MonaVie is a popular health supplement but what people may not know is that there are 7 different types of MonaVie. In this review, I want to focus specifically on MonaVie Essential because that's likely to be a person's first introduction to this supplement.
MonaVie Ingredients
According to the MonaVie website, MonaVie is said to be composed of “19 body-beneficial fruits and AçaVie™—the purest, most potent form of açai available”
The 19 fruits in MonaVie Essential are as follows:
Açai, apple, grape, pear, Aronia, prune, kiwi, cranberry, black currant, blueberry, pomegranate, wolfberry, camu camu, maqui, acerola, banana, cupuaçu, bilberry, jabuticaba.
Update. See the review of camu camu research.
The main ingredient in all MonaVie products is acai berry so let's review it and see what we can discover.
What Is Acai Berry Used For?
Acai berry rocketed to fame after Oprah and Doctor Oz spoke of this fruit as a “super food”. Acai does have some protein, vitamins and minerals and monounsaturated fats which are all good. It also has anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and other related compounds which are types of phytonutrients (plant-nutrients).
It’s the anthocyanins that are responsible for the purple color of acai berry. These anthocyanins do act as antioxidants and this is good. Antioxidants have the potential to neutralize potentially damaging compounds called free radicals.
Many fruits also have anthocyanins although research suggests the antioxidant power of acai berry maybe higher than those of other fruits like strawberries and blueberries. This does not mean acai is better than other fruits, but that it is different.
Like all fruits acai is likely something that’s healthy but I have not seen any peer reviewed studies that show it is superior to other fruits.
Is Acai a Super Food?
Most websites for acai berry call it a “super food”, a reference to Oprah and Dr. Oz and others who have talked about it on TV. The term superfood however is marketing hype. There are acai berry lawsuits that Dr. Oz and Oprah have filed against various acai supplement makers too. Neither Oprah or Dr. Oz endorses acai berry supplements.
For more info about acai berry here is my acai berry review
Remember there is no single “super food”. All food –acai included – works best when used in combination with other foods. This is the reason why MonaVie includes 18 other fruits in addition to acai.
Acai Berry Research
There is research on acai berry. For example, some studies suggest this fruit inhibits growth of cancer cells in a test tube
Another study noted that acai may have some anti-inflammatory properties. Specifically, Acai appears to inhibit COX 1 and COX 2 enzymes. As such ,you may see acai supplements marked as “natural COX inhibitors”.
Because of this acai berry or acai fruit may be found in supplements marketed to people who have arthritis, despite any firm proof that they help arthritis.
MonaVie And Weight Loss?
MonaVie does have a version that has fewer calories than other MonaVie products but to their credit, the company that makes MonaVie does not make any specific claims that the MonaVie will help you lose weight.
MonaVie is marketed for its health promoting effects, not for weight loss. There are other acai weight loss products out there but people should be skeptical of these.
Here is the review of the Acai Diet.
MonaVie Side Effects
Because MonaVie contains just fruits and a few other relatively harmless ingredients (i.e. glucosamine HCL is included in one of the MonaVie supplements) it is expected to be safe in most people. In fact, a recent study has tested this and found the MonaVie is safe in healthy people. That said, depending on your unique health needs, here is a short list of things to consider. This list is not complete.
Glucosamine can act as a blood thinner. Glucosamine HCL is also found in the MonaVie product MonaVie Acive. Because of this, it’s possible that MonaVie may interact with blood thinner medications like Warafarin (Coumadin). Check with your doctor if you also take blood thinners.
See my write up, Glucosamine 4 Facts You Don't Know for more information on glucosamine HCL. I feel that glucosamine sulfate is superior to glucosamine HCL at helping arthritis pain.
Who Makes MonaVie?
MonaVie supplements are a product of MonaVie LLC. They are located at 10855 River Front Pkwy Ste 100, South Jordan, UT 84095. When this review was created, the Better Business Bureau gave MonaVie a rating of “A-.”
As of 3/15/15, I learned that the MonaVie company had been acquired by a skincare company called Jeunesse.
Does MonaVie Work?
People have told me some interesting and good things that occurred after they started taking MonaVie. Currently I am on the fence about this product. I do like that its been tested as safe in healthy people. If MonaVie really works, I feel it might take about a 6-8 weeks before people notice a benefit.
If you are still looking, let me know. I will gladly supply it.
Jayne, thanks I appreciate that. If I decide to look at MonaVie again, I will keep you in mind 🙂
I am looking to try it,how can I go about receiving a free bottle.
Pat, Id think that if you search online for monavie and your zip code you may find distributors in your area who might be willing to give you a bottle at a discounted price or for free to try. Otherwise you can try contacting the MonaVie company directly at 866-217-8455 and ask them.
Hi Shannon, nope nobody has given me any to try. Sure if you know of somebody Id be willing to try it for a month and report what happens.
Have you found a distributor to provide you with a months supply of juice yet??? Let me know, I think I could find four that would donate a bottle each so that you can try it. I have been drinking the juice for just over 3 weeks, and have so far seen changes in energy level (day2), and better sleeping (deeper) patterns, I wake up more awake and earlier as well. I don’t know why, but I’m not questioning it. I know people are all different and everyone will have different results, but so far, this has been my experience.