Update 3/12/20. Have you heard of Juice Plus? Juice Plus (also called Juice Plus +) is a whole food phytonutrient supplement. The supplement contains the extracts of 17 different fruits and vegetables in capsule form. Juice Plus is intriguing not only because it comes from food but also because there are several clinical studies on this supplement. Most of them show it has benefits. In this review, let's look at the Juice Plus research. So you know, I am not a juice plus distributor and have no connection to the company which makes it.
Juice Plus Research
There is clinical research on this supplement -human research. Many of the studies can be viewed from the companies website. The company does support research. Some people take that in a bad way but I don't. I like it when companies take the time – and spend the money -to publish research on their supplements. This is rare and I appreciate seeing it.
Here are summaries of the research conducted on this supplement. To make it easier, I'll try to make reading the research easier by dividing them into different sections.
Antioxidant Research
In one of the earlier studies, researchers in 1996 noted higher levels of various vitamins and antioxidants like folic acid, vitamin E and phytonutrients like B carotene and lutein when they gave Juice Plus to 15 healthy people for days. More specifically, they noted the following improvements
- beta-carotene 510%
- alpha-carotene, 119%
- lutein/zeaxanthin, 44%
- lycopene, 2046%
- alpha-tocopherol, 58%
There was no single ingredient said to be responsible for these effects. The improvements were considered the result of all the phytonutrients working in together.
Multiple studies in both healthy and unhealthy people have documented the supplement improves antioxidant levels. This is one of the most consistent findings in all of the research.
Heart Disease Research
In a separate investigation, researchers tested JP and the Vineyard Blend to see if it slowed the progression of heart disease. Specifically, they wanted to by measuring its effects on blood pressure and calcium in coronary arteries. Doctors sometimes measure the amount of calcium in coronary arteries as an indicator of heart disease progression.
The people in this study were 51 men and women with high blood pressure and pre-high blood pressure (prehypertension). They were given Juice Plus and followed for 2 years. Results showed those who received Juice Plus had:
- lower systolic and diastolic blood pressures
- reduced homocysteine
- slower increase in coronary calcium
In theory, this appears to show JP might slow down some aspects of heart disease. One problem, however, was the lack of a placebo group. Interestingly hemoglobin A1C –a sign of diabetes – also decreased. That is good.
Eating high-fat meals can cause vasoconstriction (closing up) of blood vessels. This is bad. In an attempt to see if Juice Plus might help reduce this from happening, researchers in 2003 devised a study where they took 38 healthy people and split them into the following 3 groups:
- Juice plus only group
- Juice Plus + vineyard blend (Vineyard Blend contains grape and berry extracts)
- Placebo group
After 4 weeks, those taking either JP alone or JP and the Vineyard Blend had less vasoconstriction after eating a high-fat meal, compared to people who took a placebo. In addition, the fruit/vegetable concentrate promoted a small (but significant) reduction in cholesterol levels after 4 weeks (cholesterol changed from 184 to 172).
In my own very unscientific “study” many years ago, I noticed Juice Plus alone (no Vineyard Blend) reduced cholesterol from 260 to 220 after one month. My test subject was in a friend with chronically high cholesterol levels.
One compound thought to contribute to heart disease is homocysteine, a substance that makes blood sticky and easier to clot inside blood vessels. Investigators recruited 32 men (smokers and non-smokers) and randomly gave them either a placebo or Juice Plus for 6 weeks each.
Juice Plus reduced homocysteine levels and raised levels of B vitamins and beta carotene. To be fair, other researchers have raised questions about this study.
Researchers in Tokyo saw that after 4 weeks, Juice Plus supplements reduced homocysteine levels as well as markers of free radical damage.
Reducing Inflammation Research
Chronic, long term inflammation is thought to contribute to a variety of health problems. Being overweight is one thing that can raise inflammation. To see if this supplement helped, researchers in Australia, recruited 56 overweight adults and gave them either juice plus or a placebo for 8 weeks.
The researchers wanted to see if the fruit and vegetable concentrate supplement would reduce inflammation caused by being overweight. The people took either 6 capsules of placebo or 6 capsules of fruit and vegetable supplements (4 JP and 2 orchard blend) per day.
Results showed those taking juice plus had lower markers of inflammation and reduce cholesterol and LDL.
The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables are well known to reduce free radicals. But what if you smoked? Researchers in Italy recruited 101 heavy smokers (more than 20 cigarettes per day) who smoked for more than 10 years. 75 people completed the study. The people were randomly given either:
- A placebo
- Juice Plus
- Juice Plus + Vineyard blend (berry blend)
Those who received JP, as well as the JP/Vineyard combination, saw significant reductions in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and free radical damage.
Boosting Immunity Research
Some research suggests this fruit/vegetable supplement may improve the immune system. In one such study, 59 healthy law students (21-53 years of age) were given JP or placebo for 77 days. Blood tests revealed a 30% increase in T cells and a 40% reduction in DNA damage in white blood cells (lymphocytes) in those who took Juice Plus.
Another study has also noted less DNA damage in lymphocytes after taking the supplement after only 60 days of use.
Prior to this other researchers noted the supplement increased the activity of natural killer immune cells (NK cells) when it was given to 53 smokers and non-smokers for 80 days. Levels of an immune substance called Interleukin 2 also improved.
Other researchers have noted fewer sick days when JP or placebo was given to 41 police officers for 28 days. While the reduction was not significant from a science perspective, in real-world terms it came to 26 fewer sick days. (108 vs. 134 sick days). I call that significant.
To reinforce these findings, at least one study has found Juice Plus caused a 20% reduction in moderate to severe cold symptoms in health care workers. This study involved 529 people who took JP or a placebo for 8 months.
Juice Plus Cancer Research
There is at least one study of Juice Plus improving the levels of antioxidants in cancer patients. This investigation involved 51 women. Other than this, no further research on the effects of the supplement involving cancer patients could be located.
Juice Plus and Pregnancy Research
Preeclampsia refers to a dangerous elevation in blood pressure that can occur during pregnancy. Left untreated, pre-eclampsia can cause organ damage and can be deadly. Needless to say, pregnant women are routinely monitored for this condition.
Researchers in the US recruited 684 women and gave them either the supplement or a placebo before their 12th week of pregnancy until delivery. The women took either 4 capsules per day or a placebo.
These researchers saw no differences in the rates or severity of preeclampsia. But, babies of the women who took the supplement had fewer respiratory problems and lower rates of admissions to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of hospitals compared to babies born to women who took the placebo.
Can It Help Diabetes?
Insulin resistance is the term used when insulin doesn't work as well as it should. It is one of the signs of type II diabetes. To see if the supplement might help, researchers followed 30 boys (21 boys were overweight) for 6 months. They were randomly given the supplement or a placebo, along with nutritional counseling. Insulin resistance decreased in the overweight boys (that's good) and they lost body fat too. This was not seen in the normal weight boys.
Can It Help Gingervitis?
Dental health and heart health seem to be related. So, might this supplement help reduce heart disease by helping reduce gum disease? At least one study has noted JP improved gum disease compared to a placebo. The study involved 120 people who were given either the supplement or a placebo for two months. While more studies are needed, this investigation appears to show the supplement helps some aspects of gum disease fairly quickly.
Does It Improve Exercise?
Evidence suggests naturally occurring antioxidants are better for exercise than taking isolated nutrients (like vitamin C for example). Some JP research has looked into this. In one such investigation, researchers took 48 healthy men and women and split them up into the following groups:
- The control group (placebo)
- JP supplement group
- Vitamin group (400 IU vitamin E + 1000 mg vitamin C)
Those taking Juice Plus received 1 fruit capsule, 1 veggie capsule, and 1 Vineyard Blend capsule twice a day (total of 6 capsules per day).
Everybody performed 3 exercise treadmill tests at the following intervals:
- 1 test before supplementation
- 1 test after 2 weeks of supplementation
- 1 test after a week of no supplementation
1. Both the vitamin and JP resulted in “modest” suppression of protein breakdown during exercise after 2 weeks. This is good because we don't want our muscles to be broken down during exercise.
2. Neither JP or the vitamins seemed to reduce indicators of free radical damage. This is odd since both JP and vitamin E possess antioxidant activity.
3. Neither the vitamins or JP improved exercise performance.
In another exercise, study researchers gave 41 healthy people either JP or a placebo for 28 days before they performed an intense exercise program. Blood tests revealed Juice Plus reduced various markers of free radical stress but did not reduce pain damage caused by the exercise.
Who Makes Juice Plus
The company is National Safety Associates (NSA). The website is JuicePlus.com.
The company is located at 140 Crescent Drive Collierville, TN 38017-3374. They can be contacted at 901-850-3000 M-F 8 am to 5 PM central time.
According to the Better Business Bureau, they have been in business since 1970. They have an A+ BBB rating and are a BBB accredited business. See the BBB file for updates and more information.
Juice Plus Price
The cost is around $41 a month if you just purchased the original version. The cost would be extra if you also purchased their other supplements such as their Vineyard Blend, protein powder, etc.
Buy Juice Plus
You can purchase Juice Plus directly its website JuicePlus.com. The supplement can also be purchased from one of the many people who sell it. If you don't know anyone, a quick google search of “Juice Plus + your zip code” will likely reveal people in your area sell it.
Currently, this supplement is not sold in stores like Walmart, Costco, CVS, Target, Rite Aid, Walgreens, etc.
Juice Plus Side Effects
In healthy people, this supplement is safe. No published study has noted any significant side effects. While I have no connection to this supplement, I have taken it for extended periods and suffered no problems.
That said, if you have a serious health problem, it's always wise to discuss all supplements you take with your doctor. Here's a shortlist of general things to consider. This list is not complete:
- start with less than recommended for the first week.
- stop taking at least 2 weeks before having surgery
- if you take medications like blood thinners, talk to your doctor first
- As with all supplements, talk to your doctor first if have any health issues
See the Juice Plus Q and A review for more insights.
Juice Plus Alternatives
Because it was likely one of the first whole food supplements, there are now many other competitors out there.
Just a few include:
Of these, Juice Festiv appears to garner the most attention. See the review on JuiceFestive for more information.
Whether or not these other supplements work the same or better than JP is open speculative. No head-to-head comparison studies between supplement could be located.
Does Juice Plus Work?
Juice Plus has more clinical studies than pretty much any supplement I've looked seen. Overall, the research on Juice Plus is interesting. From that research, I am pretty sure the supplement will raise levels of antioxidants. It will probably also reduce inflammation also. These things may lead to better health. If you want to try it and see how you respond, why not get a full blood test first. Then try Juice Plus for several months and get another blood test. That's good advice no matter what fruit and vegetable supplements you try.
My son and I took juice plus over ten years ago for about a year. We had no blood tests done so my results are completely anecdotal. I have to say that I did not notice much difference until we stopped taking it,(due to affordability at the time). My son got tired much easier off the pills than on and I noticed a marked difference in my night time driving. Car headlights would cause me to look away before taking juice plus, that went away completely while taking it. After stopping for a short period of time that problem returned. Not huge results, but results just the same.
so then you take no other vitamins or supplements ever?
My son has the BRAC 2 gene ( sadly from me) and prostate cancer is a very high risk for him. Does a PSA increase also increase his chance of triggering this gene.
Wanna Try juice plus. that is question Id ask your sons urologist. Before recently Ive never heard of juice plus and PSA levels and I dont have any idea about the impact with the BRAC2 gene. I wish I could be of more help. I honestly just dont know.
Check out Men’s Health magazine JuicePlus was noted for prostrate health
Migs, thanks for the heads up. I didn’t know that.
I am not a doctor, but I would think that not to be the case. I don’t think the triggering aspect would be present
I have been dealing with Prostate cancer for the past 11 years. At the urging of a friend I took 4 JP capsules a day for 4 months. When I went to the doctor for check-up my PSA went UP from 1.5 to over 17. I know that Cantron and Protocell type supplements temporarily increase the PSA but was very shocked that JP did this.
Naturally neither I nor my doctor was too pleased at this result. I have stopped taking JP until I can get some info. The company has not responded to my inquiry.
Ron, Ive never heard of juice plus raising PSA levels. There isnt any JP research on this either. Im surprised NSA has not replied to your inquiries. Its just little bits of fruits and vegetables so Im not sure how it would do this but I think its good you stopped and see how your PSA levels change.
You did nothing else different other than take juice plus? Let me know what happens when you get your PSA tested again.
I did nothing else differently, but took my four JP capsules each morning.. I eat healthy foods, get exercise, etc. If cancer is gradually growing it does NOT jump like this, but maybe 1-2 points over a number of months. The only other experience I have had like this is taking Protocel or Cantron. But I knew in advance that this would temporarily increase the PSA. The doctor put me back on hormone treatment (hard to argue with him seeing this big jump) and I will return in 3 months. I have written to NSA again through their website and see if I get a response. The distributor who sold me the JP has also written and has yet to receive a response.
Ron, thanks for letting me know and let me know if you hear anything from NSA.
I did get a call from the Tokyo Office, but they didn’t know anything like this. He said that the Japanese version is “different” than the US version and tried to sell me some (It is 2.5 times as expensive). He also said I should also take the vineyard ones. I don’t see me ever going back to Juice Plus
Ron, thats sad that whoever you talked to, tried to sell you more stuff.
I was just wondering if there is strawberry in either the ingredients or in the non medicinal ingredients.
Mary Anne, I don’t believe strawberries are in juice Plus.
Thanks Joe. I’m glad to hear that. Allergies. 🙁
Sorry Marry-Anne 🙁
Lol!!! That’s OK Joe. I eat all the rest of the berries.
Mary-Anne, good, berries are the best 🙂
Were you receiving chemotherapy at the time and did you consult your doctor before you started taking JP? I read somewhere recently that some forms of vitamins and supplements can interfere with chemotherapy (not in a good way).
Possumlover, the idea is that antioxidants might interact /interfere with radiation therapy since they often kill cancer by generating free radicals. To my knowledge Im not aware of any cases of this in humans occurring but I do agree highly that this is something best discussed with an oncologist.
Folic acid increases cell division – I would be very wary having anyone with active cancer take a folic acid supplement.
Thank you Joe and Janelle,
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Yes, it says ‘folate’ in Nutrition Facts, and it says ‘folic acid’ in Ingredients list. If I understand well from Dr Mitra Ray’s explanation, this added ‘folic acid’ comes in a very small amount (to keep same percentages in Nutrition Facts labels in each batch).
BUT, I was looking at the gummies when initially I asked the question. WHY are gummies (kid’s chewables) listing ‘folic acid’ in Nutrition Facts?
Joe, to address your question, there is a safe upper limit to ‘folic acid’ intake that I was concerned of. Intake of more than 1,000 micrograms per day was found to increase risk of cancer (RDA=400 micrograms). This can be easy to reach if one takes supplements, cereals, energy bars and/or beverages fortified with (synthetic) ‘folic acid’.
But, again, sorry for my mistake. What a relief: it is high percentage of ‘folate’ in JP. Janelle, you agree, that ‘folic acid’ in Ingredients list is a tiny amount?
Thanks a bunch!
Actually, the nutrition facts label on JP+ does list it as Folate, not Folic Acid like u thought. I can e-mail u a picture of mine from our cabinet if you’d like.
Great link re: the vitamins/minerals/folate in JP+
And re: the research, JP+ has 25 published studies done around the world by 3rd parties (well-known research institutions like Yale and MDAnderson). On the contrary, 18 of those studies ARE placebo-controlled, double-blinded, randomized studies.
Interestingly enough, JP+ was compared to eating real fruits and vegetables. At the MD Anderson Cancer Center, they recommend their cancer survivors to eat 10 servings of fruits/veggies each day. They did their own research with volunteer cancer survivors-some following their recommendations, others taking JP+. Guess what?! JP+ had equal results w/the 10-a-day group! And even some results that were better.
This is another great review link from a biochemist’s perspective:
Hope this helps. The great thing is that there are always substantial answers to the questions we all ask. I used to be the greatest of skeptics myself until I started digging for the answers!
Janelle, thanks for clearing that up!
Does anyone know if ‘folic acid’ in the ingredient list of Juice Plus is the synthetic or natural (folate) form? If it is natural, as I was told, then WHY doesn’t it say ‘folate’?
I would like to start taking Juice Plus, but I am worried about high doses of ‘folic acid’ I see in the Nutrition Fact. High doses of natural folate is ok, but Juice Plus is using the term ‘folic acid’ in both Nutrition Facts and ingredient list.
I please need help figuring this out.
Tatiana, that’s a very interesting observation. Anybody know the answer?
Why are you worried about folic acid? both folate and folic acid help reduce birth effects. folic acid is used in supplements because we absorb it better.
While there have been some studies linking high levels to increased risk of prostate cancer and colon cancer, its still a VERY good vitamin to take for any women who is able to have kids or who wants to have kids.
Juice Plus+ has never claimed that their products contain a full serving of fruits and vegetables. Juice Plus+ DOES contain the hundreds of phytonutrients that appear in fresh fruits and veggies because it is whole food.
It has a nutrition label and is not taxed in states that do not tax food. But Juice Plus+ does also claim that it is the next best thing to fruits and veggies. The NSF rating helps us to know what is in Juice Plus+ is in there.
I’m not sure what study you are referring to that is not double blinded or what flaws you see. There are over 20 clinical studies done around the world on Juice Plus+. Many of them are gold standard.
I’m sorry you don’t like the chewables. They are popular with many people. I think it is because many people do not want to feed their family the fruit snacks that contain wax and other artificial ingredients or the children’s vitamins that contain harmful ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and artificial coloring.
When I read through several of their studies it became readily apparent that they had many faults. The studies were not double-blinded, and there was not a comparable placebo, that might have similar qualities to the JP product. Why not compare the JP products to REAL fruit or vegetables or REAL juice?
That’s the only way they can verify their claims that the product contains “a full serving of fruits and vegetables”. What about the fiber? What about hundreds of the phytonutrients that appear in fresh fruit and produce? Plus, these flavored gummy-globs are TREMENDOUSLY expensive!
Excellent information and I will give juice plus a shot because of your very comprehensive research information. Thank you. Blessings Jim Hawes
I have been taking Juice Plus+ since I was pregnant with my second child. During a time when I was networking for my husbands office, yes, he is a chiropractor, I came to learn of Juice Plus+. We were both extremely skeptical. She asked if he would review the information and give his honest opinion of the product and the research. We had received MANY requests like this over the years, and none were ALL what they presented themselves to be. However, in his research, he felt that Juice Plus+ was one of the best supplements on the market (along with Standard Process and a select few others) and we added it into my prenatal diet.
I can say that my second pregnancy went better than my first. I labored better, I delivered with no interventions (unlike the first, even though we tried no interventions with the first). I recovered quicker. I felt, overall, better.
My children take the gummies and are on the Children’s Health Study. We have VERY few days of sickness in a year. If anyone starts feeling a cold coming on, we double up our supplements until we start feeling better.
I finally decided to be a distributor, however, I’m not a hard salesperson. If someone asks what I do, I tell them that I help people add fruits and vegetables into their healthy diets. I do not tell people to REPLACE their fruits and veggies with JP+. Because it is picked at peak ripeness, it has a more positive affect on our systems because our bodies recognize it.
Not everyone is going to believe the research, as there are so many different products out there claiming the same things. I am glad I found this article so I can see someone else’s take on Juice Plus+.
I am thankful that Juice Plus+ came to our family. And, if it’s right for you, you may just see some positive effects too.
Oh… I was also gonna say…Angela- make sure your son is getting enough protein! This will help his attitude and postpone the carbs crashing. We do things like nuts, peanut/almond butter (w apples or celery), beans, eggs, etc
Angela– u made an excellent choice with JP+ for your son!! I can tell u with confidence that my 4 boys have all gotten healthier w these gummies- and it has absolutely changed their taste buds! They used to gag on salad, now eat a full plate of it! I am constantly in awe of how I see things change in their bodies.
The best part is WE HAVE STAYED OUT OF THE DRS OFFICE!!! They are ill so much less, and when they do catch something, bounce back quicker than all their friends and schoolmates. My older boys are 8, 6, and 4. My youngest is 1. I just started opening up the capsules and pitting it in his drinks. So thankful for JP+!
“Take OTC vitamins”…?? Are you kidding me?! Have you seen the contamination that is out there? http://www.Consumerlab.com
After reading Oprah’s article in 2004 highlighting Consumer Lab’s work -as an independent 3rd party- testing supplements, I’ll never take an OTC vitamin again!
Li’l Critters gummy vites (a children’s multi) contaminated w/ toxic levels of lead!… No thanks, no OTC for me or my kids!
I agree vitamins are the biggest scam ever. That’s why you can purchase the up to 80% discount and the distributor will still make a fortune. Real food top up is what Juice Plus claim is.
I was just told today of Juice Plus from an acquaintance of mine. I am thankful for this research because I have never heard of it before and wanted an unbiased opinion. Really appreciate all comments.
I am interested in the chewables because my 11 year old son will not willingly eat fruits or vegetables. I am convinced his tiredness and irritability stems from his poor eating habits. I am hoping that when he feels better after trying these he may be more willing to eat more fruits and vegetables. Any thoughts on children taking these?
I also want to try them to improve my own health. I know eating whole foods is ideal for everyone, but I think this might be a good bridge towards that goal.
Thank you!
Angela, thanks for writing. I hope Juice Plus helps. Another thing you may want to try with your son are fruit smoothies. Here is the smoothie recipe that like.
Just some thoughts: Juice Plus+ has the NSF certification which is way more valuable than FDA certification. It shows that what is in Juice Plus+ is in Juice Plus+. Do you know what is in the OTC vitamins that you are taking that are not regulated by the FDA nor have the NSF certification?
Many of the OTC vitamins come from China and include fillers and who knows what. Also most vitamins contain only a few. There are more than one type of C, E and other vitamins.. Every OTC vitamin has a different listing of vitamins. Do you know what your body needs? Which company is right? That’s the beauty of Juice Plus+. Because it is food, your body absorbs and uses all of it(vitamins, minerals flavonoids, phytonutrients and so much more. It is not excreted every day as pretty colored urine.
The FDA did visit the processing plant of Juice Plus+ recently and it had no violations. It is one of a few number of companies that have had NO violations in the last 20 years. Because Juice Plus+ has a nutrient label (which means it is food), the FDA does not put a label on food.
Yes, I’m a rep for Juice Plus+. I use to be the queen vitamin taker, which by the way was costing me way more than Juice Plus+. I started reading how too much of some was not good for you and how many vitamins had a miniscule amount of that particular vitamin in it and how the rest was filler or contained harmful ingredients. Where was the research that any of these were helpful?
I was very open-minded when someone introduced Juice Plus+ to me. It made sense. It was not isolated synthetic vitamins, but rather whole food. Our whole family has been healthier and a lot of other people as well because of it. I did go to my doctor 4 months after I started Juice Plus+ to see if I was deficient in any vitamins.
Because of age and the fact that I’m primarily a vegetarian, I need to take extra B-12. My homocystiene was low and my blood panels were excellent. In fact, one of my reps, a holistic therapist, came to me as a result of her looking at the blood panel of one of my customers. She wondered what she was doing.
Juice Plus+ is one tool to getting healthier. Every person’s body is different and you have to find what works for you. Eat healthy, try Juice Plus+ and get your blood tested after 4 months.
Josh is right. Most of the positive statements about Juice Plus come from those that stand to make a profit on it. The research is varied and inconsistent at best, certainly not “Gold Standard”…or even remotely close to that. Just do some brief goggling on Juice Plus, read the reviews for yourself, and you’ll quickly see a shadow cast over the outrageous claims Juice Plus makes.
You can either believe NSA’s claims which involve numerous studies with dubious results and few (if any) control groups; or you can believe a source like the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Clinic which refers Juice Plus as a “pricey supplement” that is “distributed through a multi-tiered marketing scheme with exaggerated value and cost.”
Be sensible people, eat a well balanced meal and take some cost effective OTC vitamins to make ends meet. I take a fish oil, vitamin D, and a basic multi vitamin for men. My wife is a clinical dietitian and after reviewing the “peer-reviewed” “gold standard” research, she concluded that Juice Plus is a scam.
Call me cynical, but I struggle to believe a product that is kept off the shelves of grocery stores and is not FDA approved yet claims it is a “food.” Make no mistake about it, this is an overpriced supplement with dubious claims of success; stay away from it.
Thanks for speaking the truth in this thread.
Donuts are FDA approved and yet we shouldn’t eat those things since they do terrible things to our health.
There are no additives in Juice Plus. The water is removed from the produce, dehydrated at low temperature. The only thing added back in is rice bran and oats into the Garden Blend.
The bottles do not list the amount of vitamins and minerals in the product because it cannot be done. It’s whole food that’s been dehydrated. There is nothing synthetic in Juice Plus. There are no non-nutritive fillers.
Juice Plus is not vitamins. Juice Plus is food. It’s even taxed as food, because that’s what it is. Every Juice Plus product is certified by the National Scientific Foundation. I did check with them this year and they still certify Juice Plus.
Not one person associated with Juice Plus, including Jay Martin of NSA, would encourage anyone to not try and eat as many fruits and vegetables in variety as they can daily. The purpose of Juice Plus is to bridge the gap in what we do eat and the fruits and vegetables we do not get in. Half of every meal should be dedicated to fruits and vegetables.
Why whole food supplements instead of vitamins? Vitamins target one thing, one element out of a complex combination that is pulled out. Many vitamins are synthetic, many vitamins aren’t even digested properly–like bullets going out as they went in. Juice Plus nourishes bodies at the cellular level as food does. In turn, aiding our bodies to work properly, enabling our bodies to have a good defense system.
No, Juice Plus is not a cure, it’s nutritional insurance, a nutritional back up to bring our body to a state to where it was meant to be.
“Juice Plus nourishes bodies at the cellular level as food does. In turn, aiding our bodies to work properly, enabling our bodies to have a good defense system.”
Connie I think you are absolutely, our cells do not consume synthetic chemicals that are manufactured in factories. We need the whole food nutrition that JP offers.
Josh – please, please, please tell me where you are getting your information! I know several nutritionists who really believe in the benefits of Juice Plus and have looked at great length into the 26 published, peer reviewed studies.
However, if you have this information, I would like to look into it more. I have been taking Juice Plus since January and really believe in it. If it is not made of what I have researched it to be, I really want to know. I am sharing this with my family and friends and do not want to mislead them Where are you getting your information?
On what basis do you say that Juice Plus contains synthetic vitamin additives and non-nutritive fillers?
Why do you say that Juice Plus is only 25% juice powders by weight?
Real food is better, I agree. How many fruits and vegetables in the grocery store are picked ripe? Probably none? How many people do you know that eat 7-13 RAW fruits and vegetables consistently day in and day out?
I am a new Juice Plus rep and the people I call say that they do not eat that many every day. Some only eat 2-4 everyday.
I took chemo and radiation for breast cancer in 2007. It made my usually hard nails very soft so that they folded over and flaked. After 3 and a half months on Juice Plus, my nails are hard again like they were before chemo. Since 2007, I have taken biotin and niacin and there was no change in my nails until Juice Plus.
I am looking forward to what else changes for the good in my body.