Update 3/10/20. This is a follow up to my post on Shakeology. When I wrote my first Shakeology review, my biggest disappointment was that I didn’t have any Shakeology to try. I could never find a BeachBody Coach to give me a few samples. Well that all changed when I was given several packs. The person gave them to me because she didn’t like the taste. I was surprised because Shakeology is so heavily marketed that I figured this stuff would have to taste great. So I was anxious to taste them. The flavors I received were Greenberry and Chocolate. I made the shakes with exactly 8 oz of cold water, just as Beachbody recommends. I blended the shakes up in my VitaMix. This is what I found…
I first tried Greenberry. I have to say Greenberry flavor Shakeology doesn't taste anything like a berry. Rather it tasted, well, kind of ‘green”. That’s about as good as I can describe the taste because I don’t think I've ever tasted anything like it before-and that's not a compliment. I think I tasted a hint of mint flavor (maybe) but there was definitely an aftertaste that I didn't care for. The bottom line is that Greenberry didn’t taste good to me.
It looked very dark green color– which wasn’t appetizing at all. I'm OK with that. It doesn't take much to make me happy. It was the taste that turned me off. It just tasted bad. I took the picture you see here. That's what it looked like.
A few hours later I tried Chocolate flavor. This did taste like chocolate but it wasn't good tasting chocolate. It had a kind of bitter taste to it and there was a bad aftertaste as well. Chocolate was better than Greenberry (anything would have been better than Greenberry!) but I've tasted much better products.
I know taste is an individual thing but for me, neither Chocolate or Greenberry Shakeology would be something I would pay for.
I predict that Beachbody will eventually reformulate Shakeology so it tastes better. I have no proof of this. I'm just guessing. I say this because I can’t believe no one hasn't complained to them about the taste.
Update: Shakeology has been reformulated. See my review of Vegan Chocolate Shakeology for more on this.
But don't just take my word for this. We are all different. I'm sure some people like the taste of Shakeology. I suggest that before you plunk any money down that you see if you can get some free samples to try first.
Hey! Beachbody has recently updated their recipe for chocolate and greenberry and I noticed you didn’t try the strawberry one. I am a Beachbody coach and I do very much appreciate your unbiased reviews. I was just wondering if you wanted a couple free samples to try to update the taste test?
Hi Krystal, if you want to send me a sample that’s fine Ill email you privately. Cant guarantee when Ill get to it but will try
I just got a sample of the greenberry, it taste like some kind of chemical to me, and don’t like the after taste . I could not drink this every day. I’ll try the chocolate tomorrow and see if it is better, but not fond of chocolate. /wish they made vanilla
I have tried the chocolate (more than once) and the strawberry and I have to say that no matter how many times I tried the chocolate the taste was the same, it did taste like chocolate but not your basic chocolate taste, it was bitter and the after taste was horrible and the strawberry was not any better. I sent it back and I did receive my money back.
Hi Joe,
I actually hated the taste of Shakeology at first, but using half a packet actually improves the taste as other ingredients overpower the strange taste of both Greenberry & Chocolate- and I find I still got the same benefits by only using half- loss of cravings for sweet & salty snacks, and the loss of wanting food late at night.
Jessica, thanks Im glad you found a way for shakeology to work for you 🙂
You should def try it again Joe…they reformulated the Chocolate flavor and it is fantastic! The strawberry although slightly chalky (doesn’t bother me) is delicious!
Tiffany, thanks, if I get the chance I may just do that. Glad you are enjoying it 🙂
Joe, don’t do it! LOL I tried it for the first time today, AWFUL STUFF! Cannot justify the price, CANNOT stomach the taste. Can’t even imagine that this is the “new, improved” chocolate….yeah right. I’ve all but been called a lazy excuse maker by the seller. I just want my freakin’ money back!
Mags, thanks for letting me know. They should give you your money back as Ive been told there is a guarantee. Let me know if they don’t.
Drank Shakeology everyday for three months in 2012. Took a break from it and tried other products. I went back to it a few months later and had developed an allergy I guess.
Within two hours of drinking either the tropical or chocolate I would get nauseous and within a little bit I was throwing it up Anyone else have this problem? It was not a formula change because I used the old and new formula.
I just bought Shakeology with 12 packets each of Tropical Strawberry and Vegan Chocolate. I followed one of the recipes and used a packet of the Tropical Strawberry mixed with 1 cup pomegranate juice and 1/2 cup raspberries in a blender. Tasted OK – but not better than just raspberries, pom juice, strawberries, ice and protein powder.
Then I tried the Vegan Chocolate packet with 1 cup orange juice (another BeachBody recipe). I wasn’t expecting it to taste like a chocolate bar but it sure was bitter; and I could do without the smell.
Ultimately, I agree with you Joe – at these prices they should be able to formulate a better tasting drink. I really liked the BeachBody recover drink – a good orange flavor, not gritty and does actually make me feel better after working out. But I am personally going to pass on Shakeology and stick to my own “smoothie” protein drinks to replace a meal.
Shakeology Chocolate (ordered in Mar 2013) tastes good to me. I’m not a huge chocolate fan, either. I’ve mixed it with banana, pineapple, and blueberries so far. (Not all at once). I’m guessing taste is subjective, however I’m wondering if they’ve improved their formulas or maybe there were just some really gross batches? Mine has been just fine, I could drink it (and do) every day for breakfast.
Hi Joe, stumbled across your review while looking for how to describe Greenberry to a client lol its always been a tough task for me. 😉 I didn’t take the time to read thru all of these comments so I am not sure if you have ever tried it again since Feb 2011??? I would love to send you a sample of the brand NEW Chocolate and the Tropical Strawberry to try if you are up for it?!?! I can also send along some tasty recipes that I love to use. Let me know if you are up for the challenge!! 😀
Hi Dee. Thanks I really do appreciate you thinking of me but I’d have no idea when I would get around to it. I’m working on several reviews. If you ever come across any peer reviewed studies on Shakeology I would love to see those 🙂
I have the Greenberry and Tropical Strawberry flavors. Greenberry was actually given to me by someone who just could not stomach the taste. I, however, LOVE it. To me it tastes like green tea lattes with soy milk. It has a wheatgrass or matcha taste to it, like at BoosterJuice. I think that you either like that taste or you don’t.
I like it and used to drink matcha all the time. The Greenberry does have a different consistency to it though. More frothy and airy than the other shakes it seems. None the less, I like them both. Haven’t tried the Chocolate as I don’t like chocolate at the best of times and it isn’t something that I would buy. Hope this helps.
i got a free sample of the chocolate shakeology and it came with the pb2 sample… i first tried the chocolate alone and yuck it tasted like cheap chocolate you know the stuff that doesn’t melt in your month and leaves a gross after taste. so i thought well maybe if i add the pb2 it will taste better but no if anything it made it worse and the aftertaste much worse i couldn’t even drink it. my 3 year old had a little spoonful and spit it back out and she likes anything..
What about the other ingredients? I was skeptical of it for years so I just finally decided ot try it ad so far it has been great. Whether all that is in there or not I do feel more energy and I am already in great shape I just use this to get all the nutrients possible. I have not done it long enough yet but so far so good.
But on the flip side can anyone prove that all that stuff is not in in it and that it does not work? I doubt it, and if they could imagine the law suits. I have talked to tons of people over the years who had great results, an many are not coaches or pitching it. Even Tony says on his chats he is not selling it and says that he does use it. I got great results for years without it even lacking a lot of the nutrients I needed. But this makes it all easier and also acts as a great way to lose weight and fat as well. I guess it either works for you or it doesn’t. But I know I do feel satisfied so far after having just 6 ounces of it every other day and I will continue to use it and see how I feel.
SirBrad, If you are happy with it then Im glad. In my review I only wanted to outline the science on the ingredients and toss in some logic as someone who is not affiliated in anyway with BB. I know my words are not the final verdict though – that is up to you. BB is a well respected company and I do believe that Shakeology contains what it says it has on the label. As far as I know, nobody has proven that shakeology does not work (through clinical studies) but I contend that its up to BB to do that since they make it. I know if I were selling a supplement I would not be satisfied with testimonials. Id want hard facts so I could prove it to my own satisfaction. Thats me though. Again, the important part is that you like it and if you are, then thats good enough for me.
I got chocolate for the first time and although it does not taste as good as a chocolate protein shake it does taste pretty darn good with 1% milk and add a banana and it is great.
Considering all the 70 super foods put into this I did not expect it to taste even that good. I actually like the after taste more than the initial taste. But like Tony Horton says, not everything you put into your mouth has to be a party and something this healthy he would drink if it tasted like mud even.
You can’t get all that with a regular diet. Great taste is why most are obese to begin with. Chocolate is not exactly the best thing to mix with vegetables etc, so I am sure the other fruit flavors are better tasting to some such as tropical strawberry. With water I did not really care for it so I just use milk and it is fine, 6 oz of milk and 3/4th scoop. Add a banana and peanut butter also and the taste will improve as will the sugar. But still a lot better than fast food and other junk you would eat anyway.
SirBrad, I’d only point out that the term “superfood” is a myth. The term was probably invented by Dr Oz or Oprah. Shakeology has gingko in it and I know of no evidence that ginkgo is a super food in anyway. There are worse things out there than Shakelogy but I’d still like to see proof (research) that it’s “super.”
I know I’ll be called a cynic on this (and I’m trying not to be -really), but I think Tony horton, makes a lot of money from the sale of this stuff. It’s in his best interest to help people to rationalize that its good for us.
If it really is so healthy, how come BeachBody has never shown any published peer reviewed proof on the health benefits of Shakeolgy?
I absoultely love the Shakeology compared to other health drinks. I often see comparisons with diet drinks but that isn’t what it is. In all my research before buying it, there was nothing that was both healthy and tasted anywhere near as good.
They were all green drinks in order to have the natural fruits and veggies needed and they all tasted like grass, had chemicals, and/or lacked vitamins, minerals, enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, or phytonutrients. I drink it for the health and I have yet to find anything else that comes close. Given that, it is the best I have ever tasted 🙂
Thank-you for this post. I also read your posts comparing Shakeology to Vi. My husband encouraged me to look into VI and in my research I found your site. I am currently on day 3 of the Shakeology cleanse and this is my first experience with the product.
I have tried the tropical strawberry as well as chocolate. The tropical strawberry isn’t bad, but it’s not my favorite. I really like chocolate though. I thought it had a real cocoa taste to it- but I love dark chocolate!
I noticed the after taste and I thought that was from stevia. I use it in my coffee and notice the same aftertaste. I could be wrong, just my personal opinion. I also found the shake to have a powdery texture to it that might turn some odd, but again I didn’t mind that.
I’m a fan of PB2 so I think I would like the chocolate shake mixed with the PB2! Feel free to drop by my blog, I am chronicling my cleanse experience and like you, I’m non-biased. I paid for the products myself and am just talking about what I thought. Thanks for the great info!
I just tried the chocolate and I put in the water and then added the crushed ice. And of course what thought would happen did. ): Just like any other protein shake, it made me gag.
I will say I have tried a few different store bought shakes/ juices and just opening the bottle of them, the slight smell of them make me gag and most even throw them up immediately. The shakeology actually gave me a chance to taste it. So, I guess that is a plus!?!!!
I tried to experiment and make it taste better(even if making it basically non-healthy) and tried adding vanilla ice cream, and still could not keep it down.
I got 3 servings of it, but I don’t think I’ll be experimenting with the last 2. Now I can’t even eat dinner because even putting anything in my mouth is enough to gag. So maybe it will make me lose weight after all!!!!! (;
My packs say mix with milk or water. How old are the packs you used? Lol
Evan, I’m not sure they were given to me a short time before I wrote the review.
I just tried it last night for the first time. I put a splash of milk, water and then had to add more water b/c it was so thick and nutmeg. It tasted great! Then I tried it the next morning with cold coffee and that was also pretty good.
I do have to agree with just water it doesn’t taste great and has a bitter after taste. But if all you have to do is add a splash of milk for it to taste good, then I’d imagine it taste like heaven when you add for example banana, PB etc.
As to the question of why do you buy it, you buy it for the ingredients, simply put. Any other protein shakes that I make I do have to end up adding other things to make it taste like a shake and they still cost me $40 in addition to that, I have to drink a vitamin supplement, so it’s not too much of a difference.
It is expensive don’t get me wrong but complaining b/c with water it tastes bad, well most if not all protein shakes don’t taste that great anyways with just water.
Charon, I mixed Shakeology with water because that is what the directions on the pack said to do.
I have to disagree with some of the comments above regarding Chocolate-Shakeology only. I love it!! It took me a few tries to make it the way I like it, but once I figured out what not to add it was smooth sailing. One thing I can say is I really do not care for Shakeology mixed with any other liquid then water. When mixed with milk (diary,soy,almond) it is too thick for me. So, I settled on one scoop of Chocolate Shakeology, 1tbsp of almond butter, 8ozs of water, and 4 ice cubes blended. Mmmm tastes like a chocolate/almond bar. Hope that helps.
I thought the chocolate was delicious when mixed with 1 cup of skim milk. Haven’t tried it w water. But for 4 bucks per shake, it better taste like filet mignon and give me a neck rub too. I’ll find something else- any ideas for a decent substitute?
Brandon, you can try my recipe and see if you like that better.
$4 a shake is great. Its a meal REPLACEMENT. Try and get any other healthy meal for under $4 and feel full for as long as you do when you have a Shakeology shake. Yeah, I know you could go to McDonalds and get a cheap meal but you would have the gut rot that goes with it! And try and even put something together at home, that even comes close to the nutrient packed shake, for under $4. Id love to see how much of it you would have to consume.
I tried both flavors and really sucks mixing it with just water. Then I tried greenberry with unsweetened almond milk, banana and strawberries and it was way much better. I kinda loved it 🙂
The taste improves as you experiment with different ingredients, obviously need to watch the calories added.
Leslie, I’m glad you found a recipe that tastes good to you. I just keep coming back to, why should we have to experiment to make it taste better when it costs $120 per month.