Update 2/21/20. Wandering through Bed Bath and Beyond one day, I came across a weight loss supplement called LipoThin Maximum Strength. I’d never heard of the product before so I snapped some pictures with my cell phone camera, drove home and started this review. If you were curious about whether LipioThin worked or not, keep reading and let’s see what we can discover.
What Does LipoThin Mean?
The prefix “lipo” refers to fat. Since most people want to lose fat to get thin, the name is an interesting play on words. I thought the name gave the impression that the product would cause people to lose weight by burning fat, which isn’t exactly how LipoThin
works. Either way, I wanted to mention this in case you wondered about it.
Who Makes LipoThin?
The front of the box say’s “Natures Science,” although on the side of the box, we find that the company that distributes LipoThin is called “Wellnx Life Sciences”. The company website is Wellnx.com. The box lists this company address: 1201 N. Orange Street, Suite 741, Wilmington, DE 19801. When I searched online for this address, Google showed me an office building.
Since the address lists “suite 741,” I take this to mean the company is one of many businesses at this location. I also noticed that this address was listed for another weight loss supplement called SlimQuick which I’ve reviewed previously, so see that review for additional information.
The Better Business Bureau gives Wellnx Life Sciences a rating of “A+” when this review was updated. See the BBB file for more information and updates.
LipoThin Research
I was unable to find any clinical trials on LipoThin itself. That said there is definitely research on the active ingredient in the product. Let’s take a look at that next.
LipoThin Ingredients
LipoThin lists only 1 active ingredient – Glucomannan. This is a type of insoluble fiber that expands when exposed to liquids. On the box this is also called Amorphophallus konjac, which is its scientific name. On other supplements, glucomannan is called “Konjac root.” All these words refer to the same thing.
Other products I’ve looked at that contain glucomannan include:
See those other reviews for additional information.
Other Ingredients
The Lipothin box also lists these additional ingredients that play no role in any weight loss effects:
- Microcrystalline cellulose
- Dicalcium phosphate
- Crosarmellose sodium
- Steric acid
- Silicon dioxide
- Magnesium state
- gelatin
Glucomannan and Weight Loss
There are weight loss studies on glucomannan showing that it might help some people lose weight. When I looked at the studies, I found at least 6 clinical trials showing that it might have weight loss benefits. Here is one such study for those doing their own research.
To be fair, not all studies show it works. For example in this 2014 review of previous studies, it was concluded that there wasn’t yet enough evidence for glucomannan. This was also the conclusion of this 2013 study that gave people 1.33 grams of glucomannan for 8 weeks.
How Much Glucomannan is in LipoThin?
According to the product label, 2 capsules of LipoThin contain 1000 mg (1 gram) of glucomannan. On the front of the box, we see “3000 mg per day” is mentioned. This says to me that it’s recommended that people take 6 Lipothin capsules per day. Since 2 capsules have 1000 mg, 6 capsules would have 3000 mg (3 grams) of the glucomannan fiber.
How Much Glucomannan Works?
While there is some debate within the scientific community about how much might work, looking at the studies showing positive it appears that people might need to use about 2-3 grams of glucomannan per day in order to achieve weight loss.
Is LipoThin Organic?
Since organic is not listed on the label, I take that to mean the product contains non-organic ingredients.
Is It Vegetarian?
There is no mention as to it being vegetarian so I assume it isn't.
Is it Kosher?
I assume if Lipothin was kosher, it would say so. Since I see no mention of it, I assume Lipothin isn't kosher.
Is It All Natural?
Unlike the word organic, the phrase All Natural is not currently regulated by the FDA. This means that technically anything can be called all-natural whether it is or isn't. There is no mention about LipoThin being all-natural or not on the product label. That doesn’t mean it’s not all-natural, although the names of some of its other ingredients make me think it’s not.
Does It Contain Stimulants?
No, Lipothin is a fiber supplement. It lists no caffeine or other stimulants.
What About Exercise?
Any effects LipoThin might have likely would be better when combined with exercise. In fact, in this 2007 study, exercise enhanced the effects of glucomannan. The benefits of exercise helping weight loss are also mentioned on the product box as well.
LipoThin Side Effects
I think in healthy people, Lipothin is safe. With that in mind, here are a few things to keep in mind if you use this supplement.
The box of Lipothin indicates to not use more than 6 capsules per day. The box also cautions to not use the product if you have any problems swallowing. They also say that failure to take the product without adequate liquids may cause choking. There have been some reports of glucomannan getting stuck in the throat so I think these cautions are warranted. They also mention to seek immediate medical attention if people experience any chest pain vomiting or have trouble breathing.
LipoThin should not be used by women who are pregnant or nursing.
Diabetics who take medications should talk to their doctor or pharmacist before using Lipothin. This is because the product may reduce blood sugar levels, and as such, may interact with some diabetes medications.
LipoThin may reduce the absorption of some medications so don’t take them at the same time. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more on this. Also, stop taking LipoThin at least 2 weeks before having surgery.
Does It Work?
Even though all the research is not positive, I think there is enough research out there to make me think LipoThin might help some people lose weight. This is because of the glucomannan fiber in the product. Taking 6 capsules of LipoThin per day does provide what some research studies have had success with, so that is good. I feel its best to start with less than that just to give the body time to adjust and see if any side effects occur. It's important to remember that the glucomannan fiber is found in many other products as well as being available alone in either capsule or powdered supplements. I recommend comparing prices before deciding on which product might be right for you.
I asked to recieve your free sample offer . I did not see anywhere that meant that I wanted to contiue purchasing your product . you are charging me
Max Effect 8552475894 $115.40
Lipothin 8552475894 $119.27
I demand that this cost will be refunded to me in due time to avoid legal action . and definitly cancel all further purchases
Hi Milton, This is not the Lipothin website. Try calling the company at 905-364-8690. Let us know what happens with your refund.
Hi, I would like to know if you lose weight on this pill, and what did you eat? thank you pam
Hi Pam, who are you directing your question to?
Awesome review. Straight to the point and you answered all the questions anyone could ask, without big scientific terms. Thank you. I appreciate it as I just purchased a bottle 2 days ago.
Hi Lynne, you are very welcome. I do hope Liptothin works for you. Let me know what happens.
Glucomannan is an indigestible polysaccharide from the konjac root. You can get it in its raw form at most Asian food stores. It’s in the refrigerated section, usually with the Japanese foods like tofu. It’s called konnyaku in Japanese. You can get it as a block of a stiff gel or as noodles, both are packaged with liquid. Both forms have zero calories.
It’s cheap, about a buck and a half or two bucks for a block or a package of noodles. I’ve used it, and it’s a pretty good diet food. Just Google “konnyaku” and you’ll find lots of information on how to prepare it. I don’t know why anybody would take it as a pill, unless you just like taking pills.
Fiber is dirt cheap and very effective in the diet. Eat the noodles from the asian store. buy organic wheat, rice and oat bran at the store. Swallowing those pills is a waste of money and I’m sure you need more than 6 grams a day.