Update 3/21/20. Can ribose help fibromyalgia? Ribose is sugar. We make it and it helps us make energy and form our genetic materials, DNA and RNA. Over the last several years, ribose has been marketed as a treatment for fibromyalgia. I first reviewed ribose in my book on supplements a few years ago. In this ribose review, I'll reveal the clinical evidence for it helping fibromyalgia pain. This review will also address other questions also like how much works, what is the correct dosage and how long does it take to work? Equally important, does ribose have any side effects you should be aware of.
Ribose Fibromyalgia Research
The first report
There are a few ribose fibromyalgia studies. The supplement started getting popular as a natural fibromyalgia remedy back in 2004. It was then that an interesting report of a doctor with fibromyalgia came out. She was a surgeon. After having not having success with physical therapy and pain meds, she started using Ribose.
Why this doctor started taking ribose is unknown because up to this time, ribose was mostly marketed as a heart health supplement.
The brand used was Corvalen Ribose. She took 5 grams twice a day (10 grams total per day). After 2 weeks, she started to notice better sleep and mental alertness. She also noticed a decrease in joint pain and more normal bowel movements. After another 6 weeks, she reported major improvements in her symptoms.
But, here's where things get interesting…
A month later, the doctor decided to stop using the supplement to see what happened. Within 1 week, her fibromyalgia symptoms started to return. She then started Corvalen ribose brand again, taking again (10 grams a day) and within 2 weeks her fibromyalgia symptoms started to get better again.
To further test if the supplement was really helping her, after 30 days, she again stopped taking the supplement. Soon afterward, her fibromyalgia symptoms reappeared once again. Again, she went back on the supplement and her symptoms subsided.
How is she doing today? That's not known. Reports or updates on how this doctor is doing today cannot be located. As far as we know she is still taking the Corvalen supplement.
Ribose Fibromyalgia Research Video
Watch this video I created about the ribose research
Watch on my Youtube Channel if you prefer
Does Ribose Help Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Study 1
In one investigation, researchers recruited 41 people with fibromyalgia and /or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Most of the people in the study were women, which is good because most people with fibromyalgia are female. The peopled took 15 grams of Corvalen ribose per day for 1 month and completed before and after questionnaires to determine their improvements.
By the end of the month, 23 out of the 35 people (65.7%) reported that ribose helped them feel better. The responses on questionnaires ranged from “somewhat better” to “much better”. The researchers report that ribose caused a “significant improvement” in energy, sleep, mental clarity, pain intensity, and well-being. They also said they felt overall better too.
This investigation is interesting however there was no placebo group. This is a shortcoming of the study. Also, two of the researchers in this study were either an employee or consultant of the company (Valen Labs) that makes the Corvalen supplement used (now owned by Douglas Labs).
The lead investigator had no connection to the company and he donated his compensation to charity.
Chronic Fatigue Study 2
In a larger study, 235 people with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia were given 5 grams of Corvalen ribose for 3 weeks. It was reported that the supplement significantly improved energy, mental clarity, sleep quality and overall well-being. One potential issue with this study is that there was no placebo group.
Ribose Fibromyalgia Research Summary
Here's a breakdown of the research so far:
- A report from a doctor (1 person)
- The study involving 41 people
- The study involving 235 people
Given the significance of this, it's odd no other clinical studies can be located.
Ribose Pro and Con
How Does It Work?
No mechanism of action has been given so it's not known how it works. On the website of the company that makes Corvalen supplement they say it “helps your body make adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell”.
Ribose does help us make ATP, our main energy molecule. At least one study has noted that elevated ATP may be linked to fibromyalgia pain. Conversely, another study found that those with fibromyalgia had lower ATP levels inside blood platelets. Still, others think magnesium is linked to fibromyalgia.
The bottom line is that nobody knows what causes fibromyalgia or how this supplement seems to help.
How Much Works?
From the investigations so far the sweet spot dosage is between 5-15 grams per day. In studies where 15 grams were used, the ribose was split into 3 different doses, taken three times a day. If you've never taken this supplement before, take less for the first week to see if you have any side effects.
What's The Best Type?
The reports use the Corvalen brand. That's likely because the company that makes it has supported research on their supplement. Since that brand has the proof, that's what I would start with. It's possible however other brands may work as well.
How Long Before It Starts Working?
If it's going to work, you should start to notice improvements in about 1 month.
What Does The “D” Mean?
Another name for this supplement is D-Ribose. The D is a science reference. It means the molecule is dextrorotatory or right-handed. For most people, this is just trivia Whether or not your supplement has the D in the name does not matter. They are the same.
Does It Do Anything Else?
Some speculate it may improve exercise due to its ability to reduce free radical damage. Research, however, seems to show it doesn't work
Preliminary evidence suggests ribose may help the heart pump blood better. Better research needs to be performed. Those with heart disease need to talk to their doctor first to get the best health advice.
Ribose Side Effects
Generally, this supplement is considered safe. Side effects in healthy people are not often reported. When side effects are reported they are usually mild, consisting of GI problems and headaches. No study has reported weight gain.
That said here are some things to consider when using this product. This list is not complete:
- Start with less than recommended for the first week. Just in case you have side effects
- Stop taking the supplement at least 2 weeks before surgery
- Talk to your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- If you have heart problems, talk to your doctor first
- Ribose may lower blood sugar. This can cause hypoglycemia.
- Talk to your doctor if you have diabetes or take diabetes medications
Does Ribose Work?
Based on the evidence, ribose may help some people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue symptoms. I have personally met some people who said ribose helped and others who said it didn't. Given only a few studies exist, this topic is wide open for more comprehensive investigations
Hi Joe,
good review!
For followup, here is our recently published community based study of 257 patients with CFS &/or Fibromyalgia showing an average 61% increase in energy after 3 weeks on ribose. http://benthamscience.com/open/topainj/articles/V005/32TOPAINJ.pdf
A multicenter placebo controlled study is also in progress.
We find that CFS & fibromyalgia are multifactorial, with many problems contributing to a body wide energy crisis. Ribose is simply one part of our SHINE Protocol (Sleep, Hormonal support, Infections, Nutritional support, and Exercise as able) which, in our published placebo controlled study showed a 91 average improvement at 2 yrs (p<.0001 vs placebo–though we did not control for exercise, and this study was before ribose was available).
Hope this is helpful.
Dr. Teitelbaum, I actually just discovered your study last week but didn’t get a chance to update my ribose review with it yet. Thanks for listing it and I appreciate the feedback!
I’ve been taking Ribose for about 2 years for fibromyalgia. It’s also has malic acid complex in it. I certainly feel a difference in energy and pain. If I run out or forget to take it in the morning before work I feel sluggish all day. I use the Swanson Vitamin brand and won’t go without it.
Thank you for all your info!
Hi Joe,
Well, Dr. Oh told me not to take the CorvelanM. I wish I could totally explain to you what he told me, but he gets so passionate about supplements and while explaining he talks faster than I can comprehend. Not his fault, I just need to listen closer. Bottom line, here are the supplements that he has me currently taking as of now:
Pure Amino-NR>4xdaily
Theramedix DGX>2/3xdaily
Alpha Lipoic Acid 200mg>1/2xdaily
Along with the celery juice. I have to admit that I feel better already and hope to only get better.
Have a great weekend!
liz, thats fine thanks and for letting me know. i get passionate about this stuff too so i can empathize. the important thing is you are feeling better:)
Hi Joe, I just received my order in the mail of CorvelanM to try for my fibromyalgia. Yesterday was the first time I took it. Today I have an appointment with my D.O. and I am going to bring it to see what he thinks. I trust this doctor more than I have ever trusted any of my doctors! I’m hoping that it’s a positive review with him. I will give you an update.
Thanks for the great work you are doing and have a great day!
Liz thanks. you might also want to print up the case study and other study for your doc too. im sure hes heard of of it, but its always good to be prepared. looking forward to your update!
Hello Joe,
Have you come across or heard about MitoSynergy supplement helping Fibromialgia? Please let me know if anyone know about this product and its effectiveness etc.
James, thanks for the heads up on MitoSynegy. I am not aware of any proof it helps fibromyalgia and I saw no proof – only testimonials – on their website. MitoSynergy does have ribose but I would like to know how much. I noticed ribose was listed as the last ingredient. On labels, the stuff at the end of the list is usually the least. I’m not sure if that’s the case in their list. Have you tried regular ribose to see if that helps? While Corvalen seems to get the attention when it comes to fibromyalgia, I see no reason why regular ribose would not work too. Ribose is probably cheaper than MitoSynergy.
Wow Joe! Just coming across your site for another supplement & now I’m hooked! I’ve been reading many posts on your site & find it so very easy to navigate & of course have found a plethora of information! I’ve had fibromyalgia for 15 yrs & it’s gotten significantly worse as I get older. Since this was from 6 mos ago I’m interested if any new info was obtained on ribose and/or other supplements pertaining to fibro. Thank you once again as I’m now a fan! (& that’s saying a lot as I shamefully abhor Internet)
Hey Lisa, thanks very much for your kind words I’m glad you found me! It’s always nice to know that others are reading what I write and are getting some benefit. I’ve been intrigued with ribose helping fibromyalgia for several years (I think I was one of the first to mention it in my book a few years ago).
Here is another short case study review on ribose helping somebody with fibromyalgia http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/495866_3 I just came across this today. This is just a rehashing of the research I already mentioned. Its about the doctor who had fibromyalgia who self treated herself with ribose.
To help you keep up with whats going on, you may want to create a Google alert for “ribose and fibromyalgia” then Google would send you a new email each day if anything new pops up on it. That’s what I do.
I’d say give it a shot and see if it helps you. All the research I found was on only one brand – Corvalen – which I mentioned in my review. I wish the company that makes Corvalen would do better research but it is the brand I’d say to start with and see if it helps. It looks like it would take about a month before you’d notice any benefits from ribose. If that doesn’t help, try another brand. I dont think you need any brand that mixes ribose with anything else.
If you try ribose, please do let me know what happened. I’ve known many people with fibromyalgia and so I know some of what you are going through. I do hope this helps. Again, thanks for your kind words Lisa and feel free to share me with your friends 🙂
I am using Bioenergy Ribose from NSI (Vitacost) http://www.vitacost.com/NSI-D-Ribose-Bioenergy-Ribose which is manufactured by the company that makes Corvalen (but about half the price!).
Margaret thanks for letting me know. Are you using the Corvalen ribose supplement I mentioned or something else?
Joe, I’ve been taking the d-ribose now for about a week and a half and have definitely noticed an increase in exercise tolerance and energy and a reduction in post workout muscle fatigue and soreness–and fatigue in general for the rest of the day! I take 1 tsp an hour before workout and another right after. I’m, so I think this dosage is right for me. I’ll give you follow up in a few weeks to see if this is continues. Margaret
Kristina if you try ribose do let me know if it worked for you. The research, while not perfect, intrigues me and until more research is done, all we have is personal testimonials.
Glad I am able to save you money also !! 🙂
I’m thinking about trying it to see if it helps with my energy and muscle stiffness. In reality though I should probably go back to doing water classes daily at the YMCA and the dry sauna which did more for fibromyalgia pain relief for me than anything ever as- that and losing weight did too before.
I’m slowing going organic too, but it costs a lot so I don’t want to waste money on stuff that doesn’t work. I like your reviews, they’re already saved me $$$.
Thanks Margaret, yes by all means do let me know if you ever try it. As you know, for some Fibro can be devastating and since its basically safe for overall healthy people, I usually mention ribose even though the research at this point leaves a little to be desired.
Thanks for the kind words! Its always nice to have a new fan 🙂
Thanks Joe, I try to get my research right on my website too. My Fibro isn’t too bad, I don’t take any meds for it, mostly lifestyle, exercise and lots of trigger point massage!! I’ll let you know if I try the Corvalen and if I think it helps with fatigue and exercise recovery. Love all the information you have here on your site, you’ve got a new fan!
Teresa, thanks for the feedback, keep me posted. I did try to contact the Corvalen people to see why they have not published any other research since 2006 but couldn’t get anybody to answer my question.
Margaret, glad to help. Even though I wish there was better research, Corvalen may be something to try esp if your fibromyglgia is bad. I am intrigued with that case study. If you try the Corvalen you should know in about a month if its helping. It cant hurt.
I like your website by the way and I’ve lectured in Bowie several times in the past 🙂
Thanks for looking into this. Your questions were same as mine. I always like to see a little sound science before I take a supplement. I’m another 17 year sufferer of Fibromyalgia and very active as well. Only supplement I take for it is magnesium malate.
Joe I have told others about Ribose and have a client who just began taking it for chronic fatique thru his dr. who believes it helps with that as well.
Teresa, thanks for saying that. Did you ever come across how ribose helps fibromyalgia? Do you know if it has helped others who have fibromyalgia?
going on 17 yrs working my way thru the pains and frustration of being an active and healthy person yet having a set back more so as I get older due to Fibromyalgia!
my experience with Ribose in particular has been all positive.
with my extreme muscle exhaustion at times feeling like I will simply fall to the ground, especially in the high humidity, The ribose has made quite a difference and I can now get through teaching a group class feeling a bit more energized and less muscle failure.