Update 3/10/20. This is a follow up to my post on Shakeology. When I wrote my first Shakeology review, my biggest disappointment was that I didn’t have any Shakeology to try. I could never find a BeachBody Coach to give me a few samples. Well that all changed when I was given several packs. The person gave them to me because she didn’t like the taste. I was surprised because Shakeology is so heavily marketed that I figured this stuff would have to taste great. So I was anxious to taste them. The flavors I received were Greenberry and Chocolate. I made the shakes with exactly 8 oz of cold water, just as Beachbody recommends. I blended the shakes up in my VitaMix. This is what I found…
I first tried Greenberry. I have to say Greenberry flavor Shakeology doesn't taste anything like a berry. Rather it tasted, well, kind of ‘green”. That’s about as good as I can describe the taste because I don’t think I've ever tasted anything like it before-and that's not a compliment. I think I tasted a hint of mint flavor (maybe) but there was definitely an aftertaste that I didn't care for. The bottom line is that Greenberry didn’t taste good to me.
It looked very dark green color– which wasn’t appetizing at all. I'm OK with that. It doesn't take much to make me happy. It was the taste that turned me off. It just tasted bad. I took the picture you see here. That's what it looked like.
A few hours later I tried Chocolate flavor. This did taste like chocolate but it wasn't good tasting chocolate. It had a kind of bitter taste to it and there was a bad aftertaste as well. Chocolate was better than Greenberry (anything would have been better than Greenberry!) but I've tasted much better products.
I know taste is an individual thing but for me, neither Chocolate or Greenberry Shakeology would be something I would pay for.
I predict that Beachbody will eventually reformulate Shakeology so it tastes better. I have no proof of this. I'm just guessing. I say this because I can’t believe no one hasn't complained to them about the taste.
Update: Shakeology has been reformulated. See my review of Vegan Chocolate Shakeology for more on this.
But don't just take my word for this. We are all different. I'm sure some people like the taste of Shakeology. I suggest that before you plunk any money down that you see if you can get some free samples to try first.
Confessions, I don’t think you should have to put up with the terrible taste of Shakeology to “pay your dues”. There are other things out there
Shakeology a horrible tasting product and Beachbody should be ashamed of themselves.
They should also be commended for their marketing efforts because they have brainwashed millions of people into thinking that a bad tasting supplement is the only way to go – and that people should have go out of their way and mix it with other stuff in order to choke it down! That’s just genius!
I really try to be unbiased when I review a supplement but Shakeology is just so over the top that I just have to share my opinions. People need to wake up and realize its just over priced and over hyped and no better than cheaper alternatives.
Now that I got that off my chest again (thanks!), why don’t you make your own health drink? It will be cheaper. Scroll up, I have listed something that I make myself in the comments.
If you want convenience of a supplement, there are many products in health food stores that are less money and I think just as good. Remember to focus on calories (and getting some exercise daily) and you will be OK.
I have read your comments “Joe” and i must say you are a very condescending person!!! Shame on you.
Anonymous, sorry you feel that way. I don’t try to be. Can you give me an example of how I was so I can try to avoid that in the future?
I just tried the chocolate and it taste like dark chocolate but the kind you get at the dollar store that is expired and leaves that nasty after taste. It’s passable i guess (although I have to hold my nose to down the whole 8 oz and follow it with shots of water LOL) I just keep telling my self that after 3 years of eating junky unhealthy food I have to pay my dues. I have heard if you mix it with other things like juice, soy milk etc…. it taste better but for me I am trying the 3 day cleanse so I am screwed. It does have alot of healthy crude in it so I guess I can suffer for these three days. We’ll see. Really whats out there that is really healthy actually taste good???
Hi Amanda and thanks for your honesty and confirmation and your not alone. Shakehology is the worst tasting health drink I’ve ever had.
I think everybody thinks like we do but, like you said, they REALLY want to like it – and so they delude themselves into making concessions -mixing it with fruits etc – to make it taste better.
On the flip side, Beach Body is to be commended for their ability to recruit so many people to market this slop for them. That’s the thing that amazes me the most.
I was sent a chocolate Shakeology sample from my Beach Body coach…. it was gloppy and thick – and didn’t taste like real chocolate. I LOVE chocolate – but I hated it…. and after forcing myself to drink it out of guilt – spent the rest of the afternoon with digestive discomfort!
It’s something I REALLY wanted to like too… :/ So I asked my coach to send me a greenberry sample – and it was 10x worse.
I’m sitting here with the glass beside me, and i was probably only able to drink 1/3 of the shake. I couldn’t even get my kids to taste it – and I made it with a strawberry, banana, orange juice. Blech!!!!
I found your site looking for people who have reviewed the flavor because I just can’t imagine why people are spending so much $$ on something that tastes so terrible?? i’m glad I am not alone!!
Rebecca, yes since you already have it see how it works for you. If you do what they say, its likely you may lose weight. But I think its because you are cutting calories rather than anything special about Shakeology.
If you’ve read my other comments you know I just dont get why you should have to mix it with other stuff? For the cost of Shakeology, it should already taste good. Do let me know if any of the other recipes taste good.
I just bought my first bag of Shakeology powder and have had three shakes so far. My order came with a recipe card with 30 suggestions for making the beverage. The first day, I used water, ice, and a tablespoon of peanut butter. NOT just like a candy bar, as one reviewer wrote on another site. But not bad, either.
My only issue was the bitterness of the drink. The second day, I used water, ice, and a teaspoon of mint extract. Way too much mint, and the drink was so bitter that I didn’t finish it.
The third day, I mixed in a cup of skim milk with the powder and ice. That was the best combination so far. I think that milk (almond, rice, soy, or cow’s) might be the key to taming the bitterness of the drink. And aside from the bitterness, it’s actually quite tasty.
I came online today to try to find what others were saying about the flavor and to see whether anyone has been able to successfully neutralize the bitterness. Perhaps fruit would help? Maybe milk with a small fat content? I intend to use the product once a day for a month to see whether I notice any changes in my health/weight/energy. If not, then at least I’ll know.
Constance is it possible you are losing weight with Shakeology because it tastes so bad you just dont want to drink it? Seriously, research shows we consume more calories when stuff tastes good. Is it possible we eat less when something does not taste good? I’m not sure if that’s the reason or not, just thought I’d toss it out to you. Regardless, the important thing is that you DID lose weight and that’s a good thing 🙂
Yes, Shakeology is horrible tasting. Absolutely disgusting!! I could barely choke it down; however, I have only been using it for 4 days twice a day, and I have lost 4 LBS!!! For me the benefits greatly out weigh the horrible taste.
Jessica, bottom line, we have to find something that works for us. I’m glad its working for you; I would never tell anybody not to use Shakeology but for me it doesn’t make sense. It tastes terrible (for me taste does matter) and it’s expensive. There is nothing in shakeology that is special and some of the “nutrients” I feel are based on fringe science. For example ginkgo. Ginkgo does not belong in any health shake. It doesn’t help memory and it may interact with blood thinners.
Thanks for letting me know about Beachbody coaches who charge for free samples of Shakeology. Nobody should pay for a free sample of this stuff.
Glad you’ve lost some weight and your blood sugar has leveled off. the blood sugar is likely due to your weight loss. If shakeology did help you lose weight then that’s a good thing.
I love Chocolate Shakeology… I make mine with 4oz of water 4oz of unsweetened almond milk and Ice… sometimes I add fruit… I love it.. and is does curb my appetite.. It also helps me with my sugar issues… My sugar levels have started to level out.. and I have lost 4 inches off my waste..
There are so many nutrients in Shakeology that if you were to go to the store and buy all the ingredients that are in shaekology.. it would cost you almost 500 dollars a month..
seriously.. to me it is a no brainer and I have not found a protein powder that I like the taste of that doesn’t have a bunch of processed crap in it.. IDK.. try mixing it up.. you might like it..
There are beachbody coaches out there that will sell you samples.. but you are best to get it through a coach that can give you the information you need about it.. Taste isn’t everything.. sometimes Nutrition is more important.. Just my opinion..
Yvette. Shakeology did not curb my appetite either. Its a good point you made. I didnt think about that when I was doing my taste test. I tried green apple first and after an hour or so tried chocolate. I remember thinking to myself – “might as well try chocolate now since I am hungry anyway.”
Did anyone have a problem with Shakeology not curbing their appetite? I’ve tried a couple of samples, but I wind up feeling hungry in about an hour. I never felt that way using my standard isopure protein shake. I like the added nutrition, but I’m not sure if this will work for me.
Susan, thanks for commenting. I wanted to just add water because that’s what Shakeology says to do.
I was thinking about what berries are in greenberry flavor. the label says it has blueberry and billberry powder. I didn’t taste any blueberry. I’d bet if they let more real blueberries in greenberry, it would taste better by itself.
I know I can make a much better – and healthier – shake at home in my Vitamix for a lot less.
I like Broccoli and I’d pick it over Snickers any day 😉
I actually prefer the Greenberry. While I agree it does not have what I would consider to be a “berry” flavor, I mix it with orange juice. I buy the 50% less sugar OJ. I never tried it just with water nor would I (though this is how it is recommended). The chocolate can be mixed just with water and is fine that way. I tried mixing it with coconut milk once and it was way too thick for me. I have been told that they are going to come out with a vanilla flavor.
Here is the dilemma…if you are making something that is truly nutritious…the flavor may not be as appealing as other products. Too much of what you find in super markets and even some of the vitamin shops, are loaded with sugars and artificial flavorings to make them taste better. If broccoli could taste like a Snickers bar, we’d all be in better shape! Good info and I loved reading everyone else’s comments!
Tara, I appreciate your passion for health and for taking the time to write. I still do not understand why people have to add fruit to shakeology to make it taste better.
Instead of adding artificial sweeteners, why doesn’t Beachbody just add regular, natural sugar to make it taste better? Sugar is not bad for us in moderation and I’m sure Beachbody can find an amount that is right without adding adding to the calories more so than when fruit is added.
I agree that adding fruits will make Shakeology healthier but if the reason for adding the fruit is to make it taste better, then there are millions of people – like me -who will not pay over $50 a month if we still have to add fruit in order for it to taste better. Also, if Shakeology is so healthy, adding fruit should not be necessary.
I do want to mention that I feel ginkgo should be removed from Shakeology. Most people dont need ginkgo regularly. Ginkgo doesn’t help memory and it has a mild blood thinning effect that can be dangerous in people who take blood thinners. Every Beachbody coach should ask people if they are taking blood thinners and not recommend shakeology if they are. This is the safest course of action.
See my Shakeology review for more info
As for formaldehyde and aspartame, I wanted to mention that we make small amounts of formaldehyde when we metabolize creatine. Since we naturally make creatine in our body, then we also have small amounts of formaldehyde in our body as well. It doesn’t bother us. People have been taking creatine supplements for many years (for a medical reason) and they dont get sick. If formaldehyde is formed by diet soda then I think it also might not bother us just as the formaldehyde from creatine doesn’t.
I also reviewed MonaVie
http://supplementclarity.com/monavie-review/ if you want to compare Shakeology to MonaVie.
I would much rather people eat fruits and vegetables as I am sure you would also. Research proves they are healthy. Research does not prove that Shakeology does anything to make is healthy (I can’t find any peer reviewed research on shakeology).
Since the main logic for Shakeology is that it’s convenient to use (just blend it) then that logic falls apart when people are told they have to add fruit to to it.
I agree with Evelyn too. I love the taste of Shakeology. For the most part, it’s just finding a recipe that works for you. Just adding more ice and water can help, and a banana!! Again, the priority is that it is a health shake. Beachbody takes pride in the fact that it is all natural, with absolutely nothing artificial. It would have been VERY easy to make it taste better, by adding artificial flavors and sweeteners to it. However, it’s pretty contradicting to call it “The Healthiest Meal of the Day”, if they add a bunch of junk to it. Check out where they got the ingredients:
I have done a lot of personal research on clean eating, natural and organic foods, and I think that the 1st thing someone needs to look at regardless of the type of food they buy is the ingredient label. Unfortunately, there are so many chemicals in our foods today, that it is next to impossible to eat clean. So many people focus on low calorie foods that they overlook the ingredient labels. Diet soda is a perfect example. It contains one of the most harmful artificial ingredients in existence…aspartame. Google it once, and see what it does to you. Basically, it converts into wood alcohol which further turns into formaldehyde at 86 degrees. Well, your body is 98.6. Morticians can tell if you are a diet soda drinker.
So back to Shakeology, please connect so maybe we can help people get a better understanding of how it works, it’s benefits, what’s in it, the best ways to mix it, etc. Chances are, just trying a couple other recipes will get you a flavor you like. My 2 year old drinks it, so you know there is a way!! Also, chocolate is more of a fan favorite…use a blender with plenty of ice and water to your desired consistency. I always add a banana too!!
I’m not biased because I am a Beachbody Coach, I am biased because I am a mother of 2 young boys who drink it, and there is nothing better than seeing my son RUN to the blender and reach for a shake. My peace of mind from Shakeology is priceless to me. I am here to help.
Evelyn I agree. I just wish that they would make it taste better. For the price they should. I didn’t know they had recipes on the Shakeology website. I wonder if that is how they are responding to people who say it doesn’t taste good? I dont know. I just wish it tasted better considering the price.
I basically blend up fruits and veggies and toss in chocolate protein powder. I’d stack it up to Shakeology any day.
I like your website by the way 🙂
I definitely think taste is an individual thing. Though I am not a fan of the Greenberry on it’s own – I do like it mixed with citrus fruit. And I like the chocolate by itself as well as mixed with other things. You can mix both with several combinations that are found on the Shakeology website.
Your motivations for drinking it also play a role. It’s kind of like people trying broccoli once – raw with no seasoning and saying they don’t like veggies so they won’t eat them. There’s several different ways to prepare something to your liking. My health is more important to me than disliking broccoli and the health benefits far outweigh any excuses for me.
I’m not saying it’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted in the world. Does chocolate ice cream taste better? Sure. Is chocolate ice cream going to benefit my health even 1/10 as much as Shakeology will? Hmmm, lemme think on that one. My health trumps all excuses.
Thanks Tammy I’m glad I wasn’t the only person who didn’t like Shakeology. I’d like to know who the person was who thunk up “Greenberry”. yuck!
I have tried both flavors of the Shakeology as well and I was very disappointed by the “taste”. The Greenberry was terrible, I couldn’t even finish it, I tried it four different times with different recipe combinations with the same results, gross and with the same aftertaste. The Chocolate flavor tasted better but was too rich for me that I couldn’t see myself having a shake a day. I really wish Beachbody offered a Vanilla flavor so u could add your own choice of flavoring.
Beachbody hasn’t come out with vanilla Shakeology because it is impossible for the superfoods, adaptogen herbs, anti-oxidants, phytonutrients and digestive enzymes to co-exist and taste good in a vanilla flavor, unless the vanilla flavor is achieved chemically and artificially. (It’s the “dirty little secret” of the flavoring industry even though labeling guidelines still allow this artificial flavoring to be called “natural vanilla flavoring”). Other companies are willing to use that labeling loophole for their benefit.
Angela, do you have a study or review article to prove this? I’ve never heard it before.
They do offer vanilla (all Natural) flavor now. It just came out.