High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is popular but is it right for you? What are the benefits? Can HIIT help boost your metabolism and help you lose weight? What's the difference between HIIT and HIT? Who should not do interval training? How much is too much exercise? Any side effects? In episode 25 of Joe Cannon Health, I outline the facts you need to know if you are going to do this mode of exercise. If you have not exercised in a long time, this episode will tell you the right way to begin safely.
RPE Scale -what the numbers mean:
- zero: You feel like you are doing nothing
- 1: Really easy
- 2: Easy
- 3: Moderate exertion
- 4: Somewhat difficult
- 5: Difficult
- 6: Pretty difficult
- 7: Very difficult
- 8: Very very difficult
- 9: Almost at your maximum
- 10: Hardest you can do. Any second, you'll have to stop