang side effects. What follows are the most common ZXT side effects that have been reported by people who commented on my ZXT reviews, Zi Xiu Tang Does it Work and Zi Xiu Tang Weight Loss Supplement Revealed. Below are the most common side effects along with the number of people who reported that side effect. I tried to count every person reporting a side effect only once but given the number of people commenting there may be a couple of duplicates. Not surprising weight loss was the most frequent side effect reported with 16 people reporting this. Keep in mind that there may be more than this. There were many people reporting side effects however I only counted 16 who specifically said it caused “weight loss”. This was followed by (again no surprise) dry mouth. While I tried to be as accurate as possible, keep in mind that this is a very unscientific review of ZXT side effects and is based only on those people who commented. If you have experienced other ZXT side effects not listed here please do mention them. Only in this way can we help people the best.
Update 4/8/14. The FDA warns people to immediately stop taking Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements. It tested several Zi Xiu Tang products – including those that were said to be “genuine” and not counterfeit. The FDA found that the some products contained not only sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug but some also contained Phenolphthalein, a chemical that may increase the risk of cancer. See the FDA alert for more information.
Update. 10/24/10. The FDA has determined that Zi XIu Tang contains sibutramine, an illegal weight loss drug. Here is the FDA warning about Zi Xiu Tang for more information.
I have also reviewed ZXT Gold and Slim Trim U so read those review for more info on that product.
Update 7/25/12. ZXT Gold has been found to contain 2 hidden drugs. Supplements should not contain drugs especially when they are not listed on the label. See the ZXT Gold Review for more info on this.
Zi Xiu Tang Side Effects
weight loss | 16 |
dry mouth | 14 |
More frequent bowel movements | 11 |
suppressed appetite | 10 |
feeling medicated / dizzy/ fatigued | 9 |
more energy | 5 |
fast heart rate | 4 |
can't sleep | 4 |
hot flashes | 3 |
anxiety feelings | 2 |
bloating /cramping | 2 |
headaches | 2 |
sweat more | 2 |
BP elevated | 1 |
dry nose | 1 |
stomach cramps | 1 |
chest pain | 1 |
moody feelings | 1 |
Also see my review of Slim Trim U for more information.
Do you have any different Zi Xiu Tang side effects?
yes l agree
I have been taking this pill for a week now, i have had strong headaches, can’t I sleep well.. but what started to worry me was that i started feeling a pain in the chest and in my back. The pill does reduce my appetite but i will stop taking it, i don’t want to risk my health any more with this pill.
Christina, I dont like those symptoms – the chest pain and back pain could be signs of heart attacks. please do go to your doctor. At the very least this will give you peace of mind. Me also!
I just ordered the Infinity Super version. I’ve been working out 5-7x/week and eating better (more fruits veg/less carbs) for the last 6mos and have only lost about 10lbs. My goal is to leave behind my 240lb self for good and get back to my former glory btwn 120-140lbs. I’m hoping this will help. Will keep y’all posted on how it goes for me.
Good luck keep me posted Meisha
i have been taking zi xiu and l have not lost any waeight at all l have gained instead and l have a back ache. l stopped taking it and the back ache stopped. i also have constipation. i don’t understand it doesn’t suppress my appetite at all. i went from 150pounds to 166 pounds in weight.
I am currently taking these pills for 2 weeks. I have lost 5 lbs. I have the hot flashes and dry mouth, but I am loving that me energy level is out the roof I have notice though that my back burns at time when I have to use the restroom and that is the only thing that makes me kinda of nervous, because I’ve had kidney problem when I was younger and it is very easy for me to get a urinary tract infection. I notice that in your research that you found that someone has reported having renal failure and you tell me a little more about this please.
Chan, I dont have any more info on renal failure. I wish I did. the problem with supplements like zi xiu tang and others is that we just dont know because nobody has taken the time to do the research. I wish we had better insights in to this.
I started taking the pills on Monday, and ever since I have felt more energy and less appetite. The side effects I have felt have been the “drugged” feeling (feeling drowsy and a little out of it) and I’ve had pretty bad headaches. The headaches may be due to the weather because I often have issues with allergies around this time of the year, so I’m not sure. I plan on cutting down from 2 pills to just one and seeing how I feel.
I love this stuff I have been taking it for 1 week and I have lost 6 pounds.My appetite has decreased and I have a lot more energy.It makes me pee a lot and get dry mouth but I am still gonna continue taking it,
i have taken the beepollen last year around nov. and im currently taking it. both times i lost about 8lbs. like last year i became very depressed ..i thought it was maybe seasonal depression?? Now im starting to wonder if its because of the beepollen.like last year, i cant sleep..and im literally chewing up my nails and cuticles!! I am normally a very active happy, positive person. So, has anyone else felt depressed on the beepollen? or is it just me? 🙁
Hi Lisa, Im also curious if anybody else has gotten depressed after taking Zi Xiu Tang. I know people sometimes get depressed in the winter months (they call it SAD – seasonal affective disorder) however Ive always wondered it zi xiu tang had some unknown ingredient (maybe an antidepressant or wt loss drug). I dont know either way but your words keep me wondering about it.
has anybody else had any depression with zi xiu tang?
I have been taking it for 4 days now. I have been having chest pains. My legs feel very week, I cant sleep at night (which really affects me the next day with 4 children) and after i eat something i feel like im going to throw up. So i wont be taking it anymore.
Jessica, stop taking zi xiu tang immediately and I also recommend you to to the hospital. your symptoms of chest pains and throwing up concern me VERY much. I don’t trust zi xiu tang and I do not believe you can trust what is in it. Please go get checked out by a doctor. Would you do that for me and let me know how it goes. I would feel better if you did.
I have been taking the pills for about a month now and have lost 10lbs. The bad side effects for me have been trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, dry mouth and lips, unlike everyone else I’m NOT having regular bowel movements (every two or three days) and the latest of them a patch of skin on my chest and back that has gone numb and a rash all over my back for the past week and a half.
I know this is from the pills because when I stopped taking them for three days the feeling in my skin came back and the rash started to go away. After I started the pills again my skin went numb and the rash spread more. I can handle all of the other side effects but the numbness and rash is where I draw the line. I would like to know if there are other people that have experienced anything like this.
Angela, wow! Did anybody else have Angela’s symptoms?
I’ve been taking this product (the original formula) for about 3 months now. I went down from 260 to 225 so far and have not had one bad side effect!
April thats great glad to hear you are side effect free!
I read something about hives and skin flushing. Could you share some information on this. I have been taking the pills for 2 days now.
I have been taking this for 1 week now. Tho I have not lost any weight. Pros – more energy & less appetite. Cons – little problem sleeping at night & little bit of loose bowel movements.
I lost 13lbs from zi xiu tang in a month. However, I had a dizziness and a strange feeling that almost felt like fluid in my ears. I even blacked out one day for several seconds. Even when I stopped taking, it last for quite awhile. It killed my appetite and I constantly feel like I have a fever. I do not recommend this, the side effects are not safe.
I am a type 1 diabetic and every where I look online it says zi xiu tang is good it helps. Butt then on the packaging it said not suitable for diabetic? I cant get a hold of my doctor. Does any one know if it is really bad for a diabetic or what ??
Tee, most online people who say how good Zi Xiu Tang is also sells zi xiu tang. Most of the people who sell it have no health science or medical background. I do not recommend zi xiu tang for you. If you read though the zi xiu tang reviews I’ve written (it’s 4 I think so far) you can read the comments by people who have said its caused strange side effects. Your doctor may not be aware of some of the ingredients in zi xiu tang so I recommend you print up my review “zi xiu tang revealed” and show it to him/her so they can read the ingredients. Also read though all the comments so you can discover additional information.
I have been taking them for about 3-4 weeks and have lost about 10 pounds. I have not had any issues with dry mouth. Appetite has been suppressed though. I due notice stomach pains if I don’t eat enough though. They usually happen later at night.
After about 1 week I have dry mouth–fast heart beat–can’t sleep! Not sure if it’s worth taking I’ve only lost 1 lb. and I work out 5 days a week!
Ive taking zi xiu for about 3 days now,i feel mouth dried, anxiety. but the most impressive thing is that after 5 hours i feel very down and tired and all i want to do is sleep. but after all a friend of mine was weighting 200 pounds after 4 months she weight now 150 and that’s a big difference. i will continue unless i feel other side effects.
Side effects I’ve had with this after 4 +/- weeks on it are about 6 pounds of weight loss (though I’m also still losing pregnancy weight, it might not be related), occasional dry mouth and my lips/mouth feel kind of tingley within the first few hours of taking it. Not uncomfortable or anything, just noticeable. There are other “effects” but I really don’t think they are related to this.
Side effects I’ve had with this after 4 +/- weeks on it are about 6 pounds of weight loss (though I’m also still losing pregnancy weight, it might not be related), occasional dry mouth and my lips/mouth feel kind of tingley within the first few hours of taking it. Not uncomfortable or anything, just noticeable. There are other “effects” but I really don’t think they are related to this.