This is episode 11 of the Joe Cannon Health podcast. In this episode, we'll look at 4 different news articles that you may – or may not – have seen in the news. Each of these reports could be an epiosde by themselves but I wanted to give them all to you here so you could get them in one place. Can you go blind from eating junk food? Where do your drugs and dietary supplements come from? Can Tylenol alter your personality? The answers may surprise you.
Episode Summary
China RX Book (recommended!)
Acetominifen and loss of empathy
High blood pressure drug recalls
Who makes prescription drug ingredients?
Where are your dietary supplements made?
Can you go blind from a bad diet?
Episode References
From painkiller to empathy killer: acetaminophen (paracetamol) reduces empathy for pain
A Social Analgesic? Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) Reduces Positive Empathy
Chinese Vitamin C Price-Fixing Case Could Alter U.S. Drug Market
China’s additives on menu in US
Does ‘Made in China' matter to supplement consumers?
FDA recalls are a reminder that China controls much of world's drug supply